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authornobody <nobody@localhost>2004-05-25 06:13:17 +0000
committernobody <nobody@localhost>2004-05-25 06:13:17 +0000
commit850228b9240c10ef909eef996bae0e4b8e63e427 (patch)
parent86610a0d7c554fd307761ee3bdcaee0743990103 (diff)
parent09f650d6b292a70193091c5bec6bf90859f100b0 (diff)
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'REL1_2_6'.1.2.6
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diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
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index 000000000000..5b6e7c66c276
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 159109a60b32..c3c93fe06747 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,92 @@
+Installing MediaWiki
+Starting with MediaWiki 1.2.0, it's possible to install
+and configure the wiki "in-place", as long as you have
+the necessary prerequesites available.
+Required software:
+* Web server with PHP 4.1.2 or higher (4.3.x is preferred)
+* A MySQL server. 4.0.x is preferred, but 3.2.x should
+ work as well.
+MediaWiki is developed and tested mainly on Unix/Linux
+platforms, but should work on Windows as well.
+If your PHP is configured as a CGI plug-in rather than
+an Apache module you may experience problems, as this
+configuration is not well tested.
+Don't forget to check the RELEASE-NOTES file...
+********************** WARNING **************************
+The web-based install is still somewhat experimental. It
+doesn't yet support updating the format of an existing
+MediaWiki database, the maintenance scripts aren't available,
+and there may be all kinds of horrible bugs or security
+problems that haven't been worked out yet.
+HOWEVER it is much easier, safer, and more reliable than
+the old install.php, and does not require root access
+if you already have a database and user access to it.
+In-place web install
+Decompress the MediaWiki installation archive either on
+your server, or on your local machine and upload the
+directory tree. Rename it from "mediawiki-1.x.x" to
+something nice, like "wiki", since it'll be in your URL.
+To run the install script, you'll need to temporarily make
+the 'config' subdirectory writable by the web server. The
+simplest way to do this on a Unix/Linux system is to make
+it world-writable:
+ chmod a+w config
+Hop into your browser and surf into the wiki directory.
+It'll direct you into the config script. Fill out the form...
+remember you're probably not on an encrypted connection.
+Gaaah! :)
+If all goes well, you should soon be told that it's set up
+your wiki database and written a configuration file. There
+should now be a 'LocalSettings.php' in the config directory;
+move it back up to the main wiki directory, and the wiki
+should now be working.
+Once the wiki is set up, you should remove the config
+directory, or at least make it not world-writable (though
+it will refuse to config again if the wiki is set up).
-Installing Wikipedia Phase III Software
+"Classic" install instructions:
+If you use the command-line install, you MUST NOT make the
+source directory web-accessible, as it will expose maintenance
+scripts to the public internet. You MUST NOT install to the
+same directory as your are installing from, this WILL
+overwrite and destroy files.
+Because install.php and update.php are unsafe, they have
+been disabled as of 1.2.4. If you wish to use them, remove
+the "die()" call at the top of the file.
The Wikipedia software was developed collaboratively by
many people, so it's something of a hodgepodge. The
main wiki software itself is written in PHP, and requires
@@ -133,8 +218,7 @@ Or for Apache 2.0 module:
./configure --enable-shmop --with-zlib --with-zlib-dir=/usr/lib --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-iconv --with-apxs2filter=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs --with-readline --enable-sockets
(using your own local paths, of course). Build and install as
- instructed. Set "register_globals" on in the config file, and
- "warnings" to
+ instructed.
8. Finish building Apache. Configure with something like:
diff --git a/LocalSettings.sample b/LocalSettings.sample
index 0479dc2d385a..394257bd3854 100644
--- a/LocalSettings.sample
+++ b/LocalSettings.sample
@@ -25,23 +25,60 @@
$IP = "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/wiki";
+## Don't change this bit; install.php needs it.
if ( ! isset( $DP ) ) { $DP = $IP; }
include_once( "$DP/DefaultSettings.php" );
+## Please customize!
+$wgSitename = "MediaWiki";
# You can customize a lot of URLs and paths, but you will
# almost certainly want to customize the following. The
+# Normally the server will be auto-detected, but you can
+# force the base URL. Don't forget http:// (or https://)!
+#$wgServer = "";
+## The location of the main script, you need this to be correct!
+$wgScriptPath = "/wiki";
+$wgScript = "{$wgScriptPath}/index.php";
+$wgRedirectScript = "{$wgScriptPath}/redirect.php";
# ArticlePath one is especially useful if you want to use
# mod_redirect to make page-viewing URLs look static.
-$wgServer = "";
-$wgScriptPath = "/wiki";
-$wgArticlePath = "{$wgScript}?title=$1";
-$wgEmergencyContact = "";
+$wgArticlePath = "{$wgScript}/$1";
+# $wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1"; # Prettier if you're setup for it
+## Normally you don't need to change these once the above are set...
+$wgStyleSheetPath = "{$wgScriptPath}/style";
+$wgStyleSheetDirectory = "{$IP}/style";
+$wgUploadPath = "{$wgScriptPath}/upload";
+$wgUploadDirectory = "{$IP}/upload";
+$wgLogo = "{$wgUploadPath}/wiki.png";
+## Preferably these addresses should be able to receive mail asking for help
+$wgEmergencyContact = "wikiadmin@" . getenv( "SERVER_NAME" );
+$wgPasswordSender = "Wikipedia Mail <apache@" . getenv( "SERVER_NAME" ) . ">";
# MySQL settings
# The user you specify here DOES NOT NEED TO EXIST.
-# It is created by the installation script.
+# It is created by the installation script, if
+# you have root privileges on your database.
+# IF on the other hand you have only limited privs
+# on your DB and have to do a manual install, use
+# your existing username and password. Be sure this
+# file doesn't get left around on the web legible...
# $wgDBsqluser is used for queries through the
# web interface. It is also created by the script.
@@ -51,62 +88,80 @@ $wgEmergencyContact = "";
$wgDBserver = "localhost";
$wgDBname = "wikidb";
$wgDBuser = "wikiuser";
-$wgDBpassword = "userpass";
+$wgDBpassword = "userpass"; # Use a better password! ;)
$wgDBsqluser = "sqluser";
$wgDBsqlpassword = "sqlpass";
-# Advanced DB settings
+## Advanced DB settings
$wgDBminWordLen = 3; # Match this to your MySQL fulltext
-$wgDBtransactions = false; # Set to true if using InnoDB tables
+## Set these to true to turn on some optimizations when using
+## MySQL 4.x:
-# Set $wgUseImageResize to true if you want to enable dynamic
-# server side image resizing ("Thumbnails")
-$wgUseImageResize = false;
+# $wgDBmysql4 = true;
+# $wgEnablePersistentLC = true;
-# Resizing can be done using PHP's internal image libraries
-# or using ImageMagick. The later supports more file formats
-# than PHP, which only supports PNG, GIF, JPG, XBM and WBMP.
+## You can customize the interface messages through the wiki;
+## see [[MediaWiki:All pages]]. (This requires a sysop account.)
+## This causes a performance hit, though; if you don't need it,
+## feel free to turn it off:
-# Set $wgUseImageMagick to true to use Image Magick instead
-# of the builtin functions
-$wgUseImageMagick = false;
-$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";
+# $wgUseDatabaseMessages = false;
-# If you want a non-English wiki, add a line like this
-# $wgLanguageCode = "de";
+## Set $wgUseImageResize to true if you want to enable dynamic
+## server side image resizing ("Thumbnails")
+# $wgUseImageResize = true;
-# Turn this on during database maintenance
-# $wgReadOnly = true;
+## Resizing can be done using PHP's internal image libraries
+## or using ImageMagick. The later supports more file formats
+## than PHP, which only supports PNG, GIF, JPG, XBM and WBMP.
+## Set $wgUseImageMagick to true to use Image Magick instead
+## of the builtin functions
+# $wgUseImageMagick = true;
+# $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";
-# Turn this on to get HTML debug comments
-# $wgDebugComments = true;
+## If you have the appropriate support software installed
+## you can enable inline LaTeX equations:
+# $wgUseTeX = true;
+# $wgMathPath = "{$wgUploadPath}/math";
+# $wgMathDirectory = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/math";
+# $wgTmpDirectory = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/tmp";
-$wgUseTeX = false;
-$wgUseCategoryMagic = true ;
+$wgLocalInterwiki = $wgSitename;
-$wgLocalInterwiki = "w";
+## If you want a non-English wiki, add a line like this
+# $wgLanguageCode = "de";
-$wgInputEncoding = "ISO-8859-1";
-$wgOutputEncoding = "ISO-8859-1";
+## Character encoding: normally auto-selected by the language.
+## English, German, Danish, Dutch, French, Spanish, and Swedish
+## will be in ISO-8859-1 by default, all other languages in
+## UTF-8 encoding. UTF-8 is more flexible, but some older browsers
+## have trouble with it. You can force an English-language wiki
+## to UTF-8 by uncommenting the lines below. The other languages
+## mentioned above might not work properly this way without
+## additional tweaking.
+# $wgInputEncoding = "UTF-8";
+# $wgOutputEncoding = "UTF-8";
-# Extremely high-traffic wikis may want to disable
-# some database-intensive features here:
+## Extremely high-traffic wikis may want to disable
+## some database-intensive features here:
# $wgDisableTextSearch = true;
# $wgDisableCounters = true;
# $wgMiserMode = true;
-# The following three config variables are used to define
-# the rights of users in your system.
+## The following three config variables are used to define
+## the rights of users in your system.
# If wgWhitelistEdit is set to true, only logged in users
# are allowed to edit articles.
-# If wgWhitelistRead is set to true, only logged in users
-# are allowed to read articles.
+# If wgWhitelistRead is set to an array of page names, only logged in users
+# are allowed to read pages *not in the list*.
# wgWhitelistAccount lists user types that can add user accounts:
# "key" => 1 defines permission if user has right "key".
@@ -120,7 +175,7 @@ $wgOutputEncoding = "ISO-8859-1";
# Invitation-only closed shop type of system
# $wgWhitelistEdit = true;
-# $wgWhitelistRead = true;
+# $wgWhitelistRead = array ( ":Main_Page" );
# $wgWhitelistAccount = array ( "user" => 0, "sysop" => 1, "developer" => 1 );
# Public website, closed editorial team
@@ -144,4 +199,4 @@ $wgOutputEncoding = "ISO-8859-1";
# A list of proxy servers (ips if possible) to purge on changes
# don't specify ports here (80 is default)
# $wgSquidServers = array('');
+?> \ No newline at end of file
index fc0aeef19909..82f0af916889 100644
@@ -1,13 +1,72 @@
= MediaWiki release notes =
-== Version 1.2.0rc1, 2004-02-27 ==
-This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE for the new production release. It is more or
-less in sync with what is running on Wikipedia right now. There may be
-some interesting bugs, it may eat all your data, and documentation may
-not be up to date. If you use this on a production site, BE CAREFUL.
+== Version 1.2.6, 2004-05-24 ==
+* Spam blocker ($wgSpamRegex - refuses to save edits that match)
+* Updated documentation about $wgWhitelistRead
+* Ensure that searchindex table is created as MyISAM
+* Interwiki cache timeout (memcached)
+* Fix uploads on Windows with magic_quotes_gpc
+* Some config fixes for Windows (slashes etc)
+* Local interwiki URL redirects
+* Fixed obscure deletion problem in squid mode on corrupt entries
+* Language files updated to remove more hard-coded "Wikipedia" strings
+== Version 1.2.5, 2004-05-03 ==
+* Fixed install problem with blank root password
+* Fixed Special:Emailuser/Username links
+* Fixed main-page edit links on fuzzy search results
+* Fixed wikipedia-interwiki.sql
+* Fixed install with apache2filter (ugly URLs)
+* IP in 'go' search brings up contributions
+* Switch from broken & to ? on top-level wiki URL hack
+* Fix for moved pages in enhanced Recentchanges
+* Initial main page on new installs links to the online documentation
+== Version 1.2.4, 2004-04-13 ==
+* Fixed edit toolbar in Mozilla
+* Diff links in Contributions for 'top' edits
+* Fixed Nostalgia skin drop-down for register_globals off
+* Backported optional open proxy blocker
+* Backported $wgWhitelistRead
+* $wgCapitalLinks option to force full case sensitivity in titles
+* Cleaned up error handling when can't talk to database
+* Disabled unsafe command-line installer (remove the "die()" call to use)
+== Version 1.2.3, 2004-04-02 ==
+* Fixed an in-place install bug with non-root MySQL user
+* Fixed history diff checkboxes bug on titles with ampersands
+* Fixed printable link bug on special pages with parameters
+* Fixed bug that broke IP blocking w/o memcached
+* Turns off E_NOTICE warnings if PHP settings have them on
+ (you can grope in and turn this off if you like to debug)
+== Version 1.2.2, 2004-03-28 ==
+* Fixed an upgrade bug introduced in 1.2.1.
+* Disabled $wgUseCategoryMagic, which feature is incomplete broken
+== Version 1.2.1, 2004-03-27 ==
+Installation, compatibility, security fixlets:
+* Detect use of PHP as CGI and disable index.php/Title URLs
+* Try to auto-create math tmp & output directories if not present
+* Disable Asksql in default install ($wgAllowSysopQueries)
+* Better handling of get_magic_quotes_gpc (apostrophe problems)
+* French localisation no longer hard-codes "Wikipedia" name
+== Version 1.2.0, 2004-03-24 ==
+This is the new production release; it is more or less in sync with what
+is running on Wikipedia right now. However this software is provided with
+NO WARRANTY of fitness for any purpose; there may be some interesting bugs,
+it may eat all your data, and documentation may not be up to date.
New features in 1.2:
+* In-place web-based installation [experimental!]
+ Note that maintenance functions are not yet
+ available through the web install script.
* Image resizing/thumbnail generation
* Stricter upload file extension blacklist and whitelist options
* More flexible blocking system; time period may be set
@@ -18,22 +77,36 @@ New features in 1.2:
* Optional compression of old revision text (requires zlib support)
* Fuzzy title search (experimental, requires memcached)
* Page rendering cache (experimental)
-* JavaScript editing toolbar (off by default in user preferences)
+* Editing toolbar to demonstrate wiki syntax to newbies
+ (off by default in user preferences)
+* Support for authenticated SMTP outgoing e-mail (experimental)
+* It's now possible to assign sysop accounts from within the wiki.
+ An account with this ability must be labeled with the "bureaucrat"
+ privilege, such as the 'Developer' account created by the install.
Fixes and tweaks:
+* Now works with register_globals off!
* Should work out of the box on MySQL 3.2.x again. On 4.x set
$wgEnablePersistentLC = true; to turn on the link cache table
for a slight rendering speed boost.
+* Should work on PHP 5.0 beta (not thoroughly tested)
+* Works with short tags disabled.
+* rebuildMessages.php can now selectively update new messages, or
+ overwrite everything.
+* Some layout fixes for RTL languages.
+* Now includes arrow icons for enhanced recent changes.
* Various bug fixes.
-* Other stuff we forgot.
-* Documentation more out of date than ever before!
+=== Behavior changes ===
-* wiki.phtml and redirect.phtml are now installed as index.php and redirect.php
- by default. If you are upgrading from an older version, you will have to
- change $wgScript in LocalSettings.php to point to index.php and
- redirect.php.
+* wiki.phtml and redirect.phtml are now renamed to index.php and redirect.php
+ The old names are provided too for compatibility, but make sure they don't
+ conflict if you've been putting other files in your wiki.
+* Uploaded filenames are more strictly checked than before. See bits in
+ DefaultSettings.php to tweak this behavior to your needs.
+* Database messages are now enabled by default, so the interface messages can
+ be tweaked through the wiki with a sysop account. Disable this if you
+ don't want the performance hit.
=== Database changes ===
@@ -43,7 +116,34 @@ An index was added to recentchanges table to speed up Newpages
Expiration date field has been added to ipblocks table
(patch-ipb_expiry.sql for manual updaters).
+The links tables have slightly stricter indexes. ('links' and
+'brokenlinks' are not changed on existing installations.)
+=== Known problems ===
+The version 1.1.0 LocalSettings.sample file included the setting
+$wgCategoryMagic = true; this setting is for an experimental
+feature that _does not work correctly_. If you have it left over,
+turn it off or you'll see mysterious problems with vanishing links.
+There may be problems with session handling on some systems. Checking
+the "remember my password" box may help as a temporary workaround.
+If you receive "Cannot load input file" errors when trying to get
+at the wiki after installation, make the following changes:
+ in LocalSettings.php change the line something like this:
+ $wgArticlePath = "/wiki/index.php/$1";
+ to:
+ $wgArticlePath = "/wiki/index.php?title=$1";
+ in index.php, remove these lines:
+ if( isset( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) ) {
+ $title = substr( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 1 );
+ } else {
+ $title = $_REQUEST['title'];
+ }
== Version 1.1.0, 2003-12-08 ==
This is the new production release. Any following 1.1.x releases are expected
diff --git a/config/index.php b/config/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c1fb8044bbaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+# MediaWiki web-based config/installation
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Brion Vibber <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+header( "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8" );
+?><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+ <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
+ <title>MediaWiki installation</title>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ #credit {
+ float: right;
+ width: 200px;
+ font-size: 0.7em;
+ background-color: #eee;
+ color: black;
+ border: solid 1px #444;
+ padding: 8px;
+ margin-left: 8px;
+ }
+ dl.setup dd {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ dl.setup dd label {
+ clear: left;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ width: 12em;
+ float: left;
+ text-align: right;
+ padding-right: 1em;
+ }
+ dl.setup dt {
+ clear: left;
+ font-size: 0.8em;
+ margin-left: 10em;
+ /* margin-right: 200px; */
+ margin-bottom: 2em;
+ }
+ .error {
+ color: red;
+ }
+ </style>
+<div id="credit">
+ <center>
+ <a href=""><img
+ src="../images/wiki.png" width="135" height="135" alt="" border="0" /></a>
+ </center>
+ <b><a href="">MediaWiki</a></b> is
+ Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber, Lee Daniel Crocker,
+ Tim Starling, Erik M&ouml;ller, and others.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="../README">Readme</a></li>
+ <li><a href="../RELEASE-NOTES">Release notes</a></li>
+ <li><a href="../docs/">doc/</a></li>
+ <li><a href="'s_Guide">User's Guide</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.</p>
+ <p>This progarm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.</p>
+ <p>You should have received <a href="../COPYING">a copy of the GNU General Public License</a>
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ or <a href="">read it online</a></p>
+$errorParanoia = ( (error_reporting() & E_NOTICE) != 0 );
+$IP = ".."; # Just to suppress notices, not for anything useful
+include( "../includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
+<h1>MediaWiki <?php print $wgVersion ?> installation</h1>
+/* Check for existing configurations and bug out! */
+if( file_exists( "../LocalSettings.php" ) || file_exists( "../AdminSettings.php" ) ) {
+ dieout( "<h2>Wiki is configured.</h2>
+ <p>Already configured... <a href='../index.php'>return to the wiki</a>.</p>
+ <p>(You should probably remove this directory for added security.)</p>" );
+if( file_exists( "./LocalSettings.php" ) || file_exists( "./AdminSettings.php" ) ) {
+ dieout( "<h2>You're configured!</h2>
+ <p>Please move <tt>LocalSettings.php</tt> to the parent directory, then
+ <a href='../index.php'>try out your wiki</a>.
+ (You should remove this config directory for added security once you're done.)</p>" );
+if( !is_writable( "." ) ) {
+ dieout( "<h2>Can't write config file, aborting</h2>
+ <p>In order to configure the wiki you have to make the <tt>config</tt> subdirectory
+ writable by the web server. Once configuration is done you'll move the created
+ <tt>LocalSettings.php</tt> to the parent directory, and for added safety you can
+ then remove the <tt>config</tt> subdirectory entirely.</p>
+ <p>To make the directory writable on a Unix/Linux system:</p>
+ <pre>
+ cd <i>/path/to/wiki</i>
+ chmod a+w config
+ </pre>" );
+include( "../" );
+include( "../maintenance/" );
+class ConfigData {
+ function getEncoded( $data ) {
+ # Hackish
+ global $wgInputEncoding;
+ if( strcasecmp( $wgInputEncoding, "utf-8" ) == 0 ) {
+ return $data;
+ } else {
+ return utf8_decode( $data ); /* to latin1 wikis */
+ }
+ }
+ function getSitename() { return $this->getEncoded( $this->Sitename ); }
+ function getSysopName() { return $this->getEncoded( $this->SysopName ); }
+ function getSysopPass() { return $this->getEncoded( $this->SysopPass ); }
+<p><i>Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation problems.</i></p>
+<h2>Checking environment...</h2>
+$endl = "
+$conf = new ConfigData;
+print "<li>PHP " . phpversion() . " ok</li>\n";
+$sapi = php_sapi_name();
+$conf->prettyURLs = true;
+print "<li>PHP server API is $sapi; ";
+switch( $sapi ) {
+case "apache":
+case "apache2handler":
+ print "ok, using pretty URLs (<tt>index.php/Page_Title</tt>)";
+ break;
+case "cgi":
+case "cgi-fcgi":
+case "apache2filter":
+ print "using ugly URLs (<tt>index.php?title=Page_Title</tt>)";
+ $conf->prettyURLs = false;
+ break;
+ print "unknown; using pretty URLs (<tt>index.php/Page_Title</tt>), if you have trouble change this in <tt>LocalSettings.php</tt>";
+print "</li>\n";
+if( $errorParanoia ) {
+ print "<li>Error reporting includes E_NOTICE level; this will be ignored.</li>\n";
+$conf->zlib = function_exists( "gzencode" );
+if( $conf->zlib ) {
+ print "<li>Have zlib support; enabling output compression.</li>\n";
+} else {
+ print "<li>No zlib support.</li>\n";
+$conf->ImageMagick = false;
+$conf->HaveGD = function_exists( "imagejpeg" );
+if( $conf->HaveGD ) {
+ print "<li>Found GD graphics library built-in, image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads.</li>\n";
+} else {
+ $imcheck = array( "/usr/bin", "/usr/local/bin", "/sw/bin" );
+ foreach( $imcheck as $dir ) {
+ $im = "$dir/convert";
+ if( file_exists( $im ) ) {
+ print "<li>Found ImageMagick: <tt>$im</tt>; image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads.</li>\n";
+ $conf->ImageMagick = $im;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !$conf->ImageMagick ) {
+ print "<li>Couldn't find GD library or ImageMagick; image thumbnailing disabled.</li>\n";
+ }
+$conf->UseImageResize = $conf->HaveGD || $conf->ImageMagick;
+# $conf->IP = "/Users/brion/Sites/inplace";
+chdir( ".." );
+$conf->IP = getcwd();
+chdir( "config" );
+print "<li>Installation directory: <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->IP ) . "</tt></li>\n";
+# $conf->ScriptPath = "/~brion/inplace";
+$conf->ScriptPath = preg_replace( '{^(.*)/config.*$}', '$1', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] );
+print "<li>Script URI path: <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->ScriptPath ) . "</tt></li>\n";
+ $conf->posted = ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST");
+ $conf->Sitename = ucfirst( importPost( "Sitename", "" ) );
+ $conf->EmergencyContact = importPost( "EmergencyContact", $_SERVER["SERVER_ADMIN"] );
+ $conf->DBserver = importPost( "DBserver", "localhost" );
+ $conf->DBname = importPost( "DBname", "wikidb" );
+ $conf->DBuser = importPost( "DBuser", "wikiuser" );
+ $conf->DBpassword = importPost( "DBpassword" );
+ $conf->DBpassword2 = importPost( "DBpassword2" );
+ $conf->RootPW = importPost( "RootPW" );
+ $conf->LanguageCode = importPost( "LanguageCode", "en-utf8" );
+ $conf->SysopName = importPost( "SysopName", "WikiSysop" );
+ $conf->SysopPass = importPost( "SysopPass" );
+ $conf->SysopPass2 = importPost( "SysopPass2" );
+/* Check for validity */
+$errs = array();
+if( $conf->Sitename == "" || $conf->Sitename == "MediaWiki" || $conf->Sitename == "Mediawiki" ) {
+ $errs["Sitename"] = "Must not be blank or \"MediaWiki\".";
+if( $conf->DBpassword == "" ) {
+ $errs["DBpassword"] = "Must not be blank";
+if( $conf->DBpassword != $conf->DBpassword2 ) {
+ $errs["DBpassword2"] = "Passwords don't match!";
+if( $conf->SysopPass == "" ) {
+ $errs["SysopPass"] = "Must not be blank";
+if( $conf->SysopPass != $conf->SysopPass2 ) {
+ $errs["SysopPass2"] = "Passwords don't match!";
+if( $conf->posted && ( 0 == count( $errs ) ) ) {
+ do { /* So we can 'continue' to end prematurely */
+ $conf->Root = ($conf->RootPW != "");
+ /* Load up the settings and get installin' */
+ $local = writeLocalSettings( $conf );
+ $wgCommandLineMode = false;
+ eval($local);
+ $wgDBadminuser = $wgDBuser;
+ $wgDBadminpassword = $wgDBpassword;
+ $wgCommandLineMode = true;
+ $wgUseDatabaseMessages = false; /* FIXME: For database failure */
+ include_once( "Setup.php" );
+ include_once( "../maintenance/" );
+ $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( "Installation script" );
+ $wgDatabase = Database::newFromParams( $wgDBserver, "root", $conf->RootPW, "", 1 );
+ $wgDatabase->mIgnoreErrors = true;
+ @$myver = mysql_get_server_info( $wgDatabase->mConn );
+ if( $myver ) {
+ $conf->Root = true;
+ print "<li>Connected as root (automatic)</li>\n";
+ } else {
+ print "<li>MySQL error " . ($err = mysql_errno() ) .
+ ": " . htmlspecialchars( mysql_error() );
+ $ok = false;
+ switch( $err ) {
+ case 1045:
+ if( $conf->Root ) {
+ $errs["RootPW"] = "Check password";
+ } else {
+ print "<li>Trying regular user...\n";
+ /* Try the regular user... */
+ $wgDatabase = Database::newFromParams( $wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, "", 1 );
+ $wgDatabase->isOpen();
+ $wgDatabase->mIgnoreErrors = true;
+ @$myver = mysql_get_server_info( $wgDatabase->mConn );
+ if( !$myver ) {
+ $errs["DBuser"] = "Check name/pass";
+ $errs["DBpassword"] = "or enter root";
+ $errs["DBpassword2"] = "password below";
+ $errs["RootPW"] = "Got root?";
+ print " need password.</li>\n";
+ } else {
+ $conf->Root = false;
+ $conf->RootPW = "";
+ print " ok.</li>\n";
+ # And keep going...
+ $ok = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2002:
+ case 2003:
+ $errs["DBserver"] = "Connection failed";
+ break;
+ default:
+ $errs["DBserver"] = "Couldn't connect to database";
+ break;
+ }
+ if( !$ok ) continue;
+ }
+ if ( !$wgDatabase->isOpen() ) {
+ $errs["DBserver"] = "Couldn't connect to database";
+ continue;
+ }
+ print "<li>Connected to database... $myver";
+ if( version_compare( $myver, "4.0.0" ) >= 0 ) {
+ print "; enabling MySQL 4 enhancements";
+ $conf->DBmysql4 = true;
+ $local = writeLocalSettings( $conf );
+ }
+ print "</li>\n";
+ @$sel = mysql_select_db( $wgDBname, $wgDatabase->mConn );
+ if( $sel ) {
+ print "<li>Database <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "</tt> exists</li>\n";
+ } else {
+ $res = $wgDatabase->query( "CREATE DATABASE `$wgDBname`" );
+ if( !$res ) {
+ print "<li>Couldn't create database <tt>" .
+ htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) .
+ "</tt>; try with root access or check your username/pass.</li>\n";
+ $errs["RootPW"] = "&lt;- Enter";
+ continue;
+ }
+ print "<li>Created database <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "</tt></li>\n";
+ }
+ $wgDatabase->selectDB( $wgDBname );
+ if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "cur" ) ) {
+ print "<li>There are already MediaWiki tables in this database. Checking if updates are needed...</li>\n<pre>";
+ chdir( ".." );
+ flush();
+ do_ipblocks_update(); flush();
+ do_interwiki_update(); flush();
+ do_index_update(); flush();
+ do_linkscc_update(); flush();
+ do_hitcounter_update(); flush();
+ do_recentchanges_update(); flush();
+ initialiseMessages(); flush();
+ chdir( "config" );
+ print "</pre>\n";
+ print "<li>Finished update checks.</li>\n";
+ } else {
+ # FIXME: Check for errors
+ print "<li>Creating tables...";
+ dbsource( "../maintenance/tables.sql", $wgDatabase );
+ dbsource( "../maintenance/interwiki.sql", $wgDatabase );
+ dbsource( "../maintenance/indexes.sql", $wgDatabase );
+ print " done.</li>\n";
+ print "<li>Initializing data...";
+ $wgDatabase->query( "INSERT INTO site_stats (ss_row_id,ss_total_views," .
+ "ss_total_edits,ss_good_articles) VALUES (1,0,0,0)" );
+ if( $conf->SysopName ) {
+ $u = User::newFromName( $conf->getSysopName() );
+ if ( 0 == $u->idForName() ) {
+ $u->addToDatabase();
+ $u->setPassword( $conf->getSysopPass() );
+ $u->addRight( "sysop" );
+ $u->addRight( "bureaucrat" );
+ $u->saveSettings();
+ print "<li>Created sysop account <tt>" .
+ htmlspecialchars( $conf->SysopName ) . "</tt>.</li>\n";
+ } else {
+ print "<li>Could not create user - already exists!</li>\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "<li>Skipped sysop account creation, no name given.</li>\n";
+ }
+ print "<li>Initialising log pages...";
+ $logs = array(
+ "uploadlogpage" => "uploadlogpagetext",
+ "dellogpage" => "dellogpagetext",
+ "protectlogpage" => "protectlogtext",
+ "blocklogpage" => "blocklogtext"
+ );
+ $metaNamespace = Namespace::getWikipedia();
+ $now = wfTimestampNow();
+ $won = wfInvertTimestamp( $now );
+ foreach( $logs as $page => $text ) {
+ $logTitle = wfStrencode( $wgLang->ucfirst( str_replace( " ", "_", wfMsgNoDB( $page ) ) ) );
+ $logText = wfStrencode( wfMsgNoDB( $text ) );
+ $wgDatabase->query( "INSERT INTO cur (cur_namespace,cur_title,cur_text," .
+ "cur_restrictions,cur_timestamp,inverse_timestamp,cur_touched) " .
+ "VALUES ($metaNamespace,'$logTitle','$logText','sysop','$now','$won','$now')" );
+ }
+ print "</li>\n";
+ $titleobj = Title::newFromText( wfMsgNoDB( "mainpage" ) );
+ $title = $titleobj->getDBkey();
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO cur (cur_namespace,cur_title,cur_text,cur_timestamp,inverse_timestamp,cur_touched) " .
+ "VALUES (0,'$title','" .
+ wfStrencode( wfMsg( "mainpagetext" ) . "\n\n" . wfMsg( "mainpagedocfooter" ) ) . "','$now','$won','$now')";
+ $wgDatabase->query( $sql, $fname );
+ print "<li><pre>";
+ initialiseMessages();
+ print "</pre></li>\n";
+ if( $conf->Root ) {
+ # Grant user permissions
+ print "<li>Granting user permissions...</li>\n";
+ dbsource( "../maintenance/users.sql", $wgDatabase );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Write out the config file now that all is well */
+ print "<p>Creating LocalSettings.php...</p>\n\n";
+ $localSettings = "<" . "?php$endl$local$endl?" . ">";
+ if( version_compare( phpversion(), "4.3.2" ) >= 0 ) {
+ $xt = "xt"; # Refuse to overwrite an existing file
+ } else {
+ $xt = "wt"; # 'x' is not available prior to PHP 4.3.2. We did check above, but race conditions blah blah
+ }
+ $f = fopen( "LocalSettings.php", $xt );
+ if( $f == false ) {
+ dieout( "Couldn't write out LocalSettings.php. Check that the directory permissions are correct and that there isn't already a file of that name here...</p>\n" .
+ "<p>Here's the file that would have been written, try to paste it into place manually:</p>\n" .
+ "<pre>\n" . htmlspecialchars( $localSettings ) . "</pre>\n" );
+ }
+ fwrite( $f, $localSettings );
+ fclose( $f );
+ print "<p>Success! Move the LocalSettings.php file into the parent directory, then follow
+ <a href='{$conf->ScriptPath}/index.php'>this link</a> to your wiki.</p>\n";
+ } while( false );
+if( count( $errs ) ) {
+ /* Display options form */
+ if( $conf->posted ) {
+ echo "<p class='error'>Something's not quite right yet; make sure everything below is filled out correctly.</p>\n";
+ }
+<form name="config" method="post">
+<h2>Site config</h2>
+<dl class="setup">
+ <dd>
+ <?php
+ aField( $conf, "Sitename", "Site name:" );
+ ?>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ Your site name should be a relatively short word. It'll appear as the namespace
+ name for 'meta' pages as well as throughout the user interface. Good site names
+ are things like "<a href="">Wikipedia</a>" and
+ "<a href="">OpenFacts</a>"; avoid punctuation,
+ which may cause problems.
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ <?php
+ aField( $conf, "EmergencyContact", "Contact e-mail" );
+ ?>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ This will be used as the return address for password reminders and
+ may be displayed in some error conditions so visitors can get in
+ touch with you.
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ <label for="LanguageCode">Language</label>
+ <select id="LanguageCode" name="LanguageCode">
+ <?php
+ $list = getLanguageList();
+ foreach( $list as $code => $name ) {
+ $sel = ($code == $conf->LanguageCode) ? "selected" : "";
+ echo "\t\t<option value=\"$code\" $sel>$name</option>\n";
+ }
+ ?>
+ </select>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ You may select the language for the user interface of the wiki...
+ Some localizations are less complete than others. This also controls
+ the character encoding; Unicode is more flexible, but Latin-1 may be
+ more compatible with older browsers for some languages. Unicode will
+ be used where not specified otherwise.
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ <?php aField( $conf, "SysopName", "Sysop account name:", "" ) ?>
+ </dd>
+ <dd>
+ <?php aField( $conf, "SysopPass", "password:", "password" ) ?>
+ </dd>
+ <dd>
+ <?php aField( $conf, "SysopPass2", "again:", "password" ) ?>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ A sysop user account can lock or delete pages, block problematic IP
+ addresses from editing, and other maintenance tasks. If creating a new
+ wiki database, a sysop account will be created with the given name
+ and password.
+ </dt>
+<h2>Database config</h2>
+<dl class="setup">
+ <dd><?php
+ aField( $conf, "DBserver", "MySQL server" );
+ ?></dd>
+ <dt>
+ If your database server isn't on your web server, enter the name
+ or IP address here.
+ </dt>
+ <dd><?php
+ aField( $conf, "DBname", "Database name" );
+ ?></dd>
+ <dd><?php
+ aField( $conf, "DBuser", "DB username" );
+ ?></dd>
+ <dd><?php
+ aField( $conf, "DBpassword", "DB password", "password" );
+ ?></dd>
+ <dd><?php
+ aField( $conf, "DBpassword2", "again", "password" );
+ ?></dd>
+ <dt>
+ If you only have a single user account and database available,
+ enter those here. If you have database root access (see below)
+ you can specify new accounts/databases to be created.
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ <?php
+ aField( $conf, "RootPW", "DB root password", "password" );
+ ?>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ You will only need this if the database and/or user account
+ above don't already exist.
+ Do <em>not</em> type in your machine's root password! MySQL
+ has its own "root" user with a separate password. (It might
+ even be blank, depending on your configuration.)
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ <label>&nbsp;</label>
+ <input type="submit" value="Install!" />
+ </dd>
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+function writeAdminSettings( $conf ) {
+ return "
+\$wgDBadminuser = \"{$conf->DBadminuser}\";
+\$wgDBadminpassword = \"{$conf->DBadminpassword}\";
+function writeLocalSettings( $conf ) {
+ $conf->DBmysql4 = @$conf->DBmysql4 ? 'true' : 'false';
+ $conf->UseImageResize = $conf->UseImageResize ? 'true' : 'false';
+ $conf->PasswordSender = $conf->EmergencyContact;
+ if( $conf->LanguageCode == "en-utf8" ) {
+ $conf->LanguageCode = "en";
+ $conf->Encoding = "UTF-8";
+ }
+ $zlib = ($conf->zlib ? "" : "# ");
+ $magic = ($conf->ImageMagick ? "" : "# ");
+ $convert = ($conf->ImageMagick ? $conf->ImageMagick : "/usr/bin/convert" );
+ $pretty = ($conf->prettyURLs ? "" : "# ");
+ $ugly = ($conf->prettyURLs ? "# " : "");
+ # Add slashes to strings for double quoting
+ $slconf = array_map( "addslashes", get_object_vars( $conf ) );
+ $sep = (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == "\\") ? ";" : ":";
+ return "
+# This file was automatically generated by the MediaWiki installer.
+# If you make manual changes, please keep track in case you need to
+# recreate them later.
+\$IP = \"{$slconf[IP]}\";
+ini_set( \"include_path\", \"\$IP/includes$sep\$IP/languages$sep\" . ini_get(\"include_path\") );
+include_once( \"DefaultSettings.php\" );
+if( \$wgCommandLineMode ) {
+ die( \"Can't use command-line utils with in-place install yet, sorry.\" );
+} else {
+ ## Compress output if the browser supports it
+ {$zlib}if( !ini_get( 'zlib.output_compression' ) ) ob_start( 'ob_gzhandler' );
+\$wgSitename = \"{$slconf[Sitename]}\";
+\$wgScriptPath = \"{$slconf[ScriptPath]}\";
+\$wgScript = \"\$wgScriptPath/index.php\";
+\$wgRedirectScript = \"\$wgScriptPath/redirect.php\";
+## If using PHP as a CGI module, use the ugly URLs
+{$pretty}\$wgArticlePath = \"\$wgScript/\$1\";
+{$ugly}\$wgArticlePath = \"\$wgScript?title=\$1\";
+\$wgStyleSheetPath = \"\$wgScriptPath/stylesheets\";
+\$wgStyleSheetDirectory = \"\$IP/stylesheets\";
+\$wgUploadPath = \"\$wgScriptPath/images\";
+\$wgUploadDirectory = \"\$IP/images\";
+\$wgLogo = \"\$wgUploadPath/wiki.png\";
+\$wgStockPath = \$wgUploadPath;
+\$wgEmergencyContact = \"{$slconf[EmergencyContact]}\";
+\$wgPasswordSender = \"{$slconf[PasswordSender]}\";
+\$wgDBserver = \"{$slconf[DBserver]}\";
+\$wgDBname = \"{$slconf[DBname]}\";
+\$wgDBuser = \"{$slconf[DBuser]}\";
+\$wgDBpassword = \"{$slconf[DBpassword]}\";
+## To allow SQL queries through the wiki's Special:Askaql page,
+## uncomment the next lines. THIS IS VERY INSECURE. If you want
+## to allow semipublic read-only SQL access for your sysops,
+## you should define a MySQL user with limited privileges.
+## See MySQL docs:
+# \$wgAllowSysopQueries = true;
+# \$wgDBsqluser = \"sqluser\";
+# \$wgDBsqlpassword = \"sqlpass\";
+\$wgDBmysql4 = \$wgEnablePersistentLC = {$conf->DBmysql4};
+## To enable image uploads, make sure the 'images' directory
+## is writable, then uncomment this:
+# \$wgDisableUploads = false;
+\$wgUseImageResize = {$conf->UseImageResize};
+{$magic}\$wgUseImageMagick = true;
+{$magic}\$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = \"{$convert}\";
+## If you have the appropriate support software installed
+## you can enable inline LaTeX equations:
+# \$wgUseTeX = true;
+\$wgMathPath = \"{\$wgUploadPath}/math\";
+\$wgMathDirectory = \"{\$wgUploadDirectory}/math\";
+\$wgTmpDirectory = \"{\$wgUploadDirectory}/tmp\";
+\$wgLocalInterwiki = \$wgSitename;
+\$wgLanguageCode = \"{$slconf[LanguageCode]}\";
+" . ($conf->Encoding ? "\$wgInputEncoding = \$wgOutputEncoding = \"{$slconf[Encoding]}\";" : "" ) . "
+function dieout( $text ) {
+ die( $text . "\n\n</body>\n</html>" );
+function importPost( $name, $default = "" ) {
+ if( isset( $_POST[$name] ) ) {
+ $retval = $_POST[$name];
+ if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
+ $retval = stripslashes( $retval );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $retval = $default;
+ }
+ return $retval;
+function aField( &$conf, $field, $text, $type = "" ) {
+ if( $type != "" ) $type = "type=\"$type\"";
+ echo "\t\t<label for=\"$field\">$text</label>\n";
+ echo "\t\t<input $type name=\"$field\" id=\"$field\" value=\"";
+ echo htmlspecialchars( $conf->$field );
+ echo "\" />\n";
+ global $errs;
+ if(isset($errs[$field])) echo "<span class='error'>" . $errs[$field] . "</span>\n";
+function getLanguageList() {
+ global $wgLanguageNames;
+ if( !isset( $wgLanguageNames ) ) {
+ $wgLanguageCode = "xxx";
+ function wfLocalUrl( $x ) { return $x; }
+ function wfLocalUrlE( $x ) { return $x; }
+ include( "../languages/Language.php" );
+ }
+ $codes = array();
+ $latin1 = array( "da", "de", "en", "es", "nl", "sv" );
+ $d = opendir( "../languages" );
+ while( false !== ($f = readdir( $d ) ) ) {
+ if( preg_match( '/Language([A-Z][a-z]+)\.php$/', $f, $m ) ) {
+ $code = strtolower( $m[1] );
+ $codes[$code] = "$code - " . $wgLanguageNames[$code];
+ if( in_array( $code, $latin1 ) ) {
+ $codes[$code] .= " - Latin-1";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $codes["en-utf8"] = "en - English - Unicode";
+ closedir( $d );
+ ksort( $codes );
+ return $codes;
diff --git a/images/Arr_.png b/images/Arr_.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..83fafc740b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/Arr_.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/images/Arr_d.png b/images/Arr_d.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..421dd101536e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/Arr_d.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/images/Arr_l.png b/images/Arr_l.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9db66232e34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/Arr_l.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/images/Arr_r.png b/images/Arr_r.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d1b161b07908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/Arr_r.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/images/Arr_r.xcf b/images/Arr_r.xcf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..83b7b2a8768b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/Arr_r.xcf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/includes/Article.php b/includes/Article.php
index 55f218adbd9d..faa4f224eaab 100644
--- a/includes/Article.php
+++ b/includes/Article.php
@@ -427,7 +427,8 @@ class Article {
# Squid purging
if ( $wgUseSquid ) {
$urlArr = Array(
- $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL())
+ $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL()),
+ $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL(), 'action=history')
/* this needs to be done after LinksUpdate */
@@ -497,7 +498,12 @@ class Article {
$res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE, $fname );
if( wfAffectedRows() == 0 ) {
- /* Belated edit conflict! Run away!! */
+ # This is *not* the main edit conflict check. The main edit conflict
+ # check is done in the EditPage user interface. This here is a check
+ # for a race condition where simultaneous edits partially go through
+ # and we end up stepping on each other. If the last save turns out
+ # not to be what we just checked against a millisecond ago, we abort
+ # now instead of stepping all over it.
return false;
@@ -543,7 +549,8 @@ class Article {
if ( $wgUseSquid ) {
$urlArr = Array(
- $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL())
+ $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL()),
+ $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL(), 'action=history')
@@ -833,7 +840,8 @@ class Article {
# Squid purging
if ( $wgUseSquid ) {
$urlArr = Array(
- $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL())
+ $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL()),
+ $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL(), 'action=history')
@@ -842,8 +850,10 @@ class Article {
$res = wfQuery ( $sql, DB_READ ) ;
while ( $BL = wfFetchObject ( $res ) )
- $tobj = Title::newFromDBkey( $BL->l_from) ;
- $blurlArr[] = $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $tobj->getPrefixedURL() );
+ $tobj = Title::newFromDBkey( $BL->l_from) ;
+ if( $tobj ) {
+ $blurlArr[] = $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $tobj->getPrefixedURL() );
+ }
wfFreeResult ( $res ) ;
$u = new SquidUpdate( $this->mTitle, $blurlArr );
@@ -900,12 +910,14 @@ class Article {
while ( $s = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) {
$nt = Title::newFromDBkey( $s->l_from );
- $lid = $nt->getArticleID();
+ if( $nt ) {
+ $lid = $nt->getArticleID();
- if ( ! $first ) { $sql .= ","; $sql2 .= ","; }
- $first = false;
- $sql .= "({$lid},'{$t}')";
- $sql2 .= "{$lid}";
+ if ( ! $first ) { $sql .= ","; $sql2 .= ","; }
+ $first = false;
+ $sql .= "({$lid},'{$t}')";
+ $sql2 .= "{$lid}";
+ }
$sql2 .= ")";
if ( ! $first ) {
diff --git a/includes/BlockCache.php b/includes/BlockCache.php
index e18182cfbbd8..5b65bdc20a56 100644
--- a/includes/BlockCache.php
+++ b/includes/BlockCache.php
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ class BlockCache
global $wgUseMemCached, $wgMemc;
if ( $this->mData === false) {
- $this->mData = array();
$saveMemc = false;
# Try memcached
if ( $wgUseMemCached ) {
diff --git a/includes/CacheManager.php b/includes/CacheManager.php
index 09f9a80bafb6..a0925e19176b 100644
--- a/includes/CacheManager.php
+++ b/includes/CacheManager.php
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Brion Vibber <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Handles talking to the file cache, putting stuff in and taking it back out.
# Mostly called from Article.php, also from DatabaseFunctions.php for the
diff --git a/includes/Database.php b/includes/Database.php
index 84f2c4668316..3452e1b40af6 100644
--- a/includes/Database.php
+++ b/includes/Database.php
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ class Database {
function fieldName( $res, $n ) { return mysql_field_name( $res, $n ); }
function insertId() { return mysql_insert_id( $this->mConn ); }
function dataSeek( $res, $row ) { return mysql_data_seek( $res, $row ); }
- function lastErrno() { return mysql_errno( $this->mConn ); }
- function lastError() { return mysql_error( $this->mConn ); }
+ function lastErrno() { return mysql_errno(); }
+ function lastError() { return mysql_error(); }
function affectedRows() { return mysql_affected_rows( $this->mConn ); }
# Simple UPDATE wrapper
@@ -308,15 +308,17 @@ class Database {
function tableExists( $table )
- $res = mysql_list_tables( $this->mDBname );
- if( !$res ) {
- echo "** " . $this->lastError() . "\n";
+ $old = $this->setIgnoreErrors( true );
+ $res = $this->query( "SELECT 1 FROM $table LIMIT 1" );
+ $this->setIgnoreErrors( $old );
+ if( $res ) {
+ $this->freeResult( $res );
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ # Clear error flag
+ wfLastError();
return false;
- for( $i = $this->numRows( $res ) - 1; $i--; $i > 0 ) {
- if( mysql_tablename( $res, $i ) == $table ) return true;
- }
- return false;
function fieldInfo( $table, $field )
diff --git a/includes/DefaultSettings.php b/includes/DefaultSettings.php
index 83524255f174..7b2a3b696e7d 100644
--- a/includes/DefaultSettings.php
+++ b/includes/DefaultSettings.php
@@ -6,12 +6,20 @@
# like $wgScriptPath, you must also localize everything that
# depends on it.
-$wgVersion = "1.2.0rc1";
+# Disable reporting of 'notices'. 1.3.x should run clean with it on,
+# but 1.2.x relies on traditional behavior and doesn't appreciate
+# the output being replaced with a screenfull of paranoid _notices_
+# that our code is sloppy. We know it's sloppy.
+error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE );
+$wgVersion = "1.2.6";
$wgSitename = "MediaWiki"; # Please customize!
$wgMetaNamespace = FALSE; # will be same as you set $wgSitename
-$wgServer = "http://" . getenv( "SERVER_NAME" );
+$wgServer = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
+if( $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != 80 ) $wgServer .= ":" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"];
$wgScriptPath = "/wiki";
# ATTN: Old installations used wiki.phtml and redirect.phtml -
@@ -19,6 +27,9 @@ $wgScriptPath = "/wiki";
$wgScript = "{$wgScriptPath}/index.php";
$wgRedirectScript = "{$wgScriptPath}/redirect.php";
+# Whether to support URLs like index.php/Page_title
+$wgUsePathInfo = ( strpos( php_sapi_name(), "cgi" ) === false );
$wgStyleSheetPath = "{$wgScriptPath}/style";
$wgStyleSheetDirectory = "{$IP}/style";
$wgArticlePath = "{$wgScript}?title=$1";
@@ -28,6 +39,8 @@ $wgLogo = "{$wgUploadPath}/wiki.png";
$wgMathPath = "{$wgUploadPath}/math";
$wgMathDirectory = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/math";
$wgTmpDirectory = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/tmp";
+$wgStockPath = false; # For stock images that come with MediaWiki
+ # Set to false for $wgStockPath=$wgUploadPath
$wgEmergencyContact = "wikiadmin@" . getenv( "SERVER_NAME" );
$wgPasswordSender = "Wikipedia Mail <apache@" . getenv( "SERVER_NAME" ) . ">";
@@ -42,12 +55,16 @@ $wgDBname = "wikidb";
$wgDBconnection = "";
$wgDBuser = "wikiuser";
$wgDBpassword = "userpass";
-$wgDBsqluser = "sqluser";
-$wgDBsqlpassword = "sqlpass";
$wgDBminWordLen = 4;
$wgDBtransactions = false; # Set to true if using InnoDB tables
$wgDBmysql4 = false; # Set to true to use enhanced fulltext search
+# Sysop SQL queries
+$wgAllowSysopQueries = false; # Dangerous if not configured properly.
+$wgDBsqluser = "sqluser";
+$wgDBsqlpassword = "sqlpass";
$wgSqlTimeout = 30;
+$wgSqlLogFile = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/sqllog_mFhyRe6";
# Database load balancer
$wgDBservers = false; # e.g. array("larousse", "pliny")
@@ -80,10 +97,11 @@ $wgAmericanDates = false; # Enable for English module to print dates
$wgLocalInterwiki = "w";
$wgShowIPinHeader = true; # For non-logged in users
$wgMaxNameChars = 32; # Maximum number of bytes in username
+$wgInterwikiExpiry = 10800; # Expiry time for cache of interwiki table
# Translation using MediaWiki: namespace
-# Not recommended unless memcached is installed
-$wgUseDatabaseMessages = false;
+# This will increase load times by 25-60% unless memcached is installed
+$wgUseDatabaseMessages = true;
$wgMsgCacheExpiry = 86400;
$wgExtraSubtitle = "";
@@ -99,7 +117,6 @@ $wgDebugLogFile = "";
$wgDebugComments = false;
$wgReadOnly = false;
-$wgSqlLogFile = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/sqllog_mFhyRe6";
$wgLogQueries = false;
$wgUseCategoryMagic = false;
$wgEnablePersistentLC = false; # Persistent link cache in linkscc table; FAILS on MySQL 3.x
@@ -116,9 +133,10 @@ $wgEnableParserCache = false; # requires that php was compiled --with-zlib
$wgHitcounterUpdateFreq = 1;
# User rights
-$wgWhitelistEdit = false;
-$wgWhitelistRead = false;
+$wgWhitelistEdit = false; # true = user must login to edit.
+$wgWhitelistRead = false; # Pages anonymous user may see, like: =array ( ":Main_Page", "Special:Userlogin", "Wikipedia:Help");
$wgWhitelistAccount = array ( "user" => 1, "sysop" => 1, "developer" => 1 );
$wgSysopUserBans = false; # Allow sysops to ban logged-in users
$wgSysopRangeBans = false; # Allow sysops to ban IP ranges
$wgDefaultBlockExpiry = "24 hours"; # default expiry time
@@ -229,6 +247,21 @@ $wgCheckFileExtensions = true;
# covered by $wgFileExtensions.
$wgStrictFileExtensions = true;
+## Set $wgUseImageResize to true if you want to enable dynamic
+## server side image resizing ("Thumbnails")
+$wgUseImageResize = false;
+## Resizing can be done using PHP's internal image libraries
+## or using ImageMagick. The later supports more file formats
+## than PHP, which only supports PNG, GIF, JPG, XBM and WBMP.
+## Set $wgUseImageMagick to true to use Image Magick instead
+## of the builtin functions
+$wgUseImageMagick = false;
+$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";
$wgPasswordSalt = true; # For compatibility with old installations set to false
# Which namespaces should support subpages?
@@ -244,6 +277,19 @@ $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault = array( -1 => 0, 0 => 1, 1 => 0,
$wgSiteNotice = "";
# Whether to allow anonymous users to set changes to 'minor'
$wgAllowAnonymousMinor = false;
+$wgBlockOpenProxies = false; # Automatic open proxy test on edit
+$wgProxyPorts = array( 80, 81, 1080, 3128, 8080 );
+$wgProxyScriptPath = "$IP/proxy_check.php";
+$wgProxyMemcExpiry = 86400;
+# Set this to false to avoid forcing the first letter of links
+# to capitals. WARNING: may break links! This makes links
+# COMPLETELY case-sensitive. Links appearing with a capital at
+# the beginning of a sentence will *not* go to the same place
+# as links in the middle of a sentence using a lowercase initial.
+$wgCapitalLinks = true;
+$wgSpamRegex = false; # Text matching this regex will be recognised as spam
diff --git a/includes/DifferenceEngine.php b/includes/DifferenceEngine.php
index a879f6a6c282..dfbdd82cef91 100644
--- a/includes/DifferenceEngine.php
+++ b/includes/DifferenceEngine.php
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ class DifferenceEngine {
$nta = explode( "\n", str_replace( "\r\n", "\n",
htmlspecialchars( $ntext ) ) );
- $wgOut->addHTML( "<table width='98%' border=0
+ $wgOut->addHTML( "<table class='diff' width='98%' border=0
cellpadding=0 cellspacing='4px'><tr>
-<td colspan=2 width='50%' align=center bgcolor='#cccccc'>
+<td colspan=2 width='50%' align=center class='diff-otitle'>
-<td colspan=2 width='50%' align=center bgcolor='#cccccc'>
+<td colspan=2 width='50%' align=center class='diff-ntitle'>
</tr>\n" );
@@ -1104,12 +1104,12 @@ class TableDiffFormatter extends DiffFormatter
function addedLine( $line ) {
- return "<td>+</td><td bgcolor='#ccffcc'>" .
+ return "<td>+</td><td class='diff-addedline'>" .
function deletedLine( $line ) {
- return "<td>-</td><td bgcolor='#ffffaa'>" .
+ return "<td>-</td><td class='diff-deletedline'>" .
@@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ class TableDiffFormatter extends DiffFormatter
function contextLine( $line ) {
- return "<td> </td><td bgcolor='white'><small>{$line}</small></td>";
+ return "<td> </td><td class='diff-context'><small>{$line}</small></td>";
function _added($lines) {
diff --git a/includes/EditPage.php b/includes/EditPage.php
index e97ba7034c97..06f0f6c10d83 100644
--- a/includes/EditPage.php
+++ b/includes/EditPage.php
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ class EditPage {
global $wpSave, $wpPreview;
global $wpMinoredit, $wpEdittime, $wpTextbox2, $wpSection;
global $oldid, $redirect, $section;
- global $wgLang;
- global $wgAllowAnonymousMinor;
+ global $wgLang, $wgSpamRegex;
+ global $wgAllowAnonymousMinor;
if(isset($wpSection)) { $section=$wpSection; } else { $wpSection=$section; }
@@ -106,6 +106,14 @@ class EditPage {
# in the back door with a hand-edited submission URL.
if ( "save" == $formtype ) {
+ # Check for spam
+ if ( $wgSpamRegex && preg_match( $wgSpamRegex, $wpTextbox1 ) ) {
+ sleep(10); # Saving the page, be with you in a sec
+ $wgOut->redirect( wfLocalUrl( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL() ) );
+ # Bwahahaha
+ return;
+ }
if ( $wgUser->isBlocked() ) {
@@ -118,6 +126,7 @@ class EditPage {
+ $wpSummary=trim($wpSummary);
# If article is new, insert it.
$aid = $this->mTitle->getArticleID();
@@ -168,6 +177,7 @@ class EditPage {
$wpEdittime = $this->mArticle->getTimestamp();
$wpTextbox1 = $this->mArticle->getContent(true);
$wpSummary = "";
+ $this->proxyCheck();
$wgOut->setRobotpolicy( "noindex,nofollow" );
@@ -191,6 +201,14 @@ class EditPage {
} else {
+ if(!$wpPreview) {
+ $sectitle=preg_match("/^=+(.*?)=+/mi",
+ $wpTextbox1,
+ $matches);
+ if($matches[1]) { $wpSummary =
+ "=". trim($matches[1])."= "; }
+ }
$wgOut->setPageTitle( $s );
if ( $oldid ) {
@@ -381,7 +399,48 @@ $wgLang->recodeForEdit( $wpTextbox1 ) .
$wgOut->returnToMain( false );
+ # Forks processes to scan the originating IP for an open proxy server
+ # MemCached can be used to skip IPs that have already been scanned
+ function proxyCheck()
+ {
+ global $wgBlockOpenProxies, $wgProxyPorts, $wgProxyScriptPath;
+ global $wgIP, $wgUseMemCached, $wgMemc, $wgDBname, $wgProxyMemcExpiry;
+ global $wgServer, $wgOut;
+ if ( !$wgBlockOpenProxies ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ # Get MemCached key
+ $skip = false;
+ if ( $wgUseMemCached ) {
+ $mcKey = "$wgDBname:proxy:ip:$wgIP";
+ $mcValue = $wgMemc->get( $mcKey );
+ if ( $mcValue ) {
+ $skip = true;
+ }
+ }
+ # Fork the processes
+ if ( !$skip ) {
+ $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, "Blockme" );
+ $url = wfFullUrl( $title->getPrefixedURL(), "ip=$wgIP" );
+ foreach ( $wgProxyPorts as $port ) {
+ $params = implode( " ", array(
+ escapeshellarg( $wgProxyScriptPath ),
+ escapeshellarg( $wgIP ),
+ escapeshellarg( $port ),
+ escapeshellarg( $url )
+ ));
+ exec( "php $params &>/dev/null &" );
+ }
+ # Set MemCached key
+ if ( $wgUseMemCached ) {
+ $wgMemc->set( $mcKey, 1, $wgProxyMemcExpiry );
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/includes/GlobalFunctions.php b/includes/GlobalFunctions.php
index 60959b8c26c2..e324b2266b14 100644
--- a/includes/GlobalFunctions.php
+++ b/includes/GlobalFunctions.php
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function wfLocalUrl( $a, $q = "" )
} else if ($wgScript != '' ) {
$a = "{$wgScript}?title={$a}&{$q}";
} else { //XXX ugly hack for toplevel wikis
- $a = "/{$a}&{$q}";
+ $a = "/{$a}?{$q}";
return $a;
@@ -279,29 +279,16 @@ function wfMsgReal( $key, $args, $useDB ) {
function wfCleanFormFields( $fields )
- global $HTTP_POST_VARS;
global $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgEditEncoding, $wgLang;
- if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
- foreach ( $fields as $fname ) {
- if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] ) ) {
- $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] = stripslashes(
- $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] );
- }
- global ${$fname};
- if ( isset( ${$fname} ) ) {
- ${$fname} = stripslashes( ${$fname} );
- }
- }
- }
$enc = $wgOutputEncoding;
if( $wgEditEncoding != "") $enc = $wgEditEncoding;
if ( $enc != $wgInputEncoding ) {
foreach ( $fields as $fname ) {
- if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] ) ) {
- $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] = $wgLang->iconv(
+ if ( isset( $_POST[$fname] ) ) {
+ $_POST[$fname] = $wgLang->iconv(
$wgOutputEncoding, $wgInputEncoding,
- $HTTP_POST_VARS[$fname] );
+ $_POST[$fname] );
global ${$fname};
if ( isset( ${$fname} ) ) {
@@ -331,9 +318,6 @@ function wfDemungeQuotes( $in )
function wfCleanQueryVar( $var )
global $wgLang;
- if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
- $var = stripslashes( $var );
- }
return $wgLang->recodeInput( $var );
@@ -766,81 +750,94 @@ $urlArr should contain the full URLs to purge as values
XXX report broken Squids per mail or log */
function wfPurgeSquidServers ($urlArr) {
- global $wgSquidServers;
- $maxsocketspersquid = 8; // socket cap per Squid
- $urlspersocket = 400; // 400 seems to be a good tradeoff, opening a socket takes a while
- $sockspersq = ceil(count($urlArr) / $urlspersocket );
- if ($sockspersq == 1) {
- /* the most common case */
- $urlspersocket = count($urlArr);
- } else if ($sockspersq > $maxsocketspersquid ) {
- $urlspersocket = ceil(count($urlArr) / $maxsocketspersquid);
- $sockspersq = $maxsocketspersquid;
- }
- $totalsockets = count($wgSquidServers) * $sockspersq;
- $sockets = Array();
- /* this sets up the sockets and tests the first socket for each server. */
- for ($ss=0;$ss < count($wgSquidServers);$ss++) {
- $failed = false;
- $so = 0;
- while ($so < $sockspersq && !$failed) {
- if ($so == 0) {
- /* first socket for this server, do the tests */
- list($server, $port) = explode(':', $wgSquidServers[$ss]);
- if(!isset($port)) $port = 80;
- $socket = @fsockopen($server, $port, $error, $errstr, 3);
- if (!$socket) {
- $failed = true;
- $totalsockets -= $sockspersq;
- } else {
- @fputs($socket,"PURGE " . $urlArr[0] . " HTTP/1.0\r\n".
- "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n");
- $res = @fread($socket,512);
- /* Squid only returns http headers with 200 or 404 status,
- if there's more returned something's wrong */
- if (strlen($res) > 250) {
- fclose($socket);
- $failed = true;
- $totalsockets -= $sockspersq;
- } else {
- @stream_set_blocking($socket,false);
- $sockets[] = $socket;
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* open the remaining sockets for this server */
- list($server, $port) = explode(':', $wgSquidServers[$ss]);
- if(!isset($port)) $port = 80;
- $sockets[] = @fsockopen($server, $port, $error, $errstr, 2);
- @stream_set_blocking($sockets[$s],false);
- }
- $so++;
- }
- }
- if ($urlspersocket > 1) {
- /* now do the heavy lifting. The fread() relies on Squid returning only the headers */
- for ($r=0;$r < $urlspersocket;$r++) {
- for ($s=0;$s < $totalsockets;$s++) {
- if($r != 0) {
- $res = '';
- $esc = 0;
- while (strlen($res) < 100 && $esc < 20 ) {
- $res .= @fread($sockets[$s],512);
+ global $wgSquidServers;
+ $maxsocketspersquid = 8; // socket cap per Squid
+ $urlspersocket = 400; // 400 seems to be a good tradeoff, opening a socket takes a while
+ $firsturl = $urlArr[0];
+ unset($urlArr[0]);
+ $urlArr = array_values($urlArr);
+ $sockspersq = max(ceil(count($urlArr) / $urlspersocket ),1);
+ if ($sockspersq == 1) {
+ /* the most common case */
+ $urlspersocket = count($urlArr);
+ } else if ($sockspersq > $maxsocketspersquid ) {
+ $urlspersocket = ceil(count($urlArr) / $maxsocketspersquid);
+ $sockspersq = $maxsocketspersquid;
+ }
+ $totalsockets = count($wgSquidServers) * $sockspersq;
+ $sockets = Array();
+ /* this sets up the sockets and tests the first socket for each server. */
+ for ($ss=0;$ss < count($wgSquidServers);$ss++) {
+ $failed = false;
+ $so = 0;
+ while ($so < $sockspersq && !$failed) {
+ if ($so == 0) {
+ /* first socket for this server, do the tests */
+ list($server, $port) = explode(':', $wgSquidServers[$ss]);
+ if(!isset($port)) $port = 80;
+ $socket = @fsockopen($server, $port, $error, $errstr, 3);
+ if (!$socket) {
+ $failed = true;
+ $totalsockets -= $sockspersq;
+ } else {
+ @fputs($socket,"PURGE " . $firsturl . " HTTP/1.0\r\n".
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n");
+ $res = @fread($socket,512);
+ /* Squid only returns http headers with 200 or 404 status,
+ if there's more returned something's wrong */
+ if (strlen($res) > 250) {
+ fclose($socket);
+ $failed = true;
+ $totalsockets -= $sockspersq;
+ } else {
+ @stream_set_blocking($socket,false);
+ $sockets[] = $socket;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* open the remaining sockets for this server */
+ list($server, $port) = explode(':', $wgSquidServers[$ss]);
+ if(!isset($port)) $port = 80;
+ $sockets[] = @fsockopen($server, $port, $error, $errstr, 2);
+ @stream_set_blocking($sockets[$s],false);
+ }
+ $so++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($urlspersocket > 0) {
+ /* now do the heavy lifting. The fread() relies on Squid returning only the headers */
+ for ($r=0;$r < $urlspersocket;$r++) {
+ for ($s=0;$s < $totalsockets;$s++) {
+ if($r != 0) {
+ $res = '';
+ $esc = 0;
+ while (strlen($res) < 100 && $esc < 200 ) {
+ $res .= @fread($sockets[$s],512);
+ $esc++;
+ usleep(20);
+ }
+ }
+ $urindex = $r + $urlspersocket * ($s - $sockspersq * floor($s / $sockspersq));
+ @fputs($sockets[$s],"PURGE " . $urlArr[$urindex] . " HTTP/1.0\r\n".
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($sockets as $socket) {
+ $res = '';
+ $esc = 0;
+ while (strlen($res) < 100 && $esc < 200 ) {
+ $res .= @fread($socket,1024);
- }
+ usleep(20);
- $urindex = $r + $urlspersocket * ($s - $sockspersq * floor($s / $sockspersq));
- @fputs($sockets[$s],"PURGE " . $urlArr[$urindex] . " HTTP/1.0\r\n".
- "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n");
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($sockets as $socket) {
- @fclose($sockets);
- }
- return;
+ @fclose($socket);
+ }
+ return;
diff --git a/includes/ImagePage.php b/includes/ImagePage.php
index 4eef27002320..cac251dd4e2c 100644
--- a/includes/ImagePage.php
+++ b/includes/ImagePage.php
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class ImagePage extends Article {
function delete()
global $wgUser, $wgOut;
- global $wpConfirm, $wpReason, $image, $oldimage;
+ global $wpConfirm, $wpReason, $image, $oldimage, $wpForce;
# Anybody can delete old revisions of images; only sysops
# can delete articles and current images
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class ImagePage extends Article {
# Better double-check that it hasn't been deleted yet!
$wgOut->setPagetitle( wfMsg( "confirmdelete" ) );
if ( $image ) {
- if ( "" == trim( $image ) ) {
+ if ( "" == trim( $image ) && !$wpForce ) {
$wgOut->fatalError( wfMsg( "cannotdelete" ) );
@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ class ImagePage extends Article {
function doDelete()
global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang;
- global $image, $oldimage, $wpReason;
+ global $image, $oldimage, $wpReason, $wpForce;
global $wgUseSquid, $wgInternalServer, $wgDeferredUpdateList;
$fname = "Article::doDelete";
if ( $image ) {
$dest = wfImageDir( $image );
$archive = wfImageDir( $image );
- if ( ! unlink( "{$dest}/{$image}" ) ) {
+ if ( ! unlink( "{$dest}/{$image}" ) && !$wpForce ) {
$wgOut->fileDeleteError( "{$dest}/{$image}" );
@@ -243,11 +243,11 @@ class ImagePage extends Article {
function doDeleteOldImage( $oldimage )
- global $wgOut;
+ global $wgOut, $wpForce;
$name = substr( $oldimage, 15 );
$archive = wfImageArchiveDir( $name );
- if ( ! unlink( "{$archive}/{$oldimage}" ) ) {
+ if ( ! unlink( "{$archive}/{$oldimage}" ) && !$wpForce ) {
$wgOut->fileDeleteError( "{$archive}/{$oldimage}" );
diff --git a/includes/LinksUpdate.php b/includes/LinksUpdate.php
index fd17d44da5ea..8cb0083f5d86 100644
--- a/includes/LinksUpdate.php
+++ b/includes/LinksUpdate.php
@@ -221,7 +221,8 @@ class LinksUpdate {
function fixBrokenLinks() {
/* Update any brokenlinks *to* this page */
/* Call for a newly created page, or just to make sure state is consistent */
+ $fname = "LinksUpdate::fixBrokenLinks";
$sql = "SELECT bl_from FROM brokenlinks WHERE bl_to='{$this->mTitleEnc}'";
$res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ, $fname );
if ( 0 == wfNumRows( $res ) ) { return; }
diff --git a/includes/LogPage.php b/includes/LogPage.php
index d26495c53f66..6178a6a10857 100644
--- a/includes/LogPage.php
+++ b/includes/LogPage.php
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002 Brion Vibber <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Class to simplify the use of log pages
class LogPage {
diff --git a/includes/Math.php b/includes/Math.php
index 3c6075f3ff8c..798b569e5608 100644
--- a/includes/Math.php
+++ b/includes/Math.php
@@ -42,6 +42,25 @@ function renderMath( $tex )
+ # Ensure that the temp and output directories are available before continuing...
+ if( !file_exists( $wgMathDirectory ) ) {
+ if( !@mkdir( $wgMathDirectory ) ) {
+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_output" ) . ")</b>";
+ }
+ } elseif( !is_dir( $wgMathDirectory ) || !is_writable( $wgMathDirectory ) ) {
+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_output" ) . ")</b>";
+ }
+ if( !file_exists( $wgTmpDirectory ) ) {
+ if( !@mkdir( $wgTmpDirectory ) ) {
+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_tmpdir" ) . ")</b>";
+ }
+ } elseif( !is_dir( $wgTmpDirectory ) || !is_writable( $wgTmpDirectory ) ) {
+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_bad_tmpdir" ) . ")</b>";
+ }
+ if( !is_executable( $wgTexvc ) ) {
+ return "<b>$mf (" . wfMsg( "math_notexvc" ) . ")</b>";
+ }
$cmd = $wgTexvc." ".
escapeshellarg($wgTmpDirectory)." ".
escapeshellarg($wgMathDirectory)." ".
diff --git a/includes/MemcachedSessions.php b/includes/MemcachedSessions.php
index 435d32fb7a04..dd45d516f602 100644
--- a/includes/MemcachedSessions.php
+++ b/includes/MemcachedSessions.php
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Brion Vibber <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
This file gets included if $wgSessionsInMemcache is set in the config.
diff --git a/includes/MessageCache.php b/includes/MessageCache.php
index 681078617a41..5c858acea516 100755
--- a/includes/MessageCache.php
+++ b/includes/MessageCache.php
@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ class MessageCache
function get( $key, $useDB ) {
global $wgLang, $wgLanguageCode;
+ $fname = "MessageCache::get";
# If uninitialised, someone is trying to call this halfway through Setup.php
if ( !$this->mInitialised ) {
return "&lt;$key&gt;";
@@ -200,5 +202,9 @@ class MessageCache
return $message;
+ function disable() { $this->mDisable = true; }
+ function enable() { $this->mDisable = false; }
diff --git a/includes/OutputPage.php b/includes/OutputPage.php
index d0e3efacf063..7c00d28f42eb 100644
--- a/includes/OutputPage.php
+++ b/includes/OutputPage.php
@@ -30,11 +30,12 @@ class OutputPage {
$this->mCategoryLinks = array() ;
$this->mDoNothing = false;
$this->mContainsOldMagic = $this->mContainsNewMagic = 0;
+ $this->mSquidMaxage = 0;
function addHeader( $name, $val ) { array_push( $this->mHeaders, "$name: $val" ) ; }
function addCookie( $name, $val ) { array_push( $this->mCookies, array( $name, $val ) ); }
- function redirect( $url ) { $this->mRedirect = $url; }
+ function redirect( $url, $responsecode = '302' ) { $this->mRedirect = $url; $this->mRedirectCode = $responsecode; }
# To add an http-equiv meta tag, precede the name with "http:"
function addMeta( $name, $val ) { array_push( $this->mMetatags, array( $name, $val ) ); }
@@ -166,12 +167,11 @@ class OutputPage {
# Set the maximum cache time on the Squid in seconds
function setSquidMaxage( $maxage ) {
- global $wgSquidMaxage;
- $wgSquidMaxage = $maxage;
+ $this->mSquidMaxage = $maxage;
function sendCacheControl() {
- global $wgUseSquid, $wgUseESI, $wgSquidMaxage;
+ global $wgUseSquid, $wgUseESI;
# FIXME: This header may cause trouble with some versions of Internet Explorer
header( "Vary: Accept-Encoding, Cookie" );
if( $this->mLastModified != "" ) {
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class OutputPage {
wfDebug( "** proxy caching with ESI; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", false );
# start with a shorter timeout for initial testing
# header( 'Surrogate-Control: max-age=2678400+2678400, content="ESI/1.0"');
- header( 'Surrogate-Control: max-age='.$wgSquidMaxage.'+'.$wgSquidMaxage.', content="ESI/1.0"');
+ header( 'Surrogate-Control: max-age='.$wgSquidMaxage.'+'.$this->mSquidMaxage.', content="ESI/1.0"');
header( 'Cache-Control: s-maxage=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0' );
} else {
# We'll purge the proxy cache for anons explicitly, but require end user agents
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class OutputPage {
wfDebug( "** local proxy caching; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", false );
# start with a shorter timeout for initial testing
# header( "Cache-Control: s-maxage=2678400, must-revalidate, max-age=0" );
- header( 'Cache-Control: s-maxage='.$wgSquidMaxage.', must-revalidate, max-age=0' );
+ header( 'Cache-Control: s-maxage='.$this->mSquidMaxage.', must-revalidate, max-age=0' );
} else {
# We do want clients to cache if they can, but they *must* check for updates
@@ -229,10 +229,6 @@ class OutputPage {
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
- $this->sendCacheControl();
- header( "Content-type: text/html; charset={$wgOutputEncoding}" );
- header( "Content-language: {$wgLanguageCode}" );
if ( "" != $this->mRedirect ) {
if( substr( $this->mRedirect, 0, 4 ) != "http" ) {
@@ -240,9 +236,22 @@ class OutputPage {
global $wgServer;
$this->mRedirect = $wgServer . $this->mRedirect;
+ if( $this->mRedirectCode == '301') {
+ header("HTTP/1.1 {$this->mRedirectCode} Moved Permanently");
+ $this->mLastModified = gmdate( "D, j M Y H:i:s" ) . " GMT";
+ }
+ $this->sendCacheControl();
header( "Location: {$this->mRedirect}" );
+ $this->sendCacheControl();
+ header( "Content-type: text/html; charset={$wgOutputEncoding}" );
+ header( "Content-language: {$wgLanguageCode}" );
$exp = time() + $wgCookieExpiration;
foreach( $this->mCookies as $name => $val ) {
@@ -536,5 +545,25 @@ class OutputPage {
$ret .= "</head>\n";
return $ret;
+ function loginToUse()
+ {
+ global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgLang;
+ $this->setHTMLTitle( wfMsg( "errorpagetitle" ) );
+ $this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( "loginreqtitle" ) );
+ $this->setRobotpolicy( "noindex,nofollow" );
+ $this->setArticleFlag( false );
+ $this->mBodytext = "";
+ $this->addWikiText( wfMsg( "loginreqtext" ) );
+ # We put a comment in the .html file so a Sysop can diagnose the page the
+ # user can't see.
+ $this->addHTML( "\n<!--" .
+ $wgLang->getNsText( $wgTitle->getNamespace() ) .
+ ":" .
+ $wgTitle->getDBkey() . "-->");
+ $this->returnToMain(); # Flip back to the main page after 10 seconds.
+ }
diff --git a/includes/PageHistory.php b/includes/PageHistory.php
index e3a3be70dd33..6f8c42e99568 100644
--- a/includes/PageHistory.php
+++ b/includes/PageHistory.php
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ class PageHistory {
global $wgTitle;
$this->lastdate = $this->lastline = "";
$s = "\n<p>" . wfMsg( "histlegend" ) . "\n<ul>";
- $url = wfLocalUrl( $wgTitle->getPrefixedText(), "dummy=1");
- $s .= "<SCRIPT>
+ $url = wfLocalUrl( $wgTitle->getPrefixedUrl(), "dummy=1");
+ $s .= "<script type='text/javascript'>
var sel = -1;
function anysel(oid){
row = document.getElementById(\"ver\" + oid);
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class PageHistory {
u = \"{$url}&diff=\" + diff + \"&oldid=\" + oldid;
- </SCRIPT>";
+ </script>";
return $s;
@@ -188,13 +188,13 @@ class PageHistory {
$arbitrary = "";
if( $this->linesonpage > 1)
- $arbitrary = "<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX onClick='anysel($oid)' TITLE='Select any two versions to diff them'>";
+ $arbitrary = "<input type='checkbox' onclick='anysel($oid)' title='Select any two versions to diff them'>";
$s .= "({$curlink}) (!OLDID!{$oid}!) $arbitrary . .";
$M = wfMsg( "minoreditletter" );
if ( $isminor ) {
$s .= " <strong>{$M}</strong>";
- $s .= " <span ID='ver$oid'>{$link} . . {$ul}</span>";
+ $s .= " <span id='ver$oid'>{$link} . . {$ul}</span>";
if ( "" != $c && "*" != $c ) {
$s .= " <em>(" . wfEscapeHTML($c) . ")</em>";
diff --git a/includes/SearchEngine.php b/includes/SearchEngine.php
index 0e182fc74b9a..36e5c9fbadc0 100644
--- a/includes/SearchEngine.php
+++ b/includes/SearchEngine.php
@@ -141,6 +141,15 @@ class SearchEngine {
return $ret;
+ function setupPage() {
+ global $wgOut;
+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( "searchresults" ) );
+ $q = wfMsg( "searchquery", htmlspecialchars( $this->mUsertext ) );
+ $wgOut->setSubtitle( $q );
+ $wgOut->setArticleRelated( false );
+ $wgOut->setRobotpolicy( "noindex,nofollow" );
+ }
# Perform the search and construct the results page
function showResults()
@@ -152,12 +161,8 @@ class SearchEngine {
$powersearch = $this->powersearch(); /* Need side-effects here? */
- $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( "searchresults" ) );
- $q = wfMsg( "searchquery", htmlspecialchars( $this->mUsertext ) );
- $wgOut->setSubtitle( $q );
- $wgOut->setArticleRelated( false );
- $wgOut->setRobotpolicy( "noindex,nofollow" );
+ $this->setupPage();
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
$header = wfMsg( "searchresulttext", $sk->makeKnownLink(
wfMsg( "searchhelppage" ), wfMsg( "searchingwikipedia" ) ) );
@@ -420,7 +425,13 @@ class SearchEngine {
global $wgOut, $wgDisableTextSearch;
$fname = "SearchEngine::goResult";
- $search = $_REQUEST['search'];
+ $search = trim( $_REQUEST['search'] );
+ # Entering an IP address goes to the contributions page
+ if ( preg_match( '/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/', $search ) ) {
+ $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, "Contributions" );
+ $wgOut->redirect( wfLocalUrl( $title->getPrefixedURL(), "target=$search" ) );
+ return;
+ }
# First try to go to page as entered.
@@ -471,15 +482,18 @@ class SearchEngine {
foreach( array(NS_MAIN, NS_WP, NS_USER, NS_IMAGE, NS_MEDIAWIKI) as $namespace){
$anyhit |= SearchEngine::doFuzzyTitleSearch( $search, $namespace );
- }
+ }
if( ! $anyhit ){
- $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg("notitlematches") );
+ return $this->showResults();
- $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( "googlesearch", htmlspecialchars( $search ), $GLOBALS['wgInputEncoding'] ) );
/* static */ function doFuzzyTitleSearch( $search, $namespace ){
global $wgLang, $wgOut;
+ $this->setupPage();
$sstr = ucfirst($search);
$sstr = str_replace(" ", "_", $sstr);
$fuzzymatches = SearchEngine::fuzzyTitles( $sstr, $namespace );
diff --git a/includes/Setup.php b/includes/Setup.php
index 69bd23e845a0..590be5ec3e37 100644
--- a/includes/Setup.php
+++ b/includes/Setup.php
@@ -21,11 +21,25 @@ if ( $wgProfiling and (0 == rand() % $wgProfileSampleRate ) ) {
/* collect the originating ips */
$wgIP = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
-if( $wgUseSquid && isset( $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] ) ) {
- # If the web server is behind a reverse proxy, we need to find
- # out where our requests are really coming from.
- $wgIP = trim( preg_replace( "/^(.*, )?([^,]+)$/", "$2",
+if( $wgUseSquid ) {
+ if( function_exists( "apache_request_headers" ) ) {
+ $head = apache_request_headers();
+ $fwd = $head["X-Forwarded-For"];
+ # Some broken proxies produce "X-Forwarded_For" headers which
+ # interfere with the fallback method:
+ } else {
+ }
+ if( !empty( $fwd ) ) {
+ # If the web server is behind a reverse proxy, we need to find
+ # out where our requests are really coming from.
+ $hopips = split(', ', $fwd );
+ while(in_array(trim(end($hopips)), $wgSquidServers)){
+ array_pop($hopips);
+ }
+ $wgIP = trim(end($hopips));
+ }
$fname = "Setup.php";
@@ -59,19 +73,20 @@ global $wgArticle, $wgDeferredUpdateList, $wgLinkCache;
global $wgMemc, $wgMagicWords, $wgMwRedir, $wgDebugLogFile;
global $wgMessageCache, $wgUseMemCached, $wgUseDatabaseMessages;
global $wgMsgCacheExpiry, $wgDBname, $wgCommandLineMode;
-global $wgBlockCache, $wgParserCache, $wgParser;
+global $wgBlockCache, $wgParserCache, $wgParser, $wgStockPath;
+global $wgUploadPath;
# Useful debug output
if ( function_exists( "getallheaders" ) ) {
wfDebug( "\nStart request\n" );
+ wfDebug( "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']} {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}\n" );
$headers = getallheaders();
foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
wfDebug( "$name: $value\n" );
wfDebug( "\n" );
} else {
+ wfDebug( "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']} {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}\n" );
@@ -131,7 +146,7 @@ $wgOut = new OutputPage();
wfDebug( "\n\n" );
$wgLangClass = "Language" . ucfirst( $wgLanguageCode );
-if( ! class_exists( $wgLangClass ) ) {
+if( ! class_exists( $wgLangClass ) || ($wgLanguageCode == "en" && strcasecmp( $wgInputEncoding, "utf-8" ) == 0 ) ) {
include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
$wgLangClass = "LanguageUtf8";
@@ -148,12 +163,22 @@ if ( $wgUseDynamicDates ) {
$wgDateFormatter = new DateFormatter;
-if( !$wgCommandLineMode && isset( $_COOKIE[ini_get("")] ) ) {
+if( !$wgCommandLineMode && ( isset( $_COOKIE[ini_get("")] ) || isset( $_COOKIE["{$wgDBname}Password"] ) ) ) {
+if ( $wgStockPath === false ) {
+ $wgStockPath = $wgUploadPath;
$wgBlockCache = new BlockCache( true );
-$wgUser = User::loadFromSession();
+if( $wgCommandLineMode ) {
+ # Used for some maintenance scripts; user session cookies can screw things up
+ # when the database is in an in-between state.
+ $wgUser = new User();
+} else {
+ $wgUser = User::loadFromSession();
$wgDeferredUpdateList = array();
$wgLinkCache = new LinkCache();
$wgMagicWords = array();
@@ -161,6 +186,9 @@ $wgMwRedir =& MagicWord::get( MAG_REDIRECT );
$wgParserCache = new ParserCache();
$wgParser = new Parser();
+# Disable known broken features
+$wgUseCategoryMagic = false;
wfProfileOut( "$fname-misc" );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
diff --git a/includes/Skin.php b/includes/Skin.php
index d933a110d7a9..13928ca48d31 100644
--- a/includes/Skin.php
+++ b/includes/Skin.php
@@ -475,15 +475,18 @@ class Skin {
global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $oldid, $action;
- $q = "";
+ $basequery = "";
foreach( $_GET as $var => $val ) {
- if( $var != "title" && $var != "printable" )
- $q .= urlencode( $var ) . "=" . urlencode( $val );
+ if( $var == "title" ) continue;
+ $basequery .= "&" . urlencode( $var ) . "=" . urlencode( $val );
- if( !empty( $q ) ) $q .= "&";
+ $basequery .= "&printable=yes";
- $s = $this->makeKnownLink( $wgTitle->getPrefixedText(),
- WfMsg( "printableversion" ), "{$q}printable=yes" );
+ # Trim the extra & if there was nothing else
+ $basequery = substr( $basequery, 1 );
+ $s = $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgTitle,
+ wfMsg( "printableversion" ), $basequery );
return $s;
@@ -1524,8 +1527,13 @@ class Skin {
$alt = htmlspecialchars( $alt );
$u = wfLocalUrlE( $link );
- $s = "<a href=\"{$u}\" class='image' title=\"{$alt}\">" .
- "<img border=\"0\" src=\"{$url}\" alt=\"{$alt}\"></a>";
+ if ( $url == "" )
+ {
+ $s = str_replace( "$1", $name, wfMsg("missingimage") );
+ } else {
+ $s = "<a href=\"{$u}\" class='image' title=\"{$alt}\">" .
+ "<img border=\"0\" src=\"{$url}\" alt=\"{$alt}\"></a>";
+ }
if ( "" != $align ) {
$s = "<div class=\"float{$align}\">{$s}</div>";
@@ -1542,7 +1550,13 @@ class Skin {
$thumbPath = wfImageThumbDir( $thumbName )."/".$thumbName;
$thumbUrl = wfImageThumbUrl( $thumbName );
- if ( (! file_exists( $thumbPath ) && file_exists( $imgPath ))
+ if ( ! file_exists( $imgPath ) )
+ {
+ # If there is no image, there will be no thumbnail
+ return "";
+ }
+ if ( (! file_exists( $thumbPath ) )
|| ( filemtime($thumbPath) < filemtime($imgPath) ) ) {
# Squid purging
if ( $wgUseSquid ) {
@@ -1629,7 +1643,7 @@ class Skin {
function makeThumbLinkObj( $nt, $label = "", $align = "right", $boxwidth = 180 ) {
- global $wgUploadPath;
+ global $wgStockPath, $wgLang;
$name = $nt->getDBKey();
$image = Title::makeTitle( Namespace::getImage(), $name );
$link = $image->getPrefixedURL();
@@ -1638,7 +1652,12 @@ class Skin {
$label = htmlspecialchars( $label );
- list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize( $path );
+ if ( file_exists( $path ) )
+ {
+ list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize( $path );
+ } else {
+ $width = $height = 200;
+ }
$boxheight = intval( $height/($width/$boxwidth) );
if ( $boxwidth > $width ) {
$boxwidth = $width;
@@ -1649,14 +1668,22 @@ class Skin {
$u = wfLocalUrlE( $link );
- $more = wfMsg( "thumbnail-more" );
+ $more = htmlspecialchars( wfMsg( "thumbnail-more" ) );
+ $magnifyalign = $wgLang->isRTL() ? "left" : "right";
+ $textalign = $wgLang->isRTL() ? " style=\"text-align:right\"" : "";
- $s = "<div class=\"thumbnail-{$align}\" style=\"width:{$boxwidth}px;\">" .
- "<a href=\"{$u}\" class=\"internal\" title=\"{$label}\">" .
- "<img border=\"0\" src=\"{$thumbUrl}\" alt=\"{$label}\" width=\"{$boxwidth}\" height=\"{$boxheight}\"></a>" .
- "<a href=\"{$u}\" class=\"internal\" title=\"{$more}\">" .
- "<img border=\"0\" src=\"{$wgUploadPath}/magnify-clip.png\" width=\"26\" height=\"24\" align=\"right\" alt=\"{$more}\"></a>" .
- "<p>{$label}</p></div>";
+ $s = "<div class=\"thumbnail-{$align}\" style=\"width:{$boxwidth}px;\">";
+ if ( $thumbUrl == "" ) {
+ $s .= str_replace( "$1", $name, wfMsg("missingimage") );
+ } else {
+ $s .= "<a href=\"{$u}\" class=\"internal\" title=\"{$alt}\">" .
+ "<img border=\"0\" src=\"{$thumbUrl}\" alt=\"{$alt}\" " .
+ " width=\"{$boxwidth}\" height=\"{$boxheight}\"></a>" .
+ "<a href=\"{$u}\" class=\"internal\" title=\"{$more}\">" .
+ "<img border=\"0\" src=\"{$wgStockPath}/magnify-clip.png\" " .
+ " width=\"26\" height=\"24\" align=\"{$magnifyalign}\" alt=\"{$more}\"></a>";
+ }
+ $s .= "<p{$textalign}>{$label}</p></div>";
return $s;
@@ -1720,7 +1747,7 @@ class Skin {
# Enhanced RC ungrouped line
function recentChangesBlockLine ( $rcObj )
- global $wgUploadPath, $wgLang ;
+ global $wgStockPath, $wgLang ;
# Get rc_xxxx variables
extract( $rcObj->mAttribs ) ;
@@ -1728,7 +1755,7 @@ class Skin {
# Spacer image
$r = "" ;
- $r .= "<img src='{$wgUploadPath}/Arr_.png' width=12 height=12 border=0>" ; $r .= "<tt>" ;
+ $r .= "<img src='{$wgStockPath}/Arr_.png' width='12' height='12' border='0'>" ; $r .= "<tt>" ;
if ( $rc_type == RC_MOVE ) {
$r .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
@@ -1781,7 +1808,7 @@ class Skin {
# Enhanced RC group
function recentChangesBlockGroup ( $block )
- global $wgUploadPath, $wgLang ;
+ global $wgStockPath, $wgLang ;
$r = "" ;
$M = wfMsg( "minoreditletter" );
@@ -1813,10 +1840,10 @@ class Skin {
$rci = "RCI{$this->rcCacheIndex}" ;
$rcl = "RCL{$this->rcCacheIndex}" ;
$rcm = "RCM{$this->rcCacheIndex}" ;
- $tl = "<a href='javascript:toggleVisibility(\"{$rci}\",\"{$rcm}\",\"{$rcl}\")'>" ;
- $tl .= "<span id='{$rcm}'><img src='{$wgUploadPath}/Arr_r.png' width=12 height=12 border=0></span>" ;
- $tl .= "<span id='{$rcl}' style='display:none'><img src='{$wgUploadPath}/Arr_d.png' width=12 height=12 border=0></span>" ;
- $tl .= "</a>" ;
+ $toggleLink = "javascript:toggleVisibility(\"{$rci}\",\"{$rcm}\",\"{$rcl}\")" ;
+ $arrowdir = $wgLang->isRTL() ? "l" : "r";
+ $tl = "<span id='{$rcm}'><a href='$toggleLink'><img src='{$wgStockPath}/Arr_{$arrowdir}.png' width='12' height='12' border='0' /></a></span>" ;
+ $tl .= "<span id='{$rcl}' style='display:none'><a href='$toggleLink'><img src='{$wgStockPath}/Arr_d.png' width='12' height='12' border='0' /></a></span>" ;
$r .= $tl ;
# Main line
@@ -1858,7 +1885,7 @@ class Skin {
# Get rc_xxxx variables
extract( $rcObj->mAttribs );
- $r .= "<img src='{$wgUploadPath}/Arr_.png' width=12 height=12 border=0>";
+ $r .= "<img src='{$wgStockPath}/Arr_.png' width=12 height=12 border=0>";
$r .= "<tt>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;" ;
if ( $rc_new ) $r .= $N ;
else $r .= "&nbsp;" ;
@@ -1899,7 +1926,6 @@ class Skin {
# RC lines, arranges them, and outputs the HTML
function recentChangesBlock ()
- global $wgUploadPath ;
if ( count ( $this->rc_cache ) == 0 ) return "" ;
#$k = array_keys ( $this->rc_cache ) ;
foreach ( $this->rc_cache AS $secureName => $block ) {
@@ -1910,7 +1936,7 @@ class Skin {
- return "<div align=left>{$r}</div>" ;
+ return "<div>{$r}</div>" ;
# Called in a loop over all displayed RC entries
@@ -2122,7 +2148,7 @@ class Skin {
$secureName = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
if ( $rc_type == RC_MOVE ) {
# Use an @ character to prevent collision with page names
- $this->rc_cache["@@" . ($rcMoveIndex++)] = array($rc);
+ $this->rc_cache["@@" . ($this->rcMoveIndex++)] = array($rc);
} else {
if ( !isset ( $this->rc_cache[$secureName] ) ) $this->rc_cache[$secureName] = array() ;
array_push ( $this->rc_cache[$secureName] , $rc ) ;
@@ -2267,7 +2293,7 @@ class Skin {
// The necsesary JavaScript code can be found in style/wikibits.js.
function getEditToolbar() {
- global $wgUploadPath,$wgLang;
+ global $wgStockPath,$wgLang;
// toolarray an array of arrays which each include the filename of
// the button image (without path), the opening tag, the closing tag,
@@ -2335,20 +2361,20 @@ class Skin {
$toolbar.="document.writeln(\"<div id='toolbar'>\");\n";
foreach($toolarray as $tool) {
- $image=$wgUploadPath."/".$tool["image"];
+ $image=$wgStockPath."/".$tool["image"];
- $sample=$tool["sample"];
+ $sample = addslashes( $tool["sample"] );
// Note that we use the tip both for the ALT tag and the TITLE tag of the image.
// Older browsers show a "speedtip" type message only for ALT.
// Ideally these should be different, realistically they
// probably don't need to be.
- $tip=$tool["tip"];
+ $tip = addslashes( $tool["tip"] );
- $toolbar.="addInfobox('".wfMsg("infobox")."');\n";
+ $toolbar.="addInfobox('" . addslashes( wfMsg( "infobox" ) ) . "');\n";
return $toolbar;
diff --git a/includes/SkinSmarty.php b/includes/SkinSmarty.php
index e49361a328cd..135c76ee1e31 100644
--- a/includes/SkinSmarty.php
+++ b/includes/SkinSmarty.php
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Brion Vibber <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
include_once( "Smarty.class.php" );
diff --git a/includes/SpecialAsksql.php b/includes/SpecialAsksql.php
index b5116efc30d0..42f44640ebe6 100644
--- a/includes/SpecialAsksql.php
+++ b/includes/SpecialAsksql.php
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
function wfSpecialAsksql()
- global $wgUser, $wgOut, $action;
+ global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgAllowSysopQueries, $action;
- if ( ! $wgUser->isSysop() ) {
+ if( !$wgAllowSysopQueries ) {
+ $wgOut->errorpage( "nosuchspecialpage", "nospecialpagetext" );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !$wgUser->isSysop() ) {
@@ -12,8 +16,11 @@ function wfSpecialAsksql()
wfCleanFormFields( $fields );
$f = new SqlQueryForm();
- if ( "submit" == $action ) { $f->doSubmit(); }
- else { $f->showForm( "" ); }
+ if ( "submit" == $action ) {
+ $f->doSubmit();
+ } else {
+ $f->showForm( "" );
+ }
class SqlQueryForm {
diff --git a/includes/SpecialContributions.php b/includes/SpecialContributions.php
index 1d97b1ea958f..89555746d7dd 100644
--- a/includes/SpecialContributions.php
+++ b/includes/SpecialContributions.php
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function wfSpecialContributions( $par = "" )
if ( 0 == $id ) {
- $sql = "SELECT cur_namespace,cur_title,cur_timestamp,cur_comment,cur_minor_edit FROM cur " .
+ $sql = "SELECT cur_namespace,cur_title,cur_timestamp,cur_comment,cur_minor_edit,cur_is_new FROM cur " .
"WHERE cur_user_text='" . wfStrencode( $nt->getText() ) . "' {$cmq} " .
"ORDER BY inverse_timestamp LIMIT {$querylimit}";
$res1 = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ, $fname );
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ function wfSpecialContributions( $par = "" )
"ORDER BY inverse_timestamp LIMIT {$querylimit}";
$res2 = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ, $fname );
} else {
- $sql = "SELECT cur_namespace,cur_title,cur_timestamp,cur_comment,cur_minor_edit FROM cur " .
+ $sql = "SELECT cur_namespace,cur_title,cur_timestamp,cur_comment,cur_minor_edit,cur_is_new FROM cur " .
"WHERE cur_user={$id} {$cmq} ORDER BY inverse_timestamp LIMIT {$querylimit}";
$res1 = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ, $fname );
@@ -106,9 +106,10 @@ function wfSpecialContributions( $par = "" )
$ts = $obj1->cur_timestamp;
$comment =$obj1->cur_comment;
$me = $obj1->cur_minor_edit;
+ $isnew = $obj1->cur_is_new;
$obj1 = wfFetchObject( $res1 );
- $topmark = true;
+ $topmark = true;
} else {
$ns = $obj2->old_namespace;
@@ -118,41 +119,53 @@ function wfSpecialContributions( $par = "" )
$me = $obj2->old_minor_edit;
$obj2 = wfFetchObject( $res2 );
+ $isnew = false;
$topmark = false;
if( $n >= $offset )
- ucListEdit( $sk, $ns, $t, $ts, $topmark, $comment, ( $me > 0) );
+ ucListEdit( $sk, $ns, $t, $ts, $topmark, $comment, ( $me > 0),$isnew );
$wgOut->addHTML( "</ul>\n" );
-function ucListEdit( $sk, $ns, $t, $ts, $topmark, $comment, $isminor )
+function ucListEdit( $sk, $ns, $t, $ts, $topmark, $comment, $isminor, $isnew )
global $wgLang, $wgOut, $wgUser, $target;
$page = Title::makeName( $ns, $t );
$link = $sk->makeKnownLink( $page, "" );
- $topmarktext = $topmark ? wfMsg ( "uctop" ) : "";
- $sysop = $wgUser->isSysop();
+ $topmarktext="";
+ if($topmark) {
+ if(!$isnew) {
+ $topmarktext .= $sk->makeKnownLink( $page, wfMsg("uctop"), "diff=0" );
+ } else {
+ $topmarktext .= wfMsg("newarticle");
+ }
+ $sysop = $wgUser->isSysop();
+ if($sysop ) {
+ $extraRollback = $_REQUEST['bot'] ? '&bot=1' : '';
+ $topmarktext .= " [". $sk->makeKnownLink( $page,
+ wfMsg( "rollbacklink" ), "action=rollback&from=" . urlencode( $target ) .
+ $extraRollback ) ."]";
+ }
- $extraRollback = $_REQUEST['bot'] ? '&bot=1' : '';
- if($sysop && $topmark ) {
- $topmarktext .= " [". $sk->makeKnownLink( $page,
- wfMsg( "rollbacklink" ),
- "action=rollback&from=" . urlencode( $target ) . $extraRollback ) ."]";
+ $histlink="(".$sk->makeKnownLink($page,wfMsg("hist"),"action=history").")";
if($comment) {
$comment="<em>(". htmlspecialchars( $comment ) .")</em> ";
$d = $wgLang->timeanddate( $ts, true );
- if ($isminor) {
- $mflag = "<strong>" . wfMsg( "minoreditletter" ) . "</strong> ";
- }
+ if ($isminor) {
+ $mflag = "<strong>" . wfMsg( "minoreditletter" ) . "</strong> ";
+ } else {
+ $mflag = "";
+ }
- $wgOut->addHTML( "<li>{$d} {$mflag}{$link} {$comment}{$topmarktext}</li>\n" );
+ $wgOut->addHTML( "<li>{$d} {$histlink} {$mflag} {$link} {$comment}{$topmarktext}</li>\n" );
function ucCountLink( $lim, $d )
diff --git a/includes/SpecialEmailuser.php b/includes/SpecialEmailuser.php
index bdd6217f780f..a530eb130b9a 100644
--- a/includes/SpecialEmailuser.php
+++ b/includes/SpecialEmailuser.php
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
-function wfSpecialEmailuser()
+function wfSpecialEmailuser( $par ) {
global $wgUser, $wgOut, $action, $target;
if ( 0 == $wgUser->getID() ||
@@ -11,7 +10,11 @@ function wfSpecialEmailuser()
$wgOut->errorpage( "mailnologin", "mailnologintext" );
- $target = wfCleanQueryVar( $target );
+ if( empty( $par ) ) {
+ $target = wfCleanQueryVar( $target );
+ } else {
+ $target = $par;
+ }
if ( "" == $target ) {
$wgOut->errorpage( "notargettitle", "notargettext" );
diff --git a/includes/SpecialExport.php b/includes/SpecialExport.php
index 2a3291d53207..a6cd8ddec9cf 100644
--- a/includes/SpecialExport.php
+++ b/includes/SpecialExport.php
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Brion Vibber <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
function wfSpecialExport( $page = "" ) {
global $wgOut, $wgLang;
diff --git a/includes/SpecialMovepage.php b/includes/SpecialMovepage.php
index 3a0b32d0e49a..9fc0dd6e79af 100644
--- a/includes/SpecialMovepage.php
+++ b/includes/SpecialMovepage.php
@@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ class MovePageForm {
# Change the name of the target page:
$now = wfTimestampNow();
+ $won = wfInvertTimestamp( $now );
$sql = "UPDATE cur SET cur_touched='{$now}'," .
"cur_namespace={$this->nns},cur_title='{$this->ndt}' " .
"WHERE cur_id={$this->oldid}";
@@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ class MovePageForm {
# Repurpose the old redirect. We don't save it to history since
# by definition if we've got here it's rather uninteresting.
- $sql = "UPDATE cur SET cur_touched='{$now}',cur_timestamp='{$now}'," .
+ $sql = "UPDATE cur SET cur_touched='{$now}',cur_timestamp='{$now}',inverse_timestamp='${won}'," .
"cur_namespace={$this->ons},cur_title='{$this->odt}'," .
"cur_text='#REDIRECT [[{$this->nft}]]\n',cur_comment='" .
"{$mt} \\\"{$this->nft}\\\"',cur_user='" . $wgUser->getID() .
diff --git a/includes/SpecialSpecialpages.php b/includes/SpecialSpecialpages.php
index 9805fa5293dc..aac52bfa7473 100644
--- a/includes/SpecialSpecialpages.php
+++ b/includes/SpecialSpecialpages.php
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
function wfSpecialSpecialpages()
- global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang;
+ global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgAllowSysopQueries;
$wgOut->setRobotpolicy( "index,nofollow" );
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ function wfSpecialSpecialpages()
foreach ( $sysopSP as $name => $desc ) {
if ( "" == $desc ) { continue; }
+ if( "Asksql" == $name && !$wgAllowSysopQueries ) {
+ continue;
+ }
$link = $sk->makeKnownLink( $wgLang->specialPage( $name ), $desc );
$wgOut->addHTML( "<li>{$link}</li>\n" );
diff --git a/includes/SpecialUndelete.php b/includes/SpecialUndelete.php
index ac2ff9c310c7..fbccfcf59d16 100644
--- a/includes/SpecialUndelete.php
+++ b/includes/SpecialUndelete.php
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002 Brion Vibber <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
function wfSpecialUndelete( $par )
diff --git a/includes/SpecialUpload.php b/includes/SpecialUpload.php
index 9e2398faccdd..dd0283b8a87c 100644
--- a/includes/SpecialUpload.php
+++ b/includes/SpecialUpload.php
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function processUpload()
global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wpUploadAffirm, $wpUploadFile;
global $wpUploadDescription, $wpIgnoreWarning;
- global $HTTP_POST_FILES, $wgUploadDirectory;
+ global $wgUploadDirectory;
global $wpUploadSaveName, $wpUploadTempName, $wpUploadSize;
global $wgSavedFile, $wgUploadOldVersion, $wpUploadOldVersion;
global $wgUseCopyrightUpload , $wpUploadCopyStatus , $wpUploadSource ;
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ function processUpload()
if ( ! $wpUploadTempName ) {
- $wpUploadTempName = $HTTP_POST_FILES['wpUploadFile']['tmp_name'];
+ $wpUploadTempName = $_FILES['wpUploadFile']['tmp_name'];
if ( ! $wpUploadSize ) {
- $wpUploadSize = $HTTP_POST_FILES['wpUploadFile']['size'];
+ $wpUploadSize = $_FILES['wpUploadFile']['size'];
$prev = error_reporting( E_ALL & ~( E_NOTICE | E_WARNING ) );
- $oname = wfCleanQueryVar( $HTTP_POST_FILES['wpUploadFile']['name'] );
+ $oname = wfCleanQueryVar( $_FILES['wpUploadFile']['name'] );
if ( $wpUploadSaveName != "" ) $wpUploadSaveName = wfCleanQueryVar( $wpUploadSaveName );
error_reporting( $prev );
@@ -77,10 +77,14 @@ function processUpload()
$partname = substr( $basename, 0, strlen( $basename ) - $xl );
if ( strlen( $partname ) < 3 ) {
- mainUploadForm( WfMsg( "minlength" ) );
+ mainUploadForm( wfMsg( "minlength" ) );
$nt = Title::newFromText( $basename );
+ if( !$nt ) {
+ mainUploadForm( wfMsg( "badtitle" ) );
+ return;
+ }
$wpUploadSaveName = $nt->getDBkey();
/* Don't allow users to override the blacklist */
@@ -157,9 +161,9 @@ function saveUploadedFile()
function unsaveUploadedFile()
global $wpSessionKey, $wpUploadOldVersion;
- global $wgUploadDirectory, $wgOut, $wsUploadFiles;
+ global $wgUploadDirectory, $wgOut;
- $wgSavedFile = $wsUploadFiles[$wpSessionKey];
+ $wgSavedFile = $_SESSION['wsUploadFiles'][$wpSessionKey];
$wgUploadOldVersion = $wpUploadOldVersion;
if ( ! @unlink( $wgSavedFile ) ) {
@@ -193,12 +197,12 @@ function uploadWarning( $warning )
global $wpUploadDescription, $wpIgnoreWarning;
global $wpUploadSaveName, $wpUploadTempName, $wpUploadSize;
global $wgSavedFile, $wgUploadOldVersion;
- global $wpSessionKey, $wpUploadOldVersion, $wsUploadFiles;
+ global $wpSessionKey, $wpUploadOldVersion;
global $wgUseCopyrightUpload , $wpUploadCopyStatus , $wpUploadSource ;
# wgSavedFile is stored in the session not the form, for security
$wpSessionKey = mt_rand( 0, 0x7fffffff );
- $wsUploadFiles[$wpSessionKey] = $wgSavedFile;
+ $_SESSION['wsUploadFiles'][$wpSessionKey] = $wgSavedFile;
$sub = wfMsg( "uploadwarning" );
$wgOut->addHTML( "<h2>{$sub}</h2>\n" );
diff --git a/includes/SpecialVersion.php b/includes/SpecialVersion.php
index 8f99360cea14..8e1ff5e77f4d 100644
--- a/includes/SpecialVersion.php
+++ b/includes/SpecialVersion.php
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Brion Vibber <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
function wfSpecialVersion()
diff --git a/includes/Title.php b/includes/Title.php
index fc846b98ebe4..cc6909614572 100644
--- a/includes/Title.php
+++ b/includes/Title.php
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# See title.doc
-/* private static */ $title_interwiki_cache = array();
+/* private */ $wgTitleInterwikiCache = array();
class Title {
/* private */ var $mTextform, $mUrlform, $mDbkeyform;
@@ -132,19 +132,21 @@ class Title {
function getInterwikiLink( $key )
- global $wgMemc, $wgDBname, $title_interwiki_cache;
+ global $wgMemc, $wgDBname, $wgTitleInterwikiCache, $wgInterwikiExpiry;
$k = "$wgDBname:interwiki:$key";
- if( array_key_exists( $k, $title_interwiki_cache ) )
- return $title_interwiki_cache[$k]->iw_url;
+ if( array_key_exists( $k, $wgTitleInterwikiCache ) ) {
+ return $wgTitleInterwikiCache[$k]->iw_url;
+ }
$s = $wgMemc->get( $k );
- if( $s ) {
- $title_interwiki_cache[$k] = $s;
+ # Ignore old keys with no iw_local
+ if( $s && isset( $s->iw_local ) ) {
+ $wgTitleInterwikiCache[$k] = $s;
return $s->iw_url;
$dkey = wfStrencode( $key );
- $query = "SELECT iw_url FROM interwiki WHERE iw_prefix='$dkey'";
+ $query = "SELECT iw_url,iw_local FROM interwiki WHERE iw_prefix='$dkey'";
$res = wfQuery( $query, DB_READ, "Title::getInterwikiLink" );
if(!$res) return "";
@@ -153,11 +155,24 @@ class Title {
$s = (object)false;
$s->iw_url = "";
- $wgMemc->set( $k, $s );
- $title_interwiki_cache[$k] = $s;
+ $wgMemc->set( $k, $s, $wgInterwikiExpiry );
+ $wgTitleInterwikiCache[$k] = $s;
return $s->iw_url;
+ function isLocal() {
+ global $wgTitleInterwikiCache, $wgDBname;
+ if ( $this->mInterwiki != "" ) {
+ # Make sure key is loaded into cache
+ $this->getInterwikiLink( $this->mInterwiki );
+ $k = "$wgDBname:interwiki:" . $this->mInterwiki;
+ return (bool)($wgTitleInterwikiCache[$k]->iw_local);
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
function getText() { return $this->mTextform; }
function getURL() { return $this->mUrlform; }
function getDBkey() { return $this->mDbkeyform; }
@@ -401,7 +416,7 @@ class Title {
/* private */ function secureAndSplit()
- global $wgLang, $wgLocalInterwiki;
+ global $wgLang, $wgLocalInterwiki, $wgCapitalLinks;
$fname = "Title::secureAndSplit";
wfProfileIn( $fname );
@@ -486,7 +501,9 @@ class Title {
return false;
- if( $this->mInterwiki == "") $t = $wgLang->ucfirst( $r );
+ if( $wgCapitalLinks && $this->mInterwiki == "") {
+ $t = $wgLang->ucfirst( $r );
+ }
$this->mDbkeyform = $t;
$this->mUrlform = wfUrlencode( $t );
$this->mTextform = str_replace( "_", " ", $t );
diff --git a/includes/User.php b/includes/User.php
index 7a21052abf89..9b4f1eb3af8e 100644
--- a/includes/User.php
+++ b/includes/User.php
@@ -138,41 +138,35 @@ class User {
function SetupSession() {
global $wgSessionsInMemcached, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain;
- global $wsUserID, $wsUserName, $wsUserPassword, $wsUploadFiles;
if( $wgSessionsInMemcached ) {
include_once( "MemcachedSessions.php" );
session_set_cookie_params( 0, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain );
session_cache_limiter( "private, must-revalidate" );
- session_register( "wsUserID" );
- session_register( "wsUserName" );
- session_register( "wsUserPassword" );
- session_register( "wsUploadFiles" );
/* static */ function loadFromSession()
- global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $wsUserID, $wsUserName, $wsUserPassword;
global $wgMemc, $wgDBname;
- if ( isset( $wsUserID ) ) {
- if ( 0 != $wsUserID ) {
- $sId = $wsUserID;
+ if ( isset( $_SESSION['wsUserID'] ) ) {
+ if ( 0 != $_SESSION['wsUserID'] ) {
+ $sId = $_SESSION['wsUserID'];
} else {
return new User();
- } else if ( isset( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["{$wgDBname}UserID"] ) ) {
- $sId = IntVal( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["{$wgDBname}UserID"] );
- $wsUserID = $sId;
+ } else if ( isset( $_COOKIE["{$wgDBname}UserID"] ) ) {
+ $sId = IntVal( $_COOKIE["{$wgDBname}UserID"] );
+ $_SESSION['wsUserID'] = $sId;
} else {
return new User();
- if ( isset( $wsUserName ) ) {
- $sName = $wsUserName;
- } else if ( isset( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["{$wgDBname}UserName"] ) ) {
- $sName = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["{$wgDBname}UserName"];
- $wsUserName = $sName;
+ if ( isset( $_SESSION['wsUserName'] ) ) {
+ $sName = $_SESSION['wsUserName'];
+ } else if ( isset( $_COOKIE["{$wgDBname}UserName"] ) ) {
+ $sName = $_COOKIE["{$wgDBname}UserName"];
+ $_SESSION['wsUserName'] = $sName;
} else {
return new User();
@@ -188,12 +182,12 @@ class User {
wfDebug( "User::loadFromSession() got from cache!\n" );
- if ( isset( $wsUserPassword ) ) {
- $passwordCorrect = $wsUserPassword == $user->mPassword;
- } else if ( isset( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["{$wgDBname}Password"] ) ) {
- $user->mCookiePassword = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["{$wgDBname}Password"];
- $wsUserPassword = $user->addSalt( $user->mCookiePassword );
- $passwordCorrect = $wsUserPassword == $user->mPassword;
+ if ( isset( $_SESSION['wsUserPassword'] ) ) {
+ $passwordCorrect = $_SESSION['wsUserPassword'] == $user->mPassword;
+ } else if ( isset( $_COOKIE["{$wgDBname}Password"] ) ) {
+ $user->mCookiePassword = $_COOKIE["{$wgDBname}Password"];
+ $_SESSION['wsUserPassword'] = $user->addSalt( $user->mCookiePassword );
+ $passwordCorrect = $_SESSION['wsUserPassword'] == $user->mPassword;
} else {
return new User(); # Can't log in from session
@@ -486,19 +480,18 @@ class User {
function setCookies()
- global $wsUserID, $wsUserName, $wsUserPassword;
global $wgCookieExpiration, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgDBname;
if ( 0 == $this->mId ) return;
$exp = time() + $wgCookieExpiration;
- $wsUserID = $this->mId;
+ $_SESSION['wsUserID'] = $this->mId;
setcookie( "{$wgDBname}UserID", $this->mId, $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain );
- $wsUserName = $this->mName;
+ $_SESSION['wsUserName'] = $this->mName;
setcookie( "{$wgDBname}UserName", $this->mName, $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain );
- $wsUserPassword = $this->mPassword;
+ $_SESSION['wsUserPassword'] = $this->mPassword;
if ( 1 == $this->getOption( "rememberpassword" ) ) {
setcookie( "{$wgDBname}Password", $this->mCookiePassword, $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain );
} else {
@@ -508,10 +501,10 @@ class User {
function logout()
- global $wsUserID, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgDBname;
+ global $wgDBname, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain;
$this->mId = 0;
- $wsUserID = 0;
+ $_SESSION['wsUserID'] = 0;
setcookie( "{$wgDBname}UserID", "", time() - 3600, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain );
setcookie( "{$wgDBname}Password", "", time() - 3600, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain );
diff --git a/includes/WatchedItem.php b/includes/WatchedItem.php
index b5933f0776d7..56bba3c9cb59 100644
--- a/includes/WatchedItem.php
+++ b/includes/WatchedItem.php
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Brion Vibber <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
class WatchedItem {
diff --git a/includes/proxy_check.php b/includes/proxy_check.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..46d6f8ae537e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/proxy_check.php
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Command line script to check for an open proxy at a specified location
+# Exit if there are not enough parameters, or if it's not command line mode
+$output = "";
+if ( ( isset( $_REQUEST ) && array_key_exists( "argv", $_REQUEST ) ) || count( $argv ) < 4 ) {
+ $output .= "Incorrect parameters\n";
+} else {
+ # Get parameters
+ $ip = $argv[1];
+ $port = $argv[2];
+ $url = $argv[3];
+ $host = trim(`hostname`);
+ $output = "Connecting to $ip:$port, target $url, this hostname $host\n";
+ # Open socket
+ $sock = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5);
+ if ($errno == 0 ) {
+ $output .= "Connected\n";
+ # Send payload
+ $request = "GET $url HTTP/1.0\r\n";
+# $request .= "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n";
+# $request .= "Pragma: no-cache\r\n";
+# $request .= "Host: ".$url."\r\n";
+# $request .= "User-Agent: MediaWiki open proxy check\r\n";
+ $request .= "\r\n";
+ @fputs($sock, $request);
+ $response = fgets($sock, 65536);
+ $output .= $response;
+ @fclose($sock);
+ } else {
+ $output .= "No connection\n";
+ }
+$output = escapeshellarg( $output );
+#`echo $output >> /tmp/proxy2.log`;
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 34580967802e..178874f41e12 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -1,12 +1,50 @@
# Main wiki script; see design.doc
+# Fudge the variable imports to work around oddness with
+# magic_quotes_gpc being on and register_globals being off
+function &fix_magic_quotes( &$arr ) {
+ foreach( $arr as $key => $val ) {
+ if( is_array( $val ) ) {
+ fix_magic_quotes( $arr[$key] );
+ } else {
+ $arr[$key] = stripslashes( $val );
+ }
+ }
+ return $arr;
+if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
+ fix_magic_quotes( $_COOKIE );
+ fix_magic_quotes( $_ENV );
+ fix_magic_quotes( $_GET );
+ fix_magic_quotes( $_POST );
+ fix_magic_quotes( $_REQUEST );
+ fix_magic_quotes( $_SERVER );
+ foreach( $_FILES as $key => $x ) {
+ # The tmp_name must not be stripped, it's a raw path
+ $_FILES[$key]["name"] = stripslashes( $_FILES[$key]["name"] );
+ }
+if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() || !ini_get( "register_globals" ) ) {
+ # Import or re-import the variables
+ extract( $_REQUEST );
+# Now that that's done, let's get on with business!
$wgRequestTime = microtime();
unset( $IP );
ini_set( "allow_url_fopen", 0 ); # For security...
+if(!file_exists("LocalSettings.php")) {
+ die( "You'll have to <a href='config/index.php'>set the wiki up</a> first!" );
include_once( "./LocalSettings.php" );
+if( $wgSitename == "MediaWiki" ) {
+ die( "You must set the site name in \$wgSitename before installation.\n\n" );
# Windows requires ';' as separator, ':' for Unix
$sep = strchr( $include_path = ini_get( "include_path" ), ";" ) ? ";" : ":";
ini_set( "include_path", "$IP$sep$include_path" );
@@ -21,6 +59,12 @@ OutputPage::setEncodings(); # Not really used yet
global $action, $title, $search, $go, $target, $printable;
global $returnto, $diff, $oldid, $curid;
+if( isset( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) && $wgUsePathInfo ) {
+ $title = substr( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 1 );
+} else {
+ $title = $_REQUEST['title'];
# Placeholders in case of DB error
$wgTitle = Title::newFromText( wfMsg( "badtitle" ) );
$wgArticle = new Article($wgTitle);
@@ -39,18 +83,38 @@ if ( "" == $title && "delete" != $action ) {
wfProfileOut( "main-misc-setup" );
+# If the user is not logged in, the Namespace:title of the article must be in the Read array in
+# order for the user to see it.
+if ( !$wgUser->getID() && is_array( $wgWhitelistRead ) && $wgTitle) {
+ if ( !in_array( $wgLang->getNsText( $wgTitle->getNamespace() ) . ":" . $wgTitle->getDBkey(), $wgWhitelistRead ) ) {
+ $wgOut->loginToUse();
+ $wgOut->output();
+ exit;
+ }
if ( "" != $search ) {
if( isset($_REQUEST['fulltext']) ) {
wfSearch( $search );
} else {
wfGo( $search );
-} else if( !$wgTitle or $wgTitle->getInterwiki() != "" or $wgTitle->getDBkey() == "" ) {
+} else if ( !$wgTitle or $wgTitle->getDBkey() == "" ) {
$wgTitle = Title::newFromText( wfMsg( "badtitle" ) );
$wgOut->errorpage( "badtitle", "badtitletext" );
+} else if ( $wgTitle->getInterwiki() != "" ) {
+ $url = $wgTitle->getFullUrl();
+ # Check for a redirect loop
+ if ( !preg_match( "/^" . preg_quote( $wgServer ) . "/", $url ) && $wgTitle->isLocal() ) {
+ $wgOut->redirect( $url );
+ } else {
+ $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( wfMsg( "badtitle" ) );
+ $wgOut->errorpage( "badtitle", "badtitletext" );
+ }
} else if ( ( $action == "view" ) && $wgTitle->getPrefixedDBKey() != $title ) {
- /* redirect to canonical url */
- $wgOut->redirect( wfLocalUrl( $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL() ) );
+ /* redirect to canonical url, make it a 301 to allow caching */
+ $wgOut->redirect( wfLocalUrl( $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL() ), '301');
} else if ( Namespace::getSpecial() == $wgTitle->getNamespace() ) {
} else {
@@ -70,6 +134,9 @@ if ( "" != $search ) {
wfQuery("BEGIN", DB_WRITE);
switch( $action ) {
case "view":
+ $wgOut->setSquidMaxage( $wgSquidMaxage );
+ $wgArticle->$action();
+ break;
case "watch":
case "unwatch":
case "delete":
@@ -92,10 +159,18 @@ if ( "" != $search ) {
case "history":
+ if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] == $wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL(), 'action=history')) {
+ $wgOut->setSquidMaxage( $wgSquidMaxage );
+ }
include_once( "PageHistory.php" );
$history = new PageHistory( $wgArticle );
+ case "purge":
+ wfPurgeSquidServers(array($wgInternalServer.wfLocalUrl( $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL())));
+ $wgOut->setSquidMaxage( $wgSquidMaxage );
+ $wgArticle->view();
+ break;
$wgOut->errorpage( "nosuchaction", "nosuchactiontext" );
diff --git a/ b/
index 8d1734e5d23a..73f4e38171a6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
function install_version_checks() {
+ # Turn off output buffering if it's on
+ @ob_end_flush();
if( !function_exists( "version_compare" ) ) {
# version_compare was introduced in 4.1.0
die( "Your PHP version is much too old; 4.0.x will _not_ work. 4.3.2 or higher is recommended. ABORTING.\n" );
@@ -8,9 +11,6 @@ function install_version_checks() {
if( version_compare( phpversion(), "4.3.2" ) < 0 ) {
echo "WARNING: PHP 4.3.2 or higher is recommended. Older versions from 4.1.x up may work but are not actively supported.\n\n";
- if( !ini_get( "register_globals" ) ) {
- echo "WARNING: register_globals is not on; MediaWiki currently relies on this option.\n\n";
- }
if (!extension_loaded('mysql')) {
if (!dl('')) {
@@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ function dbsource( $fname, $database = false ) {
$res = mysql_query( $cmd );
if ( false === $res ) {
- print "Query \"{$cmd}\" failed.\n";
+ $err = mysql_error();
+ print "Query \"{$cmd}\" failed with error code \"$err\".\n";
diff --git a/install.php b/install.php
index b966798c648f..54c13128710d 100644
--- a/install.php
+++ b/install.php
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+die( "The command-line installer is not recommended, please read INSTALL.\n\n" );
# Install software and create new empty database.
@@ -19,6 +21,10 @@ include_once( "./LocalSettings.php" );
include_once( "./AdminSettings.php" );
include_once( "./maintenance/" );
+if( $wgSitename == "MediaWiki" ) {
+ die( "You must set the site name in \$wgSitename before installation.\n\n" );
if ( $wgUseTeX && ( ! is_executable( "./math/texvc" ) ) ) {
print "To use math functions, you must first compile texvc by\n" .
"running \"make\" in the math directory.\n";
@@ -72,6 +78,11 @@ copyfile( "./images", "button_media.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
copyfile( "./images", "button_nowiki.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
copyfile( "./images", "button_sig.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
copyfile( "./images", "button_template.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
+copyfile( "./images", "magnify-clip.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
+copyfile( "./images", "Arr_.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
+copyfile( "./images", "Arr_r.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
+copyfile( "./images", "Arr_d.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
+copyfile( "./images", "Arr_l.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
copyfile( "./languages", "Language.php", $IP );
copyfile( "./languages", "LanguageUtf8.php", $IP );
@@ -204,7 +215,8 @@ function populatedata() {
print "Do you want to create a sysop+developer account? A developer\n";
print "can switch the database to read-only mode and run any type of\n";
- print "query through a web interface. [Y/n] ";
+ print "query through a web interface. This account can also assign\n";
+ print "sysop access to other accounts. [Y/n] ";
if(strtolower($response)!="n") {
print "Enter the username [Developer]: ";
@@ -220,6 +232,7 @@ function populatedata() {
$u->setPassword( $developer_password );
$u->addRight( "sysop" );
$u->addRight( "developer" );
+ $u->addRight( "bureaucrat" );
} else {
print "Could not create user - already exists!\n";
diff --git a/irc/rc2irc.php b/irc/rc2irc.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 41d6b155ed57..000000000000
--- a/irc/rc2irc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-$ircNick = "wikipedia_rc";
-$rooms = array("en" => 1, "fr" => 1, "de" => 1);
-$ircServer = ""
-$ircSockName = "tcp://$ircServer";
-$ircPort = 6667;
-$minDelay = 0.5;
-$ircReadTimeout = 200000; # us
-$ircWriteTimeout = 30; # s
-$fmB = chr(2);
-$fmU = chr(31);
-$queueId = 337055475;
-$maxMessageSize = 16384;
-# Get queue
-$ircPassword = mt_rand(0xffffffff);
-$hostname = getenv('SERVER_NAME');
-$queue = msg_get_queue($queueId);
-if ( !$queue ) {
- print "Could not open RC message queue\n";
- exit;
-emptyQueue( $queue );
-# Initialise the IRC connection
-$sockIRC = fsockopen( $ircSockName, $ircPort );
-if ( !$sockIRC ) {
- print "Could not open IRC connection\n";
- exit;
-stream_set_timeout($sockIRC, 0, $ircWriteTimeout);
-fwrite( $sockIRC,
- "PASS $ircPassword\r\n" .
- "NICK $ircNick\r\n" .
- "USER recentchanges $hostname $ircServer Wikipedia RC->IRC bot\r\n"
-foreach ( $rooms as $room => $v ) {
- joinRoom( $sockIRC, $room );
-$readObjs = array( $sockIRC, $queue );
-# Main input loop
-$die = false;
-while ( !$die ) {
- # RC input
- $msgType = 0;
- $entry = false;
- if (!msg_receive($queue, 0, $msgType, $maxMessageSize, $entry, true, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT)) {
- $entry = false;
- }
- if (is_array( $entry )) {
- $out = getIrcOutput( $sockIRC, $entry );
- fwrite( $sockIRC, $out );
- }
- # IRC input
- stream_set_timeout($sockIRC, 0, $ircReadTimeout);
- $line = rtrim(fgets( $sockIRC ));
- stream_set_timeout($sockIRC, 0, $ircWriteTimeout);
- if ( $line ) {
- $die = processIrcInput( $sockIRC, $line );
- }
-function delayMin()
- static $lastTime = 0;
- global $minDelay;
- if ( !$lastTime ) {
- $lastTime = getMicroTime();
- }
- $curTime = getMicroTime();
- $timeDifference = $curTime - $lastTime;
- if ( $timeDifference < $minDelay ) {
- usleep( ($minDelay - $timeDifference) *1000000 );
- }
- $lastTime = $curTime;
-function getMicroTime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
-function getIrcOutput( $socket, $in )
- global $rooms;
- delayMin();
- $bad = array("\n", "\r");
- $empty = array("", "");
- $comment = $in['comment'];
- $title = $in['prefixedDBkey'];
- $user = $in['userText'];
- $lastid = IntVal($in['lastOldid']);
- $flag = ($in['minor'] ? "M" : "") . ($in['new'] ? "N" : "");
- $lang = $in['lang'];
- if ( $lang == "w" ) {
- $lang = "en";
- }
- if ( !array_key_exists( $rooms, $lang ) ) {
- return "";
- }
- $room = "#{$lang}rc.wikipedia";
- if ( $in['new'] ) {
- $url = "http://$" . urlencode($title);
- } else {
- $url = "http://$" . urlencode($title) .
- "&diff=0&oldid=$lastid";
- }
- $spaceTitle = str_replace("_", " ", $title);
- $beep = "";
- if ( $patterns ) {
- foreach ( $patterns as $pattern ) {
- if ( preg_match( $pattern, $comment ) ) {
- $beep = chr(7);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $comment !== "" ) {
- $comment = "($comment)";
- }
- $fullString = str_replace($bad, $empty,
- "$beep$fmB$spaceTitle$fmB $flag $url $user $comment");
- $fullString = "PRIVMSG $room :$fullString\r\n";
- return $fullString;
-function joinRoom( $sock, $room )
- global $rooms;
- $rooms[$room] = 1;
- fwrite( $sock, "JOIN #{$room}rc.wikipedia\r\n" );
-function partRoom( $sock, $room )
- global $rooms;
- unset( $rooms[$room] );
- fwrite( $sock, "PART #{$room}rc.wikipedia\r\n" );
-function processIrcInput( $sock, $line )
- global $rooms;
- $die = false;
- $args = explode( " ", $line );
- if ( $args[0] == "PING" ) {
- fwrite( $sock, "PONG {$args[1]}\r\n" );
- } elseif ( $args[0]{0} == ":" ) {
- $name = array_shift( $args );
- $name = substr($name, 1);
- $cmd = array_shift( $args );
- if ( $cmd == "PRIVMSG" ) {
- $msgRoom = array_shift( $args );
- if ( $args[0] == "die" ) {
- $die = true;
- } elseif ( $args[0] == "join" ) {
- joinRoom( $args[1] );
- } elseif ( $args[0] == "part" ) {
- partRoom( $args[1] );
- }
- }
- }
-function emptyQueue( $id )
- while ( msg_receive($queue, 0, $msgType, $maxMessageSize, $entry, true, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT));
diff --git a/irc/rcdumper.php b/irc/rcdumper.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ba026cd799a..000000000000
--- a/irc/rcdumper.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-$wgCommandLineMode = true;
-$fmB = chr(2);
-$fmU = chr(31);
-$sep = strchr( $include_path = ini_get( "include_path" ), ";" ) ? ";" : ":";
-if ( $argv[1] ) {
- $lang = $argv[1];
- putenv( "wikilang=$lang");
- $settingsFile = "/apache/htdocs/{$argv[1]}/w/LocalSettings.php";
- $newpath = "/apache/common/php$sep";
-} else {
- $settingsFile = "../LocalSettings.php";
- $newpath = "";
-if ( $argv[2] ) {
- $patterns = explode( ",", $argv[2]);
-} else {
- $patterns = false;
-if ( ! is_readable( $settingsFile ) ) {
- print "A copy of your installation's LocalSettings.php\n" .
- "must exist in the source directory.\n";
- exit();
-ini_set( "include_path", "$newpath$IP$sep$include_path" );
-$wgCommandLineMode = true;
-$DP = "../includes";
-include_once( $settingsFile );
-include_once( "Setup.php" );
-$wgTitle = Title::newFromText( "RC dumper" );
-$wgCommandLineMode = true;
-$res = wfQuery( "SELECT rc_timestamp FROM recentchanges ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", DB_READ );
-$row = wfFetchObject( $res );
-$oldTimestamp = $row->rc_timestamp;
-while (1) {
- $res = wfQuery( "SELECT * FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_timestamp>'$oldTimestamp' ORDER BY rc_timestamp", DB_READ );
- $rowIndex = 0;
- while ( $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) {
- $ns = $wgLang->getNsText( $row->rc_namespace ) ;
- if ( $ns ) {
- $title = "$ns:{$row->rc_title}";
- } else {
- $title = $row->rc_title;
- }
- /*if ( strlen( $row->rc_comment ) > 50 ) {
- $comment = substr( $row->rc_comment, 0, 50 );
- } else {*/
- $comment = $row->rc_comment;
-// }
- $bad = array("\n", "\r");
- $empty = array("", "");
- $comment = str_replace($bad, $empty, $comment);
- $title = str_replace($bad, $empty, $title);
- $user = str_replace($bad, $empty, $row->rc_user_text);
- $lastid = IntVal($row->rc_last_oldid);
- $flag = ($row->rc_minor ? "M" : "") . ($row->rc_new ? "N" : "");
- if ( $row->rc_new ) {
- $url = "http://$" . urlencode($title);
- } else {
- $url = "http://$" . urlencode($title) .
