path: root/docs/API/
diff options
authorrinpatch <>2020-11-12 12:34:48 +0000
committerrinpatch <>2020-11-12 12:34:48 +0000
commit1172844ed18d94d84724dc6f11c6e9f72e0ba6ec (patch)
tree7d48a259e08856ab6db0eba255f20c0c19410463 /docs/API/
parenta0f5e8b27edbe2224d9c2c3997ad5b8ea484244b (diff)
parentb4c6b262d6dc12362f0014a864e8aed6c727c39c (diff)
Merge branch 'release/2.2.0' into 'stable'v2.2.0
Release/2.2.0 See merge request pleroma/secteam/pleroma!19
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/API/')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/docs/API/ b/docs/API/
index 4e97d26c0..3fd141bd2 100644
--- a/docs/API/
+++ b/docs/API/
@@ -44,6 +44,22 @@ Request parameters can be passed via [query strings](
* Response: HTTP 200 on success, 500 on error
* Note: Users that can't be followed are silently skipped.
+## `/api/pleroma/blocks_import`
+### Imports your blocks.
+* Method: `POST`
+* Authentication: required
+* Params:
+ * `list`: STRING or FILE containing a whitespace-separated list of accounts to block
+* Response: HTTP 200 on success, 500 on error
+## `/api/pleroma/mutes_import`
+### Imports your mutes.
+* Method: `POST`
+* Authentication: required
+* Params:
+ * `list`: STRING or FILE containing a whitespace-separated list of accounts to mute
+* Response: HTTP 200 on success, 500 on error
## `/api/pleroma/captcha`
### Get a new captcha
* Method: `GET`
@@ -362,44 +378,43 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
* Params: None
* Response: JSON, returns a list of Mastodon Conversation entities that were marked as read (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy).
-## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/import`
-### Imports packs from filesystem
-* Method `GET`
-* Authentication: required
-* Params: None
-* Response: JSON, returns a list of imported packs.
+## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/pack?name=:name`
+### Get pack.json for the pack
-## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/remote`
-### Make request to another instance for packs list
* Method `GET`
-* Authentication: required
+* Authentication: not required
* Params:
- * `url`: url of the instance to get packs from
-* Response: JSON with the pack list, hashmap with pack name and pack contents
+ * `page`: page number for files (default 1)
+ * `page_size`: page size for files (default 30)
+* Response: JSON, pack json with `files`, `files_count` and `pack` keys with 200 status or 404 if the pack does not exist.
-## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download`
-### Download pack from another instance
-* Method `POST`
-* Authentication: required
-* Params:
- * `url`: url of the instance to download from
- * `name`: pack to download from that instance
- * `as`: (*optional*) name how to save pack
-* Response: JSON, "ok" with 200 status if the pack was downloaded, or 500 if there were
- errors downloading the pack
+ "files": {...},
+ "files_count": 0, // emoji count in pack
+ "pack": {...}
+## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/pack?name=:name`
-## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
### Creates an empty pack
* Method `POST`
-* Authentication: required
-* Params: None
+* Authentication: required (admin)
+* Params:
+ * `name`: pack name
* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status or 409 if the pack with that name already exists
-## `PATCH /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
+## `PATCH /api/pleroma/emoji/pack?name=:name`
### Updates (replaces) pack metadata
* Method `PATCH`
-* Authentication: required
+* Authentication: required (admin)
* Params:
+ * `name`: pack name
* `metadata`: metadata to replace the old one
* `license`: Pack license
* `homepage`: Pack home page url
@@ -410,39 +425,85 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
* Response: JSON, updated "metadata" section of the pack and 200 status or 400 if there was a
problem with the new metadata (the error is specified in the "error" part of the response JSON)
-## `DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
+## `DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/pack?name=:name`
### Delete a custom emoji pack
* Method `DELETE`
-* Authentication: required
-* Params: None
+* Authentication: required (admin)
+* Params:
+ * `name`: pack name
* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status or 500 if there was an error deleting the pack
-## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/files`
+## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/import`
+### Imports packs from filesystem
+* Method `GET`
+* Authentication: required (admin)
+* Params: None
+* Response: JSON, returns a list of imported packs.
+## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/remote`
+### Make request to another instance for packs list
+* Method `GET`
+* Authentication: required (admin)
+* Params:
+ * `url`: url of the instance to get packs from
+ * `page`: page number for packs (default 1)
+ * `page_size`: page size for packs (default 50)
+* Response: JSON with the pack list, hashmap with pack name and pack contents
+## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download`
+### Download pack from another instance
+* Method `POST`
+* Authentication: required (admin)
+* Params:
+ * `url`: url of the instance to download from
+ * `name`: pack to download from that instance
+ * `as`: (*optional*) name how to save pack
+* Response: JSON, "ok" with 200 status if the pack was downloaded, or 500 if there were
+ errors downloading the pack
+## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/files?name=:name`
### Add new file to the pack
* Method `POST`
-* Authentication: required
+* Authentication: required (admin)
* Params:
+ * `name`: pack name
* `file`: file needs to be uploaded with the multipart request or link to remote file.
* `shortcode`: (*optional*) shortcode for new emoji, must be unique for all emoji. If not sended, shortcode will be taken from original filename.
* `filename`: (*optional*) new emoji file name. If not specified will be taken from original filename.
* Response: JSON, list of files for updated pack (hashmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
-## `PATCH /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/files`
+## `PATCH /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/files?name=:name`
### Update emoji file from pack
* Method `PATCH`
-* Authentication: required
+* Authentication: required (admin)
* Params:
+ * `name`: pack name
* `shortcode`: emoji file shortcode
* `new_shortcode`: new emoji file shortcode
* `new_filename`: new filename for emoji file
* `force`: (*optional*) with true value to overwrite existing emoji with new shortcode
* Response: JSON, list with updated files for updated pack (hashmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
-## `DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/files`
+## `DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/files?name=:name`
### Delete emoji file from pack
* Method `DELETE`
-* Authentication: required
+* Authentication: required (admin)
* Params:
+ * `name`: pack name
* `shortcode`: emoji file shortcode
* Response: JSON, list with updated files for updated pack (hashmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
@@ -467,30 +528,14 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
-## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
+## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/archive?name=:name`
-### Get pack.json for the pack
+### Requests a local pack archive from the instance
* Method `GET`
* Authentication: not required
* Params:
- * `page`: page number for files (default 1)
- * `page_size`: page size for files (default 30)
-* Response: JSON, pack json with `files`, `files_count` and `pack` keys with 200 status or 404 if the pack does not exist.
- "files": {...},
- "files_count": 0, // emoji count in pack
- "pack": {...}
-## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/archive`
-### Requests a local pack archive from the instance
-* Method `GET`
-* Authentication: not required
-* Params: None
+ * `name`: pack name
* Response: the archive of the pack with a 200 status code, 403 if the pack is not set as shared,
404 if the pack does not exist