AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-17Disable lighthouse test to see if that fixes running under Github CIgek/browser-test-errorsGabe Kangas
2023-03-18Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-17Fix pagination parameters. Closes #2835Gabe Kangas
2023-03-17Add followers insert/query testGabe Kangas
2023-03-18Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-03-17Specify node version for browser testsGabe Kangas
2023-03-17Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-03-16Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-16Reword the error messageGabe Kangas
2023-03-16Update ffmpeg detection error to be more clearGabe Kangas
2023-03-16Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-16Menu state in admin not saved after page refresh (#2829)Dhanu Saputra
2023-03-16Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-16Fixed typos (#2836)Stanford
2023-03-16S3 headers (#2830)Jacob Wrenn
2023-03-16Fix permission on shell scriptGabe Kangas
2023-03-16Fix s3 test errorsGabe Kangas
2023-03-16Fix test nameGabe Kangas
2023-03-16Split local and S3 HLS testsGabe Kangas
2023-03-16Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-16Update dependency @types/node to v18.15.1renovate[bot]
2023-03-16Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-03-15Update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment digest to 384c114renovate[bot]
2023-03-15Commit updated Storybook storiesOwncast
2023-03-15Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-15Prettified Code!gabek
2023-03-14Update styling of video settings admin page. Closes #2803Gabe Kangas
2023-03-14Fix missing anchor points in slider. Fixes #2750Gabe Kangas
2023-03-14Use simpler example for ErrorBoundaryGabe Kangas
2023-03-15Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-03-14Update actions/cache action to v3 (#2819)renovate[bot]
2023-03-14Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-13Update dependency sass to v1.59.2 (#2820)renovate[bot]
2023-03-13Update module to v0.9.0 (#2821)renovate[bot]
2023-03-14Commit screenshotsOwncast
2023-03-14Update module to v1.44.220renovate[bot]
2023-03-14Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-14Update dependency eslint to v8.36.0renovate[bot]
2023-03-14Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-13Tell the chart not to clip the visibility of the contents. For #2806Gabe Kangas
2023-03-13Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-13Fix incorrect moderator string stopping mod notification. Closes #2762Gabe Kangas
2023-03-13Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-13Update viewers chart y axis to make more sense. Closes #2806Gabe Kangas
2023-03-13Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-13Banned and chat disconnected states will hide chat. Closes #2764Gabe Kangas
2023-03-13Remove unused event and comments on blockGabe Kangas
2023-03-13Bundle embedded web appOwncast
2023-03-13Add waiting message to hardware screen. Closes #2805Gabe Kangas
2023-03-13Bundle embedded web appOwncast