BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
laminar-testTest.David Thompson5 months
masterhtml: Fix emission of 'script' and 'style' elements.Daniel Meißner9 weeks
wip-slug-to-file-namebuilder: rss: Refactor using site-url.David Thompson22 months
v0.3.0commit be456fa6b7...David Thompson2 months
v0.2.6commit 77dd149808...David Thompson2 years
v0.2.5commit d979ed3a1e...David Thompson3 years
v0.2.4commit 1bfb388123...David Thompson5 years
v0.2.3commit a7dac982c2...David Thompson5 years
v0.2.2commit 2cab166b3f...David Thompson6 years
v0.2.1commit 970dc04539...David Thompson7 years
v0.2commit 4130a355d3...David Thompson8 years
v0.1commit b6917098df...David Thompson9 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-03-02html: Fix emission of 'script' and 'style' elements.HEADmasterDaniel Meißner
2024-02-19make: Add automation for publishing release docs.v0.3.0David Thompson
2024-01-16atom/rss: Allow passing last updated date for reproducibility.Richard Sent
2024-01-16builder: atom: Add scheme to self-link.Denys Nykula
2023-12-28Add more detail to post-slug docs.David Thompson
2023-12-28Add flat pages builder.David Thompson
2023-12-28Add redirects builder.David Thompson
2023-12-28Document RSS builder.David Thompson
2023-12-28artifact: Ensure destination file names have a leading '/'.David Thompson
2023-12-28builder: atom: Clarify #:blog-prefix parameter.David Thompson