AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-07Add moderator icon to join messagegek/activity-pub-1Gabe Kangas
2022-01-07Remove underline from action buttonsGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Ignore clicks to follow button if disabledGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Alert followers on private mode toggleGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Remove value from log messageGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Do not allow old posts to be liked/shared. Closes #1652Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Give events a min heightGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Do not allow multiple follows to send multiple events. Closes #1650Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add Join Fediverse button to follow modal. Closes #1651Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Remove extra marginGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Explicitly set the audienceGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Remove explicit cc and bcc as they are not requiredGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Some federated/follow UI tweaksGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Remove overly using the stream name in fediverse engagement messagesGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Explicitly set cc as publicGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update dev adminGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Replace star with heart for like action.Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Remove "just" in engagement messagsGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix test running in memory onlyGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Remove the overloaded term of Follow from social linksGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add blocked actor testGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update dev adminGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Save follow references to inbound activities tableGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Do not send profile updates if federation is disabledGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Break out the sort+render messages logic so it can be fired on visibility cha...Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Remove markdown rendering of go live message. Reorganize text. Remove content...Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add colon to error to make it easier to readGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update dev adminGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Clean up actor rejection due to being blockedGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Check for errors on default values being setGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Split out actor and domain blocking checksGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Remove todosGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add a bit more clarification on follow modal. Closes #1599Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix js error with moderation actions. Closes #1621Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Reset the messages table on 0.0.11 schema migrationGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Set default go live message in migration. Closes #1642Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update dev adminGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add basic blurb stating they should follow the server. Closes #1641Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix styling of follower list. Closes #1636Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Use fallback avatar if it fails to load. Closes #1635Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Reject federated actions from blocked actors. #1631Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add support for removing followers/requests. Closes #1630Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add additional index to users tableGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Adjust federated engagement chat views. Closes #1617Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update commentGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix automated test NREGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Test against user being disabled instead of message visibilityGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix query that wasn't properly filtering out hidden messagesGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix NREs throwing in test contentGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update dev adminGabe Kangas