path: root/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/
diff options
authorlain <>2020-08-28 12:17:19 +0000
committerlain <>2020-08-28 12:17:19 +0000
commit73dd5bdb7dcdf804bdbabcf632671d4de5042ebc (patch)
treeefcb0b8e68f86d067de98a23f40a24c7dab79d2f /docs/administration/CLI_tasks/
parentf891e2b2f1d1daa122b9856e4b660be394d31e34 (diff)
parentb141e35d641e733dffe7bd6a45a5bbcafe586c56 (diff)
Merge branch 'release/2.1.0' into 'stable'v2.1.0
Release/2.1.0 See merge request pleroma/pleroma!2927
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/administration/CLI_tasks/')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/ b/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/
index ff400c8ed..6dca83167 100644
--- a/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/
+++ b/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/
@@ -9,13 +9,18 @@
Replaces embedded objects with references to them in the `objects` table. Only needs to be ran once if the instance was created before Pleroma 1.0.5. The reason why this is not a migration is because it could significantly increase the database size after being ran, however after this `VACUUM FULL` will be able to reclaim about 20% (really depends on what is in the database, your mileage may vary) of the db size before the migration.
-```sh tab="OTP"
-./bin/pleroma_ctl database remove_embedded_objects [option ...]
+=== "OTP"
+ ```sh
+ ./bin/pleroma_ctl database remove_embedded_objects [option ...]
+ ```
+=== "From Source"
+ ```sh
+ mix pleroma.database remove_embedded_objects [option ...]
+ ```
-```sh tab="From Source"
-mix pleroma.database remove_embedded_objects [option ...]
### Options
- `--vacuum` - run `VACUUM FULL` after the embedded objects are replaced with their references
@@ -27,13 +32,17 @@ This will prune remote posts older than 90 days (configurable with [`config :ple
!!! danger
The disk space will only be reclaimed after `VACUUM FULL`. You may run out of disk space during the execution of the task or vacuuming if you don't have about 1/3rds of the database size free.
-```sh tab="OTP"
-./bin/pleroma_ctl database prune_objects [option ...]
+=== "OTP"
+ ```sh
+ ./bin/pleroma_ctl database prune_objects [option ...]
+ ```
-```sh tab="From Source"
-mix pleroma.database prune_objects [option ...]
+=== "From Source"
+ ```sh
+ mix pleroma.database prune_objects [option ...]
+ ```
### Options
- `--vacuum` - run `VACUUM FULL` after the objects are pruned
@@ -42,30 +51,93 @@ mix pleroma.database prune_objects [option ...]
Can be safely re-run
-```sh tab="OTP"
-./bin/pleroma_ctl database bump_all_conversations
+=== "OTP"
+ ```sh
+ ./bin/pleroma_ctl database bump_all_conversations
+ ```
-```sh tab="From Source"
-mix pleroma.database bump_all_conversations
+=== "From Source"
+ ```sh
+ mix pleroma.database bump_all_conversations
+ ```
## Remove duplicated items from following and update followers count for all users
-```sh tab="OTP"
-./bin/pleroma_ctl database update_users_following_followers_counts
+=== "OTP"
+ ```sh
+ ./bin/pleroma_ctl database update_users_following_followers_counts
+ ```
-```sh tab="From Source"
-mix pleroma.database update_users_following_followers_counts
+=== "From Source"
+ ```sh
+ mix pleroma.database update_users_following_followers_counts
+ ```
## Fix the pre-existing "likes" collections for all objects
-```sh tab="OTP"
-./bin/pleroma_ctl database fix_likes_collections
+=== "OTP"
+ ```sh
+ ./bin/pleroma_ctl database fix_likes_collections
+ ```
+=== "From Source"
+ ```sh
+ mix pleroma.database fix_likes_collections
+ ```
+## Vacuum the database
+### Analyze
+Running an `analyze` vacuum job can improve performance by updating statistics used by the query planner. **It is safe to cancel this.**
+=== "OTP"
+ ```sh
+ ./bin/pleroma_ctl database vacuum analyze
+ ```
+=== "From Source"
+ ```sh
+ mix pleroma.database vacuum analyze
+ ```
+### Full
+Running a `full` vacuum job rebuilds your entire database by reading all of the data and rewriting it into smaller
+and more compact files with an optimized layout. This process will take a long time and use additional disk space as
+it builds the files side-by-side the existing database files. It can make your database faster and use less disk space,
+but should only be run if necessary. **It is safe to cancel this.**
+=== "OTP"
+ ```sh
+ ./bin/pleroma_ctl database vacuum full
+ ```
+=== "From Source"
+ ```sh
+ mix pleroma.database vacuum full
+ ```
+## Add expiration to all local statuses
+=== "OTP"
+ ```sh
+ ./bin/pleroma_ctl database ensure_expiration
+ ```
+=== "From Source"
-```sh tab="From Source"
-mix pleroma.database fix_likes_collections
+ ```sh
+ mix pleroma.database ensure_expiration
+ ```