- "&diff=0&oldid=$lastid";
- }
- $boldTitle = $fmB . str_replace("_", " ", $title) . $fmB;
- if ( $patterns ) {
- foreach ( $patterns as $pattern ) {
- if ( preg_match( $pattern, $comment ) ) {
- print chr(7);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $comment !== "" ) {
- $comment = "($comment)";
- }
- $fullString = "$boldTitle $flag $url $user $comment\n";
- if ( $fullString{0} == "/" ) {
- $fullString = " $fullString";
- }
- print( $fullString );
- $oldTimestamp = $row->rc_timestamp;
- sleep(2);
- }
- sleep(5);
diff --git a/languages/Language.php b/languages/Language.php
index 6cd3aad89522..5582ddd90f9d 100644
--- a/languages/Language.php
+++ b/languages/Language.php
@@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
+# In general you should not make customizations in these language files
+# directly, but should use the MediaWiki: special namespace to customize
+# user interface messages through the wiki.
+# See
+# NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Do not copy this whole file when making translations!
+# A lot of common constants and a base class with inheritable methods are
+# defined here, which should not be redefined. See the other LanguageXx.php
+# files for examples.
# Constants
@@ -105,7 +117,7 @@ this</a> (alternative: like this<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
"hideminor" => "Hide minor edits in recent changes",
"usenewrc" => "Enhanced recent changes (not for all browsers)",
"numberheadings" => "Auto-number headings",
- "showtoolbar"=>"Show edit box toolbar",
+ "showtoolbar"=>"Show edit toolbar",
"editondblclick" => "Edit pages on double click (JavaScript)",
"editsection"=>"Enable section editing via [edit] links",
"editsectiononrightclick"=>"Enable section editing by right clicking<br> on section titles (JavaScript)",
@@ -131,7 +143,7 @@ this</a> (alternative: like this<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
"ab" => "Abkhazian", # Abkhazian - FIXME
"af" => "Afrikaans", # Afrikaans
"ak" => "Akana", # Akan
- "als" => "Els&auml;ssische", # Alsatian
+ "als" => "Els&auml;ssisch", # Alsatian
"am" => "&#4768;&#4635;&#4653;&#4763;", # Amharic
"ar" => "&#1575;&#1604;&#1593;&#1585;&#1576;&#1610;&#1577;", # Arabic
"arc" => "&#1813;&#1829;&#1810;&#1834;&#1848;&#1821;&#1819;", # Aramaic
@@ -140,8 +152,8 @@ this</a> (alternative: like this<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
"ay" => "Aymar", # Aymara
"az" => "Az&#601;rbaycan", # Azerbaijani
"ba" => "&#1041;&#1072;&#1096;&#1185;&#1086;&#1088;&#1090;", # Bashkir
- "be" => "&#1041;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;&#1088;&#1091;&#1089;&#1082;&#1072;&#1103; - (Belaruskaya)", # Belarusian ''or'' Byelarussian
- "bg" => "&#1041;&#1098;&#1083;&#1075;&#1072;&#1088;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080; - (Bülgarski)", # Bulgarian
+ "be" => "&#1041;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;&#1088;&#1091;&#1089;&#1082;&#1072;&#1103;", # Belarusian ''or'' Byelarussian
+ "bg" => "&#1041;&#1098;&#1083;&#1075;&#1072;&#1088;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;", # Bulgarian
"bh" => "Bihara",
"bi" => "Bislama", # Bislama
"bn" => "&#2476;&#2494;&#2434;&#2482;&#2494; - (Bangla)", # Bengali
@@ -149,12 +161,13 @@ this</a> (alternative: like this<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
"br" => "Brezhoneg", # Breton
"bs" => "Bosanski", # Bosnian
"ca" => "Catal&agrave;", # Catalan
- "ce" => "&#1053;&#1086;&#1093;&#1095;&#1080;&#1081;&#1085; - (Noxçiyn)", # Chechen
+ "ce" => "&#1053;&#1086;&#1093;&#1095;&#1080;&#1081;&#1085;", # Chechen
"ch" => "Chamoru", # Chamorro
"chy" => "Tsets&ecirc;hest&acirc;hese", # Cheyenne
"co" => "Corsu", # Corsican
"cr" => "Nehiyaw", # Cree
"cs" => "&#268;esky", # Czech
+ "csb" => "Cassubian", # Cassubian - FIXME
"cv" => "&#1063;&#1233;&#1074;&#1072;&#1096; - (&#264;&#259;va&#349;)", # Chuvash
"cy" => "Cymraeg", # Welsh
"da" => "Dansk", # Danish
@@ -283,6 +296,7 @@ this</a> (alternative: like this<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
"tl" => "Tagalog", # Tagalog (Filipino)
"tn" => "Setswana", # Setswana
"to" => "Tonga", # Tonga - FIXME
+ "tpi" => "Tok Pisin", # Tok Pisin
"tr" => "T&uuml;rk&ccedil;e", # Turkish
"ts" => "Xitsonga", # Tsonga
"tt" => "Tatar", # Tatar
@@ -389,6 +403,7 @@ $wgLanguageNamesEn =& $wgLanguageNames;
"Whatlinkshere" => "",
"Recentchangeslinked" => "",
"Movepage" => "",
+ "Blockme" => "",
"Booksources" => "External book sources",
# "Categories" => "Page categories",
"Export" => "XML page export",
@@ -426,6 +441,8 @@ $wgLanguageNamesEn =& $wgLanguageNames;
"linktrail" => "/^([a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD",
"mainpage" => "Main Page",
"mainpagetext" => "Wiki software successfully installed.",
+"mainpagedocfooter" => "Please see [ documentation on customizing the interface]
+and the [ User's Guide] for usage and configuration help.",
"about" => "About",
"aboutwikipedia" => "About $wgSitename",
"aboutpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:About",
@@ -434,8 +451,7 @@ $wgLanguageNamesEn =& $wgLanguageNames;
"wikititlesuffix" => "$wgSitename",
"bugreports" => "Bug reports",
"bugreportspage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Bug_reports",
-"sitesupport" => "Donations",
-"sitesupportpage" => "", # If not set, won't appear. Can be wiki page or URL
+"sitesupport" => "Donations", # Set a URL in $wgSiteSupportPage in LocalSettings.php
"faq" => "FAQ",
"faqpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "Editing help",
@@ -637,7 +653,7 @@ You should log in and change your password now.",
"passwordsent" => "A new password has been sent to the e-mail address
registered for \"$1\".
Please log in again after you receive it.",
-"loginend" => "",
+"loginend" => "&nbsp;",
# Edit page toolbar
"bold_sample"=>"Bold text",
@@ -686,6 +702,8 @@ Your IP address is $3. Please include this address in any queries you make.
"whitelistreadtext" => "You have to [[Special:Userlogin|login]] to read articles.",
"whitelistacctitle" => "You are not allowed to create an account",
"whitelistacctext" => "To be allowed to create accounts in this Wiki you have to [[Special:Userlogin|log]] in and have the appropriate permissions.",
+"loginreqtitle" => "Login Required",
+"loginreqtext" => "You must [[special:Userlogin|login]] to view other pages.",
"accmailtitle" => "Password sent.",
"accmailtext" => "The Password for '$1' has been sent to $2.",
"newarticle" => "(New)",
@@ -841,7 +859,10 @@ See [[$wgMetaNamespace:User preferences help]] for help deciphering the options.
"math_unknown_function" => "unknown function ",
"math_lexing_error" => "lexing error",
"math_syntax_error" => "syntax error",
-"math_image_error" => "PNG conversion failed",
+"math_image_error" => "PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex, dvips, gs, and convert",
+"math_bad_tmpdir" => "Can't write to or create math temp directory",
+"math_bad_output" => "Can't write to or create math output directory",
+"math_notexvc" => "Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.",
"saveprefs" => "Save preferences",
"resetprefs" => "Reset preferences",
"oldpassword" => "Old password",
@@ -1266,6 +1287,9 @@ the list of currently operational bans and blocks.",
"range_block_disabled" => "The sysop ability to create range blocks is disabled.",
"ipb_expiry_invalid" => "Expiry time invalid.",
"ip_range_invalid" => "Invalid IP range.\n",
+"proxyblocker" => "Proxy blocker",
+"proxyblockreason" => "Your IP address has been blocked because it is an open proxy. Please contact your Internet service provider or tech support and inform them of this serious security problem.",
+"proxyblocksuccess" => "Done.\n",
# Developer tools
@@ -1381,7 +1405,8 @@ amusement.",
# Thumbnails
-"thumbnail-more" => "Enlarge"
+"thumbnail-more" => "Enlarge",
+"missingimage" => "<b>Missing image</b><br><i>$1</i>\n"
diff --git a/languages/LanguageAf.php b/languages/LanguageAf.php
index 8057141bd08a..de8201a22017 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageAf.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageAf.php
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
1 => "BronnemateriaalEnBespreking",
2 => "Gebruiker",
3 => "GebruikerBespreking",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "WikipediaBespreking",
+ 4 => "$wgMetaNamespace",
+ 5 => "{$wgMetaNamespace}Bespreking",
6 => "Beeld",
7 => "BeeldBespreking",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesAf = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Blokkeer 'n IP-adres.",
"Asksql" => "SQL.",
"Undelete" => "Kyk na en herstel geskrapte bladsye."
@@ -136,16 +137,16 @@
"mainpage" => "Tuisblad",
"about" => "Omtrent",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Inligting oor Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:Omtrent",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Omtrent",
"help" => "Help",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Hulp",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hulp",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Foutrapporte",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:FoutRapporte",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:FoutRapporte",
"faq" => "Gewilde vrae",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:GewildeVrae",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:GewildeVrae",
"edithelp" => "Wysighulp",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Hoe_word_'n_bladsy_gewysig",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hoe_word_'n_bladsy_gewysig",
"cancel" => "Kanselleer",
"qbfind" => "Vind",
"qbbrowse" => "Snuffel",
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Alle teks is beskikbaar onder die terme van die <a class=internal href=''>GNU gratis dokumentasielisensie</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(Van",
"protectedpage" => "Beskermde bladsy",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Administreerders",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administreerders",
"sysoptitle" => "Sisopregte verlang",
@@ -305,12 +306,12 @@ Teken asseblief in na jy dit ontvang het.",
"showpreview" => "Wys voorskou",
"blockedtitle" => "Gebruiker is geblokkeer",
"blockedtext" => "Jou gebruikersnaam of IP-adres is deur $1 geblokkeer:
-<br>''$2''<p>Jy mag $1 of een van die ander [[Wikipedia:administreerders|administreerders]] kontak
+<br>''$2''<p>Jy mag $1 of een van die ander [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:administreerders|administreerders]] kontak
om dit te bespreek.",
"newarticle" => "(Nuut)",
"newarticletext" =>
"Die bladsy waarna geskakel is, bestaan nie.
-Om 'n nuwe bladsy te skep, tik in die invoerboks hier onder. Lees die [[Wikipedia:Help|hulp bladsy]]
+Om 'n nuwe bladsy te skep, tik in die invoerboks hier onder. Lees die [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Help|hulp bladsy]]
vir meer inligting.
Indien jy per ongeluk hier is, gebruik jou blaaier se '''terug''' knop.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Dit is die besprekingsbladsy vir 'n anonieme gebruiker wat nie 'n rekening geskep het nie. Ons moet dus hul [[IP-adres]] gebruik om hulle te identifiseer. So 'n IP-adres kan deur verskeie gebruikers gedeel word. Indien jy 'n anonieme gebruiker is wat voel dat oneerbiedige komentaar aan jou gerig is, [[Special:Userlogin|skep 'n rekening of teken in]] om verwarring te voorkom met ander anonieme gebruikers.'' ",
@@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ het om toegang te kry tot hierdie bladsy, reg is.\n",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "soekresultate",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Soek",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Soek",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Soek in Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "Vir meer inligting oor Wikipedia soekresultate, lees $1.",
"searchquery" => "Vir navraag \"$1\"",
@@ -438,15 +439,15 @@ Jou internet ID-nommer is $2.",
"changes" => "wysigings",
"recentchanges" => "Onlangse wysigings",
"recentchangestext" => "Volg wysigings wat onlangs verander het, op
-[[Wikipedia:Welkom nuwelinge|Welkom nuwelinge]]!
-Kyk asb. ook na hierdie bladsye: [[wikipedia:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
-(veral [[wikipedia:styl|styl]],
-[[wikipedia:neutrale standpunt|neutrale standpunt]]),
-en [[wikipedia:mees algemene Wikipedia foute|mees algemene Wikipedia foute]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Welkom nuwelinge|Welkom nuwelinge]]!
+Kyk asb. ook na hierdie bladsye: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
+(veral [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:styl|styl]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:neutrale standpunt|neutrale standpunt]]),
+en [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:mees algemene Wikipedia foute|mees algemene Wikipedia foute]].
As jy wil hê dat Wikipedia suksesvol moet wees, is dit belangrik dat jy nie
-materiaal byvoeg wat deur [[wikipedia:kopiereg|kopiereg]] beperk word nie.
+materiaal byvoeg wat deur [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:kopiereg|kopiereg]] beperk word nie.
Die wetlike onderhewigheid kan die projek skade aandoen.
Kyk ook na [|onlangse metabesprekings].", #fixMeContinue
"rcloaderr" => "Laai onlangse wysigings",
@@ -480,11 +481,11 @@ om lêers te laai.",
"uploadfile" => "Laai lêer",
"uploaderror" => "Laaifout",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Voor jy hier laai, lees en volg Wikipedia se <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">beleid oor prentgebruik</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">beleid oor prentgebruik</a>.
<p>Om prente wat voorheen gelaai is te sien of te soek, gaan na die <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">lys van gelaaide prente</a>.
Laai van lêers en skrappings word aangeteken in die <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">laailog</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">laailog</a>.
<p>Gebruik die vorm hier onder om nuwe prente te laai wat jy ter illustrasie in jou artikels wil gebruik.
In die meeste webblaaiers sal jy 'n \"Browse...\" knop sien, wat jou bedryfstelsel se standaard lêeroopmaak dialoogblokkie sal oopmaak.
Deur 'n lêer in hierdie dialoogkassie te kies, vul jy die teksboks naas die knop met die naam van die lêer.
@@ -506,7 +507,7 @@ Alle tye is bedienertyd (UGT).
"filename" => "Lêernaam",
"filedesc" => "Opsomming",
"affirmation" => "Ek bevestig dat die kopiereghouer van hierdie lêer toestem om dit te lisensieer volgens die terme van die $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:kopiereg",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:kopiereg",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia kopiereg",
"uploadedfiles" => "Gelaaide lêers",
"noaffirmation" => "Jy moet bevestig dat die laai van jou lêer geen kopieregte skend nie.",
@@ -566,7 +567,7 @@ Dit werk uit op gemiddeld <b>$5</b> veranderings per bladsy, en bladsye word <b>
"maintnancepagetext" => "Hierdie bladsy bevat handige gereedskap vir alledaagse instandhouding. Party van hierdie funksies gebruik die databasis, so moet asseblief nie die bladsy herlaai na elke item wat jy verander het nie ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Terug na die instandhoudingsbladsy",
"disambiguations" => "Bladsye wat onduidelikhede opklaar",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
"disambiguationstext" => "Die volgende artikels skakel na 'n <i>bladsy wat onduidelikhede opklaar</i>. Hulle behoort eerder na die relevante onderwerp te skakel.<br>'n Bladsy word gesien as een wat onduidelikhede opklaar as $1 daarna toe skakel.<br>Skakels van ander naamkontekste is <i>nie</i> hier gelys nie.",
"doubleredirects" => "Dubbele aansture",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Let op:</b> Hierdie lys bevat moontlik false positiewe. Dit beteken gewoonlik dat daar nog teks met skakels onder die eerste #REDIRECT is.<br>\nElke ry bevat skakels na die eerste en die tweede aanstuur, asook die eerste reël van van die tweede aanstuurteks, wat gewoonlik die \"regte\" teikenbladsy gee waarna die eerste aanstuur behoort te wys.",
@@ -662,7 +663,7 @@ Toekomstige veranderinge aan hierdie bladsye en sy geassosieerde Bespreekbladsy
"confirmdelete" => "Bevestig skrapping",
"deletesub" => "(Besig om \"$1\" te skrap)",
"confirmdeletetext" => "Jy staan op die punt om 'n bladsy of prent asook al hulle geskiedenis uit die databasis te skrap.
-Bevestig asseblief dat jy dit wil doen, dat jy die gevolge verstaan en dat jy dit doen in ooreenstemming met die [Wikipedia:Policy]].",
+Bevestig asseblief dat jy dit wil doen, dat jy die gevolge verstaan en dat jy dit doen in ooreenstemming met die [{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Ja, ek wil dit regtig skrap.",
"actioncomplete" => "Aksie uitgevoer",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" is geskrap.
@@ -694,7 +695,7 @@ As 'n nuwe bladsy met dieselfde naam sedert die skrapping geskep is, sal die her
"undeletebtn" => "Herstel!",
"undeletedarticle" => "het \"$1\" herstel",
"undeletedtext" => "Die bladsy [[$1]] is sukselsvol herstel.
-Kyk na [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] vir 'n rekord van onlangse skrappings en herstellings.",
+Kyk na [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Deletion_log]] vir 'n rekord van onlangse skrappings en herstellings.",
# Contributions
@@ -721,7 +722,7 @@ Kyk na [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] vir 'n rekord van onlangse skrappings en herst
"blockip" => "Blok IP-adres",
"blockiptext" => "Gebruik die vorm hier onder om skryftoegang van 'n sekere IP-adres te blok.
-Dit moet net gedoen word om vandalisme te voorkom en in ooreenstemming met [Wikipedia:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
+Dit moet net gedoen word om vandalisme te voorkom en in ooreenstemming met [{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
Vul 'n spesifieke rede hier onder in (haal byvoorbeeld spesifieke bladsye wat gevandaliseer is, aan).",
"ipaddress" => "IP-Adres",
"ipbreason" => "Rede",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageAr.php b/languages/LanguageAr.php
index 6eae649b62a2..8b1eff3b2582 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageAr.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageAr.php
@@ -2,19 +2,26 @@
# See language.doc
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "ويكيبيديا";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "ويكيبيديا";
/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesAr = array(
- "-2" => "ملÙ",
- "-1" => "خاص",
- "0" => "",
- "1" => "نقاش",
- "2" => "مستخدم",
- "3" => "نقاش_المستخدم",
- "4" => "ويكيبيديا",
- "5" => "ويكيبيديا_نقاش",
- "6" => "صورة",
- "7" => "نقاش_الصورة",
- "8" => "MediaWiki",
- "9" => "MediaWiki_talk",
+ -2 => "ملÙ",
+ -1 => "خاص",
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "نقاش",
+ 2 => "مستخدم",
+ 3 => "نقاش_المستخدم",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "{$wgMetaNamespace}_نقاش",
+ 6 => "صورة",
+ 7 => "نقاش_الصورة",
+ 8 => "MediaWiki",
+ 9 => "MediaWiki_talk",
/* private */ $wgWeekdayNamesAr = array(
@@ -85,6 +92,9 @@ class LanguageAr extends LanguageUtf8 {
# Swap sidebar to right side by default
$opt['quickbar'] = 2;
+ # Underlines seriously harm legibility. Force off:
+ $opt['underline'] = 0;
return $opt ;
diff --git a/languages/LanguageBg.php b/languages/LanguageBg.php
index f5941c46d0c1..067292e3c9a9 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageBg.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageBg.php
@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@
# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
-# These would be set in LocalSettings.php:
-# $wgMetaNamespace = "УикипедиÑ";
-# $wgSitename = "УикипедиÑ";
+#$wgMetaNamespace = "УикипедиÑ";
+#$wgSitename = "УикипедиÑ";
/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesBg = array(
-2 => "МедиÑ",
@@ -26,8 +25,8 @@
5 => $wgMetaNamespace . "_беÑеда",
6 => "Картинка",
7 => "Картинка_беÑеда",
- 8 => "MediaУики",
- 9 => "MediaУики_беÑеда"
+ 8 => "МедиÑУики",
+ 9 => "МедиÑУики_беÑеда"
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@@ -48,38 +47,39 @@
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- 'Януари 15, 2001',
+ 'Ñнуари 15, 2001',
'15 Ñнуари 2001',
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- "justify" => "ДвуÑтранно подравнÑване на абзаците",
- "hideminor" => "Скриване на малки редакции в поÑледните промени",
- "usenewrc" => "Изпъкване на поÑледните промени (не за вÑички браузъри)",
+ "hover" => "Изпъкване на препратките, когато мишката е върху Ñ‚ÑÑ…",
+ "underline" => "Подчертаване на препратките",
+ "highlightbroken" => "Показване на невалидните препратки <a href=\"\" class=\"new\">така</a> (алтернативно: така<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>)",
+ "justify" => "ДвуÑтранно подравнÑване на абзаците",
+ "hideminor" => "Скриване на малки редакции в поÑледните промени",
+ "usenewrc" => "ПодобрÑване на поÑледните промени (не за вÑички браузъри)",
"numberheadings" => "Ðомериране на заглавиÑта",
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"editondblclick" => "Редактиране при двойно щракване (Javascript)",
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- "editsectiononrightclick"=>"ВъзможноÑÑ‚ за редактиране на раздел при щракване<br> Ñ Ð´ÐµÑÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð±ÑƒÑ‚Ð¾Ð½ върху заглавие на раздел (Javascript)",
- "showtoc"=>"Показване на Ñъдържание<br>(за Ñтатии Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ‡Ðµ от три раздела)",
+ "editsection" =>"ВъзможноÑÑ‚ за редактиране на раздел чрез<br> препратка [редактиране]",
+ "editsectiononrightclick" => "ВъзможноÑÑ‚ за редактиране на раздел при щракване<br> Ñ Ð´ÐµÑÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð±ÑƒÑ‚Ð¾Ð½ върху заглавие на раздел (Javascript)",
+ "showtoc" =>"Показване на Ñъдържание<br>(за Ñтатии Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ‡Ðµ от три раздела)",
"rememberpassword" => "ЗапомнÑне на паролата между ÑеÑиите",
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+ "minordefault" => "ОтбелÑзване на вÑички промени като малки<br> по подразбиране",
+ "previewontop" => "Показване на Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð²Ð°Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ³Ð»ÐµÐ´ преди<br> текÑтовата кутиÑ, а не Ñлед неÑ",
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"Barnes & Noble" => "$1",
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@@ -103,52 +103,55 @@
# is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
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- "Userlogout" => "Излизане",
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- "Recentchanges" => "ПоÑледни промени",
- "Upload" => "Качване картинки",
- "Imagelist" => "СпиÑък на картинките",
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- "Deadendpages" => "Задънени Ñтраници",
-# "Intl" => "Междуезикови препратки",
- "Allpages" => "Ð’Ñички Ñтраници по заглавие",
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- "Maintenance" => "Страница за поддръжка",
- "Specialpages" => "",
- "Contributions" => "",
- "Emailuser" => "",
- "Whatlinkshere" => "",
+ "Userlogin" => "Влизане",
+ "Userlogout" => "Излизане",
+ "Preferences" => "ПотребителÑки наÑтройки",
+ "Watchlist" => "Ðаблюдавани Ñтраници",
+ "Recentchanges" => "ПоÑледни промени",
+ "Upload" => "Качване на картинки",
+ "Imagelist" => "СпиÑък на картинките",
+ "Listusers" => "РегиÑтрирани потребители",
+ "Statistics" => "СтатиÑтика",
+ "Randompage" => "Случайна ÑтатиÑ",
+ "Lonelypages" => "Статии-Ñираци",
+ "Unusedimages" => "Картинки-Ñираци",
+ "Popularpages" => "ИзвеÑтни Ñтатии",
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+ "Shortpages" => "Кратки Ñтатии",
+ "Longpages" => "Дълги Ñтатии",
+ "Newpages" => "Ðови Ñтатии",
+ "Ancientpages" => "Стари Ñтатии",
+ "Deadendpages" => "Задънени Ñтраници",
+# "Intl" => "Междуезикови препратки",
+ "Allpages" => "Ð’Ñички Ñтраници по заглавие",
+ "Ipblocklist" => "Блокирани потребители/ИП-адреÑи",
+ "Maintenance" => "Страница за поддръжка",
+ "Specialpages" => "",
+ "Contributions" => "",
+ "Emailuser" => "",
+ "Whatlinkshere" => "",
"Recentchangeslinked" => "",
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- "Booksources" => "Външни източници на книги",
- "Categories" => "Категории Ñтраници",
- "Export" => "XML export",
- "Version" => "Version",
+ "Movepage" => "",
+ "Booksources" => "Външни източници на книги",
+ "Categories" => "Категории Ñтраници",
+ "Export" => "Ð˜Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¾ XML",
+ "Version" => "ВерÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° МедиÑУики",
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+ "Undelete" => "ВъзÑтановÑване на изтрити Ñтраници",
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+ "Unlockdb" => "Разрешение на доÑтъп за пиÑане към базата данни",
@@ -190,23 +193,25 @@
"qbpageoptions" => "ÐаÑтройки за Ñтраницата",
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"fromwikipedia" => "От $wgSitename, Ñвободната енциклопедиÑ",
"whatlinkshere" => "Какво Ñочи наÑам",
"help" => "Помощ",
"search" => "ТърÑене",
-"go" => "Отиване",
+"go" => "ОтварÑне",
"history" => "ИÑториÑ",
"printableversion" => "ВерÑÐ¸Ñ Ð·Ð° печат",
"editthispage" => "Редактиране",
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"newpage" => "Ðова Ñтраница",
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@@ -214,30 +219,31 @@
"articlepage" => "Преглед на ÑтатиÑ",
"subjectpage" => "Преглед на тема", # For compatibility
"userpage" => "Преглед на потребителÑка Ñтраница",
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+"wikipediapage" => "ОÑновна Ñтраница",
"imagepage" => "Преглед на картинка",
"viewtalkpage" => "Преглед на беÑеда",
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"redirectedfrom" => "(ПренаÑочване от $1)",
"lastmodified" => "ПоÑледна промÑна на Ñтраницата: $1.",
"viewcount" => "Страницата е била преглеждана $1 пъти.",
-"gnunote" => "Ð’Ñички текÑтове Ñа доÑтъпни при уÑловиÑта на <a class=internal href='/wiki/Лиценз_за_Ñвободна_документациÑ'>лиценза за Ñвободна документациÑ</a>. <span style=\"color:#555\">All text is available under the terms of the <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_Free_Documentation_License'>GNU Free Documentation License</a>.</span>",
+"gnunote" => "Ð’Ñички текÑтове Ñа доÑтъпни при уÑловиÑта на <a class=internal href='/wiki/Лиценз_за_Ñвободна_документациÑ_на_ГÐУ'>лиценза за Ñвободна Ð´Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° ГÐУ</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(от",
"protectedpage" => "Защитена Ñтраница",
"administrators" => "$wgMetaNamespace:ÐдминиÑтратори",
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-"sysoptext" => "Желаното дейÑтвие може да Ñе изпълни Ñамо от админиÑтратори
+"sysoptitle" => "ИзиÑкване на админиÑтраторÑки права",
+"sysoptext" => "Желаното дейÑтвие може да Ñе изпълни Ñамо от админиÑтратори.
Вижте $1.",
"developertitle" => "ИзиÑкват Ñе права на разработчик",
"developertext" => "Желаното дейÑтвие може да Ñе изпълни Ñамо от разработчици.
Вижте $1.",
+"bureaucrattitle" => "ИзиÑкват Ñе права на бюрократ",
+"bureaucrattext" => "Желаното дейÑтвие може да Ñе изпълни Ñамо от бюрократи.",
"nbytes" => "$1 байта",
-"go" => "Отиване",
+"go" => "ОтварÑне",
"ok" => "Добре",
"sitetitle" => $wgSitename,
"sitesubtitle" => "Свободната енциклопедиÑ",
-"retrievedfrom" => "Взето от \"$1\"",
+"retrievedfrom" => "Взето от \"$1\".",
"newmessages" => "Имате $1.",
"newmessageslink" => "нови ÑъобщениÑ",
@@ -251,7 +257,7 @@
"nosuchaction" => "ÐÑма такова дейÑтвие",
"nosuchactiontext" => "ДейÑтвието, указано от URL-адреÑа, не Ñе разпознава
-от ÑиÑтемата",
+от ÑиÑтемата.",
"nosuchspecialpage" => "ÐÑма такава Ñпециална Ñтраница",
"nospecialpagetext" => "Отправихте заÑвка за Ñпециална Ñтраница, коÑто не Ñе разпознава от ÑиÑтемата.",
@@ -271,14 +277,14 @@ MySQL дава грешка \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".",
при функциÑта \"$2\".
MySQL дава грешка \"$3: $4\".\n",
-"noconnect" => "Ð’ момента има техничеÑки трудноÑти и не може да Ñе направи връзка ÑÑŠÑ Ñървъра на базата данни.",
+"noconnect" => "Ð’ момента има техничеÑки трудноÑти и не може да Ñе оÑъщеÑтви връзка Ñ Ð±Ð°Ð·Ð°Ñ‚Ð° данни.",
"nodb" => "ÐеуÑпех при избиране на база данни $1",
-"cachederror" => "Следното е Ñкладирано копие на желата Ñтраница и може да е оÑтарÑло.",
-"readonly" => "Базата данни заключена",
-"enterlockreason" => "ПоÑочете причина за заключването, като дадете и
-приблизителна оценка кога базата данни ще бъде отключена",
+"cachederror" => "Показано е Ñкладирано копие на желаната Ñтраница, което евентуално може да е оÑтарÑло.",
+"readonly" => "Базата данни е затворена за промени",
+"enterlockreason" => "ПоÑочете причина за затварÑнето, като дадете и
+приблизителна оценка кога базата данни ще бъде отново отворена",
"readonlytext" => "Базата данни на $wgSitename е временно затворена за
-нови Ñтатии и други промени - вероÑтно за рутинна поддръжка,
+промени - вероÑтно за рутинна поддръжка,
Ñлед коÑто ще бъде отново на разположение.
ÐдминиÑтраторът, който Ñ Ðµ затворил, дава Ñледното обÑÑнение:
@@ -287,7 +293,7 @@ MySQL дава грешка \"$3: $4\".\n",
<p>Това обикновено е причинено от поÑледване на оÑтарÑла разлика или
препратка от иÑториÑта към изтрита Ñтраница.
-<p>Ðко не това е причината, е възможно да Ñте намерили грешка в ÑиÑтемата.
+<p>Ðко не това е причината, е възможно да Ñте открили грешка в ÑиÑтемата.
МолÑ, Ñъобщете за това на админиÑтратор, като включите и името на ÑтатиÑта.",
"internalerror" => "Вътрешна грешка",
"filecopyerror" => "Файлът \"$1\" не можа да бъде копиран като \"$2\".",
@@ -295,12 +301,12 @@ MySQL дава грешка \"$3: $4\".\n",
"filedeleteerror" => "Файлът \"$1\" не можа да бъде изтрит.",
"filenotfound" => "Файлът \"$1\" не бе намерен.",
"unexpected" => "Ðеочаквана ÑтойноÑÑ‚: \"$1\"=\"$2\".",
-"formerror" => "Грешка: неуÑпех при изпращане на формулÑра",
+"formerror" => "Възникна грешка при изпращане на формулÑра",
"badarticleerror" => "ДейÑтвието не може да Ñе изпълни върху Ñтраницата.",
-"cannotdelete" => "Указаната Ñтраница или картинка не можа да бъде изтрита. (Може вече да е изтрита от нÑкой друг.)",
+"cannotdelete" => "Указаната Ñтраница или картинка не можа да бъде изтрита. Възможно е вече да е изтрита от нÑкой друг.",
"badtitle" => "Ðевалидно заглавие",
-"badtitletext" => "Желаното заглавие на Ñтраница е невалидно, празно или
-неправилна препратка към друг език или Уики.",
+"badtitletext" => "Желаното заглавие на ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ Ðµ невалидно, празно или
+неправилна препратка към Ð£Ð¸ÐºÐ¸Ð¿ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° друг език.",
"perfdisabled" => "СъжалÑваме! Това ÑвойÑтво е временно изключено,
защото Ð·Ð°Ð±Ð°Ð²Ñ Ð±Ð°Ð·Ð°Ñ‚Ð° данни дотам, че никой не може да използва Уики.",
"perfdisabledsub" => "Съхранен екземплÑÑ€ от $1:",
@@ -309,7 +315,7 @@ MySQL дава грешка \"$3: $4\".\n",
ЗаÑвка: $2
"viewsource" => "Изходен код",
-"protectedtext" => "Страницата е затворена за промени. СъщеÑтвуват доÑта
+"protectedtext" => "Страницата е затворена за промени. СъщеÑтвуват нÑколко
причини това да е така, молÑ, вижте
@@ -321,7 +327,7 @@ MySQL дава грешка \"$3: $4\".\n",
"logouttext" => "ИзлÑзохте от ÑиÑтемата.
Може да продължите да използвате $wgSitename анонимно или да влезете отново
като друг потребител. Обърнете внимание, че нÑкои Ñтраници вÑе още
-ще Ñе показват така ÑÑкаш Ñте влÑзъл, докато не изтриете кеш-паметта на браузъра\n",
+ще Ñе показват така, ÑÑкаш Ñте влезли, докато не изтриете кеш-паметта на браузъра.\n",
"welcomecreation" => "<h2>Добре дошли, $1!</h2><p>Вашата Ñметка бе уÑпешно открита.
Сега може да промените наÑтройките по Ваш вкуÑ.",
@@ -330,20 +336,20 @@ MySQL дава грешка \"$3: $4\".\n",
"yourname" => "Вашето потребителÑко име",
"yourpassword" => "Вашата парола",
"yourpasswordagain" => "Въведете повторно парола",
-"newusersonly" => " (Ñамо нови потребители)",
+"newusersonly" => " (Ñамо за нови потребители)",
"remembermypassword" => "ЗапомнÑне на паролата между ÑеÑиите.",
"loginproblem" => "<b>Имаше проблем Ñ Ð’Ð°ÑˆÐµÑ‚Ð¾ влизане.</b><br>Опитайте отново!",
"alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=\"red\"><b>$1, вече Ñте влезли в ÑиÑтемата!</b></font><br>\n",
-"areyounew" => "Ðко поÑещавате за пръв път $wgSitename и иÑкате да откриете
+"areyounew" => "Ðко поÑещавате за пръв път $wgSitename и иÑкате да Ñи откриете
потребителÑка Ñметка,
молÑ, въведете потребителÑко име и парола.
-ПоÑочването на е-поща е незадължително, но Ñе препоръчва:
+ПоÑочването на електронна поща е незадължително, но Ñе препоръчва:
ако Ñи забравите паролата, може да поиÑкате Ñ‚Ñ Ð´Ð° Ви бъде изпратена
на Ð´Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ.<br>\n",
"login" => "Влизане",
-"loginprompt" => "БиÑквитките Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбва да бъдат разрешени, за да може да влезете в $wgSitename.",
+"loginprompt" => "БиÑквитките Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбва да Ñа разрешени, за да може да влезете в $wgSitename.",
"userlogin" => "Влизане",
"logout" => "Излизане",
"userlogout" => "Излизане",
@@ -354,14 +360,14 @@ MySQL дава грешка \"$3: $4\".\n",
"userexists" => "Въведеното потребителÑко име вече Ñе използва. МолÑ, изберете друго име.",
"youremail" => "Вашата е-поща*",
"yournick" => "ВашиÑÑ‚ пÑевдоним (за подпиÑи)",
-"emailforlost" => "* Въвеждането на е-поща не е задължително,
+"emailforlost" => "* ПоÑочването на електронна поща не е задължително,
но позволÑва на хората да Ñе Ñвържат Ñ Ð’Ð°Ñ, без да Ñе налага да им Ñъобщавате
адреÑа Ñи, а Ñъщо помага и на ВаÑ, ако Ñлучайно забравите паролата Ñи.",
"loginerror" => "Грешка при влизане",
"nocookiesnew" => "ПотребителÑката Ñметка бе Ñъздадена, но Вие не Ñте влезли. $wgSitename използва биÑквитки за влизане на потребителите. МолÑ, разрешете биÑквитките във Ð’Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ñ Ð±Ñ€Ð°ÑƒÐ·ÑŠÑ€, тъй като те Ñа забранени, и Ñлед това влезте Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€ÐµÐ±Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñкото Ñи име и парола.",
"nocookieslogin" => "$wgSitename използва биÑквитки за Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° влизаниÑта. МолÑ, разрешете биÑквитките във Ð’Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ñ Ð±Ñ€Ð°ÑƒÐ·ÑŠÑ€, тъй като те Ñа забранени, и опитайте отново.",
"noname" => "Ðе указахте валидно потребителÑко име.",
-"loginsuccesstitle" => "Влизането уÑпешно",
+"loginsuccesstitle" => "УÑпешно влизане",
"loginsuccess" => "ВлÑзохте в $wgSitename като \"$1\".",
"nosuchuser" => "ÐÑма потребител Ñ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ð¾ \"$1\".
Проверете изпиÑването или Ñе региÑтрирайте, използвайки Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼ÑƒÐ»ÑÑ€.",
@@ -373,65 +379,80 @@ MySQL дава грешка \"$3: $4\".\n",
Паролата за Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€ÐµÐ±Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"$2\" е \"$3\".
Сега би Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбвало да влезете в ÑиÑтемата и да Ñмените паролата Ñи.",
"noemail" => "ÐÑма запиÑана е-поща за Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€ÐµÐ±Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"$1\".",
-"passwordsent" => "Ðова парола беше изпратена на е-поща на \"$1\".
+"passwordsent" => "Ðова парола беше изпратена на електронната поща на \"$1\".
МолÑ, влезте отново, Ñлед като Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ðµ.",
+"loginend" => "За да Ñе региÑтрирате, проÑто въведете потребителÑко име и парола (два пъти) и щракнете върху бутона '<b>Създаване на Ñметка</b>'.<br><br>
+Ð¡Ð»ÐµÐ´Ð²Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ Ð¿ÑŠÑ‚ е доÑтатъчно да попълните Ñамо първите две полета и да щракнете върху '<b>Влизане</b>'.<br><br>",
+# Edit page toolbar
+"bold_sample" => "Получер текÑÑ‚",
+"bold_tip" => "Получер (удебелен) текÑÑ‚",
+"italic_sample" => "КурÑивен текÑÑ‚",
+"italic_tip" => "КурÑивен (наклонен) текÑÑ‚",
+"link_sample" => "Име на препратка",
+"link_tip" => "Вътрешна препратка",
+"extlink_sample" => " Име на препратката",
+"extlink_tip" => "Външна препратка (не забравÑйте http:// отпред)",
+"headline_sample" => "Заглавен текÑÑ‚",
+"headline_tip" => "Заглавие",
+"math_sample" => "Тук въведете формулата",
+"math_tip" => "МатематичеÑка формула (LaTeX)",
+"nowiki_sample" => "Тук въведете текÑÑ‚",
+"nowiki_tip" => "Пренебрегване на форматиращите команди",
+"image_sample" => "Primer.jpg",
+"image_tip" => "Вмъкване на картинка",
+"media_sample" => "Primer.mp3",
+"media_tip" => "Препратка към файл",
+"sig_tip" => "ВашиÑÑ‚ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐµÐ´Ð½Ð¾ Ñ Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ²Ð° отметка",
+"hr_tip" => "Хоризонтална Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ñ (използвайте пеÑтеливо)",
+"infobox" => "Щракнете върху бутон за демонÑтрациÑ",
# Edit pages
-"summary" => "Резюме",
-"subject" => "Тема/заглавие",
-"minoredit" => "Това е малка промÑна",
-"watchthis" => "Ðаблюдение на ÑтатиÑта",
-"savearticle" => "Съхранение",
-"preview" => "Предварителен преглед",
-"showpreview" => "Предварителен преглед",
+"summary" => "Резюме",
+"subject" => "Тема/заглавие",
+"minoredit" => "Това е малка промÑна",
+"watchthis" => "Ðаблюдение на ÑтатиÑта",
+"savearticle" => "Съхранение",
+"preview" => "Предварителен преглед",
+"showpreview" => "Предварителен преглед",
"blockedtitle" => "ПотребителÑÑ‚ е блокиран",
-"blockedtext" => "Вашето потребителÑко име или ИП-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð±ÐµÑˆÐµ блокиран от $1.
+"blockedtext" => "Вашето потребителÑко име (или ИП-адреÑ) е блокирано от $1.
Причината за това е:<br>''$2''<p>Може да Ñе Ñвържете Ñ $1 или Ñ Ð½Ñкой от оÑтаналите
[[$wgMetaNamespace:ÐдминиÑтратори|админиÑтратори]], за да обÑъдите това.
-Може да използвате уÑлугата \"пращане пиÑмо на потребителÑ\"
-единÑтвено, ако Ñте поÑочили валидна е-поща във Ващите
-[[Специални:ÐаÑтройки|потребителÑки наÑтройки]].
-ВашиÑÑ‚ ИП-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ðµ $3. МолÑ, вмъквайте този Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð²ÑŠÐ² вÑÑко питане, което правите.
+Може да използвате уÑлугата \"'''Пращане пиÑмо на потребителÑ'''\" единÑтвено, ако Ñте поÑочили валидна е-поща във Вашите [[Специални:Preferences|наÑтройки]].
-==Забележка за потребители на AOL==
-Поради продължаващите дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° вандализъм от даден потребител на AOL, Ð£Ð¸ÐºÐ¸Ð¿ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ñ Ñ‡ÐµÑто блокира Ñървъри-поÑредници (proxies) на AOL. За Ñъжаление един Ñървър-поÑредник може да Ñе използва от голÑм брой хора и затова по невнимание чеÑто биват блокирани невинни потребители на AOL. ИзвинÑваме Ñе за причиненото неудобÑтво.
-Ðко това Ñе Ñлучва на ВаÑ, Ð¼Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¸ÑˆÐµÑ‚Ðµ на админиÑтратор, използвайки е-поща на AOL. Ðе забравÑйте да включите и ИП-адреÑа даден по-горе.
+ВашиÑÑ‚ ИП-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ðµ $3. МолÑ, вмъквайте този Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð²ÑŠÐ² вÑÑко питане, което правите.",
"whitelistedittitle" => "ТрÑбва да влезете, за да може да редактирате",
-"whitelistedittext" => "ТрÑбва да влезете [[Специални:Влизане|влезете]], за да може да редактирате Ñтатии.",
+"whitelistedittext" => "ТрÑбва да влезете [[Специални:Userlogin|влезете]], за да може да редактирате Ñтатии.",
"whitelistreadtitle" => "ТрÑбва да влезете, за да може да четете",
-"whitelistreadtext" => "ТрÑбва да влезете [[Специални:Влизане|влезете]], за да може да четете Ñтатии.",
+"whitelistreadtext" => "ТрÑбва да влезете [[Специални:Userlogin|влезете]], за да може да четете Ñтатии.",
"whitelistacctitle" => "Ðе ви е позволено да Ñъздавате Ñметка",
-"whitelistacctext" => "За да Ви бъде позволено Ñъздаването на Ñметки, Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбва да [[Специални:Влизане|влезете]] и да имате подходÑщото разрешение.",
+"whitelistacctext" => "За да Ви бъде позволено Ñъздаването на Ñметки, Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбва да [[Специални:Userlogin|влезете]] и да имате подходÑщото разрешение.",
"accmailtitle" => "Паролата бе изпратена.",
"accmailtext" => "Паролата за '$1' бе изпратена на $2.",
"newarticle" => "(Ðова)",
-"newarticletext" =>
-"ПоÑледвали Ñте препратка към Ñтраница, коÑто вÑе още не ÑъщеÑтвува.
+"newarticletext" => "<div style=\"font-size:small;color:#003333;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:#aaaaaa;padding:3px\">ПоÑледвали Ñте препратка към Ñтраница, коÑто вÑе още не ÑъщеÑтвува.
За да Ñ Ñъздадете, започнете да пишете в долната текÑтова кутиÑ
-(вижте [[$wgMetaNamespace:Помощ|помощната Ñтраница]] за повече информациÑ).
-Ðко Ñте дошли тук по погрешка, проÑто натиÑнете
-[[Бутон за връщане|бутона за връщане]] на Ð’Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ñ Ð±Ñ€Ð°ÑƒÐ·ÑŠÑ€.",
-"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Това е диÑкуÑионната Ñтраница на анонимен потребител, който вÑе още нÑма Ñметка или не Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð·Ð²Ð°. Затова Ñе налага да използваме [[ИП-адреÑ]], за да го/Ñ Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð°Ð¼Ðµ. Такъв ИП-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ðµ да Ñе ÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð´ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ нÑколко потребители. Ðко Ñте анонимен потребител и миÑлите, че тези неумеÑтни коментари за отправени към ВаÑ, Ð¼Ð¾Ð»Ñ [[Специални:Влизане|региÑтрирайте Ñе или влезте в ÑиÑтемата]], за да избегнете евентуално бъдещо объркване Ñ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¸ анонимни потребители.'' ",
+(вижте '''[[$wgMetaNamespace:Помощ|помощната Ñтраница]]''' за повече информациÑ).
+Ðко Ñте дошли тук по погрешка, проÑто натиÑнете '''бутона за връщане''' на Ð’Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ñ Ð±Ñ€Ð°ÑƒÐ·ÑŠÑ€.
+Вашата добавка към енциклопедиÑта ще бъде видима '''веднага''' Ñлед Ñъхранението, затова ако проÑто иÑкате да изпробвате как работÑÑ‚ нещата, използвайте Ð½Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ñ '''[[УикипедиÑ:ПÑÑъчник|пÑÑъчник]]'''.</div>",
+"anontalkpagetext" => "----
+''Това е диÑкуÑионната Ñтраница на анонимен потребител, който вÑе още нÑма Ñметка или не Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð·Ð²Ð°. Затова Ñе налага да използваме [[ИП-адреÑ]], за да го/Ñ Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð°Ð¼Ðµ. Такъв ИП-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ðµ да Ñе ÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð´ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ нÑколко потребителÑ. Ðко Ñте анонимен потребител и миÑлите, че тези неумеÑтни коментари Ñа отправени към ВаÑ, Ð¼Ð¾Ð»Ñ [[Специални:Userlogin|региÑтрирайте Ñе или влезте в ÑиÑтемата]], за да избегнете евентуално бъдещо объркване Ñ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¸ анонимни потребители.''",
"noarticletext" => "(Ð’ момента Ñтраницата не Ñъдържа текÑÑ‚)",
"updated" => "(актуализирана)",
"note" => "<strong>Забележка:</strong> ",
-"previewnote" => "Запомнете, че това е Ñамо предварителен преглед и Ñтраницата вÑе още не е Ñъхранена!",
+"previewnote" => "Ðе забравÑйте, че това е Ñамо предварителен преглед и Ñтраницата вÑе още не е Ñъхранена!",
"previewconflict" => "Този предварителен преглед отразÑва текÑта в горната текÑтова ÐºÑƒÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ°, както би Ñе показал, ако Ñъхраните.",
"editing" => "Редактиране на $1",
"sectionedit" => " (раздел)",
"commentedit" => " (коментар)",
"editconflict" => "Различна редакциÑ: $1",
"explainconflict" => "ÐÑкой друг вече е променил тази Ñтраница, откакто започнахте да Ñ Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°ÐºÑ‚Ð¸Ñ€Ð°Ñ‚Ðµ.
-Горната текÑтова ÐºÑƒÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ñъдържа Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑƒÑ‰Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑÑ‚ на Ñтраницата
-Вашите промени Ñа показани в долната текÑтова кутиÑ.
-Ще Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбва да вкарате Вашите промени в ÑъщеÑÑ‚Ð²ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑÑ‚.
-<b>ЕдинÑтвено</b> текÑÑ‚ÑŠÑ‚ в горната текÑтова ÐºÑƒÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ñ‰Ðµ бъде Ñъхранен,
-когато натиÑнете \"СъхранÑване\".\n<p>",
+Горната текÑтова ÐºÑƒÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ñъдържа Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑƒÑ‰Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑÑ‚ на Ñтраницата без Вашите промени, които Ñа показани в долната кутиÑ. За да бъдат и те Ñъхранени, е необходимо ръчно да ги премеÑтите в горното поле, тъй като <b>единÑтвено</b> текÑÑ‚ÑŠÑ‚ в него ще бъде Ñъхранен при натиÑкането на бутона \"Съхранение\".\n<p>",
"yourtext" => "ВашиÑÑ‚ текÑÑ‚",
"storedversion" => "Съхранена верÑиÑ",
"editingold" => "<strong>Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Редактирате оÑтарÑла
@@ -439,29 +460,18 @@ MySQL дава грешка \"$3: $4\".\n",
Ðко Ñъхраните, вÑÑкакви промени, направени Ñлед тази верÑиÑ, ще бъдат изгубени.</strong>\n",
"yourdiff" => "Разлики",
-"copyrightwarning" => "МолÑ, забележете, че
+"copyrightwarning" => "МолÑ, обърнете внимание на това, че
вÑички приноÑи към $wgSitename Ñе публикуват при уÑловиÑта на
-лиценза Ñа Ñвободна документациÑ
+лиценза Ñа Ñвободна Ð´Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° ГÐУ
(за подробноÑти вижте $1).
-Ðко не Ñте ÑъглаÑни Вашето произведение да бъде цÑлоÑтно променÑно и
-преразпределÑно както на нÑкого е удобно, тогава не го публикувайте.<br>
-Също потвърждавате, че Вие Ñте напиÑали това или Ñте го взели от
-общеÑтвен домейн или друг подобен източник.
-<span style=\"color:#555\">
-Please note that all contributions to $wgSitename are
-considered to be released under the GNU Free Documentation License
-(see $1 for details).
-If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed
-at will, then don't submit it here.<br>
-You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a
-public domain or similar free resource.
+Ðко не Ñте ÑъглаÑни Вашето произведение да бъде променÑно и
+преразпределÑно от оÑтаналите, не го публикувайте.<br>
+Също потвърждавате, че Вие Ñте напиÑали това или Ñте използвали <b>Ñвободни реÑурÑи</b>
+(public domain или друг подобен източник).
"longpagewarning" => "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Страницата има размер $1 килобайта; нÑкои
браузъри могат да имат проблеми при редактиране на Ñтраници
-по-големи от 32КБ.
+по-големи от 32Кб.
МолÑ, обмиÑлете дали Ñтраницата не може да Ñе раздели на нÑколко по-малки чаÑти.",
"readonlywarning" => "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Базата данни бе затворена за поддръжка,
затова в момента Вашите промени не мога да бъдат Ñъхранени.
@@ -475,26 +485,26 @@ public domain or similar free resource.
# History pages
-"revhistory" => "ИÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° верÑиите",
-"nohistory" => "ÐÑма редакционна иÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° тази Ñтраница.",
-"revnotfound" => "ВерÑиÑта не е открита",
-"revnotfoundtext" => "ПоиÑканата от Ð’Ð°Ñ Ñтара верÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтраницата не бе открита.
+"revhistory" => "ИÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° верÑиите",
+"nohistory" => "ÐÑма редакционна иÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° тази Ñтраница.",
+"revnotfound" => "ВерÑиÑта не е открита",
+"revnotfoundtext" => "Желаната Ñтара верÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтраницата не бе открита.
МолÑ, проверете адреÑа, който използвахте за доÑтъп към Ñтраницата.\n",
-"loadhist" => "Зареждане иÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтраницата",
-"currentrev" => "Текуща верÑиÑ",
-"revisionasof" => "ВерÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° $1",
-"cur" => "тек",
-"next" => "Ñлед",
-"last" => "поÑл",
-"orig" => "ориг",
-"histlegend" => "Легенда: (тек) = разлика Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑƒÑ‰Ð°Ñ‚Ð° верÑиÑ,
-(поÑл) = разлика Ñ Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¸ÑˆÐ½Ð°Ñ‚Ð° верÑиÑ, Ðœ = малка промÑна",
+"loadhist" => "Зареждане иÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтраницата",
+"currentrev" => "Текуща верÑиÑ",
+"revisionasof" => "ВерÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ $1",
+"cur" => "тек",
+"next" => "Ñлед",
+"last" => "поÑл",
+"orig" => "ориг",
+"histlegend" => "Легенда: (<b>тек</b>) = разлика Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑƒÑ‰Ð°Ñ‚Ð° верÑиÑ,
+(<b>поÑл</b>) = разлика Ñ Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¸ÑˆÐ½Ð°Ñ‚Ð° верÑиÑ, <b>Ðœ</b>&nbsp;=&nbsp;малка промÑна",
# Diffs
-"difference" => "(Разлики между верÑиите)",
-"loadingrev" => "зареждане на верÑии за diff",
-"lineno" => "Ред $1:",
+"difference" => "(Разлики между верÑиите)",
+"loadingrev" => "зареждане на верÑии за diff",
+"lineno" => "Ред $1:",
"editcurrent" => "Редактиране на текущата верÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтраницата",
# Search results
@@ -530,22 +540,21 @@ public domain or similar free resource.
"powersearchtext" => "
ТърÑене в именни проÑтранÑтва:<br>
-$2 List redirects &nbsp; ТърÑене на $3 $9",
+$2 Показване на пренаÑÐ¾Ñ‡Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ &nbsp; ТърÑене на $3 $9",
"searchdisabled" => "<p>ПълнотекÑтовото Ñ‚ÑŠÑ€Ñене бе временно изключено поради
голÑмото натоварване на Ñървъра.
-Междувременно може да Ñ‚ÑŠÑ€Ñите чрез Google:</p>
-"googlesearch" => "<!-- SiteSearch Google -->
-<FORM method=\"GET\" action=\"\">
-<TABLE bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><tr><td>
-<A HREF=\"\">
-<IMG SRC=\"\"
-border=\"0\" ALT=\"Google\"></A>
+Междувременно може да Ñ‚ÑŠÑ€Ñите чрез Google:</p>",
+"googlesearch" => "
+<!-- SiteSearch Google -->
+<form method=\"get\" action=\"\">
+<table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><tr><td>
+<a href=\"\">
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-<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" name=\"q\" size=\"31\" maxlength=\"255\" value=\"$1\">
-<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"btnG\" VALUE=\"Google Search\">
+<input type=\"text\" name=\"q\" size=\"31\" maxlength=\"255\" value=\"$1\">
+<input type=\"submit\" name=\"btnG\" value=\"Google Search\">
<font size=\"-1\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"domains\" value=\"{$wgServer}\"><br><input type=\"radio\"
name=\"sitesearch\" value=\"\"> WWW <input type=\"radio\" name=\"sitesearch\"
@@ -553,18 +562,18 @@ value=\"{$wgServer}\" checked> {$wgServer} <br>
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<!-- SiteSearch Google -->",
-"blanknamespace" => "(Главно)",
+"blanknamespace" => "(ОÑновно)",
# Preferences page
"preferences" => "ÐаÑтройки",
"prefsnologin" => "Ðе Ñте влезли",
"prefsnologintext" => "Ðеобходимо е да <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Влизане" ) . "\">влезете</a>,
-за да променÑте потребителÑките наÑтройки.",
+ wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Userlogin" ) . "\">влезете</a>,
+за да може да променÑте потребителÑките наÑтройки.",
"prefslogintext" => "ВлÑзохте като \"$1\".
ВашиÑÑ‚ вътрешен номер e $2.
@@ -575,13 +584,14 @@ value=\"{$wgServer}\" checked> {$wgServer} <br>
"qbsettings" => "ÐаÑтройки на лентата за бърз избор",
"changepassword" => "СмÑна на парола",
"skin" => "Облик",
-"math" => "Показване на математичеÑки Ñимволи",
+"math" => "Показване на математичеÑки формули",
"dateformat" => "Формат на датата",
"math_failure" => "ÐеуÑпех при разбора",
"math_unknown_error" => "непозната грешка",
"math_unknown_function" => "непозната функциÑ",
"math_lexing_error" => "лекÑикална грешка",
"math_syntax_error" => "Ñинтактична грешка",
+"math_image_error" => "Превръщането към PNG не Ñполучи",
"saveprefs" => "Съхранение наÑтройки",
"resetprefs" => "Стандартни наÑтройки",
"oldpassword" => "Стара парола",
@@ -593,14 +603,14 @@ value=\"{$wgServer}\" checked> {$wgServer} <br>
"searchresultshead" => "ÐаÑтройки за резултати от Ñ‚ÑŠÑ€Ñене",
"resultsperpage" => "Резултати на Ñтраница",
"contextlines" => "Редове за резултат",
-"contextchars" => "Символи от контекÑта на ред",
+"contextchars" => "Знаци от контекÑта на ред",
"stubthreshold" => "ОпределÑне като къÑи Ñтатии до",
"recentchangescount" => "Брой Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð»Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð² поÑледни промени",
"savedprefs" => "Вашите наÑтройки бÑха Ñъхранени.",
"timezonetext" => "Въведете Ð±Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ñ‡Ð°Ñове, Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¾ Вашето меÑтно време Ñе
различава от това на Ñървъра
(<a href=\"\"
- title=\"Coordinated Universal Time\">UTC</a>).",
+ title=\"Coordinated Universal Time\">GMT</a>).",
"localtime" => "МеÑтно време",
"timezoneoffset" => "ОтмеÑтване",
"servertime" => "Време на Ñървъра",
@@ -613,15 +623,18 @@ value=\"{$wgServer}\" checked> {$wgServer} <br>
"changes" => "промени",
"recentchanges" => "ПоÑледни промени",
# This is the default text, and can be overriden by editing [[$wgMetaNamespace::Recentchanges]]
-"recentchangestext" => "ПроÑледÑване на поÑледните промени в $wgSitename.",
+"recentchangestext" => "ПроÑледÑване на поÑледните промени в $wgSitename.
+Легенда: <b>тек</b> = разлика на текущата верÑиÑ,
+<b>иÑÑ‚</b> = иÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° верÑиите, <b>Ðœ</b>&nbsp;=&nbsp;малка промÑна, <b>Ð</b>&nbsp;=&nbsp;начало",
"rcloaderr" => "Зареждане поÑледни промени",
"rcnote" => "Показани Ñа поÑледните <strong>$1</strong> промени през поÑледните <strong>$2</strong> дни.",
"rcnotefrom" => "Дадени Ñа промените от <b>$2</b> (до <b>$1</b> показани).",
-"rclistfrom" => "Показване на промени, започвайки от $1",
+"rclistfrom" => "Показване на промени, започвайки от $1.",
# "rclinks" => "Показване на поÑледните $1 промени през поÑледните $2 чаÑа / поÑледните $3 дни",
# "rclinks" => "Показване на поÑледните $1 промени през поÑледните $2 дни.",
-"rclinks" => "Показване на поÑледните $1 промени през поÑледните $2 дни; $3",
-"showhideminor" => "$1 малки промени",
+"rclinks" => "Показване на поÑледните $1 промени през поÑледните $2 дни<br>$3",
+"showhideminor" => "$1 на малки промени | $2 на ботове | $3 на влезли потребители ",
"rchide" => "$4; $1 малки промени; $2 вторични именни проÑтранÑтва; $3 многократни редакции.",
"rcliu" => "; $1 редакции от влезли потребители",
"diff" => "разл",
@@ -638,25 +651,25 @@ value=\"{$wgServer}\" checked> {$wgServer} <br>
"upload" => "Качване",
"uploadbtn" => "Качване",
-"uploadlink" => "Качване картинки",
+"uploadlink" => "Качване на картинки",
"reupload" => "Повторно качване",
"reuploaddesc" => "Връщане към формулÑра за качване.",
"uploadnologin" => "Ðе Ñте влезли",
"uploadnologintext" => "Ðеобходимо е да <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Влизане" ) . "\">влезете</a>,
+ wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Userlogin" ) . "\">влезете</a>,
за да качвате файлове.",
"uploadfile" => "Качване на картинки, музикални файлове, документи и др.",
"uploaderror" => "Грешка при качване",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ!</strong> Преди да качите нещо,
прочетете и Ñе придържайте към <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Политика_за_използване_картинки" ) . "\">политиката за използване картинки</a>
+wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Политика_за_използване_на_картинки" ) . "\">политиката за използване на картинки</a>
на $wgSitename.
<p>Ðко файл Ñ ÑƒÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾ име вече ÑъщеÑтвува в УикипедиÑ, то той ще бъде
заменен без предупреждение.
Затова, ако не правите актуализациÑ, първо Ñе убедете,
че такъв файл не ÑъщеÑтвува.</p>
<p>За да прегледате ÑъщеÑтвуващите в базата данни картинки,
-разгледайте <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Специални:СпиÑък_на_картинките" ) .
+разгледайте <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Специални:Imagelist" ) .
"\">ÑпиÑъка Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ‚Ðµ картинки</a>.
КачваниÑта и изтриваниÑта Ñе запиÑват в <a href=\"" .
wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Дневник_на_качваниÑта" ) . "\">дневника на качваниÑта</a>.</p>
@@ -686,7 +699,7 @@ wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Дневник_на_качваниÑта" ) . "\"
"uploadlogpagetext" => "СпиÑък Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñледните качваниÑ.
Показаните времена Ñа Ñпоред чаÑовата зона на Ñървъра
(<a href=\"\"
- title=\"Coordinated Universal Time\">UTC</a>).
+ title=\"Coordinated Universal Time\">GMT</a>).
@@ -697,18 +710,18 @@ wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Дневник_на_качваниÑта" ) . "\"
"affirmation" => "Потвърждавам, че притежателÑÑ‚ на авторÑкото право за този файл
разрешава той да Ñе използва Ñпоред уÑловиÑта на $1.",
"copyrightpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:ÐвторÑки права",
-"copyrightpagename" => "ÐвторÑки права в $wgSitename",
+"copyrightpagename" => "авторÑките права в $wgSitename",
"uploadedfiles" => "Качени файлове",
"noaffirmation" => "Потвърдете, че Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ‡Ð²Ð°Ð½ÐµÑ‚Ð¾ на файла не нарушавате
авторÑки права.",
"ignorewarning" => "СъхранÑване на файла въпреки предупреждениÑта.",
-"minlength" => "Имената на картинките Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбва да Ñъдържат поне три Ñимвола.",
+"minlength" => "Имената на картинките Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбва да Ñъдържат поне три знака.",
"badfilename" => "Картинката бе преименувана на \"$1\".",
"badfiletype" => "ФайловиÑÑ‚ формат \".$1\" не Ñе препоръчва за картинки.",
"largefile" => "Препоръчва Ñе картинките да не надвишават 100 килобайта.",
"successfulupload" => "Качването бе уÑпешно",
"fileuploaded" => "Файлът \"$1\" бе уÑпешно качен.
-МолÑ, поÑледвайте препратката: ($2) към Ñтраницата за опиÑание и, молÑ,
+МолÑ, поÑледвайте препратката: ($2) към Ñтраницата за опиÑание и
въведете малко Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° файла - кога и от кого е Ñъздаден
и вÑÑкаква друга информациÑ, коÑто имате за него.",
"uploadwarning" => "Предупреждение при качване",
@@ -731,13 +744,13 @@ wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Дневник_на_качваниÑта" ) . "\"
"imgdelete" => "изтр",
"imgdesc" => "опиÑ",
"imglegend" => "Легенда: (опиÑ) = показване/редактиране опиÑание на картинка.",
-"imghistory" => "ИÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° картинка",
+"imghistory" => "ИÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° картинката",
"revertimg" => "връщ",
"deleteimg" => "изтр",
"imghistlegend" => "Легенда: (тек) = текущата картинка, (изтр) = изтриване
-на тази Ñтара верÑиÑ, (връщ) = възвръщане към тази Ñтара верÑиÑ.
+на Ñъответната верÑиÑ, (връщ) = възвръщане към Ñъответната верÑиÑ.
<br><i>Щракнете върху датата, за да видите картинката, качена на тази дата</i>.",
-"imagelinks" => "Препратки към картинки",
+"imagelinks" => "Препратки към картинката",
"linkstoimage" => "Следните Ñтраници Ñочат към картинката:",
"nolinkstoimage" => "ÐÑма Ñтраници, Ñочещи към картинката.",
@@ -747,14 +760,18 @@ wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Дневник_на_качваниÑта" ) . "\"
"sitestats" => "СтатиÑтика",
"userstats" => "ПотребителÑка ÑтатиÑтика",
"sitestatstext" => "Има <b>$1</b> Ñтраници в базата данни.
-Това включва \"диÑкуÑионни\" Ñтраници, Ñтраници за $wgSitename, изключително къÑи
+Това включва диÑкуÑионни Ñтраници, Ñтраници за УикипедиÑ, изключително къÑи
Ñтраници, пренаÑочващи Ñтраници и други, които вероÑтно не Ñа Ñтатии.
Изключвайки тези, има <b>$2</b> Ñтраници, които може би Ñа дейÑтвителни Ñтатии.<p>
-Имало е <b>$3</b> прегледа и <b>$4</b> редакции на Ñтраници
-от поÑледното подобрÑване на ÑиÑтемата на 20 юли 2002 г.
-Това прави Ñредно по <b>$5</b> редакции на Ñтраници и по <b>$6</b> прегледа на редакциÑ.",
-"userstatstext" => "Има <b>$1</b> региÑтрирани потребители.
-<b>$2</b> от Ñ‚ÑÑ… Ñа админиÑтратори (вижте $3).",
+Имало е <b>$4</b> редакции на Ñтраници от поÑледното подобрÑване на ÑиÑтемата на 20 юли 2002 г.
+Това прави Ñредно по <b>$5</b> редакции на Ñтраница.
+За по-подробна ÑтатиÑтичеÑка Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð¶Ñ‚Ðµ:
+<li><a href=\"\">Уики-ÑтатиÑтика</a>,</li>
+<li><a href=\"\">ПотребителÑка ÑтатиÑтика</a>,</li>
+<li><a href=\"{$wgMetaNamespace}:Statistics\">ПрираÑÑ‚</a>.</li>
# Maintenance Page
@@ -769,7 +786,7 @@ wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Дневник_на_качваниÑта" ) . "\"
"brokenredirects" => "Ðевалидни пренаÑочваниÑ",
"brokenredirectstext" => "Следните пренаÑочващи Ñтраници Ñочат към неÑъщеÑтвуващи Ñтатии.",
"selflinks" => "Страници Ñ Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ñ‚ÐºÐ¸ към Ñебе Ñи",
-"selflinkstext" => "Следните Ñтраници правÑÑ‚ препратки към Ñебе Ñе, които те не би Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбвало да Ñъдържат.",
+"selflinkstext" => "Следните Ñтраници правÑÑ‚ препратки към Ñебе Ñе, което не би Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбвало да е така.",
"mispeelings" => "Страници Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¾Ð¿Ð¸Ñни грешки",
"mispeelingstext" => "Следните Ñтраници Ñъдържат оÑновни правопиÑни грешки, които Ñа
изброени в $1. Правилните форми може да Ñе поÑочат (като това).",
@@ -795,43 +812,45 @@ wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Дневник_на_качваниÑта" ) . "\"
"deadendpages" => "Задънени Ñтраници",
"listusers" => "СпиÑък на потребителите",
"specialpages" => "Специални Ñтраници",
-"spheading" => "Специални Ñтраници за вÑички потребители",
+"spheading" => "За вÑички потребители",
"sysopspheading" => "Само за админиÑтратори",
"developerspheading" => "Само за разработчици",
"protectpage" => "Защитена Ñтраница",
"recentchangeslinked" => "Сродни промени",
-"rclsub" => "(към Ñтраници, Ñочени от \"$1\")",
+"rclsub" => "(на Ñтраници, Ñочени от \"$1\")",
"debug" => "ОтÑтранÑване на грешки",
"newpages" => "Ðови Ñтраници",
-"ancientpages" => "ДоÑта Ñтари Ñтатии",
+"ancientpages" => "Стари Ñтатии",
"intl" => "Междуезикови препратки",
"movethispage" => "ПремеÑтване на Ñтраницата",
-"unusedimagestext" => "<p>МолÑ, забележете, че други Ñайтове, като например
-международните Уикипедии, могат да Ñочат към картинката Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ñк адреÑ
+"unusedimagestext" => "<p>МолÑ, обърнете внимание на това, че други Ñайтове, като например
+международните Уикипедии, могат да Ñочат към картинката чрез прÑк адреÑ
и въпреки това Ñ‚Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ðµ да Ñе намира в ÑпиÑъка.",
"booksources" => "Източници на книги",
"booksourcetext" => "Показани Ñа препратки към други Ñайтове, които продават нови и
използвани книги и могат да имат допълнителна Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° книгите, които Ñ‚ÑŠÑ€Ñите.
$wgSitename не е Ñвързана Ñ Ð½Ð¸ÐºÐ¾Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ тези фирми и този ÑпиÑък не Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбва да
Ñе разглежда като подкрепа към Ñ‚ÑÑ….",
-"alphaindexline" => "$1 към $2",
+"alphaindexline" => "от $1 до $2",
+"version" => "ВерÑиÑ",
# Email this user
"mailnologin" => "ÐÑма е-поща",
"mailnologintext" => "ТрÑбва да <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Влизане" ) . "\">Ñте влезете</a>
+ wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Userlogin" ) . "\">Ñте влезете</a>
и да Ñте поÑочили валидна е-поща в <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Специални:ÐаÑтройки" ) . "\">наÑтройките</a> Ñи,
+ wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Preferences" ) . "\">наÑтройките</a> Ñи,
за да пращате пиÑма на други потребители.",
"emailuser" => "Пращане пиÑмо на потребителÑ",
"emailpage" => "Пращане пиÑмо на потребител",
-"emailpagetext" => "Ðко потребителÑÑ‚ е поÑочил валидна е-поща в
+"emailpagetext" => "Ðко потребителÑÑ‚ е поÑочил валидна електронна поща в
наÑтройките Ñи, чрез Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼ÑƒÐ»ÑÑ€ може да му Ñе изпрати Ñъобщение.
ÐдреÑÑŠÑ‚, запиÑан в наÑтройките Ви, ще Ñе поÑви в полето \"От\" на
изпратеното пиÑмо, така че получателÑÑ‚ ще е в ÑÑŠÑтоÑние да Ви отговори.",
-"noemailtitle" => "ÐÑма е-поща",
-"noemailtext" => "ПотребителÑÑ‚ не поÑочил валидна е-поща или е избрал да не получава
+"defemailsubject" => "ПиÑмо от $wgSitename",
+"noemailtitle" => "ÐÑма електронна поща",
+"noemailtext" => "ПотребителÑÑ‚ не поÑочил валидна електронна поща или е избрал да не получава
пиÑма от други потребители.",
"emailfrom" => "От",
"emailto" => "До",
@@ -848,28 +867,26 @@ $wgSitename не е Ñвързана Ñ Ð½Ð¸ÐºÐ¾Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ тези фирми и Ñ
"nowatchlist" => "СпиÑъкът Ви за наблюдение е празен.",
"watchnologin" => "Ðе Ñте влезли",
"watchnologintext" => "ТрÑбва да <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Влизане" ) . "\">влезете</a>,
+ wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Userlogin" ) . "\">влезете</a>,
за да можете да променÑте ÑпиÑъка Ñи за наблюдение.",
"addedwatch" => "Добавено в ÑпиÑъка за наблюдение",
"addedwatchtext" => "Страницата \"$1\" бе добавена в <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Специални:ÑпиÑък за наблюдение" ) . "\">ÑпиÑъка Ви за наблюдение</a>.
-Бъдещите промени на тази Ñтраница и Ñъответната й диÑкуÑионна Ñтраница ще
-Ñе опиÑват там, а Ñтраницата ще Ñе поÑвÑва Ñ <b>удебелен шрифт</b> в
- <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Специални:ПоÑледни_промени" ) . "\">ÑпиÑъка Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñледните промени</a>,
+ wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Watchlist" ) . "\">ÑпиÑъка Ви за наблюдение</a>.
+Ðейните бъдещи промени, както и на Ñъответната й диÑкуÑионна Ñтраница, ще Ñе опиÑват там, а Ñ‚Ñ Ñ‰Ðµ Ñе поÑвÑва Ñ <b>удебелен шрифт</b> в
+<a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Recentchanges" ) . "\">ÑпиÑъка Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñледните промени</a>,
което ще направи по-леÑно избирането й.</p>
<p>Ðко по-къÑно иÑкате да премахнете Ñтраницата от ÑпиÑъка Ви за наблюдение,
щракнете на \"Спиране на наблюдение\" в Ñтраничната лента.",
"removedwatch" => "Премахнато от ÑпиÑъка за наблюдение",
"removedwatchtext" => "Страницата \"$1\" бе премахната от ÑпиÑъка Ви за наблюдение.",
-"watchthispage" => "Ðаблюдаване на Ñтраница",
+"watchthispage" => "Ðаблюдаване на Ñтраницата",
"unwatchthispage" => "Спиране на наблюдение",
"notanarticle" => "Ðе е ÑтатиÑ",
"watchnochange" => "ÐÐ¸ÐºÐ¾Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ наблюдаваните Ñтраници не е била редактирана в показаното време.",
-"watchdetails" => "($1 наблюдавани Ñтранци (без диÑкуÑионни);
-$2 редактирани Ñтраници от прекъÑването наÑам;
+"watchdetails" => "($1 наблюдавани Ñтраници (без диÑкуÑионни);
+$2 редактирани Ñтраници в избраното време;
<a href='$4'>показване и редактиране на Ð¿ÑŠÐ»Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑпиÑък</a>.)",
"watchmethod-recent" => "проверка на поÑледните промени за наблюдавани Ñтраници",
@@ -883,7 +900,8 @@ $3...
"couldntremove" => "ÐеуÑпех при премахването на '$1'...",
"iteminvalidname" => "Проблем Ñ '$1', грешно име...",
"wlnote" => "Показани Ñа поÑледните $1 промени през поÑледните <b>$2</b> чаÑа.",
+"wlshowlast" => "Показване на поÑледните $1 чаÑа $2 дни $3",
+"wlsaved" => "Това е Ñъхранена верÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° Ð²Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ñ ÑпиÑък за наблюдение.",
# Delete/protect/revert
@@ -896,19 +914,19 @@ $3...
"deletesub" => "(Изтриване на \"$1\")",
"historywarning" => "Внимание: Страницата, коÑто ще изтриете, има иÑториÑ: ",
"confirmdeletetext" => "Ðа път Ñте безвъзвратно да изтриете Ñтраница или картинка заедно Ñ
-вÑичката й иÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ базата данни.
+цÑлата й иÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ базата данни.
МолÑ, потвърдете, че иÑкате това, че разбирате поÑледÑтвиÑта и че правите това
в ÑъответÑтвие Ñ [[$wgMetaNamespace:Политика|нашата политика]].",
-"confirmcheck" => "Да, наиÑтина иÑкам да Ð¸Ð·Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚Ð¾Ð²Ð°.",
+"confirmcheck" => "Да, наиÑтина иÑкам да Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ñ.",
"actioncomplete" => "ДейÑтвието бе изпълнено",
-"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" беше изтрито.
+"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" беше изтрита.
Вижте $2 за Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° поÑледните изтриваниÑ.",
"deletedarticle" => "изтрита \"$1\"",
"dellogpage" => "Дневник_на_изтриваниÑта",
"dellogpagetext" => "СпиÑък на най-Ñкорошните изтриваниÑ.
Показаните времена Ñа Ñпоред чаÑовата зона на Ñървъра
(<a href=\"\"
- title=\"Coordinated Universal Time\">UTC</a>).
+ title=\"Coordinated Universal Time\">GMT</a>).
@@ -917,8 +935,8 @@ $3...
"deletecomment" => "Причина за изтриването",
"imagereverted" => "Възвръщането към предишна верÑÐ¸Ñ Ð±Ðµ уÑпешно.",
"rollback" => "Връщане назад на промените", #Roll back edits
-"rollbacklink" => "връщане назад", #rollback
-"rollbackfailed" => "Връщането назад не Ñполучи", #Rollback failed
+"rollbacklink" => "връщане", #rollback
+"rollbackfailed" => "Връщането не Ñполучи", #Rollback failed
"cantrollback" => "ПромÑната не може да Ñе извърши; поÑледниÑÑ‚ автор е единÑтвениÑÑ‚ ÑобÑтвеник на ÑтатиÑта.",
"alreadyrolled" => "ПоÑледната Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° [[$1]], направена от [[Потребител:$2|$2]] ([[Потребител беÑеда:$2|БеÑеда]]) не може да Ñе върне назад; нÑкой друг вече е редактирал ÑтатиÑта или е върнал назад промените.
@@ -926,8 +944,8 @@ $3...
# only shown if there is an edit comment
"editcomment" => "Коментарът на редакциÑта е бил: \"<i>$1</i>\".",
"revertpage" => "Възвръщане към поÑледната Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° $1",
-"protectlogpage" => "Дневник_защита",
-"protectlogtext" => "СпиÑък Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð²Ð°Ñ€ÑниÑта/затварÑниÑта на Ñтраницата.
+"protectlogpage" => "Дневник_на_защитата",
+"protectlogtext" => "СпиÑък на защитите и техните ÑвалÑÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° Ñтраницата.
За повече Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð¶Ñ‚Ðµ [[$wgMetaNamespace:Защитена Ñтраница]].",
"protectedarticle" => "защитена [[$1]]",
"unprotectedarticle" => "незащитена [[$1]]",
@@ -958,7 +976,7 @@ $3...
"nocontribs" => "Ðе Ñа намерени промени, отговарÑщи на критериÑ.",
"ucnote" => "Показани Ñа поÑледните <b>$1</b> промени, извършени от този потребител през поÑледните <b>$2</b> дни.",
"uclinks" => "Показване на поÑледните $1 промени; показване на поÑледните $2 дни.",
-"uctop" => " (горе)" ,
+"uctop" => " (поÑледна)" ,
# What links here
@@ -974,37 +992,40 @@ $3...
# Block/unblock IP
"blockip" => "Блокиране на потребител",
-"blockiptext" => "Използвайте Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼ÑƒÐ»ÑÑ€, за да отнемете правото на пиÑане
+"blockiptext" => "Използвайте Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼ÑƒÐ»ÑÑ€, за да забраните правото на пиÑане
на определен ИП-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ потребител.
Това Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбва да Ñе направи Ñамо, за да Ñе предотвратÑÑ‚ проÑви на вандализъм,
и в ÑъответÑтвие Ñ [[$wgMetaNamespace:ЛиниÑ_на_поведение|политиката на $wgSitename]].
-ПоÑочете Ñъшо и причина за блокирането (например, Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð»Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтраници,
+ПоÑочете Ñъщо и причина за блокирането (например, Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð»Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтраници,
Ñтанали обект на вандализъм).",
"ipaddress" => "ИП-адреÑ/потребител",
+"ipbexpiry" => "Изтичане на Ñрока",
"ipbreason" => "Причина",
-"ipbsubmit" => "Блокиране на този потребител",
-"badipaddress" => "ÐÑма потребител Ñ Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð²Ð° име",
+"ipbsubmit" => "Блокиране на потребителÑ",
+"badipaddress" => "Ðевалиден ИП-адреÑ",
"noblockreason" => "ТрÑбва да поÑочите причина за блокирането.",
"blockipsuccesssub" => "Блокирането уÑпешно",
"blockipsuccesstext" => "\"$1\" беше блокиран.
-<br>Вижте [[Специални:СпиÑък_Ñ_блокирани_ИП-адреÑи|ÑпиÑъка Ñ Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ¸Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸ ИП-адреÑи]], за да прегледате блокираните.",
-"unblockip" => "Премахване на блок за потребител",
+<br>Вижте [[Специални:Ipblocklist|ÑпиÑъка на блокираните ИП-адреÑи]], за да прегледате блокираните.",
+"unblockip" => "Отблокиране на потребител",
"unblockiptext" => "Използвайте Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼ÑƒÐ»ÑÑ€, за да възÑтановите
правото на пиÑане на по-рано блокиран ИП-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ потребител.",
-"ipusubmit" => "Премахване на блок за този адреÑ",
+"ipusubmit" => "Отблокиране на адреÑа",
"ipusuccess" => "\"$1\" оÑвободен",
-"ipblocklist" => "СпиÑък Ñ Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ¸Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸ ИП-адреÑи и потребители",
-"blocklistline" => "$1, $2 е блокирал $3",
+"ipblocklist" => "СпиÑък на блокирани ИП-адреÑи и потребители",
+"blocklistline" => "$1, $2 е блокирал $3 (изтича на $4)",
"blocklink" => "блокиране",
-"unblocklink" => "премахване на блок",
+"unblocklink" => "отблокиране",
"contribslink" => "приноÑи",
"autoblocker" => "Ðвтоматично блокиране поради взаимно ползване на ИП-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñ \"$1\". Причина \"$2\".",
"blocklogpage" => "Дневник_на_блокираниÑта",
-"blocklogentry" => 'блокиран "$1"',
-"blocklogtext" => "This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically
-blocked IP addresses are not be listed. See the [[Специални:СпиÑък_Ñ_блокирани_ИП-адреÑи|ÑпиÑъка Ñ Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ¸Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸ ИП-адреÑи]] for
-the list of currently operational bans and blocks.",
-"unblocklogentry" => 'unblocked "$1"',
+"blocklogentry" => 'блокиран "$1" ÑÑŠÑ Ñрок на изтичане $2',
+"blocklogtext" => "Това е дневник на блокираниÑта и отблокираниÑта, извършени от този потребител. Ðвтоматично блокираните ИП-адреÑи не Ñа показани. Вижте [[Специални:Ipblocklist|ÑпиÑъка на блокираните ИП-адреÑи]] за текущото ÑÑŠÑтоÑние
+на блокираниÑта.",
+"unblocklogentry" => 'отблокиран "$1"',
+"range_block_disabled" => "The sysop ability to create range blocks is disabled.",
+"ipb_expiry_invalid" => "Ðевалиден Ñрок на изтичане.",
+"ip_range_invalid" => "Ðевалидни граници на ИП-адреÑ.\n",
# Developer tools
@@ -1021,8 +1042,8 @@ the list of currently operational bans and blocks.",
Ñвоите ÑпиÑъци за наблюдение и изпълнението на вÑички други дейÑтвиÑ, изиÑкващи
промени в базата данни.
МолÑ, потвърдете, че иÑкате точно това.",
-"lockconfirm" => "Да, аз наиÑтина иÑкам да заключа базата данни.",
-"unlockconfirm" => "Да, аз наиÑтина иÑкам да отключа базата данни.",
+"lockconfirm" => "Да, наиÑтина иÑкам да заключа базата данни.",
+"unlockconfirm" => "Да, наиÑтина иÑкам да отключа базата данни.",
"lockbtn" => "Заключване на базата данни",
"unlockbtn" => "Отключване на базата данни",
"locknoconfirm" => "Ðе Ñте отметнали кутийката за потвърждение.",
@@ -1037,35 +1058,46 @@ the list of currently operational bans and blocks.",
"asksql" => "SQL-заÑвка",
"asksqltext" => "Използвайте Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼ÑƒÐ»ÑÑ€, за да отправите прÑка заÑвка
към базата данни на $wgSitename.
-Използвайте апоÑтрофи ('като тези'), за ограничители на низове (string literals).
-ЧеÑто това доÑта натоварва Ñървъра, затова, молÑ,
+Използвайте апоÑтрофи ('като тези'), за ограничители на низовете.
+ЧеÑтите заÑвки доÑта натоварват Ñървъра, затова, молÑ,
използвайте пеÑтеливо тази функциÑ.",
"sqlislogged" => "МолÑ, забележете, че вÑички заÑвки Ñе запиÑват.",
-"sqlquery" => "Въвеждане на заÑвка",
+"sqlquery" => "ЗаÑвка",
"querybtn" => "Изпращане на заÑвка",
-"selectonly" => "Позволени Ñа Ñамо заÑвки за четене.",
+"selectonly" => "Позволени Ñа единÑтвено заÑвки за четене.",
"querysuccessful" => "ЗаÑвката бе уÑпешна",
+# Make sysop
+"makesysoptitle" => "Превръщане на потребител в админиÑтратор",
+"makesysoptext" => "Този формулÑÑ€ Ñе използва от бюрократи за превръщане на обикновени потребители в админиÑтратори.
+Въведете името на Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€ÐµÐ±Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð² полето и натиÑнете бутона, за да направите ÑÑŠÐ¾Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€ÐµÐ±Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ» админиÑтратор",
+"makesysopname" => "Име на потребителÑ:",
+"makesysopsubmit" => "Превръщане на Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€ÐµÐ±Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð² админиÑтратор",
+"makesysopok" => "<b>ПотребителÑÑ‚ '$1' бе направен админиÑтратор</b>",
+"makesysopfail" => "<b>ПотребителÑÑ‚ '$1' не бе направен админиÑтратор. (Правилно ли въведохте името?)</b>",
+"setbureaucratflag" => "Вдигане на флага 'бюрократ'",
+"bureaucratlog" => "Дневник_на_бюрократите",
+"bureaucratlogentry" => " set $1: $2",
# Move page
"movepage" => "ПремеÑтване на Ñтраница",
"movepagetext" => "ПоÑредÑтвом Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼ÑƒÐ»ÑÑ€ може да преименувате
Ñтраница, премеÑтвайки цÑлата й иÑÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° новото име.
-Старото заглавие ще Ñе превърне в пренаÑочваща Ñтраница
+Старото заглавие ще Ñе превърне в пренаÑочваща Ñтраница.
Препратките към Ñтарата Ñтраница нÑма да бъдат променени; затова
-[[Специални:Поддръжка|проверете]] за двойни или невалидни пренаÑочваниÑ.
-Вие Ñами би Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбвало да Ñе убедите в това, че препратките продължават да Ñочат там,
+[[Специални:Maintenance|проверете]] за двойни или невалидни пренаÑочваниÑ.
+Вие Ñами би Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбвало да Ñе убедите в това, дали препратките продължават да Ñочат там,
където Ñе предполага.
Страницата '''нÑма''' да бъде премеÑтена, ако вече ÑъщеÑтвува Ñтраница Ñ
новото име, оÑвен ако е празна или пренаÑочване и нÑма редакционна иÑториÑ.
-<span style=\"color:#555\">(This means that you can rename a page back to where
-it was just renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite
-an existing page.)</span>
Това може да е голÑма и неочаквана промÑна за извеÑтна Ñтраница;
-молÑ, уверете Ñе, че разбирате поÑледÑтвиÑта преди да продължите.",
+молÑ, уверете Ñе, че разбирате поÑледÑтвиÑта, преди да продължите.",
"movepagetalktext" => "Съответната диÑкуÑионна Ñтраница, ако ÑъщеÑтвува,
ще бъде автоматично премеÑтена заедно Ñ Ð½ÐµÑ, '''оÑвен ако:'''
*не меÑтите Ñтраницата от едно именно проÑтранÑтво в друго,
@@ -1076,32 +1108,43 @@ an existing page.)</span>
"movearticle" => "ПремеÑтване на Ñтраница",
"movenologin" => "Ðе Ñте влезли",
"movenologintext" => "Ðеобходимо е да Ñте региÑтриран потребител и <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Влизане" ) . "\">да влезете</a>,
-за да премеÑтите Ñтраница.",
+ wfLocalUrl( "Специални:Userlogin" ) . "\">да влезете</a>,
+за да може да премеÑтвате Ñтраници.",
"newtitle" => "Към ново заглавие",
"movepagebtn" => "ПремеÑтване",
"pagemovedsub" => "ПремеÑтването бе уÑпешно",
-"pagemovedtext" => "Страницата \"[[$1]]\" бе премеÑтена към \"[[$2]]\".",
+"pagemovedtext" => "Страницата \"[[$1]]\" бе премеÑтена под името \"[[$2]]\".",
"articleexists" => "Вече ÑъщеÑтвува Ñтраница Ñ Ñ‚Ð¾Ð²Ð° име или името, което Ñте избрали,
е невалидно. МолÑ, изберете друго име.",
"talkexists" => "Страницата бе уÑпешно премеÑтена, но без
Ñъответната диÑкуÑионна Ñтраница, защото под новото име
има една ÑъщеÑтвуваща. МолÑ, обединете ги ръчно.",
-"movedto" => "премеÑтена към",
+"movedto" => "премеÑтена като",
"movetalk" => "ПремеÑтване и на диÑкуÑионната Ñтраница, ако е приложимо.",
"talkpagemoved" => "Съответната диÑкуÑионна Ñтраница Ñъщо бе премеÑтена.",
"talkpagenotmoved" => "Съответната диÑкуÑионна Ñтраница <strong>не</strong> бе премеÑтена.",
-"export" => "Export pages",
-"exporttext" => "You can export the text and editing history of a particular
-page or set of pages wrapped in some XML; this can then be imported into another
-wiki running MediaWiki software, transformed, or just kept for your private
-"exportcuronly" => "Включване Ñамо на текущата верÑиÑ, не на цÑлата иÑториÑ",
+"1movedto2" => "$1 премеÑтена като $2",
+# Export
+"export" => "Ð˜Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтраници",
+"exporttext" => "Тук може да изнеÑете като XML текÑта и иÑториÑта на една или повече Ñтраници. Получените данни може да:
+<li>вмъкнете в друг Ñайт, използващ Ñофтуера на МедиÑУики, </li>
+<li>обработвате или </li>
+<li>проÑто запазите за лично ползване.</li>
+Въвеждайте вÑÑко ново заглавие на ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° <b>нов ред</b>.",
+"exportcuronly" => "Включване Ñамо на текущата верÑиÑ, а не на цÑлата иÑториÑ",
# Namespace 8 related
"allmessages" => "Ð’Ñички_ÑъобщениÑ",
-"allmessagestext" => "Това е ÑпиÑък Ñ Ð²Ñички ÑъобщениÑ, намиращи Ñе в именното проÑтранÑтво ÐœediaУики"
+"allmessagestext" => "Това е ÑпиÑък Ñ Ð²Ñички ÑъобщениÑ, намиращи Ñе в именното проÑтранÑтво " . $wgNamespaceNamesBg[8],
+# Thumbnails
+"thumbnail-more" => "Увеличаване"
include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
@@ -1217,5 +1260,4 @@ class LanguageBg extends LanguageUtf8 {
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/LanguageBn.php b/languages/LanguageBn.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4b368a75a1bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/LanguageBn.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
+# set "currentevents" => "-"
+# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
+# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
+# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "উইকিপেডিয়া";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "উইকিপেডিয়া";
+/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesBn = array(
+ -1 => "বিশেষ",
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "আলাপ",
+ 2 => "বà§à¦¯à¦¬à¦¹à¦¾à¦°à¦•à¦¾à¦°à§€",
+ 3 => "বà§à¦¯à¦¬à¦¹à¦¾à¦°à¦•à¦¾à¦°à§€_আলাপ",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "{$wgMetaNamespace}_আলাপ",
+ 6 => "চিতà§à¦°",
+ 7 => "চিতà§à¦°_আলাপ",
+ 8 => "MediaWiki",
+ 9 => "MediaWik i_আলাপ",
+/* private */ $wgDefaultUserOptionsBn = array(
+ "quickbar" => 1, "underline" => 1, "hover" => 1,
+ "cols" => 80, "rows" => 25, "searchlimit" => 20,
+ "contextlines" => 5, "contextchars" => 50,
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+ "highlightbroken" => 1, "stubthreshold" => 0,
+ "previewontop" => 1, "editsection"=>1, "showtoc"=>1,
+ "date" => 0
+/* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsBn = array(
+ "None", "Fixed left", "Fixed right", "Floating left"
+/* private */ $wgSkinNamesBn = array(
+ "Standard", "Nostalgia", "Cologne Blue"
+/* private */ $wgMathNamesBn = array(
+ "Always render PNG",
+ "HTML if very simple or else PNG",
+ "HTML if possible or else PNG",
+ "Leave it as TeX (for text browsers)",
+ "Recommended for modern browsers"
+/* private */ $wgDateFormatsBn = array(
+ "No preference",
+ "January 15, 2001",
+ "15 January 2001",
+ "2001 January 15"
+/* private */ $wgUserTogglesBn = array(
+ "hover" => "Show hoverbox over wiki links",
+ "underline" => "Underline links",
+ "highlightbroken" => "Format broken links <a href=\"\" class=\"new\">like
+this</a> (alternative: like this<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
+ "justify" => "Justify paragraphs",
+ "hideminor" => "Hide minor edits in recent changes",
+ "usenewrc" => "Enhanced recent changes (not for all browsers)",
+ "numberheadings" => "Auto-number headings",
+ "editsection"=>"Show links for editing individual sections",
+ "showtoc"=>"Show table of contents for articles with more than 3 headings",
+ "rememberpassword" => "Remember password across sessions",
+ "editwidth" => "Edit box has full width",
+ "editondblclick" => "Edit pages on double click (JavaScript)",
+ "watchdefault" => "Add pages you edit to your watchlist",
+ "minordefault" => "Mark all edits minor by default",
+ "previewontop" => "Show preview before edit box and not after it",
+ "nocache" => "Disable page caching"
+/* private */ $wgBookstoreListBn = array(
+ "AddALL" => "$1&type=ISBN",
+ "PriceSCAN" => "$1",
+ "Barnes & Noble" => "$1",
+ "" => "$1"
+/* private */ $wgWeekdayNamesBn = array(
+ "রবিবার", "সোমবার", "মঙà§à¦—লবার", "বà§à¦§à¦¬à¦¾à¦°", "বৃহসà§à¦ªà¦¤à¦¿à¦¬à¦¾à¦°",
+ "শà§à¦•à§à¦°à¦¬à¦¾à¦°", "শনিবার"
+/* private */ $wgMonthNamesBn = array(
+ "জানà§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à§€", "ফেবà§à¦°à§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à§€", "মারà§à¦š", "à¦à¦ªà§à¦°à¦¿à¦²", "মে", "জà§à¦¨",
+ "জà§à¦²à¦¾à¦‡", "আগসà§à¦Ÿ", "সেপà§à¦Ÿà§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°", "অকà§à¦Ÿà§‹à¦¬à¦°", "নভেমà§à¦¬à¦°",
+ "ডিসেমà§à¦¬à¦°"
+/* private */ $wgMonthAbbreviationsBn = array(
+ "জানà§", "ফেবà§à¦°à§", "মারà§à¦š", "à¦à¦ªà§à¦°à¦¿à¦²", "মে", "জà§à¦¨", "জà§à¦²à¦¾à¦‡", "আগসà§à¦Ÿ",
+ "সেপà§à¦Ÿà§‡", "অকà§à¦Ÿà§‹", "নভে", "ডিসে"
+# All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
+# will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
+# is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
+/* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesBn = array(
+ "Userlogin" => "",
+ "Userlogout" => "",
+ "Preferences" => "Set my user preferences",
+ "Watchlist" => "My watchlist",
+ "Recentchanges" => "Recently updated pages",
+ "Upload" => "Upload image files",
+ "Imagelist" => "Image list",
+ "Listusers" => "Registered users",
+ "Statistics" => "Site statistics",
+ "Randompage" => "Random article",
+ "Lonelypages" => "Orphaned articles",
+ "Unusedimages" => "Orphaned images",
+ "Popularpages" => "Popular articles",
+ "Wantedpages" => "Most wanted articles",
+ "Shortpages" => "Short articles",
+ "Longpages" => "Long articles",
+ "Newpages" => "Newly created articles",
+ "Ancientpages" => "Oldest articles",
+ "Intl" => "Interlanguage links",
+ "Allpages" => "All pages by title",
+ "Ipblocklist" => "Blocked IP addresses",
+ "Maintenance" => "Maintenance page",
+ "Specialpages" => "",
+ "Contributions" => "",
+ "Emailuser" => "",
+ "Whatlinkshere" => "",
+ "Recentchangeslinked" => "",
+ "Movepage" => "",
+ "Booksources" => "External book sources",
+ "Export" => "XML export",
+ "Version" => "Version",
+/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesBn = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
+ "Blockip" => "Block an IP address",
+ "Asksql" => "Query the database",
+ "Undelete" => "Restore deleted pages"
+/* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesBn = array(
+ "Lockdb" => "Make database read-only",
+ "Unlockdb" => "Restore DB write access",
+ "Debug" => "Debugging information"
+/* private */ $wgAllMessagesBn = array(
+# Bits of text used by many pages:
+"linktrail" => "/^([a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD",
+"mainpage" => "পà§à¦°à¦§à¦¾à¦¨ পাতা",
+"mainpagetext" => "Wiki software successfully installed.",
+"about" => "বৃতà§à¦¤à¦¾à¦¨à§à¦¤",
+"aboutwikipedia" => "উইকিপেডিয়ার বৃতà§à¦¤à¦¾à¦¨à§à¦¤",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:বৃতà§à¦¤à¦¾à¦¨à§à¦¤",
+"help" => "সহায়িকা",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:সহায়িকা",
+"wikititlesuffix" => "উইকিপেডিয়া",
+"bugreports" => "তà§à¦°à§à¦Ÿà¦¿ বিবরণী",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:তà§à¦°à§à¦Ÿà¦¿_বিবরণী",
+"faq" => "পà§à¦°à¦¶à§à¦¨à§‹à¦¤à§à¦¤à¦°",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:পà§à¦°à¦¶à§à¦¨à§‹à¦¤à§à¦¤à¦°",
+"edithelp" => "সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ সহায়িকা",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:কিভাবে_à¦à¦•à¦Ÿà¦¿_পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾_সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾_করবেন",
+"cancel" => "বাতিল কর",
+"qbfind" => "খà¦à§à¦œà§‡ দেখ",
+"qbbrowse" => "ঘà§à¦°à§‡ দেখ",
+"qbedit" => "সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ কর",
+"qbpageoptions" => "ঠপৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦° বিকলà§à¦ªà¦¸à¦®à§‚হ",
+"qbpageinfo" => "পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾-সংকà§à¦°à¦¾à¦¨à§à¦¤ তথà§à¦¯",
+"qbmyoptions" => "আমার পছনà§à¦¦",
+"mypage" => "আমার পাতা",
+"mytalk" => "আমার কথাবারà§à¦¤à¦¾",
+"currentevents" => "সমসাময়িক ঘটনা",
+"errorpagetitle" => "ভà§à¦²",
+"returnto" => "ফিরে যাও $1.",
+"fromwikipedia" => "উইকিপেডিয়া, মà§à¦•à§à¦¤ বিশà§à¦¬à¦•à§‹à¦· থেকে",
+"whatlinkshere" => "যেসব পাতা থেকে à¦à¦–ানে সংযোগ আছে",
+"help" => "সহায়িকা",
+"search" => "খà¦à§à¦œà§‡ দেখ",
+"go" => "চল",
+"history" => "ঠপৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦° ইতিহাস",
+"printableversion" => "ছাপার যোগà§à¦¯ সংসà§à¦•à¦°à¦£",
+"editthispage" => "à¦à¦‡ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦Ÿà¦¿ সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ করà§à¦¨",
+"deletethispage" => "à¦à¦‡ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦Ÿà¦¿ মà§à¦›à§‡ ফেলà§à¦¨",
+"protectthispage" => "à¦à¦‡ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦Ÿà¦¿ সংরকà§à¦·à¦£ করà§à¦¨",
+"unprotectthispage" => "à¦à¦‡ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦° সংরকà§à¦·à¦£ ছেড়ে দিন",
+"newpage" => "নতà§à¦¨ পাতা",
+"talkpage" => "à¦à¦‡ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾ নিয়ে আলোচনা করà§à¦¨",
+"articlepage" => "নিবনà§à¦§ দেখà§à¦¨",
+"subjectpage" => "বিষয় দেখà§à¦¨", # For compatibility
+"userpage" => "বà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦¬à¦¹à¦¾à¦°à¦•à¦¾à¦°à§€à¦° পাতা দেখà§à¦¨",
+"wikipediapage" => "মেটা-পাতা দেখà§à¦¨",
+"imagepage" => "ছবির পাতা দেখà§à¦¨",
+"viewtalkpage" => "আলোচনা দেখà§à¦¨",
+"otherlanguages" => "অনà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦¨à§à¦¯ ভাষা",
+"redirectedfrom" => "($1 থেকে ঘà§à¦°à§‡ à¦à¦¸à§‡à¦›à§‡)",
+"lastmodified" => "ঠপৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à§Ÿ শেষ পরিবরà§à¦¤à¦¨ হয়েছিল $1.",
+"viewcount" => "ঠপৃষà§à¦ à¦¾ দেখা হয়েছে $1 বার।",
+"gnunote" => "সব লেখা <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a> অনà§à¦¯à¦¾à§Ÿà§€ বিনামূলà§à¦¯à§‡ à¦à¦¬à¦‚ মà§à¦•à§à¦¤à¦­à¦¾à¦¬à§‡ সংগà§à¦°à¦¹ ও বিতরণযোগà§à¦¯",
+"printsubtitle" => "(From",
+"protectedpage" => "সংরকà§à¦·à¦¿à¦¤ পাতা",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:পà§à¦°à¦¶à¦¾à¦¸à¦•à¦¬à§ƒà¦¨à§à¦¦",
+"sysoptitle" => "Sysop à¦à¦° কà§à¦·à¦®à¦¤à¦¾ পà§à¦°à§Ÿà§‹à¦œà¦¨",
+"sysoptext" => "ঠকাজটি কেবল \"sysop\" কà§à¦·à¦®à¦¤à¦¾à¦¸à¦®à§à¦ªà¦¨à§à¦¨ বà§à¦¯à¦•à§à¦¤à¦¿à¦‡ করতে পারেন। $1 দেখà§à¦¨à¥¤",
+"developertitle" => "developer à¦à¦° কà§à¦·à¦®à¦¤à¦¾ পà§à¦°à§Ÿà§‹à¦œà¦¨",
+"developertext" => "ঠকাজটি কেবল \"developer\" কà§à¦·à¦®à¦¤à¦¾à¦¸à¦®à§à¦ªà¦¨à§à¦¨ বà§à¦¯à¦•à§à¦¤à¦¿à¦‡ করতে পারেন। $1 দেখà§à¦¨à¥¤",
+"nbytes" => "$1 বাইট",
+"go" => "চল",
+"ok" => "ঠিক আছে",
+"sitetitle" => "উইকিপেডিয়া",
+"sitesubtitle" => "মà§à¦•à§à¦¤ বিশà§à¦¬à¦•à§‹à¦· ",
+"retrievedfrom" => "\"$1\" থেকে আনীত",
+"newmessages" => "আপনার $1 à¦à¦¸à§‡à¦›à§‡à¥¤",
+"newmessageslink" => "নতà§à¦¨ বারà§à¦¤à¦¾",
+"editsection"=>"সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ করà§à¦¨",
+"toc" => "সূচীপতà§à¦°",
+"showtoc" => "দেখাও",
+"hidetoc" => "সরিয়ে রাখ",
+# Main script and global functions
+"nosuchaction" => "No such action",
+"nosuchactiontext" => "The action specified by the URL is not
+recognized by the Wikipedia software",
+"nosuchspecialpage" => "No such special page",
+"nospecialpagetext" => "You have requested a special page that is not
+recognized by the Wikipedia software.",
+# General errors
+"error" => "Error",
+"databaseerror" => "Database error",
+"dberrortext" => "A database query syntax error has occurred.
+This could be because of an illegal search query (see $5),
+or it may indicate a bug in the software.
+The last attempted database query was:
+from within function \"<tt>$2</tt>\".
+MySQL returned error \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".",
+"dberrortextcl" => "A database query syntax error has occurred.
+The last attempted database query was:
+from within function \"$2\".
+MySQL returned error \"$3: $4\".\n",
+"noconnect" => "Could not connect to DB on $1",
+"nodb" => "Could not select database $1",
+"readonly" => "Database locked",
+"enterlockreason" => "Enter a reason for the lock, including an estimate
+of when the lock will be released",
+"readonlytext" => "The Wikipedia database is currently locked to new
+entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance,
+after which it will be back to normal.
+The administrator who locked it offered this explanation:
+"missingarticle" => "The database did not find the text of a page
+that it should have found, named \"$1\".
+<p>This is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history link to a
+page that has been deleted.
+<p>If this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software.
+Please report this to an administrator, making note of the URL.",
+"internalerror" => "Internal error",
+"filecopyerror" => "Could not copy file \"$1\" to \"$2\".",
+"filerenameerror" => "Could not rename file \"$1\" to \"$2\".",
+"filedeleteerror" => "Could not delete file \"$1\".",
+"filenotfound" => "Could not find file \"$1\".",
+"unexpected" => "Unexpected value: \"$1\"=\"$2\".",
+"formerror" => "Error: could not submit form",
+"badarticleerror" => "This action cannot be performed on this page.",
+"cannotdelete" => "Could not delete the page or image specified. (It may have already been deleted by someone else.)",
+"badtitle" => "Bad title",
+"badtitletext" => "The requested page title was invalid, empty, or
+an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title.",
+"perfdisabled" => "Sorry! This feature has been temporarily disabled
+because it slows the database down to the point that no one can use
+the wiki.",
+"perfdisabledsub" => "Here's a saved copy from $1:",
+# Login and logout pages
+"logouttitle" => "User logout",
+"logouttext" => "You are now logged out.
+You can continue to use Wikipedia anonymously, or you can log in
+again as the same or as a different user.\n",
+"welcomecreation" => "<h2>Welcome, $1!</h2><p>Your account has been created.
+Don't forget to personalize your wikipedia preferences.",
+"loginpagetitle" => "User login",
+"yourname" => "Your user name",
+"yourpassword" => "Your password",
+"yourpasswordagain" => "Retype password",
+"newusersonly" => " (new users only)",
+"remembermypassword" => "Remember my password across sessions.",
+"loginproblem" => "<b>There has been a problem with your login.</b><br>Try again!",
+"alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=red><b>User $1, you are already logged in!</b></font><br>\n",
+"areyounew" => "If you are new to Wikipedia and want to get a user account,
+enter a user name, then type and re-type a password.
+Your e-mail address is optional; if you lose your password you can request
+that it be to the address you give.<br>\n",
+"login" => "Log in",
+"userlogin" => "Log in",
+"logout" => "Log out",
+"userlogout" => "Log out",
+"notloggedin" => "Not logged in",
+"createaccount" => "Create new account",
+"badretype" => "The passwords you entered do not match.",
+"userexists" => "The user name you entered is already in use. Please choose a different name.",
+"youremail" => "Your e-mail*",
+"yournick" => "Your nickname (for signatures)",
+"emailforlost" => "* Entering an email address is optional. But it enables people to
+contact you through the website without you having to reveal your
+email address to them, and it also helps you if you forget your
+"loginerror" => "Login error",
+"noname" => "You have not specified a valid user name.",
+"loginsuccesstitle" => "Login successful",
+"loginsuccess" => "You are now logged in to Wikipedia as \"$1\".",
+"nosuchuser" => "There is no user by the name \"$1\".
+Check your spelling, or use the form below to create a new user account.",
+"wrongpassword" => "The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.",
+"mailmypassword" => "Mail me a new password",
+"passwordremindertitle" => "Password reminder from Wikipedia",
+"passwordremindertext" => "Someone (probably you, from IP address $1)
+requested that we send you a new Wikipedia login password.
+The password for user \"$2\" is now \"$3\".
+You should log in and change your password now.",
+"noemail" => "There is no e-mail address recorded for user \"$1\".",
+"passwordsent" => "A new password has been sent to the e-mail address
+registered for \"$1\".
+Please log in again after you receive it.",
+# Edit pages
+"summary" => "Summary",
+"minoredit" => "This is a minor edit",
+"watchthis" => "Watch this article",
+"savearticle" => "Save page",
+"preview" => "Preview",
+"showpreview" => "Show preview",
+"blockedtitle" => "User is blocked",
+"blockedtext" => "Your user name or IP address has been blocked by $1.
+The reason given is this:<br>''$2''<p>You may contact $1 or one of the other
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:administrators|administrators]] to discuss the block.",
+"newarticle" => "(New)",
+"newarticletext" =>
+"You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet.
+To create the page, start typing in the box below
+(see the [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Help|help page]] for more info).
+If you are here by mistake, just click your browser's '''back''' button.",
+"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet or who does not use it. We therefore have to use the numerical [[IP address]] to identify him/her. Such an IP address can be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please [[Special:Userlogin|create an account or log in]] to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users.'' ",
+"noarticletext" => "(There is currently no text in this page)",
+"updated" => "(Updated)",
+"note" => "<strong>Note:</strong> ",
+"previewnote" => "Remember that this is only a preview, and has not yet been saved!",
+"previewconflict" => "This preview reflects the text in the upper
+text editing area as it will appear if you choose to save.",
+"editing" => "Editing $1",
+"sectionedit" => " (section)",
+"editconflict" => "Edit conflict: $1",
+"explainconflict" => "Someone else has changed this page since you
+started editing it.
+The upper text area contains the page text as it currently exists.
+Your changes are shown in the lower text area.
+You will have to merge your changes into the existing text.
+<b>Only</b> the text in the upper text area will be saved when you
+press \"Save page\".\n<p>",
+"yourtext" => "Your text",
+"storedversion" => "Stored version",
+"editingold" => "<strong>WARNING: You are editing an out-of-date
+revision of this page.
+If you save it, any changes made since this revision will be lost.</strong>\n",
+"yourdiff" => "Differences",
+"copyrightwarning" => "Please note that all contributions to Wikipedia are
+considered to be released under the GNU Free Documentation License
+(see $1 for details).
+If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed
+at will, then don't submit it here.<br>
+You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a
+public domain or similar free resource.
+"longpagewarning" => "WARNING: This page is $1 kilobytes long; some
+browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb.
+Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections.",
+"readonlywarning" => "WARNING: The database has been locked for maintenance,
+so you will not be able to save your edits right now. You may wish to cut-n-paste
+the text into a text file and save it for later.",
+"protectedpagewarning" => "WARNING: This page has been locked so that only
+users with sysop privileges can edit it. Be sure you are following the
+<a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Protected_page_guidelines'>protected page
+# History pages
+"revhistory" => "Revision history",
+"nohistory" => "There is no edit history for this page.",
+"revnotfound" => "Revision not found",
+"revnotfoundtext" => "The old revision of the page you asked for could not be found.
+Please check the URL you used to access this page.\n",
+"loadhist" => "Loading page history",
+"currentrev" => "Current revision",
+"revisionasof" => "Revision as of $1",
+"cur" => "cur",
+"next" => "next",
+"last" => "last",
+"orig" => "orig",
+"histlegend" => "Legend: (cur) = difference with current version,
+(last) = difference with preceding version, M = minor edit",
+# Diffs
+"difference" => "(Difference between revisions)",
+"loadingrev" => "loading revision for diff",
+"lineno" => "Line $1:",
+"editcurrent" => "Edit the current version of this page",
+# Search results
+"searchresults" => "Search results",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Searching",
+"searchingwikipedia" => "Searching Wikipedia",
+"searchresulttext" => "For more information about searching Wikipedia, see $1.",
+"searchquery" => "For query \"$1\"",
+"badquery" => "Badly formed search query",
+"badquerytext" => "We could not process your query.
+This is probably because you have attempted to search for a
+word fewer than three letters long, which is not yet supported.
+It could also be that you have mistyped the expression, for
+example \"fish and and scales\".
+Please try another query.",
+"matchtotals" => "The query \"$1\" matched $2 article titles
+and the text of $3 articles.",
+"nogomatch" => "No page with this exact title exists, trying full text search.",
+"titlematches" => "Article title matches",
+"notitlematches" => "No article title matches",
+"textmatches" => "Article text matches",
+"notextmatches" => "No article text matches",
+"prevn" => "previous $1",
+"nextn" => "next $1",
+"viewprevnext" => "View ($1) ($2) ($3).",
+"showingresults" => "Showing below <b>$1</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>.",
+"showingresultsnum" => "Showing below <b>$3</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>.",
+"nonefound" => "<strong>Note</strong>: unsuccessful searches are
+often caused by searching for common words like \"have\" and \"from\",
+which are not indexed, or by specifying more than one search term (only pages
+containing all of the search terms will appear in the result).",
+"powersearch" => "Search",
+"powersearchtext" => "
+Search in namespaces :<br>
+$2 List redirects &nbsp; Search for $3 $9",
+# Preferences page
+"preferences" => "Preferences",
+"prefsnologin" => "Not logged in",
+"prefsnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
+to set user preferences.",
+"prefslogintext" => "You are logged in as \"$1\".
+Your internal ID number is $2.
+See [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:User preferences help]] for help deciphering the options.",
+"prefsreset" => "Preferences have been reset from storage.",
+"qbsettings" => "Quickbar settings",
+"changepassword" => "Change password",
+"skin" => "Skin",
+"math" => "Rendering math",
+"dateformat" => "Date format",
+"math_failure" => "Failed to parse",
+"math_unknown_error" => "unknown error",
+"math_unknown_function" => "unknown function ",
+"math_lexing_error" => "lexing error",
+"math_syntax_error" => "syntax error",
+"saveprefs" => "Save preferences",
+"resetprefs" => "Reset preferences",
+"oldpassword" => "Old password",
+"newpassword" => "New password",
+"retypenew" => "Retype new password",
+"textboxsize" => "Textbox dimensions",
+"rows" => "Rows",
+"columns" => "Columns",
+"searchresultshead" => "Search result settings",
+"resultsperpage" => "Hits to show per page",
+"contextlines" => "Lines to show per hit",
+"contextchars" => "Characters of context per line",
+"stubthreshold" => "Threshold for stub display",
+"recentchangescount" => "Number of titles in recent changes",
+"savedprefs" => "Your preferences have been saved.",
+"timezonetext" => "Enter number of hours your local time differs
+from server time (UTC).",
+"localtime" => "Local time display",
+"timezoneoffset" => "Offset",
+"servertime" => "Server time is now",
+"guesstimezone" => "Fill in from browser",
+"emailflag" => "Disable e-mail from other users",
+"defaultns" => "Search in these namespaces by default:",
+# Recent changes
+"changes" => "changes",
+"recentchanges" => "Recent changes",
+"recentchangestext" => "Track the most recent changes to Wikipedia on this page.
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Welcome,_newcomers|Welcome, newcomers]]!
+Please have a look at these pages: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policies and guidelines|Wikipedia policy]]
+(especially [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Naming conventions|naming conventions]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Neutral point of view|neutral point of view]]),
+and [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|most common Wikipedia faux pas]].
+If you want to see Wikipedia succeed, it's very important that you don't add
+material restricted by others' [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights|copyrights]].
+The legal liability could really hurt the project, so please don't do it.
+See also the [ recent meta discussion].",
+"rcloaderr" => "Loading recent changes",
+"rcnote" => "Below are the last <strong>$1</strong> changes in last <strong>$2</strong> days.",
+"rcnotefrom" => "Below are the changes since <b>$2</b> (up to <b>$1</b> shown).",
+"rclistfrom" => "Show new changes starting from $1",
+# "rclinks" => "Show last $1 changes in last $2 hours / last $3 days",
+# "rclinks" => "Show last $1 changes in last $2 days.",
+"rclinks" => "Show last $1 changes in last $2 days; $3 minor edits",
+"rchide" => "in $4 form; $1 minor edits; $2 secondary namespaces; $3 multiple edits.",
+"rcliu" => "; $1 edits from logged in users",
+"diff" => "diff",
+"hist" => "hist",
+"hide" => "hide",
+"show" => "show",
+"tableform" => "table",
+"listform" => "list",
+"nchanges" => "$1 changes",
+"minoreditletter" => "M",
+"newpageletter" => "N",
+# Upload
+"upload" => "Upload file",
+"uploadbtn" => "Upload file",
+"uploadlink" => "Upload images",
+"reupload" => "Re-upload",
+"reuploaddesc" => "Return to the upload form.",
+"uploadnologin" => "Not logged in",
+"uploadnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
+to upload files.",
+"uploadfile" => "Upload file",
+"uploaderror" => "Upload error",
+"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here,
+make sure to read and follow Wikipedia's <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
+<p>To view or search previously uploaded images,
+go to the <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
+"\">list of uploaded images</a>.
+Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
+<p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in
+illustrating your articles.
+On most browsers, you will see a \"Browse...\" button, which will
+bring up your operating system's standard file open dialog.
+Choosing a file will fill the name of that file into the text
+field next to the button.
+You must also check the box affirming that you are not
+violating any copyrights by uploading the file.
+Press the \"Upload\" button to finish the upload.
+This may take some time if you have a slow internet connection.
+<p>The preferred formats are JPEG for photographic images, PNG
+for drawings and other iconic images, and OGG for sounds.
+Please name your files descriptively to avoid confusion.
+To include the image in an article, use a link in the form
+<b>[[image:file.jpg]]</b> or <b>[[image:file.png|alt text]]</b>
+or <b>[[media:file.ogg]]</b> for sounds.
+<p>Please note that as with Wikipedia pages, others may edit or
+delete your uploads if they think it serves the encyclopedia, and
+you may be blocked from uploading if you abuse the system.",
+"uploadlog" => "upload log",
+"uploadlogpage" => "Upload_log",
+"uploadlogpagetext" => "Below is a list of the most recent file uploads.
+All times shown are server time (UTC).
+"filename" => "Filename",
+"filedesc" => "Summary",
+"affirmation" => "I affirm that the copyright holder of this file
+agrees to license it under the terms of the $1.",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights",
+"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia copyright",
+"uploadedfiles" => "Uploaded files",
+"noaffirmation" => "You must affirm that your upload does not violate
+any copyrights.",
+"ignorewarning" => "Ignore warning and save file anyway.",
+"minlength" => "Image names must be at least three letters.",
+"badfilename" => "Image name has been changed to \"$1\".",
+"badfiletype" => "\".$1\" is not a recommended image file format.",
+"largefile" => "It is recommended that images not exceed 100k in size.",
+"successfulupload" => "Successful upload",
+"fileuploaded" => "File \"$1\" uploaded successfully.
+Please follow this link: ($2) to the description page and fill
+in information about the file, such as where it came from, when it was
+created and by whom, and anything else you may know about it.",
+"uploadwarning" => "Upload warning",
+"savefile" => "Save file",
+"uploadedimage" => "uploaded \"$1\"",
+# Image list
+"imagelist" => "Image list",
+"imagelisttext" => "Below is a list of $1 images sorted $2.",
+"getimagelist" => "fetching image list",
+"ilshowmatch" => "Show all images with names matching",
+"ilsubmit" => "Search",
+"showlast" => "Show last $1 images sorted $2.",
+"all" => "all",
+"byname" => "by name",
+"bydate" => "by date",
+"bysize" => "by size",
+"imgdelete" => "del",
+"imgdesc" => "desc",
+"imglegend" => "Legend: (desc) = show/edit image description.",
+"imghistory" => "Image history",
+"revertimg" => "rev",
+"deleteimg" => "del",
+"imghistlegend" => "Legend: (cur) = this is the current image, (del) = delete
+this old version, (rev) = revert to this old version.
+<br><i>Click on date to see image uploaded on that date</i>.",
+"imagelinks" => "Image links",
+"linkstoimage" => "The following pages link to this image:",
+"nolinkstoimage" => "There are no pages that link to this image.",
+# Statistics
+"statistics" => "Statistics",
+"sitestats" => "Site statistics",
+"userstats" => "User statistics",
+"sitestatstext" => "There are <b>$1</b> total pages in the database.
+This includes \"talk\" pages, pages about Wikipedia, minimal \"stub\"
+pages, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as articles.
+Excluding those, there are <b>$2</b> pages that are probably legitimate
+There have been a total of <b>$3</b> page views, and <b>$4</b> page edits
+since the software was upgraded (July 20, 2002).
+That comes to <b>$5</b> average edits per page, and <b>$6</b> views per edit.",
+"userstatstext" => "There are <b>$1</b> registered users.
+<b>$2</b> of these are administrators (see $3).",
+# Maintenance Page
+"maintenance" => "Maintenance page",
+"maintnancepagetext" => "This page includes several handy tools for everyday maintenance. Some of these functions tend to stress the database, so please do not hit reload after every item you fixed ;-)",
+"maintenancebacklink" => "Back to Maintenance Page",
+"disambiguations" => "Disambiguation pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationstext" => "The following articles link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
+"doubleredirects" => "Double Redirects",
+"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br>\nEach row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the \"real\" taget article, which the first redirect should point to.",
+"brokenredirects" => "Broken Redirects",
+"brokenredirectstext" => "The following redirects link to a non-existing article.",
+"selflinks" => "Pages with Self Links",
+"selflinkstext" => "The following pages contain a link to themselves, which they should not.",
+"mispeelings" => "Pages with misspellings",
+"mispeelingstext" => "The following pages contain a common misspelling, which are listed on $1. The correct spelling might be given (like this).",
+"mispeelingspage" => "List of common misspellings",
+"missinglanguagelinks" => "Missing Language Links",
+"missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "Find missing language links for",
+"missinglanguagelinkstext" => "These articles do <i>not</i> link to their counterpart in $1. Redirects and subpages are <i>not</i> shown.",
+# Miscellaneous special pages
+"orphans" => "Orphaned pages",
+"lonelypages" => "Orphaned pages",
+"unusedimages" => "Unused images",
+"popularpages" => "Popular pages",
+"nviews" => "$1 views",
+"wantedpages" => "Wanted pages",
+"nlinks" => "$1 links",
+"allpages" => "All pages",
+"randompage" => "Random page",
+"shortpages" => "Short pages",
+"longpages" => "Long pages",
+"listusers" => "User list",
+"specialpages" => "Special pages",
+"spheading" => "Special pages",
+"sysopspheading" => "Special pages for sysop use",
+"developerspheading" => "Special pages for developer use",
+"protectpage" => "Protect page",
+"recentchangeslinked" => "Related changes",
+"rclsub" => "(to pages linked from \"$1\")",
+"debug" => "Debug",
+"newpages" => "New pages",
+"ancientpages" => "Oldest articles",
+"intl" => "Interlanguage links",
+"movethispage" => "Move this page",
+"unusedimagestext" => "<p>Please note that other web sites
+such as the international Wikipedias may link to an image with
+a direct URL, and so may still be listed here despite being
+in active use.",
+"booksources" => "Book sources",
+"booksourcetext" => "Below is a list of links to other sites that
+sell new and used books, and may also have further information
+about books you are looking for.
+Wikipedia is not affiliated with any of these businesses, and
+this list should not be construed as an endorsement.",
+"alphaindexline" => "$1 to $2",
+# Email this user
+"mailnologin" => "No send address",
+"mailnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
+and have a valid e-mail address in your <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Preferences" ) . "\">preferences</a>
+to send e-mail to other users.",
+"emailuser" => "E-mail this user",
+"emailpage" => "E-mail user",
+"emailpagetext" => "If this user has entered a valid e-mail address in
+his or her user preferences, the form below will send a single message.
+The e-mail address you entered in your user preferences will appear
+as the \"From\" address of the mail, so the recipient will be able
+to reply.",
+"noemailtitle" => "No e-mail address",
+"noemailtext" => "This user has not specified a valid e-mail address,
+or has chosen not to receive e-mail from other users.",
+"emailfrom" => "From",
+"emailto" => "To",
+"emailsubject" => "Subject",
+"emailmessage" => "Message",
+"emailsend" => "Send",
+"emailsent" => "E-mail sent",
+"emailsenttext" => "Your e-mail message has been sent.",
+# Watchlist
+"watchlist" => "My watchlist",
+"watchlistsub" => "(for user \"$1\")",
+"nowatchlist" => "You have no items on your watchlist.",
+"watchnologin" => "Not logged in",
+"watchnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
+to modify your watchlist.",
+"addedwatch" => "Added to watchlist",
+"addedwatchtext" => "The page \"$1\" has been added to your <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Watchlist" ) . "\">watchlist</a>.
+Future changes to this page and its associated Talk page will be listed there,
+and the page will appear <b>bolded</b> in the <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Recentchanges" ) . "\">list of recent changes</a> to
+make it easier to pick out.</p>
+<p>If you want to remove the page from your watchlist later, click \"Stop watching\" in the sidebar.",
+"removedwatch" => "Removed from watchlist",
+"removedwatchtext" => "The page \"$1\" has been removed from your watchlist.",
+"watchthispage" => "Watch this page",
+"unwatchthispage" => "Stop watching",
+"notanarticle" => "Not an article",
+# Delete/protect/revert
+"deletepage" => "Delete page",
+"confirm" => "Confirm",
+"excontent" => "content was:",
+"exbeforeblank" => "content before blanking was:",
+"exblank" => "page was empty",
+"confirmdelete" => "Confirm delete",
+"deletesub" => "(Deleting \"$1\")",
+"historywarning" => "Warning: The page you are about to delete has a history: ",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "You are about to permanently delete a page
+or image along with all of its history from the database.
+Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the
+consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with
+"confirmcheck" => "Yes, I really want to delete this.",
+"actioncomplete" => "Action complete",
+"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" has been deleted.
+See $2 for a record of recent deletions.",
+"deletedarticle" => "deleted \"$1\"",
+"dellogpage" => "Deletion_log",
+"dellogpagetext" => "Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
+All times shown are server time (UTC).
+"deletionlog" => "deletion log",
+"reverted" => "Reverted to earlier revision",
+"deletecomment" => "Reason for deletion",
+"imagereverted" => "Revert to earlier version was successful.",
+"rollback" => "Roll back edits",
+"rollbacklink" => "rollback",
+"rollbackfailed" => "Rollback failed",
+"cantrollback" => "Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this article.",
+"alreadyrolled" => "Cannot rollback last edit of [[$1]]
+by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); someone else has edited or rolled back the article already.
+Last edit was by [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]). ",
+# only shown if there is an edit comment
+"editcomment" => "The edit comment was: \"<i>$1</i>\".",
+"revertpage" => "Reverted to last edit by $1",
+# Undelete
+"undelete" => "Restore deleted page",
+"undeletepage" => "View and restore deleted pages",
+"undeletepagetext" => "The following pages have been deleted but are still in the archive and
+can be restored. The archive may be periodically cleaned out.",
+"undeletearticle" => "Restore deleted article",
+"undeleterevisions" => "$1 revisions archived",
+"undeletehistory" => "If you restore the page, all revisions will be restored to the history.
+If a new page with the same name has been created since the deletion, the restored
+revisions will appear in the prior history, and the current revision of the live page
+will not be automatically replaced.",
+"undeleterevision" => "Deleted revision as of $1",
+"undeletebtn" => "Restore!",
+"undeletedarticle" => "restored \"$1\"",
+"undeletedtext" => "The article [[$1]] has been successfully restored.
+See [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
+# Contributions
+"contributions" => "User contributions",
+"mycontris" => "My contributions",
+"contribsub" => "For $1",
+"nocontribs" => "No changes were found matching these criteria.",
+"ucnote" => "Below are this user's last <b>$1</b> changes in the last <b>$2</b> days.",
+"uclinks" => "View the last $1 changes; view the last $2 days.",
+"uctop" => " (top)" ,
+# What links here
+"whatlinkshere" => "What links here",
+"notargettitle" => "No target",
+"notargettext" => "You have not specified a target page or user
+to perform this function on.",
+"linklistsub" => "(List of links)",
+"linkshere" => "The following pages link to here:",
+"nolinkshere" => "No pages link to here.",
+"isredirect" => "redirect page",
+# Block/unblock IP
+"blockip" => "Block IP address",
+"blockiptext" => "Use the form below to block write access
+from a specific IP address.
+This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in
+accordance with [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
+Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular
+pages that were vandalized).",
+"ipaddress" => "IP Address",
+"ipbreason" => "Reason",
+"ipbsubmit" => "Block this address",
+"badipaddress" => "The IP address is badly formed.",
+"noblockreason" => "You must supply a reason for the block.",
+"blockipsuccesssub" => "Block succeeded",
+"blockipsuccesstext" => "The IP address \"$1\" has been blocked.
+<br>See [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] to review blocks.",
+"unblockip" => "Unblock IP address",
+"unblockiptext" => "Use the form below to restore write access
+to a previously blocked IP address.",
+"ipusubmit" => "Unblock this address",
+"ipusuccess" => "IP address \"$1\" unblocked",
+"ipblocklist" => "List of blocked IP addresses",
+"blocklistline" => "$1, $2 blocked $3",
+"blocklink" => "block",
+"unblocklink" => "unblock",
+"contribslink" => "contribs",
+# Developer tools
+"lockdb" => "Lock database",
+"unlockdb" => "Unlock database",
+"lockdbtext" => "Locking the database will suspend the ability of all
+users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
+other things requiring changes in the database.
+Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will
+unlock the database when your maintenance is done.",
+"unlockdbtext" => "Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all
+users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
+other things requiring changes in the database.
+Please confirm that this is what you intend to do.",
+"lockconfirm" => "Yes, I really want to lock the database.",
+"unlockconfirm" => "Yes, I really want to unlock the database.",
+"lockbtn" => "Lock database",
+"unlockbtn" => "Unlock database",
+"locknoconfirm" => "You did not check the confirmation box.",
+"lockdbsuccesssub" => "Database lock succeeded",
+"unlockdbsuccesssub" => "Database lock removed",
+"lockdbsuccesstext" => "The Wikipedia database has been locked.
+<br>Remember to remove the lock after your maintenance is complete.",
+"unlockdbsuccesstext" => "The Wikipedia database has been unlocked.",
+# SQL query
+"asksql" => "SQL query",
+"asksqltext" => "Use the form below to make a direct query of the
+Wikipedia database.
+Use single quotes ('like this') to delimit string literals.
+This can often add considerable load to the server, so please use
+this function sparingly.",
+"sqlislogged" => "Please note that all queries are logged.",
+"sqlquery" => "Enter query",
+"querybtn" => "Submit query",
+"selectonly" => "Queries other than \"SELECT\" are restricted to
+Wikipedia developers.",
+"querysuccessful" => "Query successful",
+# Move page
+"movepage" => "Move page",
+"movepagetext" => "Using the form below will rename a page, moving all
+of its history to the new name.
+The old title will become a redirect page to the new title.
+Links to the old page title will not be changed; be sure to
+[[Special:Maintenance|check]] for double or broken redirects.
+You are responsible for making sure that links continue to
+point where they are supposed to go.
+Note that the page will '''not''' be moved if there is already
+a page at the new title, unless it is empty or a redirect and has no
+past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where
+it was just renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite
+an existing page.
+This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page;
+please be sure you understand the consequences of this before
+"movepagetalktext" => "The associated talk page, if any, will be automatically moved along with it '''unless:'''
+*You are moving the page across namespaces,
+*A non-empty talk page already exists under the new name, or
+*You uncheck the box below.
+In those cases, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired.",
+"movearticle" => "Move page",
+"movenologin" => "Not logged in",
+"movenologintext" => "You must be a registered user and <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
+to move a page.",
+"newtitle" => "To new title",
+"movepagebtn" => "Move page",
+"pagemovedsub" => "Move succeeded",
+"pagemovedtext" => "Page \"[[$1]]\" moved to \"[[$2]]\".",
+"articleexists" => "A page of that name already exists, or the
+name you have chosen is not valid.
+Please choose another name.",
+"talkexists" => "The page itself was moved successfully, but the
+talk page could not be moved because one already exists at the new
+title. Please merge them manually.",
+"movedto" => "moved to",
+"movetalk" => "Move \"talk\" page as well, if applicable.",
+"talkpagemoved" => "The corresponding talk page was also moved.",
+"talkpagenotmoved" => "The corresponding talk page was <strong>not</strong> moved.",
+include( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+class LanguageBn extends LanguageUtf8 {
+ function getNamespaces() {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesBn;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesBn;
+ }
+ function getNsText( $index ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesBn;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesBn[$index];
+ }
+ function getNsIndex( $text ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesBn;
+ foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesBn as $i => $n ) {
+ if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
+ }
+ # fallback
+ return Language::getNsIndex( $text );
+ }
+ function getMonthName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthNamesBn;
+ return $wgMonthNamesBn[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getMessage( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgAllMessagesBn;
+ if(array_key_exists($key, $wgAllMessagesBn))
+ return $wgAllMessagesBn[$key];
+ else
+ return Language::getMessage($key);
+ }
diff --git a/languages/LanguageCa.php b/languages/LanguageCa.php
index a793c61ca21e..363a48aafb18 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageCa.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageCa.php
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "Viquipèdia";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "Viquipèdia";
# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
@@ -11,8 +18,8 @@
1 => "Discussió",
2 => "Usuari",
3 => "Usuari_Discussió",
- 4 => "Viquipèdia",
- 5 => "Viquipèdia_Discussió",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "{$wgMetaNamepace}_Discussió",
6 => "Imatge",
7 => "Imatge_Discussió",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -130,6 +137,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesCa = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Bloqueja una direcció IP",
"Asksql" => "Recerca en la base de dades",
"Undelete" => "Mostra i restaura les pàgines esborrades"
@@ -148,16 +156,16 @@
"mainpage" => "Portada",
"about" => "Quant a...",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Quant a la Viquipèdia",
-"aboutpage" => "Viquipèdia: Quant a",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}: Quant a",
"help" => "Ajuda",
-"helppage" => "Viquipèdia:Ajuda",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ajuda",
"wikititlesuffix" =>"Viquipèdia",
"bugreports" => "Informes d'error del programari",
-"bugreportspage" => "Viquipèdia:Informes_d'error",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Informes_d'error",
"faq" => "PMF",
-"faqpage" => "Viquipèdia:PMF",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:PMF",
"edithelp" => "Ajuda d'edició",
-"edithelppage" => "Viquipèdia:Com_s'edita_una_pàgina",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Com_s'edita_una_pàgina",
"cancel" => "Anul·la",
"qbfind" => "Troba",
"qbbrowse" => "Fulleja",
@@ -193,7 +201,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Aquesta pàgina es fa disponible sota la <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU FDL</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(De",
"protectedpage" => "Pàgina protegida",
-"administrators" => "Viquipèdia:Administradors",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administradors",
"sysoptitle" => "Accés requerit de Sysop",
"sysoptext" => "L'acció que heu requerit només pot ser duta a terme per usuaris amb estatus de \"sysop\".
