AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-06-12Build 23rel/stable-1.0.23origin/rel/stableAlgorand developers
2019-06-12Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bolson/prod-build-fixes' into rel/stableAlgorand developers
2019-06-12Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into rel/stableAlgorand developers
2019-06-11commit bulidnumber.dat so that we have a clean checkout and precise hash to c...Brian Olson
2019-06-11fix rpm bulid by passing env vars into itBrian Olson
2019-06-11build fixesBrian Olson
2019-06-11Fix a few nits in the README.Derek Leung
2019-06-11new release build process (#3)algobolson
2019-06-11make fmt. (#2)Will Winder
2019-06-11Add genesis timestamp.Will Winder
2019-06-10Implement Algorand.Team Algorand
2019-06-10Build 22Will Winder