AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-09MastoAPI Attachment: Use "summary" for descriptions if presentimage-description-summaryHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2023-03-09AttachmentValidator: Add support for Honk "summary" + "name"Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2023-03-02Merge branch 'mergeback/2.5.1' into 'develop'tusooa
2023-03-01Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/stable' into mergeback/2.5.1tusooa
2023-03-02Merge branch 'release/2.5.1' into 'stable'v2.5.1tusooa
2023-03-01Add the security fix to the changelogtusooa
2023-03-01Sanitize filenames when uploadingtusooa
2023-02-20Bundle frontendrelease/2.5.1tusooa
2023-02-20Bump version in mix project to 2.5.1tusooa
2023-02-20Compose changelog for 2.5.1tusooa
2023-02-20Ignores in exiftool read descriptionstusooa
2023-02-20Bump crypt to v1.0.1Sean King
2023-02-20Update mix.exslain
2023-02-20Bump linkifytusooa
2023-02-20Test double dot linktusooa
2023-02-20Test that zwnj is treated as word char in hashtagstusooa
2023-02-20Require related object for notifications to filter on contentAlexander Tumin
2023-02-20Fix inproper content being cached in report contenttusooa
2023-02-20Use versioned image from hexpmtusooa
2023-02-20Allow customizing instance languagestusooa
2023-02-20Remove unwanted code specific to MIX_ENV=testMark Felder
2023-02-20Fix rel="me"Mark Felder
2023-02-20Fix block_from_stranger settingtusooa
2023-02-20B StripLocation: Add test, work for all svgs.Lain Soykaf
2023-02-20Added SVG to formats not compatible with exiftoolDmytro Poltavchenko
2023-02-20Bump earmark to 1.4.22tusooa
2023-02-19Merge branch 'weblate-extract' into 'develop'tusooa
2023-02-18Extract translatable stringsweblate-extractor
2023-02-13Merge branch 'tusooa/exiftool' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-13Merge branch 'upgrade/crypt' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-11Ignores in exiftool read descriptionstusooa
2023-02-09Bump crypt to v1.0.1upgrade/cryptSean King
2023-02-09Merge branch 'from/upstream-develop/tusooa/2974-zwnj' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-09Merge branch 'notification-content-filtering-noobj' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-09Merge branch 'tusooa/3059-report-fake-create-render' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-09Merge branch 'tusooa/api-spec-property-map' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-09Merge branch 'tusooa/docker-hexpm' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-09Update mix.exslain
2023-02-09Merge branch 'tusooa/3055-instance-languages' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-09Merge branch 'fix-relme' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-09Merge branch 'tusooa/notif-setting' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-09Merge branch 'test-warnings' into 'develop'lain
2023-02-09B TestHelper, CI: Work with older elixir version.Lain Soykaf
2023-02-09Merge branch 'develop' of into test-warningsLain Soykaf
2023-02-08Require related object for notifications to filter on contentAlexander Tumin
2023-02-03Fix inproper content being cached in report contenttusooa
2023-01-26Allow customizing instance languagestusooa
2023-01-18Use versioned image from hexpmtusooa
2023-01-18Fix block_from_stranger settingtusooa
2023-01-15Fix teststusooa