AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-06-05Removed formattingxargs2-expJustin Ethier
2014-06-05Fixed up TODOJustin Ethier
2014-06-04Added a TODOJustin Ethier
2014-05-29RefactoringJustin Ethier
2014-05-29Removed redundant codeJustin Ethier
2014-05-29Revised xargs bulletJustin Ethier
2014-05-28Added some notesJustin Ethier
2014-05-28Set proper continuation for applyWrapperJustin Ethier
2014-05-26Fixed compiler bug with 'make testc'Justin Ethier
2014-05-26Added more support for new AstValue/Ref typesJustin Ethier
2014-05-26Added more testsJustin Ethier
2014-05-26Initial fileJustin Ethier
2014-05-26Bug fixesJustin Ethier
2014-05-26Integrating AstRefJustin Ethier
2014-05-26Use a different type for ref'sJustin Ethier
2014-05-26Added another testJustin Ethier
2014-05-26Added another test caseJustin Ethier
2014-05-25WIPJustin Ethier
2014-05-25Added new test caseJustin Ethier
2014-05-24Updated compileBlock to handle a single valueJustin Ethier
2014-05-24Added a lambda to test withJustin Ethier
2014-05-23Partially handle optimized-out expressionsJustin Ethier
2014-05-23WIPJustin Ethier
2014-05-23Removed generated fileJustin Ethier
2014-05-23Added commentsJustin Ethier
2014-05-23Fixed support for (set!)Justin Ethier
2014-05-23Initial fileJustin Ethier
2014-05-23WIPJustin Ethier
2014-05-22WIP, trying to get compiling of apply argsJustin Ethier
2014-05-22Fixed function application of literal argsJustin Ethier
2014-05-21Allow compiled quote to call into a functionJustin Ethier
2014-05-21Get _compileFuncLitArgs working w/new AstValue chgsJustin Ethier
2014-05-21Allow one flavor of define to work w/AstValue chgsJustin Ethier
2014-05-21Handle scalar at top-levelJustin Ethier
2014-05-21Attempting to simplify compiled code by notJustin Ethier
2014-05-20Replaced calls to continueEval in compiled codexargs-expJustin Ethier
2014-05-20createAstCont - call into functions directlyJustin Ethier
2014-05-20Compiler code works againJustin Ethier
2014-05-20Fixed continuation signaturesJustin Ethier
2014-05-20Removed extra args from Continuation data typeJustin Ethier
2014-05-14Clarified commentJustin Ethier
2014-05-14Fixed stale commentJustin Ethier
2014-05-12Issue #136Justin Ethier
2014-05-12Issue #136 - Bug fixes, added test casesJustin Ethier
2014-05-12Fixes from previous commitJustin Ethier
2014-05-12Added error checkingJustin Ethier
2014-05-09Issue #136 - Added test casesJustin Ethier
2014-05-09Prevent running paste end of dest stringJustin Ethier
2014-05-09Update README.markdownJustin Ethier
2014-05-09Update README.markdownJustin Ethier