AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-04-03Add additional test for testing failure after deletegek/fix-access-token-validationGabe Kangas
2023-04-03Refactor the api access token query. Fixes #2902"Gabe Kangas
2023-04-03Fixing formatting of PR #2903Gabe Kangas
2023-04-04Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-04-03Revert "FIX : Chat: words containing one or more dots are turned into links #...Gabe Kangas
2023-04-03Update Owncast developer documentation to mention Windows #2864 (#2883)Dev Gupta
2023-04-04Prettified Code!gabek
2023-04-03FIX : Chat: words containing one or more dots are turned into links #2898 (#2...Dev Gupta
2023-04-03Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-04-03Correctly show lowest CPU usage for video table. Closes #2800Gabe Kangas
2023-04-03Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-04-03chore(deps): lock file maintenance (#2895)renovate[bot]
2023-04-03Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-04-03chore(deps): update dependency @babel/core to v7.21.4renovate[bot]
2023-04-03Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-04-02Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-04-02chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.37.0renovate[bot]
2023-04-02Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-04-02Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-04-01fix(deps): update dependency react-virtuoso to v4.1.1renovate[bot]
2023-04-01Give a more detailed s3 failure error messageGabe Kangas
2023-04-01Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-04-01chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v18.0.31renovate[bot]
2023-04-01Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-31Fix paragraphs not having spacing. Closes #2891Gabe Kangas
2023-04-01Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-31Return hideViewerCount in config and set the admin switch correctly. Closes #...Gabe Kangas
2023-04-01Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-31Use correct color in content header description. Closes #2889Gabe Kangas
2023-04-01Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-31Use correct link hover color. Closes #2888Gabe Kangas
2023-04-01Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-04-01Prettified Code!gabek
2023-03-31Use action color for live video indicator. Closes #2890Gabe Kangas
2023-04-01Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-04-01Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-31Guard against duplicate websocket connections. Closes #2773Gabe Kangas
2023-04-01Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-31chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.15.11renovate[bot]
2023-03-31Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-31fix(deps): update dependency @codemirror/language-data to v6.2.0renovate[bot]
2023-03-31Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-31fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-codemirror to v4.19.11renovate[bot]
2023-03-31Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-31fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/codemirror-theme-bbedit to v4.19.11renovate[bot]
2023-03-31Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-03-30improv: use actual webhook events in webhook tests (#2882)Pranav Joglekar
2023-03-31Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-31Update dependency sass-loader to v13.2.2renovate[bot]
2023-03-30Bundle embedded web appOwncast