AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-07Update .gitlab-ci.ymlswitch-to-ppapsi29a
2021-12-07all the yespsi29a
2021-12-07Update .gitlab-ci.ymlpsi29a
2021-12-07add apt-get install software-properties-common; psi29a
2021-12-07no sudopsi29a
2021-12-07Switch to Ubuntu Focal for now, until Debian gets latest MyGUI.psi29a
2021-12-06Merge branch 'it_isnt_theft_if_they_were_dead_when_you_started' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-06Merge branch 't800' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-06Merge branch 'racer_recursion_limited' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-06Merge branch 'assorted' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-06Merge branch '6332-when-building-the-openmw-test-suite-using-the-visual-studi...psi29a
2021-12-06Merge branch 'coverity_info' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-06Merge branch 'remove_badges' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-06Merge branch 'broken_osx' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-06Merge branch 'admirable' into 'master'Alexei Kotov
2021-12-06Remove OSX 10.15jvoisin
2021-12-05Remove the two last badges from the READMEjvoisin
2021-12-05Show the coverity log in the CIjvoisin
2021-12-05Cap temp disposition change properlyEvil Eye
2021-12-05Merge branch 'art' into 'master'jvoisin
2021-12-05Aggressively prune/expire unnecessary artifactsjvoisin
2021-12-05Keep only one '\0' in NIF strings (bug #6473)Alexei Dobrohotov
2021-12-04Merge branch 'refactor_sdlmappings' into 'master'Petr Mikheev
2021-12-04Move SDL-MyGUI input mappings to components, map both waysuramer
2021-12-04Merge branch 'precompiled_sol' into 'master'Evil Eye
2021-12-04Precompile sol.hpp in order to reduce compilation time.Petr Mikheev
2021-12-03Merge branch 'regionnotfound' into 'master'Evil Eye
2021-12-03Raise a warning when entering non-existent regionKindi
2021-12-03Update .resubmitted_merge_requests.txtpsi29a
2021-12-03Merge branch 'lua_missing_key_codes' into 'master'Petr Mikheev
2021-12-02Merge branch 'lua_ui_data' into 'master'Petr Mikheev
2021-12-02Add a data field to Lua UI layoutsuramer
2021-12-02Preserve inventories when resurrecting actors while looting themEvil Eye
2021-12-02Merge branch 'drowningbar' into 'master'Evil Eye
2021-12-02Bug #5434: Pinned windows shouldn't cover breath progress barandrew-app
2021-12-02Merge branch 'navmesh_render' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-02Merge branch 'master' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-02#6419 Topic shouldn't be greyed out if they can produce another topic reference.Ivan Beloborodov
2021-12-01Merge branch 'fix-static-urls' into 'master'jvoisin
2021-12-01Combine daily and on-push build declarationsAnyOldName3
2021-12-01Merge branch 'yet_another_magical_regression' into 'master'jvoisin
2021-12-01Remove teleportation effects after they've been appliedEvil Eye
2021-12-01Force the loot UI open if it was open while resurrecting the looteeEvil Eye
2021-12-01Merge branch 'stats' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-01Add a regexp_match flag for keys used in stats and timeseries. When set, the ...fredzio
2021-12-01Add a precision parameter to format floating point number in stats modefredzio
2021-11-30Merge branch 'light_refactors' into 'master'psi29a
2021-11-30Merge branch 'recalculate-projection-matrix-on-window-resize' into 'master'psi29a
2021-11-30Recalculate the Projection Matrix every time the window is resized.OnlyForF1