AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-29Remove defaultPropsgek/atomic-modalGabe Kangas
2022-09-29Move component description to JSDocGabe Kangas
2022-09-16Recategorize Modal as a molecule. For #2119Gabe Kangas
2022-09-16Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-09-16docs: add how-to docs for creating components (#2124)James Young
2022-09-16Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-16Update dependency date-fns to v2.29.3renovate[bot]
2022-09-16Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-16Update dependency classnames to v2.3.2renovate[bot]
2022-09-15Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-15Update dependency eslint to v8.23.1renovate[bot]
2022-09-15Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-09-14Update dependency slate-react to v0.82.2 (#2113)renovate[bot]
2022-09-13Bundle embedded web appt1enne
2022-09-13Fixed messages not wrapping + changed some styles to accomodate scrollbar bettert1enne
2022-09-12Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-12Lock file maintenancerenovate[bot]
2022-09-12Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-12Update dependency antd to v4.23.1renovate[bot]
2022-09-12Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-12Update dependency xstate to v4.33.6renovate[bot]
2022-09-12Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-12Update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.31.8renovate[bot]
2022-09-12Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-12Update dependency picmo to v5.7.0renovate[bot]
2022-09-11Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-11Update dependency eslint-config-next to v12.3.0renovate[bot]
2022-09-11Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-11Update dependency typescript to v4.8.3renovate[bot]
2022-09-10Do not allow chromatic to run for renovateGabe Kangas
2022-09-11Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-09-11Prettified Code!gabek
2022-09-10Fix modal close icon colorGabe Kangas
2022-09-11Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-09-10Change tabs separator color. Closes #2099Gabe Kangas
2022-09-11Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-09-10Add read-write chat embed. Closes #1906Gabe Kangas
2022-09-11Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-09-10Update max width of custom content. Closes #2092Gabe Kangas
2022-09-11Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-09-10Support disabled chat. Closes #1979Gabe Kangas
2022-09-11Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-09-11Prettified Code!gabek
2022-09-10Additional style tweaksGabe Kangas
2022-09-11Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-09-10Polish up the initial loading experienceGabe Kangas
2022-09-10Some additional style overridesGabe Kangas
2022-09-11Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-09-11Update dependency sass to v1.54.9renovate[bot]
2022-09-10Bundle embedded web appgabek