path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-01-21Fix Developer FAQ LinkMichael Wang
2023-10-29Improve/cleanup the READMERibbon
2023-05-11Update maintainersRibbon
2023-03-02More cleanup.Ribbon
2023-03-02Restore GitLab screenshots.Ribbon
2023-03-02Big README cleanup/improvements.Ribbon
2023-02-21Remove all references to xargoJeremy Soller
2023-02-08Restore a command (deleted in my branch to fix MR conflict).Alberto Souza
2023-02-08Add book maintainer, improve the build section and cleanup old stuff.Alberto Souza
2023-02-06Improve explanation.Alberto Souza
2023-02-06Add/cleanup stuff.Alberto Souza
2022-11-11Add hardware compatibilityJeremy Soller
2020-02-15Install cargo-config from bootstrap scriptColeman McFarland
2018-10-20Remove out of date reference to external toolchainTommie Levy
2018-08-26Change github links in READMECaleb Boylan
2018-08-09Add `small` to the project liststratact
2018-08-08Add ipcd to the list of active projectsstratact
2018-08-08Rely on GitLab to link the member accounts automaticallystratact
2018-08-08Update active contributor list and add a couple of projectsstratact
2018-04-03Update build stepsNagy Tibor
2018-01-23Add orbgame to readme.FloVanGH
2018-01-22Add dependency Xargo to manual setupOliver Jan Krylow
2018-01-16Update README.mdJeremy Soller
2018-01-05Update README.mdNopey Nope
2018-01-05Fix broken link to libstdNopey Nope
2017-12-30Do not mention 'rustup override set' in READMEIan Douglas Scott
2017-12-05Remove broken old kernel linkTSleepingCat fixesNagy Tibor
2017-10-04Update Rust and kernelJeremy Soller
2017-09-21Alphabetic order fixEmanuele Antonio Faraone
2017-09-21new sodium imageEmanuele Antonio Faraone
2017-09-20Fix capitalizationJonathan
2017-09-19Update Rust versionJeremy Soller
2017-08-27Update required Rust versionJeremy Soller
2017-08-17Update README.mdEmanuele Antonio Faraone
2017-08-17Update README.mdEmanuele Antonio Faraone
2017-08-16Fix logo srcMihal Malostanidis
2017-08-15Remove link to Magnet from READMEAgoston Szepessy
2017-08-15Update README to describe Makefile optionsAgoston Szepessy
2017-08-13Update READMEMichel Boaventura
2017-08-01improve READMEgarasubo
2017-07-28add instruction about docker imagegarasubo
2017-07-26Update kernel, update rustc version in READMEJeremy Soller
2017-06-15screenshotEmanuele Antonio Faraone
2017-06-15TFS's linkEmanuele Antonio Faraone
2017-05-24Added 'cd redox' in quick setupOliver Jan Krylow
2017-05-02+ rustup updateAurélien DESBRIÈRES
2017-04-22Update README.md0.2.0Jeremy Soller
2017-04-18Update kernel, update rust version in READMEJeremy Soller
2017-04-13Typo fixEmanuele Antonio Faraone