Ver $1.",
@@ -366,7 +374,7 @@ Revidseu l'URL que heu emprat per accedir-hi.\n",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Resultats de la recerca",
-"searchhelppage" => "Viquipèdia:Recerca",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Recerca",
"searchingwikipedia" => "S'està cercant a la Viquipèdia",
"searchresulttext" => "Per a més informació sobre les recerques de la Viquipèdia, aneu a $1.",
"searchquery" => "Per consulta \"$1\"",
@@ -439,14 +447,14 @@ i l'hora del servidor (UTC).",
"recentchanges" => "Canvis recents",
"recentchangestext" => "Seguiu els canvis més recentes de la Viquipèdia en aquesta pàgina.
-Mireu aquestes pàgines, si us plau: [[viquipèdia:PMF|PMF de la Viquipèdia]],
-[[Viquipèdia:Polítiques i guies|polítiques de la Viquipèdia]]
-(especialment [[viquipèdia:Convencions de noms|les convencions per anomenar articles]]i
-[[viquipèdia:Punt de vista neutral|punt de vista neutral]]).
+Mireu aquestes pàgines, si us plau: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:PMF|PMF de la Viquipèdia]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Polítiques i guies|polítiques de la Viquipèdia]]
+(especialment [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Convencions de noms|les convencions per anomenar articles]]i
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Punt de vista neutral|punt de vista neutral]]).
Si voleu que la Viquipèdia tingui èxit, és molt important que no hi afegiu
-material restringit per [[viquipèdia:Copyrights|drets d'autor]].
+material restringit per [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights|drets d'autor]].
La responsabilitat legal podria realment malmetre un projecte com aquest, així que si us plau, no ho feu.
Vegeu també [ discussió recent en Meta (multilingüe)].",
@@ -484,8 +492,8 @@ per carregar arxius.",
previament, aneu al <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Especial:Imagelist" ) .
"\">llistat d'imatges carregades</a>.
Le càrregues i els esborrats són registrats en el <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Viquipèdia:Registre de càrregues" ) . "\">registre de càrregues</a>.
-Aneu també a <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Viquipèdia:Política d'ús d'imatges" ) .
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Registre de càrregues" ) . "\">registre de càrregues</a>.
+Aneu també a <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Política d'ús d'imatges" ) .
"\">política d'ús d'imatges</a>.
<p>Empreu la forma de sota per carregar nous arxius d'imatges per il·lustrar els articles.
Amb la majoria dels navegadors, veureu un botó \"Browse...\", que
@@ -516,7 +524,7 @@ carregat més recentement. Totes les hores són les del servidor (UTC).
"filedesc" => "Sumari",
"affirmation" => "Afirmo que el propietari del copyright d'aquest arxiu
està d'acord en llicenciar-lo sota els termes de $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Viquipèdia:Copyrights",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights",
"copyrightpagename" => "Viquipèdia copyright",
"uploadedfiles" => "Arxius carregats",
"noaffirmation" => "Heu d'afirmar que les carregues d'arxius no violen cap copyright.",
@@ -583,7 +591,7 @@ dels quals <b>$2</b> són administradors (vegeu $3).",
sobrecarregar la base de dades, així que si us plau, no torneu a carregar la pàgina després de cada element que arregleu ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Torna a la pàgina de manteniment",
"disambiguations" => "Pàgines de desambiguació",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Viquipèdia:Enllaços a pàgines de desambiguació",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Enllaços a pàgines de desambiguació",
"disambiguationstext" => "Els següents articles enllacen a una<i>pàgina de desambiguació</i>. Haurien d'enllaçar al tema apropiat.
<br>Una pàgina és considerada una pàgina de desambiguació si és enllaçada des de $1.<br>Enllaços des d'altres espais de nom (Com Viquipè
@@ -705,7 +713,7 @@ Canvis futurs a aquesta pàgina i a la vostra pàgina de discussió associada hi
"confirmdeletetext" => "Esteu a punt d'esborrar una pàgina o imatge
de forma permanent, així com tota la seva història de la base de dades.
Confirmeu que realment ho voleu fer, que enteneu les
-conseqüències, i que el esteu fent està d'acord amb [[Viquipèdia:Polítiques]].",
+conseqüències, i que el esteu fent està d'acord amb [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Polítiques]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Sí, realment ho vull esborrar.",
"actioncomplete" => "Acció completa",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" ha estat esborrat.
@@ -742,7 +750,7 @@ revisió actual del la pàgina \"viva\" no serà substituïda automàticament.",
"undeletebtn" => "Restaura!",
"undeletedarticle" => "restaurat \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "L'article [[$1]] ha estat restaurat amb èxit.
-Vegeu [[Viquipèdia:Registre_d'esborrats]] per un llistat d'esborrats i restauracions recents.",
+Vegeu [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Registre_d'esborrats]] per un llistat d'esborrats i restauracions recents.",
# Contributions
@@ -769,7 +777,7 @@ Vegeu [[Viquipèdia:Registre_d'esborrats]] per un llistat d'esborrats i restaura
"blockiptext" => "Empreu el següent formulari per bloquejar l'accés
d'escriptura des d'una direcció IP específica.
això hauria de fer-se només per prevenir el vandalisme, i
-d'acord a la [[Viquipèdia:Política| política de la Viquipèdia]].
+d'acord a la [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Política| política de la Viquipèdia]].
Empleneu el diàleg d'avall amb una raó específica (per exemple, citant
quines pàgines en concret estan sent vandalitzades).",
"ipaddress" => "Direcció IP",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageCs.php b/languages/LanguageCs.php
index bdcdf9dfc698..7af38cc51bd8 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageCs.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageCs.php
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
# See language.doc
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "Wikipedie";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedie";
# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
@@ -13,8 +20,8 @@
1 => "Diskuse", # neb diskutuj?
2 => "Wikipedista",
3 => "Wikipedista_diskuse",
- 4 => "Wikipedie",
- 5 => "Wikipedie_diskuse",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "{$wgMetaNamespace}_diskuse",
6 => "Soubor", #FIXME: Check the magic for Image: and Media:
7 => "Soubor_diskuse",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -110,6 +117,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesCs = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Zablokuj adresu IP",
"Asksql" => "Objednávka z databáze",
"Undelete" => "Obnov odstraněnou stránku"
@@ -130,16 +138,16 @@
"mainpage" => "Hlavní strana",
"about" => "Úvod",
"aboutwikipedia" => "O Wikipedii", #FIXME
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedie:Úvod",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Úvod",
"help" => "Nápověda",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedie:Nápověda",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Nápověda",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedie",
"bugreports" => "Oznam mouchy",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedie:Oznam_mouchy",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Oznam_mouchy",
"faq" => "Časté otázky",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedie:Časté otázky",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Časté otázky",
"edithelp" => "Pomoc při redigování",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedie:Jak_redigovat_stránku", #FIXME: Kontroluj
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Jak_redigovat_stránku", #FIXME: Kontroluj
"cancel" => "Rezignuj",
"qbfind" => "Hledej",
"qbbrowse" => "Listování", # FIXME
@@ -170,7 +178,7 @@
"viewcount" => "Stránka se ukázala $1-krát.",
"printsubtitle" => "(Z",
"protectedpage" => "Chráněná stránka", #FIXME: cu "gardita" ktp?
-"administrators" => "Wikipedie:Správci", # FIXME?
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Správci", # FIXME?
"sysoptitle" => "ÚÄet správce nutný",
"sysoptext" => "Žádaný úkon je proveditelný pouze \"správci\".
Čtěte prosím $1.", #FIXME
@@ -181,7 +189,7 @@
"go" => "Do toho!", #FIXME
"ok" => "OK", #FIXME
"sitetitle" => "Wikipedie", # Wikipedia
-"sitesubtitle" => "Wikipedie: Otevřená Encyklopedie",
+"sitesubtitle" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}: Otevřená Encyklopedie",
"retrievedfrom" => "Citováno z \"$1\"", #FIXME: Ukazuje se po tisku strany
# Main script and global functions
@@ -315,7 +323,7 @@ která popsala příÄinu takto:<br><p>Máte právo se spojit se správcem systÃ
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Výsledek hledání",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedie:Hledání",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hledání",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Hledání ve Wikipedii",
"searchresulttext" => "NápovÄ›du, jak úÄinnÄ› hledat ve Wikipedii, ÄtÄ›te na .",
"searchquery" => "Zadání pro vyhledávání \"$1\"",
@@ -377,11 +385,11 @@ Například, pro StÅ™ední Evropu ÄŒasové pásmo, oznaÄte \"1\" v zimÄ› nebo \
"recentchanges" => "Poslední změny",
"recentchangestext" => "Sledujte poslední změny ve Wikipedii na této stránce.
[[Vítejte, nováÄci]]!
-PÅ™eÄtÄ›te prosím tuto stránku: [[wikipedie:ÄŒasté otázky|ÄŒasté otázky]],
-[[wikipedie:Drobné rady|Drobné rady]]
-(zvláště [[wikipedie:Názvy titulů|Názvy titulů]]
-a [[wikipedie:Neutrální hledisko|Neutrální hledisko]]),
-a [[wikipedie:Časté chyby|Časté chyby ve Wikipedii]].
+PÅ™eÄtÄ›te prosím tuto stránku: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:ÄŒasté otázky|ÄŒasté otázky]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Drobné rady|Drobné rady]]
+(zvláště [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Názvy titulů|Názvy titulů]]
+a [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Neutrální hledisko|Neutrální hledisko]]),
+a [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Časté chyby|Časté chyby ve Wikipedii]].
Pokud chcete, aby Wikipedie uspÄ›la, je velice důležité, abyste nevkládali Älánky vázané na [[copyright]] nÄ›koho jiného. Zákonná odpovÄ›dnost by skuteÄnÄ› mohla ohrozit celý projekt, proto to prosím nedÄ›lejte.
@@ -418,7 +426,7 @@ pro naÄtení souboru.",
"uploadtext" => "Pro prohlížení a hledání již naÄtených souborů, jdÄ›te na <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrl( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">seznam naÄteného</a>.
Každé naÄtení a odstranÄ›ní je registrováno u <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrl( "Wikipedie:NaÄtení_log" ) ."\">NaÄtení_log</a>.</p>
+wfLocalUrl( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:NaÄtení_log" ) ."\">NaÄtení_log</a>.</p>
<p>Použij tento formulář pro naÄtení nového obrázku nebo jiných souborů jako ilustrací ke svým Älánkům. U běžných prohlížeÄů se dole objeví buton \"Procházet...\" apod; tím se otevÅ™ou adresáře tvého pevného disku, kde si vybereÅ¡ svůj soubor, jehož název vyplní pole vedle butonu; musíš také potvrdit prohlášení, že neporuÅ¡ujeÅ¡ niÄí copyright. Vlastní naÄtení provedeÅ¡ kliknutím na buton \"NaÄti\". Může to trvat i delší dobu, pokud je soubor velký a poÄítaÄ pomalý.</p>
@@ -441,7 +449,7 @@ může mu být zablokován přístup k redigování.</p>",
"filename" => "Soubor",
"filedesc" => "Popis",
"affirmation" => "Potvrzuji, že zákonný vlastník copyrightu na tento soubor souhlasí se zveřejněním podle $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedie:Copyright",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyright",
"copyrightpagename" => "povolenka GFDL používaná ve Wikipedii ",
"uploadedfiles" => "NaÄtené soubory ",
"noaffirmation" => "BezpodmíneÄnÄ› musíte potvrdit, že váš příspÄ›vek neporuÅ¡uje zákony o copyrightu.",
@@ -501,7 +509,7 @@ To je v průměru jedna stránka na <b></b> návštěv, a na <b></b> redakcí.",
"maintnancepagetext" => "Zde jsou různé nástroje pro opravy a vÅ¡eobecnou údržbu dat. NÄ›které funkce mohou otřást databází, nenaÄítejte proto po každé drobné opravÄ›!",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Návrat k nástrojům",
"disambiguations" => "Å patnÄ› odkázané oddÄ›lovaÄe ",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedie:OddÄ›lovaÄe",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:OddÄ›lovaÄe",
"disambiguationstext" => "Tyto stránky odkazují na <i>stránkový oddÄ›lovaÄ</i>. MÄ›ly by místo toho odkazovat na správný subjekt.<br>Bereme do úvahy stránky, které odkazují na oddÄ›lovaÄ.<br>Odkazy na sekci neÄlánkových souborů <i>ne</i> se zapisují zde.",
"doubleredirects" => "Dvojité přesměrování",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Pozor:</b> Může se stát, že tento seznam bude obsahovat falešné pozitivy. Všeobecně to znamená, že existuje další text s odkazy po #REDIERCT.<br>
@@ -599,7 +607,7 @@ a bude poÄítány v seznamu tvých Oblíbených.
"confirmdelete" => "Potvrdit odstranění",
"deletesub" => "(Odstraňuje se \"$1\")",
"confirmdeletetext" => "Odstraníš Älánek nebo soubor a smažeÅ¡ celou jeho historii z databáze.<br>
-PotvrÄ prosím, že to opravdu chceÅ¡, že si uvÄ›domujeÅ¡ důsledky a že dodržujeÅ¡ [[Wikipedie:Pravidla o odstraňování]].",
+PotvrÄ prosím, že to opravdu chceÅ¡, že si uvÄ›domujeÅ¡ důsledky a že dodržujeÅ¡ [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Pravidla o odstraňování]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Ano, jsem naprosto jist, že chci toto odstranit.",
"actioncomplete" => "Provedeno",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" je odstraněno.
@@ -627,7 +635,7 @@ VÅ¡echny Äasové údaje uvedeny podle Äasového pásma serveru. (UTC)
"undeletebtn" => "Obnovit!",
"undeletedarticle" => "obnoveno \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "Článek [[]] je úspěšně obnoven.
-PohleÄ do [[Wikipedie:Kniha odstranÄ›ní]] pro záznam posledních odstranÄ›ní a obnovení.",
+PohleÄ do [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Kniha odstranÄ›ní]] pro záznam posledních odstranÄ›ní a obnovení.",
# Contributions
@@ -650,7 +658,7 @@ PohleÄ do [[Wikipedie:Kniha odstranÄ›ní]] pro záznam posledních odstranÄ›ní
# Block/unblock IP
"blockip" => "Zablokuj adresu IP",
-"blockiptext" => "Tímto formulářem můžeÅ¡ zablokovat adresu IP a zbavit ji práva pÅ™ispívat do wikie. To lze uÄinit ''pouze'' v případÄ› vandalizmu, a pÅ™i dodržení [[Wikipedie:Pravidla pro zablokování|pravidel pro zablokování]].
+"blockiptext" => "Tímto formulářem můžeÅ¡ zablokovat adresu IP a zbavit ji práva pÅ™ispívat do wikie. To lze uÄinit ''pouze'' v případÄ› vandalizmu, a pÅ™i dodržení [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Pravidla pro zablokování|pravidel pro zablokování]].
Níže objasni pÅ™esný důvod (napÅ™. uveÄ stránku, která se stala terÄem vandalského útoku).",
"ipaddress" => "Adresa IP",
"ipbreason" => "Důvod",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageCy.php b/languages/LanguageCy.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..96762b40ccc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/LanguageCy.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@
+/* Cymraeg - Welsh */
+/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesCy = array(
+ -2 => "Media",
+ -1 => "Arbennig",
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "Sgwrs",
+ 2 => "Defnyddiwr",
+ 3 => "Sgwrs_Defnyddiwr",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "Sgwrs_" . $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 6 => "Delwedd",
+ 7 => "Sgwrs_Delwedd",
+ 8 => "MediaWiki",
+ 9 => "Sgwrs_MediaWiki"
+/* private */ $wgDefaultUserOptionsCy = array(
+ "quickbar" => 1, "underline" => 1, "hover" => 1,
+ "cols" => 80, "rows" => 25, "searchlimit" => 20,
+ "contextlines" => 5, "contextchars" => 50,
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+ "highlightbroken" => 1, "stubthreshold" => 0,
+ "previewontop" => 1, "editsection"=>1,"editsectiononrightclick"=>0,
+ "showtoc"=>1,
+ "showtoolbar" =>1,
+ "date" => 0
+/* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsCy = array(
+ "Dim", "Sefydlog chwith", "Sefydlog de", "Arnawf de"
+/* private */ $wgSkinNamesCy = array(
+ "Safonol", "Hiraeth", "Glas Cwlen" /* standard, nostalgia, Cologne Blue */
+/* private */ $wgMathNamesCy = array(
+ "Rendrwch PNG o hyd",
+ "HTML os yn syml iawn, PNG fel arall",
+ "HTML os bosibl, PNG fel arall",
+ "Gadewch fel TeX (am porwyr testun)",
+ "Cymeradwedig am porwyr modern"
+/* private */ $wgDateFormatsCy = array(
+ "Dim dewis",
+ "Ionawr 15, 2001",
+ "15 Ionawr 2001",
+ "2001 Ionawr 15",
+ "2001-01-15"
+/* private */ $wgUserTogglesCy = array(
+ "hover" => "Dangos bocs hofren uwchben cysylltiadau wici",
+ "underline" => "Tanllinellu cysylltiadau",
+ "highlightbroken" => "Fformatio cysylltiadau wedi'i dorri <a href=\"\" class=\"new\">fel hyn</a> (dewis arall: fel hyn<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
+ "justify" => "Unioni paragraffau",
+ "hideminor" => "Cuddiwch golygiadau bach mewn newidiadau diweddar",
+ "usenewrc" => "Newidiadau diweddar mwyhad (nid am pob porwr)",
+ "numberheadings" => "Rhifwch teiltau yn awtomatig",
+ "showtoolbar"=> "Dangos bar erfynbocs golygu",
+ "editondblclick" => "Golygu tudalennau gyda clic dwbwl (JavaScript)",
+ "editwidth" => "Mae gan bocs golygu lled llon",
+ "editsection" => "Galluogwch golygu adrannau trwy cysylltiadau [golygu]",
+ "editsectiononrightclick" => "Galluogwch golygu adrannau trwy dde-clicio ar teitlau adran (JavaScript)",
+ "showtoc" => "Dangoswch Taflen Cynnwys (am erthyglau gyda mwy na 3 pennawdau",
+ "rememberpassword" => "Cofiwch allweddair dros sesiwnau",
+ "watchdefault" => "Gwiliwch erthyglau newydd ac wedi adnewid",
+ "minordefault" => "Marciwch pob golygiad fel un bach",
+ "previewontop" => "Dangos blaenwelediad cyn y bocs golygu, nid ar ol e",
+ "nocache" => "Anablwch casio tudanlen"
+/* private */ $wgBookstoreListCy = array(
+ "AddALL" => "$1&type=ISBN",
+ "PriceSCAN" => "$1",
+ "Barnes & Noble" => "$1",
+ "" => "$1",
+ "" => "$1"
+/* private */ $wgWeekdayNamesCy = array(
+ "Dydd Sul", "Dydd Llun", "Dydd Mawrth", "Dydd Mercher", "Dydd Iau",
+ "Dydd Gwener", "Dydd Sadwrn"
+/* private */ $wgMonthNamesCy = array(
+ "Ionawr", "Chwefror", "Mawrth", "Ebrill", "Mai", "Mehefin",
+ "Gorffenaf", "Awst", "Medi", "Hydref", "Tachwedd",
+ "Rhagfyr"
+/* private */ $wgMonthAbbreviationsCy = array(
+ "Ion", "Chwe", "Maw", "Ebr", "Mai", "Meh", "Gor", "Aws",
+ "Med", "Hyd", "Tach", "Rhag"
+/* private */ $wgMagicWordsCy = array(
+ MAG_REDIRECT => array( 0, "#ail-cyfeirio" ),
+ MAG_NOTOC => array( 0, "__DIMTAFLENCYNNWYS__" ),
+ MAG_START => array( 0, "__DECHRAU__" ),
+ MAG_CURRENTMONTH => array( 1, "{{MISCYFOES}}" ),
+ MAG_CURRENTDAY => array( 1, "{{DYDDIADCYFOES}}" ),
+ MAG_CURRENTTIME => array( 1, "{{AMSERCYFOES}}" ),
+ MAG_MSG => array( 1, "{{MSG:$1}}" ),
+ MAG_SUBST => array( 1, "{{SUBST:$1}}" ),
+ MAG_MSGNW => array( 0, "{{MSGNW:$1}}" ),
+ MAG_END => array( 0, "DIWEDD_" ),
+ MAG_IMG_THUMBNAIL => array( 1, "ewin bawd", "bawd" ),
+ MAG_IMG_RIGHT => array( 1, "de" ),
+ MAG_IMG_LEFT => array( 1, "chwith" ),
+ MAG_IMG_NONE => array( 1, "dim" ),
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+ MAG_IMG_CENTER => array( 1, "canol", "canol" )
+# All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
+# will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
+# is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
+/* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesCy = array(
+ "Userlogin" => "",
+ "Userlogout" => "",
+ "Preferences" => "Setiwch fy ffafraethau defnyddwr",
+ "Watchlist" => "Rhestr gwylio fi",
+ "Recentchanges" => "Tudalennau wedi adnewid yn diweddar",
+ "Upload" => "Llwytho ffeiliau lluniau",
+ "Imagelist" => "Rhestr lluniau",
+ "Listusers" => "Defnyddwyr cofrestru",
+ "Statistics" => "Ystadegau'r Safle",
+ "Randompage" => "Erthygl hapgyrch",
+ "Lonelypages" => "Erthyglau heb cysylltiadau",
+ "Unusedimages" => "Lluniau heb cysylltiadau",
+ "Popularpages" => "Erthyglau poblogol",
+ "Wantedpages" => "Eisiau erthyglau am...",
+ "Shortpages" => "Erthyglau byr",
+ "Longpages" => "Erthyglau hir",
+ "Newpages" => "Erthyglau newydd",
+ "Ancientpages" => "Erthyglau hynach",
+ "Deadendpages" => "Erthyglau heb cysylltiadau",
+ "Intl" => "Cysylltiadau rhwng-ieithol",
+ "Allpages" => "Pob tudalen gan teitl",
+ "Ipblocklist" => "Cyfeiriadau IP wedi'i blocio",
+ "Maintenance" => "Tudalen arofal",
+ "Specialpages" => "",
+ "Contributions" => "",
+ "Emailuser" => "",
+ "Whatlinkshere" => "",
+ "Recentchangeslinked" => "",
+ "Movepage" => "",
+ "Booksources" => "Ffynnonellau llyfrau allanol",
+ "Categories" => "Categorïau tudalennau",
+ "Export" => "",
+ "Version" => "Dangos fersiwn Mediawiki"
+/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesCy = array(
+ "Blockip" => "Blociwch cyfeiriad IP",
+ "Asksql" => "Gofynnwch y databas",
+ "Undelete" => "Gwyliwch ac atgyweirio tundalennau wedi'u dileu",
+ "Makesysop" => "Gwnewch sysop allan o defnyddiwr"
+/* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesCy = array(
+ "Lockdb" => "Databas darllen yn unig",
+ "Unlockdb" => "Gwnewch y databas yn ysgrifennol"
+/* private */ $wgAllMessagesCy = array(
+# Bits of text used by many pages:
+"categories" => "Categorïau tudalen",
+"category" => "categori",
+"category_header" => "Erthyglau mewn categori \"$1\"",
+"subcategories" => "Is-categorïau",
+"linktrail" => "/^((?:à|á|â|è|é|ê|ì|í|î|ï|ò|ó|ô|û|[a-z])+)(.*)\$/sD",
+"mainpage" => "Prif tudalen",
+"mainpagetext" => "Meddalwedd Wicipedia wedi sefydlu'n llwyddiannus",
+"about" => "Amdano",
+"aboutwikipedia" => "Amdano Wicipedia",
+"aboutpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Amdano",
+"help" => "Help",
+"helppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Help",
+"wikititlesuffix" => "$wgSitename",
+"bugreports" => "Adroddiadau diffygion",
+"bugreportspage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Adroddiadau_diffygion",
+"sitesupport" => "Rhoddion",
+"sitesupportpage" => "", # If not set, won't appear. Can be wiki page or URL
+"faq" => "COF",
+"faqpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:COF",
+"edithelp" => "Help gyda golygu",
+"edithelppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Sut_ydy_chi'n_golygu_tudalen",
+"cancel" => "Dirymu",
+"qbfind" => "Cael",
+"qbbrowse" => "Pori",
+"qbedit" => "Golygu",
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+"qbpageinfo" => "Gwybodaeth tudalen",
+"qbmyoptions" => "Fy dewysiadau",
+"qbspecialpages" => "Tudalennau arbennig",
+"moredotdotdot" => "Mwy...",
+"mypage" => "Fy nhudalen",
+"mytalk" => "Sgwrs fi",
+"disclaimers" => "Gwadiadau",
+"disclaimerpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Gwadiad_cyffredin",
+"currentevents" => "Digwyddiadau presennol",
+"errorpagetitle" => "Gwall",
+"returnto" => "Ewch yn ôl i $1.",
+"fromwikipedia" => "Oddiwrth Wicipedia, y gwyddoniadur rhad.",
+"whatlinkshere" => "Tudalennau sydd yn cysyllti fan hyn",
+"help" => "Help",
+"search" => "Chwilio",
+"go" => "Mynd",
+"history" => "Hanes y tudalen",
+"printableversion" => "Fersiwn argraffiol",
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+"deletethispage" => "Dileuwch y tudalen hon",
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+"unprotectthispage" => "Di-amddiffynwch y tudalen hon",
+"newpage" => "Tudalen newydd",
+"talkpage" => "Sgwrsio amdano'r tudalen hon",
+"postcomment" => "Postiwch esboniad",
+"articlepage" => "Gwyliwch erthygl",
+"subjectpage" => "Gwyliwch pwnc", # For compatibility
+"userpage" => "Gwyliwch tudalen defnyddiwr",
+"wikipediapage" => "Gwyliwch tudalen meta",
+"imagepage" => "Gwyliwch tudalen llun",
+"viewtalkpage" => "Gwyliwch sgwrs",
+"otherlanguages" => "Ieithoed eraill",
+"redirectedfrom" => "(Ail-cyfeiriad oddiwrth $1)",
+"lastmodified" => "Pryd cafodd ei newid diwethaf $1.",
+"viewcount" => "Mae'r tudalen hyn wedi cael ei gweld $1 o weithiau.",
+"gnunote" => "Mae pob testun ar gael o dan term<a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>Goddefiad dogfennau rhad GNU</a>.",
+"printsubtitle" => "(Oddiwrth",
+"protectedpage" => "Tudalen amddiffyniol",
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+"sysoptitle" => "Mynediad Sysop yn unig",
+"sysoptext" => "Mae'r peth rydych wedi gofyn amdano dim ond yn bosibl i ddefnyddwyr gyda statws \"sysop\".
+Gwelwch $1.",
+"developertitle" => "Mynediad Datblygwr yn unig",
+"developertext" => "Mae'r peth rydych wedi gofyn amdano dim ond yn bosibl i ddefnyddwyr gyda statws \"datblygwr\".
+Gwelwch $1.",
+"bureaucrattitle" => "Mynediad Biwrocrat yn unig",
+"bureaucrattext" => "Mae'r peth rydych wedi gofyn amdano dim ond yn bosibl i ddefnyddwyr gyda statws \"biwrocrat\"",
+"nbytes" => "$1 bytes",
+"go" => "Mynd",
+"ok" => "OK",
+"sitetitle" => "Wicipedia",
+"sitesubtitle" => "Y Gwyddoniadur Rhydd",
+"retrievedfrom" => "Wedi dod o \"$1\"",
+"newmessages" => "Mae gen ti $1.",
+"newmessageslink" => "Neges(eueon) newydd",
+"editsection" => "golygu",
+"toc" => "Taflen Cynnwys",
+"showtoc" => "dangos",
+"hidetoc" => "cuddio",
+"thisisdeleted" => "Edrychwch at, neu atgyweirio $1?",
+"restorelink" => "$1 golygiadau wedi eu dileuo",
+# Main script and global functions
+"nosuchaction" => "Does dim gweithred",
+"nosuchactiontext" => "Dydy'r meddalwedd Wicipedia ddim yn deallt y gweithrediad mae'r URL yn gofyn iddo fe gwneud",
+"nosuchspecialpage" => "Does dim tudalen arbennig",
+"nospecialpagetext" => "Yr ydych wedi gofyn am tudalen arbennig dydy'r meddalwedd Wicipedia ddim yn adnabod.",
+# General errors
+"error" => "Gwall",
+"databaseerror" => "Databas ar gam",
+"dberrortext" => "Mae gwall cystrawen wedi digwydd ar y databas.
+Wyrach mae hwn wedi digwydd am achos gofyniad chwilio anghyfreithlon (gwelwch $5), neu mae 'ne byg yn y meddalwedd.
+Y gofyniad olaf triodd y databas oedd:
+oddiwrth ffwythiant \"<tt>$2</tt>\".
+Dwedodd MySQL mae 'ne côd gwall \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".",
+"dberrortextcl" => "Mae gwall cystrawen wedi digwydd ar y databas.
+Y gofyniad olaf triodd y databas oedd:
+oddiwrth ffwythiant \"$2\".
+Dwedodd MySQL mae 'ne côd gwall \"$3: $4\".\n",
+"noconnect" => "Ddim yn gallu cysylltu i'r databas ar $1",
+"nodb" => "Ddim yn gallu dewis databas $1",
+"cachederror" => "Dyma copi o'r stôr o'r tudalen rydych wedi gofyn, ac efallai dydi hi ddim yn cyfoes.",
+"readonly" => "Databas ar gloi",
+"enterlockreason" => "Rhowch reswm am paham mae'r databas yn cael eu gloi, yn cynnwys amcangyfrif pryd fydd y databas yn cael eu di-gloi",
+"readonlytext" => "Mae'r databas Wicipedia wedi eu cloi yn erbyn erthyglau newydd ac adnewidiadau eraill, yn tebygol am gofalaeth trefn y databas -- fydd y databas yn ôl cyn bo hir.
+Mae'r gweinyddwr wedi dweud yr achos cloi'r databas oedd:
+"missingarticle" => "Dydi'r databas ddim wedi dod o hyd i testun tudalen ddyler hi ffindio, sef \"$1\".
+Dydi hwn ddim yn gwall y databas, ond debyg byg yn y meddalwedd.
+Adroddwch hwn i gweinyddwr os gwelwch yn dda, a cofiwch sylwi'r URL.",
+"internalerror" => "Gwall mewnol",
+"filecopyerror" => "Ddim yn gallu copïo ffeil \"$1\" i \"$2\".",
+"filerenameerror" => "Ddim yn gallu ail-enw ffeil \"$1\" i \"$2\".",
+"filedeleteerror" => "Ddim yn gallu dileu ffeil \"$1\".",
+"filenotfound" => "Ddim yn gallu ffeindio ffeil \"$1\".",
+"unexpected" => "Gwerth annisgwyl: \"$1\"=\"$2\".",
+"formerror" => "Gwall: ddim yn medru ymostwng y ffurflen",
+"badarticleerror" => "Mae'n amhosib perfformio'r gweithred hwn ar tudalen hon.",
+"cannotdelete" => "Mae'n amhosib dileu y tudalen neu llun hwn. (Wyrach mae rhywun arall eisoes wedi eu dileu.)",
+"badtitle" => "Teitl drwg",
+"badtitletext" => "Mae'r teitl rydych wedi gofyn yn anilys, gwag, neu cysylltu'n anghywir rhwng ieithoedd neu wicïau.",
+"perfdisabled" => "Sori! Mae'r nodwedd hon wedi cael eu anablo am achosion perfformiadau yn yr amserau brysyrach; dewch yn ôl rhwng 02:00 a 14:00 GMT a triwch eto.",
+"perfdisabledsub" => "Dyma copi rydym wedi cadw ers $1:",
+"wrong_wfQuery_params" => "Incorrect parameters to wfQuery()<br>
+Function: $1<br>
+Query: $2
+"viewsource" => "Gwyliwch y ffynhonnell",
+"protectedtext" => "Mae tudalen hon wedi cael eu gloi i gwahardd golygu'r tudalen. Mae nifer o rheswmau paham mae hwn wedi digwydd, gwelwch y tudalen
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:Protected page]].
+Ellwch gweld a copïo'r ffynhonnell y tudalen hon:",
+# Login and logout pages
+"logouttitle" => "Allgofnodi'r defnyddwr",
+"logouttext" => "Yr ydych wedi allgofnodi.
+Gallwch chi defnyddio'r Wicipedia yn anhysbys, neu gallwch chi mewngofnodi eto fel yr un defnyddwr neu un arall.\n",
+"welcomecreation" => "<h2>Croeso, $1!</h2><p>Mae eich accownt wedi gael eu creu. Peidiwch ac anghofio i personaleiddio eich ffafraethau defnyddwr Wicipedia.",
+"loginpagetitle" => "Mewngofnodi'r defnyddwr",
+"yourname" => "Eich enw defnyddwr",
+"yourpassword" => "Eich allweddair",
+"yourpasswordagain" => "Ail-teipiwch allweddair",
+"newusersonly" => " (defnyddwyr newydd yn unig)",
+"remembermypassword" => "Cofiwch fy allweddair dros mwy nag un sesiwn.",
+"loginproblem" => "<b>Mae problem efo'ch mewngofnodi.</b><br>Triwch eto!",
+"alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=red><b>Defnyddwr $1, yr ydych eisioes wedi mewngofnodi!</b></font><br>\n",
+"areyounew" => "Os ydych chi newydd wedi dod i Wicipedia ac yn eisiau cael accownt defnyddwr, teipiwch enw defnyddwr, felly teipiwch ac ail-teipiwch allweddair. Dydy eich cyfeiriad e-bost ddim yn gorfodol; os collwch eich allweddair mae'n bosibl i chi gofyn i gael hi eu anfon at y cyfeiriad e-bost hon.<br>\n",
+"login" => "Mewngofnodi",
+"loginprompt" => "Rhaid i chi galluogi cwcis i mewngofnodi i $wgSitename.",
+"userlogin" => "Mewngofnodi",
+"logout" => "Allgofnodi",
+"userlogout" => "Allgofnodi",
+"notloggedin" => "Nid wedi mewngofnodi",
+"createaccount" => "Creuwch accownt newydd",
+"createaccountmail" => "gan e-post",
+"badretype" => "Dydy'r allweddgeiriau ddim yn cymharu.",
+"userexists" => "Mae rhywun arall wedi dewis yr enw defnyddwr. Dewiswch un arall os gwelwch yn dda.",
+"youremail" => "Eich cyfeiriad e-bost",
+"yournick" => "Eich llysenw (am llofnod)",
+"emailforlost" => "Os anghofiwch eich allweddair, cewch cael un newydd postwyd i'ch cyfeiriad e-bost.",
+"loginerror" => "Problem mewngofnodi",
+"nocookiesnew" => "Mae'r accownt defnyddiwr wedi gael eu creu, ond dydwch chi ddim wedi mewngofnodi. Mae $wgSitename yn defnyddio cwcis i mewngofnodi defnyddwyr. Rydych chi wedi anablo cwcis. Galluogwch nhw os welwch yn dda, felly mewngofnodwch gyda'ch enw defnyddiwr a cyfrinair newydd.",
+"nocookieslogin" => "Mae $wgSitename yn defnyddio cwcis i mewngofnodi defnyddwyr. Rydych chi wedi anablo cwcis. Galluogwch nhw os welwch yn dda, a triwch eto.",
+"noname" => "Dydi chi ddim wedi enwi enw defnyddwr dilys.",
+"loginsuccesstitle" => "Mewngofnod llwyddiannus",
+"loginsuccess" => "Yr ydych wedi mewngofnodi i Wicipedia fel \"$1\".",
+"nosuchuser" => "Does dim defnyddwr gyda'r enw \"$1\".
+Sicrhau rydych chi wedi sillafu'n iawn, neu creuwch accownt newydd gyda'r ffurflen isod.",
+"wrongpassword" => "Mae'r allweddair rydych wedi teipio ddim yn cywir. Triwch eto, os gwelwch yn dda.",
+"mailmypassword" => "E-postiwch allweddair newydd i fi",
+"passwordremindertitle" => "Nodyn atgoffa allweddair oddiwrth Wicipedia",
+"passwordremindertext" => "Mae rhywun (chi, yn tebygol, oddiwrth cyfeiriad IP $1) wedi gofyn iddi ni danfon allweddair mewngofnodi newydd Wicipedia.
+Allweddair defnyddwr \"$2\" rwan yw \"$3\". Ddylwch chi mewngofnodi rwan a newid yr allweddair.",
+"noemail" => "Does dim cyfeiriad e-bost wedi cofrestru dros defnyddwr \"$1\".",
+"passwordsent" => "Mae allweddair newydd wedi gael eu ddanfon at y cyfeiriad e-bost cofrestredig am \"$1\". Mewngofnodwch eto, os gwelwch yn dda, ar ol i chi dderbyn yr allweddair.",
+"loginend" => "",
+# Edit page toolbar
+"bold_sample" => "Testun cryf",
+"bold_tip" => "Testun cryf",
+"italic_sample" => "Testun italig",
+"italic_tip" => "Testun italig",
+"link_sample" => "Teitl cyswllt",
+"link_tip" => "Cyswllt mewnol",
+"extlink_sample" => " cyswllt teitl",
+"extlink_tip" => "Cyswllt allanol (cofiwch y rhagddodiad http:// )",
+"headline_sample" => "Testun pennawd",
+"headline_tip" => "Pennawd safon 2",
+"math_sample" => "Mewnosodwch fformwla yma",
+"math_tip" => "Fformwla mathemategol (LaTeX)",
+"nowiki_sample" => "Mewnosodwch testun di-fformatedig yma",
+"nowiki_tip" => "Anwybyddwch fformatiaeth wiki",
+"image_sample" => "Example.jpg",
+"image_tip" => "Delwedd mewnosod",
+"media_sample" => "Example.mp3",
+"media_tip" => "Cyswllt ffeil media",
+"sig_tip" => "Eich llofnod gyda stamp amser",
+"hr_tip" => "Llinell llorweddol (defnyddiwch yn cynnil)",
+"infobox" => "Cliciwch botwm i cael testun enghraifft",
+# Edit pages
+"summary" => "Crynodeb",
+"subject" => "Testun/pennawd",
+"minoredit" => "Mae hwn yn golygiad bach",
+"watchthis" => "Gwyliwch erthygl hon",
+"savearticle" => "Cadw tudalen",
+"preview" => "Blaenwelediad",
+"showpreview" => "Gweler blaenwelediad",
+"blockedtitle" => "Mae'r defnyddwr wedi gael eu blocio",
+"blockedtext" => "Mae eich enw defnyddwr neu cyfeiriad IP wedi gael eu blocio gan $1. Y rheswm yw:<br>''$2''<p>Ellwch cysylltu $1 neu un o'r
+[[Wicipedia:administrators|swyddogion]] eraill i trafodi'r bloc.",
+"whitelistedittitle" => "Rhaid mewngofnodi i golygu",
+"whitelistedittext" => "Rhaid i chi [[Special:Userlogin|mewngofnodi]] i olygu erthyglau.",
+"whitelistreadtitle" => "Rhaid mewngofnodi i ddarllen",
+"whitelistreadtext" => "Rhaid i chi [[Special:Userlogin|mewngofnodi]] i ddarllen erthyglau.",
+"whitelistacctitle" => "Ni chaniateir creu accownt",
+"whitelistacctext" => "I gael caniatâd i creu accownt yn y wiki hon, rhaid i chi [[Special:Userlogin|mewngofnodi]] a chael y caniatâd priodol.",
+"accmailtitle" => "Wedi danfon cyfrinair.",
+"accmailtext" => "Mae'r cyfrinair am '$1' wedi danfon i $2.",
+"newarticle" => "(Newydd)",
+"newarticletext" =>
+"Yr ydych wedi dilyn cysylltiad i tudalen sydd ddim wedi gael eu creu eto.
+I creuo'r tudalen, dechreuwch teipio yn y bocs isaf
+(gwelwch y [[Wicipedia:Help|tudalen help]] am mwy o hysbys).
+Os ydych yma trwy camgymeriad, cliciwch eich botwm '''nol'''.",
+"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Dyma tudalen sgwrsio am defnyddwr sydd ddim eto wedi creu accownt, neu ddim yn eu defnyddio. Rhaid i ni defnyddio'r [[cyfeiriad IP]] rhifiadol i adnabod fe neu hi. Mae'n posib i llawer o bobl siario'r un cyfeiriad IP. Os ydych chi'n defnyddwr anhysbys ac yn teimlo mae esboniadau amherthynol wedi cael eu gwneud arnach chi, creuwch accownt neu mewngofnodwch i osgoi anhrefn gyda defnyddwyr anhysbys yn y dyfodol.'' ",
+"noarticletext" => "(Does dim testun yn y tudalen hon eto)",
+"updated" => "(Diweddariad)",
+"note" => "<strong>Sylwch:</strong> ",
+"previewnote" => "Cofiwch blaenwelediad ydi hwn, a dydi e ddim wedi cael eu chadw!",
+"previewconflict" => "Mae blaenwelediad hwn yn dangos y testun yn yr ardal golygu uchaf, fel y fydd hi'n edrych os dewyswch chi arbed.",
+"editing" => "Yn golygu $1",
+"sectionedit" => " (rhan)",
+"commentedit" => " (esboniad)",
+"editconflict" => "Croestynnu golygyddol: $1",
+"explainconflict" => "Mae rhywun arall wedi newid y tudalen hon ers i chi dechrau golygu hi. Mae'r ardal testun uchaf yn cynnwys testun y tudalen fel y mae hi rwan. Mae eich newidiadau yn ddangos yn yr ardal testun isaf.
+Fydd rhaid i chi ymsoddi eich newidiadau i mewn i'r testun sydd mewn bod.
+<b>Dim ond</b> y testun yn yr ardal testun uchaf fydd yn cael eu cadw pan rydwch yn gwasgu \"Cadw tudalen\".\n<p>",
+"yourtext" => "Eich testun",
+"storedversion" => "Fersiwn wedi cadw",
+"editingold" => "<strong>RHYBUDD: Rydych yn golygu hen fersiwn y tudalen hon. Os cadwch hi, fydd unrhyw newidiadau hwyrach yn gael eu colli!.</strong>\n",
+"yourdiff" => "Gwahaniaethau",
+"copyrightwarning" => "Sylwch mae pob cyfraniad i Wicipedia yn gael eu rhyddhau o dan termau'r Trwydded Dogfen Rhydd GNU (gwelwch $1 am manylion).
+Os nid ydych chi'n fodlon cael eich ysgrifeniad eu golygu heb trugaredd, a creu copïau dros y wê, peidiwch cyfranu'r ysgrifeniad yma.<br>
+Hefyd, rydych chi'n addo chi yw'r awdur y cyfraniad, neu rydych chi wedi copïo fe oddiwrth y parth cyhoeddus neu rhyw modd rhydd tebyg.
+"longpagewarning" => "RHYBUDD: Mae hyd y tudalen hon yn $1 kilobyte; mae rhai porwyr yn cael problemau yn golygu tudalennau hirach na 32kb.<br>
+Ystyriwch torri'r tudalen i mewn i ddarnau llai, os gwelwch yn dda.",
+"readonlywarning" => "RHYBUDD: Mae'r databas wedi cloi i gael eu trwsio,
+felly fyddwch chi ddim yn medru cadw eich olygiadau rwan. Efalle fyddwch chi'n eisio tori-a-pastio'r
+testun i mewn i ffeil testun, a cadw hi tan hwyrach.",
+"protectedpagewarning" => "RHYBUDD: Mae tudalen hon wedi eu gloi -- dim ond defnyddwyr
+gyda braintiau 'sysop' sy'n medru eu olygu. Byddwch yn siwr rydych yn dilyn y
+<a href='/wiki/$wgMetaNamespace:Protected_page_guidelines'>gwifrau tywys tudalen amddiffyn</a>.",
+# History pages
+"revhistory" => "Hanes cywiriadau",
+"nohistory" => "Does dim hanes cywiriadau am tudalen hon.",
+"revnotfound" => "Cywiriad nid wedi darganfod",
+"revnotfoundtext" => "Ni ellir darganfod yr hen cywiriad y tudalen rydych wedi gofyn amdano. Gwiriwch yr URL rydych wedi defnyddio i darganfod y tudalen hon.\n",
+"loadhist" => "Yn llwytho hanes y tudalen",
+"currentrev" => "Diwygiad cyfoes",
+"revisionasof" => "Diwygiad $1",
+"cur" => "cyf",
+"next" => "nesaf",
+"last" => "olaf",
+"orig" => "gwreidd",
+"histlegend" => "Eglurhad: (cyf) = gwahaniaeth gyda fersiwn cyfoes,
+(olaf) = gwahaniaeth gyda fersiwn gynt, M = golygiad mân",
+# Diffs
+"difference" => "(Gwahaniaethau rhwng fersiwnau)",
+"loadingrev" => "yn llwytho diwygiad am wahaniaeth",
+"lineno" => "Llinell $1:",
+"editcurrent" => "Golygwch fersiwn cyfoes tudalen hon",
+# Search results
+"searchresults" => "Canlyniadau chwiliad",
+"searchhelppage" => "Wicipedia: Yn chwilio",
+"searchingwikipedia" => "Yn chwilio Wicipedia",
+"searchresulttext" => "Am mwy o hysbys amdano chwilio Wicipedia, gwelwch $1.",
+"searchquery" => "Am gofyniad \"$1\"",
+"badquery" => "Gofyniad chwilio drwg",
+"badquerytext" => "Roedd yn amhosibl i prosesu'ch gofyniad.
+Mae'n tebygol roedd hyn am achos yr ydych wedi trio chwilio a gair gyda llai na tri llythyrau. Hefyd, wyrach rydych wedi cam-teipio'r gofyniad. Triwch gofyniad arall.",
+"matchtotals" => "Mae'r gofyniad \"$1\" wedi cyfatebu $2 teitlau erthyglau, a'r testun oddiwrth $3 erthyglau.",
+"nogomatch" => "Does dim erthygl gyda'r union teitl hon, yn trio chwiliad testun cyfan. ",
+"titlematches" => "Teitlau erthygl yn cyfateb",
+"notitlematches" => "Does dim teitlau erthygl yn cyfateb",
+"textmatches" => "Testun erthygl yn cyfateb",
+"notextmatches" => "Does dim testun erthyglau yn cyfateb",
+"prevn" => "$1 gynt",
+"nextn" => "$1 nesaf",
+"viewprevnext" => "Gweler ($1) ($2) ($3).",
+"showingresults" => "Yn dangos isod y <b>$1</b> canlyniadau yn dechrau gyda #<b>$2</b>.",
+"nonefound" => "<strong>Sylwch</strong>: mae chwiliadau yn aml yn anlwyddiannus am achos mae'r chwiliad yn edrych a geiriau cyffredin fel \"y\" ac \"ac\",
+sydd ddim yn cael eu mynegai.",
+"powersearch" => "Chwilio",
+"powersearchtext" => "
+Edrychwch mewn lle-enw:<br>
+$2 Rhestrwch ail-cyfeiriadau &nbsp; Chwiliwch am $3 $9",
+"searchdisabled" => "<p>Mae'r peiriant chwilio'r holl databas wedi cael eu troi i ffwrdd i gwneud pethau'n hawddach ar y gwasanaethwr. Gobeithiwn fydd yn bosibl i troi'r peiriant ymlaen cyn bo hir, ond yn y cyfamser mae'n posibl gofyn Google:</p>",
+"googlesearch" => "
+<!--SiteSearch Google -->
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+# Preferences page
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+"prefsnologintext" => "Rhaid i chi <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">mewngofnodi</a>
+i setio ffafraethau defnyddwr.",
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+$2 yw eich rhif hunaniaith mewnol.",
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+"guesstimezone" => "Llenwch oddiwrth y porwr",
+"emailflag" => "Anablo e-bost oddiwrth defnyddwyr eraill",
+"defaultns" => "Gwyliwch yn llefydd-enw rhain:",
+# Recent changes
+"changes" => "newidiadau",
+"recentchanges" => "Newidiadau diweddar",
+"recentchangestext" => "Traciwch y newidiadau mor diweddar i'r Wicipedia ac i'r tudalen hon.",
+"rcloaderr" => "Yn llwytho newidiadau diweddar",
+"rcnote" => "Isod yw'r newidiadau <strong>$1</strong> olaf yn y <strong>$2</strong> dyddiau olaf.",
+"rcnotefrom" => "Isod yw'r newidiadau ers <b>$2</b> (dangosir i fynu i <b>$1</b>).",
+"rclistfrom" => "Dangos newidiadau newydd yn dechrau oddiwrth $1",
+# "rclinks" => "Dangos y $1 newidiadau olaf yn y $2 oriau olaf / $3 dyddiau olaf",
+"showhideminor" => "$1 golygiadau bach | $2 botiau | $3 defnyddwyr wedi mewngofnodi ",
+"rclinks" => "Dangos y $1 newidiadau olaf yn y $2 dyddiau olaf.",
+"rchide" => "yn ffurf $4; $1 golygiadon bach; $2 llefydd enw eilaidd; $3 golygiadon lluosrif.",
+"rcliu" => "; $1 golygiadau gan defnyddwyr wedi mewngofnodi",
+"diff" => "gwahan",
+"hist" => "hanes",
+"hide" => "cuddio",
+"show" => "dangos",
+"tableform" => "taflen",
+"listform" => "rhestr",
+"nchanges" => "$1 newidiadau",
+"minoreditletter" => "B",
+"newpageletter" => "N",
+# Upload
+"upload" => "Llwytho ffeil i fynu",
+"uploadbtn" => "Llwytho ffeil i fynu",
+"uploadlink" => "Llwytho lluniau i fynu",
+"reupload" => "Ail-llwytho i fynu",
+"reuploaddesc" => "Return to the upload form.",
+"uploadnologin" => "Nid wedi mewngofnodi",
+"uploadnologintext" => "Rhaid i chi bod wedi <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">mewngofnodi</a>
+i lwytho ffeiliau i fynu.",
+"uploadfile" => "Llwytho ffeil i fynu",
+"uploaderror" => "Gwall yn llwytho ffeil i fynu",
+"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOPIWCH!</strong> Cyn iddich chi llwytho lluniau yma, darllenwch a dilynwch <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "Wicipedia:Polisi_defnyddio_lluniau" ) . "\">polisi defnyddio lluniau</a> Wicipedia os gwelwch yn dda.
+<p>I gweld neu chwilio hen lluniau ewch i'r <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Arbennig:Imagelist" ) .
+"\">rhestr lluniau wedi llwytho</a>.
+Mae pob llwyth a dileuo ffeil yn cael eu recordio ar y <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "Wicipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">log llwytho</a>.
+<p>Defnyddwch y ffurflen isod i llwytho ffeil llun newydd i darluno eich erthyglau.
+Ar y mwyafrif o porwyr, fyddwch yn gweld botwm \"Pori/Browse...\" i agor y dialog agor ffeil arferol.
+Fydd dewis ffeil y llenwi enw'r ffeil yn y cae testun nesaf i'r botwm.
+Mae rhaid i chi hefyd ticio'r blaidd i addo rydych chi ddim yn torri hawlfraintiau rhywun arall trwy llwytho'r ffeil.
+Gwasgwch y botwm \"Llwytho/Upload\" i gorffen y llwyth.
+Ellith hwn cymyd dipyn o amser os mae gennych chi cysylltiad rhyngrwyd araf.
+<p>Y fformatiau gwell gennym ni yw JPEG am lluniau ffotograffiaeth, PNG
+am lluniadau a delweddau iconydd eraill, ag OGG am seiniau.
+Enwch eich ffeil yn disgrifiadol i osgoi anhrefn os gwelwch yn dda.
+I cynnwys y llun mewn erthygl, defnyddwch cysylltiad yn y ffurf
+<b>[[llun:ffeil.jpg]]</b> neu <b>[[llun:ffeil.png|testun arall]]</b>
+neu <b>[[media:ffeil.ogg]]</b> am sain.
+<p>Sylwch -- fel efo tudalennau Wicipedia, ellith pobl eraill golygu neu dileu eich ffeil os ydyn nhw'n meddwl fyddynt yn helpu'r gwyddoniadur, ac ellwch chi cael eich gwaharddio os ydych chi'n sarhau'r system.",
+"uploadlog" => "log llwytho i fynu",
+"uploadlogpage" => "log_llwytho_i_fynu",
+"uploadlogpagetext" => "Isod mae rhestr o'r llwythu ffeil diweddarach.
+Pob amser sy'n dangos yw amser y gwasanaethwr (UTC).
+"filename" => "Enw ffeil",
+"filedesc" => "Crynodeb",
+"filestatus" => "Statws hawlfraint",
+"filesource" => "Ffynhonnell",
+"affirmation" => "Rwy'n addo mae'r hawlfraintiwr y ffeil hon wedi cytuno trwyddo'r ffeil o dan termau'r $1.",
+"copyrightpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Hawlfraint",
+"copyrightpagename" => "Hawlfraint $wgSitename",
+"uploadedfiles" => "Ffeiliau wedi llwytho i fynu",
+"noaffirmation" => "Rhaid i chi addo dydy'r llwyth i fynu ddim y torri unrhyw hawlfraint.",
+"ignorewarning" => "Anwybyddwch y rhybudd, a chadwch y tudalen beth bynnag.",
+"minlength" => "Rhaid enwau lluniau bod o leia tri llythrennau.",
+"badfilename" => "Mae enw'r llun wedi newid i \"$1\".",
+"badfiletype" => "Nid yw \".$1\" yn fformat ffeil lluniau cymeradwy.",
+"largefile" => "Mae'n cymeradwy dydy lluniau nid mwy na 100k o faint.",
+"successfulupload" => "Llwyth i fynu yn llwyddiannus",
+"fileuploaded" => "Mae ffeil \"$1\" wedi llwytho'n llwyddiannnus.
+Dilynwch y cyswllt hon: ($2) i'r tudalen disgrifiad a llenwch gwybodaeth amdano'r ffeil (ble mae'n dod o, pwy a creu o, beth bynnag arall rydych chi'n gwybod amdano'r ffeil.",
+"uploadwarning" => "Rhybudd llwytho i fynu",
+"savefile" => "Cadw ffeil",
+"uploadedimage" => "\"$1\" wedi llwytho",
+"uploaddisabled" => "Mae ddrwg gennym ni, mae uwchllwytho wedi anablo.",
+# Image list
+"imagelist" => "Rhestr delweddau",
+"imagelisttext" => "Isod mae rhestr o $1 delweddau wedi trefnu $2.",
+"getimagelist" => "yn nôl rhestr delweddau",
+"ilshowmatch" => "Dangos pob delwedd gyda enwau yn cyfateb",
+"ilsubmit" => "Chwilio",
+"showlast" => "Dangos y $1 delweddau olaf wedi trefnu $2.",
+"all" => "holl",
+"byname" => "gan enw",
+"bydate" => "gan dyddiad",
+"bysize" => "gan maint",
+"imgdelete" => "difl",
+"imgdesc" => "disg",
+"imglegend" => "Eglurhad: (disg) = dangos/golygu disgrifiad y delwedd.",
+"imghistory" => "Hanes y delwedd",
+"revertimg" => "dych",
+"deleteimg" => "dil",
+"imghistlegend" => "Eglurhad: (cyf) = hon yw'r delwedd cyfoes, (dil) = dilewch yr hen fersiwn hon, (dych) = dychwelio i hen fersiwn hon.
+<br><i>Cliciwch ar dyddiad i weld y delwedd ag oedd llwythiad ar y dyddiad hon</i>.",
+"imagelinks" => "Cysylltiadau delwedd",
+"linkstoimage" => "Mae'r tudalennau isod yn cysylltu i'r delwedd hon: ",
+"nolinkstoimage" => "Does dim tudalen yn cysylltu i'r delwedd hon. ",
+# Statistics
+"statistics" => "Ystadegau",
+"sitestats" => "Ystadegau'r seit",
+"userstats" => "Ystadegau defnyddwyr",
+"sitestatstext" => "Mae <b>$1</b> tudalennau ar y databas.
+Mae hyn yn cynnwys tudalennau \"sgwrs\", tudalennau amdano Wicipedia, tudalennau \"stwbyn\" bach, ail-cyfeirnodau, ac eraill sydd dim yn cymwysoli fel erthyglau. Ag eithrio y rheini, mae <b>$2</b> tudalennau yn tebyg yn erthyglau iawn.<p>
+Mae 'ne wedi bod <b>$3</b> golygon o tudalennau, a <b>$4</b> tudalennau wedi golygu ers i'r meddalwedd gael eu sefydliad (12 Gorffennaf 2003).
+Sef <b>$5</b> golygiadau pob tudalen, ar gyfartaledd, a <b>$6</b> golygon o bob golygiad.",
+"userstatstext" => "Mae 'ne <b>$1</b> defnyddwyr wedi cofrestru.
+(Mae <b>$2</b> yn gweinyddwyr (gwelwch $3)).",
+# Maintenance Page
+"maintenance" => "Maintenance page",
+"maintnancepagetext" => "This page includes several handy tools for everyday maintenance. Some of these functions tend to stress the database, so please do not hit reload after every item you fixed ;-)",
+"maintenancebacklink" => "Back to Maintenance Page",
+"disambiguations" => "Disambiguation pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "Wicipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationstext" => "The following articles link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
+"doubleredirects" => "Double Redirects",
+"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br>\nEach row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the \"real\" taget article, which the first redirect should point to.",
+"brokenredirects" => "Broken Redirects",
+"brokenredirectstext" => "The following redirects link to a non-existing article.",
+"selflinks" => "Pages with Self Links",
+"selflinkstext" => "The following pages contain a link to themselves, which they should not.",
+"mispeelings" => "Pages with misspellings",
+"mispeelingstext" => "The following pages contain a common misspelling, which are listed on $1. The correct spelling might be given (like this).",
+"mispeelingspage" => "List of common misspellings",
+"missinglanguagelinks" => "Missing Language Links",
+"missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "Find missing language links for",
+"missinglanguagelinkstext" => "These articles do <i>not</i> link to their counterpart in $1. Redirects and subpages are <i>not</i> shown.",
+# Miscellaneous special pages
+"orphans" => "Erthyglau heb cysylltiadau",
+"lonelypages" => "Erthyglau heb cysylltiadau",
+"unusedimages" => "Lluniau di-defnyddio",
+"popularpages" => "Erthyglau poblogol",
+"nviews" => "$1 golwgfeydd",
+"wantedpages" => "Erthyglau mewn eisiau",
+"nlinks" => "$1 cysylltiadau",
+"allpages" => "Pob tudalennau",
+"randompage" => "Erthygl hapgyrch",
+"shortpages" => "Erthyglau byr",
+"longpages" => "Erthyglau hir",
+"deadendpages" => "Tudalennau heb cysylltiadau",
+"listusers" => "Rhestr defnyddwyr",
+"specialpages" => "Erthyglau arbennig",
+"spheading" => "Erthyglau arbennig",
+"sysopspheading" => "Erthyglau arbennig am defnyddiad y sysop",
+"developerspheading" => "Erthyglau arbennig am defnyddiad y datblygydd",
+"protectpage" => "Sicrhau erthygl",
+"recentchangeslinked" => "Newidiadau perthnasol",
+"rclsub" => "(i erthyglau cysyllt oddiwrth \"$1\")",
+"debug" => "Debug",
+"newpages" => "Erthyglau newydd",
+"ancientpages" => "Erthyglau hynach",
+"intl" => "Cysylltiadau rhwng ieithau",
+"movethispage" => "Symydwch tudalen hon",
+"unusedimagestext" => "<p>Sylwch mae gwefannau eraill, e.e. y Wicipediau Rhwngwladol, yn medru cysylltu at llun gyda URL uniongychol, felly mae'n bosibl dangos enw ffeil yma er gwaethaf mae hi'n dal mewn iws.",
+"booksources" => "Ffynonellau llyfrau",
+"booksourcetext" => "Isod mae rhestr cysylltiadau i gwefannau eraill sydd yn gwerthu llyfrau newydd ac ail-law, ac wyrach mae ganddynt gwybodaeth am y llyfrau rydych yn chwilio amdano.
+Does gan Wicipedia dim cysylltiad gyda unrhyw o'r masnachau, a dydy rhestr hon ddim yn cymeradwyaeth o honnynt.",
+"alphaindexline" => "$1 i $2",
+"version" => "Fersiwn",
+# Email this user
+"mailnologin" => "Dim cyfeiriad i anfon",
+"mailnologintext" => "Rhaid i chi wedi <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Arbennig:Mewngofnodidefnyddwr" ) . "\">mewngofnodi</a>
+a rhoi cyfeiriad e-bost dilyn yn eich <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Arbennig:Ffafraethau" ) . "\">ffafraethau</a>
+i anfon e-bost i ddefnyddwyr eraill.",
+"emailuser" => "Anfon e-bost i defnyddwr hwn",
+"emailpage" => "Anfon e-bost i defnyddwr",
+"emailpagetext" => "Os yw defnyddwr hwn wedi rhoi cyfeiriad e-bost yn eu ffafraethau, fydd y ffurf isod yn anfon un neges iddo ef. Fydd y cyfeiriad e-bost rydych chi wedi rhoi yn eich ffafraethau yn dangos yn yr \"Oddiwrth\" cyfeiriad yr e-bost, felly fydd y defnyddwr arall yn gallu ateb.",
+"defemailsubject" => "e-post $wgSitename",
+"noemailtitle" => "Dim cyfeiriad e-bost",
+"noemailtext" => "Dydy defnyddwr hwn ddim wedi rhoi cyfeiriad e-bost dilys, neu mae e wedi dewis nid i dderbyn e-bost oddiwrth defnyddwyr eraill.",
+"emailfrom" => "Oddiwrth",
+"emailto" => "I",
+"emailsubject" => "Pwnc",
+"emailmessage" => "Neges",
+"emailsend" => "Anfon",
+"emailsent" => "Neges e-bost wedi danfon",
+"emailsenttext" => "Mae eich neges e-bost wedi gael ei anfon.",
+# Watchlist
+"watchlist" => "Fy rhestr gwylio",
+"watchlistsub" => "(am defnyddwr \"$1\")",
+"nowatchlist" => "Does ganddoch chi ddim eitem ar eich rhestr gwylio.",
+"watchnologin" => "Dydych chi ddim wedi mewngofnodi",
+"watchnologintext" => "Rhaid i chi bod wedi <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">mewngofnodi</a>
+i adnewid eich rhestr gwylio.",
+"addedwatch" => "Wedi adio i'ch rhestr gwylio",
+"addedwatchtext" => "Mae tudalen \"$1\" wedi gael eu ychwanegu i eich <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Arbennig:Rhestr_gwylio" ) . "\">rhestr gwylio</a>.
+Pan fydd y tudalen hon, a'i tudalen Sgwrs, yn newid, fyddynt yn dangos <b>yn cryf</b> yn y <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Arbennig:Newidiadau_diweddar" ) . "\">rhestr newidiadau diweddar</a>, i bod yn hawsach i gweld.</p>
+<p>Os ydych chi'n eisiau cael gwared ar y tudalen yn hwyrach, cliciwch ar \"Stopiwch gwylio\" yn y bar ar y chwith.",
+"removedwatch" => "Wedi diswyddo oddiwrth y rhestr gwylio",
+"removedwatchtext" => "Mae tudalen \"$1\" wedi cael ei diswyddo oddiwrth eich rhestr gwylio.",
+"watchthispage" => "Gwyliwch y tudalen hon",
+"unwatchthispage" => "Stopiwch gwylio",
+"notanarticle" => "Nid erthygl",
+"watchnochange" => "Does dim o'r erthyglau rydych chi'n gwylio wedi golygu yn yr amser sy'n dangos.",
+"watchdetails" => "(Yn gwylio $1 tudalennau, nid yn cyfri tudalennau sgwrs;
+wedi olygu $2 tudalennau ers y toriad;
+<a href='$4'>dangos ac olygu y rhestr cyfan</a>.)",
+"watchmethod-recent"=> "gwiriwch golygiadau diweddar am tudalennau gwyliad",
+"watchmethod-list" => "yn gwirio tudalennau gwyliad am olygiadau diweddar",
+"removechecked" => "Dileuwch eitemau sydd gyda tic o'ch rhestr gwylio",
+"watchlistcontains" => "Mae eich rhestr gwylio yn cynnwys $1 tudalennau.",
+"watcheditlist" => "Dyma rhestr wyddorol o'r tudalennau rydych yn wylio.
+Ticiwch blwchau y tudalennau rydych eisiau symud o'ch rhestr gwylio, a cliciwch
+y botwm 'dileu' ar gwaelod y sgrîn.",
+"removingchecked" => "Yn dileu'r eitemau rydych wedi gofyn o'ch rhestr gwylio...",
+"couldntremove" => "Wedi methu dileu eitem '$1'...",
+"iteminvalidname" => "Problem gyda eitem '$1', enw annilys...",
+"wlnote" => "Isod yw'r $1 newidiadau olaf yn y <b>$2</b> oriau diwethaf.",
+"wlshowlast" => "Dangos y $1 oriau $2 dyddiau $3 diwethaf",
+"wlsaved" => "Dyma copi o'ch rhestr gwylio rydym ni wedi cadw.",
+# Delete/protect/revert
+"deletepage" => "Dileuwch y tudalen",
+"confirm" => "Cadarnhau",
+"excontent" => "y cynnwys oedd:",
+"exbeforeblank" => "y cynnwys cyn blancio oedd:",
+"exblank" => "y tudalen oedd yn wâg",
+"confirmdelete" => "Cadarnhaewch y dileuad",
+"deletesub" => "(Yn dileuo \"$1\")",
+"historywarning" => "Rhubydd: Mae hanes gan y tudalen yr ydych yn mynd i dileuo: ",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "Rydych chi'n mynd i dileu erthygl neu llun yn parhaol, hefyd gyda'u hanes, oddiwrth y databas.
+Cadarnhaewch yr ydych yn bwriadu gwneud hwn, ac yr ydych yn ddeallt y canlyniad, ac yr ydych yn gwneud hwn yn ôl [[Wicipedia:Polisi]].",
+"confirmcheck" => "Ie, 'Dwi eisio dileu hwn mewn gwirionedd.",
+"actioncomplete" => "Gweithred llwyr",
+"deletedtext" => "Mae \"$1\" wedi eu dileu.
+Gwelwch $2 am cofnod o dileuon diweddar.",
+"deletedarticle" => "wedi dileu \"$1\"",
+"dellogpage" => "Log_dileuo",
+"dellogpagetext" => "Isod mae rhestr o'r dileuon diweddarach.
+"deletionlog" => "Log dileuon",
+"reverted" => "Wedi mynd nôl i fersiwn gynt",
+"deletecomment" => "Achos dileuad",
+"imagereverted" => "Gwrthdroad i fersiwn gynt yn llwyddiannus.",
+"rollback" => "Roliwch golygon yn ôl",
+"rollbacklink" => "rolio nôl",
+"cantrollback" => "Ddim yn gallu gwrthdroi golygiad; y cyfrannwr olaf oedd yr unrhyw awdur yr erthygl hon.",
+"alreadyrolled" => "Amhosib rolio nôl golygiad olaf [[$1]]
+gan [[Defnyddwr:$2|$2]] ([[Sgwrs defnyddwr:$2|Sgwrs]]); mae rhywun arall yn barod wedi olygu neu rolio nôl yr erthygl.
+[[Defnyddwr:$3|$3]] ([[Sgwrs defnyddwr:$3|Sgwrs]] gwneuthoedd yr olygiad olaf). ",
+# only shown if there is an edit comment
+"editcomment" => "Crynodeb y golygiad oedd: \"<i>$1</i>\".",
+"revertpage" => "Wedi gwrthdroi i golygiad olaf gan $1",
+"protectlogpage" => "Log_amdiffyno",
+"protectlogtext" => "Isod mae rhestr o cloion/datgloion tudalennau.
+Gwelwch [[$wgMetaNamespace:Tudalen amddiffynol]] am mwy o wybodaeth.",
+"protectedarticle" => "wedi amddiffyno [[$1]]",
+"unprotectedarticle" => "wedi di-amddiffyno [[$1]]",
+# Undelete
+"undelete" => "Gwrthdroi tudalen wedi dileuo",
+"undeletepage" => "Gwyliwch ac adferiwch tudalennau wedi dileuo",
+"undeletepagetext" => "Mae'r tudalennau isod wedi cael eu dileuo ond mae nhw'n dal yn yr archif ac maen bosibl adferio nhw. Mae'r archif yn cael eu glanhau o dro i dro.",
+"undeletearticle" => "Adferiwch erthygl wedi dileu",
+"undeleterevisions" => "$1 fersiwnau yn yr archif",
+"undeletehistory" => "Os adferiwch y tudalen, fydd holl y fersiwnau yn gael eu adferio yn yr hanes. Os mae tudalen newydd wedi gael eu creu ers i'r tudalen bod yn dileu, fydd y fersiwnau adferol yn dangos yn yr hanes gynt ond ni fydd y fersiwn cyfoes yn gael eu allosodi.",
+"undeleterevision" => "wedi dileu fersiwn $1",
+"undeletebtn" => "Adferiwch!",
+"undeletedarticle" => "wedi adferio \"$1\"",
+"undeletedtext" => "Mae'r erthygl [[$1]] wedi cael eu adferio'n llwyddiannus.
+Gwyliwch [[Wicipedia:Log_dileuon]] am record dileuon ac adferion diweddar.",
+# Contributions
+"contributions" => "Cyfraniadau defnyddwr",
+"mycontris" => "Fy nghyfraniadau",
+"contribsub" => "Dros $1",
+"nocontribs" => "Dim wedi dod o hyd i newidiadau gyda criterion hyn.",
+"ucnote" => "Isod mae y <b>$1</b> newidiadau yn y <b>$2</b> dyddiau olaf am defnyddwr hwn.",
+"uclinks" => "Gwelwch y $1 newidiadau olaf; gwelwch y $2 dyddiau olaf.",
+"uctop" => " (top)" ,
+# What links here
+"whatlinkshere" => "Beth sy'n cysylltu yma",
+"notargettitle" => "Dim targed",
+"notargettext" => "Dydych chi ddim wedi dewis tudalen targed neu defnyddwr.",
+"linklistsub" => "(Rhestr cysylltiadau)",
+"linkshere" => "Mae'r tudalennau isod yn cysylltu yma:",
+"nolinkshere" => "Does dim tudalennau yn cysylltu yma.",
+"isredirect" => "tudalen ail-cyfeirnod",
+# Block/unblock IP
+"blockip" => "Blociwch cyfeiriad IP",
+"blockiptext" => "Defnyddwch y ffurflen isod i blocio mynedfa ysgrifenol oddiwrth cyfeiriad IP cymharol.
+Ddylwch dim ond gwneud hwn i stopio fandaliaeth, yn dilyn a [[Wicipedia:Polisi|polisi Wicipedia]].
+Llenwch rheswm am y bloc, isod (e.e. enwch y tudalennau a oedd wedi fandalo).",
+"ipaddress" => "Cyfeiriad IP",
+"ipbexpiry" => "Diwedd",
+"ipbreason" => "Achos",
+"ipbsubmit" => "Blociwch y cyfeiriad hwn",
+"badipaddress" => "Dydy'r cyfeiriad IP ddim yn ddilys.",
+"noblockreason" => "Rhaid i chi rhoi rheswm am y bloc.",
+"blockipsuccesssub" => "Bloc yn llwyddiannus",
+"blockipsuccesstext" => "Mae cyfeiriad IP \"$1\" wedi cael eu blocio.
+<br>Gwelwch [[Arbennig:Ipblocklist|rhestr bloc IP]] i arolygu blociau.",
+"unblockip" => "Di-blociwch cyfeiriad IP",
+"unblockiptext" => "Defnyddwch y ffurflen isod i di-blocio mynedfa ysgrifenol i cyfeiriad IP sydd wedi cael eu blocio'n gynt.",
+"ipusubmit" => "Di-blociwch y cyfeiriad hwn",
+"ipusuccess" => "Cyfeiriad IP \"$1\" wedi di-blocio",
+"ipblocklist" => "Rhestr cyfeiriadau IP wedi blocio",
+"blocklistline" => "$1, $2 wedi blocio $3",
+"blocklink" => "bloc",
+"unblocklink" => "di-bloc",
+"contribslink" => "cyfraniadau",
+"autoblocker" => "Wedi cloi'n awtomatig am achos rydych chi'n rhannu cyfeiriad IP gyda \"$1\". Rheswm \"$2\".",
+"blocklogpage" => "Log_blociau",
+"blocklogentry" => 'wedi blocio "$1" efo amser diwedd o $2',
+"blocklogtext" => "Dyma log o pryd mae cyfeiriadau wedi cael eu blocio a datblocio. Dydy cyfeiriad
+a sydd wedi blocio'n awtomatig ddim yn cael eu ddangos yma. Gwelwch [[Special:Ipblocklist|rhestr block IP]] am
+y rhestr o blociau a gwaharddiadau sydd yn effeithiol rwan.",
+"unblocklogentry" => 'wedi datblocio "$1"',
+"range_block_disabled" => "Mae gallu sysop i creu dewis o blociau wedi anablo.",
+"ipb_expiry_invalid" => "Amser diwedd ddim yn dilys.",
+"ip_range_invalid" => "Dewis IP annilys.\n",
+# Developer tools - left untranslated as the developers would probably
+# prefer them in English!
+"lockdb" => "Lock database",
+"unlockdb" => "Unlock database",
+"lockdbtext" => "Locking the database will suspend the ability of all
+users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
+other things requiring changes in the database.
+Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will
+unlock the database when your maintenance is done.",
+"unlockdbtext" => "Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all
+users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
+other things requiring changes in the database.
+Please confirm that this is what you intend to do.",
+"lockconfirm" => "Yes, I really want to lock the database.",
+"unlockconfirm" => "Yes, I really want to unlock the database.",
+"lockbtn" => "Lock database",
+"unlockbtn" => "Unlock database",
+"locknoconfirm" => "You did not check the confirmation box.",
+"lockdbsuccesssub" => "Database lock succeeded",
+"unlockdbsuccesssub" => "Database lock removed",
+"lockdbsuccesstext" => "The database has been locked.
+<br>Remember to remove the lock after your maintenance is complete.",
+"unlockdbsuccesstext" => "The database has been unlocked.",
+# SQL query -- left untranslated
+"asksql" => "SQL query",
+"asksqltext" => "Use the form below to make a direct query of the
+Wicipedia database.
+Use single quotes ('like this') to delimit string literals.
+This can often add considerable load to the server, so please use
+this function sparingly.",
+"sqlquery" => "Enter query",
+"querybtn" => "Submit query",
+"selectonly" => "Queries other than \"SELECT\" are restricted to
+Wicipedia developers.",
+"querysuccessful" => "Query successful",
+# Make sysop
+"makesysoptitle" => "Gwnewch sysop allan o defnyddiwr",
+"makesysoptext" => "Defnyddiwch y ffurflen hon i troi defnyddiwr cyffredin i gweinyddwr.
+Teipiwch enw'r defnyddiwr yn y blwch a cliciwch y botwm i troi'r defnyddiwr i gweinyddwr",
+"makesysopname" => "Enw'r defnyddiwr:",
+"makesysopsubmit" => "Gwnewch y defnyddiwr hwn yn gweinyddwr",
+"makesysopok" => "<b>Mae defnyddwr '$1' rwan yn gweinyddwr</b>",
+"makesysopfail" => "<b>Wedi methu troi defnyddwr '$1' i gweinyddwr. (Ydych chi wedi sillafu'r enw'n iawn?)</b>",
+"setbureaucratflag" => "Gosod y fflag biwrocrat",
+"bureaucratlog" => "Log_biwrocrat",
+"bureaucratlogentry" => " gosod $1: $2",
+# Move page
+"movepage" => "Symud tudalen",
+"movepagetext" => "Fydd defnyddio'r ffurflen isod yn ail-enwi tudalen, symud eu hanes gyfan i'r enw newydd.
+Fydd yr hen teitl yn dod tudalen ail-cyfeiriad i'r teitl newydd.
+Ni fydd cysylltiadau i'r hen teitl yn newid; mae rhaid i chi gwirio mae cysylltau'n dal yn mynd i'r lle mae angen iddyn nhw mynd!
+Sylwch fydd y tudalen '''ddim''' yn symud os mae 'ne tudalen efo'r enw newydd yn barod ar y databas (sef os mae hi'n gwâg neu yn ail-cyfeiriad heb unrhyw hanes golygu). Mae'n posibl i chi ail-enwi tudalen yn ôl i lle oedd hi os ydych chi wedi gwneud camgymeriad, ac mae'n amhosibl i ysgrifennu dros tudalen sydd barod yn bodoli.
+Ellith hwn bod newid sydyn a llym i tudalen poblogol; byddwch yn siwr rydych chi'n deallt y canlyniadau cyn iddich chi mynd ymlaen gyda hwn.",
+"movepagetalktext" => "Fydd y tudalen sgwrs , os oes ne un, yn symud gyda tudalen hon '''ac eithrio:'''
+*rydych yn symud y tudalen wrth llefydd-enw,
+*mae tudalen sgwrs di-wâg yn barod efo'r enw newydd, neu
+*rydych chi'n di-ticio'r blwch isod.",
+"movearticle" => "Symud tudalen",
+"movenologin" => "Nid wedi mewngofnodi",
+"movenologintext" => "Rhaid i chi bod defnyddwr cofrestredig ac wedi <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Arbennig:Userlogin" ) . "\">mewngofnodi</a>
+to move a page.",
+"newtitle" => "i teitl newydd",
+"movepagebtn" => "Symud tudalen",
+"pagemovedsub" => "Symud yn llwyddiannus",
+"pagemovedtext" => "Mae tudalen \"[[$1]]\" wedi symud i \"[[$2]]\".",
+"articleexists" => "Mae tudalen gyda'r enw newydd yn bodoli'n barod, neu mae eich enw newydd ddim yn dilys.
+Dewiswch enw newydd os gwelwch yn dda.",
+"talkexists" => "Mae'r tudalen wedi symud yn llwyddiannus, ond roedd hi'n amhosibl symud y tudalen sgwrs am achos roedd ne un efo'r teitl newydd yn bodoli'n barod. Cysylltwch nhw eich hun, os gwelwch yn dda.",
+"movedto" => "symud i",
+"movetalk" => "Symud tudalen \"sgwrs\" hefyd, os oes un.",
+"talkpagemoved" => "Mae'r tudalen sgwrs hefyd wedi symud.",
+"talkpagenotmoved" => "Dydy'r tudalen sgwrs <strong>ddim</strong> wedi symud.",
+"1movedto2" => "$1 wedi symud i $2",
+# Export
+"export" => "Export pages",
+"exporttext" => "You can export the text and editing history of a particular
+page or set of pages wrapped in some XML; this can then be imported into another
+wiki running MediaWiki software, transformed, or just kept for your private
+"exportcuronly" => "Include only the current revision, not the full history",
+# Namespace 8 related
+"allmessages" => "Holl_negeseuon",
+"allmessagestext" => "Dyma rhestr holl y negeseuon ar gael yn y lle-enw MediaWiki: ",
+# Thumbnails
+"thumbnail-more" => "Helaethwch"
+include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+class LanguageCy extends LanguageUtf8 {
+ function getDefaultUserOptions () {
+ global $wgDefaultUserOptionsCy;
+ return $wgDefaultUserOptionsCy;
+ }
+ function getBookstoreList () {
+ global $wgBookstoreListCy;
+ return $wgBookstoreListCy;
+ }
+ function getNamespaces() {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesCy;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesCy;
+ }
+ function getNsText( $index ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesCy;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesCy[$index];
+ }
+ function getNsIndex( $text ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesCy;
+ foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesCy as $i => $n ) {
+ if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
+ }
+ # Fallback to English names for compatibility
+ return Language::getNsIndex( $text );
+ }
+ function getQuickbarSettings() {
+ global $wgQuickbarSettingsCy;
+ return $wgQuickbarSettingsCy;
+ }
+ function getSkinNames() {
+ global $wgSkinNamesCy;
+ return $wgSkinNamesCy;
+ }
+ function getMathNames() {
+ global $wgMathNamesCy;
+ return $wgMathNamesCy;
+ }
+ function getDateFormats() {
+ global $wgDateFormatsCy;
+ return $wgDateFormatsCy;
+ }
+ function getUserToggles() {
+ global $wgUserTogglesCy;
+ return $wgUserTogglesCy;
+ }
+ function getMonthName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthNamesCy;
+ return $wgMonthNamesCy[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getMonthAbbreviation( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthAbbreviationsCy;
+ return $wgMonthAbbreviationsCy[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getWeekdayName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgWeekdayNamesCy;
+ return $wgWeekdayNamesCy[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getValidSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgValidSpecialPagesCy;
+ return $wgValidSpecialPagesCy;
+ }
+ function getSysopSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgSysopSpecialPagesCy;
+ return $wgSysopSpecialPagesCy;
+ }
+ function getDeveloperSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesCy;
+ return $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesCy;
+ }
+ function getMessage( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgAllMessagesCy;
+ return $wgAllMessagesCy[$key];
+ }
+ function getAllMessages()
+ {
+ global $wgAllMessagesCy;
+ return $wgAllMessagesCy;
+ }
+ function getMagicWords()
+ {
+ global $wgMagicWordsCy;
+ return $wgMagicWordsCy;
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/LanguageDa.php b/languages/LanguageDa.php
index 08e82e463a1a..fdab068ad67d 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageDa.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageDa.php
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
1 => "Diskussion",
2 => "Bruger",
3 => "Bruger_diskussion",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "Wikipedia_diskussion",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "{$wgMetaNamespace}_diskussion",
6 => "Billede",
7 => "Billede_diskussion",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -160,18 +160,18 @@
"mainpagetext" => "Wiki-software er nu installeret.",
"about" => "Om",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Om Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:Om",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Om",
"help" => "Hjælp",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Hjælp",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hjælp",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Fejlrapporter",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Fejlrapporter",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Fejlrapporter",
"sitesupport" => "Donation",
-"sitesupportpage" => "Wikipedia:Donation", # If not set, won't appear. Can be wiki page or URL
+"sitesupportpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Donation", # If not set, won't appear. Can be wiki page or URL
"faq" => "OSS",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:OSS",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:OSS",
"edithelp" => "Hjælp til redigering",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Hvordan_redigerer_jeg_en_side",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hvordan_redigerer_jeg_en_side",
"cancel" => "Afbryd",
"qbfind" => "Find",
"qbbrowse" => "Gennemse",
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Denne side er udgivet under <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU FDL</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(Fra",
"protectedpage" => "Beskyttet side",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Administratorer",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administratorer",
"sysoptitle" => "Sysop-adgang påkrævet",
"sysoptext" => "Den funktion du har bedt om kan kun
udføres af brugere med \"sysop\"-status. Se $1.",
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ Du bør logge på og ændre din adgangskode straks efter, du har modtaget den.",
"blockedtitle" => "Brugeren er blokeret",
"blockedtext" => "Dit brugernavn eller din IP-adresse er blevet blokeret af
$1. Begrundelsen er denne:<br>$2<p>Du kan kontakte $1
-eller en af de andre [[Wikipedia:Administratorer|administratorer]] for at diskutere blokeringen.
+eller en af de andre [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administratorer|administratorer]] for at diskutere blokeringen.
Din IP-adresse er $3.
Sørg venligst for at inkludere dette nummer i alle henvendelser til en administrator.
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Sørg venligst for at inkludere dette nummer i alle henvendelser til en administr
"newarticle" => "(Ny)",
"newarticletext" => "Der er på nuværende tidspunkt ingen tekst på denne side.<br>
Du kan begynde en artikel ved at skrive i boksen herunder.
-(se [[Wikipedia:Hjælp|hjælpen]] for yderligere information).<br>
+(se [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hjælp|hjælpen]] for yderligere information).<br>
Hvis det ikke var din mening, så tryk på '''Tilbage''' eller '''Back''' knappen.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Dette er en diskussionsside for en anonym bruger der
ikke har oprettet en konto endnu eller ikke bruger den. Vi er derfor nødt til at
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ så du kan ikke gemme dine ændringer lige nu. Det kan godt være en god ide at
kopiere din tekst til en tekstfil, så du kan gemme den til senere.",
"protectedpagewarning" => "ADVARSEL: Denne side er låst, så kun administratorer
kan redigere den. Sørg for at du følger
-<a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Politik_for_beskyttede_sider'>politiken for
+<a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Politik_for_beskyttede_sider'>politiken for
beskyttede sider</a>.",
# History pages
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ version, (forrige) = forskel til den forrige version, M = mindre ændring",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Søgeresultater",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Søgning",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Søgning",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Søgning på Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "For mere information om søgning på Wikipedia, se $1.",
"searchquery" => "For forespørgsel \"$1\"",
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ for at ændre brugerindstillinger.",
"prefslogintext" => "Du logget på som \"$1\".
Dit interne ID-nummer er $2.
-Se [[Wikipedia:Hvordan sætter jeg mine indstillinger]] for en forklaring på de forskellige indstillinger.",
+Se [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hvordan sætter jeg mine indstillinger]] for en forklaring på de forskellige indstillinger.",
"prefsreset" => "Indstillingerne er blevet gendannet fra lageret.",
"qbsettings" => "Indstillinger for hurtigmenu",
"changepassword" => "Skift adgangskode",
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ ellers skulle man for eksempel for dansk vintertid, indtaste \"1\"
"changes" => "ændringer",
"recentchanges" => "Seneste ændringer",
-# This is the default text, and can be overriden by editing [[Wikipedia::Recentchanges]]
+# This is the default text, and can be overriden by editing [[{$wgMetaNamespace}::Recentchanges]]
"recentchangestext" => "Se de senest ændrede sider i Wikipedia på denne side.",
"rcloaderr" => "Indlæser seneste ændrede sider",
"rcnote" => "Nedenfor er de seneste <strong>$1</strong> ændringer i de
@@ -600,13 +600,13 @@ for at kunne lægge filer op.",
"uploaderror" => "Fejl under oplægning af fil",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Før du lægger filer op her,
så vær sikker på du har læst og følger Wikipedias <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Politik om brug af billeder" ) . "\">politik om brug
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Politik om brug af billeder" ) . "\">politik om brug
af billeder</a>.
<p>For at se eller søge i billeder, som tidligere er lagt op,
gå til <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Speciel:Imagelist" ) .
"\">listen over billeder</a>.
Oplægning og sletninger er registreret i <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">log over oplagte filer</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">log over oplagte filer</a>.
<p>Brug formularen herunder til at lægge nye billeder op, der kan bruges
som illustration i dine artikler.
På de fleste browsere vil du se en \"Browse...\" knap eller en
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ op senest. Alle de viste tider er serverens tid (UTC).
"filedesc" => "Beskrivelse",
"affirmation" => "Jeg bekræfter, at ophavsretshaveren til denne fil
er enig i, at filen udgives under betingelserne for $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Ophavsret",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ophavsret",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia ophavsret",
"uploadedfiles" => "Filer som er lagt op",
"noaffirmation" => "Du skal bekræfte, at du ikke bryder nogens ophavsret
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ hårde for databasen (de tager lang tid), så lad være med at opdatere siden
hver gang du har rettet en enkelt ting ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Tilbage til vedligeholdelsessiden",
"disambiguations" => "Artikler med flertydige titler",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Henvisninger til artikler med flertydige titler",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Henvisninger til artikler med flertydige titler",
"disambiguationstext" => "De følgende artikler henviser til
<i>artikler med flertydige titler</i>. De skulle henvise til en ikke-flertydig
titel i stedet for.<br>En artikel bliver behandlet som flertydig, hvis den er
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ i bunden af skærmen.",
eller et billede sammen med hele den tilhørende historie fra databasen.
Bekræft venligst at du virkelig vil gøre dette, at du forstår
konsekvenserne, og at du gør dette i overensstemmelse med
"confirmcheck" => "Ja, jeg vil virkelig slette den her.",
"actioncomplete" => "Gennemført",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" er slettet.
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ Den seneste redigering er foretaget af [[Bruger:$3|$3]] ([[Bruger diskussion:$3|
"revertpage" => "Gendannet siden til tidligere version redigeret af $1",
"protectlogpage" => "Liste_over_beskyttede_sider",
"protectlogtext" => "Herunder er en liste over sider der er blevet beskyttet/har fået fjernet beskyttelsen.
-Se [[Wikipedia:Beskyttet side]] for mere information.",
+Se [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Beskyttet side]] for mere information.",
"protectedarticle" => "beskyttet [[$1]]",
"unprotectedarticle" => "fjernet beskyttelse [[$1]]",
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ på siden.",
"undeletebtn" => "Gendan!",
"undeletedarticle" => "gendannet \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "Artiklen [[$1]] er blevet gendannet med succes.
-Se [[Wikipedia:Sletningslog]] for en fortegnelse over nylige
+Se [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Sletningslog]] for en fortegnelse over nylige
sletninger og gendannelser.",
# Contributions
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ at udføre denne funktion på.",
"blockiptext" => "Brug formularen herunder til at blokere for skriveadgangen
fra en specifik IP-adresse eller et brugernavn.
Dette må kun gøres for at forhindre vandalisme, og i
-overensstemmelse med [[Wikipedia:Politik|Wikipedia politik]].
+overensstemmelse med [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Politik|Wikipedia politik]].
Udfyld en speciel begrundelse herunder (for eksempel med et citat fra
sider der har været udsat for vandalisme).",
"ipaddress" => "IP-Adresse/brugernavn",
@@ -1219,4 +1219,4 @@ class LanguageDa extends Language {
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/LanguageDe.php b/languages/LanguageDe.php
index 32decb3bacf5..affb8046ab69 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageDe.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageDe.php
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ if($wgMetaNamespace === FALSE)
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesDe = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Blockiere eine IP-Adresse",
"Asksql" => "Datenbank-Abfrage",
"Undelete" => "Gelöschte Seiten wiederherstellen"
@@ -907,6 +908,7 @@ Diskussions-Seite nicht, da schon eine mit dem neuen Titel existiert. Bitte glei
"export" => "Seiten exportieren",
"exporttext" => "Sie können den Text und die Bearbeitungshistorie einer bestimmten oder einer Auswahl von Seiten nach XML exportieren. Das Ergebnis kann in ein anderes Wiki mit WikiMedia Software eingespielt werden, bearbeitet oder archiviert werden.",
"exportcuronly" => "Nur die aktuelle Version der Seite exportieren",
+"missingimage" => "<b>Fehlendes Bild</b><br><i>$1</i>\n"
class LanguageDe extends Language {
diff --git a/languages/LanguageEo.php b/languages/LanguageEo.php
index 5941b72d2509..191a393d12b4 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageEo.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageEo.php
@@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ $wgEditEncoding = "x";
# See language.doc
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "Vikipedio";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "Vikipedio";
# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
@@ -17,8 +24,8 @@ $wgEditEncoding = "x";
1 => "Diskuto",
2 => "Vikipediisto",
3 => "Vikipediista_diskuto",
- 4 => "Vikipedio", # FIXME: Generalize v-isto kaj v-io
- 5 => "Vikipedia_diskuto",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace, # FIXME: Generalize v-isto kaj v-io
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace."_diskuto",
6 => "Dosiero", #FIXME: Check the magic for Image: and Media:
7 => "Dosiera_diskuto",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -131,6 +138,7 @@ $wgEditEncoding = "x";
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesEo = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Forbaru fi-IP-adreson",
"Asksql" => "Informomendu je la datumbazo",
"Undelete" => "Restarigu forigitan paÄon"
@@ -151,18 +159,18 @@ $wgEditEncoding = "x";
"mainpage" => "ĈefpaÄo",
"about" => "Enkonduko",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Pri Vikipedio", #FIXME
-"aboutpage" => "Vikipedio:Enkonduko",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Enkonduko",
"help" => "Helpo",
-"helppage" => "Vikipedio:Helpo",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Helpo",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Vikipedio",
"bugreports" => "Raportu cimojn",
-"bugreportspage" => "Vikipedio:Raportu_cimojn",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Raportu_cimojn",
"sitesupport" => "Subteno",
"sitesupportpage" => "", # FIXME
"faq" => "Oftaj demandoj",
-"faqpage" => "Vikipedio:Oftaj demandoj",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Oftaj demandoj",
"edithelp" => "Helpo pri redaktado",
-"edithelppage" => "Vikipedio:Kiel_redakti_paÄon", #FIXME: Kontrolu
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Kiel_redakti_paÄon", #FIXME: Kontrolu
"cancel" => "Nuligu",
"qbfind" => "Trovu",
"qbbrowse" => "Foliumado", # FIXME
@@ -204,7 +212,7 @@ $wgEditEncoding = "x";
"gnunote" => "La enhavo de Vikipedio disponeblas laÅ­ permesilo <a class='internal' href='/wiki/GFDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(El",
"protectedpage" => "Protektita paÄo", #FIXME: ĉu "gardita" ktp?
-"administrators" => "Vikipedio:Administrantoj", # FIXME?
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administrantoj", # FIXME?
"sysoptitle" => "Konto de administranto bezonatas",
"sysoptext" => "La ago kiun vi petis fari estas
farebla nur de uzuloj agnoskitaj kiel \"sistemestroj\".
@@ -281,7 +289,7 @@ provizore por konservi la rapidecon de la servilo.",
"viewsource" => "Vidu vikitekston",
"protectedtext" => "Tiu ĉi paÄon estas Ålosita kontraÅ­ redaktado;
estas diversaj eblaj kialoj por tio.
-Bv legi [[Vikipedio:Åœlositaj paÄoj]].
+Bv legi [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Åœlositaj paÄoj]].
Vi ja rajtas vidi kaj kopii la fontotekston de la vikipaÄo:",
@@ -347,7 +355,7 @@ kiu priskribis la kialon jene:<br>$2
<p>Vi rajtas kontakti tiun administranton por pridiskuti la forbaradon.", #FIXME - sistemestro?
"newarticle" => "(Nova)",
"newarticletext" => "Vi sekvis ligilon al paÄo jam ne ekzistanta.
-Se vi volas krei Äin, ektajpu sube (vidu la [[Vikipedio:Helpo|helpopaÄo]] por klarigoj.)
+Se vi volas krei Äin, ektajpu sube (vidu la [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Helpo|helpopaÄo]] por klarigoj.)
Se vi malintence alvenis ĉi tien, simple alklaku la \"reen\" butonon de via retumilo.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Jen diskutopaÄo por iu anonima kontribuanto kiu ne jam kreis
konton aÅ­ ne uzas Äin. Ni tial devas uzi la cifran [[IP-adreso]] por tiun identigi.
@@ -389,7 +397,7 @@ pro tio neeblas nun konservi vian redaktadon. Vi povas elkopii kaj englui
la tekston al tekstdosiero por poste reenmeti Äin al la vikio.",
"protectedpagewarning" => "AVERTO: Tiu ĉi paÄo estas Ålosita kontraÅ­ redaktado
krom per administrantoj (t.e., vi). Bv certiÄi, ke vi sekvas la normojn de
-la komunumo per via redaktado. Vidu [[Vikipedio:Åœlositaj paÄoj]].",
+la komunumo per via redaktado. Vidu [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Åœlositaj paÄoj]].",
# History pages
@@ -421,7 +429,7 @@ Bonvolu kontroli la retadreson (URL) kiun vi uzis por atingi la paÄon.\b",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Serĉrezultoj",
-"searchhelppage" => "Vikipedio:Serĉado",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Serĉado",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Priserĉante la Vikipedion",
"searchresulttext" => "Por pliaj informoj kiel priserĉi la Vikipedion, vidu .",
"searchquery" => "Serĉmendo \"$1\"",
@@ -561,7 +569,7 @@ Ekzemple, por la Centra EÅ­ropa Horzono, indiku \"1\" vintre aÅ­ \"2\" dum somer
aliru la <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrl( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">liston de alÅutaĵoj</a>.
Ĉiuj alÅutoj kaj forigoj estas registrataj en la <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrl( "Vikipedio:Loglibro de alÅutaĵoj" ) ."\">alÅuta loglibro</a>.</p>
+wfLocalUrl( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Loglibro de alÅutaĵoj" ) ."\">alÅuta loglibro</a>.</p>
<p>Uzu ĉi tiun formularon por alÅuti novajn bildojn kaj aliajn dosierojn
por ilustrado de viaj artikoloj.
@@ -595,7 +603,7 @@ forbarita.</p>",
"filedesc" => "Priskribo",
"affirmation" => "Mi asertas, ke la laÅ­leÄa posedanto de la kopirajto
de ĉi tiu dosiero konsentas eldoni Äin laÅ­ la $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Vikipedio:Kopirajto",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Kopirajto",
"copyrightpagename" => "permesilo GFDL uzata por la Vikipedio",
"uploadedfiles" => "AlÅutitaj dosieroj",
"noaffirmation" => "Vi nepre devas aserti, ke via alÅutaĵo ne malobeas la leÄojn de kopirajto.",
@@ -660,7 +668,7 @@ Tio estas meznombre po unu paÄo por <b>$5</b> paÄoj viditaj, kaj por <b>$6</b>
Kelkaj funkcioj povas streĉi la datumbazon, do bonvolu ne reÅuti post ĉiu riparita ero!",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Revenu al la ilaro",
"disambiguations" => "Misligitaj apartigiloj",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Vikipedio:Apartigiloj",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Apartigiloj",
"disambiguationstext" => "La jenaj paÄoj alligas <i>paÄon-apartigilon</i>. Ili devus anstataÅ­e alligi la Äustan temon.<br>Oni konsideras tiujn paÄojn, kiujn alligas $1 apartigiloj.<br>Ligado el ne-artikolaj sekcioj <i>ne</i> listiÄas ĉi tie.",
"doubleredirects" => "Duoblaj alidirektadoj",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Atentu:</b> Eblas, ke la jena listo enhavas falsajn rezultojn. Äœenerale, tio signifas, ke estas plua teksto kun ligiloj post la #REDIRECT.<br>
@@ -790,7 +798,7 @@ Elektu forigotajn paÄojn kaj alklaku 'forprenu elektitajn' sube.",
"confirmdeletetext" => "Vi forigos la artikolon aÅ­ dosieron kaj
forviÅos Äian tutan historion el la datumaro.<br>
Bonvolu konfirmi, ke vi vere intencas tion, kaj ke vi komprenas
-la sekvojn, kaj ke vi ja sekvas la [[Vikipedio:Reguloj pri forigado|regulojn pri forigado]].",
+la sekvojn, kaj ke vi ja sekvas la [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Reguloj pri forigado|regulojn pri forigado]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Jes, mi tutkore certas ke mi volas forigi tiun artikolon/dosieron.",
"actioncomplete" => "Ago farita",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" estas forigita.
@@ -832,7 +840,7 @@ versioj aperos antaÅ­e en la historio, kaj la aktuala versio ne estos anstataÅ­i
"undeletebtn" => "Restarigu!",
"undeletedarticle" => "restarigis \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "La artikolo [[$1]] estas sukcese restarigita.
-Vidu [[Vikipedio:Loglibro de forigoj]] por registro de lastatempaj forigoj kaj restarigoj.",
+Vidu [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Loglibro de forigoj]] por registro de lastatempaj forigoj kaj restarigoj.",
# Contributions
@@ -860,7 +868,7 @@ Vidu [[Vikipedio:Loglibro de forigoj]] por registro de lastatempaj forigoj kaj r
"blockiptext" => "Per la jena formularo vi povas forbari iun nomon aÅ­
IP-adreson de la rajto enskribiÄi en la vikion.
Oni tion faru ''nur'' por eviti vandalismon, kaj sekvante la
-[[Vikipedio:Reguloj pri forbarado|regulojn pri forbarado]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Reguloj pri forbarado|regulojn pri forbarado]].
Klarigu la precizan kialon malsupre (ekzemple, citu paÄojn, kiuj estis
"ipaddress" => "IP-adreso/nomo",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageEs.php b/languages/LanguageEs.php
index 1ae8c5f7f8bf..1f79d49a53b7 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageEs.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageEs.php
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
1 => "Discusión",
2 => "Usuario",
3 => "Usuario_Discusión",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "Wikipedia_Discusión",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "{$wgMetaNamespace}_Discusión",
6 => "Imagen",
7 => "Imagen_Discusión",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesEs = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Bloquear una dirección IP",
"Asksql" => "Búsqueda en la base de datos",
"Undelete" => "Ver y restaurar páginas borradas"
@@ -152,18 +153,18 @@
"mainpage" => "Portada",
"mainpagetext" => "Software wiki instalado con éxito.",
"about" => "Acerca de",
-"aboutwikipedia" => "Acerca de Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:Acerca de",
+"aboutwikipedia" => "Acerca de $wgSitename",
+"aboutpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Acerca de",
"help" => "Ayuda",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Ayuda",
-"wikititlesuffix" =>"Wikipedia",
+"helppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Ayuda",
+"wikititlesuffix" =>"$wgSitename",
"bugreports" => "Informes de error de software",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Informes_de_error",
+"bugreportspage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Informes_de_error",
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "Ayuda de edición",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Cómo_se_edita_una_página",
+"edithelppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Cómo_se_edita_una_página",
"cancel" => "Cancelar",
"qbfind" => "Encontrar",
"qbbrowse" => "Hojear",
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@
"currentevents" => "Actualidad",
"errorpagetitle" => "Error",
"returnto" => "Regresa a $1.",
-"fromwikipedia" => "De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.",
+"fromwikipedia" => "De $wgSitename, la enciclopedia libre.",
"whatlinkshere" => "Páginas que enlazan aquí",
"help" => "Ayuda",
"search" => "Buscar",
@@ -204,7 +205,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Todo el texto se hace disponible bajo los términos de la <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>Licencia de Documentación Libre GNU (GNU FDL)",
"printsubtitle" => "(De",
"protectedpage" => "Página protegida",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Administradores",
+"administrators" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Administradores",
"sysoptitle" => "Acceso de Administrador requerido",
"sysoptext" => "La acción que has requerido sólo puede ser llevada a cabo
por usuarios con status de administrador.
@@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ Ver $1.",
"nbytes" => "$1 bytes",
"go" => "Ir",
"ok" => "OK",
-"sitetitle" => "Wikipedia",
+"sitetitle" => "$wgSitename",
"sitesubtitle" => "La Enciclopedia Libre",
"retrievedfrom" => "Obtenido de \"$1\"",
"newmessages" => "Tienes $1.",
@@ -233,10 +234,10 @@ Ver $1.",
"nosuchaction" => "No existe tal acción",
"nosuchactiontext" => "La acción especificada por el URL no es
- reconocida por el software de Wikipedia",
+ reconocida por el software de $wgSitename",
"nosuchspecialpage" => "No existe esa página especial",
"nospecialpagetext" => "Has requerido una página especial que no es
- reconocida por el software de Wikipedia.",
+ reconocida por el software de $wgSitename.",
# General errors
@@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ MySQL retornó el error \"$3: $4\".\n",
"readonly" => "Base de datos bloqueada",
"cachederror" => "Esta es una copia guardada en el cache de la página requerida, y puede no estar actualizada.",
"enterlockreason" => "Explica el motivo del bloqueo, incluyendo una estimación de cuándo se producirá el desbloqueo",
-"readonlytext" => "La base de datos de Wikipedia está temporalmente
+"readonlytext" => "La base de datos de $wgSitename está temporalmente
bloqueada para nuevas entradas u otras modificaciones, probablemente
para mantenimiento de rutina, después de lo cual volverá a la normalidad.
El administrador que la bloqueó ofreció esta explicación:
@@ -291,11 +292,11 @@ notando el URL.",
# Login and logout pagesítulo
"logouttitle" => "Fin de sesión",
"logouttext" => "Has terminado tu sesión.
-Puedes continuar usando Wikipedia en forma anónima, o puedes
+Puedes continuar usando $wgSitename en forma anónima, o puedes
iniciar sesión otra vez como el mismo u otro usuario.\n",
"welcomecreation" => "<h2>Bienvenido(a), $1!</h2><p>Tu cuenta ha sido creada.
-No olvides perzonalizar tus preferencia de Wikipedia.",
+No olvides perzonalizar tus preferencia de $wgSitename.",
"loginpagetitle" => "Registrarse/Entrar",
"yourname" => "Tu nombre de usuario",
@@ -320,14 +321,14 @@ No olvides perzonalizar tus preferencia de Wikipedia.",
"loginerror" => "Error de inicio de sesión",
"noname" => "No has especificado un nombre de usuario válido.",
"loginsuccesstitle" => "Inicio de sesión exitoso",
-"loginsuccess" => "Has iniciado tu sesión en Wikipedia como \"$1\".",
+"loginsuccess" => "Has iniciado tu sesión en $wgSitename como \"$1\".",
"nosuchuser" => "No existe usuario alguno llamado \"$1\".
Revisa tu deletreo, o usa la forma abajo para crear una nueva cuenta de usuario.",
"wrongpassword" => "La contraseña que ingresaste es incorrecta. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo.",
"mailmypassword" => "Envíame una nueva contraseña por correo electrónico",
-"passwordremindertitle" => "Recordatorio de contraseña de Wikipedia",
+"passwordremindertitle" => "Recordatorio de contraseña de $wgSitename",
"passwordremindertext" => "Alguien (probablemente tú, desde la direccion IP $1)
-solicitó que te enviaramos una nueva contraseña para iniciar sesión en Wikipedia.
+solicitó que te enviaramos una nueva contraseña para iniciar sesión en $wgSitename.
La contraseña para el usuario \"$2\" es ahora \"$3\".
Ahora deberías iniciar sesion y cambiar tu contraseña.",
"noemail" => "No hay dirección electrónica (e-mail) registrada para el(la) usuario(a) \"$1\".",
@@ -345,10 +346,10 @@ Por favor entra otra vez después de que la recibas.",
"showpreview" => "Mostrar previsualización",
"blockedtitle" => "El usuario está bloqueado",
"blockedtext" => "Tu nombre de usuario o dirección IP ha sido bloqueada por $1.
-La razón dada es la que sigue:<br>$2<p> Puedes contactar a $1 o a otro de los [[Wikipedia:Administradores|administradores]] para
+La razón dada es la que sigue:<br>$2<p> Puedes contactar a $1 o a otro de los [[$wgMetaNamespace:Administradores|administradores]] para
discutir el bloqueo.",
"newarticle" => "(Nuevo)",
-"newarticletext" => "Wikipedia es una enciclopedia en desarrollo, y esta página aún no existe. Puedes pedir información en [[Wikipedia:Consultas]], pero no esperes una respuesta pronta. Si lo que quieres es crear esta página, empieza a escribir en la caja que sigue. Si llegaste aquí por error, presiona la tecla para volver a la página anterior de tu navegador.",
+"newarticletext" => "$wgSitename es una enciclopedia en desarrollo, y esta página aún no existe. Puedes pedir información en [[$wgMetaNamespace:Consultas]], pero no esperes una respuesta pronta. Si lo que quieres es crear esta página, empieza a escribir en la caja que sigue. Si llegaste aquí por error, presiona la tecla para volver a la página anterior de tu navegador.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Esta es la página de discusión para un usuario anónimo que aún no ha creado una cuenta, o no la usa. Por lo tanto, tenemos que usar su [[dirección IP]] numérica para adentificarlo. Una dirección IP puede ser compartida por varios usuarios. Si eres un usuario anónimo y sientes que comentarios irreleventes han sido dirigidos a ti, por favor [[Especial:Userlogin|crea una cuenta o entra]] para evitar confusiones futuras con otros usuarios anónimos.'' ",
"noarticletext" => "(En este momento no hay texto en esta página)",
@@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ Vas a tener que incorporar tus cambios en el texto existente.
de esta página.
Si la grabas, los cambios hechos desde esa revisión se perderán.</strong>\n",
"yourdiff" => "Diferencias",
-"copyrightwarning" => "Ayuda de edición, caracteres especiales: á é í ó ú Á É Í Ó Ú ü Ü ñ Ñ ¡ ¿ <br><br>Nota por favor que todas las contribuciones a Wikipedia
+"copyrightwarning" => "Ayuda de edición, caracteres especiales: á é í ó ú Á É Í Ó Ú ü Ü ñ Ñ ¡ ¿ <br><br>Nota por favor que todas las contribuciones a $wgSitename
se consideran hechas públicas bajo la Licencia de Documentación Libre GNU
(ver detalles en $1).
Si no deseas que la gente corrija tus escritos sin piedad
@@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ Por favor considera la posibilidad de descomponer esta página en secciones más p
Puedes \"cortar y pegar\" a un archivo de texto en tu computador, y grabarlo para
intentarlo después.",
"protectedpagewarning" => "ADVERTENCIA: Esta página ha sido bloqueda de manera que s&ocute;lo usuarios con privilegios de administrador pueden editarla. Asegúrate de que estás siguiendo las
-<a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Guías_para_páginas_protegidas'>guías para páginas protegidas</a>.",
+<a href='/wiki/$wgMetaNamespace:Guías_para_páginas_protegidas'>guías para páginas protegidas</a>.",
# History pages
"revhistory" => "Historia de revisiones",
@@ -417,9 +418,9 @@ Por favor revisa el URL que usaste para acceder a esta página.\n",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Resultados de búsqueda",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Búsqueda",
-"searchingwikipedia" => "Buscando en Wikipedia",
-"searchresulttext" => "Para más información acerca de búsquedas en Wikipedia, ve a $1.",
+"searchhelppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Búsqueda",
+"searchingwikipedia" => "Buscando en $wgSitename",
+"searchresulttext" => "Para más información acerca de búsquedas en $wgSitename, ve a $1.",
"searchquery" => "Para consulta \"$1\"",
"badquery" => "Consulta de búsqueda formateada en forma incorrecta",
@@ -523,15 +524,15 @@ y la hora del servidor (UTC).",
"changes" => "cambios",
"recentchanges" => "Cambios Recientes",
-"recentchangestext" => "Sigue los cambios más recientes a Wikipedia en esta página.
-Por favor, mira estas páginas: [[wikipedia:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
-[[Wikipedia:Políticas y guías|políticas de Wikipedia]]
-(especialmente [[wikipedia:Convenciones de nombres|las convenciones para nombrar artículos]] y
-[[wikipedia:Punto de vista neutral|punto de vista neutral]]).
+"recentchangestext" => "Sigue los cambios más recientes a $wgSitename en esta página.
+Por favor, mira estas páginas: [[$wgMetaNamespace:FAQ|$wgSitename FAQ]],
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:Políticas y guías|políticas de $wgSitename]]
+(especialmente [[$wgMetaNamespace:Convenciones de nombres|las convenciones para nombrar artículos]] y
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:Punto de vista neutral|punto de vista neutral]]).
-Si quieres que Wikipedia tenga éxito, es muy importante que no agregues
-material restringido por [[wikipedia:Copyrights|derechos de autor]].
+Si quieres que $wgSitename tenga éxito, es muy importante que no agregues
+material restringido por [[$wgMetaNamespace:Copyrights|derechos de autor]].
La responsabilidad legal realmente podría dañar el proyecto, así que por favor no lo hagas.
@@ -570,8 +571,8 @@ para subir archivos.",
previamente, ve a la <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Especial:Imagelist" ) .
"\">lista de imágenes subidas</a>.
Los archivos subidos y borrados son registrados en el <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Registro de subidas" ) . "\">registro de subidas</a>.
-Consulta también la <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Política de uso de imágenes" ) .
+wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Registro de subidas" ) . "\">registro de subidas</a>.
+Consulta también la <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Política de uso de imágenes" ) .
"\">política de uso de imágenes</a>.
<p>Usa el formulario siguiente para subir nuevos archivos de imágenes que
vas a usar para ilustrar tus artículos.
@@ -589,7 +590,7 @@ Por favor, dale a tus archivos nombres descriptivos para evitar confusiones.
Para incluir la imagen en un artículo, usa un enlace de la forma
<b>[[imagen:archivo.jpg]]</b> o <b>[[imagen:archivo.png|alt text]]</b>
o <b>[[media:archivo.ogg]]</b> para sonidos.
-<p>Por favor recuerda que, al igual que con las páginas Wikipedia, otros pueden
+<p>Por favor recuerda que, al igual que con las páginas $wgSitename, otros pueden
editar o borrar los archivos que has subido si piensan que es bueno para
la enciclopedia, y se te puede bloquear, impidiéndote subir más archivos si abusas del sistema.",
"uploadlog" => "registro de subidas",
@@ -603,8 +604,8 @@ subido más recientemente. Todas las horas son del servidor (UTC).
"filedesc" => "Sumario",
"affirmation" => "Afirmo que el dueño del copyright de este archivo
está de acuerdo en licenciarlo bajo los términos de $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Copyrights",
-"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia copyright",
+"copyrightpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Copyrights",
+"copyrightpagename" => "$wgSitename copyright",
"uploadedfiles" => "Archivos subidos",
"noaffirmation" => "Tú debes afirmar que tus subidas de archivos no violan ningún copyright.",
"ignorewarning" => "Ignora la advertencia y graba el archivo de todos modos.",
@@ -653,7 +654,7 @@ esta versión antigua, (rev) = revertir a esta versión antigua.
"sitestats" => "Estadísticas del sitio",
"userstats" => "Estadísticas de usuario",
"sitestatstext" => "Hay un total de <b>$1</b> páginas en la base de datos.
-Esto incluye páginas de discusión, páginas acerca de Wikipedia, páginas mínimas,
+Esto incluye páginas de discusión, páginas acerca de $wgSitename, páginas mínimas,
redirecciones, y otras que probablemente no puedan calificarse como artículos.
Excluyéndolas, hay <b>$2</b> páginas que probablemente son artículos legítimos.<p>
Ha habido un total de <b>$3</b> visitas a páginas, y <b>$4</b> ediciones de página
@@ -669,8 +670,8 @@ de los cuales <b>$2</b> son administradores (ver $3).",
"maintnancepagetext" => "Esta página incluye varias herramientas útiles para el mantenimiento diario de la enciclopedia. Algunas de estas funciones tienden a sobrecargar la base de datos, asi que, por favor, no vuelvas a cargar la página después de cada ítem que arregles ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Volver a la Página de Mantenimiento",
"disambiguations" => "Páginas de desambiguación",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Enlaces a páginas de desambiguación",
-"disambiguationstext" => "Los siguientes artículos enlazan a una <i>página de desambiguación</i>. Deberían enlazar al artículo apropiado.<br>Una página es considerada de desambiguación si está enlazada desde $1.<br>Enlaces desde otros espacios de nombre (Como Wikipedia: o usuario:) <b>no</b> son listados aquí.",
+"disambiguationspage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Enlaces a páginas de desambiguación",
+"disambiguationstext" => "Los siguientes artículos enlazan a una <i>página de desambiguación</i>. Deberían enlazar al artículo apropiado.<br>Una página es considerada de desambiguación si está enlazada desde $1.<br>Enlaces desde otros espacios de nombre (Como $wgMetaNamespace: o usuario:) <b>no</b> son listados aquí.",
"doubleredirects" => "Redirecciones Dobles",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Atención:</b> Esta lista puede contener falsos positivos. Eso significa usualmente que hay texto adicional con enlaces bajo el primer #REDIRECT.<br>\nCada fila contiene enlaces al segundo y tercer redirect, así como la primera línea del segundo redirect, en la que usualmente se encontrará el artículo \"real\" al que el primer redirect debería apuntar.",
"brokenredirects" => "Redirecciones incorrectas",
@@ -718,7 +719,7 @@ con un URL directo, y de esa manera todavía estar listada aquí
a pesar de estar en uso activo.",
"booksources" => "Fuentes de libros",
"booksourcetext" => "A continuación hay una lista de enlaces a otros sitios que venden libros nuevos y usados, y también pueden contener información adicional acerca de los libros que estás buscando.
-Wikipedia no está relacionada con ninguno de estos negocios, y esta lista no debe ser considerada un patrocinio de los mismos.",
+$wgSitename no está relacionada con ninguno de estos negocios, y esta lista no debe ser considerada un patrocinio de los mismos.",
"alphaindexline" => "$1 a $2",
# Email this user
@@ -795,7 +796,7 @@ click el botón 'remover seleccionados' en el fin de la pantalla.",
en forma permanente,
así como toda su historia, de la base de datos.
Por favor, confirma que realmente quieres hacer eso, que entiendes las
-consecuencias, y que lo estás haciendo de acuerdo con [[Wikipedia:Políticas]].",
+consecuencias, y que lo estás haciendo de acuerdo con [[$wgMetaNamespace:Políticas]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Sí, realmente quiero borrar esto.",
"actioncomplete" => "Acción completa",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" ha sido borrado.
@@ -835,7 +836,7 @@ Si una nueva página con el mismo nombre ha sido creada desde el borrado, las ver
"undeletebtn" => "Restaurar!",
"undeletedarticle" => "restaurado \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "El artículo [[$1]] ha sido restaurado con éxito.
-Ve [[Wikipedia:Registro_de_borrados]] para una lista de borrados y restauraciones recientes.",
+Ve [[$wgMetaNamespace:Registro_de_borrados]] para una lista de borrados y restauraciones recientes.",
# Contributions
@@ -864,7 +865,7 @@ llevar a cabo esta función.",
"blockiptext" => "Usa el formulario siguiente para bloquear el
acceso de escritura desde una dirección IP específica.
Esto debería hacerse sólo para prevenir vandalismo, y de
-acuerdo a las [[Wikipedia:Políticas| políticas de Wikipedia]].
+acuerdo a las [[$wgMetaNamespace:Políticas| políticas de $wgSitename]].
Explica la razón específica del bloqueo (por ejemplo, citando
ls páginas en particular que han sido objeto de vandalismo desde la dirección IP a bloquear).",
"ipaddress" => "Dirección IP",
@@ -902,15 +903,15 @@ acceso de escritura a una dirección IP previamente bloqueada.",
"locknoconfirm" => "No has confirmado lo que deseas hacer.",
"lockdbsuccesssub" => "El bloqueo se ha realizado con éxito",
"unlockdbsuccesssub" => "El desbloqueo se ha realizado con éxito",
-"lockdbsuccesstext" => "La base de datos de Wikipedia ha sido bloqueada.
+"lockdbsuccesstext" => "La base de datos de $wgSitename ha sido bloqueada.
<br>Recuerda retirar el bloqueo después de completar las tareas de mantenimiento.",
-"unlockdbsuccesstext" => "La base de datos de Wikipedia ha sido desbloqueada.",
+"unlockdbsuccesstext" => "La base de datos de $wgSitename ha sido desbloqueada.",
# SQL query
"asksql" => "Consulta SQL",
"asksqltext" => "Usa el formulario que sigue para hacer una consulta directa
-a la base de datos de Wikipedia. Usa comillas simples ('como estas') para delimitar
+a la base de datos de $wgSitename. Usa comillas simples ('como estas') para delimitar
cadenas de caracteres literales.
Esto puede añadir una carga considerable al servidor, así que
por favor usa esta función lo menos possible.",
@@ -918,7 +919,7 @@ por favor usa esta función lo menos possible.",
"sqlquery" => "Entra la consulta",
"querybtn" => "Envía la consulta",
"selectonly" => "Consultas diferentes a \"SELECT\" están restringidas sólo
-a Wikipedia developers.",
+a $wgSitename developers.",
"querysuccessful" => "Consulta exitosa",
# Move page
diff --git a/languages/LanguageEt.php b/languages/LanguageEt.php
index 3833ac608692..52f76c8b0717 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageEt.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageEt.php
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "Vikipeedia";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "Vikipeedia";
# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
# set "currentevents" => "-"
@@ -13,8 +21,8 @@
1 => "Arutelu",
2 => "Kasutaja",
3 => "Kasutaja_arutelu",
- 4 => "Vikipeedia",
- 5 => "Vikipeedia_arutelu",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace."_arutelu",
6 => "Pilt",
7 => "Pildi_arutelu",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -117,6 +125,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesEt = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Blokeeri IP-aadress",
"Asksql" => "Otsi andmebaasist",
"Undelete" => "Taasta kustutatud leheküljed"
@@ -136,16 +145,16 @@
"mainpagetext" => "Wiki tarkvara installeeritud.",
"about" => "Tiitelandmed",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Vikipeedia tiitelandmed",
-"aboutpage" => "Vikipeedia:Tiitelandmed",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Tiitelandmed",
"help" => "Spikker",
-"helppage" => "Vikipeedia:Spikker",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Spikker",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Vikipeedia",
"bugreports" => "Teated programmivigadest",
-"bugreportspage" => "Vikipeedia:Teated_programmivigadest",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Teated_programmivigadest",
"faq" => "KKK",
-"faqpage" => "Vikipeedia:KKK",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:KKK",
"edithelp" => "Redigeerimisspikker",
-"edithelppage" => "Vikipeedia:Kuidas_artiklit_redigeerida",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Kuidas_artiklit_redigeerida",
"cancel" => "Tühista",
"qbfind" => "Otsi",
"qbbrowse" => "Sirvi",
@@ -184,7 +193,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Kogu tekst on kasutatav litsentsi <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a> tingimustel.",
"printsubtitle" => "(Pärineb veebisaidilt",
"protectedpage" => "Kaitstud artikkel",
-"administrators" => "Vikipeedia:Administraatorid",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administraatorid",
"sysoptitle" => "Nõutav süsteemi operaatori staatus",
"sysoptext" => "Seda toimingut saavad sooritada ainult süsteemi operaatori staatusega kasutajad. Vaata $1.",
"developertitle" => "Nõutav väljatöötaja staatus",
@@ -307,14 +316,14 @@ Pärast parooli saamist palun logige sisse.",
"blockedtitle" => "Kasutaja on blokeeritud",
"blockedtext" => "Teie kasutajanime või IP-aadressi blokeeris $1.
Tema põhjendus on järgmine:<br>''$2''<p>Küsimuse arutamiseks võite pöörduda $1 või mõne teise
-[[Vikipeedia:administraatorid|administraatori]] poole.",
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:administraatorid|administraatori]] poole.",
"newarticle" => "(Uus)",
"newarticletext" =>
"Seda lehekülge veel ei ole.
Lehekülje loomiseks hakake kirjutama all olevasse boksi
-(lisainfo saamiseks vaadake [[Vikipeedia:Spikker|spikrit]]).
+(lisainfo saamiseks vaadake [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Spikker|spikrit]]).
Kui sattusite siia kogemata, klõpsake lihtsalt brauseri ''back''-nupule.",
-"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''See on arutelulehekülg anonüümse kasutaja kohta, kes ei ole loonud kontot või ei kasuta seda. Sellepärast tuleb meil kasutaja identifitseerimiseks kasutada tema [[IP-aadress]]i. See IP-aadress võib olla mitmele kasutajale ühine. Kui olete anonüümne kasutaja ning leiate, et kommentaarid sellel leheküljel ei ole mõeldud Teile, siis palun [[Vikipeedia:Kasutaja sisselogimine|looge konto või logige sisse]], et edaspidi arusaamatusi vältida.'' ",
+"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''See on arutelulehekülg anonüümse kasutaja kohta, kes ei ole loonud kontot või ei kasuta seda. Sellepärast tuleb meil kasutaja identifitseerimiseks kasutada tema [[IP-aadress]]i. See IP-aadress võib olla mitmele kasutajale ühine. Kui olete anonüümne kasutaja ning leiate, et kommentaarid sellel leheküljel ei ole mõeldud Teile, siis palun [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Kasutaja sisselogimine|looge konto või logige sisse]], et edaspidi arusaamatusi vältida.'' ",
"noarticletext" => "(See lehekülg on praegu tühi)",
"updated" => "(Värskendatud)",
"note" => "<strong>Meeldetuletus:</strong> ",
@@ -341,7 +350,7 @@ Te kinnitate ka, et kirjutasite selle ise või võtsite selle kopeerimiskitsendu
"longpagewarning" => "HOIATUS: Selle lehekülje pikkus ületab $1 kilobaiti. Mõne brauseri puhul valmistab raskusi 32 kilobaidile läheneva pikkusega lehekülgede redigeerimine. Palun kaaluge selle lehekülje sisu jaotamist lühemate lehekülgede vahel.",
"readonlywarning" => "HOIATUS: Andmebaas on lukustatud hooldustöödeks, nii et praegu ei saa parandusi salvestada. Võite teksti alal hoida tekstifailina ning salvestada hiljem.",
"protectedpagewarning" => "HOIATUS: See lehekülg on lukustatud, nii et seda saavad redigeerida ainult süsteemi operaatori õigustega kasutajad. Järgige juhtnööre leheküljel
-<a href='/wiki/Vikipeedia:Juhtnöörid_kaitstud_lehekülje_kohta'>
+<a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Juhtnöörid_kaitstud_lehekülje_kohta'>
# History pages
@@ -370,7 +379,7 @@ Te kinnitate ka, et kirjutasite selle ise või võtsite selle kopeerimiskitsendu
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Otsingu tulemid",
-"searchhelppage" => "Vikipeedia:Otsing",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Otsing",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Otsimine Vikipeediast",
"searchresulttext" => "Lisainfot Vikipeediast otsimise kohta vaata $1.",
"searchquery" => "Päring \"$1\"",
@@ -442,14 +451,14 @@ Teie sisemine ID-number on $2.",
"changes" => "muudatused",
"recentchanges" => "Viimased muudatused",
"recentchangestext" => "Jälgige sellel leheküljel Vikipeedia viimaseid muudatusi.
-[[Vikipeedia:Tere tulemast|Tere tulemast]]!
-Palun vaadake järgmisi lehekülgi: [[Vikipeedia:KKK|Vikipeedia KKK]],
-[[Vikipeedia:Ideoloogia ja juhtnöörid|Vikipeedia ideoloogia]]
-(eriti [[Vikipeedia:Nomenklatuur|Nomenklatuur]],
-[[Vikipeedia:Neutraalne vaatekoht|Neutraalne vaatekoht]]),
-and [[Vikipeedia:Levinumad eksisammud Vikipeedias|levinumad eksisammud Vikipeedias]].
-Et Vikipeedia projekt õnnestuks, on väga tähtis, et Te ei paigutaks siia kasutuspiirangutega materjali' [[Vikipeedia:Autoriõigused|autoriõigused]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Tere tulemast|Tere tulemast]]!
+Palun vaadake järgmisi lehekülgi: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:KKK|Vikipeedia KKK]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ideoloogia ja juhtnöörid|Vikipeedia ideoloogia]]
+(eriti [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Nomenklatuur|Nomenklatuur]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Neutraalne vaatekoht|Neutraalne vaatekoht]]),
+and [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Levinumad eksisammud Vikipeedias|levinumad eksisammud Vikipeedias]].
+Et Vikipeedia projekt õnnestuks, on väga tähtis, et Te ei paigutaks siia kasutuspiirangutega materjali' [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Autoriõigused|autoriõigused]].
Palun ärge tehke seda, et vältida Vikipeedia kohtusse kaebamist.
Vaata ka [ hiljutist ingliskeelset arutelu].",
"rcloaderr" => "Viimaste muudatuste laadimine",
@@ -484,12 +493,12 @@ Vaata ka [ hiljutist inglisk
"uploaderror" => "Upload error",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here,
make sure to read and follow Wikipedia's <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
<p>To view or search previously uploaded images,
go to the <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">list of uploaded images</a>.
Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
<p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in
illustrating your articles.
On most browsers, you will see a \"Browse...\" button, which will
@@ -520,7 +529,7 @@ All times shown are server time (UTC).
"filedesc" => "Lühikirjeldus",
"affirmation" => "I affirm that the copyright holder of this file
agrees to license it under the terms of the $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Vikipeedia:Copyrights",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights",
"copyrightpagename" => "Vikipeedia copyright",
"uploadedfiles" => "Uploaded files",
"noaffirmation" => "You must affirm that your upload does not violate
@@ -586,7 +595,7 @@ Nende hulgas on <b>$2</b> administraatorit (vt $3).",
"maintnancepagetext" => "This page includes several handy tools for everyday maintenance. Some of these functions tend to stress the database, so please do not hit reload after every item you fixed ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Tagasi hooldusleheküljele",
"disambiguations" => "Disambiguation pages",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
"disambiguationstext" => "The following articles link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
"doubleredirects" => "Double Redirects",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br>\nEach row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the \"real\" taget article, which the first redirect should point to.",
@@ -698,7 +707,7 @@ make it easier to pick out.</p>
or image along with all of its history from the database.
Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the
consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with
"confirmcheck" => "Yes, I really want to delete this.",
"actioncomplete" => "Toiming sooritatud",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" on kustutatud.
@@ -734,7 +743,7 @@ will not be automatically replaced.",
"undeletebtn" => "Taasta!",
"undeletedarticle" => "\"$1\" taastatud",
"undeletedtext" => "Artikkel [[$1]] on taastatud.
-See [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
+See [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
# Contributions
@@ -763,7 +772,7 @@ to perform this function on.",
"blockiptext" => "Use the form below to block write access
from a specific IP address.
