AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-12lintyossi/specblockasmNicholas Guo
2022-10-06Merge pull request #4556 from nicholasguoalgorand/nguo/spec-asm-race-testnicholasguoalgorand
2022-10-06Merge branch 'yossi/specblockasm' into nguo/spec-asm-race-testNicholas Guo
2022-10-04optimizeNicholas Guo
2022-09-20Merge branch 'yossi/specblockasm' of into yos...Yossi Gilad
2022-09-20setting clock for first period after bootYossi Gilad
2022-09-19use round from 2 rounds agoNicholas Guo
2022-09-19preserve round number response in case of an errorYossi Gilad
2022-09-19bug fix: return correct round numberYossi Gilad
2022-09-15add testNicholas Guo
2022-09-02Merge branch 'master' into yossi/specblockasmYossi Gilad
2022-09-02update block not found response code to 404 (#4479)shiqizng
2022-09-01e2e tests: remove unused e2e artifact (#4487)shiqizng
2022-08-31AVM: Handle Teal programs with manual constant blocks better (#4442)John Jannotti
2022-08-31Merge branch 'master' into yossi/specblockasmYossi Gilad
2022-08-30CICD: Fixing golangci-lint and github action (#4483)Jack
2022-08-29stateproof: always set StateProofNextRound in metric (#4475)Shant Karakashian
2022-08-29test: script improvements for recent testing (#4474)Brian Olson
2022-08-29tests: Fix restClientFixture test flaking (#4484)nicholasguoalgorand
2022-08-29Merge branch 'master' into yossi/specblockasmYossi Gilad
2022-08-29tests: tag e2e test data with commit hash (#4481)shiqizng
2022-08-29Merge branch 'master' into yossi/specblockasmYossi Gilad
2022-08-29tests: fix catchpoint large accounts test (#4480)nicholasguoalgorand
2022-08-26Tests: Convert goal app info expect test to e2e (#4449)Jason Paulos
2022-08-26tests: ledger reload accessing txtail history (#4473)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-08-25ledger: extend catchpoint blocks lookback (#4463)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-08-25alphanet: merge build changes and consensus params (#4431)cce
2022-08-25CI: Increase parallelism without changing resource_class for faster builds (...Michael Diamant
2022-08-24build: add valid_nightly_branch var to upload_binaries step (#4459)Jack
2022-08-24ledger: fix txtail restoring from catchpoints (#4460)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-08-24state proofs: update state proof totals calculation (#4445)cce
2022-08-24Re-introduce build_nightly workflow to persist artifacts needed by upload_bin...Michael Diamant
2022-08-24Initialize the accountUpdatesLedgerEvaluator properly (#4456)John Jannotti
2022-08-24CI: make windows build faster (#4443)cce
2022-08-23tests: TestSlowPeerDisconnect less flakey (#4453)Brian Olson
2022-08-23catchpoints: Optimize catchpoint (#4254)nicholasguoalgorand
2022-08-23tests: fix typo in evalbench_test.go (#4450)Ikko Ashimine
2022-08-23loadgenerator: correctly handle AccountMnemonicList (#4454)cce
2022-08-23tests: fix top online warning in TestAcctUpdatesCachesInitialization (#4451)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-08-23tests: deterministic rand seed for stable unit test (#4447)Brian Olson
2022-08-23Get rid of references and uses of `go lint` and `go vet` (#4444)John Jannotti
2022-08-23tests: fix logged panics in reproducible labels test (#4446)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-08-23CICD: Macos11 support (#4399)Jack
2022-08-22tests: improve voterTracker tests (#4441)algoidan
2022-08-22tests: add timestamps to some expect common operations (#4437)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-08-19ioutil is deprecated, I have the power of search and replace (#4440)John Jannotti
2022-08-19lint: Update linter version (#4434)cce
2022-08-19CI: Speed up CircleCI by folding build workflow downstream (#4426)Michael Diamant
2022-08-19Quality: Switch from golint to golangci-lint. (#4418)Will Winder
2022-08-19codec: new TxHandler byte decoder (#4266)Pavel Zbitskiy