AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-01-24upgrade test_nightly infra to large (4 cores)upgrade-nightly-test-builderchris erway
2023-01-24Fix opBytesLt for len(rhs) < len(lhs) (#5051)John Jannotti
2023-01-24lint: fix warnings (#5047)cce
2023-01-23Txhandler: Improve dedupe hit rate (#5022)Ian Suvak
2023-01-23Algod: Replace `logic.DebuggerHook` with `logic.EvalTracer` interface (#4438)Jacob Daitzman
2023-01-23agreement: fix receivedAt proposal performance timing (#5041)cce
2023-01-23algocfg: clarify config file loading error (#5025)Will Winder
2023-01-23network: new default gossip fanout setting for relays (#5005)Gary
2023-01-20Tests: Fix t.Parallel() errors in shared package (#4989)Michael Diamant
2023-01-20CI: Fix PartitionTest Github Action (#5006)Jack
2023-01-20network: increase max incoming connections limit to 2400 (#5018)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-01-19Merge pull request #5036 from algorand/onetechnical/relstable-3-13-3-remergeJohn Lee
2023-01-19Merge branch 'rel/stable' into relstable-3-13-3-remergeJohn Lee
2023-01-19config: add CadaverDirectory and prevent algod from starting if cadaver.init(...cce
2023-01-19tools: pingpong total latency (#4757)Brian Olson
2023-01-19Remove topAccountListener (#5027)Will Winder
2023-01-19Remove accidental devtesting output. (#5033)Will Winder
2023-01-19debug: unmarshal and print transaction distribution (#5008)cce
2023-01-19util/s3: remove extra println (#5024)algolucky
2023-01-19ledger: rearrange blockqueue start/stop (#4964)Brian Olson
2023-01-19Remove unused NetworkFetcher code. (#5028)Will Winder
2023-01-19fix build after #4979 (#5032)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-01-19Merge pull request #17 from algorand/relstable3.13.3v3.13.3-stableJohn Lee
2023-01-19Empty box hotfix for relstable (#16)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-01-19avm-abi: Update functions migrated to avm-abi library (#4979)AlgoStephenAkiki
2023-01-19Bump version in buildnumber.datJack Smith
2023-01-18tools: box key utility (#5026)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-01-18container: update documentation and remove unused tools (#4982)algolucky
2023-01-13goal: TEAL assembler error UX improvement (#4951)Zeph Grunschlag
2023-01-12AVM: Clearer cost benchmarks, and a nice optimization of b== and b< (#5010)John Jannotti
2023-01-11CI: Split paralleltest lint excludes to minimize merge conflicts (#5002)Michael Diamant
2023-01-10Retain improvements made in #4981 PR that had been reverted due to instabilit...Gary
2023-01-10Revert "Tests: Fix `t.Parallel()` errors in `data` package (#4981)" (#4995)Gary
2023-01-10Bugfix: breaks fetching latest due to new anon cred line (#4994)John Lee
2023-01-10config: add HeartbeatUpdateInterval (#4832)cce
2023-01-09fix(scripts): use -z in conditional (#4987)algolucky
2023-01-09tests: fix unstable TestREDCongestionManagerShouldntDrop (#4986)AlgoAxel
2023-01-09Revert "AVM: Catch any panic in edcsa verifying (#4368)" (#4985)John Jannotti
2023-01-09metrics: use uint64 for Counter and Gauge types (#4911)cce
2023-01-09Tests: Fix `t.Parallel()` errors in `data` package (#4981)Jacob Daitzman
2023-01-09tests: fix flaky TestStreamVerifierCtxCancelPoolQueue (#4980)Shant Karakashian
2023-01-06AVM: Catch any panic in edcsa verifying (#4368)John Jannotti
2023-01-06CICD: add container build (#4927)algolucky
2023-01-06util/s3: enable more credential providers (#4929)algolucky
2023-01-06tests: re-enable TestResolverWithCloudflareDNSResolution in CircleCI (#4965)Michael Diamant
2023-01-06node: add logging thread to node monitoring wg (#4934)Eric Warehime
2023-01-06tools: nodecfg without dns (#4967)Brian Olson
2023-01-06ledger: bulletin leaking waiters fix (#4962)Almog Tal
2023-01-06plot data in algod_go_memory_classes_heap_objects_bytes (#4968)Brian Olson
2023-01-04goal: Added consensus upgrade fields to node status api & goal output (#4800)Mark Ciccarello