BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
feat/parent-dir(feat)capture: create parent directoriesJethro Kuan3 years
feat/unify-capture-templates(feat!)capture: unify template variablesWetlize3 years
filenotify(experimental): react to directory related events in the databaseWetlize3 years
fix/1763(fix)buffer: skip backlinks where file no longer existsJethro Kuan3 years
fix/2039(feat!)capture: change id creation to headline on entry-type capture-templatesJethro Kuan2 years
gh-pagesDeploying to gh-pages from @ 8667e441876cd2583fbf7282a65796ea149f0e5f 🚀jethrokuan4 months
main(docs): update org-protocol instructions (#2401)Pablo Stafforini4 months
migration/errmigration: catch error and restore filesJethro Kuan3 years
nobiotregenerate texiJethro Kuan2 years
v2-next(feat): Hide drawer content when capturingLeo Vivier3 years
v2.2.2commit 69116a4da4...Jethro Kuan2 years
v2.2.1commit 3782e88d50...Jethro Kuan2 years
v2.2.0commit 6170cc9928...Jethro Kuan2 years
v2.1.0commit f819720c51...Jethro Kuan3 years
v2.0.0commit 3a78422a09...Jethro Kuan3 years
2.0.0a1commit 38b5375354...Jethro Kuan3 years
v1.2.4commit 9065f6a999...HyunggyuJang3 years
v1.2.3commit cc01cf346e...Jethro Kuan3 years
v1.2.2commit 0cce9d1165...Jethro Kuan4 years
v1.2.1commit 89e9121f26...Jethro Kuan4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-01-14(docs): update org-protocol instructions (#2401)HEADmainPablo Stafforini
2024-01-14(node) add optional NOCASE parameter to org-roam-node-from-title-or-alias (#2...Julian Flake
2023-03-07(node): org-roam-node-at-point: don't error in non-org buffers (#2329)Hugo-Heagren
2023-03-05depend on snapshot of emacsql (#2327)Jethro Kuan
2023-03-05Fix org-fold-core-style in org-roam-buffer (#2325)Tim Lee
2023-02-23Add customisable function for prompting when adding refs (#2317)Hugo-Heagren
2023-02-23utils: descendant-of-p: Defend against nils (#2319)Samuel Culpepper
2023-02-23(minor): fix lints on main (#2320)Jethro Kuan
2022-12-31add discoverability support for age encrypted org files (#2302)Bas Alberts
2022-12-26(core): add org-roam-node-category (#2300)Jethro Kuan