BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
arm-linux-hardfpMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into arm-linux-hardfpWillClinger9 years
masterFixed (log -0.0) bug introduced following v1.3 release.WillClinger7 years
originChanges to user manual and a couple of HOWTO files.WillClinger8 years
petit-gcc5Add support for gcc5 for Petit Larceny buildsLars T Hansen7 years
petit-gcc6Add make templates for gcc6 for Petit LarcenyLars T Hansen7 years
v1.3commit 567b862ce2...WillClinger7 years
v0.99commit 4671a1f8ac...WillClinger8 years
v0.98commit 60876f5dde...WillClinger9 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2017-09-08Fixed (log -0.0) bug introduced following v1.3 release.HEADmasterWillClinger
2017-08-19Fixed bugs in SRFI 144.WillClinger
2017-08-16Minor correction to R7RS flonum tests.WillClinger
2017-08-16Modified R5RS/R6RS definitions of flzero? etc for -r7strict mode.WillClinger
2017-08-16Expanded user manual's discussion of -r7strict mode.WillClinger
2017-08-16Reverted a temporary modification made for debugging.WillClinger
2017-08-16Added peculiar semantics for inexact reals in -r7strict mode.WillClinger
2017-08-15Changed whitespace only.WillClinger
2017-08-15Fixed longstanding contagion bugs (ticket #818).WillClinger
2017-08-14Changed whitespace only.WillClinger