AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-25Ledger: Close the ledger at node shutdown (#5668)onetechnical/test-ledger-closeShant Karakashian
2023-08-04Merge pull request #5633 from Algo-devops-service/relstable3.17.0v3.17.0-stableJohn Lee
2023-07-24Merge pull request #5601 from Algo-devops-service/relbeta3.17.0v3.17.0-betaJohn Lee
2023-07-24Update the Version, BuildNumber, genesistimestamp.dataDevOps Service
2023-07-24Merge pull request #5600 from onetechnical/onetechnical/relbeta-remergeJohn Lee
2023-07-24Remove buildnumber.dat and genesistimestamp.dat filesJohn Lee
2023-07-24Merge branch 'rel/beta' into onetechnical/relbeta-remergeJohn Lee
2023-07-21ledger: move MakeCatchpointReader back to the Reader interface (#5583)Ignacio Corderi
2023-07-21catchpoint: use read connection for data retrieval for spver hash calculation...cce
2023-07-21tools: Reorganize block generator scripts. (#5582)Will Winder
2023-07-21build: remove sqlite from release configurations (#5562)cce
2023-07-21chore: use string builder instead of string concatenation in catchup service ...Cosmos
2023-07-21cli: clarify program source flag description (#5571)Cosmos
2023-07-20CircleCI: Update macos xcode versions (#5590)algobarb
2023-07-20goal: support simulate scratch in exec trace (#5589)Hang Su
2023-07-20ledger: use single SP verification hash/data query for catchpoint tracking & ...cce
2023-07-20tools: let catchpointdump to calculate and print data hashes (#5584)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-07-20Algod: Simulate endpoint scratch-change exposure (#5563)Hang Su
2023-07-20docs: Fix broken markdown in follower documentation. (#5585)Will Winder
2023-07-13CICD: downgrade ubuntu to 20.04 and ensure ARM64 binaries are built static (#...John Lee
2023-07-13perf tests: use metrics for memory usage charts (#5565)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-07-13CICD: Update ubuntu circleci image and orbs (#5564)algobarb
2023-07-12Algod: Simulate endpoint stack-change exposure (#5440)Hang Su
2023-07-12catchup: Catchup variable reuse (#5551)Eric Warehime
2023-07-11CICD: Fix debian package error (#5552)John Lee
2023-07-11tests: fix coder tester for TxType bound (#5536)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-07-11Merge pull request #5541 from Algo-devops-service/relbeta3.17.0John Lee
2023-07-11Update the Version, BuildNumber, genesistimestamp.dataDevOps Service
2023-07-11CICD: Update docker containers to newer versions (#5529)John Lee
2023-07-10test: Replace timer with counter loop in TestNodeTxHandlerRestart (#5533)Shant Karakashian
2023-07-10Runtime: Add delete-if-exists check for the no longer used indexer.sqlite fil...Gary
2023-07-10ledger: fix catchpoint pending hashes locking (#5534)Ignacio Corderi
2023-07-10Chore: remove a redundant argument to maintain single source of truth (#5530)John Jannotti
2023-07-08block-generator: conduit performance benchmark scenarios. (#5532)Will Winder
2023-07-06Chore: Small cleanups for clarity (#5526)John Jannotti
2023-07-05docker: Additional private network options and container tweaks. (#5525)Will Winder
2023-07-05tracer: Default to ledger tracer when starting new evaluator (#5521)Eric Warehime
2023-07-05tests: reenable TestVotersReloadFromDiskPassRecoveryPeriod (#5496)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-07-04tests: make TestSendMessageCallbacks deterministic (#5523)Ian Suvak
2023-07-04fix: remove unnecessary bash scripts (#5524)Keyhan Alizadeh
2023-06-30tests: fix TestLedgerReloadStateProofVerificationTracker (#5520)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-06-30bugfix: ensure blockservice callbacks are not nil (#5518)Ian Suvak
2023-06-30docker: Start kmd in the background. (#5514)Will Winder
2023-06-30tests: fix nightly test failure (#5519)Hang Su
2023-06-30tools: block generator inner transactions (#5506)Zeph Grunschlag
2023-06-29network:ws block byte limiter (#5472)Ian Suvak
2023-06-29follower: Use Buffered syncNow channel to correctly trigger sync in private n...algochoi
2023-06-29API: Allow DELETE calls (#5515)Aust
2023-06-28docker: fix slow docker container start up (#5513)shiqizng
2023-06-28tests: Fix catchpoint catchup tests to use relay for catchup (#5507)Eric Warehime