path: root/lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex
diff options
authorrinpatch <>2020-11-12 12:34:48 +0000
committerrinpatch <>2020-11-12 12:34:48 +0000
commit1172844ed18d94d84724dc6f11c6e9f72e0ba6ec (patch)
tree7d48a259e08856ab6db0eba255f20c0c19410463 /lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex
parenta0f5e8b27edbe2224d9c2c3997ad5b8ea484244b (diff)
parentb4c6b262d6dc12362f0014a864e8aed6c727c39c (diff)
Merge branch 'release/2.2.0' into 'stable'v2.2.0
Release/2.2.0 See merge request pleroma/secteam/pleroma!19
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex')
1 files changed, 573 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60a50b027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI do
+ alias Pleroma.Activity
+ alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
+ alias Pleroma.Formatter
+ alias Pleroma.Object
+ alias Pleroma.ThreadMute
+ alias Pleroma.User
+ alias Pleroma.UserRelationship
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Builder
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Pipeline
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Visibility
+ import Pleroma.Web.Gettext
+ import Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils
+ require Pleroma.Constants
+ require Logger
+ def block(blocker, blocked) do
+ with {:ok, block_data, _} <- Builder.block(blocker, blocked),
+ {:ok, block, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(block_data, local: true) do
+ {:ok, block}
+ end
+ end
+ def post_chat_message(%User{} = user, %User{} = recipient, content, opts \\ []) do
+ with maybe_attachment <- opts[:media_id] && Object.get_by_id(opts[:media_id]),
+ :ok <- validate_chat_content_length(content, !!maybe_attachment),
+ {_, {:ok, chat_message_data, _meta}} <-
+ {:build_object,
+ Builder.chat_message(
+ user,
+ recipient.ap_id,
+ content |> format_chat_content,
+ attachment: maybe_attachment
+ )},
+ {_, {:ok, create_activity_data, _meta}} <-
+ {:build_create_activity, Builder.create(user, chat_message_data, [recipient.ap_id])},
+ {_, {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, _meta}} <-
+ {:common_pipeline,
+ Pipeline.common_pipeline(create_activity_data,
+ local: true
+ )} do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ {:common_pipeline, {:reject, _} = e} -> e
+ e -> e
+ end
+ end
+ defp format_chat_content(nil), do: nil
+ defp format_chat_content(content) do
+ {text, _, _} =
+ content
+ |> Formatter.html_escape("text/plain")
+ |> Formatter.linkify()
+ |> (fn {text, mentions, tags} ->
+ {String.replace(text, ~r/\r?\n/, "<br>"), mentions, tags}
+ end).()
+ text
+ end
+ defp validate_chat_content_length(_, true), do: :ok
+ defp validate_chat_content_length(nil, false), do: {:error, :no_content}
+ defp validate_chat_content_length(content, _) do
+ if String.length(content) <= Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :chat_limit]) do
+ :ok
+ else
+ {:error, :content_too_long}
+ end
+ end
+ def unblock(blocker, blocked) do
+ with {_, %Activity{} = block} <- {:fetch_block, Utils.fetch_latest_block(blocker, blocked)},
+ {:ok, unblock_data, _} <- Builder.undo(blocker, block),
+ {:ok, unblock, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(unblock_data, local: true) do
+ {:ok, unblock}
+ else
+ {:fetch_block, nil} ->
+ if User.blocks?(blocker, blocked) do
+ User.unblock(blocker, blocked)
+ {:ok, :no_activity}
+ else
+ {:error, :not_blocking}
+ end
+ e ->
+ e
+ end
+ end
+ def follow(follower, followed) do
+ timeout = Pleroma.Config.get([:activitypub, :follow_handshake_timeout])