This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in
-accordance with [[Wikipedia:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
+accordance with [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular
pages that were vandalized).",
"ipaddress" => "IP-aadress",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageFa.php b/languages/LanguageFa.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8de34e0b3a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/LanguageFa.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+# Wikipedia localization for Persian
+# Language-specific text
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "ویکی‌پدیا";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "ویکی‌پدیا";
+# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
+# set "currentevents" => "-"
+# NOTE: To turn off "Disclaimers" in the title links,
+# set "disclaimers" => "-"
+# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
+# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
+# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
+/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesFa = array(
+ -2 => "مدیا",
+ -1 => "ویژه",
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "بحث",
+ 2 => "کاربر",
+ 3 => "بحث_کاربر",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "بحث_" . $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 6 => "تصویر",
+ 7 => "بحث_تصویر",
+ 8 => "مدیاویکی",
+ 9 => "بحث_مدیاویکی"
+/* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsFa = array(
+ "نباشد", "ثابت چپ", "ثابت راست", "شناور چپ"
+/* private */ $wgSkinNamesFa = array(
+ "استاندارد", "نوستالژی", "آبی کلون", "پدینگتون", "مون‌پارناس"
+/* private */ $wgMathNamesFa = array(
+ "همیشه PNG کشیده شود",
+ "اگر خیلی ساده بودHTML وگرنه PNG",
+ "اگر ممکن بود HTML وگرنه PNG",
+ "در قالب TeX باقی بماند (برای مرورگرهای متنی)",
+ "توصیه برای مرورگرهای امروزی"
+/* private */ $wgUserTogglesFa = array(
+ "hover" => "نمایش جعبه‌ی hover روی پیوندهای ویکی",
+ "underline" => "زیر پیوندها خط کشیده شود",
+ "highlightbroken" => "قالب‌بندی پیوندهای ناقص
+<a href=\"\" class=\"new\">به این شکل</a> (امکان دیگر: به این شکل<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">؟</a>).",
+ "justify" => "تنظیم بندها",
+ "hideminor" => "نشان ندادن تغییرات جزئی در Ùهرست تغییرات اخیر",
+ "usenewrc" => "تغییرات اخیر گسترش‌یاÙته (برای هر مرورگری نیست)",
+ "numberheadings" => "شماره‌گذاری خودکار عناوین",
+ "showtoolbar"=>"نمایش نوار ابزار جعبه‌ی ویرایش",
+ "editondblclick" => "ویرایش صÙحه‌ها با دوکلیک (جاوااسکریپت)",
+ "editsection"=>"به کار انداختن ویرایش قسمت‌ها از طریق پیوندهای [ویرایش]",
+ "editsectiononrightclick"=>"به کار انداختن ویرایش قسمت‌ها با کلیک راست<br>روی عناوین قسمت‌ها (جاوااسکریپت)",
+ "showtoc"=>"نمایش Ùهرست مندرجات<br>(برای مقالات با بیش از Û³ سرÙصل)",
+ "rememberpassword" => "کلمه‌ی عبور برای نشست‌های بعدی بماند",
+ "editwidth" => "عرض جعبه‌ی ویرایش کامل باشد",
+ "watchdefault" => "اÙزودن صÙحاتی Ú©Ù‡ ویرایش می‌کند به Ùهرست تعقیبات",
+ "minordefault" => "پیش‌Ùرض همه‌ی ویرایش‌ها «جزئی» باشد",
+ "previewontop" => "نمایش پیش‌نمایش قبل از جعبه‌ی ویرایش و نه قبل از آن",
+ "nocache" => "از کار انداختن حاÙظه‌ی نهانی صÙحات"
+/* private */ $wgWeekdayNamesFa = array(
+ "یک‌شنبه", "دوشنبه", "سه‌شنبه", "چهارشنبه", "پنجشنبه",
+ "جمعه", "شنبه"
+/* private */ $wgMonthNamesFa = array(
+ "ژانویه", "Ùوریه", "مارس", "آوریل", "مه", "ژوئن",
+ "ژوئیه", "اوت", "سپتامبر", "اکتبر", "نوامبر",
+ "دسامبر"
+# All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
+# will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
+# is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
+/* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesFa = array(
+ "Userlogin" => "",
+ "Userlogout" => "",
+ "Preferences" => "تنظیم ترجیحات کاربر",
+ "Watchlist" => "Ùهرست تعقیبات من",
+ "Recentchanges" => "صÙحات اخیراً به‌روزشده",
+ "Upload" => "بار کردن پرونده‌های تصویری",
+ "Imagelist" => "Ùهرست تصاویر",
+ "Listusers" => "کاربران ثبت‌شده",
+ "Statistics" => "آمارهای وب‌گاه",
+ "Randompage" => "مقاله‌ی تصادÙÛŒ",
+ "Lonelypages" => "مقاله‌های یتیم",
+ "Unusedimages" => "تصاویر یتیم",
+ "Popularpages" => "مقاله‌های محبوب",
+ "Wantedpages" => "مقاله‌های با بیشترین درخواست",
+ "Shortpages" => "مقاله‌های کوتاه",
+ "Longpages" => "مقاله‌های طولانی",
+ "Newpages" => "مقاله‌های تازه‌ایجادشده",
+ "Ancientpages" => "قدیمی‌ترین مقاله‌ها",
+ "Deadendpages" => "صÙحات بن‌بست",
+# "Intl" => "پیوندهای بین‌زبانی",
+ "Allpages" => "همه‌ی صÙحات بر اساس عنوان",
+ "Ipblocklist" => "کاربران/نشانی‌های IP بسته‌شده",
+ "Maintenance" => "صÙحه‌ی نگهداری",
+ "Specialpages" => "",
+ "Contributions" => "",
+ "Emailuser" => "",
+ "Whatlinkshere" => "",
+ "Recentchangeslinked" => "",
+ "Movepage" => "",
+ "Booksources" => "منابع خارجی کتاب‌ها",
+# "Categories" => "رده‌های صÙحات",
+ "Export" => "صدور صÙحه‌ی XML",
+ "Version" => "Version",
+/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesFa = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
+ "Blockip" => "بستن کاربر/نشانی IP",
+ "Asksql" => "پرس‌وجوی پایگاه داده",
+ "Undelete" => "احیای صÙحات حذÙ‌شده"
+/* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesFa = array(
+ "Lockdb" => "Ùقط‌خواندنی کردن پایگاه داده",
+ "Unlockdb" => "احیای دسترسی نوشتن به پایگاه داده",
+ "Debug" => "اطلاعات اشکال‌زدایی"
+# Default messages
+/* private */ $wgAllMessagesFa = array(
+# Bits of text used by many pages:
+"categories" => "رده‌های صÙحات",
+"category" => "رده",
+"category_header" => "مقاله‌های رده‌ی «$1»",
+"subcategories" => "زیررده‌ها",
+"linktrail" => "/^([a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD", /* This may need to be changed --RP */
+"mainpage" => "صÙحه‌ی اصلی",
+"mainpagetext" => "نرم‌اÙزار ویکی با موÙقیت نصب شد.",
+"about" => "درباره",
+"aboutwikipedia" => "درباره‌ی ویکی‌پدیا",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:درباره",
+"help" => "راهنما",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:راهنما",
+"wikititlesuffix" => "ویکی‌پدیا",
+"bugreports" => "گزارش اشکالات",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:گزارش اشکالات",
+"sitesupport" => "کمک مالی",
+"sitesupportpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:کمک_مالی", # If not set, won't appear. Can be wiki page or URL
+"faq" => "سؤالات معمول",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:سؤالات معمول",
+"edithelp" => "راهنمای ویرایش کردن",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:چگونه_صÙحات_را_ویرایش_کنیم",
+"cancel" => "لغو",
+"qbfind" => "یاÙتن",
+"qbbrowse" => "مرور",
+"qbedit" => "ویرایش",
+"qbpageoptions" => "این صÙحه",
+"qbpageinfo" => "باÙت",
+"qbmyoptions" => "صÙحات من",
+"qbspecialpages" => "صÙحات ویژه",
+"moredotdotdot" => "بیشتر...",
+"mypage" => "صÙحه‌ی من",
+"mytalk" => "بحث من",
+"currentevents" => "وقایع کنونی",
+"disclaimers" => "تکذیب‌نامه‌ها",
+"disclaimerpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:تکذیب‌نامه‌ی عمومی",
+"errorpagetitle" => "خطا",
+"returnto" => "بازگشت به $1.",
+"fromwikipedia" => "از ویکی‌پدیا، دایرةالمعار٠آزاد.",
+"whatlinkshere" => "صÙحاتی Ú©Ù‡ به اینجا پیوند دارند",
+"help" => "راهنما",
+"search" => "جستجو شود",
+"go" => "برود",
+"history" => "تاریخچه‌ی صÙحه",
+"printableversion" => "نسخه‌ی قابل چاپ",
+"editthispage" => "ویرایش این صÙحه",
+"deletethispage" => "حذ٠این صÙحه",
+"protectthispage" => "محاÙظت از این صÙحه",
+"unprotectthispage" => "از محاÙظت در آوردن این صÙحه",
+"newpage" => "صÙحه‌ی جدید",
+"talkpage" => "بحث درباره‌ی این صÙحه",
+"postcomment" => "نوشتن نظر",
+"articlepage" => "نمایش مقاله",
+"subjectpage" => "نمایش موضوع", # For compatibility
+"userpage" => "نمایش صÙحه‌ی کاربر",
+"wikipediapage" => "نمایش Ùوق صÙحه",
+"imagepage" => "نمایش صÙحه‌ی تصویر",
+"viewtalkpage" => "نمایش مباحثات",
+"otherlanguages" => "زبان‌های دیگر",
+"redirectedfrom" => "(تغییر مسیر از $1)",
+"lastmodified" => "این صÙحه آخرین بار در $1 تغییر کرده است.",
+"viewcount" => "این صÙحه $1 بار دیده شده است.",
+"gnunote" => "کلیه‌ی متون تحت شرایط <a class=internal href='{$wgMetaNamespace}:Text_of_the_GNU_Free_Documentation_License'>اجازه‌نامه‌ی مستندات آزاد گنو</a> در دسترسند.",
+"printsubtitle" => "(از",
+"protectedpage" => "صÙحه‌ی محاÙظت‌شده",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:مدیران",
+"sysoptitle" => "دسترسی اپراتور سیستم لازم است",
+"sysoptext" => "عملی را Ú©Ù‡ شما درخواست کرده‌اید Ùقط کاربران با وضعیت «اپراتور سیستم» می‌توانند انجام دهند.
+به $1 مراجعه کنید.",
+"developertitle" => "دسترسی برنامه‌نویس لازم است",
+"developertext" => "عملی را Ú©Ù‡ شما درخواست کرده‌اید Ùقط می‌تواند توسط کاربران با وضعیت «برنامه‌نویس» انجام شود.
+به $1 مراجعه کنید.",
+"nbytes" => "$1 بایت",
+"go" => "برو",
+"ok" => "باشد",
+"sitetitle" => "ویکی‌پدیا",
+"sitesubtitle" => "دایرةالمعار٠آزاد",
+"retrievedfrom" => "گرÙته شده از «$1»",
+"newmessages" => "$1 دارید.",
+"newmessageslink" => "پیغام جدید",
+"toc" => "Ùهرست مندرجات",
+"showtoc" => "نمایش داده شود",
+"hidetoc" => "مخÙÛŒ شود",
+"thisisdeleted" => "نمایش یا احیای $1؟",
+"restorelink" => "$1 ویرایش حذÙ‌شده",
+# Main script and global functions
+"nosuchaction" => "چنین عملی وجود ندارد",
+"nosuchactiontext" => "ویکی عمل مشخص شده در URL را نمی‌شناسد",
+"nosuchspecialpage" => "چنین صÙحه‌ی ویژه‌ای وجود ندارد",
+"nospecialpagetext" => "شما صÙحه‌ی ویژه‌ای را درخواست کرده‌اید Ú©Ù‡ ویکی نمی‌شناسد.",
+# General errors
+"error" => "خطا",
+"databaseerror" => "خطای پایگاه داده",
+"dberrortext" => "A database query syntax error has occurred.
+This could be because of an illegal search query (see $5),
+or it may indicate a bug in the software.
+The last attempted database query was:
+from within function \"<tt>$2</tt>\".
+MySQL returned error \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".",
+"dberrortextcl" => "A database query syntax error has occurred.
+The last attempted database query was:
+from within function \"$2\".
+MySQL returned error \"$3: $4\".\n",
+"noconnect" => "شرمنده! ویکی مشکلات ÙÙ†ÛŒ دارد، Ùˆ نمی‌تواند با خادم پایگاه داده تماس بگیرد.",
+"nodb" => "نمی‌توان پایگاه داده‌ی $1 را انتخاب کرد",
+"cachederror" => "در زیر یک نسخه‌ی بایگانی‌شده‌ی صÙحه‌ی درخواستی می‌آید، Ùˆ ممکن است به‌روز نباشد.",
+"readonly" => "پایگاه داده Ù‚ÙÙ„ شد",
+"enterlockreason" => "دلیلی برای Ù‚ÙÙ„ کردن ذکر کنید، شامل تقریبی برای زمانی Ú©Ù‡ Ù‚ÙÙ„ برداشته خواهد شد",
+"readonlytext" => "The database is currently locked to new
+entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance,
+after which it will be back to normal.
+The administrator who locked it offered this explanation:
+"missingarticle" => "پایگاه داده متن صÙحه‌ای به نام «$1» را Ú©Ù‡ باید می‌یاÙت، نیاÙت.
+<p>این مشکل معمولاٌ بر اثر ادامه دادن پیوندهای تاریخ‌گذشته‌ی تÙاوت یا تاریخچه‌ی صÙحاتی رخ می‌دهد Ú©Ù‡ حذ٠شده‌اند.
+<p>اگر مورد شما این نیست، ممکن است اشکالی در نرم‌اÙزار پیدا کرده باشید.
+لطÙاً این مسئله را، با ذکر URLØŒ به یکی از مدیران گزارش کنید.",
+"internalerror" => "خطای داخلی",
+"filecopyerror" => "نتوانستم از پرونده‌ی «$1» روی «$2» نسخه‌برداری کنم.",
+"filerenameerror" => "نتوانستم پرونده‌ی «$1» را به «$2» تغییر نام دهم.",
+"filedeleteerror" => "نتوانستم پرونده‌ی «$1» را حذ٠کنم",
+"filenotfound" => "پرونده‌ی «$1» یاÙت نشد.",
+"unexpected" => "مقدار غیرمنتظره: «$1»=«$2».",
+"formerror" => "خطا: نمی‌توان Ùرم را Ùرستاد",
+"badarticleerror" => "نمی‌توان این عمل را بر این صÙحه انجام داد.",
+"cannotdelete" => "نتوانستم صÙحه را تصویر مشخص‌شده را حذ٠کنم. (ممکن است قبلاً کس دیگری آن را حذ٠کرده باشد.)",
+"badtitle" => "عنوان بد",
+"badtitletext" => "عنوان درخواستی نامعتبر، خالی، یا عنوانی بین زبانی یا بین‌ویکی‌ای با پیوند نادرست بود.",
+"perfdisabled" => "شرمنده! این امکان موÙقتاً برداشته شده چون پایگاه داده را چنان کند می‌کند
+Ú©Ù‡ هیچ کس نمی‌تواند از ویکی استÙاده کند.",
+"perfdisabledsub" => "این نسخه‌ی ذخیره‌شده‌ای از $1 است: ",
+"wrong_wfQuery_params" => "پارامترهای wfQuery() نادرست است<br>
+تابع: $1<br>
+پرس‌وجو: $2
+"viewsource" => "نمایش مبدأ",
+"protectedtext" => "این صÙحه برای جلوگیری از ویرایش Ù‚ÙÙ„ شده است؛ این کار ممکن است دلایل مختلÙÛŒ داشته باشد. لطÙاً به
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:صÙحه‌ی محاÙظت‌شده]] مراجعه کنید.
+شما می‌توانید مبدأ این صÙحه را مشاهده Ùˆ تکثیر کنید:",
+# Login and logout pages
+"logouttitle" => "خروج کاربر از سیستم",
+"logouttext" => "اکنون از سیستم خارج شدید.
+شما می‌توانید به استÙاده‌ی گمنام از ویکی‌پدیا ادامه دهید، یا می‌توانید با همین کاربر یا کاربر دیگری
+به سیستم وارد شوید. توجه کنید که تا زمانی که cache مرورگرتان را پاک کنید،
+بعضی صÙحات ممکن است به Ø´Ú©Ù„ÛŒ نمایش یابند Ú©Ù‡ انگار هنوز وارد سیستم هستید.\n",
+"welcomecreation" => "<h2>$1، خوش آمدید!</h2><p>حساب شما ایجاد شد.
+Ùراموش نکنید Ú©Ù‡ ترجیحات ویکی‌پدیاتان را تنظیم کنید.",
+"loginpagetitle" => "ورود کاربر به سیستم",
+"yourname" => "نام کاربری شما",
+"yourpassword" => "کلمه‌ی عبور شما",
+"yourpasswordagain" => "کلمه‌ی عبور را دوباره وارد کنید",
+"newusersonly" => " (Ùقط کاربران جدید)",
+"remembermypassword" => "کلمه‌ی عبور بین نشست‌ها به خاطر سپرده شود.",
+"loginproblem" => "<b>ورود شما به سیستم با مشکلی مواجه شد.</b><br>دوباره تلاش کنید!",
+"alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=red><b>کاربر $1, شما از قبل وارد سیستم شده‌اید!</b></font><br>\n",
+"login" => "ورود به سیستم",
+"loginprompt" => "برای ورود به ویکی‌پدیا باید cookieها را Ùعال کنید.",
+"userlogin" => "ورود به سیستم",
+"logout" => "خروج از سیستم",
+"userlogout" => "خروج از سیستم",
+"notloggedin" => "به سیستم وارد نشده‌اید",
+"createaccount" => "ایجاد حساب جدید",
+"createaccountmail" => "با پست الکترونیکی",
+"badretype" => "کلمه‌های عبوری که وارد کردید یکسان نیستند.",
+"userexists" => "نام کاربری‌ای Ú©Ù‡ وارد کردید قبلاً استÙاده شده است. لطÙاً یک نام دیگر انتخاب کنید.",
+"youremail" => "پست الکترونیکی شما*",
+"yournick" => "لقب شما (برای امضاها)",
+"emailforlost" => "* وارد کردن نشانی پست الکترونیکی اختیاری است. اما اجازه می‌دهد دیگران،
+بدون نیاز به این Ú©Ù‡ نشانی پست الکترونیک‌تان را اÙشا کنید، با شما از طریق وبگاه تماس بگیرند،
+Ùˆ اگر کلمه‌ی عبورتان را Ùراموش کنید نیز کمکتان می‌کند.",
+"loginerror" => "خطا در ورود به سیستم",
+"nocookiesnew" => "حساب کاربری ایجاد شد، اما شما وارد سیستم نشدید. ویکی‌پدیا برای ورود کاربران به سیستم از cookie استÙاده می‌کند. شما
+cookieها را از کار انداخته‌اید. لطÙاً cookieها را به کار بیندازید، Ùˆ سپس با نام کاربری Ùˆ کلمه‌ی عبور جدیدتان به سیستم وارد شوید.",
+"nocookieslogin" => "ویکی‌پدیا برای ورود کاربران به سیستم از cookie استÙاده می‌کند. شما cookieها را از کار
+انداخته‌اید. لطÙاً cookieها را به کار بیندازید Ùˆ دوباره تلاش کنید.",
+"noname" => "شما نام کاربری معتبری مشخص نکرده‌اید.",
+"loginsuccesstitle" => "ورود موÙقیت‌آمیز به سیستم",
+"loginsuccess" => "شما اکنون با نام «$1» به ویکی‌پدیا وارد شده‌اید.",
+"nosuchuser" => "کاربری با نام «$1» وجود ندارد.
+املای نام را بررسی کنید، یا از Ùرم زیر برای ایجاد یک حساب کاربری جدید استÙاده کنید.",
+"wrongpassword" => "کلمه‌ی عبوری Ú©Ù‡ وارد کردید نادرست است. لطÙاٌ دوباره تلاش کنید.",
+"mailmypassword" => "یک کلمه‌ی عبور جدید به شما Ùرستاده شود",
+/* The following two messages should not be translated, in case
+ the user doesn't use email software able to read Persian. */
+"passwordremindertitle" => "Password reminder from Wikipedia",
+"passwordremindertext" => "Someone (probably you, from IP address $1)
+requested that we send you a new Wikipedia login password.
+The password for user \"$2\" is now \"$3\".
+You should log in and change your password now.",
+"noemail" => "هیچ نشانی پست الکترونیکی‌ای برای کاربر «$1» ثبت نشده است.",
+"passwordsent" => "یک کلمه‌ی عبور جدید به نشانی الکترونیکی ثبت شده برای کاربر «$1» Ùرستاده شد.
+لطÙاٌ پس از دریاÙت آن دوباره به سیستم وارد شوید.",
+"loginend" => "",
+# Edit page toolbar
+"bold_sample"=>"متن سیاه",
+"bold_tip"=>"متن سیاه",
+"italic_sample"=>"متن ایتالیک",
+"italic_tip"=>"متن ایتالیک",
+"link_sample"=>"عنوان پیوند",
+"link_tip"=>"پیوند داخلی",
+"extlink_sample"=>" عنوان پیوند",
+"extlink_tip"=>"پیوند خارجی (پیشوند http://‎ را Ùراموش نکنید)",
+"headline_sample"=>"متن عنوان",
+"headline_tip"=>"عنوان سطح ۲",
+"math_sample"=>"درج Ùرمول در اینجا",
+"math_tip"=>"Ùرمول ریاضی (LaTeX)",
+"nowiki_sample"=>"اینجا متن قالب‌بندی‌نشده وارد شود",
+"nowiki_tip"=>"نادیده گرÙتن قالب‌بندی ویکی",
+"image_tip"=>"تصویر داخل متن",
+"media_tip"=>"پیوند پرونده‌ی رسانه",
+"sig_tip"=>"امضای شما و برچسب زمان",
+"hr_tip"=>"خط اÙÙ‚ÛŒ (با صرÙه‌جویی استÙاده کنید)",
+"infobox"=>"برای درج متن نمونه روی یک دکمه کلیک کنید",
+# Edit pages
+"summary" => "خلاصه",
+"subject" => "موضوع/عنوان",
+"minoredit" => "این ویرایش جزئی است",
+"watchthis" => "تعقیب این مقاله",
+"savearticle" => "صÙحه ذخیره شود",
+"preview" => "پیش‌نمایش",
+"showpreview" => "پیش‌نمایش نمایش یابد",
+"blockedtitle" => "کاربر بسته شده است",
+"blockedtext" => "نام کاربری یا نشانی IP شما توسط $1 بسته شده است.
+دلیل داده‌شده این است:<br>''$2''<p>شما می‌توانید با $1 یا یکی از
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:مدیران|مدیران]] تماس بگیرید و در این باره صحبت کنید.
+توجه کنید Ú©Ù‡ شما نمی‌توانید از امکان «Ùرستادن پست الکترونیکی به این کاربر» استÙاده کنید مگر اینکه نشانی پست الکترونیکی
+معتبری در [[ویژه:ترجیحات|ترجیحات کاربری]]‌تان ثبت کرده باشید.
+نشانی IP شما $3 است. لطÙاً این نشانی را در کلیه‌ی پرس‌وجوهایتان ذکر کنید.
+==نکته برای کاربران AOL==
+به خاطر اعمال تخریبی یک کاربر مشخص AOL، ویکی‌پدیا معمولاً proxyهای AOL را می‌بندد.
+متأسÙانه ممکن است تعداد زیادی از کاربران AOL از یک خادم proxy واحد استÙاده کنند، Ùˆ در نتیجه کاربران بی‌تقصیر AOL معمولاً ندانسته بسته می‌شوند.
+از دردسر ایجاد شده عذر می‌خواهیم.
+اگر این اتÙاق برای شما اÙتاد، لطÙاً به یکی از مدیران از یک نشانی پست الکترونیک AOL پیغام بÙرستید. حتماً نشانی IPÛŒ را در Ùوق داده شده
+ذکر کنید.
+"whitelistedittitle" => "برای ویرایش باید به سیستم وارد شوید",
+"whitelistedittext" => "برای ویرایش مقاله‌ها باید به سیستم [[ویژه:Userlogin|وارد]] شوید.",
+"whitelistreadtitle" => "برای خواندن باید به سیستم وارد شوید",
+"whitelistreadtext" => "
+برای خواندن مقالات باید [[ویژه:Userlogin|به سیستم وارد شوید]].",
+"whitelistacctitle" => "شما مجاز نیستید حساب درست کنید.",
+"whitelistacctext" => "برای ایجاد حساب در این ویکی باید [[ویژه:Userlogin|به سیستم وارد شوید]] و اجازه
+‌های مربوط به این کار را داشته باشید.",
+"accmailtitle" => "کلمه‌ی عبور Ùرستاده شد.",
+"accmailtext" => "کلمه‌ی عبور «$1» به «$2» Ùرستاده شد.",
+"newarticle" => "(جدید)",
+"newarticletext" =>
+"شما پیوندی را دنبال کرده‌اید Ùˆ به صÙحه‌ای رسیده‌اید Ú©Ù‡ هنوز وجود ندارد.
+برای ایجاد صÙحه، در مستطیل زیر شروع به تایپ کنید
+(برای اطلاعات بیشتر به [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:راهنما|صÙحه‌ی راهنما]] مراجعه کنید).
+اگر اشتباهاً اینجا آمده‌اید، دکمه‌ی '''back''' مرورگرتان را بزنید.",
+"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''این صÙحه‌ی بحث برای کاربر گمنامی است Ú©Ù‡ هنوز حسابی درست نکرده است یا از آن استÙاده نمی‌کند.
+بنابراین برای شناسایی‌اش مجبوریم از [[نشانی IP]] عددی استÙاده کنیم. چنین نشانی‌های IPای ممکن است توسط چندین کاربر به Ø´Ú©Ù„
+مشترک استÙاده شود.
+اگر شما کاربر گمنامی هستید Ùˆ تصور می‌کنید اظهار نظرات نامربوط به شما صورت گرÙته است،
+لطÙاً برای پیشگیری از اشتباه گرÙته شدن با کاربران گمنام دیگر در آیند [[ویژه:Userlogin|حسابی ایجاد کنید یا به سیستم وارد شوید]].'' ",
+"noarticletext" => "(این صÙحه در حال حاضر متنی ندارد)",
+"updated" => "(به‌روز شد)",
+"note" => "<strong>نکته:</strong> ",
+"previewnote" => "توجه کنید Ú©Ù‡ این Ùقط پیش‌نمایش است، Ùˆ ذخیره نشده است!",
+"previewconflict" => "این پیش‌نمایش منعکس‌کننده‌ی متن ناحیه‌ی ویرایش متن بالایی است،
+به شکلی که اگر بخواهید متن را ذخیره کنید نشان داده خواهد شد.",
+"editing" => "در حال ویرایش $1",
+"sectionedit" => " (قسمت)",
+"commentedit" => " (یادداشت)",
+"editconflict" => "تعارض ویرایشی: $1",
+"explainconflict" => "از وقتی شما ویرایش این صÙحه را آغاز کرده‌اید شخص دیگری آن را تغییر داده است.
+ناحیه‌ی متنی بالایی شامل متن صÙحه به Ø´Ú©Ù„ Ùعلی آن است.
+تغییرات شما در ناحیه‌ی متنی پایینی نشان داده شده است.
+شما باید تغییراتتان را با متن Ùعلی ترکیب کنید.
+وقتی «ذخیره‌ی صÙحه» را Ùشار دهید، <b>Ùقط</b> متن ناحیه‌ی متنی بالایی ذخیره خواهد شد.\n<p>",
+"yourtext" => "متن شما",
+"storedversion" => "نسخه‌ی ضبط‌شده",
+"editingold" => "<strong>هشدار:
+شما دارید نسخه‌ی قدیمی‌ای از این صÙحه را ویرایش می‌کنید.
+اگر ذخیره‌اش کنید، هر تغییری Ú©Ù‡ پس از این نسخه انجام شده از بین خواهد رÙت.</strong>\n",
+"yourdiff" => "تÙاوت‌ها",
+# FIXME: This is inappropriate for third-party use!
+"copyrightwarning" => "لطÙاٌ توجه داشته باشید Ú©Ù‡ Ùرض می‌شود کلیه‌ی مشارکت‌های شما با ویکی‌پدیا
+تحت اجازه‌نامه‌ی مستندات آزاد گنو منتشر می‌شوند
+(برای جزئیات بیشتر به $1 مراجعه کنید).
+اگر نمی‌خواهد نوشته‌هایتان بیرحمانه ویرایش شده و به دلخواه توزیع شود،
+اینجا Ù†Ùرستیدشان.<br>
+همینطور شما دارید به ما قول می‌دهید که خودتان این را نوشته‌اید، یا آن را از یک منبع آزاد با
+مالکیت عمومی یا مشابه آن برداشته‌اید.
+<strong>کارهای دارای حق انحصاری تکثیر (کپی‌رایت) را بی اجازه Ù†Ùرستید!</strong>",
+"longpagewarning" => "هشدار: این صÙحه $1 کیلوبایت طول دارد؛
+بعضی مرورگرها ممکن با ویرایش صÙحات نزدیک به Û³Û² کیلوبایت یا طولانیتر از آن مشکلاتی داشته باشند.
+لطÙاً درباره‌ی شکستن این صÙحه به قسمت‌های کوچکتر Ùکر کنید.",
+"readonlywarning" => "هشدار: پایگاه داده برای نگهداری Ù‚ÙÙ„ شده است،
+بنابراین نمی‌توانید ویرایش‌هایتان را همین الآن ذخیره کنید.
+اگر می‌خواهید متن را در یک پرونده‌ی متنی ببرید و بچسبانید و برای آینده ذخیره‌اش کنید.",
+"protectedpagewarning" => "هشدار: این صÙحه Ù‚ÙÙ„ شده است تا Ùقط کاربران با امتیاز اپراتور سیستم بتوانند ویرایشش کنند.
+مطمئن شوید که از
+<a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:توصیه‌های صÙحات محاÙظت‌شده'>توصیه‌های صÙحات محاÙظت‌شده</a> پیروی می‌کنید.",
+# History pages
+"revhistory" => "تاریخچه‌ی تغییرات",
+"nohistory" => "این صÙحه تاریخچه‌ی ویرایش ندارد.",
+"revnotfound" => "نسخه یاÙت نشد",
+"revnotfoundtext" => "نسخه‌ی قدیمی‌از از صÙحه Ú©Ù‡ درخواست کرده بودید یاÙت نشد.
+لطÙاً URLÛŒ را Ú©Ù‡ برای دسترسی به این صÙحه استÙاده کرده‌اید بررسی کنید.\n",
+"loadhist" => "در حال خواندن تاریخچه‌ی صÙحه",
+"currentrev" => "نسخه‌ی Ùعلی",
+"revisionasof" => "نسخه‌ی $1",
+"cur" => "Ùعلی",
+"next" => "بعدی",
+"last" => "آخرین",
+"orig" => "اصلی",
+"histlegend" => "شرح: (Ùعلی) = تÙاوت با نسخه‌ی Ùعلی،
+(آخرین) = تÙاوت با نسخه‌ی قبلی، جز = ویرایش جزئی",
+# Diffs
+"difference" => "(تÙاوت بین نسخه‌ها)",
+"loadingrev" => "در حال خواندن نسخه برای تÙاوت گرÙتن",
+"lineno" => "سطر $1:",
+"editcurrent" => "ویرایش نسخه‌ی Ùعلی این صÙحه",
+# Search results
+"searchresults" => "نتایج جستجو",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:جستجو کردن",
+"searchingwikipedia" => "جستجوی ویکی‌پدیا",
+"searchresulttext" => "برای اطلاعات بیشتر درباره‌ی جستجوی ویکی‌پدیا، به $1 مراجعه کنید.",
+"searchquery" => "برای پرس‌وجوی «$1»",
+"badquery" => "پرس‌وجوی جستجویی بدشکل",
+"badquerytext" => "نتوانستیم پرس‌وجوی شما را پردازش کنیم.
+این مشکل احتمالاً به این دلیل است Ú©Ù‡ سعی کرده‌اید به دنبال کلمه‌ای کوتاهتر از سه حرÙ
+بگردید، که هنوز پشتیبانی نمی‌شود.
+همین‌طور ممکن است عبارت را اشتباه وارد کرده باشید، مثلاً «ماهی و و پولک».
+لطÙاً یک پرس‌وجوی دیگر را امتحان کنید.",
+"matchtotals" => "پرس‌وجوی «$1» متناظر $2 عنوان مقاله
+و $3 متن مقاله است.",
+"nogomatch" => "صÙحه‌ی با دقیقاً این عنوان وجود ندارد، تلاش برای جستجوی Ú©Ù„ متن.",
+"titlematches" => "Article title matches",
+"notitlematches" => "عنوان هیچ مقاله‌ای نمی‌خورد",
+"textmatches" => "Article text matches",
+"notextmatches" => "متن هیچ مقاله‌ای نمی‌خورد",
+"prevn" => "$1تای قبلی",
+"nextn" => "$1تای بعدی",
+"viewprevnext" => "نمایش ($1) ($2) ($3).",
+"showingresults" => "Showing below <b>$1</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>.",
+"showingresultsnum" => "Showing below <b>$3</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>.",
+"nonefound" => "<strong>نکته</strong>: unsuccessful searches are
+often caused by searching for common words like \"have\" and \"from\",
+which are not indexed, or by specifying more than one search term (only pages
+containing all of the search terms will appear in the result).",
+"powersearch" => "جستجو",
+"powersearchtext" => "
+جستجو در Ùضاهای نام :<br>
+$2 تغییرمسیرها Ùهرست شوند &nbsp; جستجو برای $3 $9",
+"searchdisabled" => "<p>شرمنده! جستجوی کل متن موقتاً از کار انداخته شده, for performance reasons. In the meantime, you can use the Google search below, which may be out of date.</p>
+<!-- SiteSearch Google -->
+<FORM method=GET action=\"\">
+<TABLE bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><tr><td>
+<A HREF=\"\">
+<IMG SRC=\"\"
+border=\"0\" ALT=\"Ú¯ÙˆÚ¯Ù„\"></A>
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+<INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE=\"جستجوی گوگل\">
+<font size=-1>
+<input type=hidden name=domains value=\"{$wgServer}\"><br><input type=radio name=sitesearch value=\"\"> WWW <input type=radio name=sitesearch value=\"{$wgServer}\" checked> {$wgServer} <br>
+<input type='hidden' name='ie' value='$2'>
+<input type='hidden' name='oe' value='$2'>
+<!-- SiteSearch Google -->",
+"blanknamespace" => "(اصلی)",
+# Preferences page
+"preferences" => "ترجیحات",
+"prefsnologin" => "به سیستم وارد نشده‌اید",
+"prefsnologintext" => "برای تنظیم ترجیحات کاربر باید <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "ویژه:Userlogin" ) . "\">به سیستم وارد شوید</a>.",
+"prefslogintext" => "شما با نام «$1» وارد سیستم شده‌اید.
+شماره‌ی شناسایی داخلی شما $2 است.
+برای راهنمایی در Ùهمیدن گزینه‌ها، به [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:راهنمای ترجیحات کاربر]] مراجعه کنید.",
+"prefsreset" => "ترجیحات از حاÙظه میزان شد.",
+"qbsettings" => "تنظیمات نوار سریع",
+"changepassword" => "تغییر کلمه‌ی عبور",
+"skin" => "پوسته",
+"math" => "نمایش ریاضیات",
+"dateformat" => "قالب تاریخ",
+"math_failure" => "شکست در تجزیه",
+"math_unknown_error" => "خطای ناشناخته",
+"math_unknown_function" => "تابع ناشناخته‌ی ",
+"math_lexing_error" => "خطای lexing",
+"math_syntax_error" => "خطای نحوی",
+"math_image_error" => "تبدیل به PNG شکست خورد",
+"saveprefs" => "ذخیره‌ی ترجیحات",
+"resetprefs" => "صÙر کردن ترجیحات",
+"oldpassword" => "کلمه‌ی عبور قدیمی",
+"newpassword" => "کلمه‌ی عبور جدید",
+"retypenew" => "کلمه‌ی عبور جدید را دوباره وارد کنید",
+"textboxsize" => "ابعاد جعبه‌ی متن",
+"rows" => "تعداد سطرها",
+"columns" => "تعداد ستون‌ها",
+"searchresultshead" => "تنظیمات نتیجه‌ی جستجو",
+"resultsperpage" => "تعداد نتایج در هر صÙحه",
+"contextlines" => "تعداد سطرها در هر نتیجه",
+"contextchars" => "تعداد نویسه‌های اطرا٠در سطر",
+"stubthreshold" => "آستانه‌ی نمایش ناقص‌ها",
+"recentchangescount" => "تعداد عناوین در تغییرات اخیر",
+"savedprefs" => "ترجیحات شما ذخیره شد.",
+"timezonetext" => "تÙاوت تعداد ساعت زمان محلی‌تان با زمان خادم (وقت گرینیچ) را وارد کنید.",
+"localtime" => "نمایش زمان محلی",
+"timezoneoffset" => "تÙاوت",
+"servertime" => "زمان Ùعلی خادم",
+"guesstimezone" => "از مرورگر گرÙته شود",
+"emailflag" => "از کار انداختن پست الکترونیکی از کاربران دیگر",
+"defaultns" => "به طور پیشÙرض در این Ùضاهای نام جستجو شود:",
+# Recent changes
+"changes" => "تغییرات",
+"recentchanges" => "تغییرات اخیر",
+"recentchangestext" => "آخرین تغییرات ویکی را در این صÙحه تعقیب کنید.",
+"rcloaderr" => "در حال خواندن تغییرات اخیر",
+"rcnote" => "در زیر آخرین <strong>$1</strong> تغییر در <strong>$2</strong> روز اخیر آمده است.",
+"rcnotefrom" => "در زیر تغییرات از تاریخ <b>$2</b> آمده‌اند (تا <b>$1</b> مورد نشان داده می‌شود).",
+"rclistfrom" => "نمایش تغییرات جدید با شروع از $1",
+# "rclinks" => "نمایش آخرین $1 تغییر در $2 ساعت اخیر / $3 روز اخیر",
+# "rclinks" => "نمایش آخرین $1 تغییر در $2 روز اخیر.",
+"showhideminor" => "ویرایش‌های جزئی $1",
+"rclinks" => "نمایش آخرین $1 تغییر در $2 روز اخیر؛ $3",
+"rchide" => "به Ø´Ú©Ù„ $4Ø› $1 ویرایش جزئی؛ $2 Ùضای نام ثانویه؛ $3 ویرایش چندگانه.",
+"rcliu" => "؛ $1 ویرایش از کاربران وارد شده به سیستم",
+"diff" => "تÙاوت",
+"hist" => "تاریخچه",
+"hide" => "مخÙÛŒ شود",
+"show" => "نمایش یابد",
+"tableform" => "جدول",
+"listform" => "Ùهرست",
+"nchanges" => "$1 تغییر",
+"minoreditletter" => "جز",
+"newpageletter" => "جد",
+# Upload
+"upload" => "بار کردن پرونده",
+"uploadbtn" => "پرونده بار شود",
+"uploadlink" => "بار کردن تصاویر",
+"reupload" => "بار کردن مجدد",
+"reuploaddesc" => "بازگشت به Ùرم بار کردن",
+"uploadnologin" => "به سیستم وارد نشده‌اید",
+"uploadnologintext" => "برای بار کردن پرونده‌ها باید <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "ویژه:Userlogin" ) . "\">وارد سیستم شوید</a>.",
+"uploadfile" => "بار کردن تصاویر، اصوات، اسناد، و غیره",
+"uploaderror" => "خطا در بار کردن",
+"uploadtext" => "<strong>ایست!</strong> قبل از این که چیزی اینجا بار کنید،
+مطمئن شوید که
+<a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:سیاست_استÙاده_از_تصاویر" ). "\">سیاست استÙاده از تصاویر</a>
+را خوانده‌اید و از آن پیروی می‌کنید.
+<p>If a file with the name you are specifying already
+exists on the wiki, it'll be replaced without warning.
+So unless you mean to update a file, it's a good idea
+to first check if such a file exists.
+<p>To view or search previously uploaded images,
+go to the <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "ویژه:Imagelist" ) .
+"\">list of uploaded images</a>.
+Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
+<p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in
+illustrating your articles.
+On most browsers, you will see a \"Browse...\" button, which will
+bring up your operating system's standard file open dialog.
+Choosing a file will fill the name of that file into the text
+field next to the button.
+You must also check the box affirming that you are not
+violating any copyrights by uploading the file.
+Press the \"Upload\" button to finish the upload.
+This may take some time if you have a slow internet connection.
+<p>The preferred formats are JPEG for photographic images, PNG
+for drawings and other iconic images, and OGG for sounds.
+Please name your files descriptively to avoid confusion.
+To include the image in an article, use a link in the form
+<b>[[image:file.jpg]]</b> or <b>[[image:file.png|alt text]]</b>
+or <b>[[media:file.ogg]]</b> for sounds.
+<p>Please note that as with wiki pages, others may edit or
+delete your uploads if they think it serves the encyclopedia, and
+you may be blocked from uploading if you abuse the system.",
+"uploadlog" => "سیاهه‌ی بارکردن‌ها",
+"uploadlogpage" => "سیاهه‌ی_بارکردن‌ها",
+"uploadlogpagetext" => "Ùهرست زیر Ùهرستی از آخرین بارکردن‌های پرونده‌های است.
+همه‌ی زمان‌های نشان‌داده‌شده زمان خادم هستند (وقت گرینیچ).
+"filename" => "نام پرونده",
+"filedesc" => "خلاصه",
+"filestatus" => "وضعیت حق تکثیر",
+"filesource" => "منبع",
+"affirmation" => "من تأیید می‌کنم Ú©Ù‡ دارنده‌ی حق انحصاری تکثیر این پرونده مواÙÙ‚ است Ú©Ù‡ تحت شرایط $1 منتشر شود.",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:حق_تکثیر",
+"copyrightpagename" => "حق تکثیر ویکی‌پدیا",
+"uploadedfiles" => "پرونده‌های بارشده",
+"noaffirmation" => "شما باید تأیید کنید که این بار کردن شما هیچ حق انحصاری تکثیری را زیر پا نمی‌گذارد.",
+"ignorewarning" => "هشدار نادیده گرÙته شود Ùˆ پرونده به‌هرحال ذخیره شود.",
+"minlength" => "نام پرونده باید حداقل سه‌حرÙÛŒ باشد.",
+"badfilename" => "نام پرونده به «$1» تغییر کرد.",
+"badfiletype" => "قالب پرونده‌ای «‎.$1» برای پرونده‌های تصویری توصیه نمی‌شود.",
+"largefile" => "توصیه می‌شود که اندازه‌ی تصاویر از ۱۰۰ کیلوبایت بیشتر نباشد.",
+"successfulupload" => "بار کردن با موÙقیت انجام شد",
+"fileuploaded" => "پرونده‌ی «$1» با موÙقیت بار شد.
+لطÙاً این پیوند را تعقیب کنید: ($2) تا صÙحه‌ی توصی٠و اطلاعات در مورد
+پرونده را، از قبیل این که از کجا آمده است، چه کسی و در چه زمانی آن را ایجاد کرده است،
+و هر چیز دیگری که ممکن است در مورد آن بدانید، پر کنید.",
+"uploadwarning" => "هشدار بار کردن",
+"savefile" => "ذخیره‌ی پرونده",
+"uploadedimage" => "«$1» بار شد",
+"uploaddisabled" => "شرمنده، بار کردن از کار اÙتاده است.",
+# Image list
+"imagelist" => "Ùهرست تصاویر",
+"imagelisttext" => "در زیر Ùهرست $1 تصویری Ú©Ù‡ $2 مرتب شده است آمده است.",
+"getimagelist" => "در حال اخذ Ùهرست تصاویر",
+"ilshowmatch" => "نمایش همه‌ی تصاویر با نام نظیر",
+"ilsubmit" => "جستجو",
+"showlast" => "نمایش آخرین $1 تصویر مرتب‌شده $2.",
+"all" => "همه",
+"byname" => "از روی نام",
+"bydate" => "از روی تاریخ",
+"bysize" => "از روی اندازه",
+"imgdelete" => "حذÙ",
+"imgdesc" => "توصیÙ",
+"imglegend" => "شرح: (توصیÙ) = نمایش/ویرایش توصی٠تصویر.",
+"imghistory" => "تاریخچه‌ی تصویر",
+"revertimg" => "برگرد",
+"deleteimg" => "حذÙ",
+"imghistlegend" => "شرح: (Ùعلی) = این تصویر Ùعلی است، (حذÙ) = این
+نسخه‌ی قدیمی حذ٠شود، (برگرد) = برگرداندن به این نسخه‌ی قدیمی.
+<br><i>برای دیدن تصویر بار شده در تاریخ مشخص، روی تاریخ کلیک کنید</i>.",
+"imagelinks" => "پیوند‌های تصاویر",
+"linkstoimage" => "این صÙحات به این تصویر پیوند دارند:",
+"nolinkstoimage" => "هیچ صÙحه‌ای به این تصویر پیوند ندارد.",
+# Statistics
+"statistics" => "آمار",
+"sitestats" => "آمار وبگاه",
+"userstats" => "آمار کاربران",
+"sitestatstext" => "کلاً <b>$1</b> صÙحه در پایگاه داده هست.
+این شامل صÙحات «بحث»، صÙحات درباره‌ی ویکی‌پدیا، صÙحات «ناقص» Ú©ÙˆÚ†Ú©ØŒ
+تغییرمسیرها، Ùˆ صÙحات دیگری می‌شود Ú©Ù‡ احتمالاً مقاله به حساب نمی‌آیند.
+Ùارق از این‌ها، <b>$2</b> صÙحه هست Ú©Ù‡ احتمالاً مقاله‌ی معقول هستند.<p>
+از زمانی Ú©Ù‡ نرم‌اÙزار ارتقا یاÙته (Û²Û° ژوئیه‌ی Û²Û°Û°Û²)ØŒ کلاً <b>$3</b> بازدید از صÙحات،
+Ùˆ <b>$4</b> ویرایش صÙحات صورت گرÙته است.
+این می‌شود به طور متوسط <b>$5</b> ویرایش برای هر صÙحه، Ùˆ <b>$6</b> بازدید به‌ازای هر ویرایش.",
+"userstatstext" => "تعداد <b>$1</b> کاربر ثبت‌شده وجود دارد.
+تعداد <b>$2</b> از این کاربران مدیرند (به $3 مراجعه شود).",
+# Maintenance Page
+"maintenance" => "صÙحه‌ی نگهداری",
+"maintnancepagetext" => "This page includes several handy tools for everyday maintenance. Some of these functions tend to stress the database, so please do not hit reload after every item you fixed ;-)",
+"maintenancebacklink" => "بازگشت به صÙحه‌ی نگهداری",
+"disambiguations" => "صÙحات رÙع ابهام",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:پیوند به صÙحات رÙع ابهام",
+"disambiguationstext" => "مقاله‌های زیر به یک <i>صÙحه‌ی رÙع ابهام</i> پیوند دارند. به جای این، این صÙحات باید به
+They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
+"doubleredirects" => "تغییرمسیرهای دوتایی",
+"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>توجه:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br>\nEach row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the \"real\" taget article, which the first redirect should point to.",
+"brokenredirects" => "تغییرمسیرهای خراب",
+"brokenredirectstext" => "تغییرمسیرهای زیر به یک صÙحه‌ی ناموجود پیوند دارند.",
+"selflinks" => "صÙحات با پیوند به خود",
+"selflinkstext" => "این صÙحات به خودشان پیوند دارند، Ú©Ù‡ نباید داشته باشند.",
+"mispeelings" => "صÙحات با غلط املایی",
+"mispeelingstext" => "صÙحات زیر یک غلط املایی معمول دارند، Ú©Ù‡ در $1 آمده است. ممکن است املای درست (به این Ø´Ú©Ù„) آمده باشد.",
+"mispeelingspage" => "Ùهرست غلط‌های املایی معمول",
+"missinglanguagelinks" => "پیوندهای زبانی گم‌شده",
+"missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "یاÙتن پیوندهای زبانی گم‌شده برای",
+"missinglanguagelinkstext" => "این مقاله‌ها به همتایشان در $1 پیوند <i>ندارند</i>. Redirects Ùˆ زیرصÙحه‌ها نشان داده <i>نشده‌اند</i>.",
+# Miscellaneous special pages
+"orphans" => "صÙحات یتیم",
+"lonelypages" => "صÙحات یتیم",
+"unusedimages" => "تصاویر بلااستÙاده",
+"popularpages" => "صÙحات محبوب",
+"nviews" => "$1 نمایش",
+"wantedpages" => "صÙحات مورد نیاز",
+"nlinks" => "$1 پیوند",
+"allpages" => "همه‌ی صÙحات",
+"randompage" => "صÙحه‌ی تصادÙÛŒ",
+"shortpages" => "صÙحات کوتاه",
+"longpages" => "صÙحات بلند",
+"deadendpages" => "صÙحات بن‌بست",
+"listusers" => "Ùهرست کاربران",
+"specialpages" => "صÙحات ویژه",
+"spheading" => "صÙحات ویژه‌ی همه‌ی کاربران",
+"sysopspheading" => "Ùقط برای استÙاده‌ی اپراتور سیستم",
+"developerspheading" => "Ùقط برای استÙاده‌ی برنامه‌نویس",
+"protectpage" => "محاÙظت از صÙحه",
+"recentchangeslinked" => "تغییرات مرتبط",
+"rclsub" => "(به صÙحات پیونددار از «$1»)",
+"debug" => "اشکال‌زدایی",
+"newpages" => "صÙحات جدید",
+"ancientpages" => "قدیمی‌ترین مقاله‌ها",
+"intl" => "پیوندهای بین زبانی",
+"movethispage" => "انتقال این صÙحه",
+"unusedimagestext" => "<p>لطÙاٌ توجه کنید Ú©Ù‡ وبگاه‌های دیگر از جمله ویکی‌پدیاهای بین‌المللی
+ممکن است با URL مستقیم به تصاویر پیوند داشته باشند، Ùˆ نتیجتاً با وجود استÙاده‌ی Ùعال
+اینجا Ùهرست شده باشند.",
+"booksources" => "منابع کتاب",
+# FIXME: Other sites, of course, may have affiliate relations with the booksellers list
+"booksourcetext" => "در زیر Ùهرستی از پیوندها به وبگاه‌های دیگری Ú©Ù‡ کتاب‌های نو Ùˆ دست دوم می‌Ùروشند آمده است،
+و ممکن است اطلاعات بیشتری نیز درباره‌ی کتاب‌هایی که دنبالشان می‌گردید داشته باشند.
+ویکی‌پدیا وابستگی یا ارتباطی با هیچ یک از این کسب‌وکارها ندارد، Ùˆ این Ùهرست
+نباید به معنی تأیید یا حمایت تعبیر شود.",
+"alphaindexline" => "$1 تا $2",
+# Email this user
+"mailnologin" => "نشانی Ùرستنده‌ای نیست",
+"mailnologintext" => "برای Ùرستادن پست الکترونیکی به کاربران دیگر باید <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "ویژه:Userlogin" ) . "\">به سیستم وارد شوید</a>
+و نشانی پست الکترونیکی معتبری در <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "ویژه:ترجیحات" ) . "\">ترجیحات</a>
+خود داشته باشید.",
+"emailuser" => "پست الکترونیکی به این کاربر",
+"emailpage" => "پست الکترونیکی به کاربر",
+"emailpagetext" => "اگر این کاربر نشانی پست الکترونیکی معتبری در ترجیحات کاربریش وارد کرده
+باشد، Ùرم زیر یک پیغام می‌Ùرستد.
+نشانی پست الکترونیکی‌ای Ú©Ù‡ در ترجیحات کاربریتان وارد کرده‌اید در نشانی Ùرستنده (From) نامه
+خواهد آمد، تا گیرنده بتواند پاسخ دهد.",
+"noemailtitle" => "نشانی پست‌الکترونیک موجود نیست",
+"noemailtext" => "این کاربر نشانی پست الکترونیکی معتبری مشخص نکرده است،
+یا تصمیم گرÙته از کاربران دیگر پست الکترونیکی دریاÙت نکند.",
+"emailfrom" => "از",
+"emailto" => "به",
+"emailsubject" => "عنوان",
+"emailmessage" => "پیغام",
+"emailsend" => "Ùرستاده شود",
+"emailsent" => "پست الکترونیکی Ùرستاده شد",
+"emailsenttext" => "پیغام پست الکترونیکی شما Ùرستاده شد.",
+# Watchlist
+"watchlist" => "Ùهرست تعقیبات من",
+"watchlistsub" => "(برای کاربر «$1»)",
+"nowatchlist" => "در Ùهرست تعقیبات شما هیچ موردی نیست.",
+"watchnologin" => "به سیستم وارد نشده‌اید",
+"watchnologintext" => "برای تغییر Ùهرست تعقیباتتان باید <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "ویژه:Userlogin" ) . "\">به سیستم وارد شوید</a>.",
+"addedwatch" => "به Ùهرست تعقیبات اضاÙÙ‡ شود",
+"addedwatchtext" => "صÙحه‌ی «$1» به <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "ویژه:Watchlist" ) . "\">Ùهرست تعقیبات</a> شما اضاÙÙ‡ شد.
+تغییرات این صÙحه Ùˆ صÙحه‌ی بحث متناظرش در آینده در اینجا Ùهرست خواهد شد. به‌علاوه، این صÙحه، برای واضحتر دیده شدن در
+<a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "ویژه:Recentchanges" ) . "\">Ùهرست تغییرات اخیر</a> to
+به شکل<b>سیاه</b> خواهد آمد.</p>
+<p>اگر بعداً می‌خواستید این صÙحه از Ùهرست تعقیباتتان برداشته شود، روی «تعقیب متوق٠شود» در نوار حاشیه کلیک کنید.",
+"removedwatch" => "از Ùهرست تعقیبات برداشته شد",
+"removedwatchtext" => "صÙحه‌ی «$1» از Ùهرست تعقیبات شما برداشته شد",
+"watchthispage" => "تعقیب این صÙحه",
+"unwatchthispage" => "توق٠تعقیب",
+"notanarticle" => "مقاله نیست",
+"watchnochange" => "هیچ یک از موارد در حال تعقیب شما در دوره‌ی زمانی نمایش‌یاÙته ویرایش نشده است.",
+"watchdetails" => "($1 pages watched not counting talk pages;
+$2 total pages edited since cutoff;
+<a href='$4'>نمایش Ùˆ ویرایش Ùهرست کامل</a>.)",
+"watchmethod-recent"=> "بررسی ویرایش‌های اخیر برای صÙحات در حال تعقیب",
+"watchmethod-list" => "بررسی صÙحات در حال تعقیب برای ویرایش‌های اخیر",
+"removechecked" => "برداشتن موارد تیک‌خورده از Ùهرست تعقیبات",
+"watchlistcontains" => "Ùهرست تعقیبات شما حاوی $1 صÙحه است.",
+"watcheditlist" => "در اینجا Ùهرست الÙبایی‌ای از صÙحات در تعقیب شما می‌آید.
+در جعبه‌ی صÙحاتی Ú©Ù‡ می‌خواهید از Ùهرست تعقیباتتان حذ٠شود تیک بزنید Ùˆ روی دکمه‌ی «برداشتن موارد» در پایین
+صÙحه کلیک کنید.",
+"removingchecked" => "در حال برداشتن موارد درخواستی از Ùهرست تعقیبات...",
+"couldntremove" => "نمی‌توان مورد «$1» را حذ٠کرد...",
+"iteminvalidname" => "مشکل با مورد «$1»، نام نامعتبر است...",
+"wlnote" => "در زیر آخرین $1 تغییر در $2 ساعت آخر آمده است.",
+"wlshowlast" => "نمایش آخرین $1 ساعت $2 روز $3",
+"wlsaved" => "این نسخه‌ی ذخیره‌شده‌ای از Ùهرست تعقیبات شما است.",
+# Delete/protect/revert
+"deletepage" => "حذ٠صÙحه",
+"confirm" => "تأیید",
+"excontent" => "content was:",
+"exbeforeblank" => "content before blanking was:",
+"exblank" => "صÙحه خالی بود",
+"confirmdelete" => "تأیید حذÙ",
+"deletesub" => "(در حال حذ٠«$1»)",
+"historywarning" => "هشدار: صÙحه‌ای Ú©Ù‡ دارید حذ٠می‌کند تاریخچه‌ای دارد: ",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "You are about to permanently delete a page
+or image along with all of its history from the database.
+Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the
+consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with
+"confirmcheck" => "بله، جداً می‌خواهم این را حذ٠کنم.",
+"actioncomplete" => "عمل انجام شد",
+"deletedtext" => "«$1» حذ٠شده است.
+برای سابقه‌ی حذÙ‌های اخیر به $2 مراجعه کنید.",
+"deletedarticle" => "«$1» حذ٠شد",
+"dellogpage" => "سیاهه‌ی_حذÙ",
+"dellogpagetext" => "Ùهرست زیر Ùهرستی از اخیرترین حذÙ‌ها است.
+همه‌ی زمان‌های نشان‌داده‌شده زمان خادم (وقت گرینیچ) است.
+"deletionlog" => "سیاهه‌ی حذÙ",
+"reverted" => "به نسخه‌ی قدیمی‌تر برگردانده شد",
+"deletecomment" => "دلیل حذÙ",
+"imagereverted" => "برگرداندن به نسخه‌ی قدیمی‌تر با موÙقیت انجام شد.",
+"rollback" => "Roll back edits",
+"rollbacklink" => "rollback",
+"rollbackfailed" => "Rollback failed",
+"cantrollback" => "نمی‌توان ویرایش را برگرداند؛ آخرین مشارکت‌کننده تنها مؤل٠این مقاله است.",
+"alreadyrolled" => "Cannot rollback last edit of [[$1]]
+by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); someone else has edited or rolled back the article already.
+آخرین ویرایش توسط [[کاربر:$3|$3]] ([[بحث کاربر:$3|بحث]]). ",
+# only shown if there is an edit comment
+"editcomment" => "توضیح ویرایش این بود: \"<i>$1</i>\".",
+"revertpage" => "ویرایش $2 برگردانده شد، به آخرین تغییری که $1 انجام داده است",
+"protectlogpage" => "سیاهه‌ی_محاÙظت",
+"protectlogtext" => "در زیر Ùهرست Ù‚ÙÙ„ کردن‌ها/ازقÙل‌درآوردن‌های صÙحات آمده است.
+برای اطلاعات بیشتر به [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:صÙحه‌ی محاÙظت‌شده]] مراجعه کنید.",
+"protectedarticle" => "[[$1]] محاÙظت شد",
+"unprotectedarticle" => "[[$1]] از محاÙظت در آمد",
+# Undelete
+"undelete" => "احیای صÙحه‌ی حذ٠شده",
+"undeletepage" => "نمایش Ùˆ احیای صÙحات حذ٠شده",
+"undeletepagetext" => "صÙحات زیر حذ٠شده‌اند ولی هنوز در بایگانی هستند Ùˆ می‌توانند احیا شوند.
+این آرشیو ممکن است هر چند وقت تمیز شود.",
+"undeletearticle" => "احیای مقاله‌ی حذÙ‌شده",
+"undeleterevisions" => "$1 نسخه بایگانی شده است",
+"undeletehistory" => "اگر این صÙحه را احیا کنید، همه‌ی نسخه‌های آن در تاریخچه احیا خواهند شد.
+اگر صÙحه‌ی جدیدی با نام یکسان از زمان حذ٠ایجاد شده باشد، نسخه‌های احیاشده در تاریخچه‌ی قبلی خواهند آمد،
+Ùˆ نسخه‌ی Ùعلی صÙحه‌ی زنده به طور خودکار جایگزین نخواهد شد.",
+"undeleterevision" => "حذ٠نسخه‌ی به تاریخ $1",
+"undeletebtn" => "احیا شود!",
+"undeletedarticle" => "«$1» احیا شد",
+"undeletedtext" => "مقاله‌ی [[$1]] با موÙقیت احیا شد.
+برای سوابق حذÙ‌ها Ùˆ احیاهای اخیر به [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:سیاهه‌ی_حذÙ]] مراجعه کنید.",
+# Contributions
+"contributions" => "مشارکت‌های کاربر",
+"mycontris" => "مشارکت‌های من",
+"contribsub" => "برای $1",
+"nocontribs" => "هیچ تغییری نظیر این مشخصات یاÙت نشد.",
+"ucnote" => "در زیر آخرین <b>$1</b> تغییر این کاربر در <b>$2</b> روز اخیر می‌آید.",
+"uclinks" => "نمایش آخرین $1 تغییر؛ نمایش $2 روز اخیر.",
+"uctop" => " (بالا)" ,
+# What links here
+"whatlinkshere" => "آنچه به اینجا پیوند دارد",
+"notargettitle" => "مقصدی نیست",
+"notargettext" => "شما صÙحه‌ی یا کاربر مقصدی برای انجام این عمل روی آن مشخص نکرده‌اید.",
+"linklistsub" => "(Ùهرست پیوندها)",
+"linkshere" => "صÙحات زیر به اینجا پیوند دارند:",
+"nolinkshere" => "هیچ صÙحه‌ای به اینجا پیوند ندارد.",
+"isredirect" => "صÙحه‌ی تغییر مسیر",
+# Block/unblock IP
+"blockip" => "بستن کاربر",
+"blockiptext" => "از Ùرم زیر برای بستن دسترسی نوشتن از یک نشانی IP یا
+نام کاربری مشخص استÙاده کنید.
+این کار Ùقط Ùقط باید برای جلوگیری از خرابکاری انجام شود، Ùˆ بر اساس
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:خط مشی|خط مشی].
+دلیل مشخص این کار را در زیر ذکر کنید (مثلاً با ذکر صÙحات به‌خصوصی Ú©Ù‡ تخریب شده‌اند).",
+"ipaddress" => "نشانی IP/نام کاربر",
+"ipbreason" => "دلیل",
+"ipbsubmit" => "این کاربر بسته شود",
+"badipaddress" => "کاربری با این نام وجود ندارد.",
+"noblockreason" => "شما باید دلیلی برای بستن مشخص کنید.",
+"blockipsuccesssub" => "بستن با موÙقیت انجام شد",
+"blockipsuccesstext" => "«$1» بسته شده است.
+<br>برای بررسی بسته‌شدن‌ها، به [[ویژه:ÙهرستIPهای‌بسته|Ùهرست IPهای بسته]] مراجعه کنید.",
+"unblockip" => "باز کردن کاربر",
+"unblockiptext" => "برای باز گرداندن دسترسی نوشتن به یک نشانی IP یا نام کاربری بسته‌شده
+از Ùرم زیر استÙاده کنید.",
+"ipusubmit" => "باز کردن این نشانی",
+"ipusuccess" => "«$1» باز شد",
+"ipblocklist" => "Ùهرست نشانی‌های IP Ùˆ نام‌های کاربری بسته‌شده",
+"blocklistline" => "$1، $2 بست $3 را",
+"blocklink" => "بسته شود",
+"unblocklink" => "باز شود",
+"contribslink" => "مشارکت‌ها",
+"autoblocker" => "به طور خودکار بسته شد چون IP شما و «$1» یکی است. دلیل «$2».",
+"blocklogpage" => "سیاهه‌ی_بسته‌شدن‌ها",
+"blocklogentry" => '«$1» بسته شد',
+"blocklogtext" => "این سیاهه‌ای از اعمال بستن و باز کردن کاربرها است. نشانی‌های IPی که به طور
+خودکار بسته شده‌اند Ùهرست نشده‌اند. برای Ùهرست محرومیت‌ها Ùˆ بسته‌شدن‌های عملیاتی در لحظه‌ی حاضر،
+به [[Special:Ipblocklist|Ùهرست IPهای بسته]] مراجعه کنید.",
+"unblocklogentry" => '«$1» باز شد',
+# Developer tools
+"lockdb" => "Ù‚ÙÙ„ کردن پایگاه داده",
+"unlockdb" => "از Ù‚ÙÙ„ در آوردن پایگاه داده",
+"lockdbtext" => "Locking the database will suspend the ability of all
+users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
+other things requiring changes in the database.
+Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will
+unlock the database when your maintenance is done.",
+"unlockdbtext" => "Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all
+users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
+other things requiring changes in the database.
+Please confirm that this is what you intend to do.",
+"lockconfirm" => "بله، من جداً می‌خواهم پایگاه داده را Ù‚ÙÙ„ کنم.",
+"unlockconfirm" => "بله، من جداً می‌خواهم پایگاه داده را از Ù‚ÙÙ„ در آورم.",
+"lockbtn" => "Ù‚ÙÙ„ کردن پایگاه داده",
+"unlockbtn" => "از Ù‚ÙÙ„ درآوردن پایگاه داده",
+"locknoconfirm" => "شما در جعبه‌ی تأیید تیک نزدید",
+"lockdbsuccesssub" => "Ù‚ÙÙ„ کردن پایگاه داده با موÙقیت انجام شد",
+"unlockdbsuccesssub" => "Ù‚ÙÙ„ پایگاه داده برداشته شد",
+"lockdbsuccesstext" => "پایگاه داده Ù‚ÙÙ„ شد.
+<br>Ùراموش نکنید Ú©Ù‡ پس از اتمام نگهداری Ù‚ÙÙ„ را بردارید.",
+"unlockdbsuccesstext" => "پایگاه داده از Ù‚ÙÙ„ در آمد.",
+# SQL query
+"asksql" => "پرس‌وجوی SQL",
+"asksqltext" => "برای پرس‌وجوی مستقیم پایگاه داده از Ùرم زیر استÙاده کنید.
+برای محدود کردن رشته‌های دقیق از نقل قول تکی ('مثل این') استÙاده کنید.
+این پرس‌وجوها معمولاً بار قابل ملاحظه‌ای به خادم اضاÙÙ‡ می‌کند، پس از این توانایی با صرÙه‌جویی استÙاده کنید.",
+"sqlislogged" => "لطÙاً توجه کنید Ú©Ù‡ همه‌ی پرس‌وجوها ثبت می‌شوند.",
+"sqlquery" => "ورود پرس‌وجو",
+"querybtn" => "Ùرستادن پرس‌وجو",
+"selectonly" => "Ùقط پرس‌وجوهای Ùقط‌خواندنی مجازند.",
+"querysuccessful" => "پرس‌وجو با موÙقیت انجام شد",
+# Move page
+"movepage" => "انتقال صÙحه",
+"movepagetext" => "با استÙاده از Ùرم زیر نام صÙحه تغییر خواهد کرد، Ùˆ تمام تاریخچه‌اش به
+نام جدید منتقل خواهد شد.
+عنوان قدیمی تبدیل به یک صÙحه‌ی تغییر مسیر به عنوان جدید خواهد شد.
+پیوندهای به عنوان صÙحه‌ی قدیمی تغییر نخواهند کرد؛ حتماً تغییرمسیرهای دوتایی یا خراب را
+[[ویژه:نگهداری|بررسی کنید]].
+شما مسئول اطمینان از این هستید که پیوندها هنوز به همان‌جایی که قرار است بروند.
+توجه کنید Ú©Ù‡ اگر از قبل صÙحه‌ای در عنوان جدید وجود داشته باشد صÙحه منتقل '''نخواهد شد'''ØŒ مگر
+این Ú©Ù‡ صÙحه خالی یا تغییر مسیر باشد Ùˆ تاریخچه‌ی ویرایشی نداشته باشد.
+این یعنی اگر اشتباه کردید صÙحه را به همان جایی Ú©Ù‡ از آن منتقل شده بود برگردانید،
+Ùˆ این Ú©Ù‡ نمی‌توانید روی صÙحات موجود بنویسید.
+این کار ممکن است تغییر اساسی Ùˆ غیرمنتظره‌ای برای صÙحات محبوب باشد؛
+لطÙاً مطمئن شوید Ú©Ù‡ قبل از ادامه دادن عواقب این کار را درک می‌کنید.",
+"movepagetalktext" => "The associated talk page, if any, will be automatically moved along with it '''unless:'''
+*You are moving the page across namespaces,
+*A non-empty talk page already exists under the new name, or
+*You uncheck the box below.
+In those cases, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired.",
+"movearticle" => "انتقال صÙحه",
+"movenologin" => "به سیستم وارد نشده‌اید",
+"movenologintext" => "برای انتقال صÙحات باید کاربر ثبت‌شده بوده Ùˆ
+<a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "ویژه:Userlogin" ) . "\">به سیستم وارد شوید</a>.",
+"newtitle" => "به عنوان جدید",
+"movepagebtn" => "صÙحه منتقل شود",
+"pagemovedsub" => "انتقال با موÙقیت انجام شد",
+"pagemovedtext" => "صÙحه‌ی «[[$1]]» به «[[$2]]» منتقل شد.",
+"articleexists" => "صÙحه‌ای با این نام از قبل وجود دارد، یا نامی Ú©Ù‡ انتخاب کرده‌اید معتبر نیست.
+لطÙاً نام دیگری انتخاب کنید.",
+"talkexists" => "صÙحه با موÙقیت منتقل شد، ولی صÙحه‌ی بحث را، به این دلیل Ú©Ù‡ صÙحه‌ی بحثی در عنوان جدید
+وجود دارد، نمی‌توان منتقل کرد. لطÙاً آنها را دستی ترکیب کنید.",
+"movedto" => "منتقل شد به",
+"movetalk" => "صÙحه‌ی «بحث» هم، در صورت لزوم، منتقل شود.",
+"talkpagemoved" => "صÙحه‌ی بحث متناظر نیز منتقل شد.",
+"talkpagenotmoved" => "صÙحه‌ی بحث متناظر منتقل <strong>نشد</strong>.",
+"1movedto2" => "$1 به $2 منتقل شد",
+# Export
+"export" => "صدور صÙحات",
+"exporttext" => "شما می‌توانید متن Ùˆ تاریخچه‌ی ویرایش یک صÙحه‌ی مشخص یا مجموعه‌ای از صÙحات را به Ø´Ú©Ù„ پوشیده در XML صادر کنید؛
+این اطلاعات را می‌توان وارد ویکی دیگری Ú©Ù‡ نرم‌اÙزار مدیاویکی اجرا می‌کند کرد، تبدیل کرد، یا برای سرگرمی شخصی Ù†Ú¯Ù‡ داشت.",
+"exportcuronly" => "Ùقط نسخه‌ی Ùعلی بیاید، نه Ú©Ù„ تاریخچه",
+# Namespace 8 related
+"allmessages" => "همه‌ی پیغام‌ها",
+"allmessagestext" => "این Ùهرستی از همه‌ی پیغام‌های موجود در Ùضای نام مدیاویکی: است",
+# Thumbnails
+"thumbnail-more" => "بزرگ شود"
+# Internationalisation code
+class LanguageFa extends LanguageUtf8 {
+ function getDefaultUserOptions () {
+ $opt = Language::getDefaultUserOptions();
+ $opt["quickbar"]=2;
+ $opt["underline"]=0;
+ return $opt;
+ }
+ function getNamespaces() {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesFa;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesFa;
+ }
+ function getNsText( $index ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesFa;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesFa[$index];
+ }
+ function getNsIndex( $text ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesFa;
+ foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesFa as $i => $n ) {
+ if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function specialPage( $name ) {
+ return $this->getNsText( Namespace::getSpecial() ) . ":" . $name;
+ }
+ function getQuickbarSettings() {
+ global $wgQuickbarSettingsFa;
+ return $wgQuickbarSettingsFa;
+ }
+ function getSkinNames() {
+ global $wgSkinNamesFa;
+ return $wgSkinNamesFa;
+ }
+ function getMathNames() {
+ global $wgMathNamesFa;
+ return $wgMathNamesFa;
+ }
+ function getUserToggles() {
+ global $wgUserTogglesFa;
+ return $wgUserTogglesFa;
+ }
+ function getMonthName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthNamesFa;
+ return $wgMonthNamesFa[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getMonthAbbreviation( $key )
+ {
+ /* Persian doesn't use abbreviations for Gregorian month names */
+ return $this->getMonthName( $key );
+ }
+ function getWeekdayName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgWeekdayNamesFa;
+ return $wgWeekdayNamesFa[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getValidSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgValidSpecialPagesFa;
+ return $wgValidSpecialPagesFa;
+ }
+ function getSysopSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgSysopSpecialPagesFa;
+ return $wgSysopSpecialPagesFa;
+ }
+ function getDeveloperSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesFa;
+ return $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesFa;
+ }
+ function getMessage( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgAllMessagesFa;
+ if(array_key_exists($key, $wgAllMessagesFa))
+ return $wgAllMessagesFa[$key];
+ else
+ return Language::getMessage($key);
+ }
+ # For right-to-left language support
+ function isRTL() { return true; }
diff --git a/languages/LanguageFi.php b/languages/LanguageFi.php
index fd82547cd369..43c14fb3de1b 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageFi.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageFi.php
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesFi = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Muokkausesto",
"Asksql" => "Tietokantahaku",
"Undelete" => "Palauta poistetut"
@@ -130,16 +131,16 @@
"mainpage" => "Etusivu",
"about" => "Tietoja",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Tietoja Wikipediasta",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:Tietoja",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Tietoja",
"help" => "Ohje",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Ohje",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ohje",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Bugiraportit",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Bugiraportit",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Bugiraportit",
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "Muokkausohjeet",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Kuinka_sivuja_muokataan",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Kuinka_sivuja_muokataan",
"cancel" => "Keskeytä",
"qbfind" => "Etsi",
"qbbrowse" => "Selaa",
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Kaikki teksti on saatavilla <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation -lisenssin</a> ehdoilla.",
"printsubtitle" => "(Lähde:",
"protectedpage" => "Suojattu sivu",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Ylläpitäjät",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ylläpitäjät",
"sysoptitle" => "Vaatii ylläpitäjä-oikeudet",
"sysoptext" => "Tämän toiminnon voi suorittaa vain käyttäjä, jolla on \"ylläpitäjä\"-oikeudet.
Katso $1.",
@@ -297,9 +298,9 @@ sähköpostiosoitteeseen. Kirjaudu sisään uudestaan, kun olet saanut sen.",
"blockedtitle" => "Pääsy käyttäjältä estetty",
"blockedtext" => "$1 on estänyt pääsysi Wikpediaan joko käyttäjänimesi tai IP-osoitteesi perusteella.
Syynä tähän on:<br>''$2''<p>Ota yhteyttä henkilöön $1 tai johonkuhun
-muuhun [[Wikipedia:ylläpitäjät|ylläpitäjään]] keskustellaksesi estosta.",
+muuhun [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:ylläpitäjät|ylläpitäjään]] keskustellaksesi estosta.",
"newarticle" => "(uusi)",
-"newarticletext" => "Olet seurannut linkkiä sivulle, jota ei ole vielä olemassa.Luodaksesi sivun, kirjoita alla olevaan laatikkoon (katso [[Wikipedia:Ohje|ohjeesta]] lisätietoja). Jos tarkoituksesi ei ole luoda uutta sivua, paina selaimesi '''back'''-painiketta.",
+"newarticletext" => "Olet seurannut linkkiä sivulle, jota ei ole vielä olemassa.Luodaksesi sivun, kirjoita alla olevaan laatikkoon (katso [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ohje|ohjeesta]] lisätietoja). Jos tarkoituksesi ei ole luoda uutta sivua, paina selaimesi '''back'''-painiketta.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "----\n''Tämä on nimettömän käyttäjän keskustelusivu. Hän ei ole joko luonut itselleen käyttäjätunnusta tai ei käytä sitä. Siksi hänet tunnistetaan nyt numeerisella [[IP-osoite|IP-osoitteella]]. Kyseinen IP-osoite voi olla useamman henkilön käytössä. Jos olet nimetön käyttäjä, ja sinusta tuntuu, että merkityksettömiä kommentteja on ohjattu sinulle, [[Erikoissivut:Sisäänkirjautuminen|luo itsellesi käyttäjätunnus tai kirjaudu sisään]] välttääksesi jatkossa sekaannukset muiden nimettömien käyttäjien kanssa.''",
"noarticletext" => "(Tällä sivulla ei ole vielä tekstiä)",
"updated" => "(Päivitetty)",
@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ Tarkista URL, jolla hait tätä sivua.\n",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Hakutulokset",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Haku",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Haku",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Etsitään Wikipediasta",
"searchresulttext" => "Lisätietoja Wikipedian hakutoiminnoista, katso $1.",
"searchquery" => "Haku \"$1\"",
@@ -427,11 +428,11 @@ välinen aikaero tunteina.",
"changes" => "muutokset",
"recentchanges" => "Tuoreet muutokset",
"recentchangestext" => "Tältä sivulta voi seurata tuoreita Wikipediaan tehtyjä muutoksia.
-[[Wikipedia:Tervetuloa Wikipediaan|Tervetuloa Wikipediaan!]]
-Katso seuraavia sivuja: [[Wikipedia:Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia Wikipediasta|Useimmin kysyttyjä asioita]], [[Wikipedia:Sääntöjä ja ohjeita|Wikipedian säännöt]]
-(erityisesti [[Wikipedia:Merkitsemiskäytäntöjä|Merkitsemiskäytännöt]],
-[[Wikipedia::Neutraali näkökulma|Neutraali näkökulma]]),
-ja [[Wikipedia:Aloittelijan virheitä|Aloittelijan virheitä]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Tervetuloa Wikipediaan|Tervetuloa Wikipediaan!]]
+Katso seuraavia sivuja: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia Wikipediasta|Useimmin kysyttyjä asioita]], [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Sääntöjä ja ohjeita|Wikipedian säännöt]]
+(erityisesti [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Merkitsemiskäytäntöjä|Merkitsemiskäytännöt]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}::Neutraali näkökulma|Neutraali näkökulma]]),
+ja [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Aloittelijan virheitä|Aloittelijan virheitä]].
Jos haluat nähdä Wikipedian onnistuvan, on erittäin tärkeää, että et lisää materiaalia,
jonka käyttöä rajoittavat [[Wikipedia ja Tekijänoikeudet|tekijänoikeudet]].
Oikeudelliset seuraukset voivat vahingoittaa projektia vakavasti, joten kunnioita muiden tekijänoikeuksia.
@@ -468,12 +469,12 @@ tallentaaksesi tiedoston.",
"uploaderror" => "Tallennusvirhe",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>SEIS!</strong> Ennen kuin tallennat tänne,
tutustu ja seuraa Wikipedian <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Kuvien käyttösäännöt" ) . "\">kuvienkäyttösääntöihin</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Kuvien käyttösäännöt" ) . "\">kuvienkäyttösääntöihin</a>.
<p>Näyttääksesi tai etsiäksesi aiemmin tallennettuja kuvia,
katso <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Erityissivut:Luettelo kuvista" ) .
"\">luetteloa tallennetuista kuvista</a>.
Tallennukset ja poistot kirjataan <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Tallennusloki" ) . "\">tallennuslokiin</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Tallennusloki" ) . "\">tallennuslokiin</a>.
<p>Käytä allaolevaa lomaketta tallentaaksesi uusia kuvatiedostoja artikkelien
kuvittamista varten.
Useimmissa selaimissa näet \"Browse...\" tai \"Selaa...\"-painikkeen, josta aukeaa käyttöjärjestelmäsi normaali tiedostonavausikkuna.
@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ Kaikki ajat näytetään palvelimen aikoina (UTC).
"filedesc" => "Yhteenveto",
"affirmation" => "Lupaan, että tämän tiedoston tekijänoikeuksien haltija sallii sen
käytön $1 lisenssin mukaisesti.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Wikipedia ja tekijänoikeudet",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Wikipedia ja tekijänoikeudet",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia ja tekijänoikeudet",
"uploadedfiles" => "Tallennetut tiedostot",
"noaffirmation" => "Vahvista, ettei lähettämäsi tiedosto riko tekijänoikeuksia.",
@@ -567,7 +568,7 @@ Keskimäärin sivua on muokattu <b>$5</b> kertaa, ja muokkausta kohden sivua on
"maintenancebacklink" => "Takaisin ylläpitosivulle",
"disambiguations" => "Tarkennussivu",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Linkkejä_tarkennussivuihin",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Linkkejä_tarkennussivuihin",
"disambiguationstext" => "Seuraavat artikkelit linkittävät <i>tarkennussivuun</i>. Sen sijasta niiden pitäisi linkittää asianomaiseen aiheeseen.<br>Sivua kohdellaan tarkennussivuna jos siihen on linkki sivulta $1.<br>Linkkejä muihin nimiavaruuksiin <i>ei</i> ole listattu tässä.",
"doubleredirects" => "Kaksinkertaiset uudelleenohjaukset",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Huomio:</b> Tässä listassa saattaa olla virheitä. Yleensä kyseessä on sivu, jossa ensimmäisen #REDIRECT:in jälkeen on tekstiä.<br>\nJokaisella rivillä on linkit ensimmäiseen ja toiseen uudelleenohjaukseen sekä toisen uudelleenohjauksen kohteen ensimmäiseen riviin, eli yleensä \"oikeaan\" kohteeseen, johon ensimmäisen uudelleenohjauksen pitäisi osoittaa.",
@@ -663,7 +664,7 @@ Tulevaisuudessa sivuun ja sen keskustelusivuun tehtävät muutokset listataan tÃ
"confirm" => "Vahvista",
"confirmdelete" => "Vahvista poisto",
"deletesub" => "(Poistetaan \"$1\")",
-"confirmdeletetext" => "Olet tuhoamassa pysyvästi sivun tai kuvan ja kaiken sen historian tietokannasta. Vahvista, että todella aiot tehdä näin ja että ymmärrät seuraukset, sekä että teet tämän [[Wikipedia:Policy|Wikipedian käytännön]] mukaisesti.",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "Olet tuhoamassa pysyvästi sivun tai kuvan ja kaiken sen historian tietokannasta. Vahvista, että todella aiot tehdä näin ja että ymmärrät seuraukset, sekä että teet tämän [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|Wikipedian käytännön]] mukaisesti.",
"confirmcheck" => "Kyllä, haluan varmasti poistaa tämän.",
"actioncomplete" => "Toiminta suoritettu",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" on poistettu.
@@ -698,7 +699,7 @@ ja olemassa olevaa versiota ei korvata automaattisesti.",
"undeletebtn" => "Palauta!",
"undeletedarticle" => "palautettiin \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "Artikkeli [[$1]] on palautettu onnistuneesti.
-Lista viimeisimmistä poistoista ja palautuksista on sivulla [[Wikipedia:poistoloki]].",
+Lista viimeisimmistä poistoista ja palautuksista on sivulla [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:poistoloki]].",
# Contributions
@@ -723,7 +724,7 @@ Lista viimeisimmistä poistoista ja palautuksista on sivulla [[Wikipedia:poistol
# Block/unblock IP
"blockip" => "Aseta muokkausesto",
-"blockiptext" => "Käytä allaolevaa lomaketta estämään kirjoitusoikeudet tietyltä IP-osoitteelta. Näin pitäisi tehdä vain vandalismin estämiseksi, ja samalla on noudatettava [[Wikipedia:Policy|Wikipedian käytäntöjä]].
+"blockiptext" => "Käytä allaolevaa lomaketta estämään kirjoitusoikeudet tietyltä IP-osoitteelta. Näin pitäisi tehdä vain vandalismin estämiseksi, ja samalla on noudatettava [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|Wikipedian käytäntöjä]].
Ilmoita syy alapuolella (esimerkiksi lista vandalisoiduista sivuista).",
"ipaddress" => "IP-osoite",
"ipbreason" => "Syy",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageFr.php b/languages/LanguageFr.php
index 2e1a85870122..7aaa78af64a9 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageFr.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageFr.php
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
// The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
// are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
// encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
+include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesFr = array(
-2 => "Media",
@@ -13,16 +15,16 @@
1 => "Discuter",
2 => "Utilisateur",
3 => "Discussion_Utilisateur",
- 4 => "Wikipédia",
- 5 => "Discussion_Wikipédia",
+ 4 => "$wgMetaNamespace",
+ 5 => "Discussion_$wgMetaNamespace",
6 => "Image",
7 => "Discussion_Image",
8 => "MediaWiki",
- 9 => "Discussion_MediaWiki",
+ 9 => "Discussion_MediaWiki"
/* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsFr = array(
- "Aucune", "Gauche", "Droite", "Flottante à gauche"
+ "Aucune", "Gauche", "Droite", "Flottante à gauche"
/* private */ $wgSkinNamesFr = array(
@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@
/* private */ $wgMathNamesFr = array(
"Toujours produire une image PNG",
- "HTML si très simple, autrement PNG",
+ "HTML si très simple, autrement PNG",
"HTML si possible, autrement PNG",
"Laisser le code TeX original",
"Pour les navigateurs modernes"
@@ -39,23 +41,23 @@
/* private */ $wgUserTogglesFr = array(
"hover" => "Afficher des info-bulles sur les liens wiki",
- "underline" => "Liens soulignés",
+ "underline" => "Liens soulignés",
"highlightbroken" => "Liens vers les sujets non existants en rouge",
- "justify" => "Paragraphes justifiés",
- "hideminor" => "Cacher les <i>Modifications récentes</i> mineures",
- "usenewrc" => "Modifications récentes améliorées<br> (certains navigateurs seulement)",
- "numberheadings" => "Numérotation automatique des titres",
+ "justify" => "Paragraphes justifiés",
+ "hideminor" => "Cacher les <i>Modifications récentes</i> mineures",
+ "usenewrc" => "Modifications récentes améliorées<br> (certains navigateurs seulement)",
+ "numberheadings" => "Numérotation automatique des titres",
"showtoolbar" => "Show edit toolbar",
- "editondblclick" => "Double cliquer pour éditer une page (JavaScript)",
- "editsection" => "Éditer une section via les liens [éditer]",
- "editsectiononrightclick" => "Éditer une section en cliquant à droite<br> sur le titre de la section",
- "showtoc" => "Afficher la table des matières<br> (pour les articles ayant plus de 3 sections)",
+ "editondblclick" => "Double cliquer pour éditer une page (JavaScript)",
+ "editsection" => "Éditer une section via les liens [éditer]",
+ "editsectiononrightclick" => "Éditer une section en cliquant à droite<br> sur le titre de la section",
+ "showtoc" => "Afficher la table des matières<br> (pour les articles ayant plus de 3 sections)",
"rememberpassword" => "Se souvenir de mon mot de passe (cookie)",
- "editwidth" => "La fenêtre d'édition s'affiche en pleine largeur",
- "watchdefault" => "Suivre les articles que je crée ou modifie",
- "minordefault" => "Mes modifications sont considérées<br> comme mineures par défaut",
- "previewontop" => "La prévisualisation s'affiche au<br> dessus de la boite de rédaction",
- "nocache" => "Désactiver le cache des pages"
+ "editwidth" => "La fenêtre d'édition s'affiche en pleine largeur",
+ "watchdefault" => "Suivre les articles que je crée ou modifie",
+ "minordefault" => "Mes modifications sont considérées<br> comme mineures par défaut",
+ "previewontop" => "La prévisualisation s'affiche au<br> dessus de la boite de rédaction",
+ "nocache" => "Désactiver le cache des pages"
/* private */ $wgBookstoreListFr = array(
@@ -71,14 +73,14 @@
/* private */ $wgMonthNamesFr = array(
- "janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin",
- "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre",
- "décembre"
+ "janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin",
+ "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre",
+ "décembre"
/* private */ $wgMonthAbbreviationsFr = array(
- "jan", "fév", "mar", "avr", "mai", "jun", "jul", "aoû",
- "sep", "oct", "nov", "déc"
+ "jan", "fév", "mar", "avr", "mai", "jun", "jul", "aoû",
+ "sep", "oct", "nov", "déc"
// All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
@@ -88,9 +90,9 @@
/* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesFr = array(
"Userlogin" => "",
"Userlogout" => "",
- "Preferences" => "Préférences",
+ "Preferences" => "Préférences",
"Watchlist" => "Liste de suivi",
- "Recentchanges" => "Modifications récentes",
+ "Recentchanges" => "Modifications récentes",
"Upload" => "Copier un fichier",
"Imagelist" => "Liste des images",
"Listusers" => "Liste des participants",
@@ -100,14 +102,14 @@
"Lonelypages" => "Pages orphelines",
"Unusedimages" => "Images orphelines",
"Popularpages" => "Les plus populaires",
- "Wantedpages" => "Les plus demandées",
+ "Wantedpages" => "Les plus demandées",
"Shortpages" => "Articles courts",
"Longpages" => "Articles longs",
"Newpages" => "Nouvelles pages",
"Ancientpages" => "Anciennes pages",
"Allpages" => "Toutes les pages",
- "Ipblocklist" => "Adresses IP bloquées",
+ "Ipblocklist" => "Adresses IP bloquées",
"Maintenance" => "Page de maintenance",
"Specialpages" => "", // ces pages doivent rester vides !
"Contributions" => "",
@@ -116,102 +118,103 @@
"Recentchangeslinked" => "",
"Movepage" => "",
"Booksources" => "Librairies en ligne",
-// "Categories" => "Page des catégories" // Looxix "Page categories"
+// "Categories" => "Page des catégories" // Looxix "Page categories"
"Export" => "Exporter par XML",
"Version" => "Version",
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesFr = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Bloquer une adresse IP",
- "Asksql" => "Accès SQL",
- "Undelete" => "Gérer les pages effacées"
+ "Asksql" => "Accès SQL",
+ "Undelete" => "Gérer les pages effacées"
/* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesFr = array(
- "Lockdb" => "Bloquer la base de données",
- "Unlockdb" => "Débloquer la base de données",
+ "Lockdb" => "Bloquer la base de données",
+ "Unlockdb" => "Débloquer la base de données",
/* private */ $wgAllMessagesFr = array(
# Bits of text used by many pages:
-"categories" => "Catégories de la page", // Looxix "Page categories",
-"category" => "catégorie", // Looxix "category",
-"category_header" => "Articles dans la catégorie \"$1\"", // Looxix "Articles in category \"$1\"",
-"subcategories" => "Sous-catégories", // Looxix "Subcategories",
+"categories" => "Catégories de la page", // Looxix "Page categories",
+"category" => "catégorie", // Looxix "category",
+"category_header" => "Articles dans la catégorie \"$1\"", // Looxix "Articles in category \"$1\"",
+"subcategories" => "Sous-catégories", // Looxix "Subcategories",
-"linktrail" => "/^([a-zàâçéèêîôû]+)(.*)\$/sD",
+"linktrail" => "/^([a-zàâçéèêîôû]+)(.*)\$/sD",
"mainpage" => "Accueil",
-"mainpagetext" => "Logiciel Wikipédia installé.",
-"about" => "À propos",
-"aboutwikipedia" => "À propos de Wikipédia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipédia:À propos",
+"mainpagetext" => "Logiciel $wgSitename installé.",
+"about" => "À propos",
+"aboutwikipedia" => "À propos de $wgSitename",
+"aboutpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:À propos",
"help" => "Aide",
-"helppage" => "Wikipédia:Aide",
-"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipédia",
+"helppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Aide",
+"wikititlesuffix" => "$wgSitename",
"bugreports" => "Rapport d'erreurs",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipédia:Rapport d'erreurs",
+"bugreportspage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Rapport d'erreurs",
"sitesupport" => "Participer en faisant un don",
-"sitesupportpage" => "Wikipédia:Dons",
+"sitesupportpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Dons",
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipédia:FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "Aide",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipédia:Comment éditer une page",
+"edithelppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Comment éditer une page",
"cancel" => "Annuler",
"qbfind" => "Rechercher",
-"qbbrowse" => "Défiler",
-"qbedit" => "Éditer",
+"qbbrowse" => "Défiler",
+"qbedit" => "Éditer",
"qbpageoptions" => "Page d'option",
"qbpageinfo" => "Page d'information",
"qbmyoptions" => "Mes options",
-"qbspecialpages" => "Pages spéciales",
+"qbspecialpages" => "Pages spéciales",
"moredotdotdot" => "Et plus...",
"mypage" => "Ma page",
"mytalk" => "Ma page de discussion",
-"currentevents" => "Actualités",
+"currentevents" => "Actualités",
"errorpagetitle" => "Erreur",
-"returnto" => "Revenir à la page $1.",
-"fromwikipedia" => "Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.",
-"whatlinkshere" => "Références à cette page",
+"returnto" => "Revenir à la page $1.",
+"fromwikipedia" => "Un article de $wgSitename, l'encyclopéde libre.",
+"whatlinkshere" => "Références à cette page",
"help" => "Aide",
"search" => "Rechercher",
"history" => "Historique",
"printableversion" => "Version imprimable",
"editthispage" => "Modifier cette page",
"deletethispage" => "Supprimer cette page",
-"protectthispage" => "Protéger cette page",
-"unprotectthispage" => "Déprotéger cette page",
+"protectthispage" => "Protéger cette page",
+"unprotectthispage" => "Déprotéger cette page",
"newpage" => "Nouvelle page",
"talkpage" => "Page de discussion",
"postcomment" => "Ajouter un commentaire",
"articlepage" => "Voir l'article",
"subjectpage" => "Page sujet",
"userpage" => "Page utilisateur",
-"wikipediapage" => "Page méta",
+"wikipediapage" => "Page méta",
"imagepage" => "Page image",
"viewtalkpage" => "Page de discussion",
"otherlanguages" => "Autres langues",
-"redirectedfrom" => "(Redirigé depuis $1)",
-"lastmodified" => "Dernière modification de cette page : $1.",
-"viewcount" => "Cette page a été consultée $1 fois.",
+"redirectedfrom" => "(Redirigé depuis $1)",
+"lastmodified" => "Dernière modification de cette page : $1.",
+"viewcount" => "Cette page a été consultée $1 fois.",
"gnunote" => "Tous les textes sont disponibles sous les termes de la <a class=internal href='/wiki/GFDL'>Licence de documentation libre GNU</a>.",
-"printsubtitle" => "(de",
-"protectedpage" => "Page protégée",
-"administrators" => "Wikipédia:Administrateurs",
-"sysoptitle" => "Accès administrateur requis",
-"sysoptext" => "L'action que vous avez tentée ne peut être effectuée que par un utilisateur ayant le statut d'\"administrateur\".
+"printsubtitle" => "(de http://$wgServer)",
+"protectedpage" => "Page protégée",
+"administrators" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Administrateurs",
+"sysoptitle" => "Accès administrateur requis",
+"sysoptext" => "L'action que vous avez tentée ne peut être effectuée que par un utilisateur ayant le statut d'\"administrateur\".
Voir $1.",
-"developertitle" => "Accès développeur requis",
-"developertext" => "L'action que vous avez tentée ne peut être effectuée que par un utilisateur ayant le statut de \"développeur\".
+"developertitle" => "Accès développeur requis",
+"developertext" => "L'action que vous avez tentée ne peut être effectuée que par un utilisateur ayant le statut de \"développeur\".
Voir $1.",
"nbytes" => "$1 octets",
"go" => "Consulter",
"ok" => "OK",
-"sitetitle" => "Wikipédia",
-"sitesubtitle" => "L'encyclopédie libre",
-"retrievedfrom" => "Récupérée de \"$1\"",
+"sitetitle" => "$wgSitename",
+"sitesubtitle" => "L'encyclopédie libre",
+"retrievedfrom" => "Récupérée de \"$1\"",
"newmessages" => "Vous avez des $1.",
"newmessageslink" => "nouveaux messages",
"editsection" => "modifier",
@@ -219,33 +222,33 @@ Voir $1.",
"showtoc" => "montrer",
"hidetoc" => "cacher",
"thisisdeleted" => "Afficher ou restaurer $1?",
-"restorelink" => "$1 modifications effacées",
+"restorelink" => "$1 modifications effacées",
# Main script and global functions
"nosuchaction" => "Action inconnue",
-"nosuchactiontext" => "L'action spécifiée dans l'Url n'est pas reconnue par le logiciel Wikipédia.",
-"nosuchspecialpage" => "Page spéciale inexistante",
-"nospecialpagetext" => "Vous avez demandé une page spéciale qui n'est pas reconnue par le logiciel Wikipédia.",
+"nosuchactiontext" => "L'action spécifiée dans l'Url n'est pas reconnue par le wiki.",
+"nosuchspecialpage" => "Page spéciale inexistante",
+"nospecialpagetext" => "Vous avez demandé une page spéciale qui n'est pas reconnue par le wiki.",
# General errors
"error" => "Erreur",
-"databaseerror" => "Erreur base de données",
-"dberrortext" => "Erreur de syntaxe dans la base de données. Cette erreur peut être causée par une requête de recherche incorrecte (voir $5), ou une erreur dans le logiciel. La dernière requête traitée par la base de données était :
+"databaseerror" => "Erreur base de données",
+"dberrortext" => "Erreur de syntaxe dans la base de données. Cette erreur peut être causée par une requête de recherche incorrecte (voir $5), ou une erreur dans le logiciel. La dernière requête traitée par la base de données était :
depuis la fonction \"<tt>$2</tt>\".
-MySQL a renvoyé l'erreur \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".",
-"noconnect" => "Désolé! Suite à des problèmes techniques, il est impossible de se connecter à la base de données pour le moment.", //"Connexion impossible à la base de données sur $1",
-"nodb" => "Sélection impossible de la base de données $1",
-"cachederror" => "Ceci est une copie de la page demandée et peut ne pas être à jour",
-"readonly" => "Mises à jour bloquées sur la base de données",
-"enterlockreason" => "Indiquez la raison du blocage, ainsi qu'une estimation de la durée de blocage ",
-"readonlytext" => "Les ajouts et mises à jour sur la base de données Wikipédia sont actuellement bloqués, probablement pour permettre la maintenance de la base, après quoi, tout rentrera dans l'ordre. Voici la raison pour laquelle l'administrateur a bloqué la base :
+MySQL a renvoyé l'erreur \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".",
+"noconnect" => "Désolé! Suite à des problèmes techniques, il est impossible de se connecter à la base de données pour le moment.", //"Connexion impossible à la base de données sur $1",
+"nodb" => "Sélection impossible de la base de données $1",
+"cachederror" => "Ceci est une copie de la page demandée et peut ne pas être à jour",
+"readonly" => "Mises à jour bloquées sur la base de données",
+"enterlockreason" => "Indiquez la raison du blocage, ainsi qu'une estimation de la durée de blocage ",
+"readonlytext" => "Les ajouts et mises à jour sur la base de donnée$wgSitename sont actuellement bloqués, probablement pour permettre la maintenance de la base, après quoi, tout rentrera dans l'ordre. Voici la raison pour laquelle l'administrateur a bloqué la base :
-"missingarticle" => "La base de données n'a pas pu trouver le texte d'une page existante, dont le titre est \"$1\".
-Ce n'est pas une erreur de la base de données, mais plus probablement un bogue du logiciel Wikipédia.
-Veuillez rapporter cette erreur à un administrateur, en lui indiquant l'adresse de la page fautive.",
+"missingarticle" => "La base de données n'a pas pu trouver le texte d'une page existante, dont le titre est \"$1\".
+Ce n'est pas une erreur de la base de données, mais plus probablement un bogue du wiki.
+Veuillez rapporter cette erreur à un administrateur, en lui indiquant l'adresse de la page fautive.",
"internalerror" => "Erreur interne",
"filecopyerror" => "Impossible de copier \"$1\" vers \"$2\".",
"filerenameerror" => "Impossible de renommer \"$1\" en \"$2\".",
@@ -253,117 +256,117 @@ Veuillez rapporter cette erreur à un administrateur, en lui indiquant l'adresse
"filenotfound" => "Fichier \"$1\" introuvable.",
"unexpected" => "Valeur inattendue : \"$1\"=\"$2\".",
"formerror" => "Erreur: Impossible de soumettre le formulaire",
-"badarticleerror" => "Cette action ne peut pas être effectuée sur cette page.",
-"cannotdelete" => "Impossible de supprimer la page ou l'image indiquée.",
+"badarticleerror" => "Cette action ne peut pas être effectuée sur cette page.",
+"cannotdelete" => "Impossible de supprimer la page ou l'image indiquée.",
"badtitle" => "Mauvais titre",
-"badtitletext" => "Le titre de la page demandée est invalide, vide ou le lien interlangue est invalide",
-"perfdisabled" => "Désolé! Cette fonctionnalité est temporairement désactivée
-car elle ralentit la base de données à un point tel que plus personne
+"badtitletext" => "Le titre de la page demandée est invalide, vide ou le lien interlangue est invalide",
+"perfdisabled" => "Désolé! Cette fonctionnalité est temporairement désactivée
+car elle ralentit la base de données à un point tel que plus personne
ne peut utiliser le wiki.",
"perfdisabledsub" => "Ceci est une copie de sauvegarde de $1:",
"viewsource" => "Voir le texte source",
-"protectedtext" => "Cette page a été bloquée pour empêcher sa modification. Consultez [[Wikipédia:Page protégée]] pour voir les différentes raisons possibles.",
+"protectedtext" => "Cette page a été bloquée pour empêcher sa modification. Consulter $wgSitename:Page protégée]] pour voir les différentes raisons possibles.",
# Login and logout pages
-"logouttitle" => "Déconnexion",
-"logouttext" => "Vous êtes à présent déconnecté(e).
-Vous pouvez continuer à utiliser Wikipédia de façon anonyme, ou vous reconnecter, éventuellement sous un autre nom.\n",
+"logouttitle" => "Déconnexion",
+"logouttext" => "Vous êtes à présent déconnecté(e).
+Vous pouvez continuer à utiliser $wgSitename de façon anonyme, ou vous reconnecter, éventuellement sous un autre nom.\n",
-"welcomecreation" => "<h2>Bienvenue, $1!</h2><p>Votre compte d'utilisateur a été créé.
-N'oubliez pas de personnaliser votre Wikipédia en consultant la page Préférences.",
+"welcomecreation" => "<h2>Bienvenue, $1!</h2><p>Votre compte d'utilisateur a été créé.
+N'oubliez pas de personnaliser votre $wgSitename en consultant la page Préférences.",
"loginpagetitle" => "Votre identifiant",
"yourname" => "Votre nom d'utilisateur",
"yourpassword" => "Votre mot de passe",
-"yourpasswordagain" => "Entrez à nouveau votre mot de passe",
+"yourpasswordagain" => "Entrez à nouveau votre mot de passe",
"newusersonly" => " (nouveaux utilisateurs uniquement)",
"remembermypassword" => "Se souvenir de mon mot de passe (cookie)",
-"loginproblem" => "<b>Problème d'identification.</b><br>Essayez à nouveau !",
-"alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=red><b>Utilisateur $1, vous êtes déjà identifié!</b></font><br>\n",
+"loginproblem" => "<b>Problème d'identification.</b><br>Essayez à nouveau !",
+"alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=red><b>Utilisateur $1, vous êtes déjà identifié!</b></font><br>\n",
"login" => "Identification",
"userlogin" => "Identification",
-"logout" => "Déconnexion",
-"userlogout" => "Déconnexion",
-"notloggedin" => "Non connecté",
-"createaccount" => "Créer un nouveau compte",
+"logout" => "Déconnexion",
+"userlogout" => "Déconnexion",
+"notloggedin" => "Non connecté",
+"createaccount" => "Créer un nouveau compte",
"createaccountmail" => "par courriel", // Looxix "by eMail",
"badretype" => "Les deux mots de passe que vous avez saisis ne sont pas identiques.",
-"userexists" => "Le nom d'utilisateur que vous avez saisi est déjà utilisé. Veuillez en choisir un autre.",
-"youremail" => "Mon adresse électronique",
+"userexists" => "Le nom d'utilisateur que vous avez saisi est déjà utilisé. Veuillez en choisir un autre.",
+"youremail" => "Mon adresse électronique",
"yournick" => "Mon surnom (pour les signatures)",
-"emailforlost" => "Si vous égarez votre mot de passe, vous pouvez demander à ce qu'un nouveau vous soit envoyé à votre adresse électronique.",
-"loginerror" => "Problème d'identification",
+"emailforlost" => "Si vous égarez votre mot de passe, vous pouvez demander à ce qu'un nouveau vous soit envoyé à votre adresse électronique.",
+"loginerror" => "Problème d'identification",
"noname" => "Vous n'avez pas saisi de nom d'utilisateur.",
-"loginsuccesstitle" => "Identification réussie.",
-"loginsuccess" => "Vous êtes actuellement connecté(e) sur Wikipédia en tant que \"$1\".",
+"loginsuccesstitle" => "Identification réussie.",
+"loginsuccess" => "Vous êtes actuellement connecté sur $wgSitename en tant que \"$1\".",
"nosuchuser" => "L'utilisateur \"$1\" n'existe pas.
-Vérifiez que vous avez bien orthographié le nom, ou utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour créer un nouveau compte utilisateur.",
-"wrongpassword" => "Le mot de passe est incorrect. Essayez à nouveau.",
+Vérifiez que vous avez bien orthographié le nom, ou utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour créer un nouveau compte utilisateur.",
+"wrongpassword" => "Le mot de passe est incorrect. Essayez à nouveau.",
"mailmypassword" => "Envoyez-moi un nouveau mot de passe",
-"passwordremindertitle" => "Votre nouveau mot de passe sur Wikipédia",
-"passwordremindertext" => "Quelqu'un (probablement vous) ayant l'adresse IP $1 a demandé à ce qu'un nouveau mot de passe vous soit envoyé pour votre accès à Wikipédia.
-Le mot de passe de l'utilisateur \"$2\" est à présent \"$3\".
-Nous vous conseillons de vous connecter et de modifier ce mot de passe dès que possible.",
-"noemail" => "Aucune adresse électronique n'a été enregistrée pour l'utilisateur \"$1\".",
-"passwordsent" => "Un nouveau mot de passe a été envoyé à l'adresse électronique de l'utilisateur \"$1\".
-Veuillez vous identifier dès que vous l'aurez reçu.",
+"passwordremindertitle" => "Votre nouveau mot de passe sur $wgSitename",
+"passwordremindertext" => "Quelqu'un (probablement vous) ayant l'adresse IP $1 a demandé à ce qu'un nouveau mot de passe vous soit envoyé pour votre accès au wiki.
+Le mot de passe de l'utilisateur \"$2\" est à présent \"$3\".
+Nous vous conseillons de vous connecter et de modifier ce mot de passe dès que possible.",
+"noemail" => "Aucune adresse électronique n'a été enregistrée pour l'utilisateur \"$1\".",
+"passwordsent" => "Un nouveau mot de passe a été envoyé à l'adresse électronique de l'utilisateur \"$1\".
+Veuillez vous identifier dès que vous l'aurez reçu.",
# Edit pages
-"summary" => "Résumé",
+"summary" => "Résumé",
"subject" => "Sujet/titre", // Looxix "Subject/headline",
"minoredit" => "Modification mineure.",
"watchthis" => "Suivre cet article",
"savearticle" => "Sauvegarder",
-"preview" => "Prévisualiser",
-"showpreview" => "Prévisualisation",
-"blockedtitle" => "Utilisateur bloqué",
-"blockedtext" => "Votre compte utilisateur ou votre adresse IP ont été bloqués par $1 pour la raison suivante :<br>$2<p>Vous pouvez contacter $1 ou un des autres [[Wikipédia:Administrateurs|administateurs]] pour en discuter.",
-"whitelistedittitle" => "Login requis pour rédiger", // Looxix "Login required to edit",
-"whitelistedittext" => "Vous devez être [[Special:Userlogin|connecté]] pour pouvoir rédiger", // Looxix
+"preview" => "Prévisualiser",
+"showpreview" => "Prévisualisation",
+"blockedtitle" => "Utilisateur bloqué",
+"blockedtext" => "Votre compte utilisateur ou votre adresse IP ont été bloqués par $1 pour la raison suivante :<br>$2<p>Vous pouvez contacter $1 ou un des autres [[$wgMetaNamespace:Administrateurs|administateurs]] pour en discuter.",
+"whitelistedittitle" => "Login requis pour rédiger", // Looxix "Login required to edit",
+"whitelistedittext" => "Vous devez être [[Special:Userlogin|connecté]] pour pouvoir rédiger", // Looxix
"whitelistreadtitle" => "Login requis pour lire", // Looxix "Login required to read",
-"whitelistreadtext" => "Vous devez être [[Special:Userlogin|connecté]] pour pouvoir lire les articles", // Looxix
-"whitelistacctitle" => "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer un compte", // Looxix
-"whitelistacctext" => "Pour pouvoir créer un compte sur ce Wiki vous devez être [[Special:Userlogin|connecté]] et avoir les permissions appropriées", // Looxix
-"accmailtitle" => "Mot de passe envoyé.", // Looxix "Password sent.",
-"accmailtext" => "Le mot de passe de '$1' a été envoyé à $2.", // Looxix
+"whitelistreadtext" => "Vous devez être [[Special:Userlogin|connecté]] pour pouvoir lire les articles", // Looxix
+"whitelistacctitle" => "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer un compte", // Looxix
+"whitelistacctext" => "Pour pouvoir créer un compte sur ce Wiki vous devez être [[Special:Userlogin|connecté]] et avoir les permissions appropriées", // Looxix
+"accmailtitle" => "Mot de passe envoyé.", // Looxix "Password sent.",
+"accmailtext" => "Le mot de passe de '$1' a été envoyé à $2.", // Looxix
"newarticle" => "(Nouveau)",
"newarticletext" => "Saisissez ici le texte de votre article.",
-"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Ceci est la page de discussion pour un utilisateur anonyme qui n'a pas encore créé un compte ou qui ne l'utilise pas. Pour cette raison, nous devons utiliser l'[[adresse IP]] numérique pour l'identifier. Une adresse de ce type peut être partagée entre plusieurs utilisateurs. Si vous êtes un utilisateur anonyme et si vous constatez que des commentaires qui ne vous concernent pas vous ont été adressés, vous pouvez [[Special:Userlogin|créer un compte ou vous connecter]] afin d'éviter toute future confusion à l'avenir.",
+"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Ceci est la page de discussion pour un utilisateur anonyme qui n'a pas encore créé un compte ou qui ne l'utilise pas. Pour cette raison, nous devons utiliser l'[[adresse IP]] numérique pour l'identifier. Une adresse de ce type peut être partagée entre plusieurs utilisateurs. Si vous êtes un utilisateur anonyme et si vous constatez que des commentaires qui ne vous concernent pas vous ont été adressés, vous pouvez [[Special:Userlogin|créer un compte ou vous connecter]] afin d'éviter toute future confusion à l'avenir.",
"noarticletext" => "(Il n'y a pour l'instant aucun texte sur cette page)",
-"updated" => "(Mis à jour)",
+"updated" => "(Mis à jour)",
"note" => "<strong>Note :</strong> ",
-"previewnote" => "Attention, ce texte n'est qu'une prévisualisation et n'a pas encore été sauvegardé!",
-"previewconflict" => "La prévisualisation montre le texte de cette page tel qu'il apparaîtra une fois sauvegardé.",
+"previewnote" => "Attention, ce texte n'est qu'une prévisualisation et n'a pas encore été sauvegardé!",
+"previewconflict" => "La prévisualisation montre le texte de cette page tel qu'il apparaîtra une fois sauvegardé.",
"editing" => "modification de $1",
"section edit" => " (section)",
"comment edit" => " (commentaire)",
"editconflict" => "Conflit de modification : $1",
-"explainconflict" => "<b>Cette page a été sauvegardée après que vous avez commencé à la modifier.
-La zone d'édition supérieure contient le texte tel qu'il est enregistré actuellement dans la base de données. Vos modifications apparaissent dans la zone d'édition inférieure. Vous allez devoir apporter vos modifications au texte existant. Seul le texte de la zone supérieure sera sauvegardé.\n<p>",
+"explainconflict" => "<b>Cette page a été sauvegardée après que vous avez commencé à la modifier.
+La zone d'édition supérieure contient le texte tel qu'il est enregistré actuellement dans la base de données. Vos modifications apparaissent dans la zone d'édition inférieure. Vous allez devoir apporter vos modifications au texte existant. Seul le texte de la zone supérieure sera sauvegardé.\n<p>",
"yourtext" => "Votre texte",
-"storedversion" => "Version enregistrée",
-"editingold" => "<strong>Attention : vous êtes en train de modifier une version obsolète de cette page. Si vous sauvegardez, toutes les modifications effectuées depuis cette version seront perdues.</strong>\n",
-"yourdiff" => "Différences",
-"copyrightwarning" => "Toutes les contributions à Wikipédia sont considérées comme publiées sous les termes de la GNU Free Documentation Licence, une licence de documentation libre (Voir $1 pour plus de détails). Si vous ne désirez pas que vos écrits soient édités et distribués à volonté, ne les envoyez pas. De même, merci de ne contribuer qu'en apportant vos propres écrits ou des écrits issus d'une source libre de droits. <b>N'UTILISEZ PAS DE TRAVAUX SOUS COPYRIGHT SANS AUTORISATION EXPRESSE!</b>",
+"storedversion" => "Version enregistrée",
+"editingold" => "<strong>Attention : vous êtes en train de modifier une version obsolète de cette page. Si vous sauvegardez, toutes les modifications effectuées depuis cette version seront perdues.</strong>\n",
+"yourdiff" => "Différences",
+"copyrightwarning" => "Toutes les contributions à $wgSitename sont considérées comme publiées sous les termes de la GNU Free Documentation Licence, une licence de documentation libre (Voir $1 pour plus de détails). Si vous ne désirez pas que vos écrits soient édités et distribués à volonté, ne les envoyez pas. De même, merci de ne contribuer qu'en apportant vos propres écrits ou des écrits issus d'une source libre de droits. <b>N'UTILISEZ PAS DE TRAVAUX SOUS COPYRIGHT SANS AUTORISATION EXPRESSE!</b>",
"longpagewarning" => "AVERTISSEMENT : cette page a une longueur de $1 ko;
-quelques navigateurs gèrent mal les pages approchant ou dépassant 32 ko lors de leur rédaction.
-Peut-être serait-il mieux que vous divisiez la page en sections plus petites.", // Panoramix
-"readonlywarning" => "AVERTISSEMENT : cette page a été bloquée pour maintenance,
+quelques navigateurs gèrent mal les pages approchant ou dépassant 32 ko lors de leur rédaction.
+Peut-être serait-il mieux que vous divisiez la page en sections plus petites.", // Panoramix
+"readonlywarning" => "AVERTISSEMENT : cette page a été bloquée pour maintenance,
vous ne pourrez donc pas sauvegarder vos modifications maintenant. Vous pouvez copier le texte dans un fichier et le sauver pour plus tard.",
-"protectedpagewarning" => "AVERTISSEMENT : cette page a été bloquée.
+"protectedpagewarning" => "AVERTISSEMENT : cette page a été bloquée.
Seuls les utilisateurs ayant le statut d'administrateur peuvent la modifier. Soyez certain que
-vous suivez les <a href='/wiki/Wikipédia:Page protégée'>directives concernant les pages protégées</a>.",
+vous suivez les <a href='/wiki/$wgMetaNamespace:Page_protégée'>directives concernant les pages protégées</a>.",
# History pages
-"revhistory" => "Versions précédentes",
+"revhistory" => "Versions précédentes",
"nohistory" => "Il n'existe pas d'historique pour cette page.",
"revnotfound" => "Version introuvable",
-"revnotfoundtext" => "La version précédente de cette page n'a pas pu être retrouvée. Vérifiez l'URL que vous avez utilisée pour accéder à cette page.\n",
+"revnotfoundtext" => "La version précédente de cette page n'a pas pu être retrouvée. Vérifiez l'URL que vous avez utilisée pour accéder à cette page.\n",
"loadhist" => "Chargement de l'historique de la page",
"currentrev" => "Version actuelle",
@@ -372,12 +375,12 @@ vous suivez les <a href='/wiki/Wikipédia:Page protégée'>directives concernant le
"next" => "suiv",
"last" => "dern",
"orig" => "orig",
-"histlegend" => "Légende : (actu) = différence avec la version actuelle ,
-(dern) = différence avec la version précédente, M = modification mineure",
+"histlegend" => "Légende : (actu) = différence avec la version actuelle ,
+(dern) = différence avec la version précédente, M = modification mineure",
# Diffs
-"difference" => "(Différences entre les versions)",
+"difference" => "(Différences entre les versions)",
"loadingrev" => "chargement de l'ancienne version pour comparaison",
"lineno" => "Ligne $1:",
"editcurrent" => "Modifier la version actuelle de cette page",
@@ -385,39 +388,39 @@ vous suivez les <a href='/wiki/Wikipédia:Page protégée'>directives concernant le
# Search results
-"searchresults" => "Résultat de la recherche",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipédia:Recherche",
-"searchingwikipedia" => "Chercher dans Wikipédia",
-"searchresulttext" => "Pour plus d'informations sur la recherche dans Wikipédia, voir $1.",
-"searchquery" => "Pour la requête \"$1\"",
-"badquery" => "Requête mal formulée",
-"badquerytext" => "Nous n'avons pas pu traiter votre requête.
-Vous avez probablement recherché un mot d'une longueur inférieure
-à trois lettres, ce qui n'est pas encore possible. Vous avez
+"searchresults" => "Résultat de la recherche",
+"searchhelppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Recherche",
+"searchingwikipedia" => "Chercher dans $wgSitename",
+"searchresulttext" => "Pour plus d'informations sur la recherche dans $wgSitename, voir $1.",
+"searchquery" => "Pour la requête \"$1\"",
+"badquery" => "Requête mal formulée",
+"badquerytext" => "Nous n'avons pas pu traiter votre requête.
+Vous avez probablement recherché un mot d'une longueur inférieure
+à trois lettres, ce qui n'est pas encore possible. Vous avez
aussi pu faire une erreur de syntaxe, telle que \"poisson et
-et écailles\".
-Veuillez essayer une autre requête.",
-"matchtotals" => "La requête \"$1\" correspond à $2 titre(s)
+et écailles\".
+Veuillez essayer une autre requête.",
+"matchtotals" => "La requête \"$1\" correspond à $2 titre(s)
d'article et au texte de $3 article(s).",
-"nogomatch" => "Aucune page avec ce titre n'existe, essai avec la recherche complète.",
+"nogomatch" => "Aucune page avec ce titre n'existe, essai avec la recherche complète.",
"titlematches" => "Correspondances dans les titres",
-"notitlematches" => "Aucun titre d'article ne contient le(s) mot(s) demandé(s)",
+"notitlematches" => "Aucun titre d'article ne contient le(s) mot(s) demandé(s)",
"textmatches" => "Correspondances dans les textes",
-"notextmatches" => "Aucun texte d'article ne contient le(s) mot(s) demandé(s)",
-"prevn" => "$1 précédents",
+"notextmatches" => "Aucun texte d'article ne contient le(s) mot(s) demandé(s)",
+"prevn" => "$1 précédents",
"nextn" => "$1 suivants",
"viewprevnext" => "Voir ($1) ($2) ($3).",
-"showingresults" => "Affichage de <b>$1</b> résultats à partir du #<b>$2</b>.",
-"showingresultsnum" => "Affichage de <b>$3</b> résultats à partir du #<b>$2</b>.",
-"nonefound" => "<strong>Note</strong>: l'absence de résultat est souvent due à l'emploi de termes de recherche trop courants, comme \"à\" ou \"de\",
-qui ne sont pas indexés, ou à l'emploi de plusieurs termes de recherche (seules les pages
-contenant tous les termes apparaissent dans les résultats).",
+"showingresults" => "Affichage de <b>$1</b> résultats à partir du #<b>$2</b>.",
+"showingresultsnum" => "Affichage de <b>$3</b> résultats à partir du #<b>$2</b>.",
+"nonefound" => "<strong>Note</strong>: l'absence de résultat est souvent due à l'emploi de termes de recherche trop courants, comme \"à\" ou \"de\",
+qui ne sont pas indexés, ou à l'emploi de plusieurs termes de recherche (seules les pages
+contenant tous les termes apparaissent dans les résultats).",
"powersearch" => "Recherche",
"powersearchtext" => "
Rechercher dans les espaces :<br>
$2 Inclure les page de redirections &nbsp; Rechercher $3 $9",
-"searchdisabled" => "<p>La fonction de recherche sur l'entièreté du texte a été temporairement désactivée à cause de la grande charge que cela impose au serveur. Nous espérons la rétablir prochainement lorsque nous disposerons d'un serveur plus puissant. En attendant, vous pouvez faire la recherche avec Google:</p>
+"searchdisabled" => "<p>La fonction de recherche sur l'entièreté du texte a été temporairement désactivée à cause de la grande charge que cela impose au serveur. Nous espérons la rétablir prochainement lorsque nous disposerons d'un serveur plus puissant. En attendant, vous pouvez faire la recherche avec Google:</p>
"googlesearch" => "<!-- SiteSearch Google -->
@@ -445,70 +448,70 @@ value=\"{$wgServer}\" checked> {$wgServer} <br>
# Preferences page
-"preferences" => "Préférences",
-"prefsnologin" => "Non connecté",
-"prefsnologintext" => "Vous devez être <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">connecté</a>
-pour modifier vos préférences d'utilisateur.",
-"prefslogintext" => "Je suis connecté(e) en tant que $1 avec le numéro d'utilisateur $2.
-Voir [[Wikipédia:Aide pour les préférences]] pour les explications concernant les options.",
-"prefsreset" => "Les préférences ont été rétablies à partir de la version enregistrée.",
+"preferences" => "Préférences",
+"prefsnologin" => "Non connecté",
+"prefsnologintext" => "Vous devez être <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">connecté</a>
+pour modifier vos préférences d'utilisateur.",
+"prefslogintext" => "Je suis connecté(e) en tant que $1 avec le numéro d'utilisateur $2.
+Voir [[$wgMetaNamespace:Aide pour les préférences]] pour les explications concernant les options.",
+"prefsreset" => "Les préférences ont été rétablies à partir de la version enregistrée.",
"qbsettings" => "Personnalisation de la barre outils",
"changepassword" => "Modification du mot de passe",
"skin" => "Apparence",
"math" => "Rendu des maths", // Looxix "Rendering math",
"dateformat" => "Format de date",
"math_failure" => "Erreur math", // Looxix "Failure toparse",
-"math_unknown_error" => "erreur indéterminée", // FvdP+Looxix "unknown error",
+"math_unknown_error" => "erreur indéterminée", // FvdP+Looxix "unknown error",
"math_unknown_function" => "fonction inconnue",
"math_lexing_error" => "erreur lexicale", // Looxxi "lexing error",
"math_syntax_error" => "erreur de syntaxe",
-"saveprefs" => "Enregistrer les préférences",
-"resetprefs" => "Rétablir les préférences",
+"saveprefs" => "Enregistrer les préférences",
+"resetprefs" => "Rétablir les préférences",
"oldpassword" => "Ancien mot de passe",
"newpassword" => "Nouveau mot de passe",
"retypenew" => "Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe",
-"textboxsize" => "Taille de la fenêtre d'édition",
-"rows" => "Rangées",
+"textboxsize" => "Taille de la fenêtre d'édition",
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"columns" => "Colonnes",
-"searchresultshead" => "Affichage des résultats de recherche",
-"resultsperpage" => "Nombre de réponses par page",
-"contextlines" => "Nombre de lignes par réponse",
-"contextchars" => "Nombre de caractères de contexte par ligne",
+"searchresultshead" => "Affichage des résultats de recherche",
+"resultsperpage" => "Nombre de réponses par page",
+"contextlines" => "Nombre de lignes par réponse",
+"contextchars" => "Nombre de caractères de contexte par ligne",
"stubthreshold" => "Taille minimale des articles courts",
-"recentchangescount" => "Nombre de titres dans les modifications récentes",
-"savedprefs" => "Les préférences ont été sauvegardées.",
-"timezonetext" => "Si vous ne précisez pas de décalage horaire, c'est l'heure de l'Europe de l'ouest qui sera utilisée.",
+"recentchangescount" => "Nombre de titres dans les modifications récentes",
+"savedprefs" => "Les préférences ont été sauvegardées.",
+"timezonetext" => "Si vous ne précisez pas de décalage horaire, c'est l'heure de l'Europe de l'ouest qui sera utilisée.",
"localtime" => "Heure locale",
-"timezoneoffset" => "Décalage horaire",
+"timezoneoffset" => "Décalage horaire",
"servertime" => "Heure du serveur", //Looxix (Server time is now)
"guesstimezone" => "Utiliser la valeur du navigateur", //Looxix (Fill in from browser)
-"emailflag" => "Ne pas recevoir de courrier électronique<br> des autres utilisateurs",
-"defaultns" => "Par défaut, rechercher dans ces espaces :", //Looxix (Search in these namespaces by default)
+"emailflag" => "Ne pas recevoir de courrier électronique<br> des autres utilisateurs",
+"defaultns" => "Par défaut, rechercher dans ces espaces :", //Looxix (Search in these namespaces by default)
# Recent changes
"changes" => "modifications",
-"recentchanges" => "Modifications récentes",
-"recentchangestext" => "Suivez sur cette page les dernières modifications de Wikipédia.
-[[Wikipédia:Bienvenue|Bienvenue]] aux nouveaux participants!
-Jetez un coup d'&oelig;il sur ces pages&nbsp;: [[Wikipédia:FAQ|foire aux questions]],
-[[Wikipédia:Recommandations et règles à suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]]
-(notamment [[Wikipédia:Règles de nommage|conventions de nommage]],
-[[Wikipédia:La neutralité de point de vue|la neutralité de point de vue]]),
-et [[Wikipédia:Les faux-pas les plus courants|les faux-pas les plus courants]].
-Si vous voulez que Wikipédia connaisse le succès, merci de ne pas y inclure pas de matériaux protégés par des [[Wikipédia:Copyright|copyrights]]. La responsabilité juridique pourrait en effet compromettre le projet. ",
-"rcloaderr" => "Chargement des dernières modifications",
-"rcnote" => "Voici les <strong>$1</strong> dernières modifications effectuées au cours des <strong>$2</strong> derniers jours.",
-"rcnotefrom" => "Voici les modifications effectuées depuis le <strong>$2</strong> (<b>$1</b> au maximum).",
+"recentchanges" => "Modifications récentes",
+"recentchangestext" => "Suivez sur cette page les dernières modifications de $wgSitename.
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:Bienvenue|Bienvenue]] aux nouveaux participants!
+Jetez un coup d'&oelig;il sur ces pages&nbsp;: [[$wgMetaNamespace:FAQ|foire aux questions]],
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:Recommandations et règles à suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]]
+(notamment [[$wgMetaNamespace:Règles de nommage|conventions de nommage]],
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:La neutralité de point de vue|la neutralité de point de vue]]),
+et [[$wgMetaNamespace:Les faux-pas les plus courants|les faux-pas les plus courants]].
+Si vous voulez que $wgSitename connaisse le succès, merci de ne pas y inclure pas de matériaux protégés par des [[$wgMetaNamespace:Copyright|copyrights]]. La responsabilité juridique pourrait en effet compromettre le projet. ",
+"rcloaderr" => "Chargement des dernières modifications",
+"rcnote" => "Voici les <strong>$1</strong> dernières modifications effectuées au cours des <strong>$2</strong> derniers jours.",
+"rcnotefrom" => "Voici les modifications effectuées depuis le <strong>$2</strong> (<b>$1</b> au maximum).",
"rclistfrom" => "Afficher les nouvelles modifications depuis le $1.",
-# "rclinks" => "Afficher les $1 dernières modifications effectuées au cours des $2 dernières heures / $3 derniers jours",
-# "rclinks" => "Afficher les $1 dernières modifications effectuées au cours des $2 derniers jours.",
-"rclinks" => "Afficher les $1 dernières modifications effectuées au cours des $2 derniers jours; $3 modifications mineures.", // Looxix
+# "rclinks" => "Afficher les $1 dernières modifications effectuées au cours des $2 dernières heures / $3 derniers jours",
+# "rclinks" => "Afficher les $1 dernières modifications effectuées au cours des $2 derniers jours.",
+"rclinks" => "Afficher les $1 dernières modifications effectuées au cours des $2 derniers jours; $3 modifications mineures.", // Looxix
"rchide" => "in $4 form; $1 modifications mineures; $2 espaces secondaires; $3 modifications multiples.", // FIXME
-"rcliu" => "; $1 modifications par des contributeurs connectés",
+"rcliu" => "; $1 modifications par des contributeurs connectés",
"diff" => "diff",
"hist" => "hist",
"hide" => "cacher",
@@ -524,37 +527,37 @@ Si vous voulez que Wikipédia connaisse le succès, merci de ne pas y inclure pas
"upload" => "Copier sur le serveur",
"uploadbtn" => "Copier un fichier",
"uploadlink" => "Copier des images",
-"reupload" => "Copier à nouveau",
+"reupload" => "Copier à nouveau",
"reuploaddesc" => "Retour au formulaire.",
-"uploadnologin" => "Non connecté(e)",
-"uploadnologintext" => "Vous devez être <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">connecté</a>
+"uploadnologin" => "Non connecté(e)",
+"uploadnologintext" => "Vous devez être <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">connecté</a>
pour copier des fichiers sur le serveur.",
"uploadfile" => "Copier un fichier",
"uploaderror" => "Erreur",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP !</strong> Avant de copier votre fichier sur le serveur,
-prenez connaissance des <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipédia:règles d'utilisation des images" ) . "\">règles d'utilisation des images</a> de Wikipédia et assurez-vous que vous les respectez.<br>N'oubliez pas de remplir la <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipédia:Page de description d'une image" ). "\">page de description de l'image</a> quand celle-ci sera sur le serveur.
-<p>Pour voir les images déjà placées sur le serveur ou pour effectuer une recherche parmi celles-ci,
-allez à la <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) ."\">liste des images</a>.
-Les uploads et les suppressions sont listés dans le <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipédia:Journal_des_uploads" ) . "\">journal des uploads</a>.
-<p>Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour copier sur le serveur de nouvelles images destinées à illustrer vos articles.
-Sur la plupart des navigateurs, vous verrez un bouton \"Browse...\" qui ouvre la fenêtre de dialogue standard de votre système d'exploitation pour l'ouverture des fichiers.
-Sélectionnez un fichier, son nom apparaîtra dans le champ situé à côté du bouton.
-Vous devez également confirmer, en cochant la case prévue à cet effet, que la copie de ce fichier ne viole aucun copyright.
+prenez connaissance des <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:règles d'utilisation des images" ) . "\">règles d'utilisation des images</a> de $wgSitename et assurez-vous que vous les respectez.<br>N'oubliez pas de remplir la <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Page de description d'une image" ). "\">page de description de l'image</a> quand celle-ci sera sur le serveur.
+<p>Pour voir les images déjà placées sur le serveur ou pour effectuer une recherche parmi celles-ci,
+allez à la <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) ."\">liste des images</a>.
+Les uploads et les suppressions sont listés dans le <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Journal_des_uploads" ) . "\">journal des uploads</a>.
+<p>Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour copier sur le serveur de nouvelles images destinées à illustrer vos articles.
+Sur la plupart des navigateurs, vous verrez un bouton \"Browse...\" qui ouvre la fenêtre de dialogue standard de votre système d'exploitation pour l'ouverture des fichiers.
+Sélectionnez un fichier, son nom apparaîtra dans le champ situé à côté du bouton.
+Vous devez également confirmer, en cochant la case prévue à cet effet, que la copie de ce fichier ne viole aucun copyright.
Cliquez sur le bouton \"Envoyer\" pour terminer.
-Si votre connexion est lente, l'opération peut prendre un certain temps.
-<p>Les formats recommandés sont JPEG pour les photos, PNG
+Si votre connexion est lente, l'opération peut prendre un certain temps.
+<p>Les formats recommandés sont JPEG pour les photos, PNG
pour les dessins et les autres images, et OGG pour les fichiers sonores.
-Donnez à vos fichiers des noms descriptifs clairs, afin d'éviter toute confusion.
-Pour incorporer l'image dans un article, placez dans celui-ci un lien rédigé comme suit:
+Donnez à vos fichiers des noms descriptifs clairs, afin d'éviter toute confusion.
+Pour incorporer l'image dans un article, placez dans celui-ci un lien rédigé comme suit:
<b>[[image:nom_du_fichier.jpg]]</b> ou <b>[[image:nom_du_fichier.png|autre texte]]</b>
ou <b>[[media:nom_du_fichier.ogg]]</b> pour les sons.
-<p>N'oubliez pas que, comme toutes les pages de Wikipédia, les fichiers que vous copiez peuvent être modifiés ou supprimés par les autres utilisateurs s'ils estiment que cela est dans l'intérêt de l'encyclopédie. Sachez aussi que votre accès au serveur peut être bloqué si vous faites un mauvais usage du système.",
+<p>N'oubliez pas que, comme toutes les pages de $wgSitename, les fichiers que vous copiez peuvent être modifiés ou supprimés par les autres utilisateurs s'ils estiment que cela est dans l'intérêt de l'encyclopédie. Sachez aussi que votre accès au serveur peut être bloqué si vous faites un mauvais usage du système.",
"uploadlog" => "log d'upload", // FIXME
"uploadlogpage" => "Log_d'upload", // FIXME
-"uploadlogpagetext" => "Voici la liste des derniers fichiers copiés sur le serveur.
-L'heure indiquée est celle du serveur (UTC).
+"uploadlogpagetext" => "Voici la liste des derniers fichiers copiés sur le serveur.
+L'heure indiquée est celle du serveur (UTC).
@@ -562,44 +565,44 @@ L'heure indiquée est celle du serveur (UTC).
"filedesc" => "Description",
"filestatus" => "Statut du copyright",
"filesource" => "Source",
-"affirmation" => "Je déclare que le détenteur du copyright de ce fichier accepte de le diffuser selon les termes de la $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipédia:Copyright",
-"copyrightpagename" => "licence Wikipédia",
-"uploadedfiles" => "Fichiers copiés",
+"affirmation" => "Je déclare que le détenteur du copyright de ce fichier accepte de le diffuser selon les termes de la $1.",
+"copyrightpage" => "$wgNamespace:Copyright",
+"copyrightpagename" => "licence $wgSitename",
+"uploadedfiles" => "Fichiers copiés",
"noaffirmation" => "Vous devez confirmer que la copie de ce fichier ne viole aucun copyright.",
-"ignorewarning" => "Ignorer l'avertissement et copier le fichier quand même.",
+"ignorewarning" => "Ignorer l'avertissement et copier le fichier quand même.",
"minlength" => "Les noms des images doivent comporter au moins trois lettres.",
-"badfilename" => "L'image a été renommée \"$1\".",
-"badfiletype" => "\".$1\" n'est pas un format recommandé pour les fichiers images.",
-"largefile" => "La taille maximale conseillée pour les images est de 100Ko.",
-"successfulupload" => "Copie réussie",
-"fileuploaded" => "Le fichier \"$1\" a été copié sur le serveur.
