AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-06-14Ninja Windows Build Combinedcombined_windows_buildBret Curtis
2022-06-14Merge branch 'idleisthepriority' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-14Fix fallback for missing swim/sneak idle animationsAlexei Kotov
2022-06-13Merge branch 'yourclonesareveryimpressive' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-13Merge branch 'disable_sast' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-13Get rid of Gitlab SASTjvoisin
2022-06-13Merge branch 'cameradefaults' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-13Disable all the non-vanilla Lua camera settings by defaultAlexei Kotov
2022-06-13Fix knockout animation interruption/loopingAlexei Kotov
2022-06-13Avoid passing weapon short group to refreshXAnimsAlexei Kotov
2022-06-13Reset current animation states in a consistent wayAlexei Kotov
2022-06-13Consolidate refreshIdleAnimsAlexei Kotov
2022-06-13Consolidate refreshHitRecoilAnimsAlexei Kotov
2022-06-13Consolidate refreshJumpAnimsAlexei Kotov
2022-06-13Rewrite handleTextKey using substring viewsAlexei Kotov
2022-06-13Consolidate refreshMovementAnims()Alexei Kotov
2022-06-12Merge branch 'macos_for_all' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-12macos for all!psi29a
2022-06-12Merge branch 'no_update_useless_ugly_nodes' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-12Merge branch 'lua_record_paths' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-12Merge branch 'minor_simpl_sortfilteritemodel' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-12Merge branch 'crossovercharacter' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-12Minor simplifications in sortfilteritemmodel.cppjvoisin
2022-06-12Merge branch 'camera_settings' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-12Merge branch 'Project5791-master-patch-42764' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-12Update CI/build_googletest.shProject579
2022-06-12Don't use WindowManager outside of UI, correct paths for new record typesuramer
2022-06-12Use correctMeshPath instead of string constantsuramer
2022-06-12Correct icon and mesh paths in Lua recordsuramer
2022-06-12Merge branch 'CPP20' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-12Update to C++20 and see if our CI can handle it.psi29a
2022-06-12Mark setAttackingOrSpell as constAlexei Kotov
2022-06-12Move death state mapping out of playDeath/playRandomDeathAlexei Kotov
2022-06-12Clean up run-to-walk state conversionAlexei Kotov
2022-06-12Map movement animation groups with a switchAlexei Kotov
2022-06-12Update l10n/OMWCamera/en.yamlPetr Mikheev
2022-06-12Fix jumping when using move360 with a controllerPetr Mikheev
2022-06-12Addition camera features: move360, pov_auto_switch, slow_view_changePetr Mikheev
2022-06-12Increase the size of the settings menu; reduce the size of Lua settings "numb...Petr Mikheev
2022-06-12Remove from settings.cfg camera settings that are controlled from LuaPetr Mikheev
2022-06-12Remove Lua package openmw.settingsPetr Mikheev
2022-06-12Control camera settings in-gamePetr Mikheev
2022-06-11Merge branch 'autosize_singleline_edit' into 'master'Petr Mikheev
2022-06-11Lua UI: Enable autoSize for single line text edituramer
2022-06-11Merge branch 'outofcharacter' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-11Merge branch 'lua_esm' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-11Merge branch 'rotateproperlydummkopf' into 'master'psi29a
2022-06-11change update visitor to only traverse active children in
2022-06-11Always update the current matrix in KeyframeControllerAlexei Kotov
2022-06-11Optimize clearAnimQueue(true)Alexei Kotov