AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-04-18Update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v3renovate/golangci-golangci-lint-action-3.xRenovate Bot
2022-04-18Update admin to 09d27310fe865823219a02baebc3afc9a6a8b0fbOwncast
2022-04-18Lock file maintenanceRenovate Bot
2022-04-17Increase z-indexGabe Kangas
2022-04-17Some notify popup tweaksGabe Kangas
2022-04-17Prettified Code!gabek
2022-04-17Follow popup clickable (#1839)t1enne
2022-04-16If tab is in the background then instant jump to bottom w/o animationGabe Kangas
2022-04-16Fixed Firefox positioning caret on the right in chat input (#1834)t1enne
2022-04-15Add extended content type for ActivityPub objects. Closes #1827Gabe Kangas
2022-04-15Eliminate client close deadlocks. (#1833)funkyhippo
2022-04-15Update module to v1.43.41Renovate Bot
2022-04-15Update linkGabe Kangas
2022-04-15Change CMD to ENTRYPOINT (#1831)IonCannon218
2022-04-13Update module to v1.43.39Renovate Bot
2022-04-12Lock file maintenance (#1825)renovate[bot]
2022-04-12Update module to v1.43.38Renovate Bot
2022-04-12Explicitly set go version in linter config.Gabe Kangas
2022-04-12Lock file maintenance (#1822)renovate[bot]
2022-04-12Update digest to 583f2d6Renovate Bot
2022-04-12Update digest to 290c469Renovate Bot
2022-04-12Update module to v1.43.37Renovate Bot
2022-04-11Use useNetworkInformationApi in playback.Gabe Kangas
2022-04-10Update actions/upload-artifact action to v3Renovate Bot
2022-04-10Update actions/setup-node action to v3Renovate Bot
2022-04-10Update actions/checkout action to v3Renovate Bot
2022-04-10Update EndBug/add-and-commit action to v9Renovate Bot
2022-04-10Update module to v1.43.36 (#1820)renovate[bot]
2022-04-10Update module to v3.22.3Renovate Bot
2022-04-10Remove schedule from renovateGabe Kangas
2022-04-10Update creyD/prettier_action action to v4Renovate Bot
2022-04-10Update admin to 1e3d8b50ee3981c1f255cc9dd6c713f8e9daa917Owncast
2022-04-09Simplify how the stream health messages are generatedGabe Kangas
2022-04-09Update admin to b0f1f8ff4c03c0b8aa82009797c0c05c8a2a7096Owncast
2022-04-09Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2 in /test/load (#1819)dependabot[bot]
2022-04-08Update browserslistGabe Kangas
2022-04-08Add the word enable for clarityGabe Kangas
2022-04-08Remove antipating an initial time jumpGabe Kangas
2022-04-08Fix the min/max latency thresholdsGabe Kangas
2022-04-08Troubleshoot misskey followsGabe Kangas
2022-04-08Do not make metrics api call if there is no data to sendGabe Kangas
2022-04-08Allow latency compenstation if bandwidth is fast enough or there are enough s...Gabe Kangas
2022-04-08Do not report playback metrics if the network is not in useGabe Kangas
2022-04-08Update digest to aac1ed4Renovate Bot
2022-04-07Move CreateSignedRequest to the activitypub/crypto packageGabe Kangas
2022-04-07Experiment with supporting h2cGabe Kangas
2022-04-07Add a bit of sanity to the stream health messagesGabe Kangas
2022-04-06Typo in gitignoreGabe Kangas
2022-04-06Adjust how latency jumps are determinedGabe Kangas
2022-04-06Do not collect playback metrics when pausedGabe Kangas