path: root/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/admin/instance_document_operation.ex
diff options
authorrinpatch <>2020-11-12 12:34:48 +0000
committerrinpatch <>2020-11-12 12:34:48 +0000
commit1172844ed18d94d84724dc6f11c6e9f72e0ba6ec (patch)
tree7d48a259e08856ab6db0eba255f20c0c19410463 /lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/admin/instance_document_operation.ex
parenta0f5e8b27edbe2224d9c2c3997ad5b8ea484244b (diff)
parentb4c6b262d6dc12362f0014a864e8aed6c727c39c (diff)
Merge branch 'release/2.2.0' into 'stable'v2.2.0
Release/2.2.0 See merge request pleroma/secteam/pleroma!19
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/admin/instance_document_operation.ex')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/admin/instance_document_operation.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/admin/instance_document_operation.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a120ff4e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/admin/instance_document_operation.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Admin.InstanceDocumentOperation do
+ alias OpenApiSpex.Operation
+ alias OpenApiSpex.Schema
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Helpers
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.ApiError
+ def open_api_operation(action) do
+ operation = String.to_existing_atom("#{action}_operation")
+ apply(__MODULE__, operation, [])
+ end
+ def show_operation do
+ %Operation{
+ tags: ["Admin", "InstanceDocument"],
+ summary: "Get the instance document",
+ operationId: "",
+ security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read"]}],
+ parameters: [
+ Operation.parameter(:name, :path, %Schema{type: :string}, "The document name",
+ required: true
+ )
+ | Helpers.admin_api_params()
+ ],
+ responses: %{
+ 200 => document_content(),
+ 400 => Operation.response("Bad Request", "application/json", ApiError),
+ 403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError),
+ 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def update_operation do
+ %Operation{
+ tags: ["Admin", "InstanceDocument"],
+ summary: "Update the instance document",
+ operationId: "AdminAPI.InstanceDocumentController.update",
+ security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}],
+ requestBody: Helpers.request_body("Parameters", update_request()),
+ parameters: [
+ Operation.parameter(:name, :path, %Schema{type: :string}, "The document name",
+ required: true
+ )
+ | Helpers.admin_api_params()
+ ],
+ responses: %{
+ 200 => Operation.response("InstanceDocument", "application/json", instance_document()),
+ 400 => Operation.response("Bad Request", "application/json", ApiError),
+ 403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError),
+ 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ defp update_request do
+ %Schema{
+ title: "UpdateRequest",
+ description: "POST body for uploading the file",
+ type: :object,
+ required: [:file],
+ properties: %{
+ file: %Schema{
+ type: :string,
+ format: :binary,
+ description: "The file to be uploaded, using multipart form data."
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def delete_operation do
+ %Operation{
+ tags: ["Admin", "InstanceDocument"],
+ summary: "Get the instance document",
+ operationId: "AdminAPI.InstanceDocumentController.delete",
+ security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}],
+ parameters: [
+ Operation.parameter(:name, :path, %Schema{type: :string}, "The document name",
+ required: true
+ )
+ | Helpers.admin_api_params()
+ ],
+ responses: %{
+ 200 => Operation.response("InstanceDocument", "application/json", instance_document()),
+ 400 => Operation.response("Bad Request", "application/json", ApiError),
+ 403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError),
+ 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ defp instance_document do
+ %Schema{
+ title: "InstanceDocument",
+ type: :object,
+ properties: %{
+ url: %Schema{type: :string}
+ },
+ example: %{
+ "url" => ""
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ defp document_content do
+ Operation.response("InstanceDocumentContent", "text/html", %Schema{
+ type: :string,
+ example: "<h1>Instance panel</h1>"
+ })
+ end