-Suivez ce lien: ($2) pour accéder à la page de description, et donner des informations sur le fichier, par exemple son origine, sa date de création, son auteur, ou tout autre renseignement en votre possession.",
+"badfilename" => "L'image a été renommée \"$1\".",
+"badfiletype" => "\".$1\" n'est pas un format recommandé pour les fichiers images.",
+"largefile" => "La taille maximale conseillée pour les images est de 100Ko.",
+"successfulupload" => "Copie réussie",
+"fileuploaded" => "Le fichier \"$1\" a été copié sur le serveur.
+Suivez ce lien: ($2) pour accéder à la page de description, et donner des informations sur le fichier, par exemple son origine, sa date de création, son auteur, ou tout autre renseignement en votre possession.",
"uploadwarning" => "Attention !",
"savefile" => "Sauvegarder le fichier",
-"uploadedimage" => " \"$1\" copié sur le serveur",
+"uploadedimage" => " \"$1\" copié sur le serveur",
# Image list
"imagelist" => "Liste des images",
-"imagelisttext" => "Voici une liste de $1 images classées $2.",
-"getimagelist" => "Récupération de la liste des images",
+"imagelisttext" => "Voici une liste de $1 images classées $2.",
+"getimagelist" => "Récupération de la liste des images",
"ilshowmatch" => "Afficher toutes les images dont le nom contient ",
"ilsubmit" => "Chercher",
-"showlast" => "Afficher les $1 dernières images classées $2.",
+"showlast" => "Afficher les $1 dernières images classées $2.",
"all" => "toutes",
"byname" => "par nom",
"bydate" => "par date",
"bysize" => "par taille",
"imgdelete" => "suppr",
"imgdesc" => "descr",
-"imglegend" => "Légende: (descr) = afficher/modifier la description de l'image.",
+"imglegend" => "Légende: (descr) = afficher/modifier la description de l'image.",
"imghistory" => "Historique de l'image",
-"revertimg" => "rétab",
+"revertimg" => "rétab",
"deleteimg" => "suppr",
-"imghistlegend" => "Légende: (actu) = ceci est l'image actuelle, (suppr) = supprimer
-cette ancienne version, (rétab) = rétablir cette ancienne version.
-<br><i>Cliquez sur la date pour voir l'image copiée à cette date</i>.",
+"imghistlegend" => "Légende: (actu) = ceci est l'image actuelle, (suppr) = supprimer
+cette ancienne version, (rétab) = rétablir cette ancienne version.
+<br><i>Cliquez sur la date pour voir l'image copiée à cette date</i>.",
"imagelinks" => "Liens vers l'image",
"linkstoimage" => "Les pages ci-dessous comportent un lien vers cette image:",
"nolinkstoimage" => "Aucune page ne comporte de lien vers cette image.",
@@ -609,40 +612,40 @@ cette ancienne version, (rétab) = rétablir cette ancienne version.
"statistics" => "Statistiques",
"sitestats" => "Statistiques du site",
"userstats" => "Statistiques utilisateur",
-"sitestatstext" => "La base de données contient actuellement <b>$1</b> pages.
+"sitestatstext" => "La base de données contient actuellement <b>$1</b> pages.
-Ce chiffre inclut les pages \"discussion\", les pages relatives à Wikipédia, les pages minimales (\"bouchons\"), les pages de redirection, ainsi que d'autres pages qui ne peuvent sans doute pas être considérées comme des articles.
-Si l'on exclut ces pages, il reste <b>$2</b> pages qui sont probablement de véritables articles.<p>
-<b>$3</b> pages ont été consultées et <b>$4</b> pages modifiées
+Ce chiffre inclut les pages \"discussion\", les pages relatives à $wgSitename, les pages minimales (\"bouchons\"), les pages de redirection, ainsi que d'autres pages qui ne peuvent sans doute pas être considérées comme des articles.
+Si l'on exclut ces pages, il reste <b>$2</b> pages qui sont probablement de véritables articles.<p>
+<b>$3</b> pages ont été consultées et <b>$4</b> pages modifiées
-depuis la mise à jour du logiciel (31 octobre 2002).
-Cela représente une moyenne de <b>$5</b> modifications par page et de <b>$6</b> consultations pour une modification.",
-"userstatstext" => "Il y a <b>$1</b> utilisateurs enregistrés.
+depuis la mise à jour du logiciel (31 octobre 2002).
+Cela représente une moyenne de <b>$5</b> modifications par page et de <b>$6</b> consultations pour une modification.",
+"userstatstext" => "Il y a <b>$1</b> utilisateurs enregistrés.
Parmi ceux-ci, <b>$2</b> ont le statut d'administrateur (voir $3).",
# Maintenance Page
"maintenance" => "Page de maintenance",
-"maintnancepagetext" => "Cette page inclut plusieurs utilitaires pour la maintenance quotidienne. Certains de ces outils ont tendance à charger la base de données; ne rechargez pas la page a chaque modification.",
-"maintenancebacklink" => "Retour à la page de maintenance",
+"maintnancepagetext" => "Cette page inclut plusieurs utilitaires pour la maintenance quotidienne. Certains de ces outils ont tendance à charger la base de données; ne rechargez pas la page a chaque modification.",
+"maintenancebacklink" => "Retour à la page de maintenance",
"disambiguations" => "Pages d'homonymie",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipédia:Liens_aux_pages_d'homonymie",
-"disambiguationstext" => "Les articles suivants sont liés à une <i>page d'homonymie</i>. Or, ils devraient être liés au sujet.<br>Une page est considérée comme page d'homonymie si elle est liée à partir de $1.<br>Les liens à partir d'autres <i>espaces</i> ne sont pas pris en compte.",
+"disambiguationspage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Liens_aux_pages_d'homonymie",
+"disambiguationstext" => "Les articles suivants sont liés à une <i>page d'homonymie</i>. Or, ils devraient être liés au sujet.<br>Une page est considérée comme page d'homonymie si elle est liée à partir de $1.<br>Les liens à partir d'autres <i>espaces</i> ne sont pas pris en compte.",
"doubleredirects" => "Double redirection",
-"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> cette liste peut contenir des \"faux positifs\". Dans ce cas, c'est probablement la page du premier #REDIRECT contient aussi du texte.<br>Chaque ligne contient les liens à la 1re et 2e page de redirection, ainsi que la première ligne de cette dernière, qui donne normalement la \"vraie\" destination. Le premier #REDIRECT devrait lier vers cette destination.",
-"brokenredirects" => "Redirections cassées",
-"brokenredirectstext" => "Ces redirections mènent a une page qui n'existe pas.",
+"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> cette liste peut contenir des \"faux positifs\". Dans ce cas, c'est probablement la page du premier #REDIRECT contient aussi du texte.<br>Chaque ligne contient les liens à la 1re et 2e page de redirection, ainsi que la première ligne de cette dernière, qui donne normalement la \"vraie\" destination. Le premier #REDIRECT devrait lier vers cette destination.",
+"brokenredirects" => "Redirections cassées",
+"brokenredirectstext" => "Ces redirections mènent a une page qui n'existe pas.",
"selflinks" => "Page avec un lien circulaire",
-"selflinkstext" => "Les pages suivantes contiennent un lien vers elles-mêmes, ce qui n'est pas permis.",
+"selflinkstext" => "Les pages suivantes contiennent un lien vers elles-mêmes, ce qui n'est pas permis.",
"mispeelings" => "Pages avec fautes d'orthographe",
-"mispeelingstext" => "Les pages suivantes contiennent une faute d'orthographe courante (la liste de celles-ci est sur $1). L'orthographe correcte est peut-être (ceci).",
+"mispeelingstext" => "Les pages suivantes contiennent une faute d'orthographe courante (la liste de celles-ci est sur $1). L'orthographe correcte est peut-être (ceci).",
"mispeelingspage" => "Liste de fautes d'orthographe courantes",
-# les 3 messages suivants ne sont plus utilisés (plus de page Special:Intl)
+# les 3 messages suivants ne sont plus utilisés (plus de page Special:Intl)
"missinglanguagelinks" => "Liens inter-langues manquants",
-"missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "Je n'ai pas trouvé de lien/langue pour cette page",
-"missinglanguagelinkstext" => "Ces articles ne lient pas à leur 'contrepartie' in $1. Les redirections et les liens ne sont pas affichés.",
+"missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "Je n'ai pas trouvé de lien/langue pour cette page",
+"missinglanguagelinkstext" => "Ces articles ne lient pas à leur 'contrepartie' in $1. Les redirections et les liens ne sont pas affichés.",
# Miscellaneous special pages
@@ -650,87 +653,87 @@ Parmi ceux-ci, <b>$2</b> ont le statut d'administrateur (voir $3).",
"orphans" => "Pages orphelines",
"lonelypages" => "Pages orphelines",
"unusedimages" => "Images orphelines",
-"popularpages" => "Pages les plus consultées",
+"popularpages" => "Pages les plus consultées",
"nviews" => "$1 consultations",
-"wantedpages" => "Pages les plus demandées",
-"nlinks" => "$1 références",
+"wantedpages" => "Pages les plus demandées",
+"nlinks" => "$1 références",
"allpages" => "Toutes les pages",
"randompage" => "Une page au hasard",
"shortpages" => "Articles courts",
"longpages" => "Articles longs",
"listusers" => "Liste des participants",
-"specialpages" => "Pages spéciales",
-"spheading" => "Pages spéciales",
-"sysopspheading" => "Pages spéciales à l'usage des administrateurs",
-"developerspheading" => "Pages spéciales à l'usage des développeurs",
-"protectpage" => "Protéger la page",
+"specialpages" => "Pages spéciales",
+"spheading" => "Pages spéciales",
+"sysopspheading" => "Pages spéciales à l'usage des administrateurs",
+"developerspheading" => "Pages spéciales à l'usage des développeurs",
+"protectpage" => "Protéger la page",
"recentchangeslinked" => "Suivi des liens",
-"rclsub" => "(des pages liées à \"$1\")",
-"debug" => "Déboguer",
+"rclsub" => "(des pages liées à \"$1\")",
+"debug" => "Déboguer",
"newpages" => "Nouvelles pages",
"ancientpages" => "Articles les plus anciens",
-"movethispage" => "Déplacer la page",
-"unusedimagestext" => "<p>N'oubliez pas que d'autres sites, comme certains Wikipédias non francophones, peuvent contenir un lien direct vers cette image, et que celle-ci peut être placée dans cette liste alors qu'elle est en réalité utilisée.",
-"booksources" => "Ouvrages de référence",
-"booksourcetext" => "Voici une liste de liens vers d'autres sites qui vendent des livres neufs et d'occasion et sur lesquels vous trouverez peut-être des informations sur les ouvrages que vous cherchez. Wikipédia n'étant liée à aucune de ces sociétés, elle n'a aucunement l'intention d'en faire la promotion.",
-"alphaindexline" => "$1 à $2",
+"movethispage" => "Déplacer la page",
+"unusedimagestext" => "<p>N'oubliez pas que d'autres sites, comme certains Wikipédias non francophones, peuvent contenir un lien direct vers cette image, et que celle-ci peut être placée dans cette liste alors qu'elle est en réalité utilisée.",
+"booksources" => "Ouvrages de référence",
+"booksourcetext" => "Voici une liste de liens vers d'autres sites qui vendent des livres neufs et d'occasion et sur lesquels vous trouverez peut-être des informations sur les ouvrages que vous cherchez. $wgSitename n'étant liée à aucune de ces sociétés, elle n'a aucunement l'intention d'en faire la promotion.",
+"alphaindexline" => "$1 à $2",
# Email this user
"mailnologin" => "Pas d'adresse",
-"mailnologintext" => "Vous devez être <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">connecté</a>
-et avoir indiqué une adresse électronique valide dans vos <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Special:Preferences" ) . "\">préférences</a>
-pour pouvoir envoyer un message à un autre utilisateur.",
-"emailuser" => "Envoyer un message à cet utilisateur",
+"mailnologintext" => "Vous devez être <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">connecté</a>
+et avoir indiqué une adresse électronique valide dans vos <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Preferences" ) . "\">préférences</a>
+pour pouvoir envoyer un message à un autre utilisateur.",
+"emailuser" => "Envoyer un message à cet utilisateur",
"emailpage" => "Email user",
-"emailpagetext" => "Si cet utilisateur a indiqué une adresse électronique valide dans ses préférences, le formulaire ci-dessous lui enverra un message.
-L'adresse électronique que vous avez indiquée dans vos préférences apparaîtra dans le champ \"Expéditeur\" de votre message, afin que le destinataire puisse vous répondre.",
-"noemailtitle" => "Pas d'adresse électronique",
-"noemailtext" => "Cet utilisateur n'a pas spécifié d'adresse électronique valide ou a choisi de ne pas recevoir de courrier électronique des autres utilisateurs.",
+"emailpagetext" => "Si cet utilisateur a indiqué une adresse électronique valide dans ses préférences, le formulaire ci-dessous lui enverra un message.
+L'adresse électronique que vous avez indiquée dans vos préférences apparaîtra dans le champ \"Expéditeur\" de votre message, afin que le destinataire puisse vous répondre.",
+"noemailtitle" => "Pas d'adresse électronique",
+"noemailtext" => "Cet utilisateur n'a pas spécifié d'adresse électronique valide ou a choisi de ne pas recevoir de courrier électronique des autres utilisateurs.",
-"emailfrom" => "Expéditeur",
+"emailfrom" => "Expéditeur",
"emailto" => "Destinataire",
"emailsubject" => "Objet",
"emailmessage" => "Message",
"emailsend" => "Envoyer",
-"emailsent" => "Message envoyé",
-"emailsenttext" => "Votre message a été envoyé.",
+"emailsent" => "Message envoyé",
+"emailsenttext" => "Votre message a été envoyé.",
# Watchlist
"watchlist" => "Liste de suivi",
"watchlistsub" => "(pour l'utilisateur \"$1\")",
"nowatchlist" => "Votre liste de suivi ne contient aucun article.",
-"watchnologin" => "Non connecté",
-"watchnologintext" => "Vous devez être <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">connecté</a>
+"watchnologin" => "Non connecté",
+"watchnologintext" => "Vous devez être <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">connecté</a>
pour modifier votre liste.",
-"addedwatch" => "Ajouté à la liste",
-"addedwatchtext" => "La page \"$1\" a été ajoutée à votre <a href=\"" .
+"addedwatch" => "Ajouté à la liste",
+"addedwatchtext" => "La page \"$1\" a été ajoutée à votre <a href=\"" .
wfLocalUrl( "Special:Watchlist" ) . "\">liste de suivi</a>.
-Les prochaines modifications de cette page et de la page discussion associée seront répertoriées ici, et la page apparaîtra <b>en gras</b> dans la <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Special:Recentchanges" ) . "\">liste des modifications récentes</a> pour être repérée plus facilement.</p>
+Les prochaines modifications de cette page et de la page discussion associée seront répertoriées ici, et la page apparaîtra <b>en gras</b> dans la <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Recentchanges" ) . "\">liste des modifications récentes</a> pour être repérée plus facilement.</p>
<p>Pour supprimer cette page de votre liste de suivi, cliquez sur \"Ne plus suivre\" dans le cadre de navigation.",
-"removedwatch" => "Supprimée de la liste de suivi",
-"removedwatchtext" => "La page \"$1\" a été supprimée de votre liste de suivi.",
+"removedwatch" => "Supprimée de la liste de suivi",
+"removedwatchtext" => "La page \"$1\" a été supprimée de votre liste de suivi.",
"watchthispage" => "Suivre cette page",
"unwatchthispage" => "Ne plus suivre",
"notanarticle" => "Aucun article",
-"watchnochange" => "Aucune des pages que vous suivez n'a été modifiée pendant la période affichée",
-// "watchdetails" => "($1 pages suivies, sans compter les pages de discussion; $2 pages en total modifiées depuis la limite; $3... <a href='$4'>afficher et modifier la liste complète</a>.)", // Looxix
-"watchdetails" => "Vous suivez $1 pages, sans compter les pages de discussion. <a href='$4'>Afficher et modifier la liste complète</a>.", // Looxix
-"watchmethod-recent" => "vérification des modifications récentes des pages suivies", // Looxix
-"watchmethod-list" => "vérification des pages suivies pour des modifications récentes", // Looxix
-"removechecked" => "Retirer de la liste de suivi les articles sélectionnés",
+"watchnochange" => "Aucune des pages que vous suivez n'a été modifiée pendant la période affichée",
+// "watchdetails" => "($1 pages suivies, sans compter les pages de discussion; $2 pages en total modifiées depuis la limite; $3... <a href='$4'>afficher et modifier la liste complète</a>.)", // Looxix
+"watchdetails" => "Vous suivez $1 pages, sans compter les pages de discussion. <a href='$4'>Afficher et modifier la liste complète</a>.", // Looxix
+"watchmethod-recent" => "vérification des modifications récentes des pages suivies", // Looxix
+"watchmethod-list" => "vérification des pages suivies pour des modifications récentes", // Looxix
+"removechecked" => "Retirer de la liste de suivi les articles sélectionnés",
"watchlistcontains" => "Votre liste de suivi contient $1 pages",
-"watcheditlist" => "Ceci est votre liste de suivi par ordre alphabétique. Sélectionnez les pages que vous souhaitez retirer de la liste et cliquez le bouton \"retirer de la liste de suivi\" en bas de l'écran.",
-"removingchecked" => "Les articles sélectionnés sont retirés de votre liste de suivi...",
+"watcheditlist" => "Ceci est votre liste de suivi par ordre alphabétique. Sélectionnez les pages que vous souhaitez retirer de la liste et cliquez le bouton \"retirer de la liste de suivi\" en bas de l'écran.",
+"removingchecked" => "Les articles sélectionnés sont retirés de votre liste de suivi...",
"couldntremove" => "Impossible de retirer l'article '$1'...",
-"iteminvalidname" => "Problème avec l'article '$1': le nom est invalide...",
-"wlnote" => "Ci-dessous se trouve les $1 dernières modifications depuis les <b>$2</b> dernières heures.", // Looxix
+"iteminvalidname" => "Problème avec l'article '$1': le nom est invalide...",
+"wlnote" => "Ci-dessous se trouve les $1 dernières modifications depuis les <b>$2</b> dernières heures.", // Looxix
# Delete/protect/revert
@@ -738,75 +741,75 @@ Les prochaines modifications de cette page et de la page discussion associée ser
"deletepage" => "Supprimer une page",
"confirm" => "Confirmer",
"excontent" => "contenant",
-"exbeforeblank" => "le contenu avant effacement était :",
+"exbeforeblank" => "le contenu avant effacement était :",
"exblank" => "page vide",
"confirmdelete" => "Confirmer la suppression",
"deletesub" => "(Suppression de \"$1\")",
-"historywarning" => "Attention: La page que vous êtes sur le point de supprimer à un historique: ",
-"confirmdeletetext" => "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement de la base de données une page
-ou une image, ainsi que toutes ses versions antérieures.
-Veuillez confirmer que c'est bien là ce que vous voulez faire, que vous en comprenez les conséquences et que vous faites cela en accord avec les [[Wikipédia:Recommandations Et Règles à Suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]].",
+"historywarning" => "Attention: La page que vous êtes sur le point de supprimer à un historique: ",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement de la base de données une page
+ou une image, ainsi que toutes ses versions antérieures.
+Veuillez confirmer que c'est bien là ce que vous voulez faire, que vous en comprenez les conséquences et que vous faites cela en accord avec les [[$wgMetaNamespace:Recommandations Et Règles à Suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Oui, je confirme la suppression.",
-"actioncomplete" => "Suppression effectuée",
-"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" a été supprimé.
-Voir $2 pour une liste des suppressions récentes.",
+"actioncomplete" => "Suppression effectuée",
+"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" a été supprimé.
+Voir $2 pour une liste des suppressions récentes.",
"deletedarticle" => "effacement de \"$1\"",
"dellogpage" => "Historique des effacements",
-"dellogpagetext" => "Voici la liste des suppressions récentes.
-L'heure indiquée est celle du serveur (UTC).
+"dellogpagetext" => "Voici la liste des suppressions récentes.
+L'heure indiquée est celle du serveur (UTC).
"deletionlog" => "historique des effacements",
-"reverted" => "Rétablissement de la version précédente",
+"reverted" => "Rétablissement de la version précédente",
"deletecomment" => "Motif de la suppression",
-"imagereverted" => "La version précédente a été rétablie.",
-"rollback" => "révoquer modifications",
-"rollbacklink" => "révoquer",
-"rollbackfailed" => "La révocation a échoué",
-"cantrollback" => "Impossible de révoquer: dernier auteur est le seul à avoir modifié cet article",
-"alreadyrolled" => "Impossible de révoquer la dernière modification de [[$1]]
-par [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); quelqu'un d'autre à déjà modifer ou révoquer l'article.
-La dernière modificaion était de [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]). ", //Looxix
+"imagereverted" => "La version précédente a été rétablie.",
+"rollback" => "révoquer modifications",
+"rollbacklink" => "révoquer",
+"rollbackfailed" => "La révocation a échoué",
+"cantrollback" => "Impossible de révoquer: dernier auteur est le seul à avoir modifié cet article",
+"alreadyrolled" => "Impossible de révoquer la dernière modification de [[$1]]
+par [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); quelqu'un d'autre à déjà modifer ou révoquer l'article.
+La dernière modificaion était de [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]). ", //Looxix
# only shown if there is an edit comment
-"editcomment" => "Le résumé de la modification était: \"<i>$1</i>\".", //Looxix
-"revertpage" => "restitution de la dernière modification de $1",
+"editcomment" => "Le résumé de la modification était: \"<i>$1</i>\".", //Looxix
+"revertpage" => "restitution de la dernière modification de $1",
"protectlogpage" => "Log_de_protection",
-"protectlogtext" => "Voir les [[Wikipédia:Page protégée|directives concernant les pages protégées]].",
-"protectedarticle" => "a protégée [[$1]]",
-"unprotectedarticle" => "a déprotégé [[$1]]",
+"protectlogtext" => "Voir les [[$wgMetaNamespace:Page protégée|directives concernant les pages protégées]].",
+"protectedarticle" => "a protégée [[$1]]",
+"unprotectedarticle" => "a déprotégé [[$1]]",
# Undelete
-"undelete" => "Restaurer la page effacée",
-"undeletepage" => "Voir et restaurer la page effacée",
-"undeletepagetext" => "Ces pages ont été effacées et se trouvent dans la corbeille, elles sont toujours dans la base de donnée et peuvent être restaurées.
-La corbeille peut être effacée périodiquement.",
-"undeletearticle" => "Restaurer les articles effacés",
-"undeleterevisions" => "$1 révisions archivées", // Looxix "$1 revisions archived",
-"undeletehistory" => "Si vous restaurez la page, toutes les révisions seront restaurées dans l'historique.
-Si une nouvelle page avec le même nom a été crée depuis la suppression,
-les révisions restaurées apparaîtront dans l'historique antérieur et la version courante ne sera pas automatiquement remplacée.",
-"undeleterevision" => "Version effacée ($1)", // Looxix "Deleted revision as of $1",
+"undelete" => "Restaurer la page effacée",
+"undeletepage" => "Voir et restaurer la page effacée",
+"undeletepagetext" => "Ces pages ont été effacées et se trouvent dans la corbeille, elles sont toujours dans la base de donnée et peuvent être restaurées.
+La corbeille peut être effacée périodiquement.",
+"undeletearticle" => "Restaurer les articles effacés",
+"undeleterevisions" => "$1 révisions archivées", // Looxix "$1 revisions archived",
+"undeletehistory" => "Si vous restaurez la page, toutes les révisions seront restaurées dans l'historique.
+Si une nouvelle page avec le même nom a été crée depuis la suppression,
+les révisions restaurées apparaîtront dans l'historique antérieur et la version courante ne sera pas automatiquement remplacée.",
+"undeleterevision" => "Version effacée ($1)", // Looxix "Deleted revision as of $1",
"undeletebtn" => "Restaurer!",
-"undeletedarticle" => "restauré \"$1\"", // FvdP "restored \"$1\""
-"undeletedtext" => "L'article [[$1]] a été restauré avec succès.
-Voir [[Wikipedia:Trace des effacements]] pour la liste des suppressions et des restaurations récentes.",
+"undeletedarticle" => "restauré \"$1\"", // FvdP "restored \"$1\""
+"undeletedtext" => "L'article [[$1]] a été restauré avec succès.
+Voir [[$wgMetaNamespace:Trace des effacements]] pour la liste des suppressions et des restaurations récentes.",
# Contributions
"contributions" => "Contributions",
"mycontris" => "Mes contributions",
"contribsub" => "Pour $1",
-"nocontribs" => "Aucune modification correspondant à ces critères n'a été trouvée.",
-"ucnote" => "Voici les <b>$1</b> dernières modifications effectuées par cet utilisateur au cours des <b>$2</b> derniers jours.",
-"uclinks" => "Afficher les $1 dernières modifications; afficher les $2 derniers jours.",
-"uctop" => " (dernière)", // FvdP " (top)"
+"nocontribs" => "Aucune modification correspondant à ces critères n'a été trouvée.",
+"ucnote" => "Voici les <b>$1</b> dernières modifications effectuées par cet utilisateur au cours des <b>$2</b> derniers jours.",
+"uclinks" => "Afficher les $1 dernières modifications; afficher les $2 derniers jours.",
+"uctop" => " (dernière)", // FvdP " (top)"
# What links here
-"whatlinkshere" => "Pages liées",
+"whatlinkshere" => "Pages liées",
"notargettitle" => "Pas de cible",
"notargettext" => "Indiquez une page cible ou un utilisateur cible.",
"linklistsub" => "(Liste de liens)",
@@ -817,108 +820,107 @@ Voir [[Wikipedia:Trace des effacements]] pour la liste des suppressions et des r
# Block/unblock IP
"blockip" => "Bloquer une adresse IP",
-"blockiptext" => "Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour bloquer l'accès en écriture à partir d'une adresse IP donnée.
-Une telle mesure ne doit être prise que pour empêcher le vandalisme et en accord avec [[Wikipédia:Recommandations et règles à suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]].
-Donnez ci-dessous une raison précise (par exemple en indiquant les pages qui ont été vandalisées).",
+"blockiptext" => "Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour bloquer l'accès en écriture à partir d'une adresse IP donnée.
+Une telle mesure ne doit être prise que pour empêcher le vandalisme et en accord avec [[$wgMetaNamespace:Recommandations et règles à suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]].
+Donnez ci-dessous une raison précise (par exemple en indiquant les pages qui ont été vandalisées).",
"ipaddress" => "Adresse IP",
"ipbreason" => "Motif",
"ipbsubmit" => "Bloquer cette adresse",
"badipaddress" => "L'adresse IP n'est pas correcte.",
"noblockreason" => "Vous devez indiquer le motif du blocage.",
-"blockipsuccesssub" => "Blocage réussi",
-"blockipsuccesstext" => "L'adresse IP \"$1\" a été bloquée.
-<br>Vous pouvez consulter sur cette [[Special:Ipblocklist|page]] la liste des adresses IP bloquées.",
-"unblockip" => "Débloquer une adresse IP",
-"unblockiptext" => "Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour rétablir l'accès en écriture
-à partir d'une adresse IP précédemment bloquée.",
-"ipusubmit" => "Débloquer cette adresse",
-"ipusuccess" => "Adresse IP \"$1\" débloquée",
-"ipblocklist" => "Liste des adresses IP bloquées",
-"blocklistline" => "$1, $2 a bloqué $3",
+"blockipsuccesssub" => "Blocage réussi",
+"blockipsuccesstext" => "L'adresse IP \"$1\" a été bloquée.
+<br>Vous pouvez consulter sur cette [[Special:Ipblocklist|page]] la liste des adresses IP bloquées.",
+"unblockip" => "Débloquer une adresse IP",
+"unblockiptext" => "Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour rétablir l'accès en écriture
+à partir d'une adresse IP précédemment bloquée.",
+"ipusubmit" => "Débloquer cette adresse",
+"ipusuccess" => "Adresse IP \"$1\" débloquée",
+"ipblocklist" => "Liste des adresses IP bloquées",
+"blocklistline" => "$1, $2 a bloqué $3",
"blocklink" => "bloquer",
-"unblocklink" => "débloquer",
+"unblocklink" => "débloquer",
"contribslink" => "contribs",
-"autoblocker" => "Autobloqué parce que vous partagez une adresse IP avec \"$1\". Raison : \"$2\".",
+"autoblocker" => "Autobloqué parce que vous partagez une adresse IP avec \"$1\". Raison : \"$2\".",
"blocklogpage" => "Log de blocage",
"blocklogentry" => 'blocage de "$1"',
-"blocklogtext" => "Ceci est la trace des blocages et déblocages des utilisateurs. Les adresses IP automatiquement bloquées ne sont pas listées. Consultez la [[Special:Ipblocklist|liste des utilisateurs bloqués]] pour voir qui est actuellement effectivement bloqué.",
-"unblocklogentry" => 'déblocage de "$1"',
+"blocklogtext" => "Ceci est la trace des blocages et déblocages des utilisateurs. Les adresses IP automatiquement bloquées ne sont pas listées. Consultez la [[Special:Ipblocklist|liste des utilisateurs bloqués]] pour voir qui est actuellement effectivement bloqué.",
+"unblocklogentry" => 'déblocage de "$1"',
# Developer tools
"lockdb" => "Verrouiller la base",
-"unlockdb" => "Déverrouiller la base",
-"lockdbtext" => "Le verrouillage de la base de données empêchera tous les utilisateurs de modifier des pages, de sauvegarder leurs préférences, de modifier leur liste de suivi et d'effectuer toutes les autres opérations nécessitant des modifications dans la base de données.
-Veuillez confirmer que c'est bien là ce que vous voulez faire et que vous débloquerez la base dès que votre opération de maintenance sera terminée.",
-"unlockdbtext" => "Le déverrouillage de la base de données permettra à nouveau à tous les utilisateurs de modifier des pages, de mettre à jour leurs préférences et leur liste de suivi, ainsi que d'effectuer les autres opérations nécessitant des modifications dans la base de données.
-Veuillez confirmer que c'est bien là ce que vous voulez faire.",
-"lockconfirm" => "Oui, je confirme que je souhaite verrouiller la base de données.",
-"unlockconfirm" => "Oui, je confirme que je souhaite déverrouiller la base de données.",
+"unlockdb" => "Déverrouiller la base",
+"lockdbtext" => "Le verrouillage de la base de données empêchera tous les utilisateurs de modifier des pages, de sauvegarder leurs préférences, de modifier leur liste de suivi et d'effectuer toutes les autres opérations nécessitant des modifications dans la base de données.
+Veuillez confirmer que c'est bien là ce que vous voulez faire et que vous débloquerez la base dès que votre opération de maintenance sera terminée.",
+"unlockdbtext" => "Le déverrouillage de la base de données permettra à nouveau à tous les utilisateurs de modifier des pages, de mettre à jour leurs préférences et leur liste de suivi, ainsi que d'effectuer les autres opérations nécessitant des modifications dans la base de données.
+Veuillez confirmer que c'est bien là ce que vous voulez faire.",
+"lockconfirm" => "Oui, je confirme que je souhaite verrouiller la base de données.",
+"unlockconfirm" => "Oui, je confirme que je souhaite déverrouiller la base de données.",
"lockbtn" => "Verrouiller la base",
-"unlockbtn" => "Déverrouiller la base",
-"locknoconfirm" => "Vous n'avez pas coché la case de confirmation.",
-"lockdbsuccesssub" => "Verrouillage de la base réussi.",
-"unlockdbsuccesssub" => "Base déverrouillée.",
-"lockdbsuccesstext" => "La base de données de Wikipédia est verrouillée.
+"unlockbtn" => "Déverrouiller la base",
+"locknoconfirm" => "Vous n'avez pas coché la case de confirmation.",
+"lockdbsuccesssub" => "Verrouillage de la base réussi.",
+"unlockdbsuccesssub" => "Base déverrouillée.",
+"lockdbsuccesstext" => "La base de données de $wgSitename est verrouillée.
-<br>N'oubliez pas de la déverrouiller lorsque vous aurez terminé votre opération de maintenance.",
-"unlockdbsuccesstext" => "La base de données de Wikipédia est déverrouillée.",
+<br>N'oubliez pas de la déverrouiller lorsque vous aurez terminé votre opération de maintenance.",
+"unlockdbsuccesstext" => "La base de données de $wgSitename est déverrouillée.",
# SQL query
-"asksql" => "Requête SQL",
-"asksqltext" => "Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour faire une requête directe sur la base de données de Wikipédia.
-Utilisez des guillemets simples ('comme ceci') pour délimiter les chaînes de caractères.
-Cette opération peut surcharger considérablement le serveur, faites en usage
-avec modération.",
-"sqlislogged" => "Veillez noter que toutes les requêtes sont loguées", // Looxix "Please note that all queries are logged.",
-"sqlquery" => "Saisir la requête",
-"querybtn" => "Envoyer la requête",
-"selectonly" => "Les requêtes autres que \"SELECT\" sont réservées aux développeurs de
-"querysuccessful" => "Requête réussie",
+"asksql" => "Requête SQL",
+"asksqltext" => "Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour faire une requête directe sur la base de données de $wgSitename.
+Utilisez des guillemets simples ('comme ceci') pour délimiter les chaînes de caractères.
+Cette opération peut surcharger considérablement le serveur, faites en usage
+avec modération.",
+"sqlislogged" => "Veillez noter que toutes les requêtes sont loguées", // Looxix "Please note that all queries are logged.",
+"sqlquery" => "Saisir la requête",
+"querybtn" => "Envoyer la requête",
+"selectonly" => "Les requêtes autres que \"SELECT\" sont réservées aux développeurs du wiki.",
+"querysuccessful" => "Requête réussie",
# Move page
-"movepage" => "Déplacer un article",
-"movepagetext" => "Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour renommer un article, en déplaçant toutes ses versions antérieures vers le nouveau nom.
-Le titre précédent deviendra une page de redirection vers le nouveau titre.
-Les liens vers l'ancien titre ne seront pas modifiés et la page discussion, si elle existe, ne sera pas déplacée.<br>
+"movepage" => "Déplacer un article",
+"movepagetext" => "Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour renommer un article, en déplaçant toutes ses versions antérieures vers le nouveau nom.
+Le titre précédent deviendra une page de redirection vers le nouveau titre.
+Les liens vers l'ancien titre ne seront pas modifiés et la page discussion, si elle existe, ne sera pas déplacée.<br>
-Il peut s'agir d'un changement radical et inattendu pour un article souvent consulté;
-assurez-vous que vous en comprenez bien les conséquences avant de procéder.",
-"movepagetalktext" => "La page de discussion associé, si présente, sera automatiquement déplacée avec '''sauf si:'''
-*Vous déplacez une page vers un autre espace,
-*Une page de discussion existe déjà avec le nouveau nom, ou
-*Vous avez désélectionné le bouton ci-dessous.
-Dans ce cas, vous devrez déplacer ou fusionner la page manuellement si vous le désirez.",
-"movearticle" => "Déplacer l'article",
-"movenologin" => "Non connecté",
-"movenologintext" => "Pour pouvoir déplacer un article, vous devez être <a href=\"" .
- wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">connecté</a>
-en tant qu'utilisateur enregistré.",
+Il peut s'agir d'un changement radical et inattendu pour un article souvent consulté;
+assurez-vous que vous en comprenez bien les conséquences avant de procéder.",
+"movepagetalktext" => "La page de discussion associé, si présente, sera automatiquement déplacée avec '''sauf si:'''
+*Vous déplacez une page vers un autre espace,
+*Une page de discussion existe déjà avec le nouveau nom, ou
+*Vous avez désélectionné le bouton ci-dessous.
+Dans ce cas, vous devrez déplacer ou fusionner la page manuellement si vous le désirez.",
+"movearticle" => "Déplacer l'article",
+"movenologin" => "Non connecté",
+"movenologintext" => "Pour pouvoir déplacer un article, vous devez être <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">connecté</a>
+en tant qu'utilisateur enregistré.",
"newtitle" => "Nouveau titre",
-"movepagebtn" => "Déplacer l'article",
-"pagemovedsub" => "Déplacement réussi",
-"pagemovedtext" => "L'article \"[[$1]]\" a été déplacé vers \"[[$2]]\".",
-"articleexists" => "Il existe déjà un article portant ce titre, ou le titre que vous avez choisi n'est pas valide.
+"movepagebtn" => "Déplacer l'article",
+"pagemovedsub" => "Déplacement réussi",
+"pagemovedtext" => "L'article \"[[$1]]\" a été déplacé vers \"[[$2]]\".",
+"articleexists" => "Il existe déjà un article portant ce titre, ou le titre que vous avez choisi n'est pas valide.
Veuillez en choisir un autre.",
-"talkexists" => "La page elle-même a été déplacée avec succès, mais
-la page de discussion n'a pas pu être déplacée car il en existait déjà une
+"talkexists" => "La page elle-même a été déplacée avec succès, mais
+la page de discussion n'a pas pu être déplacée car il en existait déjà une
sous le nouveau nom. S'il vous plait, fusionnez les manuellement.",
-"movedto" => "déplacé vers",
-"movetalk" => "Déplacer aussi la page \"discussion\", s'il y a lieu.",
-"talkpagemoved" => "La page discussion correspondante a également été déplacée.",
-"talkpagenotmoved" => "La page discussion correspondante n'a <strong>pas</strong> été déplacée.",
+"movedto" => "déplacé vers",
+"movetalk" => "Déplacer aussi la page \"discussion\", s'il y a lieu.",
+"talkpagemoved" => "La page discussion correspondante a également été déplacée.",
+"talkpagenotmoved" => "La page discussion correspondante n'a <strong>pas</strong> été déplacée.",
"export" => "Exporter des pages",
-"exporttext" => "Vous pouvez exporter en XML le texte et l'historique d'une page ou d'un ensemble de pages; le résultat peut alores être importé dans un autre wiki fonctionnant avec le logiciel MediaWiki, transformé ou sauvegardé pour votre usage personnel.",
+"exporttext" => "Vous pouvez exporter en XML le texte et l'historique d'une page ou d'un ensemble de pages; le résultat peut alores être importé dans un autre wiki fonctionnant avec le logiciel MediaWiki, transformé ou sauvegardé pour votre usage personnel.",
"exportcuronly" => "Exporter uniquement la version courante sans l'historique",
# Namespace 8 related
@@ -927,7 +929,7 @@ sous le nouveau nom. S'il vous plait, fusionnez les manuellement.",
"allmessagestext" => "Ceci est la liste de tous les messages disponibles dans l'espace MediaWiki"
-class LanguageFr extends Language
+class LanguageFr extends LanguageUtf8
function getDefaultUserOptions()
@@ -956,14 +958,16 @@ class LanguageFr extends Language
function getNsIndex( $text )
- global $wgNamespaceNamesFr;
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesFr, $wgSitename;
foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesFr as $i => $n )
if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
- if( 0 == strcasecmp( "Wikipedia", $text ) ) return 4;
- if( 0 == strcasecmp( "Discussion_Wikipedia", $text ) ) return 5;
+ if( $wgSitename == "Wikipédia" ) {
+ if( 0 == strcasecmp( "Wikipedia", $text ) ) return 4;
+ if( 0 == strcasecmp( "Discussion_Wikipedia", $text ) ) return 5;
+ }
return false;
@@ -1036,7 +1040,7 @@ class LanguageFr extends Language
function timeanddate( $ts, $adj = false )
- return $this->date( $ts, $adj ) . " à " . $this->time( $ts, $adj );
+ return $this->date( $ts, $adj ) . " à " . $this->time( $ts, $adj );
function getValidSpecialPages()
diff --git a/languages/LanguageFy.php b/languages/LanguageFy.php
index cad1bcece66d..8a3dc6a1173a 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageFy.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageFy.php
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ if($wgMetaNamespace === FALSE)
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesFy = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Utsletten brûker/Ynternet-adres",
"Asksql" => "Freegje de databank",
"Undelete" => "Set wisse siden wer teplak"
diff --git a/languages/LanguageGa.php b/languages/LanguageGa.php
index deadc10f7153..61f06921ba61 100755
--- a/languages/LanguageGa.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageGa.php
@@ -1,36 +1,24 @@
-# Constants
-# Magic words
-define("MAG_REDIRECT", 0);
-define("MAG_NOTOC", 1);
-define("MAG_START", 2);
-define("MAG_CURRENTMONTH", 3);
-define("MAG_CURRENTDAY", 5);
-define("MAG_CURRENTYEAR", 7);
-define("MAG_CURRENTTIME", 8);
-define("MAG_MSG", 11);
-define("MAG_SUBST", 12);
-define("MAG_MSGNW", 13);
-define("MAG_NOEDITSECTION", 14);
-# Language-specific text
-# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
-# set "currentevents" => "-"
-# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
-# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
-# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
+/* Irish */
+(This version of LanguageGa.php originally dates from the first version of 23:20,
+14th February 2004. It was translated from LanguageEn.php and LanguageEo.php,
+using the standard Ó Dónaill and De Bhaldraithe dictionaries, the Oxford
+minidictionary and Ó Donnáile's computing wordlist. There are small mistakes
+abound here, but corrections should principally be made to the live version on
+Sourceforge (when that gets added.)
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "Vicipéid";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "Vicipéid";
/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesGa = array(
-2 => "Media",
-1 => "Speisialta",
@@ -38,8 +26,8 @@ define("MAG_NOEDITSECTION", 14);
1 => "Plé",
2 => "Úsáideoir",
3 => "Plé_úsáideora",
- 4 => "Vicipéid",
- 5 => "Plé_Vicipéide",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "Plé_".$wgMetaNamespace,
6 => "Ãomhá",
7 => "Plé_íomhá",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -110,152 +98,6 @@ define("MAG_NOEDITSECTION", 14);
"" => "$1"
-# Here, when possible, use Irish language names for languages
-/* private */ $wgLanguageNamesGa = array(
- "aa" => "Afar",
- "ab" => "Abkhazian",
- "af" => "Afrikaans", # Afracáinis
- "am" => "Amharic",
- "ar" => "&#8238;&#1575;&#1604;&#1593;&#1585;&#1576;&#1610;&#1577;&#8236; (Araby)", # Araibis
- "as" => "Assamese",
- "ay" => "Aymara",
- "az" => "Azerbaijani",
- "ba" => "Bashkir",
- "be" => "&#1041;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;&#1088;&#1091;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;",
- "bh" => "Bihara",
- "bi" => "Bislama",
- "bn" => "Bengali",
- "bo" => "Tibetan", # Tibéadis
- "br" => "Brezhoneg",
- "bs" => "Bosnian",
- "ca" => "Catal&#224;", # Catalóinis
- "ch" => "Chamoru",
- "co" => "Corsican",
- "cs" => "&#268;esk&#225;",
- "cy" => "Cymraeg", # Breatnais
- "da" => "Dansk", # Danmhairgis. Note two different subdomains.
- "dk" => "Dansk", # 'da' is correct for the language.
- "de" => "Deutsch", # Gearmáinis
- "dz" => "Bhutani",
- "el" => "&#917;&#955;&#955;&#951;&#957;&#953;&#954;&#940; (Ellenika)",
- "en" => "English", # Béarla
- "eo" => "Esperanto", # Espeirantó
- "es" => "Espa&#241;ol", # Spáinnis
- "et" => "Eesti",
- "eu" => "Euskara",
- "fa" => "&#8238;&#1601;&#1585;&#1587;&#1609;&#8236; (Farsi)",
- "fi" => "Suomi",
- "fj" => "Fijian", # Fidsis? Fiji= An Fhidsí.
- "fo" => "Faeroese",
- "fr" => "Fran&#231;ais", # Fraincis
- "fy" => "Frysk",
- "ga" => "Gaeilge", # Gaeilge
- "gl" => "Galician",
- "gn" => "Guarani",
- "gu" => "&#2711;&#2753;&#2716;&#2736;&#2750;&#2724;&#2752; (Gujarati)",
- "ha" => "Hausa",
- "he" => "&#1506;&#1489;&#1512;&#1497;&#1514; (Ivrit)",
- "hi" => "&#2361;&#2367;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2368; (Hindi)", # Hiondúis
- "hr" => "Hrvatski",
- "hu" => "Magyar", # Ungáiris
- "hy" => "Armenian", # Airméinis
- "ia" => "Interlingua",
- "id" => "Indonesia", # Indinéisis
- "ik" => "Inupiak",
- "is" => "&#205;slenska",
- "it" => "Italiano", # Iodáilis
- "iu" => "Inuktitut",
- "ja" => "&#26085;&#26412;&#35486; (Nihongo)", # Seapáinis
- "jv" => "Javanese", # Iavais? Java = An Iava.
- "ka" => "&#4325;&#4304;&#4320;&#4311;&#4309;&#4308;&#4314;&#4312; (Kartuli)",
- "kk" => "Kazakh",
- "kl" => "Greenlandic", # Graonlainnis
- "km" => "Cambodian",
- "kn" => "Kannada",
- "ko" => "&#54620;&#44397;&#50612; (Hangukeo)",
- "ks" => "Kashmiri",
- "kw" => "Kernewek",
- "ky" => "Kirghiz",
- "la" => "Latina", # Laidin
- "ln" => "Lingala",
- "lo" => "Laotian",
- "lt" => "Lietuvi&#371;",
- "lv" => "Latvian", # Laitvis
- "mg" => "Malagasy",
- "mi" => "Maori",
- "mk" => "Macedonian", # Macadóinis
- "ml" => "Malayalam",
- "mn" => "Mongolian", # Mongóilis
- "mo" => "Moldavian",
- "mr" => "Marathi",
- "ms" => "Bahasa Melayu",
- "my" => "Burmese", # Burmais? Burma = Burma
- "na" => "Nauru",
- "ne" => "&#2344;&#2375;&#2346;&#2366;&#2354;&#2368; (Nepali)", # Neipealis
- "nl" => "Nederlands", # Ollainnis
- "no" => "Norsk", # Ioruais
- "oc" => "Occitan",
- "om" => "Oromo",
- "or" => "Oriya",
- "pa" => "Punjabi",
- "pl" => "Polski", # Polainnis
- "ps" => "Pashto",
- "pt" => "Portugu&#234;s", # Portaingéilis
- "qu" => "Quechua",
- "rm" => "Rhaeto-Romance",
- "rn" => "Kirundi",
- "ro" => "Rom&#226;n&#259;",
- "ru" => "&#1056;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1081; (Russkij)", # Rúisis
- "rw" => "Kinyarwanda",
- "sa" => "&#2360;&#2306;&#2360;&#2381;&#2325;&#2371;&#2340; (Samskrta)",
- "sd" => "Sindhi",
- "sg" => "Sangro",
- "sh" => "Serbocroatian", # ? Serbian = Serbis; Croatian = Cróitis.
- "si" => "Sinhalese",
- "simple" => "Simple English", # Béarla Simplí
- "sk" => "Slovak", # Slóvaicis
- "sl" => "Slovensko",
- "sm" => "Samoan",
- "sn" => "Shona",
- "so" => "Soomaali",
- "sq" => "Shqiptare",
- "sr" => "Srpski",
- "ss" => "Siswati",
- "st" => "Sesotho",
- "su" => "Sundanese",
- "sv" => "Svenska", # Sualainnis
- "sw" => "Kiswahili",
- "ta" => "Tamil",
- "te" => "Telugu",
- "tg" => "Tajik",
- "th" => "Thai",
- "ti" => "Tigrinya",
- "tk" => "Turkmen",
- "tl" => "Tagalog",
- "tn" => "Setswana",
- "to" => "Tonga",
- "tr" => "T&#252;rk&#231;e", # Tuircis
- "ts" => "Tsonga",
- "tt" => "Tatar",
- "tw" => "Twi",
- "ug" => "Uighur",
- "uk" => "&#1059;&#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1111;&#1085;&#1089;&#1100;&#1082;&#1072; (Ukrayins`ka)",
- "ur" => "Urdu",
- "uz" => "Uzbek",
- "vi" => "Vietnamese", # Vítneamis
- "vo" => "Volap&#252;k",
- "wo" => "Wolof",
- "xh" => "isiXhosa",
- "yi" => "Yiddish", # Giúdais
- "yo" => "Yoruba",
- "za" => "Zhuang",
- "zh" => "&#20013;&#25991; (Zhongwen)", # Sínis
- "zh-cn" => "&#20013;&#25991;(&#31616;&#20307;) (Simplified Chinese)", # Sínis Simplithe
- "zh-tw" => "&#20013;&#25991;(&#32321;&#20307;) (Traditional Chinese)", # Sínis Traidisiúnta
- "zu" => "Zulu"
# Different spellings of days (with Dé) may be needed for some uses
/* private */ $wgWeekdayNamesGa = array(
@@ -274,7 +116,7 @@ define("MAG_NOEDITSECTION", 14);
"Mea", "Dei", "Samh", "Nol"
-# Are the following safe to translate?
+# The following exist for the purpose of being translated:
/* private */ $wgMagicWordsGa = array(
@@ -332,10 +174,12 @@ define("MAG_NOEDITSECTION", 14);
"Movepage" => "",
"Booksources" => "Leabharfhoinsí seachtraí",
# "Categories" => "Ranganna leathanaigh",
- "Export" => ""
+ "Export" => "XML Export",
+ "Version" => "Version",
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesGa = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Cuir cosc ar úsáideoir/IP-sheoladh",
"Asksql" => "Cuir ceist ar an bhunachar sonraí",
"Undelete" => "Cuir leathanaigh scriosaithe ar ais"
@@ -368,16 +212,16 @@ define("MAG_NOEDITSECTION", 14);
"mainpagetext" => "D'insealbhaíodh an oideas Wiki go rathúil.",
"about" => "Faoi",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Faoi Vicipéid",
-"aboutpage" => "Vicipéid:Faoi",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Faoi",
"help" => "Cabhair",
-"helppage" => "Vicipéid:Cabhair",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Cabhair",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Vicipéid",
"bugreports" => "Fabht-thuairiscí",
-"bugreportspage" => "Vicipéid:Fabht-thuairiscí",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Fabht-thuairiscí",
"faq" => "Ceisteanna Coiteanta",
-"faqpage" => "Vicipéid:Ceisteanna Coiteanta",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ceisteanna Coiteanta",
"edithelp" => "Cabhair eagarthóireachta",
-"edithelppage" => "Vicipéid:Conas_alt_a_cur_in_eagar",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Conas_alt_a_cur_in_eagar",
"cancel" => "Cealaigh",
"qbfind" => "Faigh",
"qbbrowse" => "Útamáil",
@@ -417,7 +261,7 @@ define("MAG_NOEDITSECTION", 14);
"gnunote" => "Tá an teacs ar fad le fáil faoi na téarmaí an <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(Ó",
"protectedpage" => "Leathanach faoi ghlas",
-"administrators" => "Vicipéid:Riarthóirí",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Riarthóirí",
"sysoptitle" => "Cuntas ceannasaí de dhíth",
"sysoptext" => "Caithfidh tú bheith i do \"ceannasaí\"
chun an gníomh seo a dhéanamh.
@@ -600,7 +444,7 @@ Má tharlódh an scéal seo duit, cuir ríomhphost chuig riarthóir le seoladh r
"newarticletext" =>
"Lean tú nasc go leathanach a nach bhfuil ann fós.
Chun an leathanach a chruthaigh, tosaigh ag clóscríobh san bosca anseo thíos
-(féach ar an [[Vicipéid:Cabhair|leathanach cabhrach]] chun níos mó eolas a fháil).
+(féach ar an [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Cabhair|leathanach cabhrach]] chun níos mó eolas a fháil).
Má tháinig tú anseo as dearmad, brúigh an cnaipe '''ar ais''' ar do líonléitheoir.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Seo é an leathanach plé do úsáideoir gan ainm a nach chruthaigh
cuntas fós nó a nach úsáideann a chuntas. Dá bhrí sin caithfimid an [[seoladh IP]] uimhriúil
@@ -643,7 +487,7 @@ ní féidir leat do athruithe a shábháil díreach anois. B'fhéidir go mhaith
chóipeáil is a taosaigh go chomhad téacs agus é a shábháil do úsáid níos déanach.",
"protectedpagewarning" => "AIRE: Cuireadh ghlas ar an leathanach seo, agus is féidir amháin na úsáideoirí le
pribhléidí ceannasaí é a athraigh. Bí cinnte go leanann tú na
-<a href='/wiki/Vicipéid:Treoirlínte_do_leathanaigh_cosnaithe'>treoirlínte do leathanaigh cosnaithe</a>.",
+<a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Treoirlínte_do_leathanaigh_cosnaithe'>treoirlínte do leathanaigh cosnaithe</a>.",
# History pages
@@ -672,7 +516,7 @@ Cinntigh an URL a d'úsáid tú chun an leathanach seo a rochtain.\n",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Toraidh an cuardaigh",
-"searchhelppage" => "Vicipéid:Ag_cuardaigh",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ag_cuardaigh",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Ag cuardaigh sa Vicipéid",
"searchresulttext" => "Chun níos mó eolas a fháil mar gheall ar cuardach Vicipéide, féach ar $1.",
"searchquery" => "Do cheist \"$1\"",
@@ -737,7 +581,7 @@ chun do socruithe phearsanta a athraigh.",
"prefslogintext" => "Tá tú logtha ann mar \"$1\".
Is é $2 do uimir aitheantais inmhéanach.
-Féach ar [[Vicipéid:Cabhair do socruithe úsáideora]] chun cabhair a fháil mar gheall ar na roghanna.",
+Féach ar [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Cabhair do socruithe úsáideora]] chun cabhair a fháil mar gheall ar na roghanna.",
"prefsreset" => "D'athraigh do socruithe ar ais chuig an leagan bunúsach, mar gheall ar stóráil.",
"qbsettings" => "Socruithe an bosca uirlisí",
"changepassword" => "Athraigh do focal faire",
@@ -778,15 +622,15 @@ Féach ar [[Vicipéid:Cabhair do socruithe úsáideora]] chun cabhair a fháil m
"recentchanges" => "Athruithe deireanacha",
"recentchangestext" =>
"Lean na athruithe is deireanacha go Vicipéid ar an leathanach seo.
-[[Wikipedia:Fáilte,_a_núíosaigh|Fáilte, a núíosaigh]]!
-Féach ar na leathanaigh seo, más é do thoil é: [[Vicipéid:CMT|CMT Vicipéide]],
-[[Vicipéid:Polasaithe agus treoirlínte|Polasaí Vicipéide]]
-(go háirithe [[Vicipéid:Coinbhinsiúin ainmneacha|coinbhinsiúin ainmneacha]],
-[[Vicipéid:Dearcadh neodrach|dearcadh neodrach]]),
-agus [[Vicipéid:Na botúin Vicipéide is coitianta|na botúin Vicipéide is coitianta]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Fáilte,_a_núíosaigh|Fáilte, a núíosaigh]]!
+Féach ar na leathanaigh seo, más é do thoil é: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:CMT|CMT Vicipéide]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Polasaithe agus treoirlínte|Polasaí Vicipéide]]
+(go háirithe [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Coinbhinsiúin ainmneacha|coinbhinsiúin ainmneacha]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Dearcadh neodrach|dearcadh neodrach]]),
+agus [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Na botúin Vicipéide is coitianta|na botúin Vicipéide is coitianta]].
Más maith leat go éireóidh Vicipéid, tá sé an-tabhachtach go nach cuireann tú ábhair
-a nach bhfuil teorainnaithe de na [[Vicipéid:Cóipchearta|cóipchearta]] de ghrúpaí eile.
+a nach bhfuil teorainnaithe de na [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Cóipchearta|cóipchearta]] de ghrúpaí eile.
Ba féidir leis an dliteanas an tionscnamh a gortaigh go fíor, mar sin ná déan é.
Féach ar an [ meiteaphlé deireanach] freisin.",
"rcloaderr" => "Ag lódáil athruithe deireanacha",
@@ -823,7 +667,7 @@ chun comhaid a shuaslódáil.",
"uploaderror" => "Earráid suaslódála",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Roimh a suaslódálaíonn tú anseo,
bí cinnte leigh agus géill don <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Vicipéid:Polasaí_úsáide_íomhá" ) . "\">polasaí úsáide íomhá</a> atá ag Vicipéid.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Polasaí_úsáide_íomhá" ) . "\">polasaí úsáide íomhá</a> atá ag Vicipéid.
<p>Má bhfuil aon comhad ann fós leis an ainm céanna a bhfuil tú ag
tabhairt don comhad nua, cuirfear an nuachomhad in ionad an seanchomhad gan fógr.
Mar sin, mura nuashonraíonn tú comhad éigin, is scéal maith é cinntigh má bhfuil comhad
@@ -832,7 +676,7 @@ leis an ainm seo ann fós.
go to the Dul go dti an<a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Speisialta:Imagelist" ) .
"\">liosta íomhánna suaslódálaithe</a>chun féach ar nó chuardaigh idir íomhánna a raibh suaslódálaithe roimhe seo.
Déantar liosta de suaslósála agus scriosaidh ar an <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Vicipéid:Liosta_suaslódála" ) . "\">liosta suaslódála</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Liosta_suaslódála" ) . "\">liosta suaslódála</a>.
<p>Bain úsáid as an fhoirm anseo thíos chun íomháchomhaid nua a suaslódáil.
Ba féidir leat na íomhánna a úsáid i do ailt.
Ar an chuid is mó de na líonléitheoirí, feicfidh tú cnaipe \"Brabhsáil...\" no mar sin. Lé brú ar an cnaipe seo,
@@ -865,7 +709,7 @@ Is am an friothálaí (UTC) iad na hamanna atá anseo thíos.
"filesource" => "Foinse",
"affirmation" => "Dearbhaím go aontaíonn coimeádaí cóipchirt an comhaid seo
chun é a ceadúnaigh de réir na téarmaí an $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Vicipéid:Cóipchearta",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Cóipchearta",
"copyrightpagename" => "Cóipcheart Vicipéide",
"uploadedfiles" => "Comhaid suaslódálaithe",
"noaffirmation" => "Caithfidh tú a dearbhaigh go nach sáraíonn do suaslódáil
@@ -932,7 +776,7 @@ de na feidhmeanna seo an bunachar sonraí a cuir strus ar, mar sin ná athbhruig
chríochnaíonn tú ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Ar ais go Leathanach Coinneála",
"disambiguations" => "Leathanaigh easathbhríochais",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Vicipéid:Naisc_go_leathanaigh_easathbhríochais",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Naisc_go_leathanaigh_easathbhríochais",
"disambiguationstext" => "Nascaíonn na ailt seo a leanas go <i>leathanach easathbhríochais</i>. Ba chóir dóibh nasc a
dhéanamh leis an ábhar oiriúnach ina áit.<br>Tugtar an teideal easathbhríochais ar leathanach má bhfuil násc aige
ó $1.<br><i>Ní</i> cuirtear naisc ó ranna eile ar an liosta seo.",
@@ -1070,7 +914,7 @@ an cnaipe 'bain amach le marcanna' ag bun an leathanaigh.",
"confirmdeletetext" => "Tá tú ar tí leathanach nó íomhá a scrios,
chomh maith leis a chuid stair, ón bunachar sonraí.
Cinntigh go mian leis an méid seo a dhéanamh, go dtuigeann tú na
-iarmhairtaí, agus go ndéanann tú é dar leis [[Vicipéid:Polasaí]].",
+iarmhairtaí, agus go ndéanann tú é dar leis [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Polasaí]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Sea, is mian liom go fírinneach an rud seo a scrios.",
"actioncomplete" => "Gníomh déanta",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" atá scriosaithe.
@@ -1119,7 +963,7 @@ na sean-athruithe san stair roimhe seo, agus ní athshuighfear an eagrán reatha
"undeletebtn" => "Cuir ar ais!",
"undeletedarticle" => "cuireadh \"$1\" ar ais",
"undeletedtext" => "Cuireadh an alt [[$1]] ar ais go rathúil.
-Féach ar [[Vicipéid:Cuntas_scriosaidh]] chun cuntas de scriosaidh agus athchóirithe deireanacha a fháil.",
+Féach ar [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Cuntas_scriosaidh]] chun cuntas de scriosaidh agus athchóirithe deireanacha a fháil.",
# Contributions
@@ -1148,7 +992,7 @@ chun an gníomh seo a dhéanamh ar.",
"blockiptext" => "Úsáid an foirm anseo thíos chun bealach scríofa a chosc ó
seoladh IP nó ainm úsáideora áirithe.
Is féidir leat an rud seo a dhéanamh amháin chun an chreachadóireacht a chosc, de réir
-mar a deirtear san [[Vicipéid:Polasaí|polasaí Vicipéide]].
+mar a deirtear san [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Polasaí|polasaí Vicipéide]].
Líonaigh cúis áirithe anseo thíos (mar shampla, is féidir leat a luaigh
leathanaigh áirithe a rinne an duine damáiste ar).",
"ipaddress" => "Seoladh IP / ainm úsáideora",
@@ -1269,11 +1113,9 @@ air, nó is féidir leat é a coinnigh do do siamsa féin.",
"allmessagestext" => "Seo é liosta de na teachtaireachtaí go léir atá le fáil san roinn MediaWiki: ."
-# Internationalisation code
+include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
-class Language {
+class LanguageGa extends LanguageUtf8 {
function getDefaultUserOptions () {
global $wgDefaultUserOptionsGa ;
@@ -1301,11 +1143,8 @@ class Language {
foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesGa as $i => $n ) {
if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
- return false;
- }
- function specialPage( $name ) {
- return $this->getNsText( Namespace::getSpecial() ) . ":" . $name;
+ /* Fallback to English names for compatibility */
+ return Language::getNsIndex( $text );
function getQuickbarSettings() {
@@ -1333,31 +1172,11 @@ class Language {
return $wgUserTogglesGa;
- function getLanguageNames() {
- global $wgLanguageNamesGa;
- return $wgLanguageNamesGa;
- }
- function getLanguageName( $code ) {
- global $wgLanguageNamesGa;
- if ( ! array_key_exists( $code, $wgLanguageNamesGa ) ) {
- return "";
- }
- return $wgLanguageNamesGa[$code];
- }
function getMonthName( $key )
global $wgMonthNamesGa;
return $wgMonthNamesGa[$key-1];
- /* by default we just return base form */
- function getMonthNameGen( $key )
- {
- global $wgMonthNamesGa;
- return $wgMonthNamesGa[$key-1];
- }
function getMonthAbbreviation( $key )
@@ -1371,75 +1190,6 @@ class Language {
return $wgWeekdayNamesGa[$key-1];
- function userAdjust( $ts )
- {
- global $wgUser, $wgLocalTZoffset;
- $diff = $wgUser->getOption( "timecorrection" );
- if ( ! is_numeric( $diff ) ) {
- $diff = isset( $wgLocalTZoffset ) ? $wgLocalTZoffset : 0;
- }
- if ( 0 == $diff ) { return $ts; }
- $t = mktime( ( (int)substr( $ts, 8, 2) ) + $diff,
- (int)substr( $ts, 10, 2 ), (int)substr( $ts, 12, 2 ),
- (int)substr( $ts, 4, 2 ), (int)substr( $ts, 6, 2 ),
- (int)substr( $ts, 0, 4 ) );
- return date( "YmdHis", $t );
- }
- function date( $ts, $adj = false )
- {
- global $wgAmericanDates, $wgUser, $wgUseDynamicDates;
- if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts ); }
- if ( $wgUseDynamicDates ) {
- $datePreference = $wgUser->getOption( 'date' );
- if ( $datePreference == 0 ) {
- $datePreference = $wgAmericanDates ? 1 : 2;
- }
- } else {
- $datePreference = $wgAmericanDates ? 1 : 2;
- }
- if ( $datePreference == 1 ) {
- # MDY
- $d = $this->getMonthAbbreviation( substr( $ts, 4, 2 ) ) .
- " " . (0 + substr( $ts, 6, 2 )) . ", " .
- substr( $ts, 0, 4 );
- } else if ( $datePreference == 2 ) {
- #DMY
- $d = (0 + substr( $ts, 6, 2 )) . " " .
- $this->getMonthAbbreviation( substr( $ts, 4, 2 ) ) . " " .
- substr( $ts, 0, 4 );
- } else {
- #YMD
- $d = substr( $ts, 0, 4 ) . " " . $this->getMonthAbbreviation( substr( $ts, 4, 2 ) ) .
- " " . (0 + substr( $ts, 6, 2 ));
- }
- return $d;
- }
- function time( $ts, $adj = false )
- {
- if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts ); }
- $t = substr( $ts, 8, 2 ) . ":" . substr( $ts, 10, 2 );
- return $t;
- }
- function timeanddate( $ts, $adj = false )
- {
- return $this->time( $ts, $adj ) . ", " . $this->date( $ts, $adj );
- }
- function rfc1123( $ts )
- {
- return date( "D, d M Y H:i:s T", $ts );
- }
function getValidSpecialPages()
global $wgValidSpecialPagesGa;
@@ -1470,102 +1220,12 @@ class Language {
return $wgAllMessagesGa;
- function iconv( $in, $out, $string ) {
- # For most languages, this is a wrapper for iconv
- return iconv( $in, $out, $string );
- }
- function ucfirst( $string ) {
- # For most languages, this is a wrapper for ucfirst()
- return ucfirst( $string );
- }
- function checkTitleEncoding( $s ) {
- global $wgInputEncoding;
- # Check for UTF-8 URLs; Internet Explorer produces these if you
- # type non-ASCII chars in the URL bar or follow unescaped links.
- $ishigh = preg_match( '/[\x80-\xff]/', $s);
- $isutf = ($ishigh ? preg_match( '/^([\x00-\x7f]|[\xc0-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|' .
- '[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}|[\xf0-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]{3})+$/', $s ) : true );
- if( ($wgInputEncoding != "utf-8") and $ishigh and $isutf )
- return iconv( "UTF-8", $wgInputEncoding, $s );
- if( ($wgInputEncoding == "utf-8") and $ishigh and !$isutf )
- return utf8_encode( $s );
- # Other languages can safely leave this function, or replace
- # it with one to detect and convert another legacy encoding.
- return $s;
- }
- function stripForSearch( $in ) {
- # Some languages have special punctuation to strip out
- # or characters which need to be converted for MySQL's
- # indexing to grok it correctly. Make such changes here.
- return $in;
- }
+ function getMagicWords()
+ {
+ global $wgMagicWordsGa;
+ return $wgMagicWordsGa;
+ }
- function setAltEncoding() {
- # Some languages may have an alternate char encoding option
- # (Esperanto X-coding, Japanese furigana conversion, etc)
- # If 'altencoding' is checked in user prefs, this gives a
- # chance to swap out the default encoding settings.
- #global $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgEditEncoding;
- }
- function recodeForEdit( $s ) {
- # For some languages we'll want to explicitly specify
- # which characters make it into the edit box raw
- # or are converted in some way or another.
- # Note that if wgOutputEncoding is different from
- # wgInputEncoding, this text will be further converted
- # to wgOutputEncoding.
- global $wgInputEncoding, $wgEditEncoding;
- if( $wgEditEncoding == "" or
- $wgEditEncoding == $wgInputEncoding ) {
- return $s;
- } else {
- return $this->iconv( $wgInputEncoding, $wgEditEncoding, $s );
- }
- }
- function recodeInput( $s ) {
- # Take the previous into account.
- global $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgEditEncoding;
- if($wgEditEncoding != "") {
- $enc = $wgEditEncoding;
- } else {
- $enc = $wgOutputEncoding;
- }
- if( $enc == $wgInputEncoding ) {
- return $s;
- } else {
- return $this->iconv( $enc, $wgInputEncoding, $s );
- }
- }
- # For right-to-left language support
- function isRTL() { return false; }
- function getMagicWords()
- {
- global $wgMagicWordsGa;
- return $wgMagicWordsGa;
- }
- # Fill a MagicWord object with data from here
- function getMagic( &$mw )
- {
- $raw = $this->getMagicWords(); # don't worry, it's reference counted not deep copy
- $rawEntry = $raw[$mw->mId];
- $mw->mCaseSensitive = $rawEntry[0];
- $mw->mSynonyms = array_slice( $rawEntry, 1 );
- }
-include_once( "Language" . ucfirst( $wgLanguageCode ) . ".php" );
diff --git a/languages/LanguageHe.php b/languages/LanguageHe.php
index 618af12f0bae..49ddcda898ba 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageHe.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageHe.php
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "ויקיפדיה";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "ויקיפדיה";
# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
# set "currentevents" => "-"
@@ -16,8 +23,8 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
1 => "שיחה",
2 => "משתמש",
3 => "שיחת_משתמש",
- 4 => "ויקיפדיה",
- 5 => "שיחת_ויקיפדיה",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "שיחת_".$wgMetaNamespace,
6 => "תמונה",
7 => "שיחת_תמונה",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -126,6 +133,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesHe = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "×—×¡×•× ×›×ª×•×‘×ª IP",
"Asksql" => "ש××™×œ×ª× ×œ×‘×¡×™×¡-הנתוני×",
"Undelete" => "צפה ושחזר ×“×¤×™× ×ž×—×•×§×™×"
@@ -144,16 +152,16 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
"mainpage" => "עמוד ר×שי",
"about" => "×ודות",
"aboutwikipedia" => "×ודות ויקיפדיה",
-"aboutpage" => "ויקיפדיה:×ודות",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:×ודות",
"help" => "עזרה",
-"helppage" => "ויקיפדיה:עזרה",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:עזרה",
"wikititlesuffix" => "ויקיפדיה",
"bugreports" => "דווח על ב××’×™×",
-"bugreportspage" => "ויקיפדיה:דווח_על_ב××’×™×",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:דווח_על_ב××’×™×",
"faq" => "ש×לות ותשובות",
-"faqpage" => "ויקיפדיה:ש×לות_ותשובות",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:ש×לות_ותשובות",
"edithelp" => "עזרה לעריכה",
-"edithelppage" => "ויקיפדיה:×יך_עורכי×_דף",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:×יך_עורכי×_דף",
"cancel" => "בטל",
"qbfind" => "חפש",
"qbbrowse" => "דפדף",
@@ -191,7 +199,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
"gnunote" => "מוגש תחת הרשיון לשימוש חופשי <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU FDL</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(מ -",
"protectedpage" => "דף מוגן",
-"administrators" => "ויקיפדיה:מפעיל_מערכת",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:מפעיל_מערכת",
"sysoptitle" => "דרושה הרש×ת מפעיל מערכת",
"sysoptext" => "בכדי לבצע פעולה זו דרושת הרש×ת מפעיל. ר××” $1.",
"developertitle" => "דרושה הרש×ת מפתח מערכת",
@@ -298,7 +306,7 @@ $1",
"showpreview" => "הר××” תצוגה מקדימה",
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+הסיבה שניתנה ×”×™×:<br>''$2''<p>×תה יכול ליצור קשר ×¢× $1 ×ו ×חד מ[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:מפעילי_מערכת]] כדי לדון בחסימה.",
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@@ -352,7 +360,7 @@ $1",
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"searchingwikipedia" => "חיפוש בויקיפדיה",
"searchresulttext" => "למידע נוסף על חיפוש בויקיפדיה, ר××” $1.",
"searchquery" => "לחיפוש \"$1\"",
@@ -474,7 +482,7 @@ $3 $9",
"filename" => "×©× ×”×§×•×‘×¥",
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"uploadedfiles" => "×§×‘×¦×™× ×©×”×•×¢×œ×•",
"noaffirmation" => "עליך להבטיח שהעל×ת הקובץ ××™× ×” מפירה זכויות יוצרי×.",
@@ -532,7 +540,7 @@ $3 $9",
"maintnancepagetext" => "דף ×–×” מכיל מספר ×›×œ×™× ×©×™×ž×•×©×™× ×œ×ª×—×–×•×§×” יומיומית. חלק מהפעולות הללו מעלות מ×וד ×ת העומס על בסיס-הנתוני×. ×נו ×ž×‘×§×©×™× ×©×œ× ×ª×¨×¢× × ×• ×ת הדף ל×חר כל תיקון ש××ª× ×ž×‘×¦×¢×™× ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "חזרה לדף התחזוקה",
"disambiguations" => "דפי רב-משמעות",
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"disambiguationstext" => "המ××ž×¨×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ ×ž×¦×‘×™×¢×™× ×ל <i>דפי רב-משמעות</i>. תפקיד ×“×¤×™× ×לה ×”×•× ×œ×”×¤× ×•×ª לדף ×”× ×•×©× ×”×¨×œ×•×•× ×˜×™.<br>×נו ×ž×ª×™×™×—×¡×™× ×œ×“×£ כרב-משמעות ×× ×ž×¦×‘×™×¢ ×ליו $1.<br>×§×™×©×•×¨×™× ×”×ž×’×™×¢×™× ×ל דף ממרחבי ×©× ××—×¨×™× <i>××™× ×</i> ×ž×•×¦×’×™× ×›×ן.",
"doubleredirects" => "הפניות כפולות",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>×©×™× ×œ×‘:</b> רשימה זו עלולה לכלול ×“×¤×™× ×©× ×ž×¦×ו בטעות. ×–×ת ×ומרת, ×©×‘×“×¤×™× ×©× ×ž×¦×ו ישנו טקסט נוסף ×¢× ×§×™×©×•×¨×™× ×ž×ª×—×ª ל-#REDIRECT הר×שון.<br>\nכל שורה מכילה קישור להפנייה הר×שונה והשנייה, וכן ×ת שורת הטקסט הר×שונה של ההפניה השניה, שלרוב × ×ž×¦× ×‘×” היעד ×”×מיתי של ההפניה, ×ליו ×מורה ההפניה הר×שונה להצביע.",
@@ -623,7 +631,7 @@ $3 $9",
"historywarning" => "×זהרה! לדף ×–×” שהינך עומד/ת למחוק יש היסטוריית שינויי×:",
"confirmdeletetext" => "×תה עומד למחוק דף ×ו תמונה יחד ×¢× ×›×œ ההיסטוריה שלה מבסיס-הנתוני×.
-×× × ×שר ש×כן ×–×” מה ש×תה מתכוון לעשות, וש×תה מבין ×ת התוצ×ות של מעשה ×›×–×”, וש×תה מבצע ×ותו בהת×× ×œ[[ויקיפדיה:נהלי×]].",
+×× × ×שר ש×כן ×–×” מה ש×תה מתכוון לעשות, וש×תה מבין ×ת התוצ×ות של מעשה ×›×–×”, וש×תה מבצע ×ותו בהת×× ×œ[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:נהלי×]].",
"confirmcheck" => "כן. ×× ×™ ב×מת רוצה למחוק ×ת הדף ×”×–×”.",
"actioncomplete" => "הפעולה בוצעה",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" נמחק.
@@ -657,7 +665,7 @@ $3 $9",
"undeletebtn" => "שחזר!",
"undeletedarticle" => "\"$1\" שוחזר",
"undeletedtext" => "המ×מר [[$1]] שוחזר בהצלחה.
-ר××” ×ת [[ויקיפדיה:יומן_מחיקות]] לרשימה של מחיקות ×•×©×™×—×–×•×¨×™× ×חרוני×.",
+ר××” ×ת [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:יומן_מחיקות]] לרשימה של מחיקות ×•×©×™×—×–×•×¨×™× ×חרוני×.",
# Contributions
@@ -683,7 +691,7 @@ $3 $9",
"blockip" => "×—×¡×•× ×›×ª×•×‘×ª IP",
"blockiptext" => "השתמש בטופס שלהלן בכדי ×œ×—×¡×•× ×”×¨×©×ות כתיבה מכתובת IP ספציפית.
-חסימת משתמש צריכה להתבצע ×ך ורק בכדי למנוע ונדליז×, ובהת×× ×œ-[[ויקיפדיה:נהלי×]]. פרט ×ת הסיבה הספציפית למטה. (לדוגמה - ציין ×“×¤×™× ×¡×¤×¦×™×¤×™×™× ×©×”×•×©×—×ª×• על ידי המשתמש)",
+חסימת משתמש צריכה להתבצע ×ך ורק בכדי למנוע ונדליז×, ובהת×× ×œ-[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:נהלי×]]. פרט ×ת הסיבה הספציפית למטה. (לדוגמה - ציין ×“×¤×™× ×¡×¤×¦×™×¤×™×™× ×©×”×•×©×—×ª×• על ידי המשתמש)",
"ipaddress" => "כתובת IP",
"ipbreason" => "סיבה",
"ipbsubmit" => "×—×¡×•× ×›×ª×•×‘×ª זו",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageHi.php b/languages/LanguageHi.php
index b2a8a7504e4f..194e4d932ea9 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageHi.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageHi.php
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "विकिपीडिया";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "विकिपीडिया";
-include( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
# set "currentevents" => "-"
@@ -10,16 +16,15 @@ include( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesHi = array(
- -2 => "Media",
-1 => "विशेष",
0 => "",
1 => "वारà¥à¤¤à¤¾",
2 => "सदसà¥à¤¯",
- 3 => "सदसà¥à¤¯_वारà¥à¤¤à¤¾",
- 4 => "विकिपीडिया",
- 5 => "विकिपीडिआ_वारà¥à¤¤à¤¾",
+ 3 => "सदसà¥à¤¯ वारà¥à¤¤à¤¾",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace." वारà¥à¤¤à¤¾",
6 => "चितà¥à¤°",
- 7 => "चितà¥à¤°_वारà¥à¤¤à¤¾",
+ 7 => "चितà¥à¤° वारà¥à¤¤à¤¾",
8 => "MediaWiki",
9 => "MediaWiki_talk",
@@ -35,43 +40,85 @@ include( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+# All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
+# will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
+# is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
+/* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesHi = array(
+ "Userlogin" => "",
+ "Userlogout" => "",
+ "Preferences" => "Set my user preferences",
+ "Watchlist" => "मेरी धà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¨à¤¸à¥‚ची",
+ "Recentchanges" => "हाल में बदले गये पनà¥à¤¨à¥‡",
+ "Upload" => "Upload image files",
+ "Imagelist" => "चितà¥à¤°à¥‹à¤‚ कि सूची",
+ "Listusers" => "Registered users",
+ "Statistics" => "Site statistics",
+ "Randompage" => "Random article",
+ "Lonelypages" => "अनाथ लेख",
+ "Unusedimages" => "अनाथ चितà¥à¤°",
+ "Popularpages" => "लोकपà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¯ लेख",
+ "Wantedpages" => "सबसे चहीते लेख",
+ "Shortpages" => "अदीरà¥à¤˜ लेख",
+ "Longpages" => "दीरà¥à¤˜ लेख",
+ "Newpages" => "हाल में रचित लेख",
+ "Ancientpages" => "पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤šà¥€à¤¨ लेख",
+ "Intl" => "अंतरभाषिय कडियाà¤",
+ "Allpages" => "All pages by title",
+ "Ipblocklist" => "Blocked IP addresses",
+ "Maintenance" => "Maintenance page",
+ "Specialpages" => "",
+ "Contributions" => "",
+ "Emailuser" => "",
+ "Whatlinkshere" => "",
+ "Recentchangeslinked" => "",
+ "Movepage" => "",
+ "Booksources" => "External book sources",
+ "Categories" => "Page categories",
/* private */ $wgAllMessagesHi = array(
# Bits of text used by many pages:
"linktrail" => "/^([a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD",
"mainpage" => "मà¥à¤–à¥à¤¯ पृषà¥à¤ ",
-"about" => "अबाउट",
-"aboutwikipedia" => "विकिपीडिया के बारे में",
-"aboutpage" => "विकिपीडिया:अबाउट",
+"about" => "अबाउट",
+"aboutwikipedia" => "हिनà¥à¤¦à¥€ विकिपीडिया के बारे में",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:जानकारी",
"help" => "सहायता",
-"helppage" => "विकिपीडिया:सहायता",
-"wikititlesuffix" => "विकिपीडिया",
-"bugreports" => "Bug reports",
-"bugreportspage" => "विकिपीडिया:Bug_reports",
-"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "विकिपीडिया:FAQ",
-"edithelp" => "Editing help",
-"edithelppage" => "विकिपीडिया:How_does_one_edit_a_page",
-"cancel" => "Cancel",
-"qbfind" => "Find",
-"qbbrowse" => "Browse",
-"qbedit" => "Edit",
-"qbpageoptions" => "Page options",
-"qbpageinfo" => "Page info",
-"qbmyoptions" => "My options",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:सहायता",
+"wikititlesuffix" => "हिनà¥à¤¦à¥€ विकिपीडिया",
+"bugreports" => "बग रिपोरà¥à¤Ÿ ",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:बग रिपोरà¥à¤Ÿ ",
+"faq" => "पà¥à¤°à¤¶à¥à¤¨à¤¾à¤µà¤²à¥€ - FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:पà¥à¤°à¤¶à¥à¤¨à¤¾à¤µà¤²à¥€",
+"edithelp" => "बदलाव सहायता ",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:पृषà¥à¤  कैसे बदलें",
+"cancel" => "रदà¥à¤¦ करें - कैनà¥à¤¸à¤²",
+"qbfind" => "खोजें - फ़ाइनà¥à¤¡ ",
+"qbbrowse" => "देखें - बà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤‰à¥›",
+"qbedit" => "बदलें" - à¤à¤¡à¤¿à¤Ÿ ,
+"qbpageoptions" => "पृषà¥à¤  विकलà¥à¤ª - ओपà¥à¤¶à¤¨à¥à¤¸ ",
+"qbpageinfo" => "पृषà¥à¤  जानकारी",
+"qbmyoptions" => "मेरे विकलà¥à¤ª -ओपà¥à¤¶à¤¨à¥à¤¸ ",
"mypage" => "मेरा पृषà¥à¤ ",
"mytalk" => "मेरी बातें",
-"currentevents" => "Current events",
-"errorpagetitle" => "Error",
+"currentevents" => "-",
+"errorpagetitle" => "गलती - à¤à¤°à¤° ",
"returnto" => "लौटें $1.",
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-"whatlinkshere" => "Pages that link here",
+"fromwikipedia" => "हिनà¥à¤¦à¥€ विकिपीडिया निःशà¥à¤²à¥à¤• जà¥à¤žà¤¾à¤¨ संगà¥à¤°à¤¹ से .",
+"whatlinkshere" => "पृषà¥à¤  जो यहाठआते हैं",
"help" => "सहायता ",
"search" => "खोज ",
"go" => "जायें",
-"history" => "Older versions",
-"printableversion" => "Printable version",
+"history" => "पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¨à¥‡ आवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨ ",
+"printableversion" => "छापने लायक आवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨",
"editthispage" => "इस पृषà¥à¤  को बदलें",
"deletethispage" => "इस पृषà¥à¤  को हटायें",
"protectthispage" => "इस पृषà¥à¤  को सà¥à¤°à¤•à¥à¤·à¤¿à¤¤ करें",
@@ -88,17 +135,17 @@ include( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
"redirectedfrom" => "($1 से भेजा गया)",
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"viewcount" => "यह पृषà¥à¤  $1 बार देखा गया है",
-"gnunote" => "All text is available under the terms of the <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a>.",
-"printsubtitle" => "(From",
+"gnunote" => "सभी सामगà¥à¤°à¥€ <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a> की शरà¥à¤¤à¥‹à¤‚ के तहतॠउपलबà¥à¤§ की गई है.",
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"protectedpage" => "सà¥à¤°à¤•à¥à¤·à¤¿à¤¤ पृषà¥à¤ ",
-"administrators" => "विकिपीडिया:पà¥à¤°à¤¬à¤¨à¥à¤§à¤•",
-"sysoptitle" => "sysop आवशà¥à¤¯à¤• है",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:पà¥à¤°à¤¬à¤¨à¥à¤§à¤•",
+"sysoptitle" => "सिसओप होना आवशà¥à¤¯à¤• है",
"sysoptext" => "आप जो करना चाहते हैं‌ उसे केवल \"sysop\" सà¥à¤¤à¤° के सदसà¥à¤¯ कर सकते हैं. $1 देखें.",
-"developertitle" => "Developer आवशà¥à¤¯à¤• है",
+"developertitle" => "डेवेलपर होना आवशà¥à¤¯à¤• है",
"developertext" => "आप जो करना चाहते हैं‌ उसे केवल \"developer\" सà¥à¤¤à¤° के सदसà¥à¤¯ कर सकते हैं. $1 देखें.",
"nbytes" => "$1 bytes",
-"go" => "Go",
-"ok" => "OK",
+"go" => "जायें",
+"ok" => "ठीक है - OK",
"sitetitle" => "विकिपीडिया ",
"sitesubtitle" => "निःशà¥à¤²à¥à¤• जà¥à¤žà¤¾à¤¨ संगà¥à¤°à¤¹ ",
"retrievedfrom" => "\"$1\" से लिया गया",
@@ -107,7 +154,7 @@ include( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
# Main script and global functions
-"nosuchaction" => "à¤à¤¸à¤¾ कोई कारà¥à¤¯ नहीं है",
+"nosuchaction" => "à¤à¤¸à¤¾ कोई à¤à¤•à¥â€Œà¤¶à¤¨ नहीं है",
"nosuchactiontext" => "विकिपीडिया सौफ़à¥à¤Ÿà¤µà¥‡à¤¯à¤° में इस URL दà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤°à¤¾ निरà¥à¤§à¤¾à¤°à¤¿à¤¤ कोई कà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¯à¤¾ नही है",
"nosuchspecialpage" => "à¤à¤¸à¤¾ कोई विशेष पृषà¥à¤  नहीं है",
"nospecialpagetext" => "आपने à¤à¤¸à¤¾ विशेष पृषà¥à¤  मांगा है जो विकिपीडिया सौफ़à¥à¤Ÿà¤µà¥‡à¤¯à¤° में नहीं है.",
@@ -116,16 +163,773 @@ include( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
# ........
"welcomecreation" => "<h2>सà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤—तमà¥â€Œ, $1!</h2><p>आपका अकाउनà¥à¤Ÿ बना दिया गया है.
-Don't forget to personalize your wikipedia preferences.",
+अपने पà¥à¤°à¥‡à¥žà¥‡à¤°à¥‡à¤¨à¥à¤¸à¥‡à¥› को परà¥à¤¸à¤¨à¤²à¤¾à¤‡à¥› करना न भूलें .",
+"loginpagetitle" => "यूज़र लौग इन",
-"loginpagetitle" => "User login",
"yourname" => "आपका नाम",
"yourpassword" => "आपका पासवरà¥à¤¡ ",
"yourpasswordagain" => "पासवरà¥à¤¡ दà¥à¤¬à¤¾à¤°à¤¾ लिखें",
-## ....... more messages .....
+# General errors
+"error" => "Error",
+"databaseerror" => "Database error",
+"dberrortext" => "A database query syntax error has occurred.
+This could be because of an illegal search query (see $5),
+or it may indicate a bug in the software.
+The last attempted database query was:
+from within function \"<tt>$2</tt>\".
+MySQL returned error \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".",
+"dberrortextcl" => "A database query syntax error has occurred.
+The last attempted database query was:
+from within function \"$2\".
+MySQL returned error \"$3: $4\".\n",
+"noconnect" => "Sorry! The wiki is experiencing some technical difficulties, and cannot contact the database server.",
+"nodb" => "Could not select database $1",
+"cachederror" => "The following is a cached copy of the requested page, and may not be up to date.",
+"readonly" => "Database locked",
+"enterlockreason" => "Enter a reason for the lock, including an estimate
+of when the lock will be released",
+"readonlytext" => "The Wikipedia database is currently locked to new
+entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance,
+after which it will be back to normal.
+The administrator who locked it offered this explanation:
+"missingarticle" => "The database did not find the text of a page
+that it should have found, named \"$1\".
+<p>This is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history link to a
+page that has been deleted.
+<p>If this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software.
+Please report this to an administrator, making note of the URL.",
+"internalerror" => "Internal error",
+"filecopyerror" => "Could not copy file \"$1\" to \"$2\".",
+"filerenameerror" => "Could not rename file \"$1\" to \"$2\".",
+"filedeleteerror" => "Could not delete file \"$1\".",
+"filenotfound" => "Could not find file \"$1\".",
+"unexpected" => "Unexpected value: \"$1\"=\"$2\".",
+"formerror" => "Error: could not submit form",
+"badarticleerror" => "This action cannot be performed on this page.",
+"cannotdelete" => "Could not delete the page or image specified. (It may have already been deleted by someone else.)",
+"badtitle" => "Bad title",
+"badtitletext" => "The requested page title was invalid, empty, or
+an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title.",
+"perfdisabled" => "Sorry! This feature has been temporarily disabled
+because it slows the database down to the point that no one can use
+the wiki.",
+"perfdisabledsub" => "Here's a saved copy from $1:",
+# Login and logout pages
+"logouttitle" => "User logout",
+"logouttext" => "You are now logged out.
+You can continue to use Wikipedia anonymously, or you can log in
+again as the same or as a different user.\n",
+"welcomecreation" => "<h2>Welcome, $1!</h2><p>Your account has been created.
+Don't forget to personalize your wikipedia preferences.",
+"loginpagetitle" => "User login",
+"yourname" => "Your user name",
+"yourpassword" => "Your password",
+"yourpasswordagain" => "Retype password",
+"newusersonly" => " (new users only)",
+"remembermypassword" => "Remember my password across sessions.",
+"loginproblem" => "<b>There has been a problem with your login.</b><br>Try again!",
+"alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=red><b>User $1, you are already logged in!</b></font><br>\n",
+"areyounew" => "If you are new to Wikipedia and want to get a user account,
+enter a user name, then type and re-type a password.
+Your e-mail address is optional; if you lose your password you can request
+that it be to the address you give.<br>\n",
+"login" => "Log in",
+"userlogin" => "Log in",
+"logout" => "Log out",
+"userlogout" => "Log out",
+"notloggedin" => "Not logged in",
+"createaccount" => "Create new account",
+"createaccountmail" => "by eMail",
+"badretype" => "The passwords you entered do not match.",
+"userexists" => "The user name you entered is already in use. Please choose a different name.",
+"youremail" => "Your e-mail*",
+"yournick" => "Your nickname (for signatures)",
+"emailforlost" => "* Entering an email address is optional. But it enables people to
+contact you through the website without you having to reveal your
+email address to them, and it also helps you if you forget your
+"loginerror" => "Login error",
+"noname" => "You have not specified a valid user name.",
+"loginsuccesstitle" => "Login successful",
+"loginsuccess" => "You are now logged in to Wikipedia as \"$1\".",
+"nosuchuser" => "There is no user by the name \"$1\".
+Check your spelling, or use the form below to create a new user account.",
+"wrongpassword" => "The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.",
+"mailmypassword" => "Mail me a new password",
+"passwordremindertitle" => "Password reminder from Wikipedia",
+"passwordremindertext" => "Someone (probably you, from IP address $1)
+requested that we send you a new Wikipedia login password.
+The password for user \"$2\" is now \"$3\".
+You should log in and change your password now.",
+"noemail" => "There is no e-mail address recorded for user \"$1\".",
+"passwordsent" => "A new password has been sent to the e-mail address
+registered for \"$1\".
+Please log in again after you receive it.",
+# Edit pages
+"summary" => "Summary",
+"subject" => "Subject/headline",
+"minoredit" => "This is a minor edit",
+"watchthis" => "Watch this article",
+"savearticle" => "Save page",
+"preview" => "Preview",
+"showpreview" => "Show preview",
+"blockedtitle" => "User is blocked",
+"blockedtext" => "Your user name or IP address has been blocked by $1.
+The reason given is this:<br>''$2''<p>You may contact $1 or one of the other
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:administrators|administrators]] to discuss the block.",
+"whitelistedittitle" => "Login required to edit",
+"whitelistedittext" => "You have to [[Special:Userlogin|login]] to edit articles.",
+"whitelistreadtitle" => "Login required to read",
+"whitelistreadtext" => "You have to [[Special:Userlogin|login]] to read articles.",
+"whitelistacctitle" => "You are not allowed to create an account",
+"whitelistacctext" => "To be allowed to create accounts in this Wiki you have to [[Special:Userlogin|log]] in and have the appropriate permissions.",
+"accmailtitle" => "Password sent.",
+"accmailtext" => "The Password for '$1' has been sent to $2.",
+"newarticle" => "(New)",
+"newarticletext" =>
+"You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet.
+To create the page, start typing in the box below
+(see the [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Help|help page]] for more info).
+If you are here by mistake, just click your browser's '''back''' button.",
+"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet or who does not use it. We therefore have to use the numerical [[IP address]] to identify him/her. Such an IP address can be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please [[Special:Userlogin|create an account or log in]] to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users.'' ",
+"noarticletext" => "(There is currently no text in this page)",
+"updated" => "(Updated)",
+"note" => "<strong>Note:</strong> ",
+"previewnote" => "Remember that this is only a preview, and has not yet been saved!",
+"previewconflict" => "This preview reflects the text in the upper
+text editing area as it will appear if you choose to save.",
+"editing" => "Editing $1",
+"sectionedit" => " (section)",
+"commentedit" => " (comment)",
+"editconflict" => "Edit conflict: $1",
+"explainconflict" => "Someone else has changed this page since you
+started editing it.
+The upper text area contains the page text as it currently exists.
+Your changes are shown in the lower text area.
+You will have to merge your changes into the existing text.
+<b>Only</b> the text in the upper text area will be saved when you
+press \"Save page\".\n<p>",
+"yourtext" => "Your text",
+"storedversion" => "Stored version",
+"editingold" => "<strong>WARNING: You are editing an out-of-date
+revision of this page.
+If you save it, any changes made since this revision will be lost.</strong>\n",
+"yourdiff" => "Differences",
+"copyrightwarning" => "Please note that all contributions to Wikipedia are
+considered to be released under the GNU Free Documentation License
+(see $1 for details).
+If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed
+at will, then don't submit it here.<br>
+You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a
+public domain or similar free resource.
+"longpagewarning" => "WARNING: This page is $1 kilobytes long; some
+browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb.
+Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections.",
+"readonlywarning" => "WARNING: The database has been locked for maintenance,
+so you will not be able to save your edits right now. You may wish to cut-n-paste
+the text into a text file and save it for later.",
+"protectedpagewarning" => "WARNING: This page has been locked so that only
+users with sysop privileges can edit it. Be sure you are following the
+<a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Protected_page_guidelines'>protected page
+# History pages
+"revhistory" => "Revision history",
+"nohistory" => "There is no edit history for this page.",
+"revnotfound" => "Revision not found",
+"revnotfoundtext" => "The old revision of the page you asked for could not be found.
+Please check the URL you used to access this page.\n",
+"loadhist" => "Loading page history",
+"currentrev" => "Current revision",
+"revisionasof" => "Revision as of $1",
+"cur" => "cur",
+"next" => "next",
+"last" => "last",
+"orig" => "orig",
+"histlegend" => "Legend: (cur) = difference with current version,
+(last) = difference with preceding version, M = minor edit",
+# Diffs
+"difference" => "(Difference between revisions)",
+"loadingrev" => "loading revision for diff",
+"lineno" => "Line $1:",
+"editcurrent" => "Edit the current version of this page",
+# Search results
+"searchresults" => "Search results",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Searching",
+"searchingwikipedia" => "Searching Wikipedia",
+"searchresulttext" => "For more information about searching Wikipedia, see $1.",
+"searchquery" => "For query \"$1\"",
+"badquery" => "Badly formed search query",
+"badquerytext" => "We could not process your query.
+This is probably because you have attempted to search for a
+word fewer than three letters long, which is not yet supported.
+It could also be that you have mistyped the expression, for
+example \"fish and and scales\".
+Please try another query.",
+"matchtotals" => "The query \"$1\" matched $2 article titles
+and the text of $3 articles.",
+"nogomatch" => "No page with this exact title exists, trying full text search.",
+"titlematches" => "Article title matches",
+"notitlematches" => "No article title matches",
+"textmatches" => "Article text matches",
+"notextmatches" => "No article text matches",
+"prevn" => "previous $1",
+"nextn" => "next $1",
+"viewprevnext" => "View ($1) ($2) ($3).",
+"showingresults" => "Showing below <b>$1</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>.",
+"showingresultsnum" => "Showing below <b>$3</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>.",
+"nonefound" => "<strong>Note</strong>: unsuccessful searches are
+often caused by searching for common words like \"have\" and \"from\",
+which are not indexed, or by specifying more than one search term (only pages
+containing all of the search terms will appear in the result).",
+"powersearch" => "Search",
+"powersearchtext" => "
+Search in namespaces :<br>
+$2 List redirects &nbsp; Search for $3 $9",
+"blanknamespace" => "(Main)",
+# Preferences page
+"preferences" => "Preferences",
+"prefsnologin" => "Not logged in",
+"prefsnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
+to set user preferences.",
+"prefslogintext" => "You are logged in as \"$1\".
+Your internal ID number is $2.
+See [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:User preferences help]] for help deciphering the options.",
+"prefsreset" => "Preferences have been reset from storage.",
+"qbsettings" => "Quickbar settings",
+"changepassword" => "Change password",
+"skin" => "Skin",
+"math" => "Rendering math",
+"dateformat" => "Date format",
+"math_failure" => "Failed to parse",
+"math_unknown_error" => "unknown error",
+"math_unknown_function" => "unknown function ",
+"math_lexing_error" => "lexing error",
+"math_syntax_error" => "syntax error",
+"saveprefs" => "Save preferences",
+"resetprefs" => "Reset preferences",
+"oldpassword" => "Old password",
+"newpassword" => "New password",
+"retypenew" => "Retype new password",
+"textboxsize" => "Textbox dimensions",
+"rows" => "Rows",
+"columns" => "Columns",
+"searchresultshead" => "Search result settings",
+"resultsperpage" => "Hits to show per page",
+"contextlines" => "Lines to show per hit",
+"contextchars" => "Characters of context per line",
+"stubthreshold" => "Threshold for stub display",
+"recentchangescount" => "Number of titles in recent changes",
+"savedprefs" => "Your preferences have been saved.",
+"timezonetext" => "Enter number of hours your local time differs
+from server time (UTC).",
+"localtime" => "Local time display",
+"timezoneoffset" => "Offset",
+"servertime" => "Server time is now",
+"guesstimezone" => "Fill in from browser",
+"emailflag" => "Disable e-mail from other users",
+"defaultns" => "Search in these namespaces by default:",
+# Recent changes
+"changes" => "changes",
+"recentchanges" => "Recent changes",
+"recentchangestext" => "Track the most recent changes to Wikipedia on this page.
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Welcome,_newcomers|Welcome, newcomers]]!
+Please have a look at these pages: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policies and guidelines|Wikipedia policy]]
+(especially [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Naming conventions|naming conventions]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Neutral point of view|neutral point of view]]),
+and [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|most common Wikipedia faux pas]].
+If you want to see Wikipedia succeed, it's very important that you don't add
+material restricted by others' [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights|copyrights]].
+The legal liability could really hurt the project, so please don't do it.
+See also the [ recent meta discussion].",
+"rcloaderr" => "Loading recent changes",
+"rcnote" => "Below are the last <strong>$1</strong> changes in last <strong>$2</strong> days.",
+"rcnotefrom" => "Below are the changes since <b>$2</b> (up to <b>$1</b> shown).",
+"rclistfrom" => "Show new changes starting from $1",
+# "rclinks" => "Show last $1 changes in last $2 hours / last $3 days",
+# "rclinks" => "Show last $1 changes in last $2 days.",
+"rclinks" => "Show last $1 changes in last $2 days; $3 minor edits",
+"rchide" => "in $4 form; $1 minor edits; $2 secondary namespaces; $3 multiple edits.",
+"rcliu" => "; $1 edits from logged in users",
+"diff" => "diff",
+"hist" => "hist",
+"hide" => "hide",
+"show" => "show",
+"tableform" => "table",
+"listform" => "list",
+"nchanges" => "$1 changes",
+"minoreditletter" => "M",
+"newpageletter" => "N",
+# Upload
+"upload" => "Upload file",
+"uploadbtn" => "Upload file",
+"uploadlink" => "Upload images",
+"reupload" => "Re-upload",
+"reuploaddesc" => "Return to the upload form.",
+"uploadnologin" => "Not logged in",
+"uploadnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
+to upload files.",
+"uploadfile" => "Upload images, sounds, documents etc.",
+"uploaderror" => "Upload error",
+"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here,
+make sure to read and follow Wikipedia's <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
+<p>To view or search previously uploaded images,
+go to the <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
+"\">list of uploaded images</a>.
+Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
+<p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in
+illustrating your articles.
+On most browsers, you will see a \"Browse...\" button, which will
+bring up your operating system's standard file open dialog.
+Choosing a file will fill the name of that file into the text
+field next to the button.
+You must also check the box affirming that you are not
+violating any copyrights by uploading the file.
+Press the \"Upload\" button to finish the upload.
+This may take some time if you have a slow internet connection.
+<p>The preferred formats are JPEG for photographic images, PNG
+for drawings and other iconic images, and OGG for sounds.
+Please name your files descriptively to avoid confusion.
+To include the image in an article, use a link in the form
+<b>[[image:file.jpg]]</b> or <b>[[image:file.png|alt text]]</b>
+or <b>[[media:file.ogg]]</b> for sounds.
+<p>Please note that as with Wikipedia pages, others may edit or
+delete your uploads if they think it serves the encyclopedia, and
+you may be blocked from uploading if you abuse the system.",
+"uploadlog" => "upload log",
+"uploadlogpage" => "Upload_log",
+"uploadlogpagetext" => "Below is a list of the most recent file uploads.
+All times shown are server time (UTC).
+"filename" => "Filename",
+"filedesc" => "Summary",
+"affirmation" => "I affirm that the copyright holder of this file
+agrees to license it under the terms of the $1.",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights",
+"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia copyright",
+"uploadedfiles" => "Uploaded files",
+"noaffirmation" => "You must affirm that your upload does not violate
+any copyrights.",
+"ignorewarning" => "Ignore warning and save file anyway.",
+"minlength" => "Image names must be at least three letters.",
+"badfilename" => "Image name has been changed to \"$1\".",
+"badfiletype" => "\".$1\" is not a recommended image file format.",
+"largefile" => "It is recommended that images not exceed 100k in size.",
+"successfulupload" => "Successful upload",
+"fileuploaded" => "File \"$1\" uploaded successfully.
+Please follow this link: ($2) to the description page and fill
+in information about the file, such as where it came from, when it was
+created and by whom, and anything else you may know about it.",
+"uploadwarning" => "Upload warning",
+"savefile" => "Save file",
+"uploadedimage" => "uploaded \"$1\"",
+# Image list
+"imagelist" => "Image list",
+"imagelisttext" => "Below is a list of $1 images sorted $2.",
+"getimagelist" => "fetching image list",
+"ilshowmatch" => "Show all images with names matching",
+"ilsubmit" => "Search",
+"showlast" => "Show last $1 images sorted $2.",
+"all" => "all",
+"byname" => "by name",
+"bydate" => "by date",
+"bysize" => "by size",
+"imgdelete" => "del",
+"imgdesc" => "desc",
+"imglegend" => "Legend: (desc) = show/edit image description.",
+"imghistory" => "Image history",
+"revertimg" => "rev",
+"deleteimg" => "del",
+"imghistlegend" => "Legend: (cur) = this is the current image, (del) = delete
+this old version, (rev) = revert to this old version.
+<br><i>Click on date to see image uploaded on that date</i>.",
+"imagelinks" => "Image links",
+"linkstoimage" => "The following pages link to this image:",
+"nolinkstoimage" => "There are no pages that link to this image.",
+# Statistics
+"statistics" => "Statistics",
+"sitestats" => "Site statistics",
+"userstats" => "User statistics",
+"sitestatstext" => "There are <b>$1</b> total pages in the database.
+This includes \"talk\" pages, pages about Wikipedia, minimal \"stub\"
+pages, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as articles.
+Excluding those, there are <b>$2</b> pages that are probably legitimate
+There have been a total of <b>$3</b> page views, and <b>$4</b> page edits
+since the software was upgraded (July 20, 2002).
+That comes to <b>$5</b> average edits per page, and <b>$6</b> views per edit.",
+"userstatstext" => "There are <b>$1</b> registered users.
+<b>$2</b> of these are administrators (see $3).",
+# Maintenance Page
+"maintenance" => "Maintenance page",
+"maintnancepagetext" => "This page includes several handy tools for everyday maintenance. Some of these functions tend to stress the database, so please do not hit reload after every item you fixed ;-)",
+"maintenancebacklink" => "Back to Maintenance Page",
+"disambiguations" => "Disambiguation pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationstext" => "The following articles link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
+"doubleredirects" => "Double Redirects",
+"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br>\nEach row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the \"real\" taget article, which the first redirect should point to.",
+"brokenredirects" => "Broken Redirects",
+"brokenredirectstext" => "The following redirects link to a non-existing article.",
+"selflinks" => "Pages with Self Links",
+"selflinkstext" => "The following pages contain a link to themselves, which they should not.",
+"mispeelings" => "Pages with misspellings",
+"mispeelingstext" => "The following pages contain a common misspelling, which are listed on $1. The correct spelling might be given (like this).",
+"mispeelingspage" => "List of common misspellings",
+"missinglanguagelinks" => "Missing Language Links",
+"missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "Find missing language links for",
+"missinglanguagelinkstext" => "These articles do <i>not</i> link to their counterpart in $1. Redirects and subpages are <i>not</i> shown.",
+# Miscellaneous special pages
+"orphans" => "Orphaned pages",
+"lonelypages" => "Orphaned pages",
+"unusedimages" => "Unused images",
+"popularpages" => "Popular pages",
+"nviews" => "$1 views",
+"wantedpages" => "Wanted pages",
+"nlinks" => "$1 links",
+"allpages" => "All pages",
+"randompage" => "Random page",
+"shortpages" => "Short pages",
+"longpages" => "Long pages",
+"listusers" => "User list",
+"specialpages" => "Special pages",
+"spheading" => "Special pages for all users",
+"sysopspheading" => "For sysop use only",
+"developerspheading" => "For developer use only",
+"protectpage" => "Protect page",
+"recentchangeslinked" => "Related changes",
+"rclsub" => "(to pages linked from \"$1\")",
+"debug" => "Debug",
+"newpages" => "New pages",
+"ancientpages" => "Oldest articles",
+"intl" => "Interlanguage links",
+"movethispage" => "Move this page",
+"unusedimagestext" => "<p>Please note that other web sites
+such as the international Wikipedias may link to an image with
+a direct URL, and so may still be listed here despite being
+in active use.",
+"booksources" => "Book sources",
+"booksourcetext" => "Below is a list of links to other sites that
+sell new and used books, and may also have further information
+about books you are looking for.
+Wikipedia is not affiliated with any of these businesses, and
+this list should not be construed as an endorsement.",
+"alphaindexline" => "$1 to $2",
+# Email this user
+"mailnologin" => "No send address",
+"mailnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
+and have a valid e-mail address in your <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Preferences" ) . "\">preferences</a>
+to send e-mail to other users.",
+"emailuser" => "E-mail this user",
+"emailpage" => "E-mail user",
+"emailpagetext" => "If this user has entered a valid e-mail address in
+his or her user preferences, the form below will send a single message.
+The e-mail address you entered in your user preferences will appear
+as the \"From\" address of the mail, so the recipient will be able
+to reply.",
+"noemailtitle" => "No e-mail address",
+"noemailtext" => "This user has not specified a valid e-mail address,
+or has chosen not to receive e-mail from other users.",
+"emailfrom" => "From",
+"emailto" => "To",
+"emailsubject" => "Subject",
+"emailmessage" => "Message",
+"emailsend" => "Send",
+"emailsent" => "E-mail sent",
+"emailsenttext" => "Your e-mail message has been sent.",
+# Watchlist
+"watchlist" => "My watchlist",
+"watchlistsub" => "(for user \"$1\")",
+"nowatchlist" => "You have no items on your watchlist.",
+"watchnologin" => "Not logged in",
+"watchnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
+to modify your watchlist.",
+"addedwatch" => "Added to watchlist",
+"addedwatchtext" => "The page \"$1\" has been added to your <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Watchlist" ) . "\">watchlist</a>.
+Future changes to this page and its associated Talk page will be listed there,
+and the page will appear <b>bolded</b> in the <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Recentchanges" ) . "\">list of recent changes</a> to
+make it easier to pick out.</p>
+<p>If you want to remove the page from your watchlist later, click \"Stop watching\" in the sidebar.",
+"removedwatch" => "Removed from watchlist",
+"removedwatchtext" => "The page \"$1\" has been removed from your watchlist.",
+"watchthispage" => "Watch this page",
+"unwatchthispage" => "Stop watching",
+"notanarticle" => "Not an article",
+"watchnochange" => "None of your watched items were edited in the time period displayed.",
+"watchdetails" => "($1 pages watched not counting talk pages;
+$2 total pages edited since cutoff;
+<a href='$4'>show and edit complete list</a>.)",
+"watchmethod-recent" => "checking recent edits for watched pages",
+"watchmethod-list" => "checking watched pages for recent edits",
+"removechecked" => "Remove checked items from watchlist",
+"watchlistcontains" => "Your watchlist contains $1 pages.",
+"watcheditlist" => "Here's an alphabetical list of your
+watched pages. Check the boxes of pages you want to remove
+from your watchlist and click the 'remove checked' button
+at the bottom of the screen.",
+"removingchecked" => "Removing requested items from watchlist...",
+"couldntremove" => "Couldn't remove item '$1'...",
+"iteminvalidname" => "Problem with item '$1', invalid name...",
+"wlnote" => "Below are the last $1 changes in the last <b>$2</b> hours.",
+# Delete/protect/revert
+"deletepage" => "Delete page",
+"confirm" => "Confirm",
+"excontent" => "content was:",
+"exbeforeblank" => "content before blanking was:",
+"exblank" => "page was empty",
+"confirmdelete" => "Confirm delete",
+"deletesub" => "(Deleting \"$1\")",
+"historywarning" => "Warning: The page you are about to delete has a history: ",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "You are about to permanently delete a page
+or image along with all of its history from the database.
+Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the
+consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with
+"confirmcheck" => "Yes, I really want to delete this.",
+"actioncomplete" => "Action complete",
+"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" has been deleted.
+See $2 for a record of recent deletions.",
+"deletedarticle" => "deleted \"$1\"",
+"dellogpage" => "Deletion_log",
+"dellogpagetext" => "Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
+All times shown are server time (UTC).
+"deletionlog" => "deletion log",
+"reverted" => "Reverted to earlier revision",
+"deletecomment" => "Reason for deletion",
+"imagereverted" => "Revert to earlier version was successful.",
+"rollback" => "Roll back edits",
+"rollbacklink" => "rollback",
+"rollbackfailed" => "Rollback failed",
+"cantrollback" => "Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this article.",
+"alreadyrolled" => "Cannot rollback last edit of [[$1]]
+by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); someone else has edited or rolled back the article already.
+Last edit was by [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]). ",
+# only shown if there is an edit comment
+"editcomment" => "The edit comment was: \"<i>$1</i>\".",
+"revertpage" => "Reverted to last edit by $1",
+# Undelete
+"undelete" => "Restore deleted page",
+"undeletepage" => "View and restore deleted pages",
+"undeletepagetext" => "The following pages have been deleted but are still in the archive and
+can be restored. The archive may be periodically cleaned out.",
+"undeletearticle" => "Restore deleted article",
+"undeleterevisions" => "$1 revisions archived",
+"undeletehistory" => "If you restore the page, all revisions will be restored to the history.
+If a new page with the same name has been created since the deletion, the restored
+revisions will appear in the prior history, and the current revision of the live page
+will not be automatically replaced.",
+"undeleterevision" => "Deleted revision as of $1",
+"undeletebtn" => "Restore!",
+"undeletedarticle" => "restored \"$1\"",
+"undeletedtext" => "The article [[$1]] has been successfully restored.
+See [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
+# Contributions
+"contributions" => "User contributions",
+"mycontris" => "My contributions",
+"contribsub" => "For $1",
+"nocontribs" => "No changes were found matching these criteria.",
+"ucnote" => "Below are this user's last <b>$1</b> changes in the last <b>$2</b> days.",
+"uclinks" => "View the last $1 changes; view the last $2 days.",
+"uctop" => " (top)" ,
+# What links here
+"whatlinkshere" => "What links here",
+"notargettitle" => "No target",
+"notargettext" => "You have not specified a target page or user
+to perform this function on.",
+"linklistsub" => "(List of links)",
+"linkshere" => "The following pages link to here:",
+"nolinkshere" => "No pages link to here.",
+"isredirect" => "redirect page",
+# Block/unblock IP
+"blockip" => "Block IP address",
+"blockiptext" => "Use the form below to block write access
+from a specific IP address.
+This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in
+accordance with [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
+Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular
+pages that were vandalized).",
+"ipaddress" => "IP Address",
+"ipbreason" => "Reason",
+"ipbsubmit" => "Block this address",
+"badipaddress" => "The IP address is badly formed.",
+"noblockreason" => "You must supply a reason for the block.",
+"blockipsuccesssub" => "Block succeeded",
+"blockipsuccesstext" => "The IP address \"$1\" has been blocked.
+<br>See [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] to review blocks.",
+"unblockip" => "Unblock IP address",
+"unblockiptext" => "Use the form below to restore write access
+to a previously blocked IP address.",
+"ipusubmit" => "Unblock this address",
+"ipusuccess" => "IP address \"$1\" unblocked",
+"ipblocklist" => "List of blocked IP addresses",
+"blocklistline" => "$1, $2 blocked $3",
+"blocklink" => "block",
+"unblocklink" => "unblock",
+"contribslink" => "contribs",
+# Developer tools
+"lockdb" => "Lock database",
+"unlockdb" => "Unlock database",
+"lockdbtext" => "Locking the database will suspend the ability of all
+users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
+other things requiring changes in the database.
+Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will
+unlock the database when your maintenance is done.",
+"unlockdbtext" => "Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all
+users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
+other things requiring changes in the database.
+Please confirm that this is what you intend to do.",
+"lockconfirm" => "Yes, I really want to lock the database.",
+"unlockconfirm" => "Yes, I really want to unlock the database.",
+"lockbtn" => "Lock database",
+"unlockbtn" => "Unlock database",
+"locknoconfirm" => "You did not check the confirmation box.",
+"lockdbsuccesssub" => "Database lock succeeded",
+"unlockdbsuccesssub" => "Database lock removed",
+"lockdbsuccesstext" => "The Wikipedia database has been locked.
+<br>Remember to remove the lock after your maintenance is complete.",
+"unlockdbsuccesstext" => "The Wikipedia database has been unlocked.",
+# SQL query
+"asksql" => "SQL query",
+"asksqltext" => "Use the form below to make a direct query of the
+Wikipedia database.
+Use single quotes ('like this') to delimit string literals.
+This can often add considerable load to the server, so please use
+this function sparingly.",
+"sqlislogged" => "Please note that all queries are logged.",
+"sqlquery" => "Enter query",
+"querybtn" => "Submit query",
+"selectonly" => "Queries other than \"SELECT\" are restricted to
+Wikipedia developers.",
+"querysuccessful" => "Query successful",
+# Move page
+"movepage" => "Move page",
+"movepagetext" => "Using the form below will rename a page, moving all
+of its history to the new name.
+The old title will become a redirect page to the new title.
+Links to the old page title will not be changed; be sure to
+[[Special:Maintenance|check]] for double or broken redirects.
+You are responsible for making sure that links continue to
+point where they are supposed to go.
+Note that the page will '''not''' be moved if there is already
+a page at the new title, unless it is empty or a redirect and has no
+past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where
+it was just renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite
+an existing page.
+This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page;
+please be sure you understand the consequences of this before
+"movepagetalktext" => "The associated talk page, if any, will be automatically moved along with it '''unless:'''
+*You are moving the page across namespaces,
+*A non-empty talk page already exists under the new name, or
+*You uncheck the box below.
+In those cases, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired.",
+"movearticle" => "Move page",
+"movenologin" => "Not logged in",
+"movenologintext" => "You must be a registered user and <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
+to move a page.",
+"newtitle" => "To new title",
+"movepagebtn" => "Move page",
+"pagemovedsub" => "Move succeeded",
+"pagemovedtext" => "Page \"[[$1]]\" moved to \"[[$2]]\".",
+"articleexists" => "A page of that name already exists, or the
+name you have chosen is not valid.
+Please choose another name.",
+"talkexists" => "The page itself was moved successfully, but the
+talk page could not be moved because one already exists at the new
+title. Please merge them manually.",
+"movedto" => "moved to",
+"movetalk" => "Move \"talk\" page as well, if applicable.",
+"talkpagemoved" => "The corresponding talk page was also moved.",
+"talkpagenotmoved" => "The corresponding talk page was <strong>not</strong> moved.",
+include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
class LanguageHi extends LanguageUtf8 {
function getNamespaces() {
global $wgNamespaceNamesHi;
@@ -138,16 +942,12 @@ class LanguageHi extends LanguageUtf8 {
function getNsIndex( $text ) {
- global $wgNamespaceNamesHi, $wgNamespaceNamesEn;
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesHi;
foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesHi as $i => $n ) {
- if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
- }
- # fallback
- foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesEn as $i => $n ) {
- if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
+ if ( 0 == strcmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
- return false;
+ return Language::getNsIndex( $text );
function getMonthName( $key )
@@ -165,6 +965,12 @@ class LanguageHi extends LanguageUtf8 {
return Language::getMessage($key);
+ function getValidSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgValidSpecialPagesHi;
+ return $wgValidSpecialPagesHi;
+ }
diff --git a/languages/LanguageHu.php b/languages/LanguageHu.php
index ddf57835a190..b51ef5b0b6d4 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageHu.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageHu.php
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "Wikipédia";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipédia";
# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
# set "currentevents" => "-"
@@ -16,8 +23,8 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
1 => "Vita",
2 => "User",
3 => "User_vita",
- 4 => "Wikipédia",
- 5 => "Wikipédia_vita",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace."_vita",
6 => "Kép",
7 => "Kép_vita",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -71,7 +78,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
"nocache" => "Lapok gyorstárazásának letiltása"
-/* Change bookstore list through the wiki page [[hu:Wikipédia:Külső könyvinformációk]] */
+/* Change bookstore list through the wiki page [[hu:{$wgMetaNamespace}:Külső könyvinformációk]] */
/* Language names should be the native names. Inherit common array from Language.php */
@@ -133,6 +140,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesHu = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Block an IP address",
"Asksql" => "Query the database",
"Undelete" => "Restore deleted pages"
@@ -156,16 +164,16 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
"mainpagetext" => "Wiki szoftver sikeresen telepítve.",
"about" => "Névjegy",
"aboutwikipedia" => "A Wikipédiáról",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipédia:Névjegy",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Névjegy",
"help" => "Segítség",
-"helppage" => "Wikipédia:Segítség",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Segítség",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipédia",
"bugreports" => "Hibajelentés",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipédia:Hibajelentések",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hibajelentések",
"faq" => "GyIK",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipédia:GyIK",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:GyIK",
"edithelp" => "Segítség a szerkesztéshez",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipédia:Hogyan_szerkessz_egy_lapot",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hogyan_szerkessz_egy_lapot",
"cancel" => "Vissza",
"qbfind" => "Keresés",
"qbbrowse" => "Böngészés",
@@ -205,7 +213,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
"gnunote" => "Minden szöveg a <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Szabad Dokumentációk Liszensze</a> feltételei mellett érhető el.",
"printsubtitle" => "(From",
"protectedpage" => "Védett lap",
-"administrators" => "Wikipédia:Adminisztrátorok",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Adminisztrátorok",
"sysoptitle" => "Sysop hozzáférés szükséges",
"sysoptext" => "Az általad kért tevékenységet csak \"sysopok\" végezhetik el.
Lásd $1.",
@@ -355,7 +363,7 @@ Lépj be a levélben található adatokkal.",
"blockedtext" => "A felhasználói neved vagy IP számod $1 letiltotta.
Az indoklás:<br>''$2''
<p>Felveheted a kapcsolatot $1 adminnal vagy bármely más
-[[Wikipédia:adminisztrátorok|adminisztrátorral]] hogy megvitasd a letiltást.",
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:adminisztrátorok|adminisztrátorral]] hogy megvitasd a letiltást.",
"whitelistedittitle" => "A szerkesztéshez be kell lépned",
"whitelistedittext" => "A szócikkek szerkesztéséhez [[Special:Userlogin|be kell lépned]].",
"whitelistreadtitle" => "Az olvasáshoz be kell lépned",
@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@ Az indoklás:<br>''$2''
"newarticletext" =>
"Egy olyan lapra jutottál ami még nem létezik.
A lap létrehozásához kezdd el írni a szövegét lenti keretbe
-(a [[Wikipédia:Segítség|segítség]] lapon lelsz további
+(a [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Segítség|segítség]] lapon lelsz további
Ha tévedésből jöttél ide, csak nyomd meg a böngésző '''Vissza/Back'''
@@ -416,7 +424,7 @@ ezért a módosításaidat most nem lehetséges elmenteni. Érdemes a szöveget
kimásolni és elmenteni egy szövegszerkesztőben a későbbi mentéshez.",
"protectedpagewarning" => "FIGYELEM: A lap lezárásra került és ilyenkor
csak a Sysop jogú adminisztrátorok tudják szerkeszteni. Ellenőrizd, hogy
-betartod a <a href='/wiki/Wikipédia:Zárt_lapok_irányelve'>zárt lapok
+betartod a <a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Zárt_lapok_irányelve'>zárt lapok
# History pages
@@ -448,7 +456,7 @@ A = Apró változtatás",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "A keresés eredménye",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipédia:Keresés",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Keresés",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Keresés a Wikipédiában",
"searchresulttext" => "További információkkal a keresésről $1 szolgál.",
"searchquery" => "A \"$1\" kereséshez",
@@ -556,13 +564,13 @@ idő a GMT-től eltér (Magyarországon nyáron 2, télen 1).",
"changes" => "változtatás",
"recentchanges" => "Friss változtatások",
"recentchangestext" => "Ezen a lapon követheted a Wikipédián történt legutóbbi
-változtatásokat. [[Wikipédia:Üdvözlünk_látogató|Üdvözlünk, látogató]]!
-Légy szíves ismerkedj meg az alábbi lapokkal: [[Wikipédia:GyIK|Wikipédia GyIK]],
-[[Wikipédia:Irányelvek]] (különösen az [[Wikipédia:Elnevezési szokások|elnevezési szokásokat]],
-a [[wikipédia:Semleges nézőpont|semleges nézőpontot]]), és a
-[[wikipédia:Legelterjedtebb baklövések|legelterjedtebb baklövéseket]].
+változtatásokat. [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Üdvözlünk_látogató|Üdvözlünk, látogató]]!
+Légy szíves ismerkedj meg az alábbi lapokkal: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:GyIK|Wikipédia GyIK]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Irányelvek]] (különösen az [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Elnevezési szokások|elnevezési szokásokat]],
+a [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Semleges nézőpont|semleges nézőpontot]]), és a
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Legelterjedtebb baklövések|legelterjedtebb baklövéseket]].
Ha azt szeretnéd hogy a Wikipedia sikeres legyen akkor nagyon fontos, hogy
-soha ne add hozzá mások [[wikipédia:Copyright|jogvédett és nem felhasználható]]
+soha ne add hozzá mások [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyright|jogvédett és nem felhasználható]]
A jogi problémák komolyan árthatnak a projektnek ezért kérünk arra, hogy ne tegyél
@@ -603,12 +611,12 @@ to upload files.",
"uploaderror" => "Felküldési hiba",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>ÃLLJ!</strong> MielÅ‘tt bármit felküldesz ide
győződj meg róla hogy elolvastad és követed a <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipédia:Képhasználati_irányelvek" ) . "\">képhasználati irányelveket</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Képhasználati_irányelvek" ) . "\">képhasználati irányelveket</a>.
<p>A régebben felküldött képek megnézéséhez vagy kereséséhez
nézd meg a <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Speciális:Képlista" ) .
"\">felküldött képek listáját</a>.
A felküldések és törlések naplója a <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipédia:Upload_log" ) . "\">felküldési naplóban</a>
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">felküldési naplóban</a>
<p>Az alábbi űrlapot használd a cikkeidet illusztráló új kép felküldéséhez.
A legtöbb büngészőben látsz egy \"Böngészés...\" (Browse) gombot
@@ -643,7 +651,7 @@ Minden időpont a server idejében (UTC) van megadva.
"filesource" => "Forrás",
"affirmation" => "Igazolom hogy ezen file szerzői jogainak tulajdonosa
elfogadja azt, hogy az anyag a $1 licenc alapján publikálásra kerül.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipédia:Copyright",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyright",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipédia copyright",
"uploadedfiles" => "Felküldött file-ok",
"noaffirmation" => "Igazolnod kell azt, hogy a felküldött file-ok
@@ -712,7 +720,7 @@ Ebből <b>$2</b> darab adminisztrátor (lásd $3).",
"maintnancepagetext" => "Ezen a lapon a mindennapi karbantartáshoz hasznos dologkat lelsz. Mivel ezek az adatbázist a szokásosnál jobban terhelik kérlek ne nyomj minden kijavított cikk után reloadot ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Vissza a karbantartás lapra",
"disambiguations" => "Egyértelműsítő lapok",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipédia:Egyértelműsítő lapok",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Egyértelműsítő lapok",
"disambiguationstext" => "The following articles link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
"doubleredirects" => "Double Redirects",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br>\nEach row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the \"real\" taget article, which the first redirect should point to.",
@@ -722,7 +730,7 @@ Ebből <b>$2</b> darab adminisztrátor (lásd $3).",
"selflinkstext" => "The following pages contain a link to themselves, which they should not.",
"mispeelings" => "Pages with misspellings",
"mispeelingstext" => "The following pages contain a common misspelling, which are listed on $1. The correct spelling might be given (like this).",
-"mispeelingspage" => "Wikipédia:Gyakori elírások listája",
+"mispeelingspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Gyakori elírások listája",
"missinglanguagelinks" => "Missing Language Links",
"missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "Find missing language links for",
"missinglanguagelinkstext" => "These articles do <i>not</i> link to their counterpart in $1. Redirects and subpages are <i>not</i> shown.",
@@ -849,7 +857,7 @@ gombot a lap alján.",
or image along with all of its history from the database.
Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the
consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with
"confirmcheck" => "Yes, I really want to delete this.",
"actioncomplete" => "Action complete",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" has been deleted.
@@ -892,7 +900,7 @@ will not be automatically replaced.",
"undeletebtn" => "Restore!",
"undeletedarticle" => "restored \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "The article [[$1]] has been successfully restored.
-See [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
+See [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
# Contributions
@@ -921,7 +929,7 @@ See [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations
"blockiptext" => "Use the form below to block write access
from a specific IP address.
This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in
-accordance with [[Wikipedia:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
+accordance with [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular
pages that were vandalized).",
"ipaddress" => "IP Address",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageIa.php b/languages/LanguageIa.php
index 7fa4a6c1d5a0..2a35a2973128 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageIa.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageIa.php
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
1 => "Discussion",
2 => "Usator",
3 => "Discussion_Usator",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "Discussion_Wikipedia",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "Discussion_".$wgMetaNamespace,
6 => "Imagine",
7 => "Discussion_Imagine",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesIa = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Blocar un adresse de IP",
"Asksql" => "Consultar base de datos",
"Undelete" => "Vider e restaurar paginas eliminate"
@@ -139,16 +140,16 @@
"mainpage" => "Frontispicio",
"about" => "A proposito",
"aboutwikipedia" => "A proposito de Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:A_proposito",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:A_proposito",
"help" => "Adjuta",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Adjuta",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Adjuta",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Reportos de disfunctiones",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Reportos_de_disfunctiones",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Reportos_de_disfunctiones",
"faq" => "Questiones frequente",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:Questiones_frequente",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Questiones_frequente",
"edithelp" => "Adjuta al edition",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Como_editar_un_pagina",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Como_editar_un_pagina",
"cancel" => "Cancellar",
"qbfind" => "Trovar",
"qbbrowse" => "Foliar",
@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Tote le texto es disponibile sub le terminos del <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>Licentia de documentation libere GNU</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(De",
"protectedpage" => "Pagina protegite",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Administratores",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administratores",
"sysoptitle" => "Reservate a Sysops",
"sysoptext" => "Solo usatores con status de \"sysop\"
pote effectuar iste action.
@@ -318,12 +319,12 @@ Per favor initia un session post reciper lo.",
"blockedtitle" => "Le usator es blocate",
"blockedtext" => "Tu nomine de usator o adresse de IP ha essite blocate per $1.
Le motivo presentate es iste:<br>''$2''<p>Tu pote contactar $1 o un del altere
-[[Wikipedia:administratores|administratores]] pro discuter le bloco.",
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:administratores|administratores]] pro discuter le bloco.",
"newarticle" => "(Nove)",
"newarticletext" =>
"Tu ha sequite un ligamine a un pagina que ancora non existe.
Pro crear un nove pagina, comencia a scriber in le cassa infra.
-(Vide le [[Wikipedia:Adjuta|pagina de adjuta]] pro plus information.)
+(Vide le [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Adjuta|pagina de adjuta]] pro plus information.)
Si tu es hic per error, simplemente clicca le button '''Retornar''' de tu navigator.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Iste es le pagina de discussion pro un usator anonyme qui ancora non ha create un conto o qui non lo usa. Consequentemente nos debe usar le [[adresse de IP]] numeric pro identificar le/la. Un tal adresse de IP pote esser usate in commun per varie personas. Si tu es un usator anonyme e senti que commentarios irrelevante ha essite dirigite a te, per favor [[Special:Userlogin|crea un conto o aperi un session]] pro evitar futur confusiones con altere usatores anonyme.'' ",
"noarticletext" => "(Actualmente il non ha texto in iste pagina)",
@@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ Verifica le URL que tu ha usate pro accessar iste pagina.\n",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Resultatos del recerca",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Recerca",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Recerca",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Recerca in Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "Pro plus information super le recerca de Wikipedia, vide $1.",
"searchquery" => "Pro le consulta \"$1\"",
@@ -467,15 +468,15 @@ e illo del servitor (UTC).",
"changes" => "modificationes",
"recentchanges" => "Modificationes recente",
"recentchangestext" => "Seque le plus recente modificationes a Wikipedia in iste pagina.
-[[Wikipedia:Benvenite,_novicios|Benvenite, novicios]]!
-Per favor lege equalmente iste paginas: [[wikipedia:Questiones_frequente|Questiones frequente super Wikipedia]],
-[[Wikipedia:Politicas e directivas|Politica de Wikipedia]]
-(specialmente [[wikipedia:Conventiones de nomenclatura|conventiones de nomenclatura]],
-[[wikipedia:Neutralitate e objectivitate|neutralitate e objectivitate]]),
-e [[wikipedia:Le passos false plus commun|le passos false plus commun]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Benvenite,_novicios|Benvenite, novicios]]!
+Per favor lege equalmente iste paginas: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Questiones_frequente|Questiones frequente super Wikipedia]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Politicas e directivas|Politica de Wikipedia]]
+(specialmente [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Conventiones de nomenclatura|conventiones de nomenclatura]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Neutralitate e objectivitate|neutralitate e objectivitate]]),
+e [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Le passos false plus commun|le passos false plus commun]].
Si tu vole que Wikipedia habe successo, es multo importante que tu non
-include material protegite per [[wikipedia:Copyright|derectos de autor]].
+include material protegite per [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyright|derectos de autor]].
Le aspectos legal connexe poterea prejudicar gravemente le projecto,
alora per favor non lo face.
In ultra, lege iste [ recente discussion] in meta.Wikipedia.",
@@ -511,13 +512,13 @@ pro poter cargar files.",
"uploaderror" => "Error de carga",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Ante cargar files al servitor,
prende cognoscentia del <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">politica de Wikipedia super le uso de imagines</a>,
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">politica de Wikipedia super le uso de imagines</a>,
e assecura te de respectar lo.
<p>Pro vider o recercar imagines cargate previemente,
vade al <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">lista de imagines cargate</a>.
Cargas e eliminationes es registrate in le <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">registro de cargas</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">registro de cargas</a>.
