AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-01-10fix(deps): update dependency xstate to v4.35.2renovate/webv2-xstate-4.xrenovate[bot]
2023-01-10chore(deps): update alpine docker tag to v3.17.1webv2renovate[bot]
2023-01-09Bundle embedded web appgabek
2023-01-09fix(deps): update dependency react-hotkeys-hook to v4 (#2568)renovate[bot]
2023-01-09Bundle embedded web appgabek
2023-01-09fix(deps): update dependency chart.js to v4.1.2 (#2559)renovate[bot]
2023-01-09Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into webv2Gabe Kangas
2023-01-09Bundle embedded web appgabek
2023-01-09fix(deps): update dependency react-virtuoso to v4 (#2563)renovate[bot]
2023-01-09Bundle embedded web appgabek
2023-01-09chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8.6.0 (#2552)renovate[bot]
2023-01-09chore(deps): update docker tag to v23 (#2562)renovate[bot]
2023-01-09fix(deps): update dependency style-dictionary to v3.7.2 (#2554)renovate[bot]
2023-01-09Bundle embedded web appgabek
2023-01-09Use built-in Next layout support + lazy loadGabe Kangas
2023-01-09Lazy load followers componentsGabe Kangas
2023-01-09Serve content with gzip encoding directly from our webserver. Improves perfor...Gabe Kangas
2023-01-09Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2023-01-09chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.48.0renovate[bot]
2023-01-09fix(deps): update module to v2.1.5renovate[bot]
2023-01-09fix(deps): update module to v0.5.0renovate[bot]
2023-01-09Bundle embedded web appgabek
2023-01-08Enable source maps in productionGabe Kangas
2023-01-08Reduce SEO score and file issue to improve. #2565Gabe Kangas
2023-01-09Bundle embedded web appgabek
2023-01-08No reason to use the Image component hereGabe Kangas
2023-01-08Create contrib directory and replace examples dir.Gabe Kangas
2023-01-08Lower performance threshold even lower because everything is awfulGabe Kangas
2023-01-09fix(deps): update module to v1.44.175renovate[bot]
2023-01-08Temporarily disable running Owncast under new user in #2496Gabe Kangas
2023-01-08Add details to temp dir removal errorGabe Kangas
2023-01-05Lower performance threshold until can be figured outGabe Kangas
2023-01-05Bundle embedded web appgabek
2023-01-05Hack to force scroll to very bottom at mount. For #2500Gabe Kangas
2023-01-04Fix lint warningsGabe Kangas
2023-01-04Add performance testing to Cypress resultsGabe Kangas
2023-01-05chore(deps): update alpine docker tag to v3.17.0renovate[bot]
2023-01-05Bundle embedded web appgabek
2023-01-05Prettified Code!gabek
2023-01-04Removing the attempt at an admin dark mode. #1904Gabe Kangas
2023-01-05Bundle embedded web appgabek
2023-01-04Start on admin dark theme. Closes #1904Gabe Kangas
2023-01-04Prettified Code!gabek
2023-01-04Revert "improve stream testing script (#2525)"Gabe Kangas
2023-01-04set a non-root user for containers (#2496)Meisam
2023-01-04improve stream testing script (#2525)Meisam
2023-01-04use randomString/Number from lib in api tests (#2542)Meisam
2023-01-04Bump json5 from 2.2.0 to 2.2.2 in /test/automated/browser (#2535)dependabot[bot]
2023-01-04Bump json5 from 2.1.3 to 2.2.2 in /test/automated/api (#2536)dependabot[bot]
2023-01-04Bump json5 from 2.1.3 to 2.2.2 in /test/automated/hls (#2537)dependabot[bot]