BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
add_mem_size_checkCalculate and print stack size on AVR builds (20526)Drashna Jael're8 months
chore/remove-pairingchore: remove pairing codeFlorian4 months
chore/remove-pairing-fw22fix: driver let total macroFlorian4 months
drashna-patch-1Update build.ymlDrashna Jaelre14 months
feat/webhid-led_controlfeat: allows to take over the rgb leds and light them individually from raw hidFlorian Didron13 months
firmware21Reduce i2c timeouts for rgb led supported hardware (#360)Drashna Jaelre18 months
firmware22h/fix: quick disconection causes next pairing to failFlorian4 months
firmware23Add Layer Lock feature (#382)Drashna Jaelre3 months
fix/no-autoshift-tabfix: restore the ability to disable tab from autoshifted keysFlorian Didron21 months
uuuuuuughRemove Web USB (depreciated)Drashna Jael're18 months
breakpoint_2022_05_28commit 87c3a53716...Nick Brassel23 months
0.17.0commit b835171008...Nick Brassel23 months
0.16.9commit 84c9d6ff39...Simon Arlott2 years
0.16.8commit 0c8109a1ac...Gompa2 years
0.16.7commit 4a3b4104fe...Drashna Jaelre2 years
0.16.6commit 047ef3cd12...Joel Challis2 years
0.16.5commit bd70f5261c...Ryan2 years
0.16.4commit 0880850b15...ZiTe2 years
0.16.3commit d412854e37...Ryan2 years
0.16.2commit 7fb312ccd7...Joel Challis2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-10-13Disable optimization on moonlander led taskfix/lto_issuesDrashna Jael're
2020-10-09feat: adds user locale contributions19Florian Didron
2020-09-30[Keyboard] Update to ZSA Boards (qmk#10119)Drashna Jael're
2020-09-30Convert ErgoDox EZ to Matrix Lite (qmk#10189)Drashna Jael're
2020-09-30Output an error message if LINK_TIME_OPTIMIZATION_ENABLE is set but LTO_ENABL...David Cuthbert
2020-09-30[Core] DYNAMIC_KEYMAP_EEPROM_MAX_ADDR check (#10315)Xelus22
2020-09-30[fix] dfu-programmer <0.7 doesn't support --force flag (#10292)Frans de Jonge
2020-09-30Use the force when flashing with dfu-programmer (#10070)Ryan
2020-09-30quantum/debounce: rename debouncing algorithms (#9564)Purdea Andrei
2020-09-30Unflip < and > for canadian mutlilingual (#10222)Olivier Li