AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-02-20Update dependency @codemirror/lang-markdown to v6.1.0renovate/codemirrorrenovate[bot]
2023-02-20Lock file maintenance (#2721)renovate[bot]
2023-02-20Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-20 This commit suggests that if there is no name then the username will… (#2700)Mohammad Yasir
2023-02-20Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-20Update dependency sass to v1.58.2renovate[bot]
2023-02-20Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-19Remove logGabe Kangas
2023-02-19Redirect /embed/chat to /embed/chat/readonly. Closes #2716Gabe Kangas
2023-02-20Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-19Break out name change message to own component + fix text color. Closes #2718Gabe Kangas
2023-02-19Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-19Support the HTML tags that are sent for message body. Closes #2717Gabe Kangas
2023-02-19Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-19Allow social chat events to fit content. Use text fallback in avatar. Closes ...Gabe Kangas
2023-02-19Bump prettier action and remove workaroundGabe Kangas
2023-02-19Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-02-19Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-18Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.52.0 (#2715)renovate[bot]
2023-02-18Work around prettier action bugGabe Kangas
2023-02-18Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-18Improve chat container bottom scrolling handling. Closes #2342Gabe Kangas
2023-02-17Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.7.0 (#2713)dependabot[bot]
2023-02-17Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-17Update dependency slate-react to v0.91.0renovate[bot]
2023-02-17Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-17Update dependency sass to v1.58.1renovate[bot]
2023-02-17Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-02-17Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-16Update dependency @xstate/react to v3.2.1renovate[bot]
2023-02-16Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-16Update dependency @xstate/react to v3.2.0 (#2711)renovate[bot]
2023-02-16Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-16Update dependency xstate to v4.36.0renovate[bot]
2023-02-16Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-16Update dependency antd to v4.24.8renovate[bot]
2023-02-16Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-02-16Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-16Update dependency @uiw/react-codemirror to v4.19.9renovate[bot]
2023-02-15Cache Go modules between test runsgek/test-cachesGabe Kangas
2023-02-15Cache NPM between test runsGabe Kangas
2023-02-15Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-15Update dependency @uiw/codemirror-theme-bbedit to v4.19.9renovate[bot]
2023-02-15Update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment digest to 300bfadrenovate[bot]
2023-02-15Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-02-15Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-14Refactor component stories to be documents to reduce story snapshotsGabe Kangas
2023-02-14Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-02-14Update dependency @types/react to v18.0.28renovate[bot]
2023-02-14Update module to v0.8.0 (#2708)renovate[bot]