<p>Usa le formulario infra pro cargar nove files de imagine pro
illustrar tu articulos.
In le major parte del navigatores, tu videra un button \"Browse...\",
@@ -552,7 +553,7 @@ Tote le tempores monstrate es in le fuso horari del servitor (UCT).
"filedesc" => "Description",
"affirmation" => "Io declara que le detentor del derecto de autor de iste file
consenti in licentiar lo sub le terminos del $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Copyright",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyright",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia e derectos de autor (copyright)",
"uploadedfiles" => "Files cargate",
"noaffirmation" => "Tu debe declarar que le files cargate per te non viola
@@ -621,7 +622,7 @@ Alcunes del functiones tende a tensionar le base de datos, pro isto per favor
non preme \"Reload\" post cata item reparate. ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Retornar al pagina de mantenentia",
"disambiguations" => "Paginas de disambiguation",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Ligamines_a_paginas_de_disambiguation",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ligamines_a_paginas_de_disambiguation",
"disambiguationstext" => "Le articulos sequente se liga a un <i>pagina de disambiguation</i>.
Illos deberea ligar se directemente al topico appropriate.<br>
Un pagina es tractate como un pagina de disambiguation si existe un ligamine
@@ -738,7 +739,7 @@ facilitar su identification.</p>
"confirmdeletetext" => "Tu es a puncto de eliminar permanentemente un pagina
o imagine del base de datos, conjunctemente con tote su chronologia de versiones.
Per favor, confirma que, si tu intende facer lo, tu comprende le consequentias,
-e tu lo face de accordo con [[Wikipedia:Policy]].",
+e tu lo face de accordo con [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Si, io realmente desira eliminar isto.",
"actioncomplete" => "Action complete",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" ha essite eliminate.
@@ -774,7 +775,7 @@ non essera automaticamente substituite.",
"undeletebtn" => "Restautar!",
"undeletedarticle" => "\"$1\" restaurate",
"undeletedtext" => "Le articulo [[$1]] ha essite restaurate con successo.
-Vide [[Wikipedia:Registro_de_eliminationes]] pro un registro de eliminationes e restaurationes recente.",
+Vide [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Registro_de_eliminationes]] pro un registro de eliminationes e restaurationes recente.",
# Contributions
@@ -803,7 +804,7 @@ executar iste function.",
"blockiptext" => "Usa le formulario infra pro blocar le accesso de scriptura
a partir de un adresse IP specific.
Isto debe esser facite solmente pro impedir vandalismo, e de
-accordo con le [[Wikipedia:Policy|politica de Wikipedia]].
+accordo con le [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|politica de Wikipedia]].
Scribe un motivo specific infra (per exemplo, citante paginas
specific que ha essite vandalisate).",
"ipaddress" => "Adresse IP",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageId.php b/languages/LanguageId.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8ac9ed42a495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/LanguageId.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+include_once( "LanguageMs.php" );
+class LanguageId extends LanguageMs {
+ /* Inherit everything. */
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/LanguageIt.php b/languages/LanguageIt.php
index 74ff56043b56..b546225e38f6 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageIt.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageIt.php
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
1 => "Discussione",
2 => "Utente",
3 => "Discussioni_utente",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "Discussioni_Wikipedia",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "Discussioni_".$wgMetaNamespace,
6 => "Immagine",
7 => "Discussioni_immagine",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesIt = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Blocca indirizzo IP",
"Asksql" => "Interroga database",
"Undelete" => "Leggi e ripara pagine cancellate"
@@ -136,16 +137,16 @@
"mainpage" => "Wikipedia",
"about" => "A proposito di ",
"aboutwikipedia" => "A proposito di Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:About",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:About",
"help" => "Aiuto",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Aiuto",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Aiuto",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Malfunzionamenti",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Malfunzionamenti",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Malfunzionamenti",
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "Guida",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Come_scrivere_un_articolo",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Come_scrivere_un_articolo",
"cancel" => "Cancella",
"qbfind" => "Trova",
"qbbrowse" => "Sfoglia",
@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Questa pagina è disponibile con licenza <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU FDL</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(Articolo di",
"protectedpage" => "Pagina protetta",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Amministratori",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Amministratori",
"sysoptitle" => "Riservato Sysop",
"sysoptext" => "Questa operazione può essere eseguita solo da Utenti con grado di \"sysop\".
Vedi $1.",
@@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ Per favore, fai subito un log in non appena la ricevi.",
"showpreview" => "Visualizza Anteprima",
"blockedtitle" => "Questo User name corrisponde purtroppo ad un Utente che è stato disabilitato alla modifica degli articoli.",
"blockedtext" => "Il tuo User name o il tuo indirizzo IP sono stati bloccati da $1.<br>
-La motivazione del blocco è la seguente:<br>:''$2''<p>Se lo desideri, puoi contattare $1, o uno degli altri [[Wikipedia:administrators|amministratori]] per discutere del blocco.",
+La motivazione del blocco è la seguente:<br>:''$2''<p>Se lo desideri, puoi contattare $1, o uno degli altri [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:administrators|amministratori]] per discutere del blocco.",
"newarticle" => "(Nuovo)",
"newarticletext" => "Scrivi qui il tuo testo.",
"noarticletext" => "(Questo articolo è vuoto, potresti gentilmente iniziare l'articolo, oppure richiedere la cancellazione di questa pagina)",
@@ -340,7 +341,7 @@ Controlla per favore la URL che hai usato per accedere a questa pagina.\n",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Risultato della ricerca",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Ricerca",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ricerca",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Ricerca in Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "Per maggiori informazioni sulla ricerca interna di Wikipedia, vedi $1.",
"searchquery" => "Richiesta \"$1\"",
@@ -403,14 +404,14 @@ Il tuo numero identificativo (ID) interno è $2.",
"recentchanges" => "Ultime Modifiche",
"recentchangestext" => "Segui in questa pagina le ultime modifiche apportate agli articoli di Wikipedia.
-Leggi anche queste pagine: [[wikipedia:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
-[[Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines|la policy di Wikipedia]]
-(specialmente [[wikipedia:Convenzioni di nomenclatura| Convenzioni di nomenclatura]],
-[[wikipedia:Neutral point of view|oggettività e neutralità]]),
-e [[wikipedia:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|facili errori nell'uso di Wikipedia]].
-Se tieni al successo di questo progetto, è molto importante che eviti di immettere materiale coperto da diritti di autore ([[wikipedia:Copyrights|copyrights]]).
+Leggi anche queste pagine: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policies and guidelines|la policy di Wikipedia]]
+(specialmente [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Convenzioni di nomenclatura| Convenzioni di nomenclatura]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Neutral point of view|oggettività e neutralità]]),
+e [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|facili errori nell'uso di Wikipedia]].
+Se tieni al successo di questo progetto, è molto importante che eviti di immettere materiale coperto da diritti di autore ([[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights|copyrights]]).
Gli aspetti legali connessi potrebbero dare fastidio a noi ed a te personalmente, perciò controlla bene che quanto scrivi sia di [[pubblico dominio]], o prova ad ottenere le relative autorizzazioni, che in genere vengono concesse molto facilmente. Vedi anche [ recent meta discussion].",
"rcloaderr" => "Caricamento modifiche recenti ",
"rcnote" => "Qui di seguito sono elencate le ultime <strong>$1</strong> pagine modificate negli ultimi <strong>$2</strong> giorni.",
@@ -443,11 +444,11 @@ per fare lo upload di files.",
"uploadfile" => "Upload",
"uploaderror" => "Errore di Upload",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>FERMA!</strong> Prima di effettuare un upload su Wikipedia, accertati di avere ben letto e soprattutto compreso <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">le regole di Wikipedia sull'uso delle immagini</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">le regole di Wikipedia sull'uso delle immagini</a>.
<p>Per visualizzare o cercare immagini precedentemente caricate su Wikipedia, vai alla <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">lista delle immagini già caricate</a>.
Uploads e cancellazioni delle immagini sono registrati nello <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
<p>Usa il modulo sottostante per caricare nuovi files immagine da utilizzare per arricchire ed illustrare i tuoi articoli.
Sulla maggior parte dei browsers, dovresti vedere un bottone con la scritta \"Browse...\" (oppure \"Sfoglia...\", che aprirà una comune finestra di dialogo.<br>
Scegliendo uno dei files sul tuo PC, il nome di questo file verrà scritto in automatico nella casella di testo a fianco al bottone.<p>
@@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ Tutti i tempi indicati sono calcolati sul fuso orario del server (UTC).
"filename" => "Nome del file",
"filedesc" => "Oggetto",
"affirmation" => "Io dichiaro che il titolare dei diritti di autore (copyright, (c)) su questo file consente a cederlo in licenza di uso nei termini del $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Copyrights",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia copyright",
"uploadedfiles" => "Files Caricati in Wikipedia",
"noaffirmation" => "Devi dichiarare che il caricamento di questo file non viola, in alcun modo, alcun tipo di diritto altrui, e segnatamente non infrange nessun diritto di autore (copyright - (c)).",
@@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Questa media rivela che ci sono state una media di <b>$5</b> modifiche per cias
"maintnancepagetext" => "In questa pagina sono elencati alcuni utili strumenti per una comoda manutenzione quotidiana della nostra enciclopedia. Alcune delle funzioni tendono a stressare il database, assorbendo molte risorse, perciò non fatene un uso continuo: non aggiornate le pagine (reload, refresh) subito dopo ogni singolo intervento. ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Torna alla pagina manutenzione",
"disambiguations" => "Disambiguation pages",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
"disambiguationstext" => "The following articles link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
"doubleredirects" => "Doppi Redirects",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attenzione:</b> Questa lista può talvolta contenere dei risultati non corretti. Ciò potrebbe magari accadere perchè vi sono del testo aggiuntivo o dei link dopo il tag #REDIRECT.<br>\nOgni riga contiene i link al primo ed al secondo redirect, oltre alla prima riga di testo del secondo redirect che di solito contiene il \"reale\" articolo di destinazione, quello al quale anche il primo redirect dovrebbe puntare.",
@@ -629,7 +630,7 @@ Le future modifiche a questa pagina ed alla relativa pagina di discussione saran
"deletesub" => "(Cancellazione di \"$1\")",
"confirmdeletetext" => "Stai per cancellare permanentemente dal database una pagina o una immagine, insieme a tutta la sua cronologia.<p>
Per cortesia, conferma che è tua intenzione procedere a tale cancellazione, conferma che hai piena consapevolezza delle conseguenze della tua azione, e conferma che la tua azione è pienamente ottemperante alle regole stabilite nella
"confirmcheck" => "Sì, voglio davvero procedere con la cancellazione della pagina.",
"actioncomplete" => "Azione completata",
"deletedtext" => "La pagina \"$1\" è stata cancellata.
@@ -661,7 +662,7 @@ Se una nuova pagina è stata creata con questo stesso nome dopo la cancellazione
"undeletebtn" => "RIPRISTINA!",
"undeletedarticle" => "Recuperata \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "La pagina [[$1]] è stata recuperata.
-Vedi [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] per un elenco delle pagine cancellate e recuperate di recente.",
+Vedi [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Deletion_log]] per un elenco delle pagine cancellate e recuperate di recente.",
# Contributions
@@ -686,7 +687,7 @@ Vedi [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] per un elenco delle pagine cancellate e recupera
"blockip" => "Blocca indirizzo IP",
"blockiptext" => "Usa il modulo sottostante per bloccare l'accesso con diritto di scrittura da uno specifico indirizzo IP.<br>
-Questo blocco deve essere operato SOLO per prevenire atti di vandalismo, ed in stretta osservanza dei principi tutti della [[Wikipedia:Policy|policy di Wikipedia]].<br>Il blocco non può in nessun caso essere applicato per motivi ideologici.<p>
+Questo blocco deve essere operato SOLO per prevenire atti di vandalismo, ed in stretta osservanza dei principi tutti della [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|policy di Wikipedia]].<br>Il blocco non può in nessun caso essere applicato per motivi ideologici.<p>
Scrivi un motivo specifico per il quale questo indirizzo IP dovrebbe a tuo avviso essere bloccato (per esempio, cita i titoli di pagine eventualmente già oggetto di vandalismo editoriale).",
"ipaddress" => "Indirizzo IP (IP Address)",
"ipbreason" => "Motivazione",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageJa.php b/languages/LanguageJa.php
index 5bb86df5c5b1..07aec3034d89 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageJa.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageJa.php
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
1 => "ノート" /* "Talk" */,
2 => "利用者" /* "User" */,
3 => "利用者â€ä¼šè©±" /* "User_talk" */,
- 4 => "Wikipedia" /* "Wikipedia" */,
- 5 => "Wikipediaâ€ãƒŽãƒ¼ãƒˆ" /* "Wikipedia_talk" */,
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace /* "Wikipedia" */,
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace."â€ãƒŽãƒ¼ãƒˆ" /* "Wikipedia_talk" */,
6 => "ç”»åƒ" /* "Image" */,
7 => "ç”»åƒâ€ãƒŽãƒ¼ãƒˆ" /* "Image_talk" */,
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesJa = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "IPアドレスをブロック",
"Asksql" => "データベースã«å•ã„åˆã‚ã›",
"Undelete" => "消去ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ã‚’閲覧ã—ã€å¾©å¸°ã•ã›ã‚‹"
@@ -124,16 +125,16 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
"mainpage" => "メインページ",
"about" => "About",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Wikipediaã«ã¤ã„ã¦",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:About",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:About",
"help" => "ヘルプ",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Help",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Help",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "ãƒã‚°ã®å ±å‘Š",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:ãƒã‚°ã®å ±å‘Š",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:ãƒã‚°ã®å ±å‘Š",
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "ヘルプを編集",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:編集ã®ä»•æ–¹",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:編集ã®ä»•æ–¹",
"cancel" => "中止",
"qbfind" => "検索",
"qbbrowse" => "閲覧",
@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
"viewcount" => "ã“ã®ãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ã¯ $1 回アクセスã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚",
"printsubtitle" => "(From",
"protectedpage" => "ä¿è­·ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Administrators",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administrators",
"sysoptitle" => "シスオペã«ã‚ˆã‚‹ã‚¢ã‚¯ã‚»ã‚¹ãŒå¿…è¦",
"sysoptext" => "ã‚ãªãŸã®è¦æ±‚ã—ãŸå‡¦ç†ã¯ \"sysop\" ã®ã¿ãŒå®Ÿè¡Œã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚
$1ã‚’å‚ç…§ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。",
@@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ Please check the URL you used to access this page.\n",
# 検索çµæžœï¼ˆSearch results)
"searchresults" => "検索çµæžœ" /* "Search results" */,
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Searching",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Searching",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Wikipedia を検索中" /* "Searching Wikipedia" */,
"searchresulttext" => "Wikipedia ã®æ¤œç´¢ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã®è©³ã—ã„情報ã¯ã€ $1 ã‚’ã”覧下ã•ã„。" /* "For more information about searching Wikipedia, see $1." */ ,
"searchquery" => "å•ã„åˆã‚ã› \"$1\" ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã€" /* "For query \"$1\"" */,
@@ -420,27 +421,27 @@ from server time (UTC)." */,
"recentchanges" => "最近更新ã—ãŸãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸",
"recentchangestext" => "最近付ã‘加ãˆã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸå¤‰æ›´ã¯ã“ã®ãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ã§ç¢ºèªã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚
-[[wikipedia:ウィキペディア よãã‚る質å•é›†]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:ウィキペディア よãã‚る質å•é›†]],
法的責任å•é¡Œã¯ã€ãƒ—ロジェクトã«è‡´å‘½å‚·ã‚’与ãˆã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹å•é¡Œã§ã™ã€‚他人ã®è‘—作物ãªã©ã‚’æµç”¨ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã¯çµ¶å¯¾ã«é¿ã‘ã¦ãã ã•ã„。ã¾ãŸæ¬¡ã®ãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ã‚‚å‚ç…§ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。[ recent meta discussion]"
/* Track the most recent changes to Wikipedia on this page.
-[[Wikipedia:Welcome,_newcomers|Welcome, newcomers]]!
-Please have a look at these pages: [[wikipedia:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
-[[Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines|Wikipedia policy]]
-(especially [[wikipedia:Naming conventions|naming conventions]],
-[[wikipedia:Neutral point of view|neutral point of view]]),
-and [[wikipedia:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|most common Wikipedia faux pas]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Welcome,_newcomers|Welcome, newcomers]]!
+Please have a look at these pages: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policies and guidelines|Wikipedia policy]]
+(especially [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Naming conventions|naming conventions]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Neutral point of view|neutral point of view]]),
+and [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|most common Wikipedia faux pas]].
If you want to see Wikipedia succeed, it's very important that you don't add
-material restricted by others' [[wikipedia:Copyrights|copyrights]].
+material restricted by others' [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights|copyrights]].
The legal liability could really hurt the project, so please don't do it.
See also the [ recent meta discussion]. */,
"rcloaderr" => "最近ã®æ›´æ–°æƒ…報をダウンロード中" /* "Loading recent changes" */,
@@ -475,14 +476,14 @@ to upload files.",
"uploaderror" => "アップロード エラー Upload error",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>ã”注æ„ï¼</strong>
ã“ã“ã«ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’アップロードã™ã‚‹å‰ã«ã€ã‚¦ã‚£ã‚­ãƒšãƒ‡ã‚£ã‚¢ã®<a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:ç”»åƒåˆ©ç”¨ã®æ–¹é‡" ) . "\">ç”»åƒåˆ©ç”¨ã®æ–¹é‡</a>ã‚’
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:ç”»åƒåˆ©ç”¨ã®æ–¹é‡" ) . "\">ç”»åƒåˆ©ç”¨ã®æ–¹é‡</a>ã‚’
<a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "特別:Imagelist" ) .
アップロードã¨å‰Šé™¤ã®è¨˜éŒ²ã¯<a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">ã«ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">ã«ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚</a>.
<p>記事ã«å¿…è¦ãªç”»åƒã‚’æ–°ã—ãアップロードã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã«ã¯ã€ä»¥ä¸‹ã®ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ¼ãƒ ã‚’利用ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。
@@ -511,12 +512,12 @@ wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">ã«ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚</a>.
/* <strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here,
make sure to read and follow Wikipedia's <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
<p>To view or search previously uploaded images,
go to the <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">list of uploaded images</a>.
Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
<p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in
illustrating your articles.
On most browsers, you will see a \"Browse...\" button, which will
@@ -554,7 +555,7 @@ All times shown are server time (UTC). */,
I affirm that the copyright holder of this file
agrees to license it under the terms of the $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Copyrights",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights",
"copyrightpagename" => "ウィキペディアã®è‘—作権",
"uploadedfiles" => "アップロードã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«",
@@ -731,13 +732,13 @@ make it easier to pick out.</p>
"confirmdeletetext" => "指定ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ã¾ãŸã¯ã‚¤ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã¯ã€ãã®æ›´æ–°å±¥æ­´ã¨å…±ã«
You are about to permanently delete a page
or image along with all of its history from the database.
Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the
consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with
"confirmcheck" => "ã¯ã„。上記ã®é€šã‚Šã§ã™ã€‚ Yes, I really want to delete this.",
"actioncomplete" => "削除を完了ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ Action complete",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" ã¯å‰Šé™¤ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ \"$1\" has been deleted.
@@ -784,7 +785,7 @@ to perform this function on." */,
"blockiptext" => "Use the form below to block write access
from a specific IP address.
This should be done only only to prevent valndalism, and in
-accordance with [[Wikipedia:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
+accordance with [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular
pages that were vandalized).",
"ipaddress" => "IP Address",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageKo.php b/languages/LanguageKo.php
index 03eb08bed698..1ead18fa8426 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageKo.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageKo.php
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
global $IP;
include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "위키백과";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "위키백과";
# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
@@ -13,8 +20,8 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
1 => "토론", # Talk
2 => "사용ìž", # User
3 => "사용ìží† ë¡ ", # User_talk
- 4 => "위키백과", # Wikipedia
- 5 => "위키백과토론",# Wikipedia_talk
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace, # Wikipedia
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace."토론",# Wikipedia_talk
6 => "그림", # Image
7 => "그림토론" ,# Image_talk
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -142,6 +149,7 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
# both Korean and English. And he can later koreanize this part.
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesKo = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Block an IP address",
"Asksql" => "Query the database",
"Undelete" => "Undelete Page"
@@ -159,16 +167,16 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
"mainpage" => "대문",
"about" => "소개",
"aboutwikipedia" => "위키백과란",
-"aboutpage" => "위키백과:소개",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:소개",
"help" => "ë„움ë§",
-"helppage" => "위키백과:ë„움ë§",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:ë„움ë§",
"wikititlesuffix" => "위키백과",
"bugreports" => "벌레 발견",
-"bugreportspage" => "위키백과:벌레_발견",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:벌레_발견",
"faq" => "잦ì€ì§ˆë¬¸(FAQ)",
-"faqpage" => "위키백과:잦ì€ì§ˆë¬¸(FAQ)",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:잦ì€ì§ˆë¬¸(FAQ)",
"edithelp" => "편집 ë„움ë§",
-"edithelppage" => "위키백과:문서_편집_방법",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:문서_편집_방법",
"cancel" => "취소",
"qbfind" => "찾기",
@@ -207,7 +215,7 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
"viewcount" => "ì´ ë¬¸ì„œëŠ” ì´ $1번 ì½í˜”습니다.",
"printsubtitle" => "(http://www.wikipedia.orgì—ì„œ)",
"protectedpage" => "보호ë˜ëŠ” 문서",
-"administrators" => "위키백과:관리ìž",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:관리ìž",
"sysoptitle" => "Sysop 권한 필요",
"sysoptext" => "해당 actionì€ \"Sysop\"만 실행할 수 있습니다.
참조 $1.",
@@ -382,7 +390,7 @@ text editing area as it will appear if you choose to save.",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "찾아본 결과",
-"searchhelppage" => "위키백과:찾기",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:찾기",
"searchingwikipedia" => "위키백과 찾기",
"searchresulttext" => "위키백과 ì°¾ê¸°ì— ëŒ€í•´ ìžì„¸í•œ 정보는 $1 를 보세요.",
"searchquery" => "ì—´ì‡ ë§ \"$1\"",
@@ -467,15 +475,15 @@ $2 List redirects &nbsp; Search for $3 $9",
"recentchanges" => "최근 바뀜",
"recentchangestext" => "아래 ë‚˜ì—´ëœ ë¬¸ì„œë“¤ì´ ìµœê·¼ì— ë°”ë€Œì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.
-[[위키백과:새내기_환ì˜|새내기, 환ì˜í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤]]!
-ìƒˆë‚´ê¸°ë“¤ì€ ë‹¤ìŒ ë¬¸ì„œë¥¼ ì½ì–´ 보세요.: [[위키백과:잦ì€ì§ˆë¬¸(FAQ)|위키백과 잦ì€ì§ˆë¬¸(FAQ)]],
-[[위키백과:정책과 지침|위키백과 정책]]
-(특별히 [[위키백과:제목달기 규칙|제목달기 규칙]],
-[[위키백과:중립ì ì¸ ì‹œê°|중립ì ì¸ ì‹œê°]]),
-그리고 [[위키백과:범하기_쉬운_실수|범하기 쉬운 실수]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:새내기_환ì˜|새내기, 환ì˜í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤]]!
+ìƒˆë‚´ê¸°ë“¤ì€ ë‹¤ìŒ ë¬¸ì„œë¥¼ ì½ì–´ 보세요.: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:잦ì€ì§ˆë¬¸(FAQ)|위키백과 잦ì€ì§ˆë¬¸(FAQ)]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:정책과 지침|위키백과 정책]]
+(특별히 [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:제목달기 규칙|제목달기 규칙]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:중립ì ì¸ ì‹œê°|중립ì ì¸ ì‹œê°]]),
+그리고 [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:범하기_쉬운_실수|범하기 쉬운 실수]].
위키백과가 성공하려면, ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì´ ì €ìž‘ê¶Œì— ì €ì´‰ë˜ëŠ” ë‚´ìš©ì„ ì´ê³³ì— ì¨ ë„£ì§€ 않는 것ì´
-매우 중요합니다.' [[위키백과:저작권|저작권]].
+매우 중요합니다.' [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:저작권|저작권]].
ë²•ì  ë¬¸ì œê°€ 프로ì íŠ¸ë¥¼ ë§ì¹  수 있습니다. ì €ìž‘ê¶Œì— ìœ ì˜í•´ 주세요.
ë˜, [ 최근 메타 토론]ë„
ì½ì–´ 보세요.",
@@ -513,14 +521,14 @@ $2 List redirects &nbsp; Search for $3 $9",
"uploaderror" => "올리기 오류",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>ìž ê¹!</strong> 여기 ê·¸ë¦¼ì„ ì˜¬ë¦¬ê¸° ì „ì—,
ìœ„í‚¤ë°±ê³¼ì˜ <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "위키백과:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">그림 사용 ì •ì±…</a>ì½ê³  ë”°ë¼ ì£¼ì„¸ìš”.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">그림 사용 ì •ì±…</a>ì½ê³  ë”°ë¼ ì£¼ì„¸ìš”.
ì´ë¯¸ 올ë¼ì˜¨ ê·¸ë¦¼ì„ ì°¾ì•„ 보려면, <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "특수기능:Imagelist" ) .
"\">올ë¼ì˜¨ 그림 목ë¡</a>으로 가세요.
# Special:Image list 특수기능:그림_목ë¡
ê·¸ë¦¼ì„ ì˜¬ë¦¬ê±°ë‚˜ 지우면 <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "위키백과:올리기_기ë¡" ) . "\">올리기 기ë¡</a>ì— ê·¸ ì‚¬ì‹¤ì´ ë‚¨ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.
-# 위키백과:올리기_ê¸°ë¡ ìœ„í‚¤ë°±ê³¼:올리기_기ë¡
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:올리기_기ë¡" ) . "\">올리기 기ë¡</a>ì— ê·¸ ì‚¬ì‹¤ì´ ë‚¨ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.
+# {$wgMetaNamespace}:올리기_ê¸°ë¡ {$wgMetaNamespace}:올리기_기ë¡
ë°‘ì— ìžˆëŠ” í‹€ì„ ì´ìš©í•´ì„œ ë¬¸ì„œì— ë‹´ì„ íŒŒì¼ì„ 올리세요.
@@ -553,7 +561,7 @@ OGG형ì‹ì„ ë” ì¢‹ì•„í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤.
"filedesc" => "짧ì€ì„¤ëª…",
"affirmation" => "파ì¼ì˜ 저작권ìžê°€
$1ì˜ ì¡°ê±´ìœ¼ë¡œ ì‚¬ìš©ì„ í—ˆê°€í–ˆìŒì„ 확ì¸í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤.",
-"copyrightpage" => "위키백과:저작권",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:저작권",
"copyrightpagename" => "위키백과 저작권",
"uploadedfiles" => "íŒŒì¼ ì˜¬ë¦¬ê¸°",
"noaffirmation" => "올리는 파ì¼ì´ ì–´ë–¤ 저작권ì—ë„ ì €ì´‰ë˜ì§€ ì•ŠìŒì„
@@ -622,7 +630,7 @@ $1ì˜ ì¡°ê±´ìœ¼ë¡œ ì‚¬ìš©ì„ í—ˆê°€í–ˆìŒì„ 확ì¸í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤.",
"maintnancepagetext" => "This page includes several handy tools for everyday maintenance. Some of these functions tend to stress the database, so please do not hit reload after every item you fixed ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Back to Maintenance Page",
"disambiguations" => "Disambiguation pages",
-"disambiguationspage" => "위키백과:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
"disambiguationstext" => "The following articles link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
"doubleredirects" => "Double Redirects",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br>\nEach row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the \"real\" taget article, which the first redirect should point to.",
@@ -725,7 +733,7 @@ $1ì˜ ì¡°ê±´ìœ¼ë¡œ ì‚¬ìš©ì„ í—ˆê°€í–ˆìŒì„ 확ì¸í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤.",
or image along with all of its history from the database.
Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the
consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with
"confirmcheck" => "Yes, I really want to delete this.",
"actioncomplete" => "Action complete",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" has been deleted.
@@ -755,7 +763,7 @@ will not be automatically replaced.",
"undeletebtn" => "Restore!",
"undeletedarticle" => "restored \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "The article [[$1]] has been successfully restored.
-See [[위키백과:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
+See [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
# Contributions
@@ -782,7 +790,7 @@ See [[위키백과:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorati
"blockiptext" => "Use the form below to block write access
from a specific IP address.
This should be done only only to prevent valndalism, and in
-accordance with [[위키백과:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
+accordance with [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular
pages that were vandalized).",
"ipaddress" => "IP Address",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageLa.php b/languages/LanguageLa.php
index 781b030719ef..7c6c4339f4bb 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageLa.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageLa.php
@@ -1,11 +1,242 @@
-# We don't have a Latin translation; use the Interlingua
+# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
+# set "currentevents" => "-"
-include_once( "LanguageIa.php" );
+# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
+# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
+# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
+/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesLa = array(
+ -2 => "Media",
+ -1 => "Specialis",
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "Disputatio",
+ 2 => "Usor",
+ 3 => "Disputatio_Usoris",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "Disputatio_$wgMetaNamespace",
+ 6 => "Imago",
+ 7 => "Disputatio_Imaginis",
+ 8 => "MediaWiki",
+ 9 => "Disputatio_MediaWiki"
+/* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsLa = array(
+ "Nullus", "Constituere a sinistra", "Constituere a dextra", "Innens a sinistra"
+/* private */ $wgSkinNamesLa = array(
+ "Norma", "Nostalgia", "Caerulus Colonia"
+/* private */ $wgMathNamesLa = array(
+ "Semper vertere PNG",
+ "HTML si admodum simplex, alioqui PNG",
+ "HTML si fieri potest, alioqui PNG",
+ "Stet ut TeX (pro navigatri texti)",
+ "Commendatum pro navigatri recentes"
+/* private */ $wgUserTogglesLa = array(
+ "hover" => "Monstrare capsam impensam super wikinexos",
+ "underline" => "Subscribere nexi",
+ "highlightbroken" => "Formare nexos fractos <a href=\"\" class=\"new\">sici</a> (alioqui: sic<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
+ "justify" => "Saepire capites",
+ "hideminor" => "Celare mutationes recentes minores",
+ "usenewrc" => "Mutationes recentes amplificatae (non efficit in tota navigatra)",
+ "numberheadings" => "Numerare indices necessario",
+ "rememberpassword" => "Recordari tesserae inter conventa (uti cookies)",
+ "editwidth" => "Capsa recensitorum totam latitudinem habet",
+ "editondblclick" => "Premere bis ut paginam recensere (uti JavaScript)",
+ "watchdefault" => "Custodire res novas et mutatas",
+ "minordefault" => "Notare totas mutations ut minor",
+ "previewontop" => "Monstrare praevisus ante capsam recensiti, non post ipsam"
+/* private */ $wgBookstoreListLa = array(
+ "AddALL" => "$1&type=ISBN",
+ "PriceSCAN" => "$1",
+ "Barnes & Noble" => "$1",
+ "" => "$1"
+/* private */ $wgWeekdayNamesLa = array(
+ "dies Solis", "dies Lunae", "dies Martis", "dies Mercuri", "dies Iovis",
+ "dies Veneris", "dies Saturni"
+/* private */ $wgMonthNamesLa = array(
+ "Ianuarii", "Februarii", "Martii", "Aprilis", "Maii", "Iunii",
+ "Iulii", "Augusti", "Septembri", "Octobri", "Novembri",
+ "Decembri"
+/* private */ $wgMonthAbbreviationsLa = array(
+ "ian", "feb", "mar", "apr", "mai", "iun", "iul", "aug",
+ "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"
+# All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
+# will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
+# is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
+/* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesLa = array(
+ "Userlogin" => "",
+ "Userlogout" => "",
+ "Preferences" => "Praeferentiae usoris",
+ "Watchlist" => "Paginae custoditae",
+ "Recentchanges" => "Mutationes recentes",
+ "Upload" => "Onerare fascicula",
+ "Imagelist" => "Index imaginum",
+ "Listusers" => "Usores perscripti",
+ "Statistics" => "Statisticas",
+ "Randompage" => "Pagina fortuita",
+ "Lonelypages" => "Paginae orbatae",
+ "Unusedimages" => "Imagines orbatae",
+ "Popularpages" => "Res populares",
+ "Wantedpages" => "Res desideratissimae",
+ "Shortpages" => "Res breves",
+ "Longpages" => "Res longae",
+ "Newpages" => "Res novae",
+# "Intl" => "Interlanguage Links",
+ "Allpages" => "Totae paginae (ex indice)",
+ "Ipblocklist" => "Loci IP obstructi",
+ "Maintenance" => "Pagina alimentori",
+ "Specialpages" => "", # "Paginae specialiae",
+ "Contributions" => "", # "Conlationes",
+ "Emailuser" => "", # "Mittere litteras electronicas ad usorum(?)",
+ "Whatlinkshere" => "", # "Nexi ad hanc paginam",
+ "Recentchangeslinked" => "", # "Mutationes conlata (?)",
+ "Movepage" => "", # "Motare hanc paginam",
+ "Booksources" => "Fontes externi (libri)",
+# "Categories" => "Page categories",
+ "Export" => "Exportare in XML",
+ "Version" => "Version",
+/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesLa = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
+ "Blockip" => "Obstruere locum IP",
+ "Asksql" => "Quaerere basem dati",
+ "Undelete" => "Videre et restituere paginas deletas"
+/* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesLa = array(
+ "Lockdb" => "Suspendere mutationes",
+ "Unlockdb" => "Permittere mutationes",
+ "Debug" => "Nuntii de refectis"
+include( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+class LanguageLa extends LanguageUtf8 {
+ function getNamespaces() {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesLa;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesLa;
+ }
+ function getNsText( $index ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesLa;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesLa[$index];
+ }
+ function getNsIndex( $text ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesLa;
+ foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesLa as $i => $n ) {
+ if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function getQuickbarSettings() {
+ global $wgQuickbarSettingsLa;
+ return $wgQuickbarSettingsLa;
+ }
+ function getSkinNames() {
+ global $wgSkinNamesLa;
+ return $wgSkinNamesLa;
+ }
+ function getMathNames() {
+ global $wgMathNamesLa;
+ return $wgMathNamesLa;
+ }
+ function getUserToggles() {
+ global $wgUserTogglesLa;
+ return $wgUserTogglesLa;
+ }
+ function getMonthName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthNamesLa;
+ return $wgMonthNamesLa[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getMonthAbbreviation( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthAbbreviationsLa;
+ return $wgMonthAbbreviationsLa[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getWeekdayName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgWeekdayNamesLa;
+ return $wgWeekdayNamesLa[$key-1];
+ }
+ function date( $ts, $adj = false )
+ {
+ if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts ); }
+ $d = $this->getMonthAbbreviation( substr( $ts, 4, 2 ) ) .
+ " " . (0 + substr( $ts, 6, 2 )) . ", " .
+ substr( $ts, 0, 4 );
+ return $d;
+ }
+ function timeanddate( $ts, $adj = false )
+ {
+ return $this->time( $ts, $adj ) . " " . $this->date( $ts, $adj );
+ }
+ function getValidSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgValidSpecialPagesLa;
+ return $wgValidSpecialPagesLa;
+ }
+ function getSysopSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgSysopSpecialPagesLa;
+ return $wgSysopSpecialPagesLa;
+ }
+ function getDeveloperSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesLa;
+ return $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesLa;
+ }
+ function getMessage( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgAllMessagesLa, $wgAllMessagesEn;
+ $m = $wgAllMessagesLa[$key];
+ if ( "" == $m ) { return $wgAllMessagesEn[$key]; }
+ else return $m;
+ }
-class LanguageLa extends LanguageIa {
- # ....
diff --git a/languages/LanguageMs.php b/languages/LanguageMs.php
index a118f27f457e..28e7a9a9edde 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageMs.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageMs.php
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
1 => "Perbualan",#Talk
2 => "Pengguna",#User
3 => "Perbualan_Pengguna",#User_talk
- 4 => "Wikipedia",#Wikipedia
- 5 => "Perbualan_Wikipedia",#Wikipedia_talk
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,#Wikipedia
+ 5 => "Perbualan_".$wgMetaNamespace,#Wikipedia_talk
6 => "Imej",#Image
7 => "Imej_Perbualan",#Image_talk
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesMs = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Sekat IP dan pengguna", #"Block IP or user",
"Asksql" => "Kueri terhadap pangkalan data", #"Query the database",
"Undelete" => "Papar dan masukkan semula halaman yang telah dibuang", #"View and restore deleted pages",
@@ -152,16 +153,16 @@
"mainpagetext" => "Aturcara Wiki berjaya dipasang.",
"about" => "Maklumat",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Maklumat Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:Perihal", #"Wikipedia:About",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Perihal", #"{$wgMetaNamespace}:About",
"help" => "Bantuan",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Bantuan",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Bantuan",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Laporan Pepijat",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Laporan Pepijat",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Laporan Pepijat",
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "Menyunting bantuan",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Cara menyunting halaman",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Cara menyunting halaman",
"cancel" => "Batal",
"qbfind" => "Cari",
"qbbrowse" => "Baca sepintas lalu", #"Browse",
@@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ so you will not be able to save your edits right now. You may wish to cut-n-past
the text into a text file and save it for later.",
"protectedpagewarning" => "WARNING: This page has been locked so that only
users with sysop privileges can edit it. Be sure you are following the
-<a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Protected_page_guidelines'>protected page
+<a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Protected_page_guidelines'>protected page
# History pages
@@ -417,7 +418,7 @@ Sila semak URL yang digunakan untuk mengakses halaman ini.\n", #"The old revisio
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Hasil Carian",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Carian", #"Wikipedia:Searching",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Carian", #"{$wgMetaNamespace}:Searching",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Carian Dalam Wikipedia", #"Searching Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang carian dalam Wikipedia, lihat $1.", #"For more information about searching Wikipedia, see $1.",
"searchquery" => "Untuk kueri \"$1\"", #"For query \"$1\"",
@@ -502,15 +503,15 @@ tempatan anda dengan waktu pelayan (UTC).", #"Enter number of hours your local t
"changes" => "perubahan",
"recentchanges" => "Perubahan Terkini",
"recentchangestext" => "Kenalpasti perubahan terkini dalam Wikipedia di halaman ini.
-[[Wikipedia:Selamat datang,_pengguna baru|Selamat datang, pengguna baru]]!
-Sila lihat halaman-halaman ini: [[Wikipedia:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
-[[Wikipedia:Polisi dan garis panduan|Polisi Wikipedia]]
-(terutamanya [[Wikipedia:Konvensyen penamaan|konvensyen penamaan]],
-[[Wikipedia:Pandangan semulajadi|pandangan semulajadi]]),
-dan [[Wikipedia: Kesalahan biasa Wikipedia|kesalahan biasa Wikipedia]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Selamat datang,_pengguna baru|Selamat datang, pengguna baru]]!
+Sila lihat halaman-halaman ini: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Polisi dan garis panduan|Polisi Wikipedia]]
+(terutamanya [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Konvensyen penamaan|konvensyen penamaan]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Pandangan semulajadi|pandangan semulajadi]]),
+dan [[{$wgMetaNamespace}: Kesalahan biasa Wikipedia|kesalahan biasa Wikipedia]].
Jika anda mahu melihat Wikipedia berjaya, adalah sangat penting anda
-tidak memasukkan material [[Wikipedia:Hak cipta|hak cipta]] orang lain.
+tidak memasukkan material [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hak cipta|hak cipta]] orang lain.
Perkara ini boleh memusnahkan laman web ini,
jadi sila patuhi amaran ini.",
"rcloaderr" => "Muatturun perubahan terkini", #"Loading recent changes",
@@ -547,12 +548,12 @@ untuk muatnaik fail.",
"uploaderror" => "Muatnaik ralat", #"Upload error",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here,
make sure to read and follow Wikipedia's <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
<p>To view or search previously uploaded images,
go to the <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">list of uploaded images</a>.
Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
<p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in
illustrating your articles.
On most browsers, you will see a \"Browse...\" button, which will
@@ -583,7 +584,7 @@ Semua waktu yang ditunjukkan adalah waktu pelayan (UTC).
"filedesc" => "Ringkasan", #"Summary",
"affirmation" => "Saya berikrar bahawa pemilik hak cipta fail ini
telah bersetuju untuk melesenkannya di bawah terma $1.", #"I affirm that the copyright holder of this file agrees to license it under the terms of the $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Hak cipta",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hak cipta",
"copyrightpagename" => "Hak cipta Wikipedia",
"uploadedfiles" => "Fail yang telah dimuatnaik", #"Uploaded files",
"noaffirmation" => "Anda mesti berikrar bahawa fail yang dimuatnaik tidak
@@ -649,7 +650,7 @@ Ini menjadikan <b>$5</b> purata halaman yang disunting, dan <b>$6</b> paparan ya
"maintnancepagetext" => "Halaman ini termasuk beberapa peralatan untuk penyelenggaraan setiap hari. Terdapat sesetengah fungsi yang berkecenderungan untuk mengganggu pangkalan data, jadi tolong jangan tekan kekunci 'reload' selepas membuat pembetulan;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Kembali ke halaman penyelenggaran", #"Back to Maintenance Page",
"disambiguations" => "Halaman yang tidak samar", #"Disambiguation pages",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Pautan_ke_halaman_yang_tidak_samar", #"Wikipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Pautan_ke_halaman_yang_tidak_samar", #"{$wgMetaNamespace}:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
"disambiguationstext" => "Halaman-halaman yang berikutnya bersambung ke satu <i>halaman yang tidak samar</i>. Halaman-halaman tersebut sepatutnya bersambung ke topik-topik yang berkenaan.<br>Satu halaman dianggap sebagai tidak samar jika ia disambung dari $1.<br>Pautan dari ruang nama yang lain <i>tidak</i> tersenarai di sini.",
"doubleredirects" => "Peralihan Halaman Berganda", #"Double Redirects",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Perhatian:</b> Senarai ini mungkin tidak tepat. Ini biasanya bermaksud terdapat tambahan teks dengan pautan di bawah #REDIRECT yang pertama.<br>\nSetiap baris mengandungi pautan kepada peralihan halaman yang pertama dan kedua, sebagaimana baris pertama bagi teks peralihan halaman kedua, biasanya memberikan halaman sasaran \"sebenar\" yang sepatutnya peralihan pertama disambungkan.",
@@ -767,7 +768,7 @@ akan disenaraikan di sini, dan halaman itu akan muncul <b>bolded</b> dalam <a hr
imej ini dengan semua sejarahnya dari pangkalan data. Sila pastikan
yang anda memang mahu berbuat demikian, bahawa anda faham segala
akibatnya, dan apa yang anda lakukan ini adalah mengikut
"confirmcheck" => "Ya, saya mahu keluarkan halaman ini", #"Yes, I really want to delete this.",
"actioncomplete" => "Proses selesai", #"Action complete",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" telah dikeluarkan.
@@ -810,7 +811,7 @@ dan revisi terkini bagi halaman baru tidak akan digantikan secara automatik.", #
"undeletebtn" => "Masukkan semula!", #"Restore!",
"undeletedarticle" => "telah dimasukkan", #"restored \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "Halaman [[$1]] telah berjaya dimasukkan semula.
-Lihat [[Wikipedia:Log_penghapusan]] untuk rekod terkini penghapusan dan kemasukan semula halaman.",
+Lihat [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Log_penghapusan]] untuk rekod terkini penghapusan dan kemasukan semula halaman.",
# Contributions
@@ -839,7 +840,7 @@ atau pengguna sasaran untuk melaksanakan fungsi ini.",
"blockiptext" => "Gunakan borang di bawah untuk blok
capaian kemaskini daripada alamat IP atau pengguna tertentu.
Ini perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah vandalisme,
-dan mengikut [[Wikipedia:Polisi|Polisi Wikipedia]].
+dan mengikut [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Polisi|Polisi Wikipedia]].
Masukkan alasan anda di bawah (contohnya mengambil
halaman tertentu yang telah dirosakkan).",
"ipaddress" => "Alamat IP atau pengguna", #"IP Address or Username",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageNl.php b/languages/LanguageNl.php
index a6d530d28fc9..4458869d4fc0 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageNl.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageNl.php
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
1 => "Overleg",
2 => "Gebruiker",
3 => "Overleg_gebruiker",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "Overleg_Wikipedia",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "Overleg_".$wgMetaNamespace,
6 => "Afbeelding",
7 => "Overleg_afbeelding",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesNl = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Blokkeer een IP-adres of gebruiker",
"Asksql" => "Raadpleeg de database",
"Undelete" => "Verwijderde pagina's herstellen"
@@ -139,17 +140,17 @@
"mainpagetext" => "Installatie van de Wiki software geslaagd.",
"about" => "Info",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Over Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:info",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:info",
"help" => "Help",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Help",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Help",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia NL",
"bugreports" => "Foutenrapportage",
"sitesupport" => "Financieel bijdragen",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Foutenrapportage",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Foutenrapportage",
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:Veel gestelde vragen",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Veel gestelde vragen",
"edithelp" => "Hulp bij bewerken",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Instructies",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Instructies",
"cancel" => "Annuleren",
"qbfind" => "Zoeken",
"qbbrowse" => "Bladeren",
@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Alle tekst op deze pagina valt onder de <a class=internal href='/wiki/Gnu_Vrije_Documentatie_Licentie'>GNU FDL</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(Uit",
"protectedpage" => "Beveiligde pagina",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Systeembeheerders",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Systeembeheerders",
"sysoptitle" => "Toegang alleen voor systeembeheerders",
"sysoptext" => "De gevraagde handeling kan enkel uitgevoerd worden door systeembeheerders. Zie $1.",
"developertitle" => "Toegang alleen voor systeemontwikkelaars",
@@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ Gelieve na ontvangst opnieuw aan te melden.",
"preview" => "Nakijken",
"showpreview" => "Toon bewerking ter controle",
"blockedtitle" => "Gebruiker is geblokkeerd",
-"blockedtext" => "Uw gebruikersnaam of IP-adres is door $1 geblokkeerd. De opgegeven reden:<br>$2<p>. Elke computer die verbonden is met het internet krijgt een [[ip-adres]] toegewezen van zijn [[internetprovider]]. In veel gevallen krijgt een gebruiker regelmatig een ander ip-adres toegewezen. Het het door u gebruikte ip-adres is recent gebruikt door u of iemand anders voor bewerkingen die in overtreding zijn van de [[Wikipedia:Toch een paar regels|regels]] van Wikipedia.<p>U kunt voor overleg contact opnemen met de [[Wikipedia:Systeembeheerders|systeembeheerders]] via [ een formulier].",
+"blockedtext" => "Uw gebruikersnaam of IP-adres is door $1 geblokkeerd. De opgegeven reden:<br>$2<p>. Elke computer die verbonden is met het internet krijgt een [[ip-adres]] toegewezen van zijn [[internetprovider]]. In veel gevallen krijgt een gebruiker regelmatig een ander ip-adres toegewezen. Het het door u gebruikte ip-adres is recent gebruikt door u of iemand anders voor bewerkingen die in overtreding zijn van de [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Toch een paar regels|regels]] van Wikipedia.<p>U kunt voor overleg contact opnemen met de [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Systeembeheerders|systeembeheerders]] via [ een formulier].",
"whitelistedittitle" => "Aanmelden verplicht",
"whitelistedittext" => "Om dit artikel te kunnen wijzigen, moet u [[Speciaal:Userlogin|ingelogd]] zijn.",
"whitelistreadtitle" => "Aanmelden verplicht",
@@ -362,12 +363,12 @@ Gelieve na ontvangst opnieuw aan te melden.",
# Search results
# Zoekresultaten
"searchresults" => "Zoekresultaten",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Zoeken",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Zoeken",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Zoeken op Wikipedia",
-"searchresulttext" => "Voor meer informatie over zoeken op Wikipedia: zie $1.",
+"searchresulttext" => "Voor meer informatie over zoeken op {$wgMetaNamespace}: zie $1.",
"searchquery" => "Voor zoekopdracht \"$1\"",
"badquery" => "Slecht geformuleerde zoekopdracht",
-"badquerytext" => "Uw zoekopdracht kon niet worden uitgevoerd. Dit kan komen doordat u geprobeerd hebt om een 'woord' van 1 letter te zoeken, of 1 van de <a HREF=\"\">Verboden woorden</a>.",
+"badquerytext" => "Uw zoekopdracht kon niet worden uitgevoerd. Dit kan komen doordat u geprobeerd hebt om een 'woord' van 1 letter te zoeken, of 1 van de <a HREF=\"{$wgMetaNamespace}:Verboden_woorden\">Verboden woorden</a>.",
"matchtotals" => "De zoekterm \"$1\" is gevonden in $2 paginatitels en in de tekst van $3 pagina's.",
"nogomatch" => "Er bestaat geen pagina met deze titel, op zoek naar pagina's waarin de tekst voorkomt.",
"titlematches" => "Overeenkomst met volgende titels",
@@ -407,7 +408,7 @@ Via google kunt u zoeken op Wikipedia. <br>
<p> U zal niet alle artikels kunnen vinden maar het zal niet veel schelen.
Als u zoekt via google op Wikipedia zal u ook treffers vinden op Wikipedia die geen artikels zijn.
Wikipedia heeft bij de meeste artikels ook een \"overlegpagina\" en diverse soorten dienstpagina's.
-Enkel de pagina's die geen prefix (zoals Wikipedia:, Gebruiker: of Overleg:) hebben zijn artikels.
+Enkel de pagina's die geen prefix (zoals {$wgMetaNamespace}:, Gebruiker: of Overleg:) hebben zijn artikels.
"blanknamespace" => "(encyclopedie)",
@@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ Enkel de pagina's die geen prefix (zoals Wikipedia:, Gebruiker: of Overleg:) heb
wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">aangemeld</a> te zijn om voorkeuren te kunnen instellen.",
"prefslogintext" => "U bent aangemeld als \"$1\". Uw interne identificatienummer is $2.
-Een beschrijving van de verschillende opties staat op [[Wikipedia:Voorkeuren]].",
+Een beschrijving van de verschillende opties staat op [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Voorkeuren]].",
"prefsreset" => "Standaardvoorkeuren hersteld.",
"qbsettings" => "Menubalkinstellingen",
"changepassword" => "Wachtwoord wijzigen",
@@ -460,7 +461,7 @@ Een beschrijving van de verschillende opties staat op [[Wikipedia:Voorkeuren]]."
"changes" => "wijzigingen",
"recentchanges" => "Recente wijzigingen",
"recentchangestext" => "Deze pagina toont de laatste aanpassingen aan artikelen van Wikipedia NL. <br>
-Ben je hier nieuw? Lees dan ook [[Wikipedia:Welkom voor nieuwelingen|Welkom voor nieuwelingen]] -- Wil je een pagina verwijderd hebben? Ga dan naar [[Wikipedia:Te verwijderen pagina's|Te verwijderen pagina's]] -- Wil je iets met andere gebruikers overleggen? Ga naar [[Wikipedia:Overleg gewenst|Overleg gewenst]] of meld je aan voor de discussielijst [ WikiNL-l] -- Zin in een gezellige babbel? Kom naar de [[Wikipedia:De kroeg|De kroeg]] of doe mee op ons nieuwe [ Wiki-chatkanaal].<p>
+Ben je hier nieuw? Lees dan ook [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Welkom voor nieuwelingen|Welkom voor nieuwelingen]] -- Wil je een pagina verwijderd hebben? Ga dan naar [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Te verwijderen pagina's|Te verwijderen pagina's]] -- Wil je iets met andere gebruikers overleggen? Ga naar [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Overleg gewenst|Overleg gewenst]] of meld je aan voor de discussielijst [ WikiNL-l] -- Zin in een gezellige babbel? Kom naar de [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:De kroeg|De kroeg]] of doe mee op ons nieuwe [ Wiki-chatkanaal].<p>
Om Wikipedia te laten slagen is het erg belangrijk geen materiaal toe te voegen waarop iemand anders auteursrechten heeft, tenzij je daartoe toestemming hebt. De wettelijke gevolgen van inbreuk op de rechten van anderen zouden de hele onderneming grote schade kunnen toebrengen.",
"rcloaderr" => "Meest recente wijzigingen laden",
"rcnote" => "Hieronder zijn de <strong>$1</strong> laatste wijzigingen gedaan in de laatste <strong>$2</strong> dagen.",
@@ -494,11 +495,11 @@ om bestanden te uploaden.",
"uploaderror" => "upload fout",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Voor u iets hier upload,
wees zeker dat het in overeenkomst is met het Wikipedia NL <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Beleid_voor_gebruik_van_afbeeldingen" ) . "\">afbeeldingsbeleid</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Beleid_voor_gebruik_van_afbeeldingen" ) . "\">afbeeldingsbeleid</a>.
<p>Om de reeds ge-uploade bestanden te bekijken of te zoeken ga naar de <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Speciaal:Imagelist" ) .
"\">lijst van ge-uploade bestanden</a>.
Uploads en verwijderingen worden bijgehouden in het <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_logboek" ) . "\">upload logboek</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_logboek" ) . "\">upload logboek</a>.
<p>Gebruik het onderstaande formulier om bestanden zoals afbeeldingen en geluidsbestanden die relevant zijn voor uw artikel te u-loaden. Bij de meeste browers zoals 'Internet Explorer' en 'Mozilla' zult u een \"Bladeren...\" of \"Browse..\" knop zien die een standaard dialoogscherm van uw bestuuringssysteem oproept. Kiest u een bestand, dan zal het ingevuld worden in het veld naast de \"Bladeren...\" knop. U dient ook het vakje aan te vinken waarmee u bevestigt dat er geen schending van auteursrechten plaatsvindt door het gebruik van dat bestand. Vul het veld \"Omschrijving\" in. Druk op de \"Upload\" knop om het uploaden te voltooien. Dit kan even duren als u een langzame internetverbinding gebruikt.
<p>Gebruik bij voorkeur JPEG voor foto's, PNG voor tekeningen en dergelijke en OGG voor geluid.
Geef uw bestanden een duidelijk omschrijvende naam om verwarring te voorkomen. Om het bestand in een pagina te laten verschijnen, kunt u het volgende doen; <b>[[afbeelding:uw_foto.jpg]]</b> of <b>[[afbeelding:uw_logo.png|alt text]]</b> of <b>[[media:uw_geluid.ogg]]</b> voor audio.
@@ -514,7 +515,7 @@ Geef uw bestanden een duidelijk omschrijvende naam om verwarring te voorkomen. O
"filestatus" => "Auteursrechtensituatie",
"filesource" => "Auteur/bron",
"affirmation" => "Ik verklaar dat de eigenaar van de rechten op dit bestand toestemt om het onder de voorwaarden van $1 te verspreiden.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Auteursrechten",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Auteursrechten",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia NL auteursrechten",
"uploadedfiles" => "Ge-uploade bestanden",
"noaffirmation" => "U dient te bevestigen dat deze handeling geen inbreuk maakt op auteursrechten.",
@@ -569,8 +570,8 @@ Er is in totaal $3 maal een pagina bekeken, en $4 maal een pagina bewerkt. Dat g
"maintnancepagetext" => "Op deze pagina vindt u een aantal handige zoekopdrachten om kleine alledaagse problemen in de Wikipedia te verhelpen. Sommige van deze zoekopdrachten vormen een grote belasting voor de database; ga dus niet na elke paar pagina's die u hersteld heeft, de pagina opnieuw laden.",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Terug naar de Onderhoudspagina",
"disambiguations" => "Doorverwijspagina's",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Doorverwijspagina",
-"disambiguationstext" => "De onderstaande artikelen verwijzen naar een [[Wikipedia:Doorverwijspagina|doorverwijspagina]]. Deze zouden waarschijnlijk direct naar de onderwerpspagina moeten verwijzen. <br>Als doorverwijspagina's worden die pagina's beschouwd waar vanaf $1 naar verwezen wordt.<br>Opmerking: Deze lijst toont alleen pagina's vanuit de hoofdnaamruimte, en dus niet Overlegpagina's, Wikipedia:pagina's en dergelijke.",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Doorverwijspagina",
+"disambiguationstext" => "De onderstaande artikelen verwijzen naar een [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Doorverwijspagina|doorverwijspagina]]. Deze zouden waarschijnlijk direct naar de onderwerpspagina moeten verwijzen. <br>Als doorverwijspagina's worden die pagina's beschouwd waar vanaf $1 naar verwezen wordt.<br>Opmerking: Deze lijst toont alleen pagina's vanuit de hoofdnaamruimte, en dus niet Overlegpagina's, {$wgMetaNamespace}:pagina's en dergelijke.",
"doubleredirects" => "Dubbele redirects",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Let op:</b> Er kunnen in deze lijst redirects staan die er niet in thuishoren. Dat komt over het algemeen doordat er na de #REDIRECT nog andere links op de pagina staan.<br>\nOp elke regel vindt u de eerste redirectpagina, de tweede redirectpagina en de eerste regel van de tweede redirectpagina. Normaal gesproken bevat deze laatste de pagina waar de eerste redirect naartoe zou moeten verwijzen.",
"brokenredirects" => "Gebroken redirects",
@@ -685,7 +686,7 @@ op 'Verwijderen' onderaan deze pagina.",
"confirmdelete" => "Bevestig verwijdering",
"deletesub" => "(Verwijderen \"$1\")",
"historywarning" => "Waarschuwing: Deze pagina heeft een voorgeschiedenis. Overtuig uzelf ervan dat geen van de oudere versies een te behouden pagina is.",
-"confirmdeletetext" => "U bent staat op het punt een pagina of afbeelding voorgoed te verwijderen. Dit verwijdert alle inhoud en geschiedenis van de database. Bevestig hieronder dat dit inderdaad uw bedoeling is, dat u de gevolgen begrijpt, en dat uw verwijdering overeenkomt met de [[Wikipedia:Instructies]].",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "U bent staat op het punt een pagina of afbeelding voorgoed te verwijderen. Dit verwijdert alle inhoud en geschiedenis van de database. Bevestig hieronder dat dit inderdaad uw bedoeling is, dat u de gevolgen begrijpt, en dat uw verwijdering overeenkomt met de [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Instructies]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Ja, ik wil dit voorgoed verwijderen.",
"actioncomplete" => "Actie voltooid",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" is verwijderd. Zie $2 voor een overzicht van recente verwijderingen.",
@@ -714,7 +715,7 @@ op 'Verwijderen' onderaan deze pagina.",
"undeleterevision" => "Verwijderde versie van $1",
"undeletebtn" => "Terugplaatsen!",
"undeletedarticle" => "\"$1\" is teruggeplaatst.",
-"undeletedtext" =>"Het artikel [[$1]] is teruggeplaatst. Zie [[Wikipedia:Logboek verwijderde pagina's]] voor een lijst van de meest recente verwijderingen en terugplaatsingen.",
+"undeletedtext" =>"Het artikel [[$1]] is teruggeplaatst. Zie [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Logboek verwijderde pagina's]] voor een lijst van de meest recente verwijderingen en terugplaatsingen.",
# Contributions
# Bijdragen
@@ -779,7 +780,7 @@ Vergeet niet de database opnieuw te de-blokkeren zodra u klaar bent met uw onder
# SQL query
# SQL raadplegen
"asksql" => "SQL raadplegen",
-"asksqltext" => "Gebruik het onderstaande formulier om een direct verzoek naar de database van Wikipedia NL te zenden. Gebruik enkelvoudige aanhalingstekens ('zoals hier') voor letterlijke teksten. Een ingewikkelde aanvraag kan de sever vaak extra belasten. Gelieve deze mogelijkheid daarom spaarzaam te gebruiken. Zie ook: [[Wikipedia:SQL opdrachten]].",
+"asksqltext" => "Gebruik het onderstaande formulier om een direct verzoek naar de database van Wikipedia NL te zenden. Gebruik enkelvoudige aanhalingstekens ('zoals hier') voor letterlijke teksten. Een ingewikkelde aanvraag kan de sever vaak extra belasten. Gelieve deze mogelijkheid daarom spaarzaam te gebruiken. Zie ook: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:SQL opdrachten]].",
"sqlislogged" => "Alle SQL Queries worden gelogd.",
"sqlquery" => "Voer opdracht in",
"querybtn" => "Verstuur opdracht",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageNo.php b/languages/LanguageNo.php
index b27a5636d20c..e56d5be53e36 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageNo.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageNo.php
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
1 => "Diskusjon",
2 => "Bruker",
3 => "Brukerdiskusjon",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "Wikipedia-diskusjon",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace."-diskusjon",
6 => "Bilde",
7 => "Bildediskusjon",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesNo = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Blokker IP-adresse",
"Asksql" => "Søk i databasen",
"Undelete" => "Vis og gjenopprett slettede sider"
@@ -148,18 +149,18 @@
"mainpagetext" => "Wiki-programvare er nå installert.",
"about" => "Om",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Om Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:Om",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Om",
"help" => "Hjelp",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Hjelp",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hjelp",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Feilmeldinger",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Feilmeldinger",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Feilmeldinger",
"sitesupport" => "Donasjoner",
"sitesupportpage" => "", # If not set, won't appear. Can be wiki page or URL
"faq" => "OSS",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:OSS",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:OSS",
"edithelp" => "Hjelp til redigering",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Hvordan_redigere",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hvordan_redigere",
"cancel" => "Avbryt",
"qbfind" => "Finn",
"qbbrowse" => "Søk",
@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Artikkelen er utgitt under <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU fri dokumentasjonslisens</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(fra",
"protectedpage" => "Beskyttet side",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Administratorer",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administratorer",
"sysoptitle" => "Sysop-rettigheter kreves",
"sysoptext" => "Funksjonen kan kun utføres av brukere med \"sysop\"-status.
Se $1.",
@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ Send en rapport om dette til en administrator, oppgi adresse til siden.",
"viewsource" => "Vis kildekode",
"protectedtext" => "Denne siden er sperret for å hindre redigering; det
kan være flere grunner til dette, se
-[[Wikipedia:Beskyttet side]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Beskyttet side]].
Du kan se og kopiere kildekoden til denne siden:",
@@ -338,12 +339,12 @@ Logg inn når du har mottatt det nye passordet.",
"blockedtitle" => "Brukeren er blokkert",
"blockedtext" => "Ditt brukernavn eller din IP-adresse er blokkert av $1.
Følgende begrunnelse ble gitt:<br>''$2''<p>Du kan kontakte $1 eller en annen
-[[Wikipedia:Administratorer|administrator]] for å diskutere utestengelsen.",
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administratorer|administrator]] for å diskutere utestengelsen.",
"newarticle" => "(Ny)",
"newarticletext" =>
"Artikkelen inneholder ingen tekst.
Du kan begynne på en artikkel ved å skrive i boksen under
-(se [[Wikipedia:Hjelp|hjelpsiden]] for mere informasjon).
+(se [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hjelp|hjelpsiden]] for mere informasjon).
Hvis du ikke vil redigere siden, klikk på '''tilbake''' i nettleseren.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Dette er en diskusjonsside for en anonym bruker som ikke har opprettet en konto eller ikke bruker den. Vi er derfor nødt til å bruke den numeriske IP-adressen til å identifisere ham eller henne. En IP-adresse kan være delt mellom flere brukere. Hvis du er en anonym bruker og synes at du har fått irrelevante kommentarer på en slik side, [[Spesial:Innlogging|logg på]] så vi unngår fremtidige forvekslinger med andre anonyme brukere.'' ",
"noarticletext" => "(Det er for øyeblikket ingen tekst på denne siden.)",
@@ -386,7 +387,7 @@ så du kan ikke lagre dine endringer akkurat nå. Det kan være en god idé å
kopiere teksten din til en tekstfil, så du kan lagre den til senere.",
"protectedpagewarning" => "ADVARSEL: Denne siden er låst, så kun administratorer
kan redigere den. Sørg for at du følger
-<a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Retningslinjer_for_beskyttede_sider'>retningslinjer for
+<a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Retningslinjer_for_beskyttede_sider'>retningslinjer for
beskyttede sider</a>.",
# History pages
@@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ versjonen, (forrige) = forskjell fra den forrige versjonen, M = mindre endring",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Søkeresultater",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Søking",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Søking",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Søking i Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "For mer informasjon om søking i Wikipedia, se
@@ -487,7 +488,7 @@ for å endre brukerinnstillingene.",
"prefslogintext" => "Du logget inn som \"$1\".
Ditt interne ID-nummer er $2.
-Se [[Wikipedia:Hvordan stille inn brukerinnstillinger]] for en forklaring på de forskjellige brukerinnstillingene.",
+Se [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hvordan stille inn brukerinnstillinger]] for en forklaring på de forskjellige brukerinnstillingene.",
"prefsreset" => "Brukerinnstillingene er tilbakestilt.",
"qbsettings" => "Brukerinnstillinger for hurtigmeny",
"changepassword" => "Skift passord",
@@ -527,7 +528,7 @@ fra tjenerens tid.",
"changes" => "endringer",
"recentchanges" => "Siste endringer",
-# This is the default text, and can be overriden by editing [[Wikipedia::Recentchanges]]
+# This is the default text, and can be overriden by editing [[{$wgMetaNamespace}::Recentchanges]]
"recentchangestext" => "Se de sist endrede sider i Wikipedia på denne siden.",
"rcloaderr" => "Laster sist endrede sider",
"rcnote" => "Nedenfor er de siste <strong>$1</strong> endringer i de
@@ -562,12 +563,12 @@ for å kunne laste opp filer.",
"uploaderror" => "Feil under opplasting av fil",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOPP!</strong> Før du laster opp filer her,
vær sikker på du har lest og følger Wikipedias <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Retningslinjer for billedbruk" ) . "\">retningslinjer for billedbruk</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Retningslinjer for billedbruk" ) . "\">retningslinjer for billedbruk</a>.
<p>For å se eller søke i bilder som tidligere er lastet opp,
gå til <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Spesial:Imagelist" ) .
"\">listen over bilder</a>.
Opplasting og slettinger er registrert i <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">loggen over opplastede filer</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">loggen over opplastede filer</a>.
<p>Bruk skjemaet nedenunder til å laste opp nye bilder som kan brukes
til å illustrere dine artikler.
PÃ¥ de fleste nettlesere vil du se en \"Browse...\"-knapp eller en
@@ -601,7 +602,7 @@ opp sist. Alle de viste tidene er tjenerens tid (UTC).
"filedesc" => "Beskrivelse",
"affirmation" => "Jeg bekrefter at opphavsrettsinnehaveren til denne filen
samtykker i at filen utgis under betingelsene for $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Opphavsrett",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Opphavsrett",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia opphavsrett",
"uploadedfiles" => "Filer som er lastet opp",
"noaffirmation" => "Du må bekrefte at du ikke bryter noens opphavsrett
@@ -672,7 +673,7 @@ harde for databasen (de tar lang tid), så la være å oppdatere siden
hver gang du har rettet en enkelt ting",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Tilbake til vedlikeholdssiden",
"disambiguations" => "Artikler med flertydige titler",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Lenker til artikler med flertydige titler",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Lenker til artikler med flertydige titler",
"disambiguationstext" => "De følgende artikler har lenker til
<i>artikler med flertydige titler</i>. De burde ha lenke til en ikke-flertydig
tittel i stedet.<br>En artikkel blir behandlet som flertydig hvis den har
@@ -824,7 +825,7 @@ i bunnen av skjermen.",
eller et bilde sammen med hele den tilhørende historikken fra databasen.
Bekreft at du virkelig vil gjøre dette, at du forstår
konsekvensene, og at du gjør dette i overensstemmelse med
"confirmcheck" => "Ja, jeg vil virkelig slette.",
"actioncomplete" => "Gjennomført",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" er slettet.
@@ -855,7 +856,7 @@ Den siste redigeringen er foretatt av [[Bruker:$3|$3]] ([[Brukerdiskusjon:$3|dis
"revertpage" => "Gjenopprettet siden til tidligere versjon redigert av $1",
"protectlogpage" => "Beskyttelseslogg",
"protectlogtext" => "Her er en liste over sider som er blitt beskyttet eller har fått fjernet beskyttelsen.
-Se [[Wikipedia:Beskyttet side]] for mer informasjon.",
+Se [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Beskyttet side]] for mer informasjon.",
"protectedarticle" => "beskyttet [[$1]]",
"unprotectedarticle" => "fjernet beskyttelse for [[$1]]",
@@ -875,7 +876,7 @@ på siden.",
"undeletebtn" => "Gjenopprett!",
"undeletedarticle" => "gjenopprettet \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "Artikkelen [[$1]] er gjenopprettet.
-Se [[Wikipedia:Slettingslogg]] for en oversikt over nylige
+Se [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Slettingslogg]] for en oversikt over nylige
slettinger og gjenopprettelser.",
# Contributions
@@ -907,7 +908,7 @@ siste <b>$2</b> dagene.",
"blockiptext" => "Bruk skjemaet nedenunder for å blokkere skriveadgangen
fra en spesifikk IP-adresse.
Dette må kun gjøres for at forhindre vandalisme, og i
-overensstemmelse med [[Wikipedia:Retningslinjer|retningslinjene]].
+overensstemmelse med [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Retningslinjer|retningslinjene]].
Fyll ut en spesiell begrunnelse nedenunder (for eksempel med et sitat fra
sider som har vært utsatt for vandalisme).",
"ipaddress" => "IP-adresse",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageOc.php b/languages/LanguageOc.php
index b38042dafe5d..a7e604fd58a8 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageOc.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageOc.php
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "Wikipédia";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipédia";
// The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
// are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
// encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
@@ -12,8 +19,8 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
1 => "Discutir",
2 => "Utilisator",
3 => "Discutida_Utilisator",
- 4 => "Oiquipedià",
- 5 => "Discutida_Oiquipedià",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "Discutida_".$wgMetaNamespace,
6 => "Image",
7 => "Discutida_Image",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -119,6 +126,7 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesOc = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Bloquer une adresse IP",
"Asksql" => "Accès SQL",
"Undelete" => "Gérer les pages effacées"
@@ -144,19 +152,19 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
"mainpagetext" => "Logiciel Wikipédia installé.",
"about" => "À propos",
"aboutwikipedia" => "À propos de Wikipédia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipédia:À propos",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:À propos",
"help" => "Aide",
-"helppage" => "Wikipédia:Aide",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Aide",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipédia",
"bugreports" => "Rapport d'erreurs",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipédia:Rapport d'erreurs",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Rapport d'erreurs",
"sitesupport" => "Participer en faisant un don",
-"sitesupportpage" => "Wikipédia:Donations",
+"sitesupportpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Donations",
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipédia:FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "Aide",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipédia:Comment éditer une page",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Comment éditer une page",
"cancel" => "Annuler",
"qbfind" => "Rechercher",
"qbbrowse" => "Défiler",
@@ -195,7 +203,7 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
"gnunote" => "Tous les textes sont disponibles sous les termes de la <a class=internal href='/wiki/GFDL'>Licence de documentation libre GNU</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(de",
"protectedpage" => "Page protégée",
-"administrators" => "Wikipédia:Administrateurs",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administrateurs",
"sysoptitle" => "Accès administrateur requis",
"sysoptext" => "L'action que vous avez tentée ne peut être effectuée que par un utilisateur ayant le statut d'\"administrateur\".
Voir $1.",
@@ -259,7 +267,7 @@ car elle ralentit la base de données à un point tel que plus personne
ne peut utiliser le wiki.", // Looxix
"perfdisabledsub" => "Ceci est une copie de sauvegarde de $1:", // Looxix
"viewsource" => "Voir le texte source",
-"protectedtext" => "Cette page a été bloquée pour empêcher sa modification. Consultez [[Wikipédia:Page protégée]] pour voir les différentes raisons possibles.", // Looxix
+"protectedtext" => "Cette page a été bloquée pour empêcher sa modification. Consultez [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Page protégée]] pour voir les différentes raisons possibles.", // Looxix
# Login and logout pages
@@ -352,7 +360,7 @@ Peut-être serait-il mieux que vous divisiez la page en sections plus petites.",
vous ne pourrez donc pas sauvegarder vos modifications maintenant. Vous pouvez copier le texte dans un fichier et le sauver pour plus tard.", // Looxix
"protectedpagewarning" => "AVERTISSEMENT : cette page a été bloquée.
Seuls les utilisateurs ayant le statut d'administrateur peuvent la modifier. Soyez certain que
-vous suivez les <a href='/wiki/Wikipédia:Page protégée'>directives concernant les pages protégées</a>.", // Looxix
+vous suivez les <a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Page protégée'>directives concernant les pages protégées</a>.", // Looxix
# History pages
@@ -382,7 +390,7 @@ vous suivez les <a href='/wiki/Wikipédia:Page protégée'>directives concernant
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Résultat de la recherche",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipédia:Recherche",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Recherche",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Chercher dans Wikipédia",
"searchresulttext" => "Pour plus d'informations sur la recherche dans Wikipédia, voir $1.",
"searchquery" => "Pour la requête \"$1\"",
@@ -424,7 +432,7 @@ $2 Inclure les page de redirections Rechercher $3 $9",
pour modifier vos préférences d'utilisateur.",
"prefslogintext" => "Je suis connecté(e) en tant que $1 avec le numéro d'utilisateur $2.
-Voir [[Wikipédia:Aide pour les préférences]] pour les explications concernant les options.", // Looxix
+Voir [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Aide pour les préférences]] pour les explications concernant les options.", // Looxix
"prefsreset" => "Les préférences ont été rétablies à partir de la version enregistrée.",
"qbsettings" => "Personnalisation de la barre outils",
"changepassword" => "Modification du mot de passe",
@@ -464,14 +472,14 @@ Voir [[Wikipédia:Aide pour les préférences]] pour les explications concernant
"changes" => "modifications",
"recentchanges" => "Modifications récentes",
"recentchangestext" => "Suivez sur cette page les dernières modifications de Wikipédia.
-[[Wikipédia:Bienvenue|Bienvenue]] aux nouveaux participants !
-Jetez un coup d'\x{0153}il sur ces pages : [[Wikipédia:FAQ|foire aux questions]],
-[[Wikipédia:Recommandations et règles à suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]]
-(notamment [[Wikipédia:Règles de nommage|conventions de nommage]],
-[[Wikipédia:La neutralité de point de vue|la neutralité de point de vue]]),
-et [[Wikipédia:Les faux-pas les plus courants|les faux-pas les plus courants]].
-Si vous voulez que Wikipédia connaisse le succès, merci de ne pas y inclure pas de matériaux protégés par des [[Wikipédia:Copyright|copyrights]]. La responsabilité juridique pourrait en effet compromettre le projet. ",
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Bienvenue|Bienvenue]] aux nouveaux participants !
+Jetez un coup d'\x{0153}il sur ces pages : [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ|foire aux questions]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Recommandations et règles à suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]]
+(notamment [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Règles de nommage|conventions de nommage]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:La neutralité de point de vue|la neutralité de point de vue]]),
+et [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Les faux-pas les plus courants|les faux-pas les plus courants]].
+Si vous voulez que Wikipédia connaisse le succès, merci de ne pas y inclure pas de matériaux protégés par des [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyright|copyrights]]. La responsabilité juridique pourrait en effet compromettre le projet. ",
"rcloaderr" => "Chargement des dernières modifications",
"rcnote" => "Voici les <strong>$1</strong> dernières modifications effectuées au cours des <strong>$2</strong> derniers jours.",
"rcnotefrom" => "Voici les modifications effectuées depuis le <strong>$2</strong> (<b>$1</b> au maximum).",
@@ -505,10 +513,10 @@ pour copier des fichiers sur le serveur.",
"uploadfile" => "Copier un fichier",
"uploaderror" => "Erreur",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP !</strong> Avant de copier votre fichier sur le serveur,
-prenez connaissance des <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipédia:règles d'utilisation des images" ) . "\">règles d'utilisation des images</a> de Wikipédia et assurez-vous que vous les respectez.<br>N'oubliez pas de remplir la <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipédia:Page de description d'une image" ). "\">page de description de l'image</a> quand celle-ci sera sur le serveur.
+prenez connaissance des <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:règles d'utilisation des images" ) . "\">règles d'utilisation des images</a> de Wikipédia et assurez-vous que vous les respectez.<br>N'oubliez pas de remplir la <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Page de description d'une image" ). "\">page de description de l'image</a> quand celle-ci sera sur le serveur.
<p>Pour voir les images déjà placées sur le serveur ou pour effectuer une recherche parmi celles-ci,
allez à la <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) ."\">liste des images</a>.
-Les uploads et les suppressions sont listés dans le <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipédia:Journal_des_uploads" ) . "\">journal des uploads</a>.
+Les uploads et les suppressions sont listés dans le <a href=\"" .wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Journal_des_uploads" ) . "\">journal des uploads</a>.
<p>Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour copier sur le serveur de nouvelles images destinées à illustrer vos articles.
Sur la plupart des navigateurs, vous verrez un bouton \"Browse...\" qui ouvre la fenêtre de dialogue standard de votre système d'exploitation pour l'ouverture des fichiers.
Sélectionnez un fichier, son nom apparaîtra dans le champ situé à côté du bouton.
@@ -532,7 +540,7 @@ L'heure indiquée est celle du serveur (UTC).
"filename" => "Nom",
"filedesc" => "Description",
"affirmation" => "Je déclare que le détenteur du copyright de ce fichier accepte de le diffuser selon les termes de la $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipédia:Copyright",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyright",
"copyrightpagename" => "licence Wikipédia",
"uploadedfiles" => "Fichiers copiés",
"noaffirmation" => "Vous devez confirmer que la copie de ce fichier ne viole aucun copyright.",
@@ -596,7 +604,7 @@ Parmi ceux-ci, <b>$2</b> ont le statut d'administrateur (voir $3).",
"maintnancepagetext" => "Cette page inclut plusieurs utilitaires pour la maintenance quotidienne. Certains de ces outils ont tendance à charger la base de données; ne rechargez pas la page a chaque modification.",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Retour à la page de maintenance",
"disambiguations" => "Pages d'homonymie",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipédia:Liens_aux_pages_d'homonymie",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Liens_aux_pages_d'homonymie",
"disambiguationstext" => "Les articles suivants sont liés à une <i>page d'homonymie</i>. Or, ils devraient être liés au sujet.<br>Une page est considérée comme page d'homonymie si elle est liée à partir de $1.<br>Les liens à partir d'autres <i>espaces</i> ne sont pas pris en compte.",
"doubleredirects" => "Double redirection",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> cette liste peut contenir des \"faux positifs\". Dans ce cas, c'est probablement la page du premier #REDIRECT contient aussi du texte.<br>Chaque ligne contient les liens à la 1re et 2e page de redirection, ainsi que la première ligne de cette dernière, qui donne normalement la \"vraie\" destination. Le premier #REDIRECT devrait lier vers cette destination.",
@@ -714,7 +722,7 @@ Les prochaines modifications de cette page et de la page discussion associée se
"historywarning" => "Attention: La page que vous êtes sur le point de supprimer à un historique: ",
"confirmdeletetext" => "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement de la base de données une page
ou une image, ainsi que toutes ses versions antérieures.
-Veuillez confirmer que c'est bien là ce que vous voulez faire, que vous en comprenez les conséquences et que vous faites cela en accord avec les [[Wikipédia:Recommandations Et Règles à Suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]].",
+Veuillez confirmer que c'est bien là ce que vous voulez faire, que vous en comprenez les conséquences et que vous faites cela en accord avec les [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Recommandations Et Règles à Suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Oui, je confirme la suppression.",
"actioncomplete" => "Suppression effectuée",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" a été supprimé.
@@ -759,7 +767,7 @@ les révisions restaurées apparaîtront dans l'historique antérieur et la vers
"undeletebtn" => "Restaurer !", // Looxix "Restore!",
"undeletedarticle" => "restauré \"$1\"", // FvdP "restored \"$1\""
"undeletedtext" => "L'article [[$1]] a été restauré avec succès.
-Voir [[Wikipedia:Trace des effacements]] pour la liste des suppressions et des restaurations récentes.", // Looxix
+Voir [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Trace des effacements]] pour la liste des suppressions et des restaurations récentes.", // Looxix
# Contributions
"contributions" => "Contributions",
@@ -784,7 +792,7 @@ Voir [[Wikipedia:Trace des effacements]] pour la liste des suppressions et des r
"blockip" => "Bloquer une adresse IP",
"blockiptext" => "Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour bloquer l'accès en écriture à partir d'une adresse IP donnée.
-Une telle mesure ne doit être prise que pour empêcher le vandalisme et en accord avec [[Wikipédia:Recommandations et règles à suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]].
+Une telle mesure ne doit être prise que pour empêcher le vandalisme et en accord avec [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Recommandations et règles à suivre|recommandations et règles à suivre]].
Donnez ci-dessous une raison précise (par exemple en indiquant les pages qui ont été vandalisées).",
"ipaddress" => "Adresse IP",
"ipbreason" => "Motif",
diff --git a/languages/LanguagePl.php b/languages/LanguagePl.php
index 8f42397ab910..2ee52243477f 100644
--- a/languages/LanguagePl.php
+++ b/languages/LanguagePl.php
@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesPl = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Zablokuj adres IP",
"Asksql" => "Zapytanie SQL",
"Undelete" => "Odtwarzanie skasowanych stron"
@@ -156,18 +157,18 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
"mainpagetext" => "Instalacja oprogramowania powiodła się.",
"about" => "O Wikipedii",
"aboutwikipedia" => "O Wikipedii",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:O_Wikipedii",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:O_Wikipedii",
"help" => "Pomoc",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Pomoc",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Pomoc",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Raport o błędach",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Błędy",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Błędy",
"sitesupport" => "Dary pieniężne",
"sitesupportpage" => "", # If not set, won't appear. Can be wiki page or URL
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "Pomoc w edycji",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Jak_edytować_stronę",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Jak_edytować_stronę",
"cancel" => "Anuluj",
"qbfind" => "Znajdź",
"qbbrowse" => "PrzeglÄ…danie",
@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
"gnunote" => "udostępniana jest w oparciu o licencję <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU FDL</a>; możesz ją samodzielnie uzupełnić lub poprawić.",
"printsubtitle" => "(z",
"protectedpage" => "Strona zabezpieczona",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Administratorzy",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administratorzy",
"sysoptitle" => "Wymagane prawa dostępu administratora",
"sysoptext" => "Ta operacja może być wykonana tylko przez
użytkowania o statusie \"administrator\".
@@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ czasu UTC. Przepraszamy!",
"perfdisabledstub" => "Oto ostatnia zapisana wersja strony z $1",
"viewsource" => "Tekst źródłowy",
"protectedtext" => "Wyłączono możliwość edycji tej strony; istnieje kilka powodów
-dla których jest to robione - zobacz [[Wikipedia:Strona_zabezpieczona]]
+dla których jest to robione - zobacz [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Strona_zabezpieczona]]
Tekst źródłowy strony można w dalszym ciągu podejrzeć i skopiować.",
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ Po otrzymaniu go zaloguj siÄ™ ponownie.",
"blockedtitle" => "Użytkownik jest zablokowany",
"blockedtext" => "Twoje konto lub adres IP zostały zablokowane przez $1.
Podany powód to:<br>$2.<p>W celu wyjaśnienia sprawy zablokowania możesz się skontaktować z $1 lub innym
"newarticle" => "(Nowy)",
"newarticletext" => "Nie ma jeszcze artykułu o tym tytule. W poniższym polu można wpisać pierwszy jego fragment. Jeśli nie to było Twoim zamiarem, wciśnij po prostu ''Wstecz''.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''To jest strona dyskusyjna dla użytkowników
@@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ artykułu. Proponujemy przenieść jej tekst do prywatnego pliku
"protectedpagewarning" => "UWAGA: Modyfikacja tej strony została zablokowana.
Mogą ją edytować jedynie użytkownicy z prawami administracyjnymi.
Upewnij się, że postępujesz zgodnie z
-<a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Blokowanie_stron'>zasadami dotyczÄ…cymi
+<a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Blokowanie_stron'>zasadami dotyczÄ…cymi
zablokowanych stron</a>.",
@@ -435,7 +436,7 @@ Sprawdź proszę URL użyty przez Ciebie by uzyskać dostęp do tej strony.\n",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Wyniki wyszukiwania",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Przeszukiwanie",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Przeszukiwanie",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Przeszukiwanie Wikipedii",
"searchresulttext" => "Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o przeszukiwaniu Wikipedii, zobacz $1.",
"searchquery" => "Dla zapytania \"$1\"",
@@ -504,7 +505,7 @@ value=\"{$wgServer}\" checked> {$wgServer} <br>
przez zmianÄ… swoich preferencji.",
"prefslogintext" => "Zalogowano Cię jako \"$1\". Twój numer identyfikacyjny to $2.
-Zobacz [[Wikipedia:Preferencje]], aby poznać znaczenie poszczególnych opcji.",
+Zobacz [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Preferencje]], aby poznać znaczenie poszczególnych opcji.",
"prefsreset" => "Preferencje domyślne zostały odtworzone.",
"qbsettings" => "Pasek szybkiego dostępu",
"changepassword" => "Zmiana hasła",
@@ -546,7 +547,7 @@ lub \"1\" (czas zimowy).",
"recentchanges" => "Ostatnie zmiany",
"recentchangestext" => "Ta strona przedstawia historiÄ™ ostatnich zmian w polskiej Wikipedii.
-[[Wikipedia:Powitanie nowicjuszy|Witaj]]! Jeśli jesteś tu po raz pierwszy, zapoznaj się, proszę, z tymi stronami: [[wikipedia:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]], [[Wikipedia:Zasady i wskazówki|polityka Wikipedii]] (a zwłaszcza [[Wikipedia:Nazewnictwo|konwencje nazywania stron]], [[Wikipedia:Neutralny punkt widzenia|neutralny punkt widzenia]]) oraz [[Wikipedia:Najczęstsze nieporozumienia|najczęstsze nieporozumienia]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Powitanie nowicjuszy|Witaj]]! Jeśli jesteś tu po raz pierwszy, zapoznaj się, proszę, z tymi stronami: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]], [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Zasady i wskazówki|polityka Wikipedii]] (a zwłaszcza [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Nazewnictwo|konwencje nazywania stron]], [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Neutralny punkt widzenia|neutralny punkt widzenia]]) oraz [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Najczęstsze nieporozumienia|najczęstsze nieporozumienia]].
Jeśli zależy Ci na dalszym rozwoju Wikipedii, nie dodawaj materiałów zastrzeżonych prawami autorskimi. Złamanie tej zasady mogłyby narazić projekt Wikipedii na poważne konsekwencje prawne. Zobacz także [ ostatnie zmiany na stronach dyskusyjnych projektu].",
"rcloaderr" => "ÅadujÄ™ ostatnie zmiany",
@@ -579,15 +580,15 @@ przed przesłaniem pików.",
"uploadfile" => "Prześlij plik",
"uploaderror" => "Błąd przesyłki",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Zanim prześlesz plik,
-przeczytaj <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Zasady_dołączania_plików" ) .
+przeczytaj <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Zasady_dołączania_plików" ) .
"\">zasady dołączania plików</a> i upewnij się, że przesyłając pozostaniesz z
nimi w zgodzie.
<p>Jeśli chcesz przejrzeć lub przeszukać dotychczas przesłane pliki,
przejdź do <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Specjalna:Imagelist" ) .
"\">listy dołączonych plików</a>.
Wszystkie przesyłki i skasowania są odnotowane na
-specjalnych wykazach (<a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Dołączone" ) .
-"\">dołączone</a>, <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Usunięte" ) .
+specjalnych wykazach (<a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Dołączone" ) .
+"\">dołączone</a>, <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Usunięte" ) .
<p>By przesłać nowy plik mający zilustrować Twój artykuł skorzystaj
z poniższego formularza.
@@ -620,7 +621,7 @@ Wszystkie czasy odnoszÄ… siÄ™ do strefy czasu uniwersalnego (UTC).
"filedesc" => "Opis",
"affirmation" => "Potwierdzam, że właściciel praw autorskich do tego pliku
zgadza się udzielić licencji zgodnie z $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Prawa_autorskie",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Prawa_autorskie",
"copyrightpagename" => "prawami autorskimi Wikipedii",
"uploadedfiles" => "Przesłane pliki",
"noaffirmation" => "Musisz potwierdzić, że Twoja przesyłka nie narusza żadnych
@@ -689,7 +690,7 @@ pomagających w prostej administracji. Niektóre z nich obciążają bazę danyc
więc, by ich nie nadużywać.",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Powrót do strony prostej administracji",
"disambiguations" => "Strony ujednoznaczniajÄ…ce",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Strony_ujednoznaczniajÄ…ce",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Strony_ujednoznaczniajÄ…ce",
"disambiguationstext" => "Poniższe artykuły odwołują się do <i>stron
ujednoznaczniających</i>, a powinny odwoływać się bezpośrednio do hasła
związanego z treścią artykułu.<br>Strona uznawana jest za ujednoznaczniającą
@@ -840,7 +841,7 @@ Zaznacz, które z nich mamy usunąć z listy i kliknij przycisk
lub plik z bazy danych razem z dotyczÄ…cÄ… ich historiÄ….
Potwierdź, proszę, swoje zamiary, tzn., że rozumiesz konsekwencje,
i że robisz to w zgodzie z
-[[Wikipedia:Zasady i wskazówki|zasadami Wikipedii]].",
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Zasady i wskazówki|zasadami Wikipedii]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Tak, naprawdę chcę usunąć.",
"actioncomplete" => "Operacja wykonana",
@@ -885,7 +886,7 @@ pozostanie bez zmian.",
"undeletebtn" => "Odtwórz!",
"undeletedarticle" => "odtworzono \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "Pomyślnie odtworzono stronę [[$1]].
-Zobacz [[Wikipedia:Usunięte]], jeśli chcesz przejrzeć rejestr ostatnio
+Zobacz [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Usunięte]], jeśli chcesz przejrzeć rejestr ostatnio
skasowanych i odtworzonych stron.",
# Contributions
@@ -917,7 +918,7 @@ ta operacja ma być wykonana.",
"blockiptext" => "Użyj poniższego formularza aby zablokować prawo
zapisu spod określonego adresu IP.
Powinno się to robić jedynie by zapobiec wandalizmowi, a zarazem
-w zgodzie z [[Wikipedia:Zasady i wskazówki|zasadami Wikipedii]].
+w zgodzie z [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Zasady i wskazówki|zasadami Wikipedii]].
Podaj powód (np. umieszczając nazwy stron, na których dopuszczono
siÄ™ wandalizmu).",
"ipaddress" => "Adres IP",
diff --git a/languages/LanguagePt.php b/languages/LanguagePt.php
index 95267ac1e14f..59a3fea88a0c 100644
--- a/languages/LanguagePt.php
+++ b/languages/LanguagePt.php
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
1 => "Discussão",
2 => "Usuário",
3 => "Usuário_Discussão",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "Wikipedia_Discussão",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace."_Discussão",
6 => "Imagem",
7 => "Imagem_Discussão",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesPt = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Bloquear um endereço IP",
"Asksql" => "Busca o banco-de-dados",
"Undelete" => "Ver e restaura páginas apagadas"
@@ -170,16 +171,16 @@
"mainpagetext" => "Software Wiki instalado com sucesso.",
"about" => "Sobre",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Sobre a Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:Sobre",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Sobre",
"help" => "Ajuda",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Ajuda",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ajuda",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Reportagem de 'bugs'",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Reportag_Bug",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Reportag_Bug",
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "Ajuda de edição",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Como_editar_uma_página",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Como_editar_uma_página",
"cancel" => "Cancela",
"qbfind" => "Procura",
"qbbrowse" => "Folhear",
@@ -219,7 +220,7 @@
"gnunote" => "Todo o texto é disponível sob os termos da <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(De",
"protectedpage" => "Página protegida",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Administradores",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administradores",
"sysoptitle" => "Acesso de OpSys necessário",
"sysoptext" => "A ação que você requisitou só pode ser
executada por usuários com status de \"opsys\".
@@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ Por favor, reconecte-se ao recebê-lo.",
"blockedtitle" => "Usuário está bloqueado",
"blockedtext" => "Seu nome de usuário ou numero de IP foi bloqueado por $1.
O motivo é:<br>''$2''<p>Você pode contactar $1 ou outro
-[[Wikipedia:administradores|administrador]] para discutir sobre o bloqueio.",
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:administradores|administrador]] para discutir sobre o bloqueio.",
"whitelistedittitle" => "Login necessário para edição",
"whitelistedittext" => "Você precisa se [[Especial:Userlogin|logar]] para editar artigos.",
"whitelistreadtitle" => "Login necessário para leitura",
@@ -379,7 +380,7 @@ O motivo é:<br>''$2''<p>Você pode contactar $1 ou outro
"newarticletext" =>
"Você seguiu um link para um artigo que não existe mais.
Para criar a página, começe escrevendo na caixa a baixo
-(veja [[Wikipedia:Ajuda| a página de ajuda]] para mais informações).
+(veja [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ajuda| a página de ajuda]] para mais informações).
Se você chegou aqui por engano, apenas clique no botão '''volta''' do seu navegador.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Esta é a página de discussão para um usuário anônimo que não criou uma conta ainda ou que não a usa. Então nós temos que usar o endereço numérico de IP para identificá-lo(la). Um endereço de IP pode ser compartilhado por vários usuários. Se você é um usuário anônimo e acha irrelevante que os comentários sejam direcionados a você, por favor [[Especial:Userlogin|crie uma conta ou autentifique-se]] para evitar futuras confusões com outros usuários anônimos.'' ",
@@ -411,7 +412,7 @@ Você também promete que está nos enviando um artigo escrito por você mesmo,
Por favor considere quebrar a página em sessões menores.",
"readonlywarning" => "CUIDADO: O banco de dados está sendo bloqueado para manutenção,
você não está habilitado a salvar suas edições. Você pode copiar e colar o texto em um arquivo de texto e salvá-lo em seu computador para adicioná-lo mais tarde.",
-"protectedpagewarning" => "CUIDADO: Está página foi bloqueada então apenas os usuários com privilégios de sysop podem editá-la. Certifique-se de que você está seguindo o <a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Guia_de_páginas_protegidas'>guia de páginas protegidas</a>.",
+"protectedpagewarning" => "CUIDADO: Está página foi bloqueada então apenas os usuários com privilégios de sysop podem editá-la. Certifique-se de que você está seguindo o <a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Guia_de_páginas_protegidas'>guia de páginas protegidas</a>.",
# History pages
@@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ Por favor verifique a URL que você usou para acessar esta página.\n",
# Resultados da Busca
"searchresults" => "Buscar resultados",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Procurando",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Procurando",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Busca na Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "Para mais informações sobre busca na Wikipedia, veja $1.",
"searchquery" => "Para pedido de busca \"$1\"",
@@ -480,7 +481,7 @@ para definir suas preferências.",
"prefslogintext" => "Você está autenticado como \"$1\".
Seu número identificador interno é $2.
-veja [[Wikipedia:Ajuda_preferências_de_usuários]] para aprender a decifrar as opções.",
+veja [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ajuda_preferências_de_usuários]] para aprender a decifrar as opções.",
"prefsreset" => "Preferências foram reconfiguradas.",
"qbsettings" => "Configurações da Barra Rápida",
"changepassword" => "Mudar senha",
@@ -520,14 +521,14 @@ veja [[Wikipedia:Ajuda_preferências_de_usuários]] para aprender a decifrar as
"changes" => "mudanças",
"recentchanges" => "Mudanças Recentes",
"recentchangestext" => "Veja as mais novas mudanças na Wikipedia nesta página.
-[[Wikipedia:Bem Vindo,_novatos|Bem Vindo, novatos]]!
-Por favor, dê uma olhada nestas páginas: [[wikipedia:FAQ|FAQ da Wikipedia]],
-[[Wikipedia:Políticas e Normas| Política da Wikipedia]]
-(especialmente [[wikipedia:Convenções de nomenclatura|convenções de nomenclatura]],
-[[wikipedia:Ponto de vista neutro|Ponto de vista neutro]]),
-e [[wikipedia:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|most common Wikipedia faux pas]].
-Se você quer ver a Wikipedia crescer, é muito importante que você não adicione material restrito por outras [[wikipedia:Copyrights|copyrights]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Bem Vindo,_novatos|Bem Vindo, novatos]]!
+Por favor, dê uma olhada nestas páginas: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ|FAQ da Wikipedia]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Políticas e Normas| Política da Wikipedia]]
+(especialmente [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Convenções de nomenclatura|convenções de nomenclatura]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ponto de vista neutro|Ponto de vista neutro]]),
+e [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|most common Wikipedia faux pas]].
+Se você quer ver a Wikipedia crescer, é muito importante que você não adicione material restrito por outras [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights|copyrights]].
Um problema legal poderia realmente prejudicar o projeto de maneira que pedimos, por avor, não faça isso.
Veja também [ recent meta discussion].",
"rcloaderr" => "Carregando alterações recentes",
@@ -564,12 +565,12 @@ para carregar arquivos.",
"uploaderror" => "Erro ao Carregar",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>PARE!</strong> Antes de você carregar arquivos aqui,
tenha certeza de ter lido e estar em acordo com a <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Política_de_imagens" ) . "\">política de uso de imagens da Wikipedia</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Política_de_imagens" ) . "\">política de uso de imagens da Wikipedia</a>.
<p>Para ver ou procurar imagens carregadas,
vá à <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Especial:ListadeImagens" ) .
"\">lista de imagens carregadas</a>.
Uploads e deleções são armazenados no <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">log de uploads</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">log de uploads</a>.
<p>Use o formulário a seguir para carregar arquivos de imagens para ilustrar seus artigos. Na maioria dos navegadores, você verá um botão \"Browse...\" , que trárá o diálogo padrão de abertura de arquivo padrão do seu Sistema Operacional.
Ao escolher um arquivo, o campo de texto próximo ao botão será preenchido.
Você tembém deve confirmar que não está carregando nenhum arquivo protegido por Diretos Autorais.
@@ -591,7 +592,7 @@ Todas as datas mostradas são do servidor (UTC).
"filename" => "Nome do arquivo",
"filedesc" => "Sumário",
"affirmation" => "Eu afirmo que o proprietário deste arquivo concorda em licenciá-lo sob os termos da $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Copyrights",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights",
"copyrightpagename" => "Direitos Autorais da Wikipedia",
"uploadedfiles" => "Arquivos carregados",
@@ -653,7 +654,7 @@ Destes, <b>$2</b> são administradores (veja $3).",
"maintnancepagetext" => "Esta página possui diversas ferramentas úteis para a manutenção diária da Wikipedia. Algumas destas funções costumam estressar o banco de dados, então, por favor, não pressione o botão de Recarregar para cada item que você consertar ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Voltar para a página de Manutenção",
"disambiguations" => "Páginas de desambiguamento",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Links_para_desambiguar_páginas",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Links_para_desambiguar_páginas",
"disambiguationstext" => "Os artigos a seguir apontam para uma <i>página de desambiguamento</i>. Ao invés disso, eles deveriam apontar para um tópico apropriado.<br> Uma página é tratada como disambiguamento se ela é por $1.<br>Links de outros namespaces <i>não</i> estão listados aqui.",
"doubleredirects" => "Double Redirects",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Atenção:</b> Esta lista pode conter positivos falsos. O que usualmente significa que há texto adicional com links depois do primeiro #REDIRECT.<br>\nCada linha contem links para o primeiro e segundo redirecionamento, bem como a primeira linha do segundo texto redirecionado , geralmente dando o artigo alvo \"real\" , para onde o primeiro redirecionamento deveria apontar.",
@@ -775,7 +776,7 @@ $3...
"deletesub" => "(Apagando \"$1\")",
"historywarning" => "Atenção: A página que você quer deletar tem um histório: ",
"confirmdeletetext" => "Você está prestes a deletar permanentemente uma página ou imagem junto com todo seu histórico do banco de dados.
-Por favor, confirme que você realmente pretende fazer isto, que você compreende as consequências, e que você está fazendo isto em acordo com a [[Wikipedia:Policy| Política da Wkipedia]].",
+Por favor, confirme que você realmente pretende fazer isto, que você compreende as consequências, e que você está fazendo isto em acordo com a [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy| Política da Wkipedia]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Sim, eu realmente desejo apagar este arquivo.",
"actioncomplete" => "Ação efetuada com sucesso",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" foi deletada.
@@ -815,7 +816,7 @@ Se uma nova página foi criada com o mesmo nome desde a deleção, as revisões
"undeletebtn" => "Restaurar!",
"undeletedarticle" => " \"$1\" restaurado",
"undeletedtext" => "O artigo [[$1]] foi restaurado com sucesso.
-Veja [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
+Veja [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
# Contributions
@@ -841,7 +842,7 @@ Veja [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restoration
"blockip" => "Bloquear endereço de IP",
"blockiptext" => "Utilize o formulário de e-mail à seguir para bloquear o acesso a escrita de um endereço específico de IP.
-Isto só pode ser feito para previnir vandalismo , e em acordo com a [[Wikipedia:Policy|política da Wikipedia]].
+Isto só pode ser feito para previnir vandalismo , e em acordo com a [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|política da Wikipedia]].
Preencha com um motivo específico (por exemplo, citando páginas que sofreram vandalismo).",
"ipaddress" => "Endereço de IP",
"ipbreason" => "Motivo",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageRo.php b/languages/LanguageRo.php
index 3366b92b8023..cd1097a59432 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageRo.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageRo.php
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
1 => "Discuţie",
2 => "Utilizator",
3 => "Discuţie_Utilizator",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "Discuţie_Wikipedia",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => "Discuţie_".$wgMetaNamespace,
6 => "Imagine",
7 => "Discuţie_Imagine",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesRo = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Blochează adresa IP",
"Asksql" => "Efectuează un query în baza de date",
"Undelete" => "Afişează şi restaurează pagini şterse"
@@ -178,18 +179,18 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
"mainpagetext" => "Programul Wiki a fost instalat cu succes",
"about" => "Despre",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Despre Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:Despre",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Despre",
"help" => "Ajutor",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Ajutor",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ajutor",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Raportare probleme",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Rapoarte_probleme",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Rapoarte_probleme",
"sitesupport" => "Donaţii",
"sitesupportpage" => "", # If not set, won't appear. Can be wiki page or URL
"faq" => "Întrebări frecvente",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:Întrebări_frecvente",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Întrebări_frecvente",
"edithelp" => "Ajutor pentru editare",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Cum_să_editezi_o_pagină",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Cum_să_editezi_o_pagină",
"cancel" => "Renunţă",
"qbfind" => "Găseşte",
"qbbrowse" => "Răsfoieşte",
@@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
"gnunote" => "Tot textul este disponibil în termenii licenţei <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(De la",
"protectedpage" => "Pagină protejată",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Administratori",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administratori",
"sysoptitle" => "Aveţi nevoie de acces ca operator",
"sysoptext" => "Acţiunea pe care aţi încercat-o necesită drepturi de operator.
Vezi $1.",
@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ Vă rugăm să vă autentificaţi pe Wikipedia după ce o primiţi.",
"blockedtitle" => "Utilizatorul este blocat",
"blockedtext" => "Utilizatorul sau parola Dvs. au fost blocate de $1.
Motivul oferit pentru blocare a fost:<br>''$2''<p>Puteţi contacta pe $1 sau pe unul dintre ceilalţi
-[[Wikipedia:administratori|administratori]] pentru a discuta această blocare.",
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:administratori|administratori]] pentru a discuta această blocare.",
"whitelistedittitle" => "Este necesară autentificarea pentru a edita",
"whitelistedittext" => "Trebuie să vă [[Special:Userlogin|autentificaţi]] pentru a edita articole.",
"whitelistreadtitle" => "Este necesară autentificarea pentru a citi",
@@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ Motivul oferit pentru blocare a fost:<br>''$2''<p>Puteţi contacta pe $1 sau pe
"newarticletext" =>
"Aţi ajuns la o pagină care nu există.
Pentru a o crea, începeţi să scrieţi în caseta de mai jos
-(vezi [[Wikipedia:Ajutor|pagina de ajutor]] pentru mai multe informaţii).
+(vezi [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Ajutor|pagina de ajutor]] pentru mai multe informaţii).
Dacă aţi ajuns aici din greşeală, întoarceţi-vă folosind controalele browser-ului Dvs.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Aceasta este pagina de discuţii pentru un utilizator care nu şi-a creat un cont încă, sau care nu s-a autentificat. De aceea trebuie să folosim [[adresa IP]] pentru a identifica această persoană. O adresă IP poate fi împărţită între mai mulţi utilizatori. Dacă sunteţi un astfel de utilizator şi credeţi că vi se adresează mesaje irelevante, vă rugăm să [[Special:Userlogin|vă creaţi un cont sau să vă autentificaţi]] pentru a evita confuzii cu alţi utilizatori anonimi în viitor.'' ",
"noarticletext" => "(Nu există text în această pagină)",
@@ -417,7 +418,7 @@ deci vă nu veţi putea salva editările în acest moment. Puteţi copia textul
într-un fişier text local pentru a modifica conţinutul în Wikipedia când va fi posibil.",
"protectedpagewarning" => "ATENŢIE! Această pagină a fost blocată şi numai utilizatorii
cu privilegii de administrator o pot edita. Vă rugăm urmaţi sugestiile
-<a href='Wikipedia:Despre_pagini_protejate'>despre pagini protejate</a> când editaţi.",
+<a href='{$wgMetaNamespace}:Despre_pagini_protejate'>despre pagini protejate</a> când editaţi.",
# History pages
@@ -445,7 +446,7 @@ cu privilegii de administrator o pot edita. Vă rugăm urmaţi sugestiile
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Rezultatele căutării",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Searching",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Searching",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Căutare în Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "Pentru mai multe detalii despre căutarea în Wikipedia, vezi $1.",
"searchquery" => "Pentru căutarea \"$1\"",
@@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ Numărul intern de identificare este $2 (nu trebuie să-l reÅ£ineÅ£i decât dacÄ
"recentchanges" => "Schimbări recente",
"recentchangestext" => "Aceată pagină permite vizualizarea ultimelor modificări ale paginilor Wikipedia în română.
-[[Wikipedia:bun venit|Bun venit pe Wikipedia]]! Nu ezitaţi să vizitaţi secţiunile de [[Wikipedia:întrebări frecvente|întrebări frecvente]], [[Wikipedia:politica|politica Wikipedia]] (în special [[Wikipedia:convenţii pentru denumiri|convenţii pentru denumiri]] şi [[Wikipedia:punct de vedere neutru|punct de vedere neutru]]), şi cele mai comune [[Wikipedia:greşeli frecvente|greşeli în Wikipedia]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:bun venit|Bun venit pe Wikipedia]]! Nu ezitaţi să vizitaţi secţiunile de [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:întrebări frecvente|întrebări frecvente]], [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:politica|politica Wikipedia]] (în special [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:convenţii pentru denumiri|convenţii pentru denumiri]] şi [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:punct de vedere neutru|punct de vedere neutru]]), şi cele mai comune [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:greşeli frecvente|greşeli în Wikipedia]].
Este foarte important să nu adăugaţi în Wikipedia materiale protejate de [[drepturi de autor]]. Problemele legale rezultate ar putea prejudicia în mod serios proiectul în întregime, aşa că vă rugăm insistent să aveţi grijă să nu faceţi asta.",
"rcloaderr" => "Încarc ultimele modificări",
@@ -586,11 +587,11 @@ ca să trimiteţi fişiere.",
"uploaderror" => "Eroare la trimitere fiÅŸier",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> ÃŽnainte de a trimite un fiÅŸier aici,
vă rugăm să citiţi şi să respectaţi <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE("Wikipedia:Politica_de_utilizare_a_imaginilor" ) . "\">politica de utilizare a imaginilor</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE("{$wgMetaNamespace}:Politica_de_utilizare_a_imaginilor" ) . "\">politica de utilizare a imaginilor</a>.
<p>Pentru a vizualiza sau căuta imagini deja trimise, mergeţi la <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">lista de imagini</a>.
FiÅŸierele noi ÅŸi cele ÅŸterse sunt contorizate pe paginile de <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">raport de trimiteri</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">raport de trimiteri</a>.
<p>Folosiţi formularul de mai jos pentru a trimite imagini noi
pe care le veţi putea folosi pentru a vă ilustra articolele.
În majoritatea browserelor veţi vedea un buton \"Browse...\"
@@ -620,7 +621,7 @@ Toate datele/orele sunt afiÅŸate ca timp universal (UTC).
"filestatus" => "Statutul drepturilor de autor",
"filesource" => "Sursa",
"affirmation" => "Afirm că persoana care deţine drepturile de autor asupra acestui fişier este de acord cu termenii licenţei $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Drepturi_de_autor",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Drepturi_de_autor",
"copyrightpagename" => "Drepturi de autor în Wikipedia",
"uploadedfiles" => "FiÅŸiere trimise",
"noaffirmation" => "Trebuie să afirmaţi că fişierul pe care în trimiteţi nu violează drepturi de autor (trebuie să bifaţi căsuţa aferentă de pe pagina anterioară).",
@@ -681,7 +682,7 @@ Dintre aceÅŸtia <b>$2</b> sunt administratori (vezi $3).",
"maintnancepagetext" => "Această pagină conţine diverse unelte create pentru administrare cotidiană. Unele dintre acestea solicită în mod deosebit baza de date, aşa că vă rugăm să evitaţi suprasolicitarea lor.",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Înapoi la pagina administrativă",
"disambiguations" => "Pagini de dezambiguizare",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Legături_către_paginile_de_dezambiguizare",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Legături_către_paginile_de_dezambiguizare",
"disambiguationstext" => "Următoarele articole conţin legături către cel puţin o <i>pagină de dezambiguizare</i>. Legăturile respective ar trebui făcute către paginile specifice.<br>O pagină este considerată ca fiind de dezambiguizare dacă există o legătură în ea dinspre $1.<br>Legăturile dinspre alte secţiuni Wikipedia <i>nu sunt</i> luate în considerare aici.",
"doubleredirects" => "Redirectări duble",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Atenţie:</b> Această listă poate conţine articole care nu sunt în fapt duble redirectări. Asta înseamnă de obicei că există text adiţional sub primul #REDIRECT.<br>\nFiecare rând care conţine legături către prima sau a doua redirectare, ca şi prima linie din textul celei de-a doua redirectări, de obicei conţinând numele \"real\" al articolului ţintă, către care ar trebui să arate prima redirectare.",
@@ -808,7 +809,7 @@ pagini urmărite şi apăsaţi pe butonul corespunzător din partea de jos a pag
sau imagine din baza de date, împreună cu istoria asociată.
Vă rugăm să vă confirmaţi intenţia de a face asta, faptul că
înţelegeţi consecinţele acestei acţiuni şi faptul că o faceţi
-în conformitate cu [[Wikipedia:Politica]].",
+în conformitate cu [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Politica]].",
"confirmcheck" => "Da, chiar vreau să şterg.",
"actioncomplete" => "Acţiune finalizată",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" a fost ştearsă.
@@ -857,7 +858,7 @@ fi înlocuită automat de către versiunea recuperată.",
"undeletebtn" => "Recuperează!",
"undeletedarticle" => "\"$1\" a fost recuperat",
"undeletedtext" => "Articolul [[$1]] a fost recuperat.
-Vezi [[Wikipedia:Raport_ştergeri]] pentru o listă a ştergerilor şi recuperărilor recente.",
+Vezi [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Raport_ştergeri]] pentru o listă a ştergerilor şi recuperărilor recente.",
# Contributions
@@ -884,7 +885,7 @@ Vezi [[Wikipedia:Raport_ştergeri]] pentru o listă a ştergerilor şi recuperă
"blockip" => "Blocheză adresa IP",
"blockiptext" => "Folosiţi chestionarul de mai jos pentru a bloca
la scriere o adresă IP. Această funţie trebuie folosită numai pentru
-a preveni vandalismul conform [[Wikipedia:Politica|politicii Wikipedia]].
+a preveni vandalismul conform [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Politica|politicii Wikipedia]].
Includeţi un motiv specific mai jos (de exemplu citând paginile care
au fost vandalizate de acest utilizator).",
"ipaddress" => "Adresa IP",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageRu.php b/languages/LanguageRu.php
index 2fe4ad3628bb..18241649a64c 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageRu.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageRu.php
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ if($wgMetaNamespace === FALSE)
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesRu = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Заблокировать IP-адреÑ",
"Asksql" => "Сделать Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ðº базе данных",
"Undelete" => "ПоÑмотреть и воÑÑтановить Ñтёртые Ñтраницы"
diff --git a/languages/LanguageSc.php b/languages/LanguageSc.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..15ca4a17b787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/LanguageSc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+require_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
+# set "currentevents" => "-"
+# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
+# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
+# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
+/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesSc = array(
+ -1 => "Speciale",
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "Contièndha",
+ 2 => "Utente",
+ 3 => "Utente_discussioni",
+ 4 => "Wikipedia",
+ 5 => "Wikipedia_discussioni",
+ 6 => "Immàgini",
+ 7 => "Immàgini_contièndha"
+/* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsSc = array(
+ "Nessuno", "Fisso a sinistra", "Fisso a destra", "Fluttuante a sinistra"
+/* private */ $wgSkinNamesSc = array(
+ "Standard", "Nostalgia", "Cologne Blue"
+/* private */ $wgUserTogglesSc = array(
+ "hover" => "Mostra etichetta sui wiki-links",
+ "underline" => "Sottolinea links",
+ "highlightbroken" => "Evidenzia i links che puntano ad articoli ancora da scrivere",
+ "justify" => "Paragrafo: giustificato",
+ "hideminor" => "Nascondi le modifiche minori nella pagina \"Modifiche recenti\"",
+ "numberheadings" => "Auto-numerazione dei titoli di paragrafo",
+ "rememberpassword" => "Ricorda la password (non limitare a una sessione - richiede uso di cookies)",
+ "editwidth" => "Casella di edizione ampliata alla massima larghezza",
+ "editondblclick" => "Doppio click per modificare l'articolo (richiede JavaScript)",
+ "watchdefault" => "Notifica articoli nuovi e modificati",
+ "minordefault" => "Indica ogni modifica come minore (solo come predefinito)"
+/* These should be localized... any Italian online bookstores take ISBN searches? */
+/* private */ $wgBookstoreListSc = array(
+ "AddALL" => "$1&type=ISBN",
+ "PriceSCAN" => "$1",
+ "Barnes & Noble" => "$1",
+ "" => "$1"
+/* Just inherit the (mostly) native-language plus latinized formed */
+/* private */ $wgLanguageNamesSc = $wgLanguageNamesEn;
+/* private */ $wgWeekdayNamesSc = array(
+ "Domiga", "Lúnis", "Màrtis", "Mércuris", "Zóbia",
+ "Canàbara", "Sàudu"
+/* private */ $wgMonthNamesSc = array(
+ "Ghenàlliu", "Fiàrzu", "Màrtu", "Abríli", "Màzu", "Làmparas",
+ "Luglio", "Agosto", "Settembre", "Ottobre", "Novembre",
+ "Dicembre"
+/* private */ $wgMonthAbbreviationsSc = array(
+ "Gen", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mag", "Giu", "Lug", "Ago",
+ "Set", "Ott", "Nov", "Dic"
+# All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
+# will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
+# is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
+/* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesSc = array(
+ "Userlogin" => "", # These two intentionally left blank
+ "Userlogout" => "", #...
+ "Preferences" => "Preferenze Utente",
+ "Watchlist" => "Osservati Speciali",
+ "Recentchanges" => "Ultime pagine modificate",
+ "Upload" => "Salva immagini",
+ "Imagelist" => "Elenco Immagini",
+ "Listusers" => "Utenti registrati",
+ "Statistics" => "Statistiche del sito",
+ "Randompage" => "Un articolo a caso",
+ "Lonelypages" => "Articoli orfani",
+ "Unusedimages" => "Immagini orfane",
+ "Popularpages" => "Articoli più letti",
+ "Wantedpages" => "Articoli più richiesti",
+ "Shortpages" => "Articoli più corti",
+ "Longpages" => "Articoli più lunghi",
+ "Newpages" => "Articoli nuovi",
+ "Allpages" => "Tutti i titoli",
+ "Ipblocklist" => "Indirizzi IP bloccati",
+ "Maintenance" => "Pagina manutenzioni",
+ "Specialpages" => "", # From here on intentionally left blank!
+ "Contributions" => "",
+ "Emailuser" => "",
+ "Whatlinkshere" => "",
+ "Recentchangeslinked" => "",
+ "Movepage" => "",
+ "Booksources" => ""
+/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesSc = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
+ "Blockip" => "Blocca un indirizzo IP",
+ "Asksql" => "Interroga il database",
+ "Undelete" => "Leggi e ripara pagine cancellate"
+/* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesSc = array(
+ "Lockdb" => "Rendi il database read-only (di sola lettura, blocca le modifiche)",
+ "Unlockdb" => "Ripristina scrittura su database (lettura\/scrittura)",
+ "Debug" => "Informazioni per il Debugging"
+/* private */ $wgAllMessagesSc = array(
+# Bits of text used by many pages:
+"linktrail" => "/^([a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD",
+"mainpage" => "Wikipedia",
+"about" => "A proposito di ",
+"aboutwikipedia" => "A proposito di Wikipedia",
+"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:About",
+"help" => "Aiuto",
+"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Aiuto",
+"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
+"bugreports" => "Segnalazioni di malfunzionamento",
+"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Malfunzionamenti",
+"faq" => "FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:FAQ",
+"edithelp" => "Guida per la modifica o la scrittura di un articolo",
+"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Come_scrivere_un_articolo",
+"cancel" => "Cancella",
+"qbfind" => "Trova",
+"qbbrowse" => "Sfoglia",
+"qbedit" => "Modifica",
+"qbpageoptions" => "Opzioni pagina",
+"qbpageinfo" => "Informazioni sulla pagina",
+"qbmyoptions" => "Le mie preferenze",
+"mypage" => "La mia pagina",
+"mytalk" => "Le mie discussioni",
+"currentevents" => "Attualità",
+"errorpagetitle" => "Errore",
+"returnto" => "Torna a $1.",
+"fromwikipedia" => "Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.",
+"whatlinkshere" => "Pagine che linkano questa",
+"help" => "Aiuto",
+"search" => "Cerca",
+"history" => "Versioni precedenti",
+"printableversion" => "Versione stampabile",
+"editthispage" => "Modifica questo articolo",
+"deletethispage" => "Cancella questa pagina",
+"protectthispage" => "Proteggi questa pagina",
+"unprotectthispage" => "Togli la protezione a questa pagina",
+"talkpage" => "Discussione sull'articolo ",
+"articlepage" => "Leggi articolo",
+"subjectpage" => "Vedi articolo ", # For compatibility
+"userpage" => "Vedi pagina Utente",
+"wikipediapage" => "Vedi pagina meta ",
+"imagepage" => "Vedi pagina immagine",
+"otherlanguages" => "Altre lingue",
+"redirectedfrom" => "(Reindirizzamento da $1)",
+"lastmodified" => "Ultima modifica il $1.",
+"viewcount" => "Questo articolo è stato letto $1 volte.",
+"gnunote" => "Questa pagina è disponibile in licenza <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU FDL</a>.",
+"printsubtitle" => "(Articolo di",
+"protectedpage" => "Pagina protetta",
+"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Amministratori",
+"sysoptitle" => "Riservato Sysop",
+"sysoptext" => "Questa operazione può essere eseguita solo da Utenti con grado di \"sysop\".
+Vedi $1.",
+"developertitle" => "Riservato agli sviluppatori",
+"developertext" => " Questa operazione può essere eseguita solo da Utenti con grado di \"developer\".
+Vedi $1.",
+"nbytes" => "$1 bytes",
+"go" => "Vai",
+"ok" => "OK",
+"sitetitle" => "Wikipedia",
+"sitesubtitle" => "Sa Entzicropedia Iscóita",
+"retrievedfrom" => "Ricavato da \"$1\"",
+# Main script and global functions
+"nosuchaction" => "Operazione non riconosciuta",
+"nosuchactiontext" => "L'operazione richiesta con la URL immessa non è stata riconosciuta dal software di Wikipedia",
+"nosuchspecialpage" => "Nessuna simile pagina speciale è disponibile",
+"nospecialpagetext" => "Hai richiesto una pagina speciale che non è stata riconosciuta dal software di Wikipedia, o che non è disponibile.",
+# General errors
+"error" => "Errore",
+"databaseerror" => "Errore del database ",
+"dberrortext" => "Errore di sintassi nella richiesta inoltrata al database. Potrebbe trattarsi di una richiesta non consentita (vedi $5),
+oppure potrebbe esserci un errore software.
+L'ultima richiesta inoltrata al database è stata:
+dalla funzione \"<tt>$2</tt>\".
+MySQL ha restituito un errore \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".",
+"noconnect" => "Connessione al database fallita su $1",
+"nodb" => "Selezione del database $1 fallita",
+"readonly" => "Accesso al database temporaneamente disabilitato",
+"enterlockreason" => "Fornisci una spiegazione sui motivi del blocco, includendo le probabili data ed ora di riattivazione o di rimozione del blocco.",
+"readonlytext" => "Il database di Wikipedia è al momento bloccato, e non consente nuove immissioni né modifiche, molto probabilmente per manutenzione server, nel qual caso il database sarà presto di nuovo completamente accessibile.
+L/'amministratore di sistema che ha imposto il blocco, ha lasciato questa nota:
+"missingarticle" => "Il database non ha trovato il testo di una pagina, che invece avrebbe dovuto trovare, intitolata \"$1\".
+Questo non è un errore del database, ma più probabilmente un problema del software.
+Per favore, segnalate l'accaduto ad un administrator, segnalando la URL e l'ora dell'incidente.",
+"internalerror" => "Errore interno",
+"filecopyerror" => "Non è stato possibile copiare il file \"$1\" come \"$2\".",
+"filerenameerror" => "Non è stato possibile rinominare il file \"$1\" in \"$2\".",
+"filedeleteerror" => "Non è stato possibile cancellare il file \"$1\".",
+"filenotfound" => " Non è stato possibile trovare il file \"$1\".",
+"unexpected" => "Valore imprevisto: \"$1\"=\"$2\".",
+"formerror" => "Errore: il modulo non è stato inviato correttamente",
+"badarticleerror" => "Questa operazione non è consentita su questa pagina.",
+"cannotdelete" => "Impossibile cancellare la pagina o l'immagine richiesta.",
+"badtitle" => "Titolo non corretto",
+"badtitletext" => "La pagina richiesta non è disponibile, potrebbe essere non valida, vuota, o potrebbe trattarsi di un errore in un link interlinguistico o fra diverse versioni di Wikipedia.",
+"perfdisabled" => "Siamo davvero rammaricati, ma questa funzionalità è temporaneamente disabilitata durante le ore di maggiore accesso al database per ragioni di accessibilità al resto del sito! Torna fra le 02:00 e le 14:00 UTC e riprova. Grazie.",
+# Login and logout pages
+"logouttitle" => "Logout Utente",
+"logouttext" => "Logout effettuato.
+Ora puoi continuare ad usare Wikipedia come utente anonimo (ma il tuo indirizzo IP resterà riconoscibile), oppure puoi nuovamente richiedere il login con il precedente username, oppure come uno diverso.\n",
+"welcomecreation" => "<h2>Benvenuto, $1!</h2><p>Il tuo account è stato creato con successo.<br>Grazie per aver scelto di far crescere Wikipedia con il tuo aiuto.<br>Per rendere Wikipedia più tua, e per usarla più scorrevolmente, non dimenticare di personalizzare le tue preferenze.",
+"loginpagetitle" => "Login",
+"yourname" => "Il tuo user name",
+"yourpassword" => "La tua password",
+"yourpasswordagain" => "Ripeti la password",
+"newusersonly" => " (solo per nuovi Utenti)",
+"remembermypassword" => "Ricorda la mia password per più sessioni (richiede uso dei cookies).",
+"loginproblem" => "<b>Si è verificato un errore durante il tuo tentativo di login.</b><br>Riprova, sarai più fortunato!",
+"alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=red><b>Ehi, Utente $1, hai già fatto il login, sei già connesso al nostro server!</b></font><br>\n",
+"areyounew" => "Se sei nuovo in Wikipedia e desideri creare un nuovo user account, immetti uno user name (che sarà il tuo nome per Wikipedia, poi digita una password e ripetila nella casella successiva.<br>
+Indicare un indirizzo e-mail non è obbligatorio, solo facoltativo (sebbene consigliato).<br>Se per caso perdessi la tua password, potrai richiedere che ti sia rispedita alla casella di posta elettronica che ci fornirai.<br>\n",
+"login" => "Log in",
+"userlogin" => "Log in",
+"logout" => "Log out",
+"userlogout" => "Log out",
+"createaccount" => "Crea nuovo account",
+"badretype" => "Le password che hai immesso non coincidono, sono diverse fra loro.",
+"userexists" => "Siamo spiacenti. Lo user name che hai scelto è già usato da un altro Utente. Ti preghiamo perciò di voler scegliere uno user name diverso.",
+"youremail" => "La tua e-mail",
+"yournick" => "Il tuo diminutivo o soprannome (per le firme)",
+"emailforlost" => "Se per caso ti dimenticassi della tua password, ne potresti ricevere una nuova di zecca presso la casella e-mail che ci hai indicato.",
+"loginerror" => "Errore di Login",
+"noname" => "Lo user name indicato non è valido, non è possibile creare un account a questo nome.",
+"loginsuccesstitle" => "Login effettuato con successo!",
+"loginsuccess" => "Sei stato ammesso alla connessione al server di Wikipedia con il nome utente di \"$1\".",
+"nosuchuser" => "Attenzione<br><br>a seguito di verifica, non ci risulta alcun Utente con il nome di \"$1\".<br><br>
+Controlla per favore il nome digitato, oppure usa il modulo qui sotto per creare un nuovo user account.",
+"wrongpassword" => "La password immessa non è corretta.<br><br>Riprova, per favore.",
+"mailmypassword" => "Spediscimi una nuova password in posta elettronica",
+"passwordremindertitle" => "Servizio Password Reminder di Wikipedia",
+"passwordremindertext" => "Qualcuno (probabilmente tu, con indirizzo IP $1)
+ha richiesto l'invio di una nuova password per il login a Wikipedia.
+La password per l'Utente \"$2\" è ora \"$3\".
+Per evidenti ragioni di sicurezza, dovresti fare un log in il prima possibile, e cambiare la password immediatamente.",
+"noemail" => "Nessuna casella e-mail risulta registrata per l'Utente \"$1\".",
+"passwordsent" => "Una nuova password è stata inviata alla casella e-mail registrata per l'Utente \"$1\".
+Per favore, fai subito un log in non appena la ricevi.",
+# Edit pages
+"summary" => "Oggetto",
+"minoredit" => "Questa è una modifica minore",
+"watchthis" => "Tieni d'occhio questo articolo",
+"savearticle" => "Salva la pagina",
+"preview" => "Anteprima",
+"showpreview" => "Visualizza Anteprima",
+"blockedtitle" => "Questo User name corrisponde purtroppo ad un Utente che è stato disabilitato alla modifica degli articoli.",
+"blockedtext" => "Il tuo User name o il tuo indirizzo IP sono stati bloccati da $1.<br>
+La motivazione del blocco è la seguente:<br>:''$2''<p>Se lo desideri, puoi contattare $1, o uno degli altri
+[[Wikipedia:administrators|administrators]] per discutere del blocco.",
+"newarticle" => "(Nuovo)",
+"newarticletext" => "Scrivi qui il tuo testo.",
+"noarticletext" => "(L'articolo è vuoto, potresti gentilmente iniziare l'articolo oppure richiedere la cancellazione di questa pagina)",
+"updated" => "(Aggiornato)",
+"note" => "<strong>Nota:</strong> ",
+"previewnote" => "Tieni presente che questa è solo una ANTEPRIMA, e che la tua versione non è ancora stata salvata!",
+"previewconflict" => "Questa anteprima rappresenta il testo nella casella di edizione di sopra, l'articolo apparirà n questa forma se sceglierai di salvare la pagina.",
+"editing" => "Modifica di $1",
+"editconflict" => "Conflitto di edizione: $1",
+"explainconflict" => "Qualcun altro ha salvato una sua versione dell'articolo nel tempo in cui tu stavi preparando la tua versione.<br>
+La casella di modifica di sopra contiene il testo dell'articolo nella sua forma attuale (cioè il testo attualmente online). Le tue modifiche sono invece contenute nella casella di modifica inferiore.
+Dovrai inserire, se lo desideri, le tue modifiche nel testo esistente, e perciò scriverle nella casella di sopra.
+<b>Soltanto</b> il testo nella casella di sopra sarà sakvato se premerai il bottone \"Salva\".\n<p>",
+"yourtext" => "Il tuo testo",
+"storedversion" => "Versione in archivio",
+"editingold" => "<strong>ATTENZIONE: Stai modificando una versione dell'articolo non aggiornata.
+Se la salvi così, tutti i cambiamenti apportati dopo questa revisione verranno persi per sempre.</strong>\n",
+"yourdiff" => "Differenze",
+"copyrightwarning" => "Nota, per favore, che tutti i contributi a Wikipedia si considerano rilasciati sotto licenza di tipo GNU Free Documentation License
+(vedi $1 per maggiori dettagli).
+Se non vuoi che il tuo testo possa essere modificato e ridistribuito da chiunque senza pietà e senza altri limiti, allora non inviarlo a Wikipedia, ma realizza piuttosto un tuo sito web personale.<br>
+Con l'invio di questo testo stai garantendo, a tua responsabilità, che il testo è stato scritto da te personalmente ed originalmente, oppure che è stato copiato da una fonte di publico dominio, o una simile fonte, oppure che hai ottenuto espressa autorizzazione ad usare questo testo e che puoi dimostrarlo.
+# History pages
+"revhistory" => "Cronologia delle versioni di questa pagina.",
+"nohistory" => "Cronologia delle versioni di questa pagina non reperibile.",
+"revnotfound" => "Versione non trovata ",
+"revnotfoundtext" => "La versione precedente di questo articolo che hai richiesto, non è stata trovata.
+Controlla per favore la URL che hai usato per accedere a questa pagina.\n",
+"loadhist" => "Caricamento cronologia di questa pagina",
+"currentrev" => "Versione attuale",
+"revisionasof" => "Revisione $1",
+"cur" => "corr",
+"next" => "succ",
+"last" => "prec",
+"orig" => "orig",
+"histlegend" => "Legend: (corr) = differenze con la versione corrente,
+(prec) = differenze con la versione precedente, M = modifica minore",
+# Diffs
+"difference" => "(Differenze fra le revisioni)",
+"loadingrev" => "caricamento revisione per differenze",
+"lineno" => "Riga $1:",
+"editcurrent" => "Modifica la versione corrente di questa pagina",
+# Search results
+"searchresults" => "Risultato della ricerca",
+"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Ricerca",
+"searchingwikipedia" => "Ricerca in Wikipedia",
+"searchresulttext" => "Per maggiori informazioni sulla ricerca interna di Wikipedia, vedi $1.",
+"searchquery" => "Richiesta \"$1\"",
+"badquery" => "Richiesta mal inoltrata ",
+"badquerytext" => "La tua richiesta non ha potuto essere processata.
+Questo potrebbe dipendere dall'aver ricercato una parola di meno di tre caratteri.
+Oppure potresti aver scritto male la richiesta, per esempio \"pesce and and azzurro\".
+Per favore, riprova.",
+"matchtotals" => "La ricerca per la voce \"$1\" ha trovato<br>$2 riscontri nei titoli degli articoli e<br>$3 riscontri nei testi degli articoli.",
+"titlematches" => "Nei titoli degli articoli",
+"notitlematches" => "Voce richiesta non trovata in titoli di articolo",
+"textmatches" => "Nel testo degli articoli ",
+"notextmatches" => "Voce richiesta non trovata in testi di articolo",
+"prevn" => "precedenti $1",
+"nextn" => "successivi $1",
+"viewprevnext" => "Vedi ($1) ($2) ($3).",
+"showingresults" => "Qui di seguito <b>$1</b> risultati, partendo dal numero #<b>$2</b>.",
+"nonefound" => "<strong>Nota</strong>: la ricerca di parole troppo comuni, come \"avere\" o \"essere\", che non sono indicizzate, può causare un esito negativo, così come indicare più di un termine da ricercare (solo le pagine che contengano tutti i termini ricercati verrebbero infatti visualizzate fra i risultati).",
+"powersearch" => "Ricerca",
+"powersearchtext" => "
+Cerca fra i campi :<br>
+$2 Elenca i redirects &nbsp; cerca per $3 $9",
+# Preferences page
+"preferences" => "Preferenze",
+"prefsnologin" => "Non hai eseguito il login",
+"prefsnologintext" => "Devi avere eseguito il <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">login</a>
+per poter personalizzare le tue preferenze.",
+"prefslogintext" => "Sei connesso a Wikipedia come \"$1\".