+ with {:ok, follow_data, _} <- Builder.follow(follower, followed),
+ {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(follow_data, local: true),
+ {:ok, follower, followed} <- User.wait_and_refresh(timeout, follower, followed) do
+ if["state"] == "reject" do
+ {:error, :rejected}
+ else
+ {:ok, follower, followed, activity}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def unfollow(follower, unfollowed) do
+ with {:ok, follower, _follow_activity} <- User.unfollow(follower, unfollowed),
+ {:ok, _activity} <- ActivityPub.unfollow(follower, unfollowed),
+ {:ok, _subscription} <- User.unsubscribe(follower, unfollowed) do
+ {:ok, follower}
+ end
+ end
+ def accept_follow_request(follower, followed) do
+ with %Activity{} = follow_activity <- Utils.fetch_latest_follow(follower, followed),
+ {:ok, accept_data, _} <- Builder.accept(followed, follow_activity),
+ {:ok, _activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(accept_data, local: true) do
+ {:ok, follower}
+ end
+ end
+ def reject_follow_request(follower, followed) do
+ with %Activity{} = follow_activity <- Utils.fetch_latest_follow(follower, followed),
+ {:ok, reject_data, _} <- Builder.reject(followed, follow_activity),
+ {:ok, _activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(reject_data, local: true) do
+ {:ok, follower}
+ end
+ end
+ def delete(activity_id, user) do
+ with {_, %Activity{data: %{"object" => _, "type" => "Create"}} = activity} <-
+ {:find_activity, Activity.get_by_id(activity_id)},
+ {_, %Object{} = object, _} <-
+ {:find_object, Object.normalize(activity, false), activity},
+ true <- User.superuser?(user) || user.ap_id ==["actor"],
+ {:ok, delete_data, _} <- Builder.delete(user,["id"]),
+ {:ok, delete, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(delete_data, local: true) do
+ {:ok, delete}
+ else
+ {:find_activity, _} ->
+ {:error, :not_found}
+ {:find_object, nil, %Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor, "object" => object}}} ->
+ # We have the create activity, but not the object, it was probably pruned.
+ # Insert a tombstone and try again
+ with {:ok, tombstone_data, _} <- Builder.tombstone(actor, object),
+ {:ok, _tombstone} <- Object.create(tombstone_data) do
+ delete(activity_id, user)
+ else
+ _ ->
+ Logger.error(
+ "Could not insert tombstone for missing object on deletion. Object is #{object}."
+ )
+ {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not delete")}
+ end
+ _ ->
+ {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not delete")}
+ end
+ end
+ def repeat(id, user, params \\ %{}) do
+ with %Activity{data: %{"type" => "Create"}} = activity <- Activity.get_by_id(id),
+ object = %Object{} <- Object.normalize(activity, false),
+ {_, nil} <- {:existing_announce, Utils.get_existing_announce(user.ap_id, object)},
+ public = public_announce?(object, params),
+ {:ok, announce, _} <- Builder.announce(user, object, public: public),
+ {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(announce, local: true) do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ {:existing_announce, %Activity{} = announce} ->
+ {:ok, announce}
+ _ ->
+ {:error, :not_found}
+ end
+ end
+ def unrepeat(id, user) do
+ with {_, %Activity{data: %{"type" => "Create"}} = activity} <-
+ {:find_activity, Activity.get_by_id(id)},
+ %Object{} = note <- Object.normalize(activity, false),
+ %Activity{} = announce <- Utils.get_existing_announce(user.ap_id, note),
+ {:ok, undo, _} <- Builder.undo(user, announce),
