AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-01-08Revert "Merge branch 'sceneleak' into 'master'"revert-c3c8fa1eAlexei Kotov
2024-01-08Merge branch 'remove_klass' into 'master'Evil Eye
2024-01-08Merge branch 'editor_colour_settings' into 'master'Evil Eye
2024-01-08Merge branch 'more_cleanup' into 'master'jvoisin
2024-01-08Merge branch 'cs-icon-fix' into 'master'psi29a
2024-01-08Merge branch 'rainloop' into 'master'psi29a
2024-01-07Merge branch 'navmesh_cleanup' into 'master'jvoisin
2024-01-07Merge branch 'dripdrop' into 'master'Alexei Kotov
2024-01-07Add clarifying comments to detournavigator coordinates conversion functionselsid
2024-01-07Format box shape indices grouping by triangleelsid
2024-01-07Use settings values to declare colour settingselsid
2024-01-07Use string_view for readonly string propertiesAndrei Kortunov
2024-01-07Replace 'klass' by meaningful namesAndrei Kortunov
2024-01-07Do not copy vector for every door markerAndrei Kortunov
2024-01-07Do not copy due to auto misuseAndrei Kortunov
2024-01-07Merge branch 'compileerror' into 'master'psi29a
2024-01-07Merge branch 'editor_enum_settings' into 'master'psi29a
2024-01-07Merge branch 'constanteffect' into 'master'psi29a
2024-01-07Merge branch 'esm4revisions' into 'master'psi29a
2024-01-07Contect selector: fix ESM date and version data encoding/decoding (#7764)Alexei Kotov
2024-01-07Support playing ambient and rain weather SFX at the same time (bug #7761)Alexei Kotov
2024-01-07Bring ESM4 head part reading up-to-date with FO76Alexei Kotov
2024-01-07Bring ESM4 global variable reading up-to-date with FO76Alexei Kotov
2024-01-07Bring ESM4 texture set reading up-to-date with FO76Alexei Kotov
2024-01-07Read FO76 plugin headerAlexei Kotov
2024-01-07Update the spells window when constant effects are added/removed (bug #7475)Alexei Kotov
2024-01-07Merge branch 'clickcrash' into 'master'Alexei Kotov
2024-01-07Merge branch 'water_walking_cost' into 'master'Alexei Kotov
2024-01-07Merge branch 'i-dont-have-a-type' into 'master'Alexei Kotov
2024-01-07Merge branch 'macos_ci_fix' into 'master'psi29a
2024-01-07Update file before_install.osx.shpsi29a
2024-01-06Add OpenMW-CS RC file to app rather than static libAnyOldName3
2024-01-06Drop support for save game format 4Evil Eye
2024-01-06Don't crash when clicking the logo videoEvil Eye
2024-01-06Merge branch 'shininess' into 'master'psi29a
2024-01-06Merge branch 'fix-mwui-docs' into 'master'Evil Eye
2024-01-06Merge branch 'sceneleak' into 'master'psi29a
2024-01-05Cleanup(CS): Pass const ref when applicable for selection groupsDave Corley
2024-01-05Cleanup(CS): More consistent names for selection group configsDave Corley
2024-01-05Fix(CS): Add record type to selection groups to fix #7759Dave Corley
2024-01-06Avoid recomputing navigator flags when getting area costselsid
2024-01-06Use walking speed for swimming actor with water walking for pathfindingelsid
2024-01-05Merge branch 'dashdashdash' into 'master'jvoisin
2024-01-05Fix MagicSchoolData documentationEvil Eye
2024-01-05Merge branch 'mapnotes' into 'master'jvoisin
2024-01-05Merge branch 'nonexclusivesettings' into 'master'jvoisin
2024-01-05Missing newlines in MWUI documentationuramer
2024-01-05Merge branch 'clampunclamped' into 'master'psi29a
2024-01-04Merge branch 'error_codes' into 'master'Alexei Kotov
2024-01-04Merge branch 'init_variables' into 'master'Alexei Kotov