AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-08Prettified Code!btrimportst1enne
2022-10-08changed relative imports to absolute onest1enne
2022-10-08changed tsconfig to have absolute imports "~/components/*"t1enne
2022-10-07Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-06Change Airplay to SVG and refactor (#2156)Cleo John
2022-10-06Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-10-06chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.39.0renovate[bot]
2022-10-06Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-05First pass at the social/federated chat component. Closes #2172Gabe Kangas
2022-10-05Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-10-05fix(deps): update fontsource monoreporenovate[bot]
2022-10-05Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-10-05fix(deps): update dependency picmo to v5.7.1renovate[bot]
2022-10-05fix(deps): update dependency antd to v4.23.4renovate[bot]
2022-10-05Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-04Only show chat send button on mobileGabe Kangas
2022-10-04Add additional example chat items to storyGabe Kangas
2022-10-05Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-04Fix values in the follow formGabe Kangas
2022-10-04Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-10-04fix(deps): update dependency react-virtuoso to v2.19.1renovate[bot]
2022-10-04Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-04Fix slider marks by changing the corresponding labels to non-empty string (#2...Evgeniy Kosov
2022-10-04Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-04Add ability to move social handles up/down (#2168)Evgeniy Kosov
2022-10-04Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-10-04chore(deps): update dependency @svgr/webpack to v6.4.0renovate[bot]
2022-10-04Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-03Do not allow enabling federation features on if not port 443. Closes #2008Gabe Kangas
2022-10-03Increase cache time of javascript and css since the files are hashedGabe Kangas
2022-10-04Bundle embedded web appgabek
2022-10-03Lazy load some components that aren't needed at load. For #2167Gabe Kangas
2022-10-03Bundle embedded web apprenovate[bot]
2022-10-03chore(deps): lock file maintenancerenovate[bot]
2022-10-03Bundle embedded web appt1enne
2022-10-03styled chat join messagest1enne
2022-10-03Bundle embedded web appt1enne
2022-10-03moved borders to the right for own msgs. Closes #2074t1enne
2022-10-03Commit updated API documentationOwncast
2022-10-02Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into webv2Gabe Kangas
2022-10-02Change host in fixture scriptGabe Kangas
2022-10-02Add example welcome message in fixture data.Gabe Kangas
2022-10-02Set long-lived cache duration for fonts. Closes #2162Gabe Kangas
2022-10-02remove extra w.WriteHeader call (#2158)Matt Owens
2022-10-02Fetch all branches in webv2 buildGabe Kangas
2022-10-02Set script as +xGabe Kangas
2022-10-02Add nightly build of the webv2 branchGabe Kangas
2022-10-02fix(deps): update module to v1.44.109 (develop) (#2...renovate[bot]
2022-10-02Treat fediverse usernames as case-insensitive (#2155)Matt Owens
2022-10-02Bundle embedded web appgabek