AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-17Merge branch 'webv2' into gek/cypress-web-testsgek/cypress-web-testsGabe Kangas
2022-10-18Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-17fix purple background color for notification reminder pop up & fix failing bu...Mahlangu
2022-10-17Add user color database migration. Closes #1984Gabe Kangas
2022-10-17Do not run chromatic for renovate userGabe Kangas
2022-10-17Merge branch 'webv2' into gek/cypress-web-testsGabe Kangas
2022-10-17Limit concurrency of workflow jobsGabe Kangas
2022-10-17Add additional tests + wire up with cypress dashboardGabe Kangas
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-17chore(deps): lock file maintenance (#2222)renovate[bot]
2022-10-17chore(deps): update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment digest to 26db07d (#...renovate[bot]
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-16chore(deps): pin dependencies (#2217)renovate[bot]
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-16fix followers: align the followers to the left (#2211)Pranav Joglekar
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-16chore(deps): update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment digest to 843e855 (#...renovate[bot]
2022-10-16improv ui: make footer sit at bottom (#2212)Pranav Joglekar
2022-10-16Put actual token in workflow so Chromatic will run against PRsGabe Kangas
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-16Revert "fix notification reminder popup -> purple background (#2209)"Gabe Kangas
2022-10-16Run chromatic on PRsGabe Kangas
2022-10-16No longer lazy load followersGabe Kangas
2022-10-16fix notification reminder popup -> purple background (#2209)Mahlangu
2022-10-17Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-16Tell storybook to use mdxv2Gabe Kangas
2022-10-15Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-15fix ui: make navbar cover whole width of page (#2213)Pranav Joglekar
2022-10-12Move cypress UI tests into its own npm project + add testsGabe Kangas
2022-10-13Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-12Show play button on player pause. Closes #2206Gabe Kangas
2022-10-13Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-12Do not render icon of action button if icon is not set. Closes #2203 #2202Gabe Kangas
2022-10-12Stop playback metrics on player unmountGabe Kangas
2022-10-13Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-12Fix player not staying inline on iOS. Closes #2097Gabe Kangas
2022-10-12Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into webv2Gabe Kangas
2022-10-12preallocate memory (#2201)Florian Lehner
2022-10-12Run API tests on pull requestsGabe Kangas
2022-10-12Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-12chore(deps): pin dependencies (#2197)renovate[bot]
2022-10-12Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-12fix(deps): pin dependencies (#2196)renovate[bot]
2022-10-12Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-11Add mdx-js/react to silence missing dependency errorGabe Kangas
2022-10-12Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-11React 18 (#2198)Matthew Heller
2022-10-11Bundle the web code into the server before running testsGabe Kangas
2022-10-10Run tests against dev web server not go serverGabe Kangas
2022-10-10First pass at basic browser tests for #1926Gabe Kangas