+ {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(undo, local: true) do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ {:find_activity, _} -> {:error, :not_found}
+ _ -> {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not unrepeat")}
+ end
+ end
+ @spec favorite(User.t(), binary()) :: {:ok, Activity.t() | :already_liked} | {:error, any()}
+ def favorite(%User{} = user, id) do
+ case favorite_helper(user, id) do
+ {:ok, _} = res ->
+ res
+ {:error, :not_found} = res ->
+ res
+ {:error, e} ->
+ Logger.error("Could not favorite #{id}. Error: #{inspect(e, pretty: true)}")
+ {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not favorite")}
+ end
+ end
+ def favorite_helper(user, id) do
+ with {_, %Activity{object: object}} <- {:find_object, Activity.get_by_id_with_object(id)},
+ {_, {:ok, like_object, meta}} <- {:build_object,, object)},
+ {_, {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, _meta}} <-
+ {:common_pipeline,
+ Pipeline.common_pipeline(like_object, Keyword.put(meta, :local, true))} do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ {:find_object, _} ->
+ {:error, :not_found}
+ {:common_pipeline,
+ {
+ :error,
+ {
+ :validate_object,
+ {
+ :error,
+ changeset
+ }
+ }
+ }} = e ->
+ if {:object, {"already liked by this actor", []}} in changeset.errors do
+ {:ok, :already_liked}
+ else
+ {:error, e}
+ end
+ e ->
+ {:error, e}
+ end
+ end
+ def unfavorite(id, user) do
+ with {_, %Activity{data: %{"type" => "Create"}} = activity} <-
+ {:find_activity, Activity.get_by_id(id)},
+ %Object{} = note <- Object.normalize(activity, false),
+ %Activity{} = like <- Utils.get_existing_like(user.ap_id, note),
+ {:ok, undo, _} <- Builder.undo(user, like),
+ {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(undo, local: true) do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ {:find_activity, _} -> {:error, :not_found}
+ _ -> {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not unfavorite")}
+ end
+ end
+ def react_with_emoji(id, user, emoji) do
+ with %Activity{} = activity <- Activity.get_by_id(id),
+ object <- Object.normalize(activity),
+ {:ok, emoji_react, _} <- Builder.emoji_react(user, object, emoji),
+ {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(emoji_react, local: true) do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ _ ->
+ {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not add reaction emoji")}
+ end
+ end
+ def unreact_with_emoji(id, user, emoji) do
+ with %Activity{} = reaction_activity <- Utils.get_latest_reaction(id, user, emoji),
+ {:ok, undo, _} <- Builder.undo(user, reaction_activity),
+ {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(undo, local: true) do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ _ ->
+ {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not remove reaction emoji")}
+ end
+ end
+ def vote(user, %{data: %{"type" => "Question"}} = object, choices) do
+ with :ok <- validate_not_author(object, user),
+ :ok <- validate_existing_votes(user, object),
+ {:ok, options, choices} <- normalize_and_validate_choices(choices, object) do
+ answer_activities =
+, fn index ->
+ {:ok, answer_object, _meta} =
+ Builder.answer(user, object,, index)["name"])
+ {:ok, activity_data, _meta} = Builder.create(user, answer_object, [])
+ {:ok, activity, _meta} =
+ activity_data
+ |> Map.put("cc", answer_object["cc"])
+ |> Map.put("context", answer_object["context"])
+ |> Pipeline.common_pipeline(local: true)
+ # TODO: Do preload of Pleroma.Object in Pipeline
+ Activity.normalize(
+ end)
+ object = Object.get_cached_by_ap_id(["id"])
+ {:ok, answer_activities, object}
+ end
+ end
