AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-19Merge branch 'object_paging_min_size_combo_box' into 'master'cherry-pick-f6619658psi29a
2021-06-19Merge branch 'fix-ffmpeg-api-const' into 'master'psi29a
2021-06-17bump mac deps to include collada0.47.0-RC3Bret Curtis
2021-06-16Merge branch 'UseSameDistanceForAllLodsOfTheCurrentChunk' into 'master'psi29a
2021-06-16Merge branch 'dont_bury_me_plz' into 'master'psi29a
2021-06-16Merge branch 'free_from_bondage' into 'master'psi29a
2021-06-16Merge branch 'OSG_check_cmake' into 'master'psi29a
2021-06-16cmake check to enforce that if someone uses OSG 3.6, that it is at least 3.6.5psi29a
2021-06-12Rebuild the cache in readStateunknown
2021-06-12Use same distance for all lod instances of a chunkCedricMocquillon
2021-06-12workaround shadow issue on macOS, Curtis
2021-06-11Merge branch 'macos_shadow_quickfix' into 'master'AnyOldName3
2021-06-12workaround shadow issue on macOS, Curtis
2021-06-11Merge branch 'update_mac_deps' into 'master'psi29a
2021-06-11make use of gitlab openmw-depsBret Curtis
2021-06-11update mac deps to include latest OSGoS 3.6, mygui 3.4.1 and multi-threaded b...Bret Curtis
2021-06-11Merge branch 'aoe_arrow' into 'master'psi29a
2021-06-11Cast spell even if target Ptr is empty. It happens when enchanted arrowsfredzio
2021-06-06Do not assume the bound item cache is valid after loading a saveEvil Eye
2021-06-06Purge summon effects on disposeEvil Eye
2021-06-06Merge branch 'sizeof_float' into 'master'psi29a
2021-06-04Use sizeof(GLfloat) instead of sizeof(GL_FLOAT)jvoisin
2021-06-02Don't unsummon creatures not found within the active cellsEvil Eye
2021-05-31Merge branch 'irc' into 'master'psi29a
2021-05-31Update IRC links to liberaAlexey Sokolov
2021-05-30Merge branch 'fix_sync' into 'master'Evil Eye
2021-05-30Merge branch 'fix_launcher_ui' into 'master'psi29a
2021-05-30Merge branch 'fix_new_game_guard' into 'master'psi29a
2021-05-29Merge branch 'statuesque' into 'master'psi29a
2021-05-29Merge branch 'fix_configure_light_buffer_layout' into 'master'psi29a
2021-05-28Use modified paralyze magnitude to fall and floatEvil Eye
2021-05-28Avoid resetting buffer object when configuring light buffer layoutelsid
2021-05-27Merge branch 'fix_big_object_navmesh_update' into 'master'psi29a
2021-05-27Add more tests for TileCachedRecastMeshManagerelsid
2021-05-27Merge branch 'fix_loading_screen' into 'master'psi29a
2021-05-27Merge branch 'specifically_insensitive' into 'master'psi29a
2021-05-27Use ciEqual to determine actor-specific answersEvil Eye
2021-05-27Trigger navmesh update on moved player only when player tile has been changedelsid
2021-05-27Replace unordered_map by map for storing objectselsid
2021-05-27Store object tiles position as sorted vector instead of setelsid
2021-05-27Limit oscillating recast mesh object AABB by tile boundselsid
2021-05-27Report navmesh change for not posted tileselsid
2021-05-26Always center loading screen progress bar by height when there is active mess...elsid
2021-05-24Merge branch 'hangup-fix' into 'master'AnyOldName3
2021-05-24Fix hangup on savegame after manual screenshots.Mads Buvik Sandvei
2021-05-23Merge branch 'slider' into 'master'psi29a
2021-05-24Make the light distance slider de/increment by 128Dobrohotov Alexei
2021-05-23Merge branch 'dont_assign' into 'master'Alexei Dobrohotov
2021-05-22Merge branch 'stop_threading' into 'master'psi29a
2021-05-22Merge branch 'navmesh_tiles_cache_tests' into 'master'psi29a