AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-09fix: relative path to local copy of zsausbv3Florian Didron
2023-05-09fix: points to the usb lib in githubFlorian Didron
2023-05-09feat: use zsa's usb absraction libFlorian Didron
2023-05-09feat: adds dual firmware supportFlorian Didron
2023-05-09feat: dmg creation automationFlorian Didron
2022-10-26fix: initial wally size on waylandFlorian Didron
2022-10-25feat: macOS build automationFlorian Didron
2022-10-25chore: usb code cleanupFlorian Didron
2022-10-25feat: adds ota updatesFlorian Didron
2022-10-25chore: build docFlorian Didron
2022-10-25fix: window iconFlorian Didron
2022-10-21fix: flashing flowFlorian Didron
2022-10-21fix: halfkay timingsFlorian Didron
2022-10-21fix: use synchronous libusb control transferFlorian Didron
2022-10-21fix: return transfer status by refFlorian Didron
2022-10-21chore: regen swig interfaceFlorian Didron
2022-10-21fix: passing device by referenceFlorian Didron
2022-10-20fix: context crash + libusb crash on windowsFlorian Didron
2022-10-20fix: href linksFlorian Didron
2022-10-20fix: new device discovery codeFlorian Didron
2022-10-20chore: wails 2.1.0 updateFlorian Didron
2022-10-19fix: flash complete screenFlorian Didron
2022-10-19feat: v3 initial commitFlorian Didron