+ defp validate_not_author(%{data: %{"actor" => ap_id}}, %{ap_id: ap_id}),
+ do: {:error, dgettext("errors", "Poll's author can't vote")}
+ defp validate_not_author(_, _), do: :ok
+ defp validate_existing_votes(%{ap_id: ap_id}, object) do
+ if Utils.get_existing_votes(ap_id, object) == [] do
+ :ok
+ else
+ {:error, dgettext("errors", "Already voted")}
+ end
+ end
+ defp get_options_and_max_count(%{data: %{"anyOf" => any_of}})
+ when is_list(any_of) and any_of != [],
+ do: {any_of, Enum.count(any_of)}
+ defp get_options_and_max_count(%{data: %{"oneOf" => one_of}})
+ when is_list(one_of) and one_of != [],
+ do: {one_of, 1}
+ defp normalize_and_validate_choices(choices, object) do
+ choices =, fn i -> if is_binary(i), do: String.to_integer(i), else: i end)
+ {options, max_count} = get_options_and_max_count(object)
+ count = Enum.count(options)
+ with {_, true} <- {:valid_choice, Enum.all?(choices, &(&1 < count))},
+ {_, true} <- {:count_check, Enum.count(choices) <= max_count} do
+ {:ok, options, choices}
+ else
+ {:valid_choice, _} -> {:error, dgettext("errors", "Invalid indices")}
+ {:count_check, _} -> {:error, dgettext("errors", "Too many choices")}
+ end
+ end
+ def public_announce?(_, %{visibility: visibility})
+ when visibility in ~w{public unlisted private direct},
+ do: visibility in ~w(public unlisted)
+ def public_announce?(object, _) do
+ Visibility.is_public?(object)
+ end
+ def get_visibility(_, _, %Participation{}), do: {"direct", "direct"}
+ def get_visibility(%{visibility: visibility}, in_reply_to, _)
+ when visibility in ~w{public unlisted private direct},
+ do: {visibility, get_replied_to_visibility(in_reply_to)}
+ def get_visibility(%{visibility: "list:" <> list_id}, in_reply_to, _) do
+ visibility = {:list, String.to_integer(list_id)}
+ {visibility, get_replied_to_visibility(in_reply_to)}
+ end
+ def get_visibility(_, in_reply_to, _) when not is_nil(in_reply_to) do
+ visibility = get_replied_to_visibility(in_reply_to)
+ {visibility, visibility}
+ end
+ def get_visibility(_, in_reply_to, _), do: {"public", get_replied_to_visibility(in_reply_to)}
+ def get_replied_to_visibility(nil), do: nil
+ def get_replied_to_visibility(activity) do
+ with %Object{} = object <- Object.normalize(activity) do
+ Visibility.get_visibility(object)
+ end
+ end
+ def check_expiry_date({:ok, nil} = res), do: res
+ def check_expiry_date({:ok, in_seconds}) do
+ expiry = DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), in_seconds)
+ if Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity.expires_late_enough?(expiry) do
+ {:ok, expiry}
+ else
+ {:error, "Expiry date is too soon"}
+ end
+ end
+ def check_expiry_date(expiry_str) do
+ Ecto.Type.cast(:integer, expiry_str)
+ |> check_expiry_date()
+ end
+ def listen(user, data) do
+ visibility = Map.get(data, :visibility, "public")
+ with {to, cc} <- get_to_and_cc(user, [], nil, visibility, nil),
+ listen_data <-
+ data
+ |> Map.take([:album, :artist, :title, :length])
+ |> {key, value} -> {to_string(key), value} end)
+ |> Map.put("type", "Audio")
+ |> Map.put("to", to)
+ |> Map.put("cc", cc)
+ |> Map.put("actor", user.ap_id),
+ {:ok, activity} <-
+ ActivityPub.listen(%{
+ actor: user,
+ to: to,
+ object: listen_data,
+ context: Utils.generate_context_id(),
+ additional: %{"cc" => cc}
+ }) do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ end
+ end
+ def post(user, %{status: _} = data) do
+ with {:ok, draft} <- Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.ActivityDraft.create(user, data) do
+ ActivityPub.create(draft.changes, draft.preview?)
