AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-01Move it from the buildContentModel stack frame to the ContentModel instance. ...cleanup_2Bret Curtis
2020-11-01components/detournavigator cleanup; tried to be conservative and left boost::...Bret Curtis
2020-11-01components/debug cleanupBret Curtis
2020-11-01components/crashcatcher C++ it, we need not use old c style for thisBret Curtis
2020-11-01components/contentselector/view cleanupBret Curtis
2020-11-01components/contentselector cleanup; case-insensative functions marked as [[ma...Bret Curtis
2020-11-01Merge branch 'hitdebug' into 'master'psi29a
2020-11-01Merge branch 'stretch' into 'master'psi29a
2020-11-01Put a stretch menu background checkbox into the launcher (#5672)Alexei Dobrohotov
2020-11-01Merge pull request #3018 from akortunov/emplaceAlexei Dobrohotov
2020-10-31Merge branch 'changelog' into 'master'Alexei Dobrohotov
2020-11-01Add missing changelog entriesAlexei Dobrohotov
2020-10-31Merge branch 'fallinglift' into 'master'AnyOldName3
2020-10-30Use the PhysicsSystem::movementQueue instead of a serie offredzio
2020-10-29Merge branch 'savecontainers' into 'master'psi29a
2020-10-29Save and load container records; fixes #5668Evil Eye
2020-10-28Merge pull request #3024 from akortunov/coverityBret Curtis
2020-10-28Fix some issues, found by CoverityScanAndrei Kortunov
2020-10-28Try to disable CoverityScan warning in code with explanationAndrei Kortunov
2020-10-28Merge branch 'even-fixier-config' into 'master'AnyOldName3
2020-10-28Merge all composing variables, not just those in destination alreadyAnyOldName3
2020-10-27Merge branch 'moonmoon' into 'master'psi29a
2020-10-27Merge branch 'trade' into 'master'psi29a
2020-10-27remove forward declarationEvil Eye
2020-10-27Fix regression #5666Alexei Dobrohotov
2020-10-26Merge branch 'removeitem' into 'master'psi29a
2020-10-26Change moon phase to an enum classEvil Eye
2020-10-26Fix remove item regressionEvil Eye
2020-10-26Merge branch 'regionsounds' into 'master'psi29a
2020-10-26Merge branch 'nifstuff' into 'master'psi29a
2020-10-26Visualie projectile hitsfredzio
2020-10-26Visualize hand to hand hitsFrederic Chardon
2020-10-26Allow to display collision points in the debug viewerfredzio
2020-10-26Try to fix buildAlexei Dobrohotov
2020-10-26Merge branch 'boost_min_ver' into 'master'psi29a
2020-10-26Merge branch 'nifstuff' into 'master'psi29a
2020-10-26Merge pull request #3022 from akortunov/shadersBret Curtis
2020-10-26NIF fixes and cleanupAlexei Dobrohotov
2020-10-25set minimal boost version; remove #ifdef boost version checksBret Curtis
2020-10-25Merge branch 'nipixeldata' into 'master'Alexei Dobrohotov
2020-10-25Merge branch 'includes' into 'master'psi29a
2020-10-25Allow to assign custom shaders to nodesAndrei Kortunov
2020-10-25Re-add missing includes removed in 5a824d03334240cc01dfe65a13c627bad5f7b2f7unknown
2020-10-25Merge branch 'master' of into regionsoundsunknown
2020-10-25Clean up palettized NiPixelData loadingAlexei Dobrohotov
2020-10-25Wait for the previous sound to stopunknown
2020-10-25Merge branch 'cpp17_std_optional' into 'master'psi29a
2020-10-25add more optionals and casserts for windowsBret Curtis
2020-10-25add cassert for windowsBret Curtis
2020-10-25purge boost/optional.hpp headersBret Curtis