AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-11-30Create README.mdHEADmasterRobby Zambito
2019-11-30Made moveScore overloadable for AIPlayer.Robby Zambito
Correctly assign currentOpponent. Show final board after last move. Handle ties with Tie object. Added multiple AI implementations.
2019-11-27Added documentationRobby Zambito
2019-11-26Made sure to remove duplicate taken positions. Broke move score into its own ↵Robby Zambito
implicit method.
2019-11-24Converted single override to lambda.Robby Zambito
2019-11-24Fixed end condition to handle when the current player can not move but the ↵Robby Zambito
opponent can.
2019-11-23Basic AIRobby Zambito
2019-11-23Removed unnecessary importRobby Zambito
2019-11-23Moved game loop to game class rather than in the main functionRobby Zambito
2019-11-23Two player OthelloRobby Zambito
2019-11-23Initial commit.Robby Zambito