AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-20fix(deps): update dependency slate to v0.84.0renovate/webv2-slate-0.xrenovate[bot]
2022-10-19Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-19Coerce the iframe to fill the Modal a little better. (#2229)Matthew Heller
2022-10-19Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-18Fix some broken social icons in frontend and adminGabe Kangas
2022-10-19Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-18rc-util is no longer required to be explicitly addedGabe Kangas
2022-10-18rc-overflow is no longer explicitly required to be addedGabe Kangas
2022-10-19Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-10-18Remove some unused storybook addonsGabe Kangas
2022-10-19chore(deps): update dependency @svgr/webpack to v6.5.0renovate[bot]
2022-10-19Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-10-19chore(deps): update dependency @mdx-js/react to v2.1.5renovate[bot]
2022-10-19fix(deps): update dependency ua-parser-js to v1.0.32renovate[bot]
2022-10-19fix(deps): update dependency @fontsource/open-sans to v4.5.13renovate[bot]
2022-10-19Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-18chore(deps): update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment digest to 7305482 (#...renovate[bot]
2022-10-18fix(deps): update dependency slate-react to v0.83.2 (#2214)renovate[bot]
2022-10-19Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-18Support customSocketOverride value for websocket. Closes #2225Gabe Kangas
2022-10-18Add action message type to chat. Closes #2226Gabe Kangas
2022-10-19Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-18Add action message type to chat. Closes #2226Gabe Kangas
2022-10-18Remove debug loggingGabe Kangas
2022-10-19Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-18Add backgrounded stream+messages title notifier. Closes #2208Gabe Kangas
2022-10-18Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-18Handle websocket errors and reconnection. Closes #1869Gabe Kangas
2022-10-18Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-17fix purple background color for notification reminder pop up & fix failing bu...Mahlangu
2022-10-17Add user color database migration. Closes #1984Gabe Kangas
2022-10-17Do not run chromatic for renovate userGabe Kangas
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-17chore(deps): lock file maintenance (#2222)renovate[bot]
2022-10-17chore(deps): update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment digest to 26db07d (#...renovate[bot]
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-16chore(deps): pin dependencies (#2217)renovate[bot]
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-16fix followers: align the followers to the left (#2211)Pranav Joglekar
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-16chore(deps): update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment digest to 843e855 (#...renovate[bot]
2022-10-16improv ui: make footer sit at bottom (#2212)Pranav Joglekar
2022-10-16Put actual token in workflow so Chromatic will run against PRsGabe Kangas
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-16Revert "fix notification reminder popup -> purple background (#2209)"Gabe Kangas
2022-10-16Run chromatic on PRsGabe Kangas
2022-10-16No longer lazy load followersGabe Kangas
2022-10-16fix notification reminder popup -> purple background (#2209)Mahlangu
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-16Tell storybook to use mdxv2Gabe Kangas