path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-26Bump es5-ext from 0.10.53 to 0.10.63 in /test/automated/api (#3603)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-25New offline embed (#3599)Gabe Kangas
2024-02-20Bump ip from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9 in /test/load (#3593)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-19chore(test): add followers fixture test dataGabe Kangas
2024-01-10Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4 in /test/load (#3515)dependabot[bot]
2023-12-19chore: reverting the current implementation of http response cachingGabe Kangas
2023-12-09feat(api): add server-side caching for requests that could benefit (#3463)Gabe Kangas
2023-12-04Bump postcss and artillery in /test/load (#3467)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-21Fix parsing of Authorization Bearer header (#3376)Alyssa Ross
2023-10-16Bump @babel/traverse from 7.12.5 to 7.23.2 in /test/automated/api (#3366)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-16Bump @babel/traverse from 7.12.5 to 7.23.2 in /test/automated/hls (#3367)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-08chore(tests): temp comment out a couple config tests that are breaking due to...Gabe Kangas
2023-09-10Bump fast-xml-parser and artillery in /test/load (#3300)dependabot[bot]
2023-08-18fix(test): select all wasn't working, making the display name typed in too longGabe Kangas
2023-08-16fix: use lightweight bot/scraper html responses. Fixes #3253Gabe Kangas
2023-08-15Bump protobufjs from 6.11.3 to 6.11.4 in /test/load (#3259)dependabot[bot]
2023-08-06Bump tough-cookie and @cypress/request in /test/automated/browser (#3241)dependabot[bot]
2023-07-22Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /test/automated/api (#3186)dependabot[bot]
2023-07-22Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /test/automated/hls (#3187)dependabot[bot]
2023-07-18Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /test/load (#3188)dependabot[bot]
2023-07-10Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /test/automated/api (#3163)dependabot[bot]
2023-07-09Bump tough-cookie and artillery in /test/load (#3154)dependabot[bot]
2023-07-09Bump tough-cookie from 4.0.0 to 4.1.3 in /test/automated/api (#3152)dependabot[bot]
2023-07-09Bump tough-cookie from 4.0.0 to 4.1.3 in /test/automated/hls (#3153)dependabot[bot]
2023-06-27fix(test): modal auto-closes nowGabe Kangas
2023-06-27fix(test): fix test to reflect chat message updatesGabe Kangas
2023-06-13fix(api): validate stream key payload. Closes #3082Gabe Kangas
2023-05-30feat: add support for robots.txt disabling search indexing (#2929)Gabe Kangas
2023-05-23Address chat modal button issues (#3042)gingervitis
2023-05-22Refactor mobile chat into modal (#3038)Gabe Kangas
2023-05-02feat(tests): add automated release upgrade test. Closes #1876Gabe Kangas
2023-05-01feat: add support for markdown in offline message. Closes #2921 (#2977)Gabe Kangas
2023-04-26fix: #2668 Page Vertical Spacing Issues (#2863)Nathan
2023-04-19chore(tests): add readme note about remote host testingGabe Kangas
2023-04-18chore: add local<->public test scriptGabe Kangas
2023-04-05Add additional test for testing failure after deleteGabe Kangas
2023-03-17Disable lighthouse test to see if that fixes running under Github CIgek/browser-test-errorsGabe Kangas
2023-03-16Fix permission on shell scriptGabe Kangas
2023-03-16Fix s3 test errorsGabe Kangas
2023-03-16Split local and S3 HLS testsGabe Kangas
2023-03-10Add some API paths to the auth test as well for completenessGabe Kangas
2023-03-10Fix HTML scaffolding of admin pages rendering without auth. Closes #2789Gabe Kangas
2023-02-26Add chat embed automated browser tests. Closes #2743Gabe Kangas
2023-02-26Remove windows edge screenshots as it is no longer valid. See #2731Gabe Kangas
2023-02-12Add Android landscape screenshotsGabe Kangas
2023-02-11Linter warningsGabe Kangas
2023-02-11Run nightly automated screenshots. Closes #2699Gabe Kangas
2023-02-01Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 in /test/load (#2664)dependabot[bot]
2023-02-01Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 in /test/automated/browser (#2663)dependabot[bot]
2023-01-26Make shellcheck happyGabe Kangas