+ end
+ end
+ def pin(id, %{ap_id: user_ap_id} = user) do
+ with %Activity{
+ actor: ^user_ap_id,
+ data: %{"type" => "Create"},
+ object: %Object{data: %{"type" => object_type}}
+ } = activity <- Activity.get_by_id_with_object(id),
+ true <- object_type in ["Note", "Article", "Question"],
+ true <- Visibility.is_public?(activity),
+ {:ok, _user} <- User.add_pinnned_activity(user, activity) do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ {:error, %{errors: [pinned_activities: {err, _}]}} -> {:error, err}
+ _ -> {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not pin")}
+ end
+ end
+ def unpin(id, user) do
+ with %Activity{data: %{"type" => "Create"}} = activity <- Activity.get_by_id(id),
+ {:ok, _user} <- User.remove_pinnned_activity(user, activity) do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ {:error, %{errors: [pinned_activities: {err, _}]}} -> {:error, err}
+ _ -> {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not unpin")}
+ end
+ end
+ def add_mute(user, activity) do
+ with {:ok, _} <- ThreadMute.add_mute(,["context"]),
+ _ <- Pleroma.Notification.mark_context_as_read(user,["context"]) do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ {:error, _} -> {:error, dgettext("errors", "conversation is already muted")}
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_mute(user, activity) do
+ ThreadMute.remove_mute(,["context"])
+ {:ok, activity}
+ end
+ def thread_muted?(%User{id: user_id}, %{data: %{"context" => context}})
+ when is_binary(context) do
+ ThreadMute.exists?(user_id, context)
+ end
+ def thread_muted?(_, _), do: false
+ def report(user, data) do
+ with {:ok, account} <- get_reported_account(data.account_id),
+ {:ok, {content_html, _, _}} <- make_report_content_html(data[:comment]),
+ {:ok, statuses} <- get_report_statuses(account, data) do
+ ActivityPub.flag(%{
+ context: Utils.generate_context_id(),
+ actor: user,
+ account: account,
+ statuses: statuses,
+ content: content_html,
+ forward: Map.get(data, :forward, false)
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ defp get_reported_account(account_id) do
+ case User.get_cached_by_id(account_id) do
+ %User{} = account -> {:ok, account}
+ _ -> {:error, dgettext("errors", "Account not found")}
+ end
+ end
+ def update_report_state(activity_ids, state) when is_list(activity_ids) do
+ case Utils.update_report_state(activity_ids, state) do
+ :ok -> {:ok, activity_ids}
+ _ -> {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not update state")}
+ end
+ end
+ def update_report_state(activity_id, state) do
+ with %Activity{} = activity <- Activity.get_by_id(activity_id) do
+ Utils.update_report_state(activity, state)
+ else
+ nil -> {:error, :not_found}
+ _ -> {:error, dgettext("errors", "Could not update state")}
+ end
+ end
+ def update_activity_scope(activity_id, opts \\ %{}) do
+ with %Activity{} = activity <- Activity.get_by_id_with_object(activity_id),
+ {:ok, activity} <- toggle_sensitive(activity, opts) do
+ set_visibility(activity, opts)
+ else
+ nil -> {:error, :not_found}
+ {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason}
+ end
+ end
+ defp toggle_sensitive(activity, %{sensitive: sensitive}) when sensitive in ~w(true false) do
+ toggle_sensitive(activity, %{sensitive: String.to_existing_atom(sensitive)})
+ end
+ defp toggle_sensitive(%Activity{object: object} = activity, %{sensitive: sensitive})
+ when is_boolean(sensitive) do
+ new_data = Map.put(, "sensitive", sensitive)
+ {:ok, object} =
+ object
+ |> Object.change(%{data: new_data})
+ |> Object.update_and_set_cache()
+ {:ok, Map.put(activity, :object, object)}
+ end
+ defp toggle_sensitive(activity, _), do: {:ok, activity}
+ defp set_visibility(activity, %{visibility: visibility}) do
+ Utils.update_activity_visibility(activity, visibility)
+ end
+ defp set_visibility(activity, _), do: {:ok, activity}
+ def hide_reblogs(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
+ UserRelationship.create_reblog_mute(user, target)
+ end
+ def show_reblogs(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
+ UserRelationship.delete_reblog_mute(user, target)
+ end
+ def get_user(ap_id, fake_record_fallback \\ true) do
+ cond do
+ user = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id) ->
+ user
+ user = User.get_by_guessed_nickname(ap_id) ->
+ user
+ fake_record_fallback ->
+ # TODO: refactor (fake records is never a good idea)
+ User.error_user(ap_id)
+ true ->
+ nil
+ end
+ end