+Il tuo numero identificativo (ID) interno è $2.",
+"prefsreset" => "Le tue Preferenze sono state ripescate dalla memoria di sistema del potente server di Wikipedia.",
+"qbsettings" => "Settaggio della barra menu",
+"changepassword" => "Cambia password",
+"skin" => "Aspetto",
+"saveprefs" => "Salva preferenze",
+"resetprefs" => "Resetta preferenze",
+"oldpassword" => "Vecchia password",
+"newpassword" => "Nuova password",
+"retypenew" => "Riscrivi qui la nuova password",
+"textboxsize" => "Dimensione della casella di edizione ",
+"rows" => "Righe",
+"columns" => "Colonne",
+"searchresultshead" => "Settaggio delle preferenze per la ricerca ",
+"resultsperpage" => "Risultati da visualizzare per pagina",
+"contextlines" => "Righe di testo da mostrare per ciascun risultato",
+"contextchars" => "Caratteri per linea",
+"stubthreshold" => "Threshold for stub display",
+"recentchangescount" => "Numero di titoli nelle \"modifiche recenti\" ",
+"savedprefs" => "Le tue preferenze sono state salvate.",
+"timezonetext" => "Immetti il numero di ore di differenza fra la tua ora locale e la ora del server (UTC).",
+"localtime" => "Ora Locale",
+"timezoneoffset" => "Offset",
+"emailflag" => "Nascondi la mia e-mail agli altri utenti",
+# Recent changes
+"recentchanges" => "Ultime Modifiche",
+"recentchangestext" => "Segui in questa pagina le ultime modifiche apportate agli articoli di Wikipedia.
+Leggi anche queste pagine: [[wikipedia:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
+[[Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines|la policy di Wikipedia]]
+(specialmente [[wikipedia:Convenzioni di nomenclatura| Convenzioni di nomenclatura]],
+[[wikipedia:Neutral point of view|oggettività e neutralità]]),
+e [[wikipedia:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|facili errori nell'uso di Wikipedia]].
+Se tieni al successo di questo progetto, è molto importante che eviti di immettere materiale coperto da diritti di autore ([[wikipedia:Copyrights|copyrights]]).
+Gli aspetti legali connessi potrebbero dare fastidio a noi ed a te personalmente, perciò controlla bene che quanto scrivi sia di [[pubblico dominio]], o prova ad ottenere le relative autorizzazioni, che in genere vengono concesse molto facilmente. Vedi anche [ recent meta discussion].",
+"rcloaderr" => "Caricamento modifiche recenti ",
+"rcnote" => "Qui di seguito sono elencate le ultime <strong>$1</strong> pagine modificate negli ultimi <strong>$2</strong> giorni.",
+"rcnotefrom" => " Qui di seguito sono elencate le modifiche da <b>$2</b> (fino a <b>$1</b>).",
+"rclistfrom" => "Mostra modifiche a partire da $1",
+# "rclinks" => "Mostra le ultime $1 modifiche nelle ultime $2 ore / negli ultimi $3 giorni",
+"rclinks" => " Mostra le ultime $1 modifiche negli ultimi $2 giorni.",
+"rchide" => "in $4 form; $1 modifiche minori; $2 secondary namespaces; $3 modifiche multiple.",
+"diff" => "diff",
+"hist" => "cron",
+"hide" => "nascondi",
+"show" => "mostra",
+"tableform" => "tabella",
+"listform" => "elenco",
+"nchanges" => "$1 modifiche",
+"minoreditletter" => "M",
+"newpageletter" => "N",
+# Upload
+"upload" => "Upload file",
+"uploadbtn" => "Upload file",
+"uploadlink" => "Upload immagini",
+"reupload" => "Ri-upload",
+"reuploaddesc" => "Torna al modulo per lo upload.",
+"uploadnologin" => "Devi fare il login per eseguire questa operazione.",
+"uploadnologintext" => "Devi eseguire <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">il login</a>
+per fare lo upload di files.",
+"uploadfile" => "Upload file",
+"uploaderror" => "Errore di Upload",
+"uploadtext" => "<strong>FERMA!</strong> Prima di effettuare un upload su Wikipedia, accertati di avere ben letto e soprattutto compreso <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">le regole di Wikipedia sull'uso delle immagini</a>.
+<p>Per visualizzare o cercare immagini precedentemente caricate su Wikipedia, vai alla <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
+"\">lista delle immagini già caricate</a>.
+Uploads e cancellazioni delle immagini sono registrati nello <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
+<p>Usa il modulo sottostante per caricare nuovi files immagine da utilizzare per arricchire ed illustrare i tuoi articoli.
+Sulla maggior parte dei browsers, dovresti vedere un bottone con la scritta \"Browse...\" (oppure \"Sfoglia...\", che aprirà una comune finestra di dialogo.
+Scegliendo uno dei files sul tuo PC, il nome di questo file verrà scritto in automatico nella casella di testo a fianco al bottone.
+Devi anche selezionare la casellina nella quale affermi che con questo upload non stai violando nessun copyright.
+Premi poi il bottone \"Upload\" per completare il caricamento.
+Il caricamento può richiedere qualche minuto se hai una connessione ad Internet lenta, o se l'immagine è eccessivamente pesante (sconsigliato).
+<p>I formati immagine preferibili sono il JPEG per immagini fotografiche, il PNG
+per disegni ed altre immagini iconiche o simboliche, il OGG per i suoni.
+Per cortesia, rinomina i tuoi files, prima di caricarli, usando un nome il più possibile descrittivo del contenuto, così da evitare confusioni.
+Per inserire la nuova immagine in un articolo, usa semplicemente un link nella forma
+<b>[[image:file.jpg]]</b> o <b>[[image:file.png|alt text, testo alternativo]]</b>
+o <b>[[media:file.ogg]]</b> per i suoni.
+<p>Tieni presente che, come per tutte le pagine di Wikipedia, chiunque può modificare o sostituire o cancellare i tuoi files ove ritenga che ciò sia negli interessi della nostra enciclopedia. Tieni anche presente che, in caso di abuso, o di sovraccarico sul sistema, potresti essere bloccato (oltre ad essere perseguito per le connesse responsabilità).",
+"uploadlog" => "upload log",
+"uploadlogpage" => "Upload_log",
+"uploadlogpagetext" => "Qui di seguito la lista degli ultimi files caricati sul server di Wikipedia.
+Tutti i tempi indicati sono calcolati sul fuso orario del server (UTC).
+"filename" => "Nome del file",
+"filedesc" => "Oggetto",
+"affirmation" => "Io dichiaro che il titolare dei diritti di autore (copyright, (c)) su questo file consente a cederlo in licenza di uso nei termini del $1.",
+"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Copyrights",
+"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia copyright",
+"uploadedfiles" => "Files Caricati in Wikipedia",
+"noaffirmation" => "Devi dichiarare che il caricamento di questo file non viola, in alcun modo, alcun tipo di diritto altrui, e segnatamente non infrange nessun diritto di autore (copyright - (c)).",
+"ignorewarning" => "Ignora le avvertenze e salva comunque il file.",
+"minlength" => "I nomi dei file immagine debbono essere lunghi almeno tre caratteri, ma è preferibile usare nomi lumghi, purché descrittivi.",
+"badfilename" => "Il nome del file immagine è stato convertito in \"$1\".",
+"badfiletype" => "\".$1\" non è un tipo di file raccomandato per le immagini, almeno ai nostri fini.",
+"largefile" => "Il peso raccomandato per le immagini deve essere inferiore a 100kb.",
+"successfulupload" => "Caricamento completato",
+"fileuploaded" => "File \"$1\" correttamente caricato sul server.
+Segui questo link: ($2) per modificare la pagina di descrizione del file che hai appena caricato, e immetti le informazioni che ritieni opportune (cosa rappresenta, dove lo hai trovato, chi lo ha creato e quando, etc) oltre ad una nota circa la situazione di copyright sul file. Non omettere la nota sul copytright, o il file verrebbe cancellato molto presto. ",
+"uploadwarning" => "Avviso di Upload",
+"savefile" => "Salva file",
+"uploadedimage" => "caricato \"$1\"",
+# Image list
+"imagelist" => "Lista delle immagini",
+"imagelisttext" => "Qui di seguito una lista di $1 immagini, ordinate per $2.",
+"getimagelist" => "ricerca nella lista delle immagini ",
+"ilshowmatch" => "Mostra tutte le immagini con nomi di file corrispondenti alla ricerca",
+"ilsubmit" => "Cerca",
+"showlast" => "Mostra le ultime $1 immagini ordinate per $2.",
+"all" => "completezza",
+"byname" => "nome",
+"bydate" => "data",
+"bysize" => "peso",
+"imgdelete" => "canc",
+"imgdesc" => "desc",
+"imglegend" => "Legenda: (desc) = mostra/modifica descrizione immagine.",
+"imghistory" => "Storia di questa immagine",
+"revertimg" => "ripr",
+"deleteimg" => "canc",
+"imghistlegend" => "Legenda: (cur) = immagine corrente, (canc) = cancella questa vecchia versione, (ripr) = ripristina questa vecchia versione come versione attuale.
+<br><i>Clicca su una data per vedere tutte le immagini che sono state caricate in quella data </i>.",
+"imagelinks" => "Link alle immagini",
+"linkstoimage" => "Le pagine seguenti linkano questa immagine:",
+"nolinkstoimage" => "Nessuna pagina linka questa immagine.",
+# Statistics
+"statistics" => "Statistiche",
+"sitestats" => "Statistiche del sito",
+"userstats" => "Statistiche del nostro Wikipediano",
+"sitestatstext" => "Ci sono ben <b>$1</b> pagine nel database.
+Questa cifra comprende le pagine \"talk\" (discussione), pagine su Wikipedia, articoli esigui (\"stub\"), redirects, e altre pagine che probabilmente non andrebbero conteggiate fra gli articoli.
+Escludendo queste, ci sono ben <b>$2</b> pagine che sono con buona probabilità propriamente degli articoli.<p>
+Ci sono state un totale di <b>$3</b> pagine viste, e <b>$4</b> modifiche agli articoli da quando il software è stato potenziato (Dicembre, 2002).
+Questa media rivela che ci sono state una media di <b>$5</b> modifiche per ciascun articolo, e che l'articolo è stato letto <b>$6</b> volte per ciascuna modifica.",
+"userstatstext" => "Ci sono <b>$1</b> Utenti registrati ([[Wikipediani]]).
+<b>$2</b> di questi hanno il grado di amministratori (vedi $3).",
+# Maintenance Page
+"maintenance" => "Pagina manutenzioni",
+"maintnancepagetext" => "In questa pagina sono elencati alcuni utili strumenti per una comoda manutenzione quotidiana della nostra enciclopedia. Alcune delle funzioni tendono a stressare il database, assorbendo molte risorse, perciò non fatene un uso continuo: non aggiornate le pagine (reload, refresh) subito dopo ogni singolo intervento. ;-)",
+"maintenancebacklink" => "Torna alla pagina manutenzione",
+"disambiguations" => "Disambiguation pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationstext" => "The following articles link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
+"doubleredirects" => "Doppi Redirects",
+"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attenzione:</b> Questa lista può talvolta contenere dei risultati non corretti. Ciò potrebbe magari accadere perchè vi sono del testo aggiuntivo o dei link dopo il tag #REDIRECT.<br>\nOgni riga contiene i link al primo ed al secondo redirect, oltre alla prima riga di testo del secondo redirect che di solito contiene il \"reale\" articolo di destinazione, quello al quale anche il primo redirect dovrebbe puntare.",
+"brokenredirects" => "Redirects errati",
+"brokenredirectstext" => "I seguenti redirects puntano ad articoli non ancora creati.",
+"selflinks" => "Pagine con Auto-Links",
+"selflinkstext" => "Le pagine seguenti contengono link che puntano a sé stesse, e in questo caso occorre eliminare questi auto-links.",
+"mispeelings" => "Pagine con errori di ortografia ",
+"mispeelingstext" => "Le pagine che seguono contengono errori comuni di ortografia, che sono elencati alla pagina $1. ",
+"mispeelingspage" => "Lista di comuni errori di ortografia",
+"missinglanguagelinks" => "Link interlinguistici mancanti",
+"missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "Trova i Link interlinguistici da aggiungere per ",
+"missinglanguagelinkstext" => "Questi articoli <i>non</i> hanno link verso i corrispondenti articoli in $1. Redirects e sub-pagine <i>non</i> sono elencati.",
+# Miscellaneous special pages
+"orphans" => "Pagine orfane",
+"lonelypages" => "Pagine solitarie",
+"unusedimages" => "Immagini non utilizzate",
+"popularpages" => "Pagine più viste",
+"nviews" => "$1 visite",
+"wantedpages" => "Articoli più richiesti",
+"nlinks" => "$1 links",
+"allpages" => "Tutte le pagine",
+"randompage" => "Una pagina a caso",
+"shortpages" => "Pagine corte",
+"longpages" => "Pagine lunghe",
+"listusers" => "Elenco degli Utenti",
+"specialpages" => "Pagine speciali",
+"spheading" => "Pagine speciali",
+"sysopspheading" => "Pagine speciali riservate ai sysop",
+"developerspheading" => " Pagine speciali riservate ai developer",
+"protectpage" => "Proteggi questa pagina ",
+"recentchangeslinked" => "Modifiche correlate",
+"rclsub" => "(alle pagine linkate da \"$1\")",
+"debug" => "Debug",
+"newpages" => "Pagine nuove",
+"movethispage" => "Sposta questa pagina",
+"unusedimagestext" => "<p>Nota che altri siti web, come la Wikipedia internazionale, potrebbero aver messo un link ad una immagine per mezzo di una URL diretta, perciò le immagini potrebbero essere listate qui anche essendo magari in uso.",
+"booksources" => "Book sources",
+"booksourcetext" => "Below is a list of links to other sites that
+sell new and used books, and may also have further information
+about books you are looking for.
+Wikipedia is not affiliated with any of these businesses, and
+this list should not be construed as an endorsement.",
+# Email this user
+"mailnologin" => "No send address",
+"mailnologintext" => "Devi fare il <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">login</a>
+ed aver registrato una valida casella e-mail nelle tue <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Preferences" ) . "\">preferenze</a> per mandare posta elettronica ad altri Utenti.",
+"emailuser" => "Manda una E-mail a questo Utente",
+"emailpage" => "E-mail user",
+"emailpagetext" => "Se questo Utente ha registrato una valida casella e-mail, il modulo qui sotto ti consentirà di scrivergli un solo messaggio.
+La e-mail che hai indicato nelle tue preferenze apparirà nel campo \"From\" della mail, così che il destinatario possa, solo se lo desidera però, risponderti.",
+"noemailtitle" => "Nessun indirizzo e-mail",
+"noemailtext" => "Questo Utente non ha registrato alcuna casella e-mail,
+oppure ha scelto di non ricevere posta elettronica dagli altri Utenti.",
+"emailfrom" => "From",
+"emailto" => "To",
+"emailsubject" => "Subject",
+"emailmessage" => "Message",
+"emailsend" => "Send",
+"emailsent" => "E-mail inviata",
+"emailsenttext" => "La tua e-mail è stata inviata.",
+# Watchlist
+"watchlist" => "Osservati Speciali",
+"watchlistsub" => "(per l'Utente \"$1\")",
+"nowatchlist" => "Non hai indicato articoli da tenere d'occhio.",
+"watchnologin" => "Manca il login",
+"watchnologintext" => "Devi prima fare il <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">login</a>
+per modificare la tua lista di osservati speciali.",
+"addedwatch" => "Aggiunto agli Osservati Speciali",
+"addedwatchtext" => " La pagina \"$1\" è stata aggiunta alla tua <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Watchlist" ) . "\"> lista di osservati speciali </a>.
+Le future modifiche a questa pagina ed alla relativa pagina di discussione saranno elencate qui, e la pagina apparirà in <b>grassetto</b> nella pagina delle <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Recentchanges" ) . "\">modifiche recenti</a> per essere più facile da tener d'occhio.</p>
+<p>Se in seguito vorrai togliere questo articolo dalla tua lista di osservati speciali, clicca \" Smetti di seguire \" nella barra dei menu.",
+"removedwatch" => "Rimosso dalla lista degli Osservati Speciali",
+"removedwatchtext" => "La pagina \"$1\" è stata rimossa dalla lista degli Osservati Speciali.",
+"watchthispage" => "Segui questo articolo",
+"unwatchthispage" => "Smetti di seguire",
+"notanarticle" => "Non è un articolo",
+# Delete/protect/revert
+"deletepage" => "Cancella pagina",
+"confirm" => "Conferma",
+"confirmdelete" => "Conferma cancellazione",
+"deletesub" => "(Cancellazione di \"$1\")",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "Stai per cancellare permanentemente dal database una pagina o una immagine, insieme a tutta la sua cronologia.
+Per cortesia, conferma che è tua intenzione procedere a tale cancellazione, conferma che hai piena consapevolezza delle conseguenze della tua azione, e conferma che la tua azione è pienamente ottemperante alle regole stabilite nella
+"confirmcheck" => "Sì, voglio davvero procedere con la cancellazione della pagina.",
+"actioncomplete" => "Azione completata",
+"deletedtext" => "La pagina \"$1\" è stata cancellata.
+Vedi $2 per un elenco delle pagine cancellate di recente.",
+"deletedarticle" => "Cancellata \"$1\"",
+"dellogpage" => "Deletion_log",
+"dellogpagetext" => "Qui di seguito, un elenco delle pagine cancellate di recente.
+Tutti i tempi sono in ora del server (UTC).
+"deletionlog" => "deletion log",
+"reverted" => "Ripristinata versione precedente",
+"deletecomment" => "Motivazione della cancellazione ",
+"imagereverted" => "Versione precedente correttamente ripristinata.",
+"rollback" => "Usa una revisione precdente",
+"cantrollback" => "Impossibile tornare ad una versione precedente: l'ultima modifica è stata apportata dall'unico utente che abbia lavorato a questo articolo.",
+"revertpage" => "Riportata alla revisione precedente da $1",
+# Undelete
+"undelete" => "Recupera una pagina cancellata",
+"undeletepage" => "Vedi e recupera pagine cancellate ",
+"undeletepagetext" => "Le pagine qui di seguito indicate sono state cancellate, ma sono ancora in archivio e pertanto possono essere recuperate. L'archivio viene svuotato periodicamente.",
+"undeletearticle" => "Recupera un articolo cancellato",
+"undeleterevisions" => "$1 revisioni in archivio",
+"undeletehistory" => "Se recuperi questo articolo, tutte le sue revisioni verranno recuperate nella relativa cronologia.
+Se una nuova pagina è stata creata con questo stesso nome dopo la cancellazione, le revisioni recuperate saranno inserite nella cronologia e la versione attualmente online della pagina non verrà modificata.",
+"undeleterevision" => "Cancellata revisione $1",
+"undeletebtn" => "RIPRISTINA!",
+"undeletedarticle" => "Recuperata \"$1\"",
+"undeletedtext" => "La pagina [[$1]] è stata recuperata.
+Vedi [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] per un elenco delle pagine cancellate e recuperate di recente.",
+# Contributions
+"contributions" => "Contributi di questo Utente",
+"contribsub" => "Per $1",
+"nocontribs" => "Nessuna modifica trovata conformemente a questi criteri.",
+"ucnote" => "Qui sotto troverai le ultime <b>$1</b> modifiche effettuate da questo Utente negli ultimi <b>$2</b> giorni.",
+"uclinks" => "Vedi le ultime $1 modifiche; vedi gli ultimi $2 giorni.",
+"uctop" => " (ultima per la pagina)" ,
+# What links here
+"whatlinkshere" => "Pagine che linkano questa",
+"notargettitle" => "Dati mancanti",
+"notargettext" => "Non hai specificato una pagina o un Utente in relazione al quale eseguire l'operazione richiesta.",
+"linklistsub" => "(Lista di links)",
+"linkshere" => "Le seguenti pagine contengono link che puntano qui:",
+"nolinkshere" => "Nessuna pagina contiene links che puntano a questa.",
+"isredirect" => "redirect ",
+# Block/unblock IP
+"blockip" => "Blocca indirizzo IP",
+"blockiptext" => "Usa il modulo sottostante per bloccare l'accesso con diritto di scrittura da uno specifico indirizzo IP.
+Questo blocco deve essere operato SOLO per prevenire atti di vandalismo, ed in stretta osservanza dei principi tutti della [[Wikipedia:Policy|policy di Wikipedia]]. Il blocco non può in nessun caso essere applicato per motivi ideologici.
+Scrivi un motivo specifico per il quale questo indirizzo IP dovrebbe a tuo avviso essere bloccato (per esempio, cita i titoli di pagine eventualmente già oggetto di vandalismo editoriale).",
+"ipaddress" => "Indirizzo IP (IP Address)",
+"ipbreason" => "Motivazione",
+"ipbsubmit" => "Blocca questo indirizzo IP",
+"badipaddress" => "L'indirizzo IP indicato non è corretto.",
+"noblockreason" => "Devi obbligatoriamente fornire una motivazione per il blocco.",
+"blockipsuccesssub" => "Blocco eseguito",
+"blockipsuccesstext" => " L'indirizzo IP \"$1\" è stato bloccato.
+<br>Vedi [[Special:Ipblocklist|lista IP bloccati]].",
+"unblockip" => " Sblocca indirizzo IP",
+"unblockiptext" => "Usa il modulo sottostante per restituire il diritto di scrittura ad un indirizzo IP precedentemente bloccato.",
+"ipusubmit" => "Sblocca questo indirizzo IP",
+"ipusuccess" => "Indirizzo IP \"$1\" sbloccato",
+"ipblocklist" => "Lista degli indirizzi IP bloccati",
+"blocklistline" => "$1, $2 ha bloccato $3",
+"blocklink" => "blocca",
+"unblocklink" => "sblocca",
+"contribslink" => "contributi",
+# Developer tools
+"lockdb" => "Blocca il database",
+"unlockdb" => "Sblocca il database",
+"lockdbtext" => "Bloccare il database sospenderà la possibilità per tutti gli Utenti di modificare le pagine o di crearne di nuove, di cambiare le loro preferenze, di modificare le loro liste di Osservati Speciali, ed in genere non consentirà a nessuno di eseguire operazioni che richiedano modifiche del database.<br><br>
+Per cortesia, conferma che questo è effettivamente quanto tu intendi ora effettuare e, soprattutto, che il prima possibile sbloccherai nuovamente il database, ripristinandone la corretta funzionalità, non appena avrai terminato le tue manutenzioni.",
+"unlockdbtext" => "Sbloccare il database ripristinerà la possibilità per tutti gli Utenti di modificare le pagine o di crearne di nuove, di cambiare le loro preferenze, di modificare le loro liste di Osservati Speciali, ed in genere di eseguire operazioni che richiedano modifiche del database.
+Per cortesia, conferma che questo è effettivamente quanto tu intendi ora effettuare.",
+"lockconfirm" => "Sì, effettivamente intendo, sotto la mia responsabilità, bloccare il database.",
+"unlockconfirm" => " Sì, effettivamente intendo, sotto la mia responsabilità, sbloccare il database.",
+"lockbtn" => "Blocca il database",
+"unlockbtn" => "Sblocca il database",
+"locknoconfirm" => "Non hai spuntato la casellina di conferma.",
+"lockdbsuccesssub" => "Blocco del database eseguito",
+"unlockdbsuccesssub" => "Sblocco del database eseguito, rimosso blocco",
+"lockdbsuccesstext" => "Il database di Wikipedia è stato bloccato.
+<br>Ricordati di rimuovere il blocco non appena avrai terminatoi le tue manutenzioni.",
+"unlockdbsuccesstext" => " Il database di Wikipedia è stato sbloccato.",
+# SQL query
+"asksql" => "Interrogazione SQL",
+"asksqltext" => "Usa il modulo sottostante per effettuare una interrogazione diretta (query) al database di Wikipedia.
+Usa singole virgolette ('come queste') per delimitare una stringa letterale.
+Questo può considerevolmente sovraccaricare e di fatto rallentare il server, perciò per cortesia usa questa funzionalità solo quando necessario.",
+"sqlquery" => "Immetti stringa da ricercare",
+"querybtn" => "Invia interrogazione",
+"selectonly" => "Interrogazioni diverse da \"SELECT\" sono riservate agli sviluppatori di Wikipedia (developers).",
+"querysuccessful" => "Interrogazione riuscita",
+# Move page
+"movepage" => "Spostamento di pagina",
+"movepagetext" => "Con il modulo sottostante puoi rinominare una pagina, spostando anche tutta la sua cronologia al nuovo nome.
+Il vecchior titolo diverrà automaticamente un redirect che punta al nuovo titolo.
+I link alla vecchia pagina non saranno aggiornati (e punteranno quindi al redirect); accertati di [[Special:Manutenzioni|controllare con cura]] che non si creino doppi redirects o redirects interrotti.
+Resta nella tua responsabilità di accertarti che i link continuino a puntare verso dove devono dirigersi.
+Nota bene: la pagina '''non''' sarà spostata se vi fosse già un articolo con il nuovo nome, a meno che non sia una pagina vuota o un redirect e che non abbia cronologia. Questo significa che, se commetti un errore, puoi nuovamente rinominare una pagina col vecchio titolo, ma non puoi sovrascrivere una pagina già esistente.
+Questo cambiamento drastico potrebbe creare inattesi contrattempi, specialmente se si tratta di una pagina molto visitata. Accertati di aver ben valutato le conseguenze dello spostamento, prima di procedere. Nel dubbio, contatta un Amministratore.",
+"movepagetalktext" => "La corrispondente pagina di discussione, se esiste, sarà spostata automaticamente insieme all'articolo, '''tranne che nei seguenti casi:'''
+*Spostamento della pagina fra i namespaces,
+*Una pagina di discussione (non vuota) già esiste per il nuovo nome, oppure
+*Hai deselezionato la casellina qui sotto.
+In questi casi, se lo ritieni opportuno, dovrai spostare o aggiungere manualmente la pagina di discussione.",
+"movearticle" => "Rinomina articolo",
+"movenologin" => "Non hai effettuato il login",
+"movenologintext" => "Devi essere un Utente registrato ed aver effettuato il <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">login</a>
+per poter spostare una pagina.",
+"newtitle" => "Al nuovo titolo di ",
+"movepagebtn" => "Sposta questa pagina",
+"pagemovedsub" => "Spostamento effettuato con successo",
+"pagemovedtext" => "Pagina \"[[$1]]\" rinominata in \"[[$2]]\".",
+"articleexists" => "Una pagina con questo nome esiste già, oppure il nome che hai scelto non è valido.<br>
+Scegli, per cortesia, un titolo diverso per l'articolo.",
+"talkexists" => "La pagina è stata spostata correttamente, ma la pagina di dicussione non poteva essere spostata perché ne esiste già un'altra con il nuovo titolo. Per favore, modifica manualmente i contenuti delle due pagine discussione, così da mantenerle entrambe per non perdere potenzialmente interessanti riflessioni.",
+"movedto" => "spostata a ",
+"movetalk" => "Sposta anche la corrispondente pagina \"discussione\", se possibile.",
+"talkpagemoved" => "Anche la corrispondente pagina di discussione è stata spostata.",
+"talkpagenotmoved" => "La corrispondente pagina di discussione <strong>non è stata spostata</strong>."
+class LanguageSc extends LanguageUtf8 {
+ function getBookstoreList () {
+ global $wgBookstoreListSc;
+ return $wgBookstoreListSc;
+ }
+ function getNamespaces() {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesSc;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesSc;
+ }
+ function getNsText( $index ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesSc;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesSc[$index];
+ }
+ function getNsIndex( $text ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesSc;
+ foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesSc as $i => $n ) {
+ if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function getQuickbarSettings() {
+ global $wgQuickbarSettingsSc;
+ return $wgQuickbarSettingsSc;
+ }
+ function getSkinNames() {
+ global $wgSkinNamesSc;
+ return $wgSkinNamesSc;
+ }
+ function getUserToggles() {
+ global $wgUserTogglesSc;
+ return $wgUserTogglesSc;
+ }
+ function getLanguageNames() {
+ global $wgLanguageNamesSc;
+ return $wgLanguageNamesSc;
+ }
+ function getLanguageName( $code ) {
+ global $wgLanguageNamesSc;
+ if ( ! array_key_exists( $code, $wgLanguageNamesSc ) ) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return $wgLanguageNamesSc[$code];
+ }
+ function getMonthName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthNamesSc;
+ return $wgMonthNamesSc[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getMonthAbbreviation( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthAbbreviationsSc;
+ return $wgMonthAbbreviationsSc[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getWeekdayName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgWeekdayNamesSc;
+ return $wgWeekdayNamesSc[$key-1];
+ }
+ function date( $ts, $adj = false )
+ {
+ if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts ); }
+ $d = $this->getMonthAbbreviation( substr( $ts, 4, 2 ) ) .
+ " " . (0 + substr( $ts, 6, 2 )) . ", " .
+ substr( $ts, 0, 4 );
+ return $d;
+ }
+ function getValidSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgValidSpecialPagesSc;
+ return $wgValidSpecialPagesSc;
+ }
+ function getSysopSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgSysopSpecialPagesSc;
+ return $wgSysopSpecialPagesSc;
+ }
+ function getDeveloperSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesSc;
+ return $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesSc;
+ }
+ function getMessage( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgAllMessagesSc;
+ if(array_key_exists($key, $wgAllMessagesSc))
+ return $wgAllMessagesSc[$key];
+ else
+ return Language::getMessage($key);
+ }
diff --git a/languages/LanguageSk.php b/languages/LanguageSk.php
index a48fcc9cfe4b..26fb9f30e809 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageSk.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageSk.php
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesSk = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Zablokuj IP adresu",
"Asksql" => "Dotaz do databázy",
"Undelete" => "Zobraz a obnov vymazané stránky"
@@ -293,12 +294,12 @@ Please log in again after you receive it.",
"blockedtitle" => "User is blocked",
"blockedtext" => "Your user name or IP address has been blocked by $1.
The reason given is this:<br>''$2''<p>You may contact $1 or one of the other
-[[Wikipedia:administrators|administrators]] to discuss the block.",
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:administrators|administrators]] to discuss the block.",
"newarticle" => "(New)",
"newarticletext" =>
"You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet.
To create the page, start typing in the box below
-(see the [[Wikipedia:Help|help page]] for more info).
+(see the [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Help|help page]] for more info).
If you are here by mistake, just click your browser's '''back''' button.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet or who does not use it. We therefore have to use the numerical [[IP address]] to identify him/her. Such an IP address can be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please [[Special:Userlogin|create an account or log in]] to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users.'' ",
"noarticletext" => "(There is currently no text in this page)",
@@ -361,7 +362,7 @@ Please check the URL you used to access this page.\n",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "Search results",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Searching",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Searching",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Searching Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "For more information about searching Wikipedia, see $1.",
"searchquery" => "For query \"$1\"",
@@ -439,15 +440,15 @@ from server time (UTC).",
"changes" => "changes",
"recentchanges" => "Recent changes",
"recentchangestext" => "Track the most recent changes to Wikipedia on this page.
-[[Wikipedia:Welcome,_newcomers|Welcome, newcomers]]!
-Please have a look at these pages: [[wikipedia:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
-[[Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines|Wikipedia policy]]
-(especially [[wikipedia:Naming conventions|naming conventions]],
-[[wikipedia:Neutral point of view|neutral point of view]]),
-and [[wikipedia:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|most common Wikipedia faux pas]].
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Welcome,_newcomers|Welcome, newcomers]]!
+Please have a look at these pages: [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policies and guidelines|Wikipedia policy]]
+(especially [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Naming conventions|naming conventions]],
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Neutral point of view|neutral point of view]]),
+and [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|most common Wikipedia faux pas]].
If you want to see Wikipedia succeed, it's very important that you don't add
-material restricted by others' [[wikipedia:Copyrights|copyrights]].
+material restricted by others' [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights|copyrights]].
The legal liability could really hurt the project, so please don't do it.
See also the [ recent meta discussion].",
"rcloaderr" => "Loading recent changes",
@@ -482,12 +483,12 @@ to upload files.",
"uploaderror" => "Upload error",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here,
make sure to read and follow Wikipedia's <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
<p>To view or search previously uploaded images,
go to the <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">list of uploaded images</a>.
Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
<p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in
illustrating your articles.
On most browsers, you will see a \"Browse...\" button, which will
@@ -518,7 +519,7 @@ All times shown are server time (UTC).
"filedesc" => "Summary",
"affirmation" => "I affirm that the copyright holder of this file
agrees to license it under the terms of the $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Copyrights",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Copyrights",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia copyright",
"uploadedfiles" => "Uploaded files",
"noaffirmation" => "You must affirm that your upload does not violate
@@ -584,7 +585,7 @@ That comes to <b>$5</b> average edits per page, and <b>$6</b> views per edit.",
"maintnancepagetext" => "This page includes several handy tools for everyday maintenance. Some of these functions tend to stress the database, so please do not hit reload after every item you fixed ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Back to Maintenance Page",
"disambiguations" => "Disambiguation pages",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
"disambiguationstext" => "The following articles link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
"doubleredirects" => "Double Redirects",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br>\nEach row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the \"real\" taget article, which the first redirect should point to.",
@@ -695,7 +696,7 @@ make it easier to pick out.</p>
or image along with all of its history from the database.
Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the
consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with
"confirmcheck" => "Yes, I really want to delete this.",
"actioncomplete" => "Action complete",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" has been deleted.
@@ -731,7 +732,7 @@ will not be automatically replaced.",
"undeletebtn" => "Restore!",
"undeletedarticle" => "restored \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "The article [[$1]] has been successfully restored.
-See [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
+See [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
# Contributions
@@ -760,7 +761,7 @@ to perform this function on.",
"blockiptext" => "Use the form below to block write access
from a specific IP address.
This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in
-accordance with [[Wikipedia:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
+accordance with [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular
pages that were vandalized).",
"ipaddress" => "IP Address",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageSl.php b/languages/LanguageSl.php
index c195a4317a4a..8527fd50f847 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageSl.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageSl.php
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesSl = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Zapri IP naslov",
"Asksql" => "Preglej podatkovno bazo",
"Undelete" => "Poglej in obnovi zbrisane strani"
@@ -469,7 +470,7 @@ Prosimo poglejte na naslednje strani: [[Wikipedija:Najpogostejša vprašanja|Naj
[[Wikipedija:Nepristransko staliÅ¡Äe videnja|Nepristransko staliÅ¡Äe videnja (NSV)]]),
in [[Wikipedija:Najpogostejše stranpoti Wikipedije|Najpogostejše stranpoti Wikipedije]].
ÄŒe bi radi, da Wikipedija uspe, je zelo pomembno, da ne dodajate
-snovi, ki je pridržana z drugimi [[wikipedia:Avtorske pravice|avtorskimi pravicami]].
+snovi, ki je pridržana z drugimi [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Avtorske pravice|avtorskimi pravicami]].
Zakonita obveza lahko v resnici Å¡kodi opravilu, zatorej ne poÄnite tega.
Poglejte tudi [ recent meta discussion].",
"rcloaderr" => "Nalagam trenutne spremembe",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageSq.php b/languages/LanguageSq.php
index fb108531e2c5..4cfe99635bb3 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageSq.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageSq.php
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ include_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesSq = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Blloko një përdorues/IP adresë",
"Asksql" => "Pyet rregjistrin",
"Undelete" => "Restauro faqet e grisura"
diff --git a/languages/LanguageSr.php b/languages/LanguageSr.php
index a80faf0bad8c..566b38afe2de 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageSr.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageSr.php
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ include( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesSr = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Блокирај кориÑника/ИП адреÑу",
"Asksql" => "ПоÑтави упит бази података",
"Undelete" => "Поврати обриÑане Ñтранице"
@@ -565,7 +566,7 @@ border=\"0\" ALT=\"Google\"></A>
"recentchanges" => "Скорашње измене",
"recentchangestext" =>
"Пратите најÑкорије измене на Википедији овде.
Погледајте такође и: [[Википедија:FAQ|Википедија FAQ]],
[[Википедија:Смернице|Википедијине Ñмернице]]
(поÑебно [[Википедија:Правила именовања|правила именовања]],
@@ -610,12 +611,12 @@ border=\"0\" ALT=\"Google\"></A>
"uploaderror" => "Грешка при Ñлању",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>СТОП!</strong> Пре него што шаљете овде,
обавезно прочитајте и пратите Википедијина <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">правила коришћења Ñлика</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">правила коришћења Ñлика</a>.
<p>Да биÑте прегледали или претраживали раније поÑлате Ñлике,
идите на <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">ÑпиÑак поÑлатих Ñлика</a>.
Слања и бриÑања Ñу логована на <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">логу Ñлања</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">логу Ñлања</a>.
<p>Употребите доњи упитник да биÑте поÑлали нове Ñлике за
илуÑтровање Ñвојих чланака.
Ðа већини бровÑера, видећете \"Browse...\" дугме, које ће вам
diff --git a/languages/LanguageSv.php b/languages/LanguageSv.php
index 177cff55d2a2..43344d40ac2f 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageSv.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageSv.php
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
1 => "Diskussion",
2 => "Användare",
3 => "Användare_diskussion",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "Wikipedia_diskussion",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace."_diskussion",
6 => "Bild",
7 => "Bild_diskussion",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ $wgValidSpecialPagesSv = array(
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesSv = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "Blockera en IP-adress",
"Asksql" => "Gör en sökning i databasen",
"Undelete" => "Se och återställ raderade sidor"
@@ -142,19 +143,19 @@ $wgValidSpecialPagesSv = array(
"mainpage" => "Huvudsida",
"about" => "Om",
"aboutwikipedia" => "Om Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:Om",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Om",
"help" => "Hjälp",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Hjälp",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hjälp",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "Felrapporter",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Felrapporter",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Felrapporter",
"sitesupport" => "Donationer",
"sitesupportpage" => "", # If not set, won't appear. Can be wiki page or URL
"faq" => "FAQ",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:FAQ",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:FAQ",
"edithelp" => "Redigeringshjälp",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Hur_redigerar_jag_en_sida",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Hur_redigerar_jag_en_sida",
"cancel" => "Avbryt",
"qbfind" => "SnabbSök",
"qbbrowse" => "Genomsök",
@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ $wgValidSpecialPagesSv = array(
"gnunote" => "Denna sida är publicerad under <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU FDL</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "(Från",
"protectedpage" => "Skyddad sida",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Administratörer",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administratörer",
"sysoptitle" => "Sysop-behörighet krävs",
"sysoptext" => "Denna funktion kan bara utföras av användare med \"sysop\" status.
Se $1.",
@@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ Var snäll och logga in igen när du fått meddelandet.",
"blockedtitle" => "Användaren är spärrad",
"blockedtext" => "Ditt användarnamn har blivit spärrat av $1.
Anledning är att:<br>''$2''<p>Ta kontakt med $1 eller en av de andra
-[[Wikipedia:Administratörer|administratörerna]] för att diskutera varför du blivit spärrad", // "
+[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Administratörer|administratörerna]] för att diskutera varför du blivit spärrad", // "
"newarticle" => "(Ny)",
"newarticletext" => "Du har klickat på en röd länk, en sida som inte finns ännu. Du kan hjälpa till genom att själv skriva vad du vet om ämnet i fältet nedan. Om du inte vill skriva något kan du bara trycka på \"tillbaka\" i din webbläsare.",
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Detta är en diskussionssida för en anonym användare, en användare som inte har skapat sig ett konto, eller som inte har loggat in på det. Vi måste därför använda personens numeriska [[IP-adress]] för identifiera honom eller henne. En sådan IP-adress kan ibland användas av flera olika personer. Om du är en anonym användare och ser meddelanden på den här sidan som inte tycks vara riktade till dig, var vänlig [[Special:Userlogin|logga in]] så du undviker förväxling med andra anonyma användare i framtiden.'' ",
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ Du kanske vill överväga att dela upp artikeln i mindre delar.",
dina ändringar just nu. För säkerhets skull kanske du vill överväga att kopiera över texten till din egen dator tills
databasen är upplåst igen.",
"protectedpagewarning" => "VARNING: Den här sidan har låsts så att bara administratörer kan redigera den.
-Försäkra dig om att du följer rekommendationerna för <a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Skyddade sidor'>skyddade sidor</a>",
+Försäkra dig om att du följer rekommendationerna för <a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Skyddade sidor'>skyddade sidor</a>",
// History pages
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ Försäkra dig om att du följer rekommendationerna för <a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Sk
// Search results
"searchresults" => "Sökresultat",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Sökning",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Sökning",
"searchingwikipedia" => "Sökning på Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "För mer information om sökning på Wikipedia, se $1.",
"searchquery" => "For query \"$1\"",
@@ -486,13 +487,13 @@ för att kunna ladda upp filer.",
"uploaderror" => "Uppladdnings fel",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>STOPP!</strong> Innan du laddar upp här,
så måste du ha läst och följa Wikipedias <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Policy om bruk av bilder" ) . "\">policy om hur
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy om bruk av bilder" ) . "\">policy om hur
bilder får användas</a>.
<p>För att visa eller söka tidigare uppladdade bilder gå till
<a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
"\">lista över uppladdade bilder</a>.
Uppladdningar och borttagningar loggas i <a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">uppladdnings logg</a>.
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Upload_log" ) . "\">uppladdnings logg</a>.
<p>Använd formuläret nedan för att ladda upp nya filer, som
du kan illustrera dina artiklar med.
På de flesta webbläsare kommer du att se en \"Browse...\" knapp eller en
@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ Alla tider visas efter serverns tid (UTC).
"filename" => "Filnamn",
"filedesc" => "Beskrivning",
"affirmation" => "Jag bekräftar att ägaren till upphovsrätten accepterar att licensiera enligt följande avtal $1.",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:copyright",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:copyright",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia copyright",
"uploadedfiles" => "Uppladdade filer",
"noaffirmation" => "Du måste bekräfta att uppladdningen inte kränker någon copyright",
@@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ och <b>$6</b> sidvisningar per ändring.",
"maintnancepagetext" => "Den här sidan innehåller flera verktyg för att sköta sidan. Vissa av dessa funktioner tenderar att stressa databasen (allt tar lång tid), så var snäll och tryck inte på reloadknappen varje gång du gjort en liten ändring.",
"maintenancebacklink" => "Tillbaka till underhållssidorna",
"disambiguations" => "Sidor med tvetydiga länkar",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Länkar till sidor med tvetydiga titlar",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Länkar till sidor med tvetydiga titlar",
"disambiguationstext" => "Följande artiklar länkar till en <i>sidor med tvetydliga titlar</i>. De ska länka till en sidor med en korrekt titel.<br>En sida behandlar som tvetydig om den länkar från $1. <br>Länkar från andra namngrupper är <i>inte</i> listade här.",
"doubleredirects" => "Dubbla omdirigeringar",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>OBS:</b> Denna lista kan innehålla falska resultat. Detta betyder normalt att det finns ytterligare text under den första #REDIRECT.<br>\n Varje rad innehåller en länk till den första och andra omdirigering och den första raden av den andra omdirigeringen ger oftast den \"riktiga\" artikeln, vilket egentligen den första omdirigeringen ska peka på.",
@@ -692,7 +693,7 @@ och sidan kommer att markeras med <b>fet stil</b> i <a href=\"" .
eller bild med all dess historia från databasen.
Bekräfta att du förstår vad du håller på med och vilka konsekvenser
detta leder till, och att det följer
"confirmcheck" => "Ja, jag vill verkligen ta bort det här.", //"
"actioncomplete" => "Genomfört",
"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" har blivit borttagen.
@@ -724,7 +725,7 @@ hamna i den äldre versionshanteraren och den senaste versionen av sidan kommer i
"undeletebtn" => "Återställd!",
"undeletedarticle" => "återställd \"$1\"",
"undeletedtext" => "Artikeln [[$1]] har blivit återställd
-Se [[Wikipedia:Borttagningslogg]] för en lista över nyligen gjorda borttagningar och återställningar",
+Se [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Borttagningslogg]] för en lista över nyligen gjorda borttagningar och återställningar",
// Contributions
@@ -753,7 +754,7 @@ för att genomföra den här funktionen.",
"blockiptext" => "Använd formuläret nedan för att blockera skrivåtkomst
från en viss IP-adress
Detta ska bara genomföras för att stoppa klotter och
-överstämma med [[Wikipedia:Politik|Wikipedia politik]].
+överstämma med [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Politik|Wikipedia politik]].
Fyll i anledningen till blockering nedan (till exempel vilka artiklar som klottrats ner).",
"ipaddress" => "IP-adress",
"ipbreason" => "Anledning",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageTa.php b/languages/LanguageTa.php
index 009797546d4c..6abe7382b6c0 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageTa.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageTa.php
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+if ( $wgSitename == "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgSitename = "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾";
+if ( $wgMetaNamespace = "Wikipedia" ) {
+ $wgMetaNamespace = "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾";
# Language-specific text
@@ -20,8 +27,8 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
1 => "பேசà¯à®šà¯",
2 => "பயனரà¯",
3 => "பயனர௠பேசà¯à®šà¯",
- 4 => "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾",
- 5 => "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾_பேசà¯à®šà¯",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace."_பேசà¯à®šà¯",
6 => "படிமமà¯",
7 => "உரà¯à®µà®ªà¯ பேசà¯à®šà¯",
8 => "மீடியாவிகà¯à®•à®¿",
@@ -141,6 +148,7 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesTa = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "பயனர௠ஒரà¯à®µà®°à¯ˆà®¤à¯ தடà¯/à®à®ªà®¿ à®®à¯à®•à®µà®°à®¿",
"Asksql" => "தரவà¯à®¤à¯ தளதà¯à®¤à®¿à®²à¯ விபரமறி",
"Undelete" => "அழிகà¯à®•à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®Ÿ பகà¯à®•à®™à¯à®•à®³à¯ˆ மீளà¯à®µà®¿"
@@ -172,14 +180,14 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
"mainpagetext" => "விகà¯à®•à®¿ மெனà¯à®ªà¯Šà®°à¯à®³à¯ வெறà¯à®±à®¿à®•à®°à®®à®¾à®• உளà¯à®³à®¿à®Ÿà®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà®¤à¯.",
"about" => "விபரமà¯",
"aboutwikipedia" => "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾ பறà¯à®±à®¿",
-"aboutpage" => "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾:விபரமà¯",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:விபரமà¯",
"help" => "உதவி",
-"helppage" => "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾:உதவி",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:உதவி",
"wikititlesuffix" => "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾",
"bugreports" => "வழ௠அறிகà¯à®•à¯ˆ",
-"bugreportspage" => "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾:வழ௠அறிகà¯à®•à¯ˆà®•à®³à¯",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:வழ௠அறிகà¯à®•à¯ˆà®•à®³à¯",
"faq" => "அடிகà¯à®•à®Ÿà®¿ கேடà¯à®•à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®®à¯ கேளà¯à®µà®¿à®•à®³à¯",
-"faqpage" => "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾:அடிகà¯à®•à®Ÿà®¿ கேடà¯à®•à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®®à¯ கேளà¯à®µà®¿à®•à®³à¯",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:அடிகà¯à®•à®Ÿà®¿ கேடà¯à®•à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®®à¯ கேளà¯à®µà®¿à®•à®³à¯",
"edithelp" => "தொகà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®²à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¾à®© உதவி",
"edithelppage" => "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾ : à®’à®°à¯à®µà®°à¯ பகà¯à®•à®®à¯Šà®©à¯à®±à¯ˆà®¤à¯ தொகà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®¤à¯ எபà¯à®ªà®Ÿà®¿?",
"cancel" => "விடà¯",
@@ -221,7 +229,7 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
"gnunote" => "<a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU விடà¯à®¤à®²à¯ˆ மனபà¯à®ªà®¾à®™à¯à®•à¯Šà®Ÿà¯ உரà¯à®µà®¾à®©à®†à®µà®£à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®²à¯ அனà¯à®®à®¤à®¿ வரைமà¯à®±à¯ˆà®¯à®¿à®©à¯ கீழ௠எலà¯à®²à®¾ எழà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®¾à®•à¯à®•à®™à¯à®•à®³à¯à®®à¯ கிடைகà¯à®•à¯à®®à¯</a>.",
"printsubtitle" => "( இலிரà¯à®¨à¯à®¤à¯)",
"protectedpage" => "பாதà¯à®•à®¾à®•à¯à®•à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®Ÿ பகà¯à®•à®®à¯",
-"administrators" => "விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾:நிரà¯à®µà®¾à®•à®¿à®•à®³à¯",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:நிரà¯à®µà®¾à®•à®¿à®•à®³à¯",
"sysoptitle" => "à®®à¯à®±à¯ˆà®®à¯ˆà®šà¯ செயறà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à¯à®©à®°à¯(Sysop) அணà¯à®•à¯à®•à®®à¯ வேணà¯à®Ÿà¯à®®à¯",
"sysoptext" => "நீஙà¯à®•à®³à¯ கோரிய செயறà¯à®ªà®¾à®Ÿà¯à®•à®³à¯
\"sysop\" நிலையிலà¯à®³à¯à®³ பயனரà¯à®•à®³à®¾à®²à¯‡à®¯à¯‡ செயறà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿ à®®à¯à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à¯à®®à¯.
@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@ Note to AOL users
"accmailtitle" => "கடவà¯à®šà¯à®šà¯Šà®²à¯ அனà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà¯à®³à¯à®³à®¤à¯.",
"accmailtext" => "'$1' உடைய கடவà¯à®šà¯à®šà¯Šà®²à¯ $2 கà¯à®•à¯ அனà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà¯à®³à¯à®³à®¤à¯.",
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-"confirmdeletetext" => "தரவà¯à®¤à¯ தளதà¯à®¤à®¿à®²à¯à®³à¯à®³ பகà¯à®•à®®à¯Šà®©à¯à®±à¯ˆ அலà¯à®²à®¤à¯ படிமமொனà¯à®±à¯ˆ, அதன௠வரலாறà¯à®±à¯à®Ÿà®©à¯ சேரà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à¯, நிரநà¯à®¤à®°à®®à®¾à®• நீகà¯à®•à¯à®®à¯ தறà¯à®µà®¾à®¯à®¿à®²à¯à®³à¯à®³à¯€à®°à¯à®•à®³à¯. இதையே நீஙà¯à®•à®³à¯ விரà¯à®®à¯à®ªà¯à®•à®¿à®±à¯€à®°à¯à®•à®³à¯ எனà¯à®ªà®¤à¯ˆà®¯à¯à®®à¯, இதன௠விளைவà¯à®•à®³à¯ˆ நீஙà¯à®•à®³à¯ விளஙà¯à®•à®¿à®•à¯à®•à¯Šà®£à¯à®Ÿà®¿à®°à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®±à¯€à®°à¯à®•à®³à¯ எனà¯à®ªà®¤à¯ˆà®¯à¯à®®à¯, இதை நீஙà¯à®•à®³à¯ விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾:கொளà¯à®•à¯ˆà®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ </w/wiki.phtml?title=Wikipedia:Policy&action=edit> உடà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà¯‡ செயà¯à®•à®¿à®±à¯€à®°à¯à®•à®³à¯ எனà¯à®ªà®¤à¯ˆà®¯à¯à®®à¯, தயவà¯à®šà¯†à®¯à¯à®¤à¯ உறà¯à®¤à®¿à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®µà¯à®®à¯.",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "தரவà¯à®¤à¯ தளதà¯à®¤à®¿à®²à¯à®³à¯à®³ பகà¯à®•à®®à¯Šà®©à¯à®±à¯ˆ அலà¯à®²à®¤à¯ படிமமொனà¯à®±à¯ˆ, அதன௠வரலாறà¯à®±à¯à®Ÿà®©à¯ சேரà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à¯, நிரநà¯à®¤à®°à®®à®¾à®• நீகà¯à®•à¯à®®à¯ தறà¯à®µà®¾à®¯à®¿à®²à¯à®³à¯à®³à¯€à®°à¯à®•à®³à¯. இதையே நீஙà¯à®•à®³à¯ விரà¯à®®à¯à®ªà¯à®•à®¿à®±à¯€à®°à¯à®•à®³à¯ எனà¯à®ªà®¤à¯ˆà®¯à¯à®®à¯, இதன௠விளைவà¯à®•à®³à¯ˆ நீஙà¯à®•à®³à¯ விளஙà¯à®•à®¿à®•à¯à®•à¯Šà®£à¯à®Ÿà®¿à®°à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®±à¯€à®°à¯à®•à®³à¯ எனà¯à®ªà®¤à¯ˆà®¯à¯à®®à¯, இதை நீஙà¯à®•à®³à¯ {$wgMetaNamespace}:கொளà¯à®•à¯ˆà®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ </w/wiki.phtml?title={$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy&action=edit> உடà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà¯‡ செயà¯à®•à®¿à®±à¯€à®°à¯à®•à®³à¯ எனà¯à®ªà®¤à¯ˆà®¯à¯à®®à¯, தயவà¯à®šà¯†à®¯à¯à®¤à¯ உறà¯à®¤à®¿à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®µà¯à®®à¯.",
"confirmcheck" => "ஆமà¯, நான௠உணà¯à®®à¯ˆà®¯à®¿à®²à¯ இதை நீகà¯à®• வேணà¯à®Ÿà¯à®®à¯.",
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-அணà¯à®®à¯ˆà®¯ மீடà¯à®Ÿà®²à¯à®•à®³à¯, மீடà¯à®Ÿà¯†à®Ÿà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®²à¯à®•à®³à®¿à®©à¯ பதிவà¯à®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯[[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] à®à®ªà¯ பாரà¯à®•à¯à®•à®µà¯à®®à¯.",
+அணà¯à®®à¯ˆà®¯ மீடà¯à®Ÿà®²à¯à®•à®³à¯, மீடà¯à®Ÿà¯†à®Ÿà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®²à¯à®•à®³à®¿à®©à¯ பதிவà¯à®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Deletion_log]] à®à®ªà¯ பாரà¯à®•à¯à®•à®µà¯à®®à¯.",
# Contributions
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# Block/unblock IP
"blockip" => "பயனரைத௠தடà¯",
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+"blockiptext" => "ஒர௠கà¯à®±à®¿à®ªà¯à®ªà®¿à®Ÿà¯à®Ÿ à®à®ªà®¿ à®®à¯à®•à®µà®°à®¿ அலà¯à®²à®¤à¯ பயனரிடமிரà¯à®¨à¯à®¤à¯ எழà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à¯ அணà¯à®•à¯à®•à®¤à¯à®¤à¯ˆà®¤à¯ தடà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®¤à®±à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ கீழேயà¯à®³à¯à®³ படிவதà¯à®¤à¯ˆ உபயோகிகà¯à®•à®µà¯à®®à¯. இத௠விஷமதà¯à®¤à®©à®¤à¯à®¤à¯ˆà®¤à¯ தடà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®¤à®±à¯à®•à¯à®®à¯ [[{$wgMetaNamespace}:Policy|விகà¯à®•à®¿à®ªà¯€à®Ÿà®¿à®¯à®¾ கொளà¯à®•à¯ˆ]]கà¯à®•à¯ எறà¯à®ªà¯à®Ÿà¯ˆà®¯ வகையிலà¯à®®à¯ மடà¯à®Ÿà¯à®®à¯‡ பயனà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿ வேணà¯à®Ÿà¯à®®à¯.
கà¯à®±à®¿à®ªà¯à®ªà®¿à®Ÿà¯à®Ÿ காரணமொனà¯à®±à¯ˆà®•à¯ கீழே நிரபà¯à®ªà¯à®• (உதாரணமாகà¯, விஷமதà¯à®¤à®©à®®à¯ செயà¯à®¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®Ÿ (vandalized) பகà¯à®•à®™à¯à®•à®³à¯ˆ எடà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à¯à®•à¯ காடà¯à®Ÿà®µà¯à®®à¯).",
"ipaddress" => "à®à®ªà®¿ (IP) à®®à¯à®•à®µà®°à®¿/பயனரà¯à®ªà¯†à®¯à®°à¯",
"ipbreason" => "காரணமà¯",
diff --git a/languages/LanguageTh.php b/languages/LanguageTh.php
index b0329d357f0f..ff4b18c85f2c 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageTh.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageTh.php
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesTh = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "à¸à¸±à¹‰à¸™à¸œà¸¹à¹‰à¹ƒà¸Šà¹‰ หรือ IP address",
"Asksql" => "ค้นหาในà¸à¸²à¸™à¸‚้อมูล",
"Undelete" => "คืนหน้าที่ถูà¸à¸¥à¸šà¹„ป"
diff --git a/languages/LanguageUk.php b/languages/LanguageUk.php
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..529a4c53ba5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/LanguageUk.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1063 @@
+include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
+# set "currentevents" => "-"
+# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
+# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
+# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
+/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesUk = array(
+ -2 => "Медіа",
+ -1 => "Спеціальні",
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "ОбговореннÑ",
+ 2 => "КориÑтувач",
+ 3 => "КориÑтувач_обговореннÑ",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace . "_обговореннÑ",
+ 6 => "ЗображеннÑ",
+ 7 => "ЗображеннÑ_обговореннÑ",
+ 8 => "MediaWiki",
+ 9 => "MediaWiki_обговореннÑ"
+/* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsUk = array(
+ "Ðе показувати панель", "ФікÑована зліва", "ФікÑована Ñправа", "Плаваюча зліва"
+/* private */ $wgSkinNamesUk = array(
+ "Стандартне", "ÐоÑтальгіÑ", "КельнÑьке Синє"
+/* private */ $wgMathNamesUk = array(
+ "Завжди генерувати PNG",
+ "HTML в проÑтих випадках, інакше PNG",
+ "HTML Ñкщо можливо, інакше PNG",
+ "Залишити в виглÑді ТеХ (Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑтових браузерів)",
+ "Рекомендовано Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑучаÑних браузерів"
+/* Non-std date formats are only enabled for English, which is idiosyncratic that way */
+/* private */ $wgDateFormatsUk = array(
+ "Ðемає значеннÑ",
+ "Січень 15, 2001",
+ "15 Ñічень 2001",
+ "2001 Ñічень 15"
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+ "hover" => "Показувати випливаючу підказку над зв'Ñзками вікі",
+ "underline" => "ПідкреÑлювати зв'Ñзки",
+ "highlightbroken" => "Форматувати неіÑнуючі зв'Ñзки <a href=\"\" class=\"new\">оÑÑŒ так</a> (Ðльтернатива: оÑÑŒ так<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
+ "justify" => "Вирівнювати параграфи",
+ "hideminor" => "Ховати незначні зміни в ÑпиÑку недавніх змін",
+ "usenewrc" => "Покращений ÑпиÑок недавніх змін (підтримуєтьÑÑ Ð½Ðµ вÑіма браузерами)",
+ "numberheadings" => "Ðвтоматично нумерувати заголовки",
+ "editondblclick" => "Редагувати Ñтатті при подвійному натиÑканні кнопки миші (JavaScript)",
+ "editsection"=>"Редагувати Ñекції по зв'Ñзку [прав.]",
+ "editsectiononrightclick"=>"Редагувати Ñекції по правій кнопці миші на назві Ñекції (JavaScript)",
+ "showtoc"=>"Показувати зміÑÑ‚ (Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтатей з більше ніж 3-ма заголовками)",
+ "rememberpassword" => "Запам'Ñтовувати пароль між ÑеанÑами",
+ "editwidth" => "РозширÑти вікно Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð¾ меж вікна браузера ",
+ "watchdefault" => "Слідкувати за новими та зміненими ÑтаттÑми",
+ "minordefault" => "Спочатку вважати вÑÑ– зміни незначними",
+ "previewontop" => "Показувати попередній текÑÑ‚ до вікна редагуваннÑ, а не піÑле",
+ "nocache" => "Заборонити ÐºÐµÑˆÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñтатей"
+/* Add a $wgBookstoreListUk to override default list of book links for ISBN links */
+/* private */ $wgWeekdayNamesUk = array(
+ "ÐеділÑ", "Понеділок", "Вівторок", "Середа", "Четвер",
+ "П'ÑтницÑ", "Субота"
+/* private */ $wgMonthNamesUk = array(
+ "Січень", "Лютий", "Березень", "Квітень", "Травень", "Червень",
+ "Липень", "Серпень", "ВереÑень", "Жовтень", "ЛиÑтопад",
+ "Грудень"
+/* private */ $wgMonthAbbreviationsUk = array(
+ "Січ", "Лют", "Бер", "Квіт", "Трав", "Черв", "Лип", "Серп",
+ "Вер", "Жов", "ЛиÑÑ‚", "Груд"
+# All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
+# will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
+# is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
+/* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesUk = array(
+ "Userlogin" => "",
+ "Userlogout" => "",
+ "Preferences" => "Ваші наÑтройки",
+ "Watchlist" => "Ваш ÑпиÑок ÑпоÑтереженнÑ",
+ "Recentchanges" => "СпиÑок недавно змінених Ñтатей",
+ "Upload" => "Ð—Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ñƒ (з зображеннÑм чи звуком)",
+ "Imagelist" => "СпиÑок зображень",
+ "Listusers" => "СпиÑок зареєÑтрованих кориÑтувачів",
+ "Statistics" => "СтатиÑтика Ñайту",
+ "Randompage" => "Випадкова ÑтаттÑ",
+ "Lonelypages" => "СпиÑок Ñамотніх Ñтатей",
+ "Unusedimages" => "СпиÑок Ñамотніх зображень",
+ "Popularpages" => "СпиÑок популÑрних Ñтатей",
+ "Wantedpages" => "СпиÑок найвідвідуваніших Ñтатей",
+ "Shortpages" => "СпиÑок найкоротших Ñтатей",
+ "Longpages" => "СпиÑок найдовших Ñтатей",
+ "Newpages" => "СпиÑок нових Ñтатей",
+ "Ancientpages" => "СпиÑок найÑтаріших Ñтатей",
+ "Allpages" => "СпиÑок вÑÑ–Ñ… Ñтатей",
+ "Ipblocklist" => "СпиÑок заблокованих IP-адреÑ",
+ "Maintenance" => "СервіÑна Ñторінка",
+ "Specialpages" => "",
+ "Contributions" => "",
+ "Emailuser" => "",
+ "Whatlinkshere" => "",
+ "Recentchangeslinked" => "",
+ "Movepage" => "",
+ "Booksources" => "СпиÑок міÑць, де можна придбати необхідні книги"
+/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesUk = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
+ "Blockip" => "Заблокувати IP-адреÑу",
+ "Asksql" => "Зробити запит до бази даних",
+ "Undelete" => "ПереглÑнути Ñ– відновити вилучені Ñтатті"
+/* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesUk = array(
+ "Lockdb" => "Зробити базу даних доÑтупною тільки Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ",
+ "Unlockdb" => "Відновити можливіÑÑ‚ÑŒ запиÑу в базу даних",
+ "Debug" => "Відладка"
+/* private */ $wgAllMessagesUk = array(
+# Bits of text used by many pages:
+"linktrail" => "/^([a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD",
+"mainpage" => "Головна ÑтаттÑ",
+"mainpagetext" => "Програмне Ð·Ð°Ð±ÐµÐ·Ð¿ÐµÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–ÐºÑ– вÑтановлено.",
+"about" => "Про",
+"aboutwikipedia" => "Про Вікіпедію",
+"aboutpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Про",
+"help" => "Довідка",
+"helppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Довідка",
+"wikititlesuffix" => "$wgSitename",
+"bugreports" => "Звіт про помилку",
+"bugreportspage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Звіт_про_помилку",
+"sitesupport" => "Sitesupport",
+"sitesupportpage" => "", # Ðе з'ÑвитьÑÑ, Ñкщо не вÑтановлено. Може бути вікі-Ñторінкою або URL
+"faq" => "ЧаÑÑ‚Ñ– питаннÑ",
+"faqpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:ЧаÑÑ‚Ñ– питаннÑ",
+"edithelp" => "Довідка про редагуваннÑ",
+"edithelppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Як_редагувати_Ñтатті",
+"cancel" => "Відмінити",
+"qbfind" => "Знайти",
+"qbbrowse" => "ПереглÑнути",
+"qbedit" => "Редагувати",
+"qbpageoptions" => "ÐаÑтройки Ñтатті",
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+"mypage" => "Ваша оÑобиÑта Ñторінка",
+"mytalk" => "Ваше оÑобиÑте обговореннÑ",
+"currentevents" => "Поточні події",
+"errorpagetitle" => "Помилка",
+"returnto" => "ПовернутиÑÑ Ð´Ð¾ $1.",
+"fromwikipedia" => "Матеріал з Вікіпедії - вільної енциклопедії.",
+"whatlinkshere" => "Статті, що вказують на дану",
+"help" => "Довідка",
+"search" => "Пошук",
+"go" => "Перейти",
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+"articlepage" => "ПереглÑнути Ñтаттю",
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+"userpage" => "ПереглÑнути Ñторінку кориÑтувача",
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+"imagepage" => "ПереглÑнути Ñторінку зображеннÑ",
+"viewtalkpage" => "ПереглÑнути обговореннÑ",
+"otherlanguages" => "Іншими мовами",
+"redirectedfrom" => "(Перенаправлено з $1)",
+"lastmodified" => "ОÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð¼Ñ–Ð½Ð° $1.",
+"viewcount" => "Цю Ñтаттю переглÑдали $1 разів.",
+"gnunote" => "Ð’ÑÑ– текÑти доÑтупні на умовах ліцензії <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a> верÑÑ–Ñ— 1.2 або пізнішої верÑÑ–Ñ—, опублікованої Free Software Foundation; без Ðезмінюваних розділів, без ТекÑтів, розміщуваних на обкладинці; неприпуÑтимо добавлÑти подібні Ñекції. All text is available under the terms of the <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a>, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts; no such sections allowed to be added.",
+"printsubtitle" => "(Матеріал з",
+"protectedpage" => "Захищена ÑтаттÑ",
+"administrators" => "$wgMetaNamespace:ÐдмініÑтратори",
+"sysoptitle" => "Ðеобхідний рівень доÑтупу Оператор",
+"sysoptext" => "Дана Ð´Ñ–Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ðµ бути виконана тільки кориÑтувачами з правами \"Оператор\". Див. $1.",
+"developertitle" => "Ðеобхіден рівень доÑтупу Розробник",
+"developertext" => "Дана Ð´Ñ–Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ðµ бути виконана тільки кориÑтувачами з правами \"Розробник\". Див $1.",
+"nbytes" => "$1 байт(ів)",
+"go" => "Перейти",
+"ok" => "OK",
+"sitetitle" => $wgSitename,
+"sitesubtitle" => "Вільна енциклопедіÑ",
+"retrievedfrom" => "Отримано від \"$1\"",
+"newmessages" => "Ви отримали $1.",
+"newmessageslink" => "нові повідомленнÑ",
+"toc" => "ЗміÑÑ‚",
+"showtoc" => "показати",
+"hidetoc" => "Ñховати",
+"thisisdeleted" => "ПереглÑнути або відновити $1?",
+"restorelink" => "$1 змін вилучено",
+# Main script and global functions
+"nosuchaction" => "Такої дії не Ñ–Ñнує",
+"nosuchactiontext" => "ДіÑ, вказана в URL, не розпізнаєтьÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð¼Ð½Ð¸Ð¼ забезпеченнÑм Вікіпедії",
+"nosuchspecialpage" => "Такої Ñпеціальної Ñторінки не Ñ–Ñнує",
+"nospecialpagetext" => "Спеціальна Ñторінка не розпізнаєтьÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð¼Ð½Ð¸Ð¼ забезпеченнÑм Вікіпедії.",
+# General errors
+"error" => "Помилка",
+"databaseerror" => "Помилка бази даних",
+"dberrortext" => "Знайдено помилку ÑинтакÑиÑу запиту до бази даних.
+Це могло ÑтатиÑÑ Ñ‡ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ· невірний запит пошуку (див. $5),
+або означає помилку в програмному забезпеченні.
+ОÑтанній запит до бази даних:
+відбувÑÑ Ð· функції \"<tt>$2</tt>\".
+MySQL повернув помилку \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".",
+"dberrortextcl" => "Знайдено помилку ÑинтакÑиÑу запиту до бази даних.
+ОÑтанній запит до бази даних:
+відбувÑÑ Ð· функції \"$2\".
+MySQL повернув помилку \"$3: $4\".\n",
+"noconnect" => "ТÑжко вибачаємоÑÑŒ! Ð’ зв'Ñзку з технічними неполадками зараз неможливо зв'ÑзатиÑÑ Ð· Ñервером баз даних.",
+"nodb" => "Ðеможливо вибрати базу даних $1",
+"cachederror" => "Ðижче відображена кеш-ÐºÐ¾Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ñ— Ñтатті, можливо вона заÑтаріла.",
+"readonly" => "Ð—Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð² базу даних заблоковано",
+"enterlockreason" => "Введіть Ð¾Ð±Ò‘Ñ€ÑƒÐ½Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ‚Ð° інформацію про те, коли Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ´Ðµ знÑто",
+"readonlytext" => "ВнеÑÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ… Ñтатей та інші зміни бази даних Вікіпедії в даний момент заблоковано, ймовірно, через планове ÑервіÑне обÑÐ»ÑƒÐ³Ð¾Ð²ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð±Ð°Ð·Ð¸ даних,
+по закінченню Ñкого нормальний Ñтан буде відновлено.
+Заблокувавший адмініÑтратор дав наÑтупні поÑÑненнÑ:
+"missingarticle" => "База даних не знайшла текÑÑ‚ Ñтатті,
+хоча повинна була знайти під іменем \"$1\".
+<p>Це може бути викликано викориÑтаннÑм заÑтарілого поÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð° журнал змін або відмінноÑтей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтатті, що була вилучена.
+<p>Якщо Ñправа не в цьому, то, швидше за вÑе, ви знайшли помилку в програмному забезпеченні Вікіпедії.
+Будь-лаÑка, повідомте про це адмініÑтратору, вказавши URL.",
+"internalerror" => "Ð’Ð½ÑƒÑ‚Ñ€Ñ–ÑˆÐ½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ð»ÐºÐ°",
+"filecopyerror" => "Ðеможливо Ñкопіювати файл \"$1\" в \"$2\".",
+"filerenameerror" => "Ðеможливо перейменувати файл \"$1\" в \"$2\".",
+"filedeleteerror" => "Ðеможливо вилучити файл \"$1\".",
+"filenotfound" => "Ðеможливо знайти файл \"$1\".",
+"unexpected" => "Ðеочікуване значеннÑ: \"$1\"=\"$2\".",
+"formerror" => "Помилка: неможливо прийнÑти форму",
+"badarticleerror" => "Ð¦Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ñ Ð½Ðµ може бути виконана над даною Ñтаттею.",
+"cannotdelete" => "Ðеможливо вилучити вказану Ñтаттю чи файл. (Можливо, його вже вилучив хтоÑÑŒ інший.)",
+"badtitle" => "ÐедопуÑтима назва",
+"badtitletext" => "Ðевірна назва Ñтатті, пуÑта, або невірно вказано міжмовна або між-вікі назва.",
+"perfdisabled" => "ВибачаємоÑÑ! Ð¦Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð»Ð¸Ð²Ñ–ÑÑ‚ÑŒ тимчаÑово недоÑтупна через обмеженіÑÑ‚ÑŒ реÑурÑів.",
+"perfdisabledsub" => "Це - збережена ÐºÐ¾Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ $1:",
+"viewsource" => "ПереглÑнути початковий текÑÑ‚",
+"protectedtext" => "Ð¦Ñ Ñторінка була заблокована, щоб не допуÑтити
+зміни; Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ†ÑŒÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ можуть бути різні причини, подивітьÑÑ Ð±ÑƒÐ´ÑŒ-лаÑка
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:Захищена ÑтаттÑ]].
+You can view and copy the source of this page:",
+# Login and logout pages
+"logouttitle" => "Вийти з ÑиÑтеми",
+"logouttext" => "Ви працюєте в тому ж режимі, Ñкий був до вашої реєÑтрації в ÑиÑтемі. Ви ідентифікуєтеÑÑŒ не з іменем, а з IP-адреÑом.
+Ви можете продовжувати викориÑтовувати Вікіпедію анонімно, або почати новий ÑÐµÐ°Ð½Ñ Ñк той же Ñамий чи інший кориÑтувач.\n",
+"welcomecreation" => "<h2>Вітаємо ВаÑ, $1!</h2><p>Ви зареєÑтровані.
+Ðе забудьте налаштувати Вікіпедію так, Ñк Вам зручно.",
+"loginpagetitle" => "Вхід в ÑиÑтему",
+"yourname" => "Ваше ім'Ñ",
+"yourpassword" => "Ваш пароль",
+"yourpasswordagain" => "Повторний набір паролÑ",
+"newusersonly" => " (тільки Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ… кориÑтувачів)",
+"remembermypassword" => "Запам'Ñтовувати ваш пароль між ÑеанÑами.",
+"loginproblem" => "<b>Проблема при вході в ÑиÑтему.</b><br>попробуйте ще раз!",
+"alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=red><b>КориÑтувач $1, ви вже ввійшли в ÑиÑтему!</b></font><br>\n",
+"areyounew" => "Якщо ви новачок в технології Вікіпедії й хочете Ñтати кориÑтувачем,
+введіть ім'Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувача, а потім введіть Ñ– повторіть пароль.
+Заповніть поле Ñ Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑою вашої електронної пошти; Ñкщо ви забудете ваш пароль, ви зможете зробити запит, щоб новий пароль був відправлений вам на вказану вами адреÑу.<br>\n",
+"login" => "Вхід в ÑиÑтему",
+"userlogin" => "Вхід в ÑиÑтему",
+"logout" => "Вийти з ÑиÑтеми",
+"userlogout" => "Вийти з ÑиÑтеми",
+"notloggedin" => "Ви не ввійшли в ÑиÑтему",
+"createaccount" => "ЗареєÑтрувати нового кориÑтувача",
+"badretype" => "Введені вами паролі не Ñпівпадають.",
+"userexists" => "Введене вами ім'Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувача вже Ñ–Ñнує. Виберіть будь-лаÑка інше ім'Ñ.",
+"youremail" => "ÐдреÑа вашої електронної пошти*",
+"yournick" => "Ваш пÑевдонім (Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñів)",
+"emailforlost" => "* Вказувати адреÑу вашої електронної пошти необов'Ñзково.
+Ðле це дозволить людÑм зв’ÑзатиÑÑ Ð· вами через веб-Ñайт без Ñ–Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ—Ñ… про адреÑу вашої електронної пошти,
+а також допоможе вам Ñкщо ви забудете Ñвій пароль.",
+"loginerror" => "Помилка при вході в ÑиÑтему",
+"noname" => "КориÑтувача з таким іменем не Ñ–Ñнує.",
+"loginsuccesstitle" => "УÑпішний вхід в ÑиÑтему",
+"loginsuccess" => "Тепер ви працюєте в Вікіпедії під іменем \"$1\".",
+"nosuchuser" => "КориÑтувача з таким іменем \"$1\" не Ñ–Ñнує.
+Перевірте вірніÑÑ‚ÑŒ напиÑаннÑ, або ÑкориÑтайтеÑÑ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð¾ÑŽ, що нижче, щоб зареєÑтрувати нового кориÑтувача.",
+"wrongpassword" => "Введений вами пароль невірний. Попробуйте ще раз.",
+"mailmypassword" => "Відправити вам новий пароль",
+"passwordremindertitle" => "Пам'Ñтка Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð’Ñ–ÐºÑ–Ð¿ÐµÐ´Ñ–Ñ—",
+"passwordremindertext" => "ХтоÑÑŒ (можливо, ви - з IP-адреÑи $1)
+зробив запит на Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð¼ нового Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувача проекту ВікіпедіÑ.
+Пароль кориÑтувача \"$2\" тепер такий: \"$3\".
+Тепер вам необхідно ввійти в ÑиÑтему й змінити пароль.",
+"noemail" => "Ð”Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувача \"$1\" не вказано адреÑу електронної пошти.",
+"passwordsent" => "Ðовий пароль відправлено на адреÑу електронної пошти, вказану Ð´Ð»Ñ \"$1\".
+Будь-лаÑка, ввійдіть в ÑиÑтему піÑÐ»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ.",
+# Edit pages
+"summary" => "Короткий опиÑ",
+"subject" => "Тема/заголовок",
+"minoredit" => "Це незначна зміна",
+"watchthis" => "СпоÑтерігати за цією Ñтаттею",
+"savearticle" => "Зберегти Ñтаттю",
+"preview" => "Попередній переглÑд",
+"showpreview" => "Показати попередній варіант",
+"blockedtitle" => "КориÑтувача заблоковано",
+"blockedtext" => "Ваш кориÑтувач чи IP-адреÑа заблоковані $1.
+Причина блокуваннÑ:<br>''$2''<p>Ви можете зв'ÑзатиÑÑ Ð· $1 чи іншим
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:ÐдминиÑтратори|админиÑтратором]] що обговорити блокуваннÑ.
+Зверніть увагу, що ви не можете викориÑтовувати функцію \"ÐадіÑлати електронного лиÑта кориÑтувачу\", Ñкщо ви не вказали адреÑу вашої електронної пошти в Ваших [[Спеціальні:ÐаÑтройки|наÑтройках]]
+Ваша IP-адреÑа - $3. Будь-лаÑка, вказуйте, Ñкщо будете запитувати про блокуваннÑ.
+==Ð—Ð°ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувачів America On-Line==
+Через багаторазові акти вандалізму одного з кориÑтувачів AOL, Ð’Ñ–ÐºÑ–Ð¿ÐµÐ´Ñ–Ñ Ñ‡Ð°Ñто блокує прокÑÑ–-Ñервери AOL. Один й той же Ñервер може викориÑтовуватиÑÑ Ñ€Ñ–Ð·Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð¸ кориÑтувачами, тому, нажаль, невинні кориÑтувачі AOL чаÑто бувають _неÑпеціальне_ заблоковані. Ми вибачаємоÑÑ Ð·Ð° незручноÑÑ‚Ñ–.
+Якщо це відбулоÑÑ Ð· Вами, відправте, будь-лаÑка, електронною поштою лиÑта адмініÑтратору. Ðе забудьте вказати вашу IP-адреÑу, вказану вище.",
+"newarticle" => "(Ðова)",
+"newarticletext" => "Ви перейшли на Ñтаттю, Ñка поки що не Ñ–Ñнує.
+Щоб Ñтворити нову Ñтаттю, наберіть текÑÑ‚ в вікні нижче
+(див. [[$wgMetaNamespace:Довідка|довідкову Ñтаттю]] щоб отримати більше інформації).
+Якщо ви опинилиÑÑŒ тут помилково, проÑто натиÑніть кнопку браузера '''назад'''.",
+"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Це Ñторінка обговореннÑ, що належить анонімному кориÑтувачу, Ñкий ще не зареєÑтрувавÑÑ Ð°Ð±Ð¾ не ÑкориÑтавÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ñ€ÐµÑ”Ñтрованим ім'Ñм. Тому ми вимушені викориÑтовувати [[IP-адреÑу]] Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¹Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ідентифікації. Одна IP-адреÑа може викориÑтовуватиÑÑ Ð´ÐµÐºÑ–Ð»ÑŒÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð° кориÑтувачами. Якщо ви - анонімний кориÑтувач Ñ– вважаєте, що отримали коментарі, адреÑовані не вам, будь лаÑка [[Спеціальні:Вхід_в_ÑиÑтему|зареєÑтруйтеÑÑŒ або ввійдіть в ÑиÑтему Ñк зареєÑтрований кориÑтувач]], щоб в майбутньому уникнути можливої плутанини з іншими анонімними кориÑтувачами.'' ",
+"noarticletext" => "(Ðа даний момент текÑÑ‚ в цієї Ñтатті відÑутній)",
+"updated" => "(Оновлена)",
+"note" => "<strong>ЗауваженнÑ:</strong> ",
+"previewnote" => "Зверніть увагу, - це тільки попередній переглÑд, Ñ– текÑÑ‚ ще не збережено!",
+"previewconflict" => "Цей попередній переглÑд відображає текÑÑ‚ з вікна Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ðº, Ñк він буде виглÑдіти, Ñкщо ви вирішите запиÑати його.",
+"editing" => "Ð ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ $1",
+"sectionedit" => " (ÑекціÑ)",
+"commentedit" => " (коментар)",
+"editconflict" => "Конфлікт редакцій: $1",
+"explainconflict" => "Ще хтоÑÑŒ змінив цю Ñтаттю з того чаÑу, Ñк ви розпочали Ñ—Ñ— змінювати.
+Ð’ верхній чаÑтині текÑту показано, Ñк ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð³Ð»Ñдить зараз. Ваші зміни показані в нижній чаÑтині текÑту.
+Вам необхідно буде Ñкомпонувати ваші зміни в Ñ–Ñнуючий текÑÑ‚.
+Якщо ви натиÑнете \"Зберегти Ñтаттю\", то буде збережено <b>тільки</b> текÑÑ‚ в верхньому вікні редагуваннÑ.\n<p>",
+"yourtext" => "Ваш текÑÑ‚",
+"storedversion" => "Збережена верÑÑ–Ñ",
+"editingold" => "<strong>ПОПЕРЕДЖЕÐÐЯ: Ви редагуєте заÑтарівшу верÑÑ–ÑŽ даної Ñтатті.
+Якщо ви збережете Ñ—Ñ—, будь-Ñкі редагуваннÑ, зроблені між верÑÑ–Ñми, будуть втрачені.</strong>\n",
+"yourdiff" => "ВідмінноÑÑ‚Ñ–",
+"copyrightwarning" => "Будь лаÑка, зверніть увагу, що будь-Ñкі добавленнÑ
+й зміни в Вікіпедїї розглÑдаютьÑÑ Ñк випущені на умовах
+GNU Free Documentation License без незмінюваних Ñекцій
+(див. $1, щоб взнати подробиці).
+Якщо ви не бажаєте, щоб напиÑане вами безжаліÑно редагувалоÑÑŒ
+Ñ– розповÑюджувалоÑÑ Ð·Ð° бажаннÑм будь-кого, - не пишіть тут.<br>
+Ви також зобов'ÑзуєтеÑÑŒ, що напиÑане вами тут належить вам чи взÑто з джерела,
+що Ñ” ÑуÑпільною влаÑніÑÑ‚ÑŽ чи подібним вільним джерелом.
+"longpagewarning" => "ПОПЕРЕДЖЕÐÐЯ: Довжина цієї Ñтатті $1 кілобайт; Ñтатті, розмір Ñких перевищує 32кб. можуть Ñтворювати проблеми Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´ÐµÑких браузерів.
+РозглÑньте, будь-лаÑка, варіанти Ñ€Ð¾Ð·Ð±Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ Ñтатті на менші чаÑтини.",
+"readonlywarning" => "ПОПЕРЕДЖЕÐÐЯ: База даних заблокована в зв’Ñзку з процедурами обÑлуговуваннÑ,
+тому ви не можете запиÑати ваші зміни в даний момент.
+Можливо, вам варто зберегти текÑÑ‚ в локальний файл (на Ñвому диÑку) й запиÑати його в Вікіпедію пізніше.",
+"protectedpagewarning" => "ПОПЕРЕДЖЕÐÐЯ: Ð¦Ñ ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð°, так що тільки кориÑтувачі Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¾Ð¼
+СиÑоп можуть змінювати Ñ—Ñ—. Будь-лаÑка, переглÑньте
+<a href='/wiki/$wgMetaNamespace:Правила захиÑту Ñтатей'>правила захиÑту Ñтатей</a>.",
+# History pages
+"revhistory" => "Журнал редагувань",
+"nohistory" => "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ñ†Ñ–Ñ”Ñ— Ñтатті відÑутній журнал редагувань.",
+"revnotfound" => "ВерÑÑ–ÑŽ не знайдено",
+"revnotfoundtext" => "Ðеможливо знайти необхідну вам верÑÑ–ÑŽ Ñтатті.
+Будь-лаÑка, перевірте правильніÑÑ‚ÑŒ URL, Ñкий ви викориÑтовували Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупу до цієї Ñтатті.\n",
+"loadhist" => "Ð—Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¶ÑƒÑ€Ð½Ð°Ð»Ñƒ редагувань Ñтатті",
+"currentrev" => "Поточна верÑÑ–Ñ",
+"revisionasof" => "ВерÑÑ–Ñ $1",
+"cur" => "поточн.",
+"next" => "наÑÑ‚.",
+"last" => "оÑÑ‚.",
+"orig" => "ориг.",
+"histlegend" => "ПоÑÑненнÑ: (поточн.) = відмінноÑÑ‚Ñ– від поточної верÑÑ–Ñ—,
+(оÑÑ‚.) = відмінноÑÑ‚Ñ– від попередньої верÑÑ–Ñ—, M = незначне редагуваннÑ",
+# Diffs
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+"editcurrent" => "Редагувати поточну верÑÑ–ÑŽ поточної Ñтатті",
+# Search results
+"searchresults" => "Результати пошуку",
+"searchhelppage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:Пошук",
+"searchingwikipedia" => "Пошук в Вікіпедії",
+"searchresulttext" => "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´ÐµÑ‚Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ–ÑˆÐ¾Ñ— інформації про пошук в Вікіпедії, див. $1.",
+"searchquery" => "Ðа запит \"$1\"",
+"badquery" => "Ðевірно зфомульований запит",
+"badquerytext" => "Ðеможливо обробити ваш запит.
+Можливо, причина в тому, що ви намагалиÑÑŒ знайти Ñлово, Ñке коротше трьох букв, що поки-що не підтримуєтьÑÑ.
+Можливо також, що ви допуÑтили опечатку в запиті.
+Попробуйте інший запит.",
+"matchtotals" => "Запиту \"$1\" відповідає(ÑŽÑ‚ÑŒ) $2 назва(и) Ñтатті(ей) й текÑти $3 Ñтатті(ей).",
+"nogomatch" => "Статті з такою назвою не Ñ–Ñнує, проводитьÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑˆÑƒÐº по вÑьому текÑту. ",
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+"notitlematches" => "Ðемає збігу в назвах Ñтатей",
+"textmatches" => "Збіг в текÑтах Ñтатей",
+"notextmatches" => "Ðемає збігу в текÑтах Ñтатей",
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+"showingresults" => "Ðижче показано <b>$1</b> результатів, починаючи з #<b>$2</b>.",
+"showingresultsnum" => " Ðижче показано <b>$3</b> результатів, починаючи з #<b>$2</b>.",
+"nonefound" => "<strong>ЗауваженнÑ:</strong>: До невдалого пошуку чаÑто може приводити Ñпроба знайти загальні Ñлова, Ñкі не підлÑгають індекÑації, наприклад - \"також\" and \"що\", або викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð±Ñ–Ð»ÑŒÑˆ ніж одного ключового Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑˆÑƒÐºÑƒ Ñлова (показуютьÑÑ Ñ‚Ñ–Ð»ÑŒÐºÐ¸ Ñтатті, що міÑÑ‚ÑÑ‚ÑŒ вÑÑ– вказані Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑˆÑƒÐºÑƒ Ñлова).",
+"powersearch" => "Пошук",
+"powersearchtext" => "
+Пошук в проÑторі імен :<br>
+$2 Показувати Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ½Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐŸÐ¾ÑˆÑƒÐº на $3 $9",
+"searchdisabled" => "<p>ПовнотекÑтовий пошук тимчаÑово недоÑтупний через Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñервера; передбачаєтьÑÑ, що Ñ†Ñ Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ñ–Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ´Ðµ знову включена піÑÐ»Ñ ÑƒÑтановки нового обладнаннÑ. Поки що ми пропонуємо вам ÑкориÑтатиÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑˆÑƒÐºÐ¾Ð²Ð¾ÑŽ машиною google:</p>
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+"prefsnologintext" => "Ви повинні <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Спеціальні:Вхід_в_ÑиÑтему" ) . "\">ввійти в ÑиÑтему</a>
+щоб змінити наÑтройки кориÑтувача.",
+"prefslogintext" => "Ви ввійшли в ÑиÑтему Ñк \"$1\".
+Ваш внутрішній ідентифікаційний номер - $2.
+Див. [[$wgMetaNamespace:Допомога по наÑтройкам]] що розібратиÑÑ Ð· наÑтройками.",
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+"resultsperpage" => "КількіÑÑ‚ÑŒ результатів на Ñторінку",
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+"contextchars" => "КількіÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñимволів контекÑту на Ñ€Ñдок",
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+"savedprefs" => "Ваші наÑтройки збережено.",
+"timezonetext" => "Введіть Ð·Ð¼Ñ–Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ (в годинах) вашого міÑцевого чаÑу
+від чаÑу Ñервера (UTC - по Гринвічу).",
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+"defaultns" => "По замовчанню, шукати в таких проÑторах імен:",
+# Recent changes
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+"recentchanges" => "Ðові редагуваннÑ",
+# This is the default text, and can be overriden by editing [[$wgMetaNamespace::Recentchanges]]
+"recentchangestext" => "Ðа цій Ñторінці предÑтавлені оÑтанні Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð² Вікіпедії.",
+"rcloaderr" => "Ð—Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ… редагувань",
+"rcnote" => "Ðижче відображені оÑтанні <strong>$1</strong> редагувань за оÑтанні(й) <strong>$2</strong> день(Ñ–,ів).",
+"rcnotefrom" => "Ðижче відображені Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð· <b>$2</b> (до <b>$1</b>).",
+"rclistfrom" => "Показати Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ð¸Ð½Ð°ÑŽÑ‡Ð¸ з $1",
+# "rclinks" => "Show last $1 changes in last $2 hours / last $3 days",
+# "rclinks" => "Show last $1 changes in last $2 days.",
+"rclinks" => "Показати оÑтанні $1 Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð° оÑтанні(й) $2 день(Ñ–,ів); $3 незначних редагувань.",
+"rchide" => "в формі $4; $1 незначних редагувань; $2 вторинних(Ñ–) проÑторів імен; $3 множинних редагувань.",
+"rcliu" => "; $1 редагувань, зроблених кориÑтувачами зареєÑтрованими в ÑиÑтемі",
+"diff" => "різн.",
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+# Upload
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+"reupload" => "Завантажити повторно",
+"reuploaddesc" => "ПовернутиÑÑ Ð´Ð¾ форми завантаженнÑ.",
+"uploadnologin" => "Ви не ввійшли в ÑиÑтему",
+"uploadnologintext" => "Ви повинні <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Спеціальні:Вхід_в_ÑиÑтему" ) . "\">ввійти в ÑиÑтему,</a>
+щоб завантажувати файли.",
+"uploadfile" => "Завантажити файли",
+"uploaderror" => "Помилка Ð·Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ñƒ",
+"uploadtext" => "<strong>СТІЙ!</strong> До того Ñк почати завантажувати файли, переконайтеÑÑŒ, що ви прочитали й дієте відповідно <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "ВікіпедіÑ:Правила_викориÑтаннÑ_зображеннь" ) . "\">правилам викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½ÑŒ Вікіпедії</a>.
+<p>Якщо файл з вказаним вами іменем вже Ñ–Ñнує
+в Вікіпедії, то він буде замінений без попередженнÑ.
+Тому, Ñкщо ви не збираєтеÑÑŒ обновлÑти файл,
+було б непогано перевірити, чи Ñ–Ñнує вже
+такий файл.
+<p>Щоб переглÑнути раніше завантажені файли,
+зайдіть на: <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Спеціальні:СпиÑок зображень" ) .
+"\">ÑпиÑок завантажених зображень</a>.
+Ð—Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¹ Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð¶Ð°ÑŽÑ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð² <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "$wgMetaNamespace:Журнал завантажень" ) . "\">журналі завантажень</a>.
+<p>ВикориÑтовуйте відображену нижче форму Ð·Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ… файлів зображень, що ілюÑтрують ваші Ñтатті.
+Ð’ більшоÑÑ‚Ñ– браузерів поÑвитьÑÑ ÐºÐ½Ð¾Ð¿ÐºÐ° \"ПереглÑнути...\", натиÑнувши Ñку ви можете викликати Ñтандартний діалог
+Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ñ–Ð² операційної ÑиÑтеми.
+Вибір фалу призводить до Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑтового Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–ÑÐ»Ñ ÐºÐ½Ð¾Ð¿ÐºÐ¸.
+Ви також повинні вÑтановити галочку, що підтверджеє, що ви не порушуєте авторÑьких прав завантажуючи цей файл.
+ÐтиÑніть кнопку \"Завантажити\", щоб провеÑти завантаженнÑ.
+Ð—Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð³Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ðµ тривати деÑкий чаÑ, Ñкщо у Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ðµ інтернет-з'єднаннÑ.
+<p>Перевагу бажано надавати наÑтупним форматам; JPEG - Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ñ„Ñ–Ð¹, PNG -
+Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ð»ÑŽÐ½ÐºÑ–Ð² и невеликих зображень, OGG - Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð²ÑƒÐºÑ–Ð² та музики.
+Будь-лаÑка, щоб попередити Ð²Ð¸Ð½Ð¸ÐºÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿ÑƒÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ð½Ð¸, називайте ваші файли відповідно до Ñ—Ñ… зміÑту.
+Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð²ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð² Ñтаттю, викориÑтовуйте ÑÑилки такого виглÑду:
+<b>[[зображеннÑ:file.jpg]]</b> або <b>[[зображеннÑ:file.png|альтернативний текÑÑ‚]]</b>
+або <b>[[звук:file.ogg]]</b> Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð²ÑƒÐºÑ–Ð².
+<p>Будь-лаÑка, зверніть увагу, що аналогічно текÑтам Ñтатей Вікіпедії, інші можуть редагувати чи вилучати завантажені вами файли, Ñкщо вони вважають, що це покращить енциклопедію, а ви можете бути заблоковані, Ñкщо ваші дії шкодÑÑ‚ÑŒ ÑиÑтемі.",
+"uploadlog" => "журнал завантажень",
+"uploadlogpage" => "Журнал_завантажень",
+"uploadlogpagetext" => "Ðижче предÑтавлено ÑпиÑок найновіших завантажень файлів.
+Скрізь викориÑтовуєтьÑÑ Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñервера (по Гринвічу, UTC).
+"filename" => "Ðазва файлу",
+"filedesc" => "ÐžÐ¿Ð¸Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ñƒ",
+"affirmation" => "Я підтверджую, що влаÑник авторÑьких прав на це файл згоден розповÑюджувати його на наÑтупних умовах $1.",
+"copyrightpage" => "$wgMetaNamespace:ÐвторÑьке право",
+"copyrightpagename" => "ÐвторÑькі права в Вікіпедії",
+"uploadedfiles" => "Завантажені файли",
+"noaffirmation" => "Ви повинні підтвердити, що дане Ð·Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ðµ порушує будь-чиїх авторÑьких прав.",
+"ignorewarning" => "Ігнорувати Ð¿Ð¾Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ´Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¹ вÑе одно запиÑати файл.",
+"minlength" => "Ðазва Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð° міÑтити хоча б три Ñимволи.",
+"badfilename" => "Ðазва Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ»Ð¾ змінено на \"$1\".",
+"badfiletype" => "\".$1\" не Ñ” рекомендованим форматом Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ñ–Ð² зображень.",
+"largefile" => "РекомендуєтьÑÑ Ð²Ð¸ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтовувати файли зображень, розмір Ñких меньший 100 кілобайт.",
+"successfulupload" => "Ð—Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÑƒÑпішно завершено",
+"fileuploaded" => "Файл \"$1\" уÑпішно завантажено.
+Будь-лаÑка, перейдіть за наÑтупним поÑиланнÑм: ($2) до Ñторінки з опиÑом Ñ– внеÑÑ–Ñ‚ÑŒ наÑтупну інформацію про файл: джерело файлу, коли й ким він був Ñтворений, та іншу інформацію про цей файл.",
+"uploadwarning" => "ПопередженнÑ",
+"savefile" => "Зберегти файл",
+"uploadedimage" => "завантажено \"$1\"",
+"uploaddisabled" => "Вибачте, можливіÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ð·Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð° даний Ñервер відключена.",
+# Image list
+"imagelist" => "СпиÑок зображень",
+"imagelisttext" => "Ðижче відображено ÑпиÑок з $1 зображень, відÑортованих $2.",
+"getimagelist" => "Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÑпиÑку зображень",
+"ilshowmatch" => "Показати вÑÑ– Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð· Ñпівпадаючими назвами",
+"ilsubmit" => "Шукати",
+"showlast" => "Показати оÑтанні $1 зображень, відÑортованих $2.",
+"all" => "вÑÑ–",
+"byname" => "за назвою",
+"bydate" => "за датою",
+"bysize" => "за розміром",
+"imgdelete" => "вилуч.",
+"imgdesc" => "опиÑ",
+"imglegend" => "ПоÑÑненнÑ: (опиÑ) = показати/змінити Ð¾Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ.",
+"imghistory" => "Журнал зображеннÑ",
+"revertimg" => "відкот.",
+"deleteimg" => "вилуч.",
+"imghistlegend" => "ПоÑÑненнÑ: (поточ.) = це - поточне зображеннÑ, (вилуч.) = вилучити цю Ñтару верÑÑ–ÑŽ, (відкот.) = відкотитиÑÑ Ð´Ð¾ цієї Ñтарої верÑÑ–Ñ—.
+<br><i>Виберіть дату, щоб переглÑнути ÑпиÑок зображень, звантажених на цю дату</i>.",
+"imagelinks" => "ПоÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ",
+"linkstoimage" => "ÐаÑтупні Ñтатті поÑилаютьÑÑ Ð½Ð° дане зображеннÑ:",
+"nolinkstoimage" => "Статті, що поÑилаютьÑÑ Ð½Ð° дане зображеннÑ, відÑутні.",
+# Statistics
+"statistics" => "СтатиÑтика",
+"sitestats" => "СтатиÑтика Ñайту",
+"userstats" => "СтатиÑтика кориÑтувачів",
+"sitestatstext" => "Загалом в базі даних <b>$1</b> Ñтатей.
+Сюди входÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñторінки \"обговорень\", Ñтатті про Вікіпедію, мінімальні Ñтатті-\"заглушки\", перенаправленнÑ, та інші Ñторінки, Ñкі, можливо, не повинні розглÑдатиÑÑ Ñк Ñтатті.
+За виключеннÑм них, Ñ” <b>$2</b> Ñторінок, Ñкі, швидше за вÑе, повноцінні Ñтатті.<p>
+Ð’Ñього зроблено <b>$3</b> переглÑдів та <b>$4</b> редагувань Ñтатей
+з моменту Ð¾Ð±Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð¼Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ð·Ð°Ð±ÐµÐ·Ð¿ÐµÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ (20 Ð»Ð¸Ð¿Ð½Ñ 2002).
+Таким чином, в Ñередньому на одну Ñтаттю припадає <b>$5</b> редагувань та <b>$6</b> переглÑдів на одне редагуваннÑ.",
+"userstatstext" => "ЗареєÑтрувалоÑÑ <b>$1</b> кориÑтувачів, з Ñких
+<b>$2</b> - адмініÑтратори (див. $3).",
+# Maintenance Page
+"maintenance" => "Сторінка обÑлуговуваннÑ",
+"maintnancepagetext" => "Ðа цій Ñторінці Ñ” декілька зручних інÑтрументів Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‰Ð¾Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ обÑлуговуваннÑ. ДеÑкі з цих функцій Ñильно перевантажують базу даних, тому, не перезагружайте Ñторінку піÑÐ»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¶Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ;-)",
+"maintenancebacklink" => "ПовернутиÑÑ Ð½Ð° Ñторінку обÑлуговуваннÑ",
+"disambiguations" => "Багатозначні Ñтатті",
+"disambiguationspage" => "ВікіпедіÑ:ПоÑиланнÑ_на_багатозначні_Ñтатті",
+"disambiguationstext" => "ÐаÑтупна Ñтатті поÑилаютьÑÑ Ð½Ð° <i>багатозначні Ñтатті</i>. ЗаміÑÑ‚ÑŒ цього вони повинні вказувати на відповідну конкретну Ñтаттю.<br>Ð¡Ñ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ Ð²Ð²Ð°Ð¶Ð°Ñ”Ñ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð±Ð°Ð³Ð°Ñ‚Ð¾Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡Ð½Ð¾ÑŽ, Ñкщо на неї вказує $1.<br>ПоÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð· інших проÑторів імен тут <i>не</i> вказані.",
+"doubleredirects" => "Подвійні перенаправленнÑ",
+"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Увага:</b> Цей ÑпиÑок може міÑтити невірні елементи. Це значить, що піÑÐ»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐ¾Ñ— директиви #REDIRECT йде додатковий текÑÑ‚ з поÑиланнÑми.<br>\nКожен Ñ€Ñдок міÑтить поÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð° перше та друге перенаправленнÑ, а також перший Ñ€Ñдок текÑту другого перенаправленнÑ, що, звичайно, міÑтить \"реальне\" перенаправленне на необхідну Ñтаттю, куди повинно вказувати й перше перенаправленне.",
+"brokenredirects" => "Розірвані перенаправленнÑ",
+"brokenredirectstext" => "ÐаÑтупні Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ½Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²ÐºÐ°Ð·ÑƒÑŽÑ‚ÑŒ на неіÑнуючі Ñтатті.",
+"selflinks" => "Статті, що вказують Ñамі на Ñебе",
+"selflinkstext" => "ÐаÑтупні Ñтатті міÑÑ‚ÑÑ‚ÑŒ поÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñебе, чого не повинно бути.",
+"mispeelings" => "Статті з орфографічними помилками",
+"mispeelingstext" => "ÐаÑтупні Ñтатті міÑÑ‚ÑÑ‚ÑŒ орфографічні помилки, що чаÑто зуÑтрічаютьÑÑ. Вони перераховані в Ñтатті $1. Повинно бути вказано вірне напиÑÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ (наприклад так).",
+"mispeelingspage" => "СпиÑок орфографічних помилок, що чаÑто зуÑтрічаютьÑÑ",
+"missinglanguagelinks" => "ВідÑутні мовні поÑиланнÑ",
+"missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "Знайти відÑутні мовні поÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ñ— мови",
+"missinglanguagelinkstext" => "Ці Ñтатті <i>не</i> мають поÑилань на аналогічні мовою $1. ÐŸÐµÑ€ÐµÐ½Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ‚Ð° вкладені Ñтатті<i>не</i> показано.",
+# Miscellaneous special pages
+"orphans" => "Статті-Ñироти",
+"lonelypages" => "Статті-Ñироти",
+"unusedimages" => "ЗображеннÑ, що не викориÑтовуютьÑÑ",
+"popularpages" => "ПопулÑрні Ñтатті",
+"nviews" => "$1 переглÑдів",
+"wantedpages" => "Ðеобхідні Ñтатті",
+"nlinks" => "$1 поÑилань",
+"allpages" => "Ð’ÑÑ– Ñтатті",
+"randompage" => "Випадкова ÑтаттÑ",
+"shortpages" => "Короткі Ñтатті",
+"longpages" => "Довгі Ñтатті",
+"listusers" => "СпиÑок кориÑтувачів",
+"specialpages" => "Спеціальні Ñторінки",
+"spheading" => "Спеціальні Ñторінки",
+"sysopspheading" => "Спеціальні Ñторінки Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¸ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸ÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð°Ð´Ð¼Ñ–Ð½Ñ–Ñтраторами",
+"developerspheading" => "Спеціальні Ñторінки Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¸ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸ÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ€Ð¾Ð·Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð½Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð¼Ð¸",
+"protectpage" => "Захищена ÑтаттÑ",
+"recentchangeslinked" => "Пов'Ñзані редагуваннÑ",
+"rclsub" => "(на Ñтатті, поÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñкі Ñ” на \"$1\")",
+"debug" => "Відладка",
+"newpages" => "Ðові Ñтатті",
+"ancientpages" => "Самі Ñтарі Ñтатті",
+"movethispage" => "ПереміÑтити Ñ—Ñ—",
+"unusedimagestext" => "<p>Будь-лаÑка, врахуйте, що інші веб-Ñайти (подібно інших мовних розділів Вікіпедії) можуть викориÑтовувати прÑме поÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ (URL) на це зображеннÑ, Ñ– тому Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ðµ активно викориÑтовуватиÑÑ Ð½Ðµ дивлÑчиÑÑŒ на його приÑутніÑÑ‚ÑŒ в цьому ÑпиÑку.",
+"booksources" => "Джерела книг",
+"booksourcetext" => "Ðижче наведено ÑпиÑок поÑилань на інші веб-Ñайти, де продаютьÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ– та такі, що були в кориÑтуванні книги, а також там може бути Ñ–Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ñ–Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ книги, Ñкі ви шукаєте.
+$wgSitename ніÑк не зв’Ñзані з будь-Ñкими з них, Ñ– цей ÑпиÑок не може розглÑдатиÑÑ Ñк Ñ—Ñ… підтримка.",
+"alphaindexline" => "від $1 до $2",
+# Email this user
+"mailnologin" => "ВідÑÑƒÑ‚Ð½Ñ Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²ÐºÐ¸",
+"mailnologintext" => "Ви повинні <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Спеціальні:Вхід_в_ÑиÑтему" ) . "\">ввійти в ÑиÑтему</a>
+й мати адреÑу електронної пошти в ваших <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Спеціальні:ÐаÑтройки" ) . "\">наÑтройках</a>,
+щоб мати можливіÑÑ‚ÑŒ відправлÑти електронну пошту іншим кориÑтувачам.",
+"emailuser" => "Відправити електронного лиÑта цьому кориÑтувачу",
+"emailpage" => "Відправити електронного лиÑта кориÑтувачу",
+"emailpagetext" => "Якщо цей кориÑтувач вказав Ñправжню адреÑу електронної пошти в Ñвоїх наÑтройках, то заповнивши наведену нижче форму, можна відправити йому повідомленнÑ.
+Електронна адреÑа, Ñку ви вказали в Ñвоїх наÑтройках, буде вказана в полі \"Від кого\" лиÑта, тому отримувач буде мати можливіÑÑ‚ÑŒ відповіÑти.",
+"noemailtitle" => "ВідÑÑƒÑ‚Ð½Ñ Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑа електронної пошти",
+"noemailtext" => "Цей кориÑтувач не вказав Ñправжньої адреÑи електронної пошти, або вказав, що не бажає отримувати лиÑти від інших кориÑтувачів.",
+"emailfrom" => "Від кого",
+"emailto" => "Кому",
+"emailsubject" => "Тема лиÑта",
+"emailmessage" => "ПовідомленнÑ",
+"emailsend" => "ВідіÑлати",
+"emailsent" => "Електронне Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ñ–Ñлано",
+"emailsenttext" => "Ваше електронне Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ñ–Ñлано.",
+# Watchlist
+"watchlist" => "Ваш ÑпиÑок ÑпоÑтереженнÑ",
+"watchlistsub" => "(Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувача \"$1\")",
+"nowatchlist" => "Ваш ÑпиÑок ÑпоÑÑ‚ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿ÑƒÑтий.",
+"watchnologin" => "Ви не ввійшли в ÑиÑтему",
+"watchnologintext" => "Ви повинні <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Спеціальні:РеєÑтраціÑ" ) . "\">ввійти в ÑиÑтему</a>,
+щоб змінювати ÑпиÑок ÑпоÑтереженнÑ.",
+"addedwatch" => "Добавлена в ÑпиÑок ÑпоÑтереженнÑ",
+"addedwatchtext" => "Ð¡Ñ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ \"$1\" добавлена в ваш <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Спеціальні:СпиÑок_ÑпоÑтереженнÑ" ) . "\">ÑпиÑок ÑпоÑтереженнÑ</a>.
+ÐаÑтупні Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ†Ñ–Ñ”Ñ— Ñтатті й пов'Ñзані з нею диÑкуÑÑ–Ñ— будуть відображатиÑÑ Ñ‚ÑƒÑ‚,
+а також будуть відображатиÑÑ <b>жирним шрифтом</b> на Ñторінці з <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Спеціальні:ОÑтанні_редагуваннÑ" ) . "\">ÑпиÑком оÑтанніх редагувань</a>, щоб Ñ—Ñ… було
+легше помітити.</p>
+<p>Якщо пізніше ви захочете вилучити Ñтаттю з Ñвого ÑпиÑку ÑпоÑтереженнÑ, виберіть \"Відмінити ÑпоÑтереженнÑ\" в ÑпиÑку інÑтрументів.",
+"removedwatch" => "Вилучена з ÑпиÑку ÑпоÑтереженнÑ",
+"removedwatchtext" => "Ð¡Ñ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ \"$1\" була вилучена з вашого ÑпиÑку ÑпоÑтереженнÑ.",
+"watchthispage" => "СпоÑтерігати за нею",
+"unwatchthispage" => "Відмінити ÑпоÑтереженнÑ",
+"notanarticle" => "Ðе ÑтаттÑ",
+"watchnochange" => "За вказаний період в ÑтаттÑÑ… з ÑпиÑку ÑпоÑÑ‚ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ñ–Ñ‡Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ не змінено.",
+"watchdetails" => "($1 Ñтатей, за Ñкими ведетьÑÑ ÑпоÑтереженнÑ, не враховуючи Ñторінок обговореннÑ;
+$2 вÑього змінено Ñтатей піÑÐ»Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ñічки;
+<a href='$4'>показати й відредагувати повний ÑпиÑок</a>.)",
+"watchmethod-recent" => "переглÑд оÑтанніх редагувань Ñтатей за Ñкими ведетьÑÑ ÑпоÑтереженнÑ",
+"watchmethod-list" => "переглÑд Ñтатей за Ñкими ведетьÑÑ ÑпоÑтереженнÑ",
+"removechecked" => "Вилучити вибрані елементи зі ÑпиÑку ÑпоÑтереженнÑ",
+"watchlistcontains" => "Ваш ÑпиÑок ÑпоÑÑ‚ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ñ–Ñтить $1 Ñтатей.",
+"watcheditlist" => "Ðижче відображено алфавітний ÑпиÑок Ñтатей за Ñкими ви ÑпоÑтерігаєте.
+Відмітьте Ñтатті, Ñкі ви хочете вилучити з вашого
+ÑпиÑку ÑпоÑÑ‚ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¹ натиÑніть кнопку 'вилучити вибрані'
+внизу екрану.",
+"removingchecked" => "Ð’Ð¸Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… елементів зі ÑпиÑку ÑпоÑтереженнÑ...",
+"couldntremove" => "Ðеможливо вилучити елемент '$1'...",
+"iteminvalidname" => "Проблема з елементом '$1', недопуÑтиме назва...",
+"wlnote" => "Ðище наведено оÑтанні $1 редагувань за оÑтанні <b>$2</b> годин.",
+# Delete/protect/revert
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+"excontent" => "зміÑÑ‚:",
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+"exblank" => "ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ»Ð° пуÑта",
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+"historywarning" => "ПопередженнÑ: СтаттÑ, Ñку ви збираєтеÑÑ Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸, має журнал редагувань: ",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "Ви оÑÑŒ-оÑÑŒ назавжди вилучите Ñтаттю чи файл Ñ– вÑÑ– Ñ—Ñ— журнали редагувань з бази даних.
+Будь-лаÑка, підтвердіть, що ви бажаєте зробити це, що ви повніÑÑ‚ÑŽ розумієте наÑлідки й що ви робите це в відповідноÑÑ‚Ñ– з
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:Правила|правилами Вікіпедії]].",
+"confirmcheck" => "Так, Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ð¹Ñно хочу це вилучити.",
+"actioncomplete" => "Дію виконано",
+"deletedtext" => "\"$1\" було вилучено.
+Див. $2 Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ³Ð»Ñду ÑпиÑку оÑтанніх вилучень.",
+"deletedarticle" => "вилучено \"$1\"",
+"dellogpage" => "СпиÑок_вилучень",
+"dellogpagetext" => "Ðижче наведено ÑпиÑок Ñамих Ñвіжих вилучень.
+Ð’Ñюди викориÑтовуєтьÑÑ Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñервера (по Гринвічу, UTC).
+"deletionlog" => "ÑпиÑок вилучень",
+"reverted" => "Відновлено з Ñтарої верÑÑ–Ñ—",
+"deletecomment" => "Причина вилученнÑ",
+"imagereverted" => "ÐŸÐ¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð¾ молодшої верÑÑ–Ñ— проведено.",
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+"rollbacklink" => "відкинути",
+"cantrollback" => "Ðеможливо відкинути редагуваннÑ; оÑтанній хто редагував Ñ” єдиним автором цієї Ñтатті.",
+"rollbackfailed" => "Відкинути зміни не вдалоÑÑ",
+"alreadyrolled" => "Ðеможливо відкинути оÑтанні Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ [[$1]],
+зроблені [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); хтоÑÑŒ інший вже змінив чи відкинув Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ†Ñ–Ñ”Ñ— Ñтатті.
+ОÑтані Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð¸Ð² [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]). ",
+# only shown if there is an edit comment
+"editcomment" => "Ð ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ÐºÐ¾Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¾ так: \"<i>$1</i>\".",
+"revertpage" => "Відкинуть вÑÑ– Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð¾ зробленого $1",
+"protectlogpage" => "Журнал_захиÑту",
+"protectlogtext" => "Ðижче наведено ÑпиÑок уÑтановок й знÑÑ‚Ñ‚Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ…Ð¸Ñту з Ñторінки.
+Додаткова інформаціÑ: [[$wgMetaNamespace:Захищена ÑтаттÑ]].",
+"protectedarticle" => "захиÑÑ‚ на [[$1]] вÑтановлено",
+"unprotectedarticle" => "захиÑÑ‚ з [[$1]] знÑто",
+# Undelete
+"undelete" => "Відновити вилучену Ñтаттю",
+"undeletepage" => "ПереглÑнути й відновити вилучені Ñтатті",
+"undeletepagetext" => "ÐаÑтупні Ñтатті було вилучено, але вони ще в архіві Ñ– тому можуть бути відновлені. Ðрхів періодично очищаєтьÑÑ.",
+"undeletearticle" => "Відновити вилучену Ñтаттю",
+"undeleterevisions" => "Ð’ архіві $1 верÑій",
+"undeletehistory" => "Якщо ви відновите Ñтаттю, вÑÑ– верÑÑ–Ñ— будуть також відновлені, разом з журналом редагувань.
+Якщо з моменту Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ»Ð¾ Ñтворено Ñтаттю з такою ж назвою, відновлені верÑÑ–Ñ— будуть вказані в журналі редагувань перед новими запиÑами, але поточна верÑÑ–Ñ Ñ–Ñнуючої Ñтатті не буде замінена автоматично.",
+"undeleterevision" => "Вилучена верÑÑ–Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ $1",
+"undeletebtn" => "Відновити!",
+"undeletedarticle" => "\"$1\" відновлена",
+"undeletedtext" => "Статтю [[$1]] було відновлено.
+Див. [[$wgMetaNamespace:СпиÑок_вилучень]] щоб переглÑнути ÑпиÑок оÑтанніх вилучень та відновлень.",
+# Contributions
+"contributions" => "Вклад кориÑтувача",
+"mycontris" => "Ваш вклад",
+"contribsub" => "Ð”Ð»Ñ $1",
+"nocontribs" => "Редагувань, що задовольнÑÑŽÑ‚ÑŒ заданим умовам не знайдено.",
+"ucnote" => "Ðижче наводÑÑ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð¾Ñтанні <b>$1</b> редагувань, зроблених цим кориÑтувачем за оÑтанні <b>$2</b> дні.",
+"uclinks" => "ПереглÑнути $1 оÑтанніх редагувань; за оÑтанні $2 дні.",
+"uctop" => " (наверху)" ,
+# What links here
+"whatlinkshere" => "ПоÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð° неї",
+"notargettitle" => "Ðе вказана ціль",
+"notargettext" => "Ви не вказали цільову Ñтаттю чи кориÑтувача, Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñких необхідно виконати цю функцію.",
+"linklistsub" => "(СпиÑок поÑилань)",
+"linkshere" => "Ці Ñтатті вказують Ñюди:",
+"nolinkshere" => "Сюди не вказує жодна ÑтаттÑ.",
+"isredirect" => "Ñторінка-перенаправленнÑ",
+# Block/unblock IP
+"blockip" => "Заблокувати IP-адреÑу",
+"blockiptext" => "ВикориÑтовуйте форму що нижче, щоб заблокувати можливіÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ð·Ð±ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð· вказаної IP-адреÑи.
+Це може бути зроблене виключно Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ´Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð°Ð»Ñ–Ð·Ð¼Ñƒ Ñ– тільки в відповідноÑÑ‚Ñ– до
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:Правила|правил Вікіпедії]].
+Ðище вкажіть конкретную причину (наприклад, процитуйте деÑкі Ñтатті з ознаками вандалізму).",
+"ipaddress" => "IP-адреÑа/Ð†Ð¼Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувача",
+"ipbreason" => "Причина",
+"ipbsubmit" => "Заблокувати доÑтуп цьому кориÑтувачу ",
+"badipaddress" => "КориÑтувача з таким іменем не Ñ–Ñнує.",
+"noblockreason" => "Ви повинні опиÑати причину блокуваннÑ.",
+"blockipsuccesssub" => "Ð‘Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ½Ð¾",
+"blockipsuccesstext" => "\"$1\" заблоковано.
+<br>См. [[Спеціальні:СпиÑок_заблокованих_IP|ÑпиÑок заблокованих IP]] щоб взнати, Ñкі IP-адреÑи заблоковані.",
+"unblockip" => "Розблокувати IP-адреÑу",
+"unblockiptext" => "ВикориÑтовуйте форму що нижче, щоб відновити можливіÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ð·Ð±ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ñ–ÑˆÐµ заблокованої
+"ipusubmit" => "Розблокувати цю адреÑу",
+"ipusuccess" => "\"$1\" розблоковано",
+"ipblocklist" => "СпиÑок заблокованих IP-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¹ кориÑтувачів",
+"blocklistline" => "$1, $2 заблоковано $3",
+"blocklink" => "заблокувати",
+"unblocklink" => "розблокувати",
+"contribslink" => "вклад",
+"autoblocker" => "ДоÑтуп заблоковано автоматично, тому що ви викориÑтовуєте ту ж адреÑу, що Ñ– \"$1\". Причина: \"$2\".",
+# Developer tools
+"lockdb" => "Заблокувати базу даних (режим \"тільки Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ\")",
+"unlockdb" => "Розблокувати базу даних",
+"lockdbtext" => "Ð‘Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð±Ð°Ð·Ð¸ даних унеможливить Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñтатей, наÑтройок, ÑпиÑків ÑпоÑÑ‚ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ‚Ð°
+виконувати інші дії, що вимагають доÑтупу до бази даних.
+Будь-лаÑка, підтвердіть, що це - Ñаме те, що ви хочете зробити, Ñ– що ви відміните Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð»Ð¸ закінчите обÑÐ»ÑƒÐ³Ð¾Ð²ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð±Ð°Ð·Ð¸ даних.",
+"unlockdbtext" => "Ð Ð°Ð·Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð±Ð°Ð·Ð¸ даних надаÑÑ‚ÑŒ можливіÑÑ‚ÑŒ знову
+редагувати Ñтатті, наÑтройки, ÑпиÑки ÑпоÑÑ‚ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ‚Ð° виконувати інші дії, що вимагають доÑтупу до бази даних.
+Будь-лаÑка, підтвердіть, що це - Ñаме те, що ви хочете зробити.",
+"lockconfirm" => "Так, Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ð¹Ñно хочу заблокувати базу даних (перейти в режим ''тільки Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ'').",
+"unlockconfirm" => "Так, Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ð¹Ñно хочу розблокувати базу даних.",
+"lockbtn" => "Заблокувати базу даних (режим ''тільки Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ'')",
+"unlockbtn" => "Розблокувати базу даних",
+"locknoconfirm" => "Ви не поÑтавили галочку в поле підтвердженнÑ.",
+"lockdbsuccesssub" => "Базу даних заблоковано",
+"unlockdbsuccesssub" => "Базу даних розблоковано",
+"lockdbsuccesstext" => "Базу даних Вікіпедії заблоковано.
+<br>Ðе забудьте Ñ—Ñ— розблокувати піÑÐ»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¾Ð±ÑлуговуваннÑ.",
+"unlockdbsuccesstext" => "Базу даних Вікіпедії розблоковано.",
+# SQL query
+"asksql" => "SQL-запит",
+"asksqltext" => "ВикориÑтовуйте форму що нижче, щоб виконати прÑмий запит до бази даних Вікіпедії.
+ВикориÑтовуйте одинарні кавички ('Ñк оÑÑŒ тут') Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ð¼ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ€Ñдків (string).
+Дана Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ñ–Ñ Ñ‡Ð°Ñто призводить до Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ð°Ð½Ñ‚Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñервера, тому викориÑтовуйте Ñ—Ñ— обережно (не дуже чаÑто).",
+"sqlislogged" => "Будь-лаÑка, зверніть увагу, що вÑÑ– запити протоколюютьÑÑ.",
+"sqlquery" => "Введіть запит",
+"querybtn" => "Підтвердіть запит",
+"selectonly" => "Запити, інакші чим \"SELECT\", доÑтупні тільки розробникам Вікіпедії.",
+"querysuccessful" => "Запит виконано",
+# Move page
+"movepage" => "ПереміÑтити Ñтаттю",
+"movepagetext" => "За допомогою форми що нижче, ви можете перейменувати Ñтаттю, одночаÑно переміÑтивши на нове міÑце Ñ– журнал Ñ—Ñ— редагувань.
+Ð¡Ñ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ Ð· Ñтарою назвою Ñтане перенаправленнÑм на нову Ñтаттю.
+ПоÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтару назву не будуть змінені; обов'Ñзково
+[[Спеціальні:ОбÑлуговуваннÑ|перевірте]], що не з'ÑвилоÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð²Ñ–Ð¹Ð½Ð¸Ñ… чи розірваних перенаправлень.
+Ви відповідаєте за те, щоб переконатиÑÑ, що поÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð»Ñ– вказують туди,
+куди припуÑкалоÑÑ.
+Зверніть увагу, що ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ '''не''' буде переміщена, Ñкщо ÑтаттÑ
+з новою назвою вже Ñ–Ñнує, Ñкщо тільки вона не пуÑта Ñ– не Ñ”
+перенаправленнÑм, а журнал Ñ—Ñ— редагувань порожній. Це означає, що ви
+можете повернути Ñтатті Ñтару назву, Ñкщо ви перейменували Ñ—Ñ—
+помилково, але ви не можете затерти Ñ–Ñнуючу Ñтаттю.
+Дана Ð´Ñ–Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ðµ Ñтати причиною Ñерйозних та неочікуваних змін популÑрних Ñтатей;
+будь-лаÑка, перед продовженнÑм переконайтеÑÑŒ, що ви впевнені й розумієте можливі наÑлідки.",
+"movepagetalktext" => "Приєднана Ñторінка обговореннÑ, Ñкщо така Ñ–Ñнує,
+також буде автоматично переміщена, '''крім наÑтупних випадків:'''
+*Ви переміщаєте Ñтаттю з одного проÑтору імен в інший,
+*ÐепуÑта Ñторінка Ð¾Ð±Ð³Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð· таким іменем вже Ñ–Ñнує, або
+*Ви не поÑтавили галочку в полі, що нижче.
+Ð’ цих випадках, ви будете вимушені переміÑтити чи об'єднати Ñтатті вручну,
+Ñкщо це потрібно.",
+"movearticle" => "ПереміÑтити Ñтаттю",
+"movenologin" => "Ви не ввійшли в ÑиÑтему",
+"movenologintext" => "Ви повинні ввійти в ÑиÑтему <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Спеціальні:Вхід_в_ÑиÑтему" ) . "\"></a>
+щоб переміÑтити Ñтаттю.",
+"newtitle" => "Ðова назва",
+"movepagebtn" => "ПереміÑтити Ñтаттю",
+"pagemovedsub" => "ÐŸÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ–Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð¸ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð°Ð½Ð¾",
+"pagemovedtext" => "Ðазва Ñтатті \"[[$1]]\" змінено на \"[[$2]]\".",
+"articleexists" => "Сторінка з такою назвою вже Ñ–Ñнує, або
+вибрана вами назва недопуÑтима.
+Будь-лаÑка, виберіть іншу назву.",
+"talkexists" => "Ð¡Ñ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‚Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ»Ð° перейменована, але Ñторінка обговореннÑ
+не може бути переміщена, бо Ñторінка з такаю назвою вже
+Ñ–Ñнує. Будь-лаÑка, об'єднайте Ñ—Ñ… вручну.",
+"movedto" => "тепер називаєтьÑÑ",
+"movetalk" => "ПереміÑтити також Ñ– Ñторінку Ð¾Ð±Ð³Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ , Ñкщо це можливо.",
+"talkpagemoved" => "Відповідна Ñторінка Ð¾Ð±Ð³Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð¶ переміщена.",
+"talkpagenotmoved" => "Відповідна Ñторінка Ð¾Ð±Ð³Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ <strong>не</strong> переміщена.",
+class LanguageUk extends LanguageUtf8 {
+ function getNamespaces() {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesUk;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesUk;
+ }
+ function getNsText( $index ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesUk;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesUk[$index];
+ }
+ function getNsIndex( $text ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesUk, $wgNamespaceNamesEn;
+ foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesUk as $i => $n ) {
+ if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
+ }
+ /* Fallback to English names used earlier on the uk.wikipedia */
+ foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesEn as $i => $n ) {
+ if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function getQuickbarSettings() {
+ global $wgQuickbarSettingsUk;
+ return $wgQuickbarSettingsUk;
+ }
+ function getSkinNames() {
+ global $wgSkinNamesUk;
+ return $wgSkinNamesUk;
+ }
+ function getMathNames() {
+ global $wgMathNamesUk;
+ return $wgMathNamesUk;
+ }
+ function getDateFormats() {
+ global $wgDateFormatsUk;
+ return $wgDateFormatsUk;
+ }
+ function getUserToggles() {
+ global $wgUserTogglesUk;
+ return $wgUserTogglesUk;
+ }
+ function getMonthName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthNamesUk;
+ return $wgMonthNamesUk[$key-1];
+ }
+ /* by default we just return base form */
+ function getMonthNameGen( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthNamesUk;
+ return $wgMonthNamesUk[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getMonthRegex()
+ {
+ global $wgMonthNamesUk;
+ return implode( "|", $wgMonthNamesUk );
+ }
+ function getMonthAbbreviation( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthAbbreviationsUk;
+ return $wgMonthAbbreviationsUk[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getWeekdayName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgWeekdayNamesUk;
+ return $wgWeekdayNamesUk[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getValidSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgValidSpecialPagesUk;
+ return $wgValidSpecialPagesUk;
+ }
+ function getSysopSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgSysopSpecialPagesUk;
+ return $wgSysopSpecialPagesUk;
+ }
+ function getDeveloperSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesUk;
+ return $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesUk;
+ }
+ function getMessage( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgAllMessagesUk;
+ return $wgAllMessagesUk[$key];
+ }
+ function fallback8bitEncoding() {
+ return "windows-1251";
+ }
diff --git a/languages/LanguageUr.php b/languages/LanguageUr.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bed070fd314c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/LanguageUr.php
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Stub for Urdu
+include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+class LanguageUr extends LanguageUtf8 {
+ function getDefaultUserOptions() {
+ $opt = Language::getDefaultUserOptions();
+ $opt["quickbar"] = 2; # Right-to-left
+ $opt["underline"] = 0; # Underline is hard to read in Arabic script
+ return $opt;
+ }
+ # For right-to-left language support
+ function isRTL() {
+ return true;
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/LanguageWa.php b/languages/LanguageWa.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7effa651d983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/LanguageWa.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1484 @@
+include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+# NOTE: cweri après "NOTE:" po des racsegnes so des ratournaedjes
+# k' i gn a.
+# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
+# set "currentevents" => "-"
+# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
+# are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
+# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
+/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesWa = array(
+ -2 => "Media", /* Media */
+ -1 => "Sipeciås", /* Special */
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "Copene", /* Talk */
+ 2 => "Uzeu", /* User */
+ 3 => "Uzeu_copene", /* User_talk */
+ 4 => "Wikipedia", /* Wikipedia */
+ 5 => "Wikipedia_copene", /* Wikipedia_talk */
+ 6 => "Imådje", /* Image */
+ 7 => "Imådje_copene", /* Image_talk */
+ 8 => "MediaWiki", /* MediaWiki */
+ 9 => "MediaWiki_copene" /* MediaWiki_talk */
+/* private */ $wgDefaultUserOptionsWa = array(
+ "quickbar" => 1, "underline" => 1, "hover" => 1,
+ "cols" => 80, "rows" => 25, "searchlimit" => 20,
+ "contextlines" => 5, "contextchars" => 50,
+ "skin" => 0, "math" => 1, "rcdays" => 7, "rclimit" => 50,
+ "highlightbroken" => 1, "stubthreshold" => 0,
+ "previewontop" => 1, "editsection"=>1,"editsectiononrightclick"=>0, "showtoc"=>1,
+ "date" => 0
+/* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsWa = array(
+ "Nole bår", "Aclawêye a hintche", "Aclawêye a droete", "Flotante a hintche"
+/* private */ $wgSkinNamesWa = array(
+ "Sitandård", "Nostaldjike", "Bleu Cologne", "Paddington", "Montparnasse"
+/* private */ $wgMathNamesWa = array(
+ "Håyner tofer come ene imådje PNG",
+ "Håyner en HTML si c'&nbsp;est foirt simpe, ôtmint e PNG",
+ "Håyner en HTML si c'&nbsp;est possibe, ôtmint e PNG",
+ "El leyî e TeX (po les betchteus e môde tecse)",
+ "Ricmandé po les betchteus modienes"
+/* private */ $wgDateFormatsWa = array( /* cwè fé chal ??? */
+ "Nole preferince",
+ "January 15, 2001",
+ "15 January 2001",
+ "2001 January 15",
+ "2001-01-15"
+/* private */ $wgUserTogglesWa = array(
+ "hover" => "Racsegnes cwand on passe so les loyéns",
+ "underline" => "Sorlignî les loyéns",
+ "highlightbroken" => "Håyner les vudes loyéns
+ <a href=\"\" class=\"new\">come çouchal</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ (oudonbén: come çouchal<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
+ "justify" => "Djustifyî les hagnons",
+ "hideminor" => "Èn nén moster les <i>dierins candjmints</i> mineurs",
+ "usenewrc" => "Ramidrés <i>dierins candjmints</i> (nén tos les betchteus)",
+ "numberheadings" => "Limerotaedje otomatike des tites",
+ "editondblclick" => "Candjî les pådjes avou on dobe-clitch (JavaScript)",
+ "editsection" => "Eployî les loyéns «[candjî]» po candjî rén k'&nbsp;ene seccion",
+ "editsectiononrightclick" => "Candjî les seccions avou on dobe-clitch sol tite (JavaScript)",
+ "showtoc" => "Mostrer l'&nbsp;tåvlea d'&nbsp;ådvins<br>(po ls årtikes avou pus di 3 seccions)",
+ "rememberpassword" => "Rimimbrer li scret inte les sessions",
+ "editwidth" => "Li boesse d'&nbsp;aspougnaedje prind tote li lårdjeu",
+ "watchdefault" => "Shuve les årtikes ki dj'&nbsp;fwai ou ki dj'&nbsp;candje",
+ "minordefault" => "Prémete mes candjmints come mineurs",
+ "previewontop" => "Prévey l'&nbsp;årtike å dzeu del boesse d'&nbsp;aspougnaedje",
+ "nocache" => "Èn nén eployî d'&nbsp;muchete pol håynaedje des pådjes"
+/* private */ $wgBookstoreListWa = array(
+ "AddALL" => "$1&type=ISBN",
+ "PriceSCAN" => "$1",
+ "Barnes & Noble" => "$1",
+ "" => "$1"
+/* private */ $wgLanguageNamesWa = array(
+ "aa" => "Afar", # co a fé
+ "ab" => "ÐÒ§Ñны", /* abxhaze */
+ "af" => "Afrikaans", /* afrikaans */
+ "als" => "Elsässisch", /* elsasyin */
+ "am" => "አማርኛ", /* amarike */
+ "ar" => "العربية", /* arabe */
+ "as" => "অসমীয়া", /* assamès */
+ "ay" => "Aymara", # co a fé
+ "az" => "Azərbaycanca", /* azerbaydjanès */
+ "ba" => "Башкорт", /* bashkir */
+ "be" => "БеларуÑки", /* bielorûsse */
+ "bg" => "БългарÑки", /* bulgÃ¥re */
+ "bh" => "Bihara", # co a fé
+ "bi" => "Bislama", # co a fé
+ "bn" => "বাংলা", /* bengali */
+ "bo" => "Tibetan", # co a fé
+ "br" => "Brezhoneg", /* burton */
+ "bs" => "Bosanski", /* bosnyin */
+ "ca" => "Català", /* catalan */
+ "ch" => "Chamoru", # co a fé
+ "co" => "Corsu", /* corse */
+ "cs" => "Česká", /* tcheke */
+ "csb" => "Kaszëbsczi", /* cachoube */
+ "cy" => "Cymraeg", /* walès */
+ "da" => "Dansk", /* daenwès */
+ "de" => "Deutsch", /* almand */
+ "dz" => "Bhutani", # co a fé
+ "el" => "Ελληνικά", /* grek */
+ "en" => "English", /* inglès */
+ "eo" => "Esperanto", /* esperanto */
+ "es" => "Español", /* castiyan */
+ "et" => "Eesti", /* estonyin */
+ "eu" => "Euskara", /* basse */
+ "fa" => "Ùرسى", /* farsi */
+ "fi" => "Suomi", /* finwès */
+ "fj" => "Fijian", # co a fé
+ "fo" => "Faeroese", # co a fé
+ "fr" => "Français", /* francès */
+ "fy" => "Frysk", /* frizon */
+ "ga" => "Gaelige", /* irlandès */
+ "gd" => "Gàidhlig", /* gayel d' Escôsse */
+ "gl" => "Galego", /* galicyin */
+ "gn" => "Avañe'ẽ", /* gwarani */
+ "gu" => "ગà«àªœàª°àª¾àª¤à«€", /* gujarati */
+ "gv" => "Gaelg", /* gayel di l' iye di Man */
+ "ha" => "Hausa", # co a fé
+ "he" => "עברית", /* ebreu */
+ "hi" => "हिनà¥à¤¦à¥€", /* hindi */
+ "hr" => "Hrvatski", /* crowåte */
+ "hu" => "Magyar", /* hongrwès */
+ "hy" => "Հայերէն", /* årmenyin */
+ "ia" => "Interlingua", /* interlingua */
+ "id" => "Bahasa Indonesia", /* indonezyin */
+ "ik" => "Iñupiaq", /* inupiak */
+ "is" => "Ãslenska", /* izlandès */
+ "it" => "Italiano", /* itålyin */
+ "iu" => "áƒá“„ᒃᑎá‘ᑦ", /* inuktitut */
+ "ja" => "日本語", /* djaponès */
+ "jv" => "Basa Jawa", /* djavanès */
+ "ka" => "ქáƒáƒ áƒ—ველი", /* djeyordjyin */
+ "kk" => "Қазақ", /* kazaxh */
+ "kl" => "kalaallisut", /* groeyenlandès */
+ "km" => "ភាសាážáŸ’មែរ", /* xhmer */
+ "kn" => "ಕನà³à²¨à²¡", /* kannada */
+ "ko" => "한국어", /* coreyin */
+ "ks" => "Kashmiri", # co a fé
+ "ku" => "Kurdî", /* kurde */
+ "kw" => "Kernewek", /* cornike */
+ "ky" => "Kirghiz", # co a fé
+ "la" => "Latina", /* latén */
+ "ln" => "Lingala", # co a fé
+ "lo" => "Laotian", # co a fé
+ "lt" => "Lietuvių", /* litwanyin */
+ "lv" => "Latviešu", /* letonyin */
+ "mg" => "Malagasy", # co a fé
+ "mi" => "MÄori", /* mawori */
+ "mk" => "МакедонÑки", /* macedonyin */
+ "ml" => "മലയാളം", /* malayalam */
+ "mn" => "Монгол", /* mongol */
+ "mo" => "Moldavian", # co a fé
+ "mr" => "मराठी", /* marati */
+ "ms" => "Bahasa Melayu", /* malaizyin */
+ "my" => "Burmese", # co a fé
+ "na" => "Nauru", /* nawourès */ # co a fé
+ "nah" => "Nahuatl", # co a fé
+ "nds" => "Plattdüütsch", /* bas sacson */
+ "ne" => "नेपाली", /* nepalès */
+ "nl" => "Nederlands", /* neyerlandès */
+ "no" => "Norsk", /* norvedjyin */
+ "oc" => "Occitan", /* occitan */
+ "om" => "Oromo", # co a fé
+ "or" => "Oriya", # co a fé
+ "pa" => "Punjabi", # co a fé
+ "pl" => "Polski", /* polonès */
+ "ps" => "پښﺕﻭ", /* pashto */
+ "pt" => "Português", /* portuguès */
+ "qu" => "Quechua", # co a fé
+ "rm" => "Rumantsch", /* romantche */
+ "rn" => "Kirundi", # co a fé
+ "ro" => "Română", /* roumin */
+ "ru" => "РуÑÑкий", # /* rûsse */
+ "rw" => "Kinyarwanda", /* kiniarwanda */
+ "sa" => "संसà¥à¤•à¥ƒà¤¤", /* sanscrit */
+ "sd" => "Sindhi", # co a fé
+ "sg" => "Sangro", # co a fé
+ "sh" => "Srpskohrvatski", /* serbocrowåte */
+ "si" => "Sinhalese", # co a fé
+ "simple" => "Simple English", /* inglès simpe */
+ "sk" => "SlovenÄina", /* eslovake */
+ "sl" => "SlovenÅ¡Äina", /* eslovenyin */
+ "sm" => "Samoan", # co a fé
+ "sn" => "Shona", # co a fé
+ "so" => "Soomaali", # co a fé
+ "sq" => "Shqip", /* albanyin */
+ "sr" => "СрпÑки", /* serbe */
+ "ss" => "Siswati", # co a fé
+ "st" => "Sesotho", # co a fé
+ "su" => "Sundanese", # co a fé
+ "sv" => "Svenska", /* suwedwès */
+ "sw" => "Kiswahili", /* kiswahili */
+ "ta" => "தமிழà¯", /* tamoul */
+ "te" => "తెలà±à°—à±", /* telougou */
+ "tg" => "Тоҷикӣ", /* tadjik */
+ "th" => "Thai", # co a fé
+ "ti" => "Tigrinya", # co a fé
+ "tk" => "Turkmen", # co a fé
+ "tl" => "Filipino", /* filipin */
+ "tn" => "Setswana", # co a fé
+ "to" => "Tonga", # co a fé
+ "tr" => "Türkçe", # /* turk */
+ "ts" => "Tsonga", # co a fé
+ "tt" => "Татарча (Tatarça)", /* tatår */
+ "tw" => "Twi", # co a fé
+ "ug" => "Uighur", # co a fé
+ "uk" => "УкраїнÑька", /* Oucrinnyin */
+ "ur" => "ïºïº­ïº©ï»­", /* ourdou */
+ "uz" => "Ўзбекча (O'zbekcha)", /* ouzbeke */
+ "vi" => "Tiếng Việt", /* vietnamyin */
+ "vo" => "Volapük", /* volapuk */
+ "wa" => "Walon", /* walon */
+ "wo" => "Wolof", # co a fé
+ "xh" => "isiXhosa", /* xhosa */
+ "yi" => "Yiddish", # co a fé
+ "yo" => "Yoruba", # co a fé
+ "za" => "Zhuang", # co a fé
+ "zh" => "中文", /* chinwès */
+ "zh-cn" => "中文(简体)",
+ "zh-tw" => "中文(ç¹ä½“)",
+ "zu" => "Isi-Zulu" /* zoulou */
+/* private */ $wgWeekdayNamesWa = array(
+ "dimegne", "londi", "mårdi", "mierkidi", "djudi",
+ "vénrdi", "semdi"
+/* private */ $wgMonthNamesWa = array(
+ "djanvî", "fevrî", "måss", "avri", "may", "djun",
+ "djulete", "awousse", "setimbe", "octôbe", "nôvimbe",
+ "decimbe"
+/* private */ $wgMonthAbbreviationsWa = array(
+ "dja", "fev", "mås", "avr", "may", "djn", "djl", "awo",
+ "set", "oct", "nôv", "dec"
+# All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
+# will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
+# is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
+#### Li no des pådjes ni s' pout nén (co?) ratourner
+#### Name of the pages is not (yet?) translatable
+/* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesWa = array(
+ "Userlogin" => "",
+ "Userlogout" => "",
+ "Preferences" => "Candjî mes preferinces",
+ "Watchlist" => "Mes pådjes shuvowes",
+ "Recentchanges" => "Dierins candjmints",
+ "Upload" => "Eberweter des imådjes",
+ "Imagelist" => "Djivêye des imådjes",
+ "Listusers" => "Uzeus eredjîstrés",
+ "Statistics" => "Sitatistikes del waibe",
+ "Randompage" => "Ã…rtike a l'&nbsp;astcheyance",
+ "Lonelypages" => "Årtikes ôrfulins",
+ "Unusedimages" => "Imådjes ôrfulinnes",
+ "Popularpages" => "Årtikes les pus léjhous",
+ "Wantedpages" => "Ã…rtikes les pus rcwerous",
+ "Shortpages" => "Ã…rtikes les pus courts",
+ "Longpages" => "Ã…rtikes les pus longous",
+ "Newpages" => "Årtikes novelmint askepyîs",
+ "Ancientpages" => "Årtikes les pus vîs",
+ "Intl" => "Loyéns eterlingaedjes",
+ "Allpages" => "Totes les påjdes reléjhowes sol tite",
+ "Ipblocklist" => "Uzeus/adresses IP di blokés",
+ "Maintenance" => "PÃ¥dje di manaedjmint",
+ "Specialpages" => "",
+ "Contributions" => "",
+ "Emailuser" => "",
+ "Whatlinkshere" => "",
+ "Recentchangeslinked" => "",
+ "Movepage" => "",
+ "Booksources" => "External book sources", # co a fé
+ "Categories" => "Categoreyes des pådjes",
+ "Export" => "XML page export", # co a fé
+/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesWa = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
+ "Blockip" => "Bloker èn uzeu/ene adresse IP",
+ "Asksql" => "Query the database", # co a fé
+ "Undelete" => "Rapexhî des disfacêyès pådjes"
+/* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesWa = array(
+ "Lockdb" => "Mete li båze di dnêyes e môde seulmint-lére",
+ "Unlockdb" => "Rimete l'&nbsp;accès po scrire al båze di dnêyes",
+ "Debug" => "Informåcion di disbugaedje"
+/* private */ $wgAllMessagesWa = array(
+# Bits of text used by many pages:
+# the [] is only for *bytes*, real chars should be one by one :-(
+#"linktrail" => "/^(?:å|â|ê|î|ô|û|ç|é|è|[a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD",
+"linktrail" => "/^(å|â|ê|î|ô|û|ç|é|è|[a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD",
+"categories" => "Categoreyes des pådjes",
+"category" => "categoreye",
+"category_header" => "Årtikes el categoreye «%s»",
+"subcategories" => "Dizo-categoreyes",
+"mainpage" => "Mwaisse pådje",
+"mainpagetext" => "Li programe Wiki a stî astalé a l'&nbsp;idêye.",
+"about" => "Ã… dfait",
+"aboutwikipedia" => "Ã… dfait di Wikipedia",
+"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:Ã… dfait",
+"help" => "Aidance",
+"helppage" => "Wikipedia:Aidance",
+"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
+"bugreports" => "Rapoirts di bugs",
+"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:Rapoirts di bugs",
+"sitesupport" => "Donåcions",
+"sitesupportpage" => "", # If not set, won't appear. Can be wiki page or URL
+"faq" => "FAQ", # co a fé
+"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:FAQ", # co a fé
+"edithelp" => "Aidance",
+"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:Kimint_candjî_ene_pådje",
+"cancel" => "Rinoncî",
+"qbfind" => "Trover",
+"qbbrowse" => "Foyter",
+"qbedit" => "Candjî",
+"qbpageoptions" => "Cisse pådje ci",
+"qbpageinfo" => "Contecse",
+"qbmyoptions" => "Mes pådjes",
+"qbspecialpages" => "Pådjes sipeciåles",
+"moredotdotdot" => "Co dpus...",
+"mypage" => "Mi pådje",
+"mytalk" => "Mi copinaedje",
+#"currentevents" => "-", /* pol dismete */
+"currentevents" => "Actouwålités",
+"errorpagetitle" => "Aroke",
+"returnto" => "Rivni al pådje «$1».",
+"fromwikipedia" => "Èn årtike di Wikipedia, li libe eciclopedeye.",
+"help" => "Aidance",
+"search" => "Cweri",
+"go" => "Evoye",
+"history" => "Istwere del pådje",
+"printableversion" => "Modêye sicrirece-amishtåve",
+"editthispage" => "Candjî&nbsp;l'&nbsp;pådje",
+"deletethispage" => "Disfacer l'&nbsp;pådje",
+"protectthispage" => "Protedjî l'&nbsp;pådje",
+"unprotectthispage" => "Disprotedjî l'&nbsp;pådje",
+"newpage" => "Novele pådje",
+"talkpage" => "Copene sol pådje",
+"postcomment" => "Sicrire on comintaire",
+"articlepage" => "Vey l'&nbsp;Ã¥rtike",
+"subjectpage" => "Vey li sudjet", # For compatibility
+"userpage" => "Vey li pådje di l'&nbsp;uzeu",
+"wikipediapage" => "Vey li meta-pådje",
+"imagepage" => "Vey li pådje di l'&nbsp;imådje",
+"viewtalkpage" => "Vey li pådje di copene",
+"otherlanguages" => "Ôtes lingaedjes",
+"redirectedfrom" => "(Redjiblé di $1)",
+"lastmodified" => "Cisse pådje a stî candjeye pol dierin côp li $1.",
+"viewcount" => "Cisse pådje la a stî léjhowe $1 côps.",
+"gnunote" => "Tos les tecses chal sont dizo l'&nbsp;libe licince <a class=internal href='/wiki/GFDL'>GFDL (licince di documintåcion libe di GNU)</a>.",
+"printsubtitle" => "(di",
+"protectedpage" => "PÃ¥dje protedjeye",
+"administrators" => "Wikipedia:Manaedjeus",
+"sysoptitle" => "Sysop access required", # co a fé
+"sysoptext" => "The action you have requested can only be
+performed by users with \"sysop\" status.
+See $1.", # co a fé
+"developertitle" => "Developer access required", # co a fé
+"developertext" => "The action you have requested can only be
+performed by users with \"developer\" status.
+See $1.", # co a fé
+"nbytes" => "$1 octets",
+"go" => "Potchî",
+"ok" => "'l est bon",
+"sitetitle" => "Wikipedia",
+"sitesubtitle" => "Li libe eciclopedeye",
+"retrievedfrom" => "Prin del pådje «$1»",
+"newmessages" => "Vos avoz des $1.",
+"newmessageslink" => "noveas messaedjes",
+"editsection" => "candjî",
+"toc" => "Ã…dvins",
+"showtoc" => "mostrer",
+"hidetoc" => "catchî",
+"thisisdeleted" => "Vey ou rapexhî $1?",
+"restorelink" => "$1 candjmints disfacés",
+# Main script and global functions
+"nosuchaction" => "Nole sifwaite accion",
+"nosuchactiontext" => "L'&nbsp;accion specifieyes pal hårdêye n'&nbsp;est
+nén ricnoxhowe på wiki.",
+"nosuchspecialpage" => "Nole sifwaite pådje",
+"nospecialpagetext" => "Vos avoz dmandé ene pådje sipeciåle ki n'&nbsp;est
+nén ricnoxhowe på wiki.",
+# General errors
+"error" => "Aroke",
+"databaseerror" => "Åk n'&nbsp;a nén stî avou l'&nbsp;båze di dnêyes",
+"dberrortext" => "A database query syntax error has occurred.
+This could be because of an illegal search query (see $5),
+or it may indicate a bug in the software.
+The last attempted database query was:
+from within function \"<tt>$2</tt>\".
+MySQL returned error \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".", # co a fé
+"dberrortextcl" => "A database query syntax error has occurred.
+The last attempted database query was:
+from within function \"$2\".
+MySQL returned error \"$3: $4\".\n", # co a fé
+"noconnect" => "Mande escuzes! Li wiki a des rujhes tecnikes pol moumint, eyet c'&nbsp;est nén possibe di s'&nbsp;raloyî al båze di dnêyes.",
+"nodb" => "Could not select database $1", # co a fé
+"cachederror" => "The following is a cached copy of the requested page, and may not be up to date.", # co a fé
+"readonly" => "Database locked", # co a fé
+"enterlockreason" => "Enter a reason for the lock, including an estimate
+of when the lock will be released", # co a fé
+"readonlytext" => "The database is currently locked to new
+entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance,
+after which it will be back to normal.
+The administrator who locked it offered this explanation:
+<p>$1", # co a fé
+"missingarticle" => "The database did not find the text of a page
+that it should have found, named \"$1\".
+<p>This is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history link to a
+page that has been deleted.
+<p>If this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software.
+Please report this to an administrator, making note of the URL.", # co a fé
+"internalerror" => "Divintrinne aroke",
+"filecopyerror" => "Dji n'&nbsp;a savou copyî l'&nbsp;fitchî «$1» viè «$2».",
+"filerenameerror" => "Dji n'&nbsp;a savou rlomer l'&nbsp;fitchî «$1» e «$2».",
+"filedeleteerror" => "Dji n'&nbsp;a savou disfacer l'&nbsp;fitchî «$1».",
+"filenotfound" => "Dji n'&nbsp;a savou trover l'&nbsp;fitchî «$1».",
+"unexpected" => "Valixhance nén ratindowe: «$1»=«$2».",
+"formerror" => "Error: could not submit form", # co a fé
+"badarticleerror" => "This action cannot be performed on this page.", # co a fé
+"cannotdelete" => "Could not delete the page or image specified. (It may have already been deleted by someone else.)", # co a fé
+"badtitle" => "Bad title", # co a fé
+"badtitletext" => "The requested page title was invalid, empty, or
+an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title.", # co a fé
+"perfdisabled" => "Sorry! This feature has been temporarily disabled
+because it slows the database down to the point that no one can use
+the wiki.", # co a fé
+"perfdisabledsub" => "Here's a saved copy from $1:", # co a fé
+"wrong_wfQuery_params" => "Parametes incoreks po wfQuery()<br>
+Fonccion: $1<br>
+Cweraedje: $2
+"viewsource" => "Vey côde sourdant",
+"protectedtext" => "Cisse pådje chal a stî protedjeye siconte des candjmints;
+i gn a sacantès råjhons po çoula, loukîz
+[[$wgMetaNamespace:PÃ¥dje protedjeye]] s'&nbsp;i vs plait.
+Mins nerén vos ploz vey eyet copyî li côde sourdant del pådje:",
+# Login and logout pages
+"logouttitle" => "Dislodjaedje",
+"logouttext" => "Vos vs avoz dislodjî.
+Vos ploz continouwer a naivyî so Wikipedia anonimmint, oudonbén
+vos relodjî dizo l'&nbsp;minme uzeu ou dizo èn uzeu diferin.\n",
+"welcomecreation" => "<h2>Bénvnowe, $1!</h2>
+Vosse conte a stî ahivé.
+Èn rovyîz nén di candjî les preferinces di wikipedia a vosse môde.",
+"loginpagetitle" => "Elodjaedje",
+"yourname" => "Vosse no d'&nbsp;elodjaedje",
+"yourpassword" => "Vosse sicret",
+"yourpasswordagain" => "Ritapez vosse sicret",
+"newusersonly" => " (seulmint po les noveas uzeus)",
+"remembermypassword" => "Rimimbrer m'&nbsp;sicret inte les sessions.",
+"loginproblem" => "<b>Åk n'&nbsp;a nén stî tot vs elodjant.</b><br>Risayîz!",
+"alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=red><b>Uzeu $1, vos estoz ddja elodjî!</b></font><br>\n",
+"areyounew" => "Si vos estoz novea so Wikipedia et ki vos vloz
+on conte d'&nbsp;uzeu, tapez on no no d'&nbsp;uzeu ki vos vloz eployî,
+et poy deus côps on on scret (li minme, on côp dins tchake boesse).
+Come rawete vos ploz (mins c'&nbsp;est nén oblidjî) dner voste adresse
+emile; ça vént a pont si vos rovyîz vosse sicret, po dmander k'&nbsp;on
+vs evoye èn ôte pa emile.<br>\n",
+"login" => "S'&nbsp;elodjî",
+"loginprompt" => "Vos dvoz permete les coûkes po vs elodjî so Wikipedia.",
+"userlogin" => "S'&nbsp;elodjî",
+"logout" => "Si dislodjî",
+"userlogout" => "Si dislodjî",
+"notloggedin" => "Nén elodjî",
+"createaccount" => "Ahiver on novea conte",
+"createaccountmail" => "pa emile",
+"badretype" => "Vos avoz dné deus screts diferins.",
+"userexists" => "Li no d'&nbsp;uzeu ki vs avoz tchoezi est ddja eployî. Tchoezixhoz è èn ôte s'&nbsp;i vs plait.",
+"youremail" => "Voste emile*",
+"yournick" => "Vosse no metou (po les sinateures)",
+"emailforlost" => "* Diner ene adresse emile n'&nbsp;est nén obligatwere.
+Mins si vos l'&nbsp;fijhoz ça vs permetrè di rçure et d'&nbsp;evoyî
+des emiles å dtruviè di cisse waibe chal, sins vos dveur diner voste
+adresse emile, çoula vos srè eto foirt ahessåve si vos rovyîz måy
+vosse sicret (on novea scret vos pôrè-st esse evoyî pa emile).",
+"loginerror" => "Aroke d'&nbsp;elodjaedje",
+"nocookiesnew" => "The user account was created, but you are not logged in. $wgSitename uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable
+them, then log in with your new username and password.", # co a fé
+"nocookieslogin" => "$wgSitename eploye des coûkes po l'&nbsp;elodjaedje des uzeus. Vos avoz dismetou l'&nbsp;sopoirt des coûkes dins vosse betchteu waibe; rimetoz l'&nbsp;en alaedje et relodjîz vs s'&nbsp;i vs plait.",
+"noname" => "Vos n'&nbsp;avoz nén dné di no d'&nbsp;uzeu valide.",
+"loginsuccesstitle" => "Vos estoz elodjî",
+"loginsuccess" => "L'&nbsp;elodjaedje a stî comifåt, asteure vos estoz elodjî dins Wikipedia dizo l'&nbsp;no d'&nbsp;uzeu «$1».",
+"nosuchuser" => "I gn a nou uzeu dizo l'&nbsp;no «$1».
+Verifyîz çou k'&nbsp;vos avoz tapé, oudonbén rimplixhoz les ôtes tchamps
+et clitchîz sol boton po-z ahiver on novea conte.",
+"wrongpassword" => "Li scret ki vs avoz dné est måva. Rissayîz s'&nbsp;i vs plait.",
+"mailmypassword" => "M'&nbsp;emiler on novea scret",
+"passwordremindertitle" => "Password reminder from Wikipedia", # co a fé
+"passwordremindertext" => "Ene sakî (probåblumint vos minme, avou l'&nbsp;adresse IP $1)
+a dmandé k'&nbsp;on vs emile on novea scret po vs elodjî so Wikipedia.
+Li scret po l'&nbsp;uzeu «$2» est asteure «$3».
+Po pus di såvrité, vos dvrîz vos elodjî eyet rcandjî vosse sicret å pus abeye.",
+"noemail" => "I gn a pont d'&nbsp;adresse emile di cnoxhowe po l'&nbsp;uzeu «$1».",
+"passwordsent" => "On novea scret a stî emilé a l'&nbsp;adresse emile
+racsegneye po l'&nbsp;uzeu «$1».
+Relodjîz vs avou ç'&nbsp;noû sicret on côp ki vos l'&nbsp;åroz rçuvou s'&nbsp;i vs plait.",
+# Edit pages
+"summary" => "Rascourti",
+"subject" => "Sudjet/tiestire",
+"minoredit" => "C'&nbsp;est on candjmint mineur",
+"watchthis" => "Shure cist årtike",
+"savearticle" => "Schaper l'&nbsp;pådje",
+"preview" => "Vey divant",
+"showpreview" => "Vey divant",
+"blockedtitle" => "L'&nbsp;uzeu est bloké",
+"blockedtext" => "Your user name or IP address has been blocked by $1.
+The reason given is this:<br>''$2''<p>You may contact $1 or one of the other
+[[Wikipedia:Manaedjeus|administrators]] to discuss the block.
+Note that you may not use the \"email this user\" feature unless you have a valid email address registered in your [[Sipeciås:Preferences|user preferences]].
+Your IP address is $3. Please include this address in any queries you make.
+==Note to AOL users==
+Due to continuing acts of vandalism by one particular AOL user, Wikipedia often blocks AOL proxies. Unfortunately, a single proxy server may be used by a large number of AOL users, and hence innocent AOL users are often inadvertently blocked. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
+If this happens to you, please email an administrator, using an AOL email address. Be sure to include the IP address given above.
+", # co a fé
+"whitelistedittitle" => "S'&nbsp;elodjî po candjî",
+"whitelistedittext" => "I vs fåt [[Sipeciås:Userlogin|elodjî]] po pleur candjî les årtikes.",
+"whitelistreadtitle" => "S'&nbsp;elodjî po lére",
+"whitelistreadtext" => "I vs fåt [[Sipeciås:Userlogin|elodjî]] po pleur lére les årtikes.",
+"whitelistacctitle" => "Vos n'&nbsp;avoz nén l'&nbsp;permission d'&nbsp;ahiver on conte chal",
+"whitelistacctext" => "Po pleur ahiver on conte so ç'&nbsp;Wiki chal, vos dvoz esse [[Sipeciås:Userlogin|elodjî]] ey aveur les bounès permissions.",
+"accmailtitle" => "Li scret a stî evoyî.",
+"accmailtext" => "Li scret po «$1» a stî evoyî a $2.",
+"newarticle" => "(Novea)",
+"newarticletext" =>
+"Vos avoz clitchî so on loyén viè ene pådje ki n'&nbsp;egzistêye nén co.
+Mins '''vos''' l'&nbsp;poloz askepyî! Po çoula, vos n'&nbsp;avoz k'&nbsp;a
+cmincî a taper vosse tecse dins l'&nbsp;boesse di tecse chal pa dzo
+(alez vey li [[Wikipedia:Aidance|pådje d'&nbsp;aidance]] po pus
+Si vos n'&nbsp;voloz nén scrire cisse pådje chal, clitchîz simplumint
+sol boton '''En erî''' di vosse betchteu waibe po rivni al pådje di dvant.",
+"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''Çouchal c'&nbsp;est li pådje di copene po
+èn uzeu anonime ki n'&nbsp;a nén (co) fwait on conte por lu s'&nbsp;elodjî,
+ou ki nel eploye nén. Do côp, on doet eployî si [[adresse IP]] limerike po
+l'&nbsp;idintifyî. Come ene sifwaite adresse IP pout esse eployeye pa pus
+d'&nbsp;èn uzeu, i s'&nbsp;pout ki vos voeyoz chal des rimåkes et des
+messaedjes ki n'&nbsp;sont nén por vos, loukîz s'&nbps;i vs plait po
+[[Sipeciås:Userlogin|fé on novea conte ou s'&nbsp;elodjî]] po n'&nbsp;pus
+aveur di confuzion avou des ôtes uzeus anonimes.'' ",
+"noarticletext" => "(I gn a pol moumint nou tecse e cisse pådje chal)",
+"updated" => "(Ramidré)",
+"note" => "<strong>Note:</strong> ",
+"previewnote" => "Èn rovyîz nén ki c'&nbsp;est djusse on
+prévoeyaedje, li pådje n'&nbsp;est nén co schapêye!",
+"previewconflict" => "This preview reflects the text in the upper
+text editing area as it will appear if you choose to save.", # co a fé
+"editing" => "Candjant $1",
+"sectionedit" => " (seccion)",
+"commentedit" => " (comintaire)",
+"editconflict" => "Conflit inte deus candmints: $1",
+"explainconflict" => "Ene sakî a candjî l'&nbsp;pådje do tins ki vos
+estîz a scrire.
+Li boesse di tecse do dzeur mostere li tecse del pådje come il est
+pol moumint sol sierveu.
+Li tecse da vosse est sol boesse di tecse do dzo.
+Les diferinces sont håynêyes å mitan.
+Vos dvoz mete vos candjmints dins l'&nbsp;tecse d'&nbsp;asteure (Ã¥ dzeur)
+si vos lez vloz co evoyî.
+<b>Seulmint</b> li tecse do dzeur serè candjî cwand vos clitchroz sol
+boton «Schaper l'nbsp;pådje».\n<p>",
+"yourtext" => "Li tecse da vosse",
+"storedversion" => "Modêye sol sierveu",
+"editingold" => "<strong>ASTEME: Vos estoz ki candje ene viye modêye
+del pådje. Si vos l'&nbsp;schapez, tos les candjmints k'&nbsp;on stî
+fwaits dispoy adon vont esse pierdous.</strong>\n",
+"yourdiff" => "Diferinces",
+"copyrightwarning" => "Notez ki totes les contribucions fwaites po Wikipedia
+dvèt esse dizo li licince di documintåcion libe di GNU
+(GFDL, loukîz $1 po pus di racsegnes).
+Si&nbsp;vos n'&nbsp;voloz nén ki vosse tecse poye esse candjî eyet spårdou
+pa tot l'&nbsp;minme kî, adon nel evoyîz nén chal.
+Vos nos acertinez eto ki vos avoz scrît l'&nbsp;tecse vos minme, oudonbén
+l'&nbsp;avoz copyî d'&nbsp;on sourdant libe (dominne publik ou on sourdant
+pareymint libe).
+"longpagewarning" => "ASTEME: Cisse pådje fwait $1 kilo-octets; des
+betchteus waibes k'&nbsp;i gn a polèt aveut des rujhes po-z aspougnî
+des pådjes k'&nbsp;aprepièt ou di pus di 32&nbsp;Ko.
+Vos dvrîz tuzer a pårti l'&nbsp;pådje e pus ptits bokets.",
+"readonlywarning" => "ASTEME: On-z overe sol båze di dnêyes pol moumint, ey elle a stî metowe e mode seulmint-lére.
+Do côp, vos n'&nbsp;såroz schaper vos candjmints asteure; motoit vos dvrîz copyî et aclaper l'&nbsp;tecse dins on fitchî da vosse pol poleur rimete sol Wikipedia pus tård.",
+"protectedpagewarning" => "ASTEME: Cisse pådje chal a stî protedjeye siconte
+des candjmints, seulmint les uzeus avou on accès di manaedjeu el polèt candjî.
+Acertinez vs ki vos shuvoz les
+<a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Rîles_po_les_pådjes_protedjeyes'>rîles po les pådjes
+# History pages
+"revhistory" => "Istwere des modêyes",
+"nohistory" => "I gn a pont d'&nbsp;istwere des modêyes po cisse pådje chal.",
+"revnotfound" => "Modêye nén trovêye",
+"revnotfoundtext" => "Li viye modêye del pådje ki vos avoz dmandé n'&nbsp;a nén stî trovêye.
+Verifyîz l'&nbsp;hårdêye ki vs avoz eployî po-z ariver sol pådje s'&nbsp;i vs plait.\n",
+"loadhist" => "Tcherdjaedje del pådje di l'&nbsp;istwere",
+"currentrev" => "Modêye d'&nbsp;asteure",
+"revisionasof" => "Modêye do $1",
+"cur" => "ast.",
+"next" => "shuv.",
+"last" => "dif.",
+"orig" => "oridj.",
+"histlegend" => "Ledjinde: (ast.) = diferince avou l'&nbsp;modêye d'&nbsp;asteure,
+(dif.) = diferince avou l'&nbsp;modêye di dvant, M = candjmint mineur",
+# Diffs
+"difference" => "(Diferinces inte les modêyes)",
+"loadingrev" => "tcherdjaedje del modêye po les diferinces",
+"lineno" => "Roye $1:",
+"editcurrent" => "Candjî li modêye do moumint di cisse pådje chal",
+# Search results
+"searchresults" => "Rizultats do cweraedje",
+"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Cweraedje",
+"searchingwikipedia" => "Cweraedje so Wikipedia",
+"searchresulttext" => "Po pus di racsegnes sol manire di fé des cweraedjes so Wikipedia, loukîz $1.",
+"searchquery" => "Pol cweraedje «$1»",
+"badquery" => "Badly formed search query", # co a fé
+"badquerytext" => "We could not process your query.
+This is probably because you have attempted to search for a
+word fewer than three letters long, which is not yet supported.
+It could also be that you have mistyped the expression, for
+example \"fish and and scales\".
+Please try another query.", # co a fé
+"matchtotals" => "Li cweraedje «$1» a trové $2 årtikes avou l'&nbsp;tite
+ki corespond eyet $3 årtikes avou l'&nbsp;tecse ki corespond.",
+"nogomatch" => "I n'&nbsp;a nole pådje avou ç'&nbsp;tite la, dji saye on cweraedje dins l'&nbsp;tecse des årtikes.",
+"titlematches" => "Ã…rtikes avou on tites ki corespond",
+"notitlematches" => "Nol årtike avou on tite ki corespond",
+"textmatches" => "Ã…rtikes avou do tecse ki corespond",
+"notextmatches" => "Nol årtike avou do tecse ki corespond",
+"prevn" => "$1 di dvant",
+"nextn" => "$1 shuvants",
+"viewprevnext" => "Vey ($1) ($2) ($3).",
+"showingresults" => "Chal pa dzo <b>$1</b> rizultats a pårti do limero <b>$2</b>.",
+"showingresultsnum" => "Chal pa dzo <b>$3</b> rizultats a pårti do limero <b>$2</b>.",
+"nonefound" => "<strong>Note</strong>: des cweraedjes ki n'&nbsp;dinèt nou rzultat c'&nbsp;est sovint li cweraedje di ptits mots trop corants (come «les», «des») ki n'&nbsp;sont nén indecsés, oudonbén des cweraedjes di pus d'&nbsp;on mot (seulmint les pådjes avou tos les mots dmandés sront håynêyes dins l'&nbsp;rizultat do cweraedje).",
+"powersearch" => "Cweri",
+"powersearchtext" => "
+Cweraedje ezès espåces di nos&nbsp;:<br>
+$2 Håyner les redjiblaedjes &nbsp; Cweri après $3 $9",
+"searchdisabled" => "<p>Mande escuzes! Li cweraedje å dvins des årtikes a stî dismetou
+pol moumint, cåze ki l'&nbsp;sierveu est fortcherdjî.
+Tot ratindant, vos ploz eployî Google po fé les rcweraedjes, mins i çoula pout esse
+ene miete vî.</p>
+<!-- SiteSearch Google -->
+<FORM method=GET action=\"\">
+<TABLE bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><tr><td>
+<A HREF=\"\">
+<IMG SRC=\"\"
+border=\"0\" ALT=\"Google\"></A>
+<INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value=\"$1\">
+<INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE=\"Cweri avou Google\">
+<font size=-1>
+<input type=hidden name=domains value=\"{$wgServer}\"><br>
+<input type=radio name=sitesearch value=\"\"> sol waibe
+<input type=radio name=sitesearch value=\"{$wgServer}\" checked> so {$wgServer} <br>
+<input type='hidden' name='hl' value='wa'>
+<input type='hidden' name='ie' value='$2'>
+<input type='hidden' name='oe' value='$2'>
+<!-- SiteSearch Google -->",
+"blanknamespace" => "(Mwaisse)",
+# Preferences page
+"preferences" => "Preferinces",
+"prefsnologin" => "Vos n'&nbsp;estoz nén elodjî",
+"prefsnologintext" => "I vs fåt esse <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Sipeciås:Userlogin" ) . "\">elodjî</a>
+po pleur candjî vos preferinces.",
+"prefslogintext" => "Vos estoz elodjî dizo l'&nbsp;uzeu «$1».
+Vosse divintrin idintifiant est l'&nbsp;limero $2.
+Loukîz a [[Wikipedia:Aidance so les preferinces]] po saveur çou k'&nbsp;c'&nbsp;est tchaeke des tchuzes des preferinces des uzeus.",
+"prefsreset" => "Preferences have been reset from storage.", # co a fé
+"qbsettings" => "Apontiaedjes pol bår di menu",
+"changepassword" => "Candjî l'&nbsp;sicret",
+"skin" => "Pea",
+"math" => "HÃ¥ynaedje des formules matematikes",
+"dateformat" => "Cogne del date",
+"math_failure" => "Failed to parse", # co a fé
+"math_unknown_error" => "aroke nén cnoxhowe",
+"math_unknown_function" => "fonccion nén cnoxhowe ",
+"math_lexing_error" => "lexing error", # co a fé
+"math_syntax_error" => "aroke di sintacse",
+"saveprefs" => "Schaper les preferinces",
+"resetprefs" => "Rimete les prémetowès valixhances",
+"oldpassword" => "Vî scret",
+"newpassword" => "Noû scret",
+"retypenew" => "Ritapez l'&nbsp;noû scret",
+"textboxsize" => "Grandeu del boesse di tecse",
+"rows" => "Royes",
+"columns" => "Colones",
+"searchresultshead" => "HÃ¥ynaedje des rzultats di cweraedje",
+"resultsperpage" => "Nombe di responses a håyner so en pådje",
+"contextlines" => "Nombe di royes a håyner po ene response",
+"contextchars" => "Nombe di caracteres di contecse pa roye",
+"stubthreshold" => "Grandeu minimom po håyner les courts årtikes",
+"recentchangescount" => "Nombe di tites dins les <i>dierins candjmints</i>",
+"savedprefs" => "Vos preferinces ont stî schapêyes.",
+"timezonetext" => "Tapez li nombe d'&nbsp;eures di diferince avou
+l'&nbsp;tins univiersel (UTC).",
+"localtime" => "Håyner l'&nbsp;eure locåle",
+"timezoneoffset" => "Diferince d'&nbsp;eures",
+"servertime" => "Server time is now", # co a fé
+"guesstimezone" => "Fill in from browser", # co a fé
+"emailflag" => "Èn nén riçure des emiles des ôtes uzeus",
+"defaultns" => "Prémetous spåces di nos pol cweraedje:",
+# Recent changes
+"changes" => "candjmints",
+"recentchanges" => "Dierins candjmints",
+"recentchangestext" => "Shuvoz chal les dierins candjmints k'&nbsp;i gn a yeu
+dzo Wikipedia.",
+"rcloaderr" => "Tcherdjant les dierins candjmints",
+"rcnote" => "Chal pa dzo les <strong>$1</strong> dierins candjmints des dierins <strong>$2</strong> djoûs.",
+"rcnotefrom" => "Chal pa dzo les candjmints dispoy li <b>$2</b> (disk'&nbsp;a <b>$1</b> di mostrés).",
+"rclistfrom" => "Mostrer les candjmints k'&nbsp;i gn a yeu a pårti do $1",
+# "rclinks" => "Mostrer les $1 dierins candjmints des dierins $2 djoûs.",
+"showhideminor" => "$1 candmints mineurs",
+"rclinks" => "Mostrer les $1 dierins candjmints des dierins $2 djoûs; $3",
+"rchide" => "e $4; $1 candjmints mineurs; $2 nos d'&nbsp;espåces segondaires; $3 candjmints multipes.",
+"rcliu" => "; $1 candjmints pa des uzeus eredjîstrés",
+"diff" => "dif.",
+"hist" => "ist.",
+"hide" => "cat.",
+"show" => "håy.",
+"tableform" => "tåvlea",
+"listform" => "djivêye",
+"nchanges" => "$1 candjmints",
+"minoreditletter" => "M",
+"newpageletter" => "N",
+# Upload
+"upload" => "Eberweter on fitchî",
+"uploadbtn" => "Eberweter",
+"uploadlink" => "Eberweter des imådjes",
+"reupload" => "Reberweter",
+"reuploaddesc" => "Rivni al pådje d'&nbsp;eberwetaedje.",
+"uploadnologin" => "Nén elodjî",
+"uploadnologintext" => "I vs fåt esse <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Sipeciås:Userlogin" ) . "\">elodjî</a> por
+vos pleur eberweter des fitchîs.",
+"uploadfile" => "Eberweter des imådjes, des sons, evnd.",
+"uploaderror" => "Aroke d'&nbsp;eberwetaedje",
+"uploadtext" => "<strong>ASTEME!</strong> Divant d'&nbsp;eberweter on
+fitchî chal, léjhoz et s'&nbsp;vos asseurer di bén shure
+les <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Rîles_po_l'_eployaedje_des_imådjes" ) . "\">rîles po
+l'&nbsp;eployaedje des imådjes</a> di Wikipedia.
+Si on fitchî avou l'&nbsp;minme no egzistêye dedja, i srè replaecî
+sins adviertixhmint pa l'&nbsp;ci ki vos årîz eberweté.
+Dj'&nbsp;ô bén ki, a moens ki vos vôrîz mete a djoû on fitchî tot
+l'&nbsp;replaeçant pa on pus noû, vos dvrîz tofer vos acertiner
+k'&nbsp;i n'&nbsp;a nén ddja on fitchî do minme no.
+Po håyner ou cweri des imådjes k'&nbsp;ont ddja stî rçuvowes,
+alez sol <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Sipeciås:Imagelist" ) .
+"\">djivêye des imådjes dedja eberwetêyes</a>.
+Les eberwetaedjes et disfaçaedjes sont metous èn on <a href=\"" .
+wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Djournå_des_eberwetaedjes" ) . "\">djournå des eberwetaedjes</a>.
+Eployîz les boesses d'&nbsp;intrêye chal pa dzo po-z eberweter
+des noveas fitchîs d'&nbsp;imådjes po vos årtikes.
+Sol plupårt des betchteus, vos voeroz on boton «Foyter...» (ou «Browse...»)
+ki vs permetrè di foyter dins les ridants del deure plake da vosse
+po tchoezi l'&nbsp;fitchî, çou ki rimplirè otomaticmint li tchamp
+do no do fitchî k'&nbsp;est a costé.
+Vos dvoz eto clitchî sol boesse por vos acertiner ki vos n'&nbsp;violez
+nou abondroet et ki l'&nbsp;fitchî ki vos evoyîz si pout bén eployî
+dins l'&nbsp;Wikipedia.
+Clitchîz sol boton «Eberweter» po-z evoyî l'&nbsp;fitchî sol sierveu.
+çoula pout prinde do tins si l'&nbsp;raloyaedje al daegntoele est
+Les cognes di fitchîs k'&nbsp;on-z a ptchî c'&nbsp;est li JPEG po
+les imådjes foto, eyet li PNG po les dessins, mapes, drapeas, imådjetes...
+et li OGG po les sons.
+S'&nbsp;i vs plait, dinez a vosse fitchî on no ki dit bén çou
+k'&nbsp;c'&nbsp;est, c'&nbsp;est pus åjhey insi.
+Po håyner l'&nbsp;imådje dins èn årtike, eployîz on loyén del
+foûme <b>[[imådje:fitchî.jpg]]</b> ou <b>[[imådje:fitchî.png|tecse po les betchteus nén grafikes]]</b>
+ou co <b>[[media:fitchî.ogg]]</b> po les sons.
+Notez bén ki, tot come po les pådjes del Wikipedia, les ôtès djins polèt
+candjî ou disfacer vos eberwetaedjes s'&nbsp;i pinsèt ki c'&nbsp;est mî
+po l'&nbsp;eciclopedeye; eyet vos ploz esse espaitchî d'&nbsp;eberweter
+des fitchîs si vos n'&nbsp;rispectez nén l'&nbsp;sistinme.",
+"uploadlog" => "djournå des eberwetaedjes",
+"uploadlogpage" => "Djournå_des_eberwetaedjes",
+"uploadlogpagetext" => "Chal pa dzo li djivêye des dierins eberwetaedjes.
+Totes les eures sont metowes e tins univiersel (UTC).
+"filename" => "No do fitchî",
+"filedesc" => "Discrijhaedje",
+"filestatus" => "Abondroets ey eployaedje",
+"filesource" => "Sourdant",
+"affirmation" => "Dj'&nbsp;acertinêye ki l'&nbsp;djin k'&nbsp;a les
+abondroets po ci fitchî chal est d'&nbsp;acoird di l'&nbsp;eplaidî dizo
+les condicions del $1.",
+"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Abondroets",
+"copyrightpagename" => "Abondroets Wikipedia",
+"uploadedfiles" => "Fitchîs eberwetés",
+"noaffirmation" => "Vos dvoz acertiner ki l'&nbsp;fitchî ki vos eberwetez
+pout bén esse eployî sins aler siconte des abondroets do fitchî.",
+"ignorewarning" => "Passer houte des adviertixhmints eyet schaper tot l'&nbsp;minme li fitchî.",
+"minlength" => "Les imådjes divèt aveur des nos di pol moens troes letes.",
+"badfilename" => "Li no d'&nbsp;l'&nbsp;imådje a stî candjî a «$1».",
+"badfiletype" => "«.$1» n'&nbsp;est nén ene sôre d'&nbsp;imådje ricmandêye.",
+"largefile" => "C'&nbsp;est mî ki les imådjes åyexhe ene grandeu di moens di 100&nbsp;Ko.",
+"successfulupload" => "L'&nbsp;eberwetaedje a stî comifåt",
+"fileuploaded" => "L'&nbsp;eberwetaedje do fitchî «$1» a stî å paire des pôces.
+Shuvoz ci loyén chal: ($2) pol pådje di discrijhaedje eyet rimplixhoz les
+informåcions sol fitchî, come di wice k'&nbsp;i vént, cwand il a stî
+fwait, et pa kî, et tot l'&nbsp;minme kéne informåcion interessante ki vos ploz
+saveur å dfait do fitchî.",
+"uploadwarning" => "Adviertixhmint so l'&nbsp;eberwetaedje",
+"savefile" => "Schaper l'&nbsp;fitchî",
+"uploadedimage" => "eberwetaedje di «$1»",
+# Image list
+"imagelist" => "Djivêye des imådjes",
+"imagelisttext" => "Chal pa dzo c'&nbsp;est ene djivêye di $1 imådjes relîtes $2.",
+"getimagelist" => "fetching image list", # co a fé
+"ilshowmatch" => "Mostrer totes les imådjes avou des nos ki corespondèt a",
+"ilsubmit" => "Cweri",
+"showlast" => "Mostrer les $1 dierinnès imådjes relîtes $2.",
+"all" => "totes",
+"byname" => "påzès nos",
+"bydate" => "pazès dates",
+"bysize" => "pa grandeu",
+"imgdelete" => "oist.",
+"imgdesc" => "disc.",
+"imglegend" => "Ledjinde: (disc.) = håyner/candjî l'&nbsp;discrijhaedje di l'&nbsp;imådje.",
+"imghistory" => "Istwere di l'&nbsp;imådje",
+"revertimg" => "mod.",
+"deleteimg" => "oist.",
+"imghistlegend" => "Ledjinde: (ast.) = c'&nbsp;est l'&nbsp;imådje k'&nbsp;i gn a asteure, (oist.) = oister (disfacer)
+cisse viye modêye la, (mod.) = rivni a cisse viye modêye la.
+<br><i>Clitchîz sol date po vey l'&nbsp;imådje evoyeye a cisse date la.</i>",
+"imagelinks" => "Loyéns viè ciste imådje chal",
+"linkstoimage" => "Les pådjes shuvantes eployèt ciste imådje chal:",
+"nolinkstoimage" => "I n'&nbsp;a nole pådje k'&nbsp;eploye ciste imådje chal.",
+# Statistics
+"statistics" => "Sitatistikes",
+"sitestats" => "Sitatistikes del waibe",
+"userstats" => "Sitatistikes des uzeus",
+"sitestatstext" => "I gn a <b>$1</b> pådjes å totå el båze di dnêyes.
+Çoula tot contant les pådjes di «Copenes», les pådjes å dfait di Wikipedia,
+les pådjes «stub» (pådjes sins waire di contnou), les redjiblaedjes,
+eyet co ds ôtes ki n'&nbsp;sont nén vormint des årtikes.
+Si on n'&nbsp;conte nén ces la, i gn a <b>$2</b> pådjes ki sont
+probåblumint des vraiys årtikes.<p>
+I gn a-st avou å totå <b>$3</b> riwaitaedjes di pådjes, eyet <b>$4</b>
+candjmints do contnou des pådjes dispoy li 20 di djulete 2003.
+Dj'&nbsp;ô bén k'&nbsp;i gn a ene moyene di <b>$5</b> candjmints par pådje,
+eyet <b>$6</b> riwaitaedjes po on candjmint.",
+"userstatstext" => "I gn a <b>$1</b> uzeus d'&nbsp;eredjîstrés.
+<b>$2</b> di zels sont eto des manaedjeus (riloukîz a $3).
+<p><h2>Des ôtes pus spepieusès statistikes</h2><p>
+Des pus spepieusès statistikes åd dilong des moes sont
+<a href='/stats/WA/Sitemap.htm' class='internal'>chal</a>.
+", # NOTE: loyén viè les statistikes
+# Maintenance Page
+"maintenance" => "PÃ¥dje di manaedjmint",
+"maintnancepagetext" => "Cisse pådje chal a sacwantès ahessåvès usteyes
+po manaedjî les årtikes. Sacwantes di ces fonccions chal polèt esse
+sitréndåves pol båze di dnêyes, do côp on vs dimandrè di n'&nbsp;nén
+clitchî sol boton «rafrister» di vosse betchteu a tchaeke côp
+ki vos fjhoz on ptit candjmint ;-)",
+"maintenancebacklink" => "Rivni al pådje di manaedjmint",
+"disambiguations" => "PÃ¥djes d'&nbsp;omonimeye",
+"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Loyéns_viè_les_pådjes_d'_omonimeye",
+"disambiguationstext" => "Les årtikes shuvants ont des loyéns viè en <i>pådje d'&nbsp;omonimeye</i>. I dvrént purade loyî viè l'&nbsp;bon årtike.<br>
+Ene pådje est considerêye come pådje d'&nbsp;omonimeye si elle aparexhe e $1.<br>
+Les loyéns a pårti d'&nbsp;ôtes espåces di lomaedje èn sont <i>nén</i> håynés chal.",
+"doubleredirects" => "Dobes redjiblaedjes",
+"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Asteme:</b> Cisse djivêye chal pout aveur des fås pôzitifs. Dj'&nbsp;ô bén k'&nbsp;i pout aveur do tecse di pus, avou des loyéns, après li prumî «#REDIRECT».<br>\n
+Tchaeke roye a-st on loyén viè l'&nbsp;prumî eyet l'&nbsp;deujhinme redjiblaedje, avou on mostraedje del prumire roye do tecse do deujhinme redjiblaedje, çou ki å pus sovint dene li «vraiy» årtike såme, ki l'&nbsp;prumî redjiblaedje dvreut evoyî viè lu.",
+"brokenredirects" => "Pierdous redjiblaedjes",
+"brokenredirectstext" => "Les redjiblaedjes shuvants evoyèt so ene pådje ki n'&nbsp;egzistêye nén.",
+"selflinks" => "Pådjes avou des loyéns viè zeles minmes",
+"selflinkstext" => "Les pådjes shuvantes ont on loyén viè zeles minmes, çou ki n'&nbsp;si dvreut nén fé.",
+"mispeelings" => "PÃ¥djes avou des flotches",
+"mispeelingstext" => "Les pådjes shuvantes ont ene ou sacwante
+flotche, di cenes metowes so $1. Li scrijhaedje corek pout esse mostré inte
+åtchetes a costé do mot må scrît.",
+"mispeelingspage" => "Djivêye des flotches les pus corantes",
+"missinglanguagelinks" => "Loyéns di lingaedjes ki mankèt",
+"missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "Trover les loyéns di lingaedjes ki mankèt po",
+"missinglanguagelinkstext" => "Ces årtikes chal èn loynut <i>nén</i> viè leu-z omologues so «$1». Les redjiblaedjes eyet les dzo-pådjes èn sont <i>nén</i> mostrêyes.",
+# Miscellaneous special pages
+"orphans" => "Pådjes ôrfulinnes",
+"lonelypages" => "Pådjes ôrfulinnes",
+"unusedimages" => "Imådjes nén eployeyes",
+"popularpages" => "Pådjes les pus léjhowes",
+"nviews" => "léjhowe $1 côps",
+"wantedpages" => "PÃ¥djes les pus rcwerowes",
+"nlinks" => "$1 loyéns",
+"allpages" => "Totes les pådjes",
+"randompage" => "Ã…rtike a l'&nbsp;astcheyance", # TODO: trop longou?
+"shortpages" => "Coûtès pådjes",
+"longpages" => "Longowès pådjes",
+"listusers" => "Djivêye des uzeus",
+"specialpages" => "Pådjes sipeciåles",
+"spheading" => "Pådjes sipeciåles po tos ls uzeus",
+"sysopspheading" => "Pådjes sipeciåles po les manaedjeus",
+"developerspheading" => "Pådjes sipeciåles po les diswalpeus",
+"protectpage" => "Protedjî l'&nbsp;pådje",
+"recentchangeslinked" => "Candjmints aloyîs",
+"rclsub" => "(ezès pådjes ki «$1» a-st on loyén dzeu)",
+"debug" => "Disbugaedje",
+"newpages" => "Novelès pådjes",
+"ancientpages" => "Viyådjes",
+"intl" => "Loyéns eterlingaedjes",
+"movethispage" => "Displaecî cisse pådje",
+"unusedimagestext" => "<p>Notez tot l'&nbsp;minme ki d'&nbsp;ôtès waibes,
+come li cenes des ôtes Wikipedias, polèt aveur des loyéns viè ces imådjes la
+gråcès a ene direke hårdêye. Do côp, ces imådjes aparexhèt chal, mågré
+k'&nbsp;ele soeyexhe eployeyes.",
+"booksources" => "Sourdants po les lives",
+"booksourcetext" => "Chal pa dzo c'&nbsp;est ene djivêye di hårdêyes viè
+des waibes ki vindèt des lives, noûs ou di deujhinme mwin, et ki polèt
+aveur pus d'&nbsp;informåcions å dfait des lives ki vos cweroz après.
+Wikipedia n'&nbsp;a rén a vey avou ces eterprijhes la, eyet cisse djivêye
+chal èn doet nén esse veyowe come èn aspoya ou nerén ene reclame.",
+"alphaindexline" => "di $1 a $2",
+# Email this user
+"mailnologin" => "Nole adresse d'&nbsp;evoyeu",
+"mailnologintext" => "Po-z evoyî èn emile a èn ôte uzeu i vs fåt esse <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Sipeciås:Userlogin" ) . "\">elodjî</a>
+eyet aveur ene adresse emile d'&nbsp;evoyeu ki soeye valide
+dins vos <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Sipeciås:Preferences" ) . "\">preferinces</a>.",
+"emailuser" => "Emiler a l'&nbsp;uzeu",
+"emailpage" => "Emilaedje a èn uzeu",
+"emailpagetext" => "Si cist uzeu chal a dné ene adresse emile valide dins
+ses preferins, vos lyi ploz evoyî èn emile a pårti di cisse pådje chal.
+L'&nbsp;adresse emile k'&nbsp;i gn a dins vos preferinces serè-st eployeye
+come adresse di l'&nbsp;evoyeu (adresse «From:» di l'&nbsp;emile),
+po ki l'&nbsp;riçuveu poye risponde.",
+"noemailtitle" => "Pont d'&nbsp;adresse emile",
+"noemailtext" => "Cist uzeu chal n'&nbsp;a nén dné d'&nbsp;adresse emile
+valide, ou n'&nbsp;vout nén rçure des emiles des ôtes uzeus.
+Do côp, c'&nbsp;est nén possibe di lyi evoyî èn emile.",
+"emailfrom" => "Di",
+"emailto" => "Po",
+"emailsubject" => "Sudjet",
+"emailmessage" => "Messaedje",
+"emailsend" => "Evoyî",
+"emailsent" => "Emile evoyî",
+"emailsenttext" => "Vost emilaedje a stî evoyî comifåt.",
+# Watchlist
+"watchlist" => "Mes pådjes shuvowes",
+"watchlistsub" => "(po l'&nbsp;uzeu «$1»)",
+"nowatchlist" => "Vosse djivêye des pådjes a shuve est vude.",
+"watchnologin" => "Vos n'&nbsp;estoz nén elodjî",
+"watchnologintext" => "I vs fåt esse <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Sipeciås:Userlogin" ) . "\">elodjî</a>
+po pleur candjî vosse djivêye des pådjes a shuve.",
+"addedwatch" => "Radjouté ås shuvous",
+"addedwatchtext" => "Li pådje «$1» a stî radjoutêye a vosse <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Sipeciås:Watchlist" ) . "\">djivêye des pådjes a shuve</a>.
+Tos les candjmints k'&nbsp;i gn årè di cisse pådje chal, eyet di si pådje
+di copene, seront håynés chal, eyet li pådje serè metowe e <b>cråssès letes</b>
+el <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Sipeciås:Recentchanges" ) . "\">djivêye des dierins candjmints</a> po k'&nbsp;ça soeye pus åjhey por vos del rimårker.</p>
+Si vos vloz bodjî l'&nbsp;pådje foû di vosse djivêye des shuvous,
+clitchîz so «Èn pus shuve li pådje» dins l'&nbsp;bår di menu sol costé.",
+"removedwatchtext" => "Li pådje «$1» a stî bodjeye foû di vosse djivêye des pådjes a shuve.",
+"watchthispage" => "Shuve cisse pådje",
+"unwatchthispage" => "Èn pus shuve li pådje",
+"notanarticle" => "Nén èn årtike",
+"watchnochange" => "Nole des pådjes di vosse djivêye di pådjes a shuve n'&nbsp;a stî candjeye dins l'&nbsp;termene di tins dmandêye.",
+"watchdetails" => "($1 pådjes shuvowes, sins conter les pådjes di copene;
+$2 total pages edited since cutoff;
+<a href='$4'>mostrer eyet candjî l'&bsp;djivêye etire</a>.)", # co a fé
+"watchmethod-recent" => "checking recent edits for watched pages", # co a fé
+"watchmethod-list" => "checking watched pages for recent edits", # co a fé
+"removechecked" => "Bodjî les cayets tchoezis foû del djivêye des pådjes a shuve",
+"watchlistcontains" => "I gn a $1 pådjes e vossse djivêye des pådjes a shuve.",
+"watcheditlist" => "Here's an alphabetical list of your
+watched pages. Check the boxes of pages you want to remove
+from your watchlist and click the 'remove checked' button
+at the bottom of the screen.", # co a fé
+"removingchecked" => "Removing requested items from watchlist...", # co a fé
+"couldntremove" => "Couldn't remove item '$1'...", # co a fé
+"iteminvalidname" => "Åk n'&nbsp;a nén stî avou «$1», no nén valide...",
+"wlnote" => "Chal pa dzo les $1 dierins candjmints des <b>$2</b> dierinnès eures.",
+"wlshowlast" => "Mostrer les dierin(nè)s $1 eures, $2 djoûs $3",
+# Delete/protect/revert
+"deletepage" => "Disfacer l'&nbsp;pådje",
+"confirm" => "Acertiner",
+"excontent" => "li contnou esteut:",
+"exbeforeblank" => "li contnou dvant l'&nbsp;disfaçaedje esteut:",
+"exblank" => "li pådje esteut vude",
+"confirmdelete" => "Acertinaedje do disfaçaedje",
+"deletesub" => "(Djisfaçaedje di «$1»)",
+"historywarning" => "Adviertixhmint: Li pådje ki vos alez disfacer a-st ene istwere: ",
+"confirmdeletetext" => "Vos alez disfacer po tofer del båze di dnêyes ene
+pådje ou ene imådje, avou tote si istwere.
+Acertinez s'&nbsp;i vs plait ki c'&nbsp;est bén çoula ki vos vloz fé,
+ki vos comprindoz les consecwinces, et ki vos fjhoz çoula
+tot [[Wikipedia:Rîles a shure|shuvant les rîles]].",
+"confirmcheck" => "Oyi, dji vou vormint disfacer ci fitchî chal.",
+"actioncomplete" => "Fwait",
+"deletedtext" => "Li pådje «$1» a stî disfacêye. Loukîz li $2 po ene
+djivêye des dierins disfaçaedjes.",
+"deletedarticle" => "pådje «$1» disfacêye",
+"dellogpage" => "Djournå_des_disfaçaedjes",
+"dellogpagetext" => "Chal pa dzo c'&nbsp;est l'&nbsp;djivêye des dierins
+disfaçaedjes. Totes les dates et eures sont-st e tins univiersel (UTC).
+"deletionlog" => "djournå des disfaçaedjes",
+"reverted" => "Rimetou ene modêye di dvant",
+"deletecomment" => "Råjhon do disfaçaedje",
+"imagereverted" => "Li rmetaedje del modêye di dvant a stî comifåt.",
+"rollback" => "Roll back edits", # co a fé
+"rollbacklink" => "rollback", # co a fé
+"rollbackfailed" => "Rollback failed", # co a fé
+"cantrollback" => "Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this article.", # co a fé
+"alreadyrolled" => "Cannot rollback last edit of [[$1]]
+by [[Uzeu:$2|$2]] ([[Uzeu copene:$2|Copene]]); someone else has edited or rolled back the article already.
+Li dierin candjmint a stî fwait pa [[Uzeu:$3|$3]] ([[Uzeu copene:$3|Copene]]). ",
+# only shown if there is an edit comment
+"editcomment" => "The edit comment was: \"<i>$1</i>\".", # co a fé
+"revertpage" => "Rivnou å dierin candjmint da $1",
+"protectlogpage" => "Protection_log", # co a fé
+"protectlogtext" => "Chal pa dzo c'&nbsp;est ene djivêye des protedjaedjes
+et disprotedjaedjes des pådjes.
+Loukîz [[$wgMetaNamespace:Pådje protedjeye]] po pus di racsegnes.",
+"protectedarticle" => "[[$1]] protedjî",
+"unprotectedarticle" => "[[$1]] disprotedjî",
+# Undelete
+"undelete" => "Rapexhî des disfacêyès pådjes",
+"undeletepage" => "Vey et rapexhî des disfacêyès pådjes",
+"undeletepagetext" => "Les pådjes shuvantes ont stî disfacêyes mins ele sont
+co ezès årtchives, do côp ele polèt esse rapexheyes.
+Les årtchives sont netieyes di tins en tins.",
+"undeletearticle" => "Rapexhî on disfacé årtike",
+"undeleterevisions" => "$1 modêyes ezès årtchives",
+"undeletehistory" => "Si vos rapexhîz l'&nbsp;pådje, l'&nbsp;istwere del pådje
+serè rapexheye eto, avou totes les modêyes co ezès årtchives.
+Si ene novele pådje avou l'&nbsp;minme a stî askepieye dispoy li disfaçaedje
+di cisse chal, les rapexheyès modêyes seront metowes e l'&nbsp;istwere mins
+c'&nbsp;est l'&nbsp;modêye do moumint, et nén l'&nbsp;cisse rapexheye, ki
+srè håynêye.",
+"undeleterevision" => "Modêye disfacêye li $1",
+"undeletebtn" => "Rapexhî!",
+"undeletedarticle" => "a rapexhî l' pådje «$1»",
+"undeletedtext" => "L'&nbsp;årtike [[$1]] a stî rapexhî comifåt.
+Loukîz [[Wikipedia:Djournå_des_disfaçaedjes]] po ene djivêye des dierins
+disfaçaedjes eyet rapexhaedjes.",
+# Contributions
+"contributions" => "Ovraedjes di l'&nbsp;uzeu", /* TODO: problinme di longeu */
+"mycontris" => "Mes contribucions",
+"contribsub" => "Po l'&nbsp;uzeu $1",
+"nocontribs" => "Nou candjmint di trové ki corespondreut a ç'&nbsp;critere la.",
+"ucnote" => "Chal pa dzo les <b>$1</b> dierins candjmints di l'&nbsp;uzeu so les <b>$2</b> dierins djoûs.",
+"uclinks" => "Vey les $1 dierins candjmints; vey les $2 dierins djoûs.",
+"uctop" => " (top)" ,
+# What links here
+"whatlinkshere" => "PÃ¥djes ki loynut chal",
+"notargettitle" => "No target", # co a fé
+"notargettext" => "You have not specified a target page or user
+to perform this function on.", # co a fé
+"linklistsub" => "(Djivêye des loyéns)",
+"linkshere" => "Les pådjes ki shuvèt ont des loyéns viè cisse ci:",
+"nolinkshere" => "Nole pådje avou des loyéns viè cisse ci.",
+"isredirect" => "pådje di redjiblaedje",
+# Block/unblock IP
+"blockip" => "Bloker èn uzeu",
+"blockiptext" => "Use the form below to block write access
+from a specific IP address or username.
+This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in
+accordance with [[Wikipedia:Rîles a shure|Wikipedia policy]].
+Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular
+pages that were vandalized).", # co a fé
+"ipaddress" => "Adresse IP/no d'&nbsp;uzeu",
+"ipbreason" => "RÃ¥jhon",
+"ipbsubmit" => "Bloker cist uzeu",
+"badipaddress" => "Nol uzeu avou ç'&nbsp;no la.",
+"noblockreason" => "Vos dvoz dner ene råjhon pol blocaedje.",
+"blockipsuccesssub" => "Li blocaedje a stî comifåt",
+"blockipsuccesstext" => "«$1» a stî bloké.
+<br>Loukîz li [[Sipeciås:Ipblocklist|Djivêye des blocaedjes]] po candjî on blocaedje.",
+"unblockip" => "Disbloker èn uzeu",
+"unblockiptext" => "Use the form below to restore write access
+to a previously blocked IP address.", # co a fé
+"ipusubmit" => "Unblock this address", # co a fé
+"ipusuccess" => "«%s» a stî disbloké",
+"ipblocklist" => "Djivêye d'&nbsp;adresses IP et di nos d'&nbsp;uzeus ki sont blokés",
+"blocklistline" => "$1, $2 a bloké $3",
+"blocklink" => "bloker",
+"unblocklink" => "disbloker",
+"contribslink" => "contribs", # co a fé
+"autoblocker" => "Bloké otomaticmint paski vos eployîz li minme adresse IP ki «%s». Råjhon do blocaedje «%s».",
+"blocklogpage" => "Block_log", # co a fé
+"blocklogentry" => '«$1» a stî bloké',
+"blocklogtext" => "This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically
+blocked IP addresses are not be listed. See the [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] for
+the list of currently operational bans and blocks.", # co a fé
+"unblocklogentry" => '«$1» a stî disbloké',
+# Developer tools
+"lockdb" => "Lock database", # co a fé
+"unlockdb" => "Unlock database", # co a fé
+"lockdbtext" => "Locking the database will suspend the ability of all
+users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
+other things requiring changes in the database.
+Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will
+unlock the database when your maintenance is done.", # co a fé
+"unlockdbtext" => "Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all
+users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
+other things requiring changes in the database.
+Please confirm that this is what you intend to do.", # co a fé
+"lockconfirm" => "Yes, I really want to lock the database.", # co a fé
+"unlockconfirm" => "Yes, I really want to unlock the database.", # co a fé
+"lockbtn" => "Lock database", # co a fé
+"unlockbtn" => "Unlock database", # co a fé
+"locknoconfirm" => "You did not check the confirmation box.", # co a fé
+"lockdbsuccesssub" => "Database lock succeeded", # co a fé
+"unlockdbsuccesssub" => "Database lock removed", # co a fé
+"lockdbsuccesstext" => "The database has been locked.
+<br>Remember to remove the lock after your maintenance is complete.", # co a fé
+"unlockdbsuccesstext" => "The database has been unlocked.", # co a fé
+# SQL query
+"asksql" => "SQL query", # co a fé
+"asksqltext" => "Use the form below to make a direct query of the
+Use single quotes ('like this') to delimit string literals.
+This can often add considerable load to the server, so please use
+this function sparingly.", # co a fé
+"sqlislogged" => "Please note that all queries are logged.", # co a fé
+"sqlquery" => "Enter query", # co a fé
+"querybtn" => "Submit query", # co a fé
+"selectonly" => "Only read-only queries are allowed.", # co a fé
+"querysuccessful" => "Query successful", # co a fé
+# Move page
+"movepage" => "Displaecî l'&nbsp;pådje",
+"movepagetext" => "Chal vos ploz candjî l'&nbsp;no d'&nbsp;ene pådje,
+dj'&nbsp;ô bén displaecî l'&nbsp;pådje, eyet si istwere, viè l'&nbsp;novea no.
+Li vî tite divénrè-st ene pådje di redjiblaedje viè l'&nbsp;novele/
+Les loyéns viè l'&nbsp;viye pådje èn seront nén candjîs; acertinez vs di
+[[Sipeciås:Maintenance|verifyî]] s'&nbsp;i n'&nbsp;a nén des dobes
+ou crons redjiblaedjes.
+Vos estoz responsåve di fé çou k'&nbsp;i fåt po k'&nbsp;les loyéns
+continouwexhe di moenner la k'&nbsp;i fåt.
+Notez k'anbsp;el pådje èn serè '''nén''' displaeceye s'anbsp;i gn a ddja ene
+pådje avou l'&nbsp;novea tite, a moens k'&nbsp;ele soeye vude, ou ene pådje
+di redjiblaedje, et k'&nbsp;ele n'&nbsp;Ã¥ye nole istwere.
+Çoula vout dire ki vos ploz ri-displaecî ene pådje viè l'&nbsp;no k'&nbsp;ele
+aveut djusse divant, et insi disfé vosse prumî displaeçaedje, å cas ou vos vs
+rindrîz conte ki vos avoz fwait ene flotche; ey eto ki vos n'&nbsp;poloz nén
+spotchî par accidint ene pådje k'&nbsp;egzistêye dedja.
+On displaeçaedje pout esse on consecant et nén atindou candjmint po ene
+pådje foirt léjhowe; s'&nbsp;i vs plait tuzez bén åzès consecwinces divant
+"movepagetalktext" => "Li pådje di copene associeye, s'&nbsp;end a ene, serè
+displaeceye otomaticmint avou, '''a moens ki:'''
+*Vos displaecîz l'&nbsp;pådje d'&nbsp;èn espåce di lomaedje a èn ôte,
+*Ene pådje di copene nén vude egzistêye dedja dizo l'&nbsp;novea no,
+*Vos disclitchrîz l'&nbsp;boesse a clitchî chal pa dzo.
+Dins ces cas la, vos dvroz displaecî l'&nbsp;pådje di copene al mwin, ou rcopyî
+si contnou, si vos l'&nbsp;vloz mete adlé l'&nbsp;novea no
+"movearticle" => "Displaecî di",
+"movenologin" => "Nén elodjî",
+"movenologintext" => "I vs fåt esse èn uzeu eredjîstré eyet esse <a href=\"" .
+ wfLocalUrl( "Sipeciås:Userlogin" ) . "\">elodjî</a> por vos
+pleur displaecî ene pådje.",
+"newtitle" => "Viè l'&nbsp;novea tite",
+"movepagebtn" => "Displaecî",
+"pagemovedsub" => "Li displaeçaedje a stî comifåt",
+"pagemovedtext" => "Li pådje «[[$1]]» a stî displaeceye viè «[[$2]]».",
+"articleexists" => "Ene pådje egzistêye dedja avou ç'&nbsp;no la, oudonbén
+li no k'&nbsp;vos avoz tchoezi n'&nbsp;est nén valide.
+Tchoezixhoz è èn ôte s'&nbsp;i vs plait.",
+"talkexists" => "The page itself was moved successfully, but the
+talk page could not be moved because one already exists at the new
+title. Please merge them manually.", # co a fé
+"movedto" => "displaecî viè",
+"movetalk" => "Displaecî li pådje di copene avou, si ça astchait.",
+"talkpagemoved" => "Li pådje di copene corespondante a stî displaeceye avou.",
+"talkpagenotmoved" => "Li pådje di copene corespondante n'&nbsp;a <strong>nén</strong> stî displaeceye.",
+"export" => "Export pages", # co a fé
+"exporttext" => "You can export the text and editing history of a particular
+page or set of pages wrapped in some XML; this can then be imported into another
+wiki running MediaWiki software, transformed, or just kept for your private
+amusement.", # co a fé
+"exportcuronly" => "Inclure fok li modêye do moumint, nén tote l'&nbsp;istwere",
+# Namespace 8 related
+"allmessages" => "Tos les messaedjes",
+"allmessagestext" => "Çouchal est ene djivêye di tos les messaedjes k'&nbsp;i gn a dins l'&nbsp;espåce di lomaedje ''MediaWiki:''",
+# Internationalisation code
+class LanguageWa extends LanguageUtf8 {
+ function getDefaultUserOptions () {
+ global $wgDefaultUserOptionsWa ;
+ return $wgDefaultUserOptionsWa ;
+ }
+ function getBookstoreList () {
+ global $wgBookstoreListWa ;
+ return $wgBookstoreListWa ;
+ }
+ function getNamespaces() {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesWa;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesWa;
+ }
+ function getNsText( $index ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesWa;
+ return $wgNamespaceNamesWa[$index];
+ }
+ function getNsIndex( $text ) {
+ global $wgNamespaceNamesWa;
+ foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesWa as $i => $n ) {
+ if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function specialPage( $name ) {
+ return $this->getNsText( Namespace::getSpecial() ) . ":" . $name;
+ }
+ function getQuickbarSettings() {
+ global $wgQuickbarSettingsWa;
+ return $wgQuickbarSettingsWa;
+ }
+ function getSkinNames() {
+ global $wgSkinNamesWa;
+ return $wgSkinNamesWa;
+ }
+ function getMathNames() {
+ global $wgMathNamesWa;
+ return $wgMathNamesWa;
+ }
+ function getDateFormats() {
+ global $wgDateFormatsWa;
+ return $wgDateFormatsWa;
+ }
+ function getUserToggles() {
+ global $wgUserTogglesWa;
+ return $wgUserTogglesWa;
+ }
+ function getMonthName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthNamesWa;
+ return $wgMonthNamesWa[$key-1];
+ }
+ /* by default we just return base form */
+ function getMonthNameGen( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthNamesWa;
+ return $wgMonthNamesWa[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getMonthAbbreviation( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgMonthAbbreviationsWa;
+ return $wgMonthAbbreviationsWa[$key-1];
+ }
+ function getWeekdayName( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgWeekdayNamesWa;
+ return $wgWeekdayNamesWa[$key-1];
+ }
+ # Inherit userAdjust()
+ ###
+ ### Dates in Walloon are "1î d' <monthname>" for 1st of the month,
+ ### "<day> di <monthname>" for months starting by a consoun, and
+ ### "<day> d' <monthname>" for months starting with a vowel
+ ###
+ function date( $ts, $adj = false )
+ {
+ global $wgAmericanDates, $wgUser, $wgUseDynamicDates;
+ if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts ); }
+ $m = substr( $ts, 4, 2 );
+ $n = substr( $ts, 6, 2 );
+ if ($n == 1) {
+ $d = "1î d'&nbsp;" . $this->getMonthName( $m ) .
+ " " . substr( $ts, 0, 4 );
+ } else if ($n == 2 || $n == 3 || $n == 20 || $n == 22 || $n == 23) {
+ $d = (0 + $n) . " d'&nbsp;" . $this->getMonthName( $m ) .
+ " " . substr( $ts, 0, 4 );
+ } else if ($m == 4 || $m == 8 || $m == 10) {
+ $d = (0 + $n) . " d'&nbsp;" . $this->getMonthName( $m ) .
+ " " . substr( $ts, 0, 4 );
+ } else {
+ $d = (0 + $n) . " di " . $this->getMonthName( $m ) .
+ " " . substr( $ts, 0, 4 );
+ }
+ return $d;
+ }
+ function time( $ts, $adj = false )
+ {
+ if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts ); }
+ $t = substr( $ts, 8, 2 ) . ":" . substr( $ts, 10, 2 );
+ return $t;
+ }
+ function timeanddate( $ts, $adj = false )
+ {
+ #return $this->time( $ts, $adj ) . " " . $this->date( $ts, $adj );
+ return $this->date( $ts, $adj ) . " a " . $this->time( $ts, $adj );
+ }
+ # Inherit rfc1123()
+ function getValidSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgValidSpecialPagesWa;
+ return $wgValidSpecialPagesWa;
+ }
+ function getSysopSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgSysopSpecialPagesWa;
+ return $wgSysopSpecialPagesWa;
+ }
+ function getDeveloperSpecialPages()
+ {
+ global $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesWa;
+ return $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesWa;
+ }
+ function getMessage( $key )
+ {
+ global $wgAllMessagesWa;
+ if(array_key_exists($key, $wgAllMessagesWa))
+ return $wgAllMessagesWa[$key];
+ else
+ return Language::getMessage($key);
+ }
+ function getAllMessages()
+ {
+ global $wgAllMessagesWa;
+ return $wgAllMessagesWa;
+ }
diff --git a/languages/LanguageYi.php b/languages/LanguageYi.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b451a5e1f137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/LanguageYi.php
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Stub for Yiddish
+include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
+class LanguageYi extends LanguageUtf8 {
+ function getDefaultUserOptions() {
+ $opt = Language::getDefaultUserOptions();
+ $opt["quickbar"] = 2; # Right-to-left
+ return $opt;
+ }
+ # For right-to-left language support
+ function isRTL() {
+ return true;
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/LanguageZh.php b/languages/LanguageZh.php
index 1de3b86ccca4..7c6a340d9cb4 100644
--- a/languages/LanguageZh.php
+++ b/languages/LanguageZh.php
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ include_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
1 => "Talk",
2 => "User",
3 => "User_talk",
- 4 => "Wikipedia",
- 5 => "Wikipedia_talk",
+ 4 => $wgMetaNamespace,
+ 5 => $wgMetaNamespace."_talk",
6 => "Image",
7 => "Image_talk",
8 => "MediaWiki",
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ this</a> (alternative: like this<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).", */
/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesZh = array(
+ "Makesysop" => "Turn a user into a sysop",
"Blockip" => "查å°ä¸€ä¸ªIP地å€",
"Asksql" => "查询数æ®åº“",
"Undelete" => "æ¢å¤è¢«åˆ é¡µé¢"
@@ -186,16 +187,16 @@ this</a> (alternative: like this<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).", */
"mainpage" => "首页",
"about" => "关于",
"aboutwikipedia" => "关于Wikipedia",
-"aboutpage" => "Wikipedia:关于",
+"aboutpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:关于",
"help" => "帮助",
-"helppage" => "Wikipedia:帮助",
+"helppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:帮助",
"wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipedia",
"bugreports" => "错误报告",
-"bugreportspage" => "Wikipedia:错误报告",
+"bugreportspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:错误报告",
"faq" => "常è§é—®é¢˜è§£ç­”",
-"faqpage" => "Wikipedia:常è§é—®é¢˜è§£ç­”",
+"faqpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:常è§é—®é¢˜è§£ç­”",
"edithelp" => "编辑帮助",
-"edithelppage" => "Wikipedia:如何编辑页é¢",
+"edithelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:如何编辑页é¢",
"cancel" => "å–消",
"qbfind" => "寻找",
"qbbrowse" => "æµè§ˆ",
@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ this</a> (alternative: like this<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).", */
"gnunote" => "所有文本在<a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU自由文档åè®®è¯ä¹¦ </a>下å‘布",
"printsubtitle" => "(æ¥è‡ª",
"protectedpage" => "被ä¿æŠ¤é¡µ",
-"administrators" => "Wikipedia:管ç†å‘˜",
+"administrators" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:管ç†å‘˜",
"sysoptitle" => "需è¦ç®¡ç†å‘˜æƒé™",
"sysoptext" => "您刚æ‰çš„请求åªæœ‰æ‹¥æœ‰ç®¡ç†å‘˜æƒé™çš„用户æ‰å¯ä½¿ç”¨ã€‚
@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ MySQL返回错误 \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\"。",
"showpreview" => "显示预览",
"blockedtitle" => "用户被å°",
"blockedtext" => "您的用户å或IP地å€å·²è¢«$1å°ã€‚
"whitelistedittitle" => "登录åŽæ‰å¯ç¼–辑",
"whitelistedittext" => "您必须先[[Special:Userlogin|登录]]æ‰å¯ç¼–辑页é¢ã€‚",
"whitelistreadtitle" => "登录åŽæ‰å¯é˜…读",
@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ MySQL返回错误 \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\"。",
"newarticle" => "(新)",
"newarticletext" =>
"anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''这是一个还未建立å¸å·çš„匿å用户的对è¯é¡µã€‚我们因此åªèƒ½ç”¨[[IP地å€]]æ¥ä¸Žä»–ï¼å¥¹è”络。该IP地å€å¯èƒ½ç”±å‡ å用户共享。如果您是一å匿å用户并认为本页上的评语与您无关,请[[Special:Userlogin|创建新å¸å·æˆ–登录]]以é¿å…在未æ¥äºŽå…¶ä»–匿å用户混淆。''",
@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@ MySQL返回错误 \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\"。",
"readonlywarning" => "警告:数æ®åº“被é”以进行维护,所以您目å‰å°†æ— æ³•ä¿å­˜æ‚¨çš„修改。您或许希望先将本断文字å¤åˆ¶å¹¶ä¿å­˜åˆ°æ–‡æœ¬æ–‡ä»¶ï¼Œç„¶åŽç­‰ä¸€ä¼šå„¿å†ä¿®æ”¹ã€‚",
"protectedpagewarning" => "警告:本页已ç»è¢«ä¿æŠ¤ï¼Œåªæœ‰æ‹¥æœ‰ç®¡ç†å‘˜æƒé™çš„用户æ‰å¯ä¿®æ”¹ã€‚请确认您éµå®ˆ
-<a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Protected_page_guidelines'>ä¿æŠ¤é¡µé¢å®ˆåˆ™</a>.",
+<a href='/wiki/{$wgMetaNamespace}:Protected_page_guidelines'>ä¿æŠ¤é¡µé¢å®ˆåˆ™</a>.",
# History pages
@@ -430,7 +431,7 @@ MySQL返回错误 \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\"。",
# Search results
"searchresults" => "æœç´¢ç»“æžœ",
-"searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:æœç´¢",
+"searchhelppage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:æœç´¢",
"searchingwikipedia" => "æœç´¢Wikipedia",
"searchresulttext" => "有关æœç´¢Wikipedia的更多详情,å‚è§$1。",
"searchquery" => "查询\"$1\"",
@@ -521,14 +522,14 @@ alt=\"Google\" align=\"middle\"></a>
"changes" => "更改",
"recentchanges" => "最近更改",
"recentchangestext" => "本页跟踪Wikipedia内最新的更改。
-如果您希望 Wikipedia æˆåŠŸï¼Œé‚£ä¹ˆè¯·æ‚¨ä¸è¦å¢žåŠ å—其它[[wikipedia:版æƒä¿¡æ¯|版æƒ]]
+如果您希望 Wikipedia æˆåŠŸï¼Œé‚£ä¹ˆè¯·æ‚¨ä¸è¦å¢žåŠ å—其它[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:版æƒä¿¡æ¯|版æƒ]]
é™åˆ¶çš„æ料,这一点将éžå¸¸é‡è¦ã€‚相关的法律责任会伤害本项工程,所以请ä¸è¦è¿™æ ·åšã€‚
[ 最近的 meta 讨论]。",
@@ -564,12 +565,12 @@ alt=\"Google\" align=\"middle\"></a>
"uploadfile" => "上载文件",
"uploaderror" => "上载错误",
"uploadtext" => "<strong>åœæ­¢ï¼</strong>在您上载之å‰ï¼Œè¯·å…ˆé˜…读并éµå®ˆWikipedia<a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">图åƒä½¿ç”¨å®ˆåˆ™</a>。
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">图åƒä½¿ç”¨å®ˆåˆ™</a>。
请到<a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
所有上载与删除行为都被记录在<a href=\"" .
-wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:上载纪录" ) . "\">上载纪录</a>内。
+wfLocalUrlE( "{$wgMetaNamespace}:上载纪录" ) . "\">上载纪录</a>内。
@@ -593,7 +594,7 @@ wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:上载纪录" ) . "\">上载纪录</a>内。
"filename" => "文件å",
"filedesc" => "简述",
"affirmation" => "我ä¿è¯æœ¬æ–‡ä»¶çš„版æƒæŒæœ‰äººåŒæ„将其在$1æ¡æ¬¾ä¸‹å‘布。",
-"copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:版æƒä¿¡æ¯",
+"copyrightpage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:版æƒä¿¡æ¯",
"copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia版æƒ",
"uploadedfiles" => "已上载文件",
"noaffirmation" => "您必须ä¿è¯æ‚¨ä¸Šè½½çš„文件并没有侵犯版æƒã€‚",
@@ -656,7 +657,7 @@ wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:上载纪录" ) . "\">上载纪录</a>内。
所以请您ä¸è¦åœ¨æ¯ä¿®ç†å¥½å‡ ä¸ªé¡¹ç›®åŽå°±æŒ‰é‡æ–°è½½å…¥ ;-)",
"maintenancebacklink" => "返回维护页",
"disambiguations" => "消å«ç³Šé¡µ",
-"disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
+"disambiguationspage" => "{$wgMetaNamespace}:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
"disambiguationstext" => "以下的æ¡ç›®éƒ½æœ‰åˆ°æ¶ˆå«ç³Šé¡µçš„链接,但它们应该是链到适当的题目。<br>一个页é¢ä¼šè¢«è§†ä¸ºæ¶ˆå«ç³Šé¡µå¦‚果它是链自$1.<br>由其它他å字空间æ¥çš„链接<i>ä¸ä¼š</i>在这儿被列出æ¥ã€‚",
"doubleredirects" => "åŒé‡é‡å®šå‘",
"doubleredirectstext" => "<b>请注æ„:</b> 这列表å¯èƒ½åŒ…括ä¸æ­£ç¡®çš„å应。
@@ -778,7 +779,7 @@ Wikipedia与这些公å¸å¹¶æ²¡æœ‰ä»»ä½•å•†ä¸šå…³ç³»ï¼Œå› æ­¤æœ¬è¡¨ä¸åº”该
"confirmdelete" => "确认删除",
"deletesub" => "(正在删除“$1â€ï¼‰",
"confirmdeletetext" => "您å³å°†ä»Žæ•°æ®åº“中永远删除一个页é¢æˆ–图åƒä»¥åŠå…¶åŽ†å²ã€‚
"confirmcheck" => "是的,我确定è¦åˆ é™¤ã€‚",
"actioncomplete" => "æ“作完æˆ",
@@ -815,7 +816,7 @@ Wikipedia与这些公å¸å¹¶æ²¡æœ‰ä»»ä½•å•†ä¸šå…³ç³»ï¼Œå› æ­¤æœ¬è¡¨ä¸åº”该
"undeletebtn" => "æ¢å¤ï¼",
"undeletedarticle" => "å·²ç»æ¢å¤â€œ$1â€",
"undeletedtext" => "[[$1]]å·²ç»è¢«æˆåŠŸå¤åŽŸã€‚
# Contributions
@@ -841,7 +842,7 @@ Wikipedia与这些公å¸å¹¶æ²¡æœ‰ä»»ä½•å•†ä¸šå…³ç³»ï¼Œå› æ­¤æœ¬è¡¨ä¸åº”该
"blockip" => "查å°IP地å€",
"blockiptext" => "用下é¢çš„表å•æ¥ç¦æ­¢æ¥è‡ªæŸä¸€ç‰¹å®šIP地å€çš„修改æƒé™ã€‚
-åªæœ‰åœ¨ä¸ºé˜²æ­¢ç ´å,åŠç¬¦åˆ[[Wikipedia:守则与指导]]的情况下æ‰å¯é‡‡å–此行动。
+åªæœ‰åœ¨ä¸ºé˜²æ­¢ç ´å,åŠç¬¦åˆ[[{$wgMetaNamespace}:守则与指导]]的情况下æ‰å¯é‡‡å–此行动。
"ipaddress" => "IP地å€",
"ipbreason" => "原因",
diff --git a/maintenance/ b/maintenance/
index 6da89df8f564..6c8def52f649 100755
--- a/maintenance/
+++ b/maintenance/
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
function initialiseMessages( $overwrite = false) {
global $wgLang, $wgScript, $wgServer, $wgAllMessagesEn;
global $wgOut, $wgArticle, $wgUser;
+ global $wgMessageCache, $wgMemc, $wgDBname, $wgDatabaseMessages;
+ $wgMessageCache->disable();
$fname = "initialiseMessages";
@@ -131,6 +133,14 @@ function initialiseMessages( $overwrite = false) {
} else {
$wgArticle->insertNewArticle( $navText, '', 0, 0 );
+ if( $wgDatabaseMessages ) {
+ print "Clearing message cache...";
+ $wgMemc->delete( "$wgDBname:messages" );
+ print "Done.\n";
+ }
print "Finished\n";
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/maintenance/archives/importTests.php b/maintenance/archives/importTests.php
index 2ca290999d47..ef751a759eaf 100644
--- a/maintenance/archives/importTests.php
+++ b/maintenance/archives/importTests.php
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
+print "This script is obsolete!";
+print "It is retained in the source here in case some of its
+code might be useful for ad-hoc conversion tasks, but it is
+not maintained and probably won't even work as is.";
<title>Unit tests for UseMod-to-PediaWiki import script</title>
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="10;URL=importTests.php">
diff --git a/maintenance/archives/importUseModWiki.php b/maintenance/archives/importUseModWiki.php
index 5e033a55aa15..09eb025f5505 100644
--- a/maintenance/archives/importUseModWiki.php
+++ b/maintenance/archives/importUseModWiki.php
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
+print "This script is obsolete!";
+print "It is retained in the source here in case some of its
+code might be useful for ad-hoc conversion tasks, but it is
+not maintained and probably won't even work as is.";
Import data from a UseModWiki into a PediaWiki wiki
2003-02-09 Brion VIBBER <>
diff --git a/maintenance/archives/patch-linkscc.sql b/maintenance/archives/patch-linkscc.sql
index 49ffe5800c33..0f63e022e8fb 100644
--- a/maintenance/archives/patch-linkscc.sql
+++ b/maintenance/archives/patch-linkscc.sql
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
-- linkscc table used to cache link lists in easier to digest form
-- November 2003
+-- Update March 2004, changed lcc_title to binary to prevent data
+-- corruption problem
+CREATE TABLE linkscc (
- lcc_cacheobj MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL);
+ lcc_cacheobj MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL
diff --git a/maintenance/archives/patch-list.txt b/maintenance/archives/patch-list.txt
index 9e8b82b114ba..888b602abd1e 100644
--- a/maintenance/archives/patch-list.txt
+++ b/maintenance/archives/patch-list.txt
@@ -163,3 +163,8 @@ patch-rc-newindex.sql
* 2004-02-14: Adds the ipb_expiry field to ipblocks
+* 2004-03-10: Slight change to linkscc table (link data corruption bug)
+Run this again to clear out and redeclare the linkscc table.
+You may also want to rebuild your links...
diff --git a/maintenance/archives/upgradeWatchlist.php b/maintenance/archives/upgradeWatchlist.php
index 95e8e2f99ce4..1027bb879660 100644
--- a/maintenance/archives/upgradeWatchlist.php
+++ b/maintenance/archives/upgradeWatchlist.php
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
+print "This script is obsolete!";
+print "It is retained in the source here in case some of its
+code might be useful for ad-hoc conversion tasks, but it is
+not maintained and probably won't even work as is.";
# Convert watchlists to new format
global $IP;
diff --git a/maintenance/importPhase2.php b/maintenance/importPhase2.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e0c54b676c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maintenance/importPhase2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# MediaWiki 'phase 2' to current format import script
+# (import format current as of 1.2.0, March 2004)
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Brion Vibber <>
+# Portions by Lee Daniel Crocker, 2002
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+if ( ! is_readable( "../LocalSettings.php" ) ) {
+ print "A copy of your installation's LocalSettings.php\n" .
+ "must exist in the source directory.\n";
+ exit();
+$wgCommandLineMode = true;
+ini_set("implicit_flush", 1);
+$DP = "../includes";
+include_once( "../LocalSettings.php" );
+include_once( "../AdminSettings.php" );
+$wgDBuser = $wgDBadminuser;
+$wgDBpassword = $wgDBadminpassword;
+$sep = ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == "\\" ) ? ";" : ":";
+ini_set( "include_path", "$IP$sep$include_path" );
+include_once( "Setup.php" );
+include_once( "../" );
+include_once( "" );
+include_once( "" );
+include_once( "" );
+include_once( "" );
+class Phase2Importer {
+ var $olddb, $titleCache;
+ function Phase2Importer( $database ) {
+ $this->olddb = $database;
+ $this->titleCache = new TitleCache;
+ }
+ function importAll() {
+ $this->importCurData();
+ $this->fixCurTitles();
+ $this->importOldData();
+ $this->fixOldTitles();
+ $this->importUserData();
+ $this->fixUserOptions();
+ $this->importWatchlists();
+ $this->importLinkData();
+ /*
+ # For some reason this is broken. RecentChanges will just start anew...
+ rebuildRecentChangesTablePass1();
+ rebuildRecentChangesTablePass2();
+ */
+ print "Rebuilding search index:\n";
+ dropTextIndex();
+ rebuildTextIndex();
+ createTextIndex();
+ initialiseMessages();
+ }
+ # Simple import functions; for the most part these are pretty straightforward.
+ # MySQL copies everything over to the new database and tweaks a few things.
+ function importCurData() {
+ print "Clearing pages from default install, if any...\n";
+ wfQuery( "DELETE FROM cur", DB_WRITE );
+ print "Importing current revision data...\n";
+ wfQuery( "INSERT INTO cur (cur_id,cur_namespace,cur_title,cur_text,cur_comment,
+ cur_user,cur_user_text,cur_timestamp,cur_restrictions,cur_counter,
+ cur_is_redirect,cur_minor_edit,cur_is_new,cur_random,cur_touched,inverse_timestamp)
+ SELECT cur_id,0,cur_title,cur_text,cur_comment,
+ cur_user,cur_user_text,cur_timestamp,REPLACE(cur_restrictions,'is_',''),cur_counter,
+ cur_text like '#redirect%',cur_minor_edit,0,RAND(),NOW()+0,99999999999999-cur_timestamp
+ FROM {$this->olddb}.cur", DB_WRITE );
+ $n = mysql_affected_rows();
+ print "$n rows imported.\n";
+ }
+ function importOldData() {
+ print "Clearing old revision data from default install, if any...\n";
+ wfQuery( "DELETE FROM old", DB_WRITE );
+ print "Importing old revision data...\n";
+ wfQuery( "INSERT INTO old (old_id,old_namespace,old_title,old_text,old_comment,
+ old_user,old_user_text,old_timestamp,old_minor_edit,old_flags,inverse_timestamp)
+ SELECT old_id,0,old_title,old_text,old_comment,
+ old_user,old_user_text,old_timestamp,old_minor_edit,'',99999999999999-old_timestamp
+ FROM {$this->olddb}.old", DB_WRITE );
+ $n = mysql_affected_rows();
+ print "$n rows imported.\n";
+ }
+ function importUserData() {
+ print "Clearing users from default install, if any...\n";
+ wfQuery( "DELETE FROM user", DB_WRITE );
+ print "Importing user data...\n";
+ wfQuery( "INSERT INTO $newdb.user (user_id,user_name,user_rights,
+ user_password,user_newpassword,user_email,user_options,user_touched)
+ SELECT user_id,user_name,REPLACE(user_rights,'is_',''),
+ MD5(CONCAT(user_id,'-',MD5(user_password))),'',user_email,user_options,NOW()+0
+ FROM {$this->olddb}.user", DB_WRITE );
+ $n = mysql_affected_rows();
+ print "$n rows imported.\n";
+ }
+ # A little less clean...
+ function importWatchlists() {
+ print "Clearing watchlists from default install, if any...\n";
+ wfQuery( "DELETE FROM watchlist", DB_WRITE );
+ print "Importing watchlists...";
+ $res = wfQuery( "SELECT user_id,user_watch FROM {$this->olddb}.user WHERE user_watch != ''", DB_WRITE );
+ $total = wfNumRows( $res );
+ $n = 0;
+ print " ($total total)\n";
+ while( $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) {
+ $id = IntVal( $row->user_id );
+ $list = explode( "\n", $row->user_watch );
+ foreach( $list as $page ) {
+ $title = $this->titleCache->fetch( $page );
+ if( is_null( $title ) ) {
+ print "Caught bad title '{$row->title}'\n";
+ } else {
+ $ns = $title->getNamespace();
+ $t = wfStrencode( $title->getDBkey() );
+ wfQuery( "INSERT INTO watchlist(wl_user,wl_namespace,wl_title) VALUES ($id,$ns,'$t')", DB_WRITE );
+ }
+ }
+ if( ++$n % 50 == 0 ) {
+ print "$n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ wfFreeResult( $res );
+ }
+ function importLinkData() {
+ # MUST BE CALLED BEFORE! fixCurTitles()
+ print "Clearing links from default install, if any...\n";
+ wfQuery( "DELETE FROM links", DB_WRITE );
+ wfQuery( "DELETE FROM brokenlinks", DB_WRITE );
+ print "Importing live links...";
+ wfQuery( "INSERT INTO links (l_from, l_to)
+ SELECT DISTINCT linked_from,cur_id
+ FROM {$this->olddb}.linked,{$this->olddb}.cur
+ WHERE linked_to=cur_title", DB_WRITE );
+ $n = mysql_affected_rows();
+ print "$n rows imported.\n";
+ print "Importing broken links...";
+ wfQuery( "INSERT INTO brokenlinks (bl_from, bl_to)
+ SELECT DISTINCT cur_id,unlinked_to
+ FROM {$this->olddb}.unlinked,{$this->olddb}.cur
+ WHERE unlinked_from=cur_title", DB_WRITE );
+ $n = mysql_affected_rows();
+ print "$n rows imported.\n";
+ }
+ # Fixup functions: munge data that's already been brought into tables
+ function fixCurTitles() {
+ $this->fixTitles( "cur" );
+ }
+ function fixOldTitles() {
+ $this->fixTitles( "old" );
+ }
+ function fixTitles( $table ) {
+ print "Fixing titles in $table...";
+ $res = wfQuery( "SELECT DISTINCT {$table}_title AS title FROM $table", DB_WRITE );
+ $total = wfNumRows( $res );
+ $n = 0;
+ print " ($total total)\n";
+ while( $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) {
+ $xt = wfStrencode( $row->title );
+ $title = $this->titleCache->fetch( $row->title );
+ if( is_null( $title ) ) {
+ print "Caught bad title '{$row->title}'\n";
+ } else {
+ $ns = $title->getNamespace();
+ $t = wfStrencode( $title->getDBkey() );
+ wfQuery( "UPDATE $table SET {$table}_namespace=$ns,{$table}_title='$t'
+ WHERE {$table}_namespace=0 AND {$table}_title='$xt'", DB_WRITE );
+ }
+ if( ++$n % 50 == 0 ) {
+ print "$n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ wfFreeResult( $res );
+ }
+ function rewriteUserOptions( $in )
+ {
+ $s = urldecode( $in );
+ $a = explode( "\n", $s );
+ foreach ( $a as $l ) {
+ if ( preg_match( "/^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)=(.*)/", $l, $m ) ) {
+ $ops[$m[1]] = $m[2];
+ }
+ }
+ $nops = array();
+ $q = strtolower( $ops["quickBar"] );
+ if ( $q == "none" ) { $q = 0; }
+ else { $q = 1; } # Default to left
+ $nops["quickbar"] = $q;
+ if ( $ops["markupNewTopics"] == "inverse" ) {
+ $nops["highlightbroken"] = 1;
+ }
+ $sk = substr( strtolower( $ops["skin"] ), 0, 4 );
+ if ( "star" == $sk ) { $sk = 0; }
+ else if ( "nost" == $sk ) { $sk = 1; }
+ else if ( "colo" == $sk ) { $sk = 2; }
+ else { $sk = 0; }
+ $nops["skin"] = $sk;
+ $u = strtolower( $ops["underlineLinks"] );
+ if ( "yes" == $u || "on" == $u ) { $nops["underline"] = 1; }
+ else { $nops["underline"] = 0; }
+ $t = ( (int) ($ops["hourDiff"]) );
+ if ( $t < -23 || $t > 23 ) { $t = 0; }
+ if ( 0 != $t ) { $nops["timecorrection"] = $t; }
+ $j = strtolower( $ops["justify"] );
+ if ( "yes" == $j || "on" == $j ) { $nops["justify"] = 1; }
+ $n = strtolower( $ops["numberHeadings"] );
+ if ( "yes" == $n || "on" == $n ) { $nops["numberheadings"] = 1; }
+ $h = strtolower( $ops["hideMinor"] );
+ if ( "yes" == $h || "on" == $h ) { $nops["hideminor"] = 1; }
+ $r = strtolower( $ops["rememberPassword"] );
+ if ( "yes" == $r || "on" == $r ) { $nops["rememberpassword"] = 1; }
+ $s = strtolower( $ops["showHover"] );
+ if ( "yes" == $s || "on" == $s ) { $nops["hover"] = 1; }
+ $c = $ops["cols"];
+ if ( $c < 20 || c > 200 ) { $nops["cols"] = 80; }
+ else { $nops["cols"] = $c; }
+ $r = $ops["rows"];
+ if ( $r < 5 || $r > 100 ) { $nops["rows"] = 20; }
+ else { $nops["rows"] = $r; }
+ $r = $ops["resultsPerPage"];
+ if ( $r < 3 || $r > 500 ) { $nops["searchlimit"] = 20; }
+ else { $nops["searchlimit"] = $r; }
+ $r = $ops["viewRecentChanges"];
+ if ( $r < 10 || $r > 1000 ) { $nops["rclimit"] = 50; }
+ else { $nops["rclimit"] = $r; }
+ $nops["rcdays"] = 3;
+ $a = array();
+ foreach ( $nops as $oname => $oval ) {
+ array_push( $a, "$oname=$oval" );
+ }
+ $s = implode( "\n", $a );
+ return $s;
+ }
+ function fixUserOptions() {
+ print "Fixing user options...";
+ $res = wfQuery( "SELECT user_id,user_options FROM user", DB_WRITE );
+ $total = wfNumRows( $res );
+ $n = 0;
+ print " ($total total)\n";
+ while( $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) {
+ $id = IntVal( $row->user_id );
+ $option = wfStrencode( $this->rewriteUserOptions( $row->user_options ) );
+ wfQuery( "UPDATE user SET user_options='$option' WHERE user_id=$id LIMIT 1", DB_WRITE );
+ if( ++$n % 50 == 0 ) {
+ print "$n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ wfFreeResult( $res );
+ }
+class TitleCache {
+ var $hash = array();
+ function &fetch( $dbkey ) {
+ if( !isset( $hash[$dbkey] ) ) {
+ $hash[$dbkey] = Title::newFromDBkey( $dbkey );
+ }
+ return $hash[$dbkey];
+ }
+print "You should have already run the installer to create a fresh, blank database.\n";
+print "Data will be inserted into '$wgDBname'. THIS SHOULD BE EMPTY AND ANY DATA IN IN WILL BE ERASED!\n";
+print "\nIf that's not what you want, ABORT NOW!\n\n";
+print "Please enter the name of the old 'phase 2'-format database that will be used as a source:\n";
+print "Old database name [enciclopedia]: ";
+$olddb = readconsole();
+if( empty( $olddb ) ) $olddb = "enciclopedia";
+if( $olddb == $wgDBname ) {
+ die( "Can't upgrade in-place! You must create a new database and copy data into it.\n" );
+print "\nSource database: '$olddb'\n";
+print " Dest database: '$wgDBname'\n";
+print "Is this correct? Anything in '$wgDBname' WILL BE DESTROYED. [y/N] ";
+$response = readconsole();
+if( strtolower( $response{0} ) != 'y' ) {
+ die( "\nAborted by user.\n" );
+print "Starting import....\n";
+$wgTitle = Title::newFromText( "Conversion script" );
+$importer = new Phase2Importer( $olddb );
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/maintenance/indexes.sql b/maintenance/indexes.sql
index 90155c0639b5..025d3122ca4c 100644
--- a/maintenance/indexes.sql
+++ b/maintenance/indexes.sql
@@ -27,14 +27,6 @@ ALTER TABLE old
ADD INDEX user_timestamp (old_user,inverse_timestamp),
ADD INDEX usertext_timestamp (old_user_text,inverse_timestamp);
- ADD INDEX l_from (l_from),
- ADD INDEX l_to (l_to);
-ALTER TABLE brokenlinks
- ADD INDEX bl_from (bl_from),
- ADD INDEX bl_to (bl_to);
ALTER TABLE imagelinks
ADD INDEX il_from (il_from(10)),
ADD INDEX il_to (il_to(10));
diff --git a/maintenance/ b/maintenance/
index acc82f5f7475..d14a4b9f34f9 100644
--- a/maintenance/
+++ b/maintenance/
@@ -5,29 +5,7 @@
function rebuildRecentChangesTablePass1()
- $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recentchanges";
- wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE );
- $sql = "CREATE TABLE recentchanges (
- rc_timestamp varchar(14) binary NOT NULL default '',
- rc_cur_time varchar(14) binary NOT NULL default '',
- rc_user int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- rc_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
- rc_namespace tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- rc_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
- rc_comment varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
- rc_minor tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- rc_bot tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- rc_new tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- rc_cur_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- rc_this_oldid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- rc_last_oldid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- INDEX rc_cur_id (rc_cur_id),
- INDEX rc_cur_time (rc_cur_time),
- INDEX rc_timestamp (rc_timestamp),
- INDEX rc_namespace (rc_namespace),
- INDEX rc_title (rc_title)
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM recentchanges";
wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE );
print( "Loading from CUR table...\n" );
@@ -37,17 +15,18 @@ function rebuildRecentChangesTablePass1()
"rc_cur_id,rc_this_oldid,rc_last_oldid) SELECT cur_timestamp," .
"cur_timestamp,cur_user,cur_user_text,cur_namespace,cur_title," .
"cur_comment,cur_minor_edit,0,cur_is_new,cur_id,0,0 FROM cur " .
- "ORDER BY cur_timestamp DESC LIMIT 5000";
+ "ORDER BY inverse_timestamp LIMIT 5000";
wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE );
print( "Loading from OLD table...\n" );
$sql = "INSERT INTO recentchanges (rc_timestamp,rc_cur_time,rc_user," .
"rc_user_text,rc_namespace,rc_title,rc_comment,rc_minor,rc_bot,rc_new," .
- "rc_cur_id,rc_this_oldid,rc_last_oldid) SELECT old_timestamp,''," .
+ "rc_cur_id,rc_this_oldid,rc_last_oldid) SELECT old_timestamp,cur_timestamp," .
"old_user,old_user_text,old_namespace,old_title,old_comment," .
- "old_minor_edit,0,0,0,old_id,0 FROM old ORDER BY old_timestamp " .
- "DESC LIMIT 5000";
+ "old_minor_edit,0,0,cur_id,old_id,0 FROM old,cur " .
+ "WHERE old_namespace=cur_namespace AND old_title=cur_title ORDER BY old.inverse_timestamp " .
+ "LIMIT 5000";
wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE );
$sql = "SELECT rc_timestamp FROM recentchanges " .
@@ -67,50 +46,42 @@ function rebuildRecentChangesTablePass2()
print( "Updating links...\n" );
- $sql = "SELECT rc_namespace,rc_title,rc_timestamp FROM recentchanges " .
- "ORDER BY rc_namespace,rc_title,rc_timestamp DESC";
+ # Fill in the rc_last_oldid field, which points to the previous edit
+ #
+ $sql = "SELECT rc_cur_id,rc_this_oldid,rc_timestamp FROM recentchanges " .
+ "ORDER BY rc_cur_id,rc_timestamp";
$res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE );
+ $lastCurId = 0;
+ $lastOldId = 0;
while ( $obj = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) {
- if ( ! ( $ns == $obj->rc_namespace &&
- 0 == strcmp( $title, wfStrencode( $obj->rc_title ) ) ) ) {
- $ns = $obj->rc_namespace;
- $title = wfStrencode( $obj->rc_title );
- $sql = "SELECT cur_id,cur_timestamp FROM cur WHERE " .
- "cur_namespace={$ns} AND cur_title='{$title}'";
- $res2 = wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE );
- $obj2 = wfFetchObject( $res2 );
- $id = $obj2->cur_id;
- $ct = $obj2->cur_timestamp;
- $sql = "SELECT old_id FROM old WHERE old_namespace={$ns} " .
- "AND old_title='{$title}' ORDER BY old_timestamp DESC";
- $res2 = wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE );
- $numRows = wfNumRows( $res2 );
+ $new = 0;
+ if( $obj->rc_cur_id != $lastCurId ) {
+ # Switch! Look up the previous last edit, if any
+ $lastCurId = IntVal( $obj->rc_cur_id );
+ $emit = wfInvertTimestamp( $obj->rc_timestamp );
+ $sql2 = "SELECT old_id FROM old,cur " .
+ "WHERE old_namespace=cur_namespace AND old_title=cur_title AND cur_id={$lastCurId} ".
+ "AND old.inverse_timestamp>'{$emit}' ORDER BY old.inverse_timestamp LIMIT 1";
+ $res2 = wfQuery( $sql2, DB_WRITE );
+ if( $row = wfFetchObject( $res2 ) ) {
+ $lastOldId = IntVal( $row->old_id );
+ } else {
+ # No previous edit
+ $lastOldId = 0;
+ $new = 1;
+ }
+ wfFreeResult( $res2 );
- if ( 0 != $numRows-- ) {
- $obj2 = wfFetchObject( $res2 );
- $sql = "UPDATE recentchanges SET rc_cur_id={$id},rc_cur_time=" .
- "'{$ct}',rc_last_oldid={$obj2->old_id} WHERE " .
- "rc_namespace={$ns} AND rc_title='{$title}' AND " .
- "rc_timestamp='{$obj->rc_timestamp}'";
- wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE );
+ if( $lastCurId == 0 ) {
+ print "Uhhh, something wrong? No curid\n";
} else {
- $sql = "UPDATE recentchanges SET rc_cur_id={$id},rc_cur_time=" .
- "'{$ct}' WHERE rc_namespace={$ns} AND rc_title='{$title}' " .
- "AND rc_timestamp='{$obj->rc_timestamp}'";
- wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE );
- }
- if ( 0 == ( ++$count % 500 ) ) {
- printf( "%d records processed.\n", $count );
+ $sql3 = "UPDATE recentchanges SET rc_last_oldid=$lastOldId,rc_new=$new,rc_type=$new WHERE rc_cur_id={$lastCurId} AND rc_this_oldid={$obj->rc_this_oldid}";
+ wfQuery( $sql3, DB_WRITE );
+ $lastOldId = IntVal( $obj->rc_this_oldid );
+ wfFreeResult( $res );
diff --git a/maintenance/tables.sql b/maintenance/tables.sql
index c4a513338642..e10c39eca402 100644
--- a/maintenance/tables.sql
+++ b/maintenance/tables.sql
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
-- file, please add an appropriate ALTER TABLE to update.php,
-- and increment the version number in Version.php.
user_id int(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
user_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
@@ -20,15 +19,13 @@ CREATE TABLE user (
user_options blob NOT NULL default '',
user_touched char(14) binary NOT NULL default '',
UNIQUE KEY user_id (user_id)
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_newtalk;
CREATE TABLE user_newtalk (
user_id int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
user_ip varchar(40) NOT NULL default ''
cur_id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
cur_namespace tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
@@ -47,9 +44,8 @@ CREATE TABLE cur (
cur_touched char(14) binary NOT NULL default '',
inverse_timestamp char(14) binary NOT NULL default '',
UNIQUE KEY cur_id (cur_id)
old_id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
old_namespace tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
@@ -63,9 +59,8 @@ CREATE TABLE old (
old_flags tinyblob NOT NULL default '',
inverse_timestamp char(14) binary NOT NULL default '',
UNIQUE KEY old_id (old_id)
CREATE TABLE archive (
ar_namespace tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
ar_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
@@ -76,48 +71,45 @@ CREATE TABLE archive (
ar_timestamp char(14) binary NOT NULL default '',
ar_minor_edit tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
ar_flags tinyblob NOT NULL default ''
l_from varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
- l_to int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'
+ l_to int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
+ unique key l_from(l_from,l_to),
+ key (l_to)
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS brokenlinks;
CREATE TABLE brokenlinks (
bl_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- bl_to varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default ''
+ bl_to varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
+ unique key bl_from(bl_from,bl_to),
+ key (bl_to)
CREATE TABLE linkscc (
+ lcc_title VARCHAR(255) binary NOT NULL UNIQUE KEY,
CREATE TABLE imagelinks (
il_from varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
il_to varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default ''
CREATE TABLE site_stats (
ss_row_id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL,
ss_total_views bigint(20) unsigned default '0',
ss_total_edits bigint(20) unsigned default '0',
ss_good_articles bigint(20) unsigned default '0',
UNIQUE KEY ss_row_id (ss_row_id)
CREATE TABLE hitcounter (
CREATE TABLE ipblocks (
ipb_id int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
ipb_address varchar(40) binary NOT NULL default '',
@@ -128,9 +120,8 @@ CREATE TABLE ipblocks (
ipb_auto tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
ipb_expiry char(14) binary NOT NULL default '',
UNIQUE KEY ipb_id (ipb_id)
img_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
img_size int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
@@ -138,9 +129,8 @@ CREATE TABLE image (
img_user int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
img_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
img_timestamp char(14) binary NOT NULL default ''
CREATE TABLE oldimage (
oi_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
oi_archive_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
@@ -149,9 +139,8 @@ CREATE TABLE oldimage (
oi_user int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
oi_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
oi_timestamp char(14) binary NOT NULL default ''
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recentchanges;
CREATE TABLE recentchanges (
rc_timestamp varchar(14) binary NOT NULL default '',
rc_cur_time varchar(14) binary NOT NULL default '',
@@ -169,17 +158,15 @@ CREATE TABLE recentchanges (
rc_type tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
rc_moved_to_ns tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
rc_moved_to_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default ''
CREATE TABLE watchlist (
wl_user int(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
wl_namespace tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
wl_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
UNIQUE KEY (wl_user, wl_namespace, wl_title)
math_inputhash varchar(16) NOT NULL,
math_outputhash varchar(16) NOT NULL,
@@ -187,12 +174,11 @@ CREATE TABLE math (
math_html text,
math_mathml text,
UNIQUE KEY math_inputhash (math_inputhash)
-- Table searchindex must be MyISAM for fulltext support
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS searchindex;
CREATE TABLE searchindex (
si_page int(8) unsigned NOT NULL,
si_title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
@@ -200,7 +186,6 @@ CREATE TABLE searchindex (
UNIQUE KEY (si_page)
CREATE TABLE interwiki (
iw_prefix char(32) NOT NULL,
iw_url char(127) NOT NULL,
diff --git a/maintenance/ b/maintenance/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c1d1c72c2bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maintenance/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+function do_revision_updates() {
+ global $wgSoftwareRevision;
+ if ( $wgSoftwareRevision < 1001 ) {
+ update_passwords();
+ }
+function update_passwords() {
+ global $wgDatabase;
+ $fname = "Update script: update_passwords()";
+ print "\nIt appears that you need to update the user passwords in your\n" .
+ "database. If you have already done this (if you've run this update\n" .
+ "script once before, for example), doing so again will make all your\n" .
+ "user accounts inaccessible, so be sure you only do this once.\n" .
+ "Update user passwords? (yes/no)";
+ $resp = readconsole();
+ if ( ! ( "Y" == $resp{0} || "y" == $resp{0} ) ) { return; }
+ $sql = "SELECT user_id,user_password FROM user";
+ $source = $wgDatabase->query( $sql, $fname );
+ while ( $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $source ) ) {
+ $id = $row->user_id;
+ $oldpass = $row->user_password;
+ $newpass = md5( "{$id}-{$oldpass}" );
+ $sql = "UPDATE user SET user_password='{$newpass}' " .
+ "WHERE user_id={$id}";
+ $wgDatabase->query( $sql, $fname );
+ }
+function do_ipblocks_update() {
+ global $wgDatabase;
+ $do1 = $do2 = false;
+ if ( !$wgDatabase->fieldExists( "ipblocks", "ipb_id" ) ) {
+ $do1 = true;
+ }
+ if ( !$wgDatabase->fieldExists( "ipblocks", "ipb_expiry" ) ) {
+ $do2 = true;
+ }
+ if ( $do1 || $do2 ) {
+ echo "Updating ipblocks table... ";
+ if ( $do1 ) {
+ dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-ipblocks.sql", $wgDatabase );
+ }
+ if ( $do2 ) {
+ dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-ipb_expiry.sql", $wgDatabase );
+ }
+ echo "ok\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "...ipblocks is up to date.\n";
+ }
+function do_interwiki_update() {
+ # Check that interwiki table exists; if it doesn't source it
+ global $wgDatabase;
+ if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "interwiki" ) ) {
+ echo "...already have interwiki table\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ echo "Creating interwiki table: ";
+ dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-interwiki.sql" );
+ echo "ok\n";
+ echo "Adding default interwiki definitions: ";
+ dbsource( "maintenance/interwiki.sql" );
+ echo "ok\n";
+function do_index_update() {
+ # Check that proper indexes are in place
+ global $wgDatabase;
+ $meta = $wgDatabase->fieldInfo( "recentchanges", "rc_timestamp" );
+ if( $meta->multiple_key == 0 ) {
+ echo "Updating indexes to 20031107: ";
+ dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-indexes.sql" );
+ echo "ok\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ echo "...indexes seem up to 20031107 standards\n";
+ return false;
+function do_linkscc_update() {
+ // Create linkscc if necessary
+ global $wgDatabase;
+ if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "linkscc" ) ) {
+ $res = $wgDatabase->query( "SELECT lcc_title FROM linkscc WHERE 0 LIMIT 1" );
+ $flags = mysql_field_flags( $res, 0 );
+ if( strpos( $flags, "binary" ) !== false ) {
+ echo "...have linkscc table.\n";
+ return;
+ } else {
+ echo "...linkscc table possibly corrupt, redefining... ";
+ # fall through
+ }
+ }
+ echo "Adding linkscc table... ";
+ dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-linkscc.sql", $wgDatabase );
+ echo "ok\n";
+function do_hitcounter_update() {
+ // Create hitcounter if necessary
+ global $wgDatabase;
+ if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "hitcounter" ) ) {
+ echo "...have hitcounter table.\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "Adding hitcounter table... ";
+ dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-hitcounter.sql", $wgDatabase );
+ echo "ok\n";
+ }
+function do_recentchanges_update() {
+ global $wgDatabase;
+ if ( !$wgDatabase->fieldExists( "recentchanges", "rc_type" ) ) {
+ echo "Adding rc_type, rc_moved_to_ns, rc_moved_to_title...";
+ dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-rc_type.sql" , $wgDatabase );
+ echo "ok\n";
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/maintenance/wikipedia-interwiki.sql b/maintenance/wikipedia-interwiki.sql
index 975d601ef2f1..6628c6b1b690 100644
--- a/maintenance/wikipedia-interwiki.sql
+++ b/maintenance/wikipedia-interwiki.sql
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ REPLACE INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ REPLACE INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@ REPLACE INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES
+('nb', '$1',1),
@@ -131,6 +134,8 @@ REPLACE INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES
@@ -141,6 +146,7 @@ REPLACE INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES
diff --git a/rdf/recent.phtml b/rdf/recent.phtml
deleted file mode 100644
index f96ad2c64782..000000000000
--- a/rdf/recent.phtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-header("Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");
-echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
-if( $style == "new" ) {
- $addl = " - " . wfMsg( "newpages");
-} else {
- $addl = "";
-<title><?php echo iconv($wgInputEncoding, "utf-8", wfMsg("sitetitle") . $addl ) ?></title>
-<link><?php echo $wgServer ?></link>
-<description><?php echo iconv($wgInputEncoding, "utf-8", wfMsg("sitesubtitle") ) ?></description>
-if(isset($limit)) {
- if( $limit < 1) $limit = 1;
- if( $tlimit > 500) $limit = 500;
-if(!isset($limit)) $limit = 10;
-if($style == 'new') {
- # 10 newest articles
-$sql = "SELECT rc_title as cur_title, rc_comment as cur_comment FROM recentchanges,cur
-WHERE rc_cur_id=cur_id AND rc_new=1 AND rc_namespace=0 AND cur_is_redirect=0
-AND LENGTH(cur_text) > 75
-ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC LIMIT {$limit}";
-} else {
- # 10 most recently edit articles that aren't frickin tiny
-$sql = "SELECT rc_title as cur_title,rc_comment as cur_comment FROM recentchanges,cur
-WHERE rc_cur_id=cur_id AND rc_namespace=0 AND rc_this_oldid=0 AND cur_is_redirect=0
-AND LENGTH(cur_text) > 150
-ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC LIMIT {$limit}";
-$res = wfQuery( $sql );
-while( $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) {
- $title = htmlspecialchars(
- iconv($wgInputEncoding, "utf-8",
- str_replace( "_", " ", $row->cur_title ) ) );
- $url = wfFullUrl( wfUrlencode( $row->cur_title ) );
- $description = "<description>" . iconv($wgInputEncoding, "utf-8",
- htmlspecialchars( $row->cur_comment )) . "</description>";
- echo "
-#<title>Search Wikipedia</title>
-#<description>Search Wikipedia articles</description>
-</rdf:RDF> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/redirect.php b/redirect.php
index 11d3c1023628..75dfa9286b84 100644
--- a/redirect.php
+++ b/redirect.php
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
+unset( $DP );
+unset( $IP );
+$wgCommandLineMode = false;
include_once( "./LocalSettings.php" );
-global $wpDropdown, $wgArticlePath;
+global $wgArticlePath;
+$wpDropdown = $_REQUEST['wpDropdown'];
+if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
+ $wpDropdown = stripslashes( $wpDropdown );
$url = str_replace( "$1", $wpDropdown, $wgArticlePath );
header( "Location: {$url}" );
diff --git a/stylesheets/sticky.js b/stylesheets/sticky.js
index 56da81e77341..cf248c3e3606 100644
--- a/stylesheets/sticky.js
+++ b/stylesheets/sticky.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ lastY=10;YOffset=0;staticYOffset=10;refreshMS=25;
function setup(eID){
bw=new checkBrowser;
- var noFix=bw.ie4||bw.ns4||(bw.ns6&&bw.mac)||(bw.macie50)?true:false;
+ var noFix=bw.ie4||bw.ns4||(bw.macie50)?true:false;
if (window.attachEvent){fix_bind()}
else if(noFix){
diff --git a/stylesheets/wikibits.js b/stylesheets/wikibits.js
index d7dcf7acec78..af743896cefd 100644
--- a/stylesheets/wikibits.js
+++ b/stylesheets/wikibits.js
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
// Wikipedia JavaScript support functions
+// Un-trap us from framesets
+if( != window ) = window.location;
// for enhanced RecentChanges
function toggleVisibility( _levelId, _otherId, _linkId) {
var thisLevel = document.getElementById( _levelId );
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ function addButton(imageFile, speedTip, tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText) {
- document.write("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:insertTags");
+ document.write("<a href=\"javascript:insertTags");
document.write("<img width=\"23\" height=\"22\" src=\""+imageFile+"\" border=\"0\" ALT=\""+speedTip+"\" TITLE=\""+speedTip+"\">");
@@ -96,22 +99,30 @@ function addInfobox(infoText) {
// if no support for changing selection, add a small copy & paste field
var clientPC = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // Get client info
- var is_nav = ((clientPC.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)
- && (clientPC.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (clientPC.indexOf('opera')==-1)
- && (clientPC.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('hotjava')==-1)
- && (clientPC.indexOf('khtml')==-1));
+ var is_nav = ((clientPC.indexOf('gecko')!=-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)
+ && (clientPC.indexOf('khtml') == -1));
if(!document.selection && !is_nav) {
+ infoText=escapeQuotesHTML(infoText);
document.write("<form name='infoform' id='infoform'>"+
- "<input size=80 id='infobox' name='infobox' value='"+
- infoText+"' READONLY></form>");
+ "<input size=80 id='infobox' name='infobox' value=\""+
+ infoText+"\" READONLY></form>");
function escapeQuotes(text) {
+ var re=new RegExp("'","g");
+ text=text.replace(re,"\\'");
+ re=new RegExp('"',"g");
+ text=text.replace(re,'&quot;');
+ re=new RegExp("\\n","g");
+ text=text.replace(re,"\\n");
+ return text;
- text=text.replace(/'/g,"\\'");
- text=text.replace(/\n/g,"\\n");
+function escapeQuotesHTML(text) {
+ var re=new RegExp('"',"g");
+ text=text.replace(re,"&quot;");
return text;
@@ -132,10 +143,11 @@ function insertTags(tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText) {
} else {
document.selection.createRange().text = tagOpen + theSelection + tagClose;
- // Mozilla
+ // Mozilla -- disabled because it induces a scrolling bug which makes it virtually unusable
} else if(txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') {
var startPos = txtarea.selectionStart;
var endPos = txtarea.selectionEnd;
+ var scrollTop=txtarea.scrollTop;
var myText = (txtarea.value).substring(startPos, endPos);
if(!myText) { myText=sampleText;}
if(myText.charAt(myText.length - 1) == " "){ // exclude ending space char, if any
@@ -148,13 +160,15 @@ function insertTags(tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText) {
var cPos=startPos+(tagOpen.length+myText.length+tagClose.length);
+ txtarea.scrollTop=scrollTop;
// All others
} else {
// Append at the end: Some people find that annoying
//txtarea.value += tagOpen + sampleText + tagClose;
- tagOpen=tagOpen.replace(/\n/g,"");
- tagClose=tagClose.replace(/\n/g,"");
+ var re=new RegExp("\\n","g");
+ tagOpen=tagOpen.replace(re,"");
+ tagClose=tagClose.replace(re,"");
diff --git a/stylesheets/wikistandard.css b/stylesheets/wikistandard.css
index a0986add66d6..eb2b1ef4647b 100644
--- a/stylesheets/wikistandard.css
+++ b/stylesheets/wikistandard.css
@@ -70,6 +70,29 @@ div.thumbnail-left {
+table.diff {
+ background:white;
+td.diff-otitle {
+ background:#cccccc;
+td.diff-ntitle {
+ background:#cccccc;
+td.diff-addedline {
+ background:#ccffcc;
+td.diff-deletedline {
+ background:#ffffaa;
+td.diff-context {
+ background:#eeeeee;
/* table standards */
table.rimage {
diff --git a/update.php b/update.php
index 6c6db170491d..fdea668c8093 100644
--- a/update.php
+++ b/update.php
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
+die( "The command-line installer is not recommended, please read INSTALL.\n\n" );
# Update already-installed software
include( "./" );
+include_once( "./maintenance/" );
if ( ! ( is_readable( "./LocalSettings.php" )
@@ -19,6 +22,10 @@ include_once( "./AdminSettings.php" );
include( "$IP/Version.php" );
+if( $wgSitename == "MediaWiki" ) {
+ die( "You must set the site name in \$wgSitename before installation.\n\n" );
if ( $wgUseTeX && ( ! is_executable( "./math/texvc" ) ) ) {
print "To use math functions, you must first compile texvc by\n" .
"running \"make\" in the math directory.\n";
@@ -74,6 +81,7 @@ function do_update_files() {
global $IP, $wgStyleSheetDirectory, $wgUploadDirectory, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDebugLogFile;
print "Copying files... ";
+ copyfile( ".", "LocalSettings.php", $IP );
copyfile( ".", "index.php", $IP );
copyfile( ".", "redirect.php", $IP );
# compatibility with older versions, can be removed in a year or so
@@ -97,8 +105,14 @@ function do_update_files() {
copyfile( "./images", "button_nowiki.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
copyfile( "./images", "button_sig.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
copyfile( "./images", "button_template.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
+ copyfile( "./images", "magnify-clip.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
+ copyfile( "./images", "Arr_.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
+ copyfile( "./images", "Arr_r.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
+ copyfile( "./images", "Arr_d.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
+ copyfile( "./images", "Arr_l.png", $wgUploadDirectory );
copyfile( "./languages", "Language.php", $IP );
+ copyfile( "./languages", "LanguageUtf8.php", $IP );
copyfile( "./languages", "Language" . ucfirst( $wgLanguageCode ) . ".php", $IP );
if( !empty( $wgDebugLogFile ) ) {
@@ -123,127 +137,4 @@ function do_update_files() {
print "ok\n";
-function do_revision_updates() {
- global $wgSoftwareRevision;
- if ( $wgSoftwareRevision < 1001 ) {
- update_passwords();
- }
-function update_passwords() {
- global $wgDatabase;
- $fname = "Update script: update_passwords()";
- print "\nIt appears that you need to update the user passwords in your\n" .
- "database. If you have already done this (if you've run this update\n" .
- "script once before, for example), doing so again will make all your\n" .
- "user accounts inaccessible, so be sure you only do this once.\n" .
- "Update user passwords? (yes/no)";
- $resp = readconsole();
- if ( ! ( "Y" == $resp{0} || "y" == $resp{0} ) ) { return; }
- $sql = "SELECT user_id,user_password FROM user";
- $source = $wgDatabase->query( $sql, $fname );
- while ( $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $source ) ) {
- $id = $row->user_id;
- $oldpass = $row->user_password;
- $newpass = md5( "{$id}-{$oldpass}" );
- $sql = "UPDATE user SET user_password='{$newpass}' " .
- "WHERE user_id={$id}";
- $wgDatabase->query( $sql, $fname );
- }
-function do_ipblocks_update() {
- global $wgDatabase;
- $do1 = $do2 = false;
- if ( !$wgDatabase->fieldExists( "ipblocks", "ipb_id" ) ) {
- $do1 = true;
- }
- if ( !$wgDatabase->fieldExists( "ipblocks", "ipb_expiry" ) ) {
- $do2 = true;
- }
- if ( $do1 || $do2 ) {
- echo "Updating ipblocks table... ";
- if ( $do1 ) {
- dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-ipblocks.sql", $wgDatabase );
- }
- if ( $do2 ) {
- dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-ipb_expiry.sql", $wgDatabase );
- }
- echo "ok\n";
- } else {
- echo "...ipblocks is up to date.\n";
- }
-function do_interwiki_update() {
- # Check that interwiki table exists; if it doesn't source it
- global $wgDatabase;
- if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "interwiki" ) ) {
- echo "...already have interwiki table\n";
- return true;
- }
- echo "Creating interwiki table: ";
- dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-interwiki.sql" );
- echo "ok\n";
- echo "Adding default interwiki definitions: ";
- dbsource( "maintenance/interwiki.sql" );
- echo "ok\n";
-function do_index_update() {
- # Check that proper indexes are in place
- global $wgDatabase;
- $meta = $wgDatabase->fieldInfo( "recentchanges", "rc_timestamp" );
- if( $meta->multiple_key == 0 ) {
- echo "Updating indexes to 20031107: ";
- dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-indexes.sql" );
- echo "ok\n";
- return true;
- }
- echo "...indexes seem up to 20031107 standards\n";
- return false;
-function do_linkscc_update() {
- // Create linkscc if necessary
- global $wgDatabase;
- if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "linkscc" ) ) {
- echo "...have linkscc table.\n";
- } else {
- echo "Adding linkscc table... ";
- dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-linkscc.sql", $wgDatabase );
- echo "ok\n";
- }
-function do_hitcounter_update() {
- // Create hitcounter if necessary
- global $wgDatabase;
- if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "hitcounter" ) ) {
- echo "...have hitcounter table.\n";
- } else {
- echo "Adding hitcounter table... ";
- dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-hitcounter.sql", $wgDatabase );
- echo "ok\n";
- }
-function do_recentchanges_update() {
- global $wgDatabase;
- if ( !$wgDatabase->fieldExists( "recentchanges", "rc_type" ) ) {
- echo "Adding rc_type, rc_moved_to_ns, rc_moved_to_title...";
- dbsource( "maintenance/archives/patch-rc_type.sql" , $wgDatabase );
- echo "ok\n";
- }