AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-02-05ml.newBlock now adds the block to the blockq stand infix-errors-tests-logAlmog Tal
2023-02-05more reorderAlmog Tal
2023-02-05reordered block insertion to blockq in TestReproducibleCatchpointLabelsAlmog Tal
2023-02-05added block insertion to mock block queue in TestAcctOnlineVotersLongerHistoryAlmog Tal
2023-02-05adding block in TestReproducibleCatchpointLabels to the ledger itself, to all...Almog Tal
2023-02-02Merge pull request #5106 from algorandskiy/pavel/sp-recov-testAlmog Tal
2023-02-02Fix metrics testPavel Zbitskiy
2023-02-02Revert "ledger: eternalData trackers concept" (#5104)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-02-02Merge pull request #5099 from algorandskiy/pavel/sp-recovAlmog Tal
2023-02-02Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/feature/stateproofs-recoverability' in...Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-02-02CR fixesPavel Zbitskiy
2023-02-02StateProof recoverability CR fixes (#5085)algoidan
2023-02-02stateproof: e2e flakey-test AttestorsChange (#5101)Jonathan Weiss
2023-02-01ledger: eternalData trackers conceptPavel Zbitskiy
2023-02-01changed RLock to Lock to properly protect lastFlushTime writes (#5092)Almog Tal
2023-02-01Merge pull request #5086 from algoidan/merge-sp-recvoerability-with-masteralgoidan
2023-02-01use prepare statementalgoidan
2023-02-01refactor sp tracker to support new storealgoidan
2023-01-31merge with masteralgoidan
2023-01-31fix broken nightly testsalgoidan
2023-01-31change sp interval in short tests (#5081)algoidan
2023-01-30tests: add more logging to expect test (#5078)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-01-30network: Add GetUnderlyingConnTcpInfo method to wsPeer (#5077)Ian Suvak
2023-01-30ledger: remove sql.Tx from the transaction callback (#5031)Ignacio Corderi
2023-01-30ledger: abstract store and remove all db.Atomic direct usages (#5021)Ignacio Corderi
2023-01-30goal: add --start option for network create command (#4902)Mark Ciccarello
2023-01-30docs: fix typo in avm/teal spec (#5074)Ben Guidarelli
2023-01-27build(deps): bump from 1.16.5 to 1.33.0 (#4955)dependabot[bot]
2023-01-27goal: allow relative dataDir via -d cmd option (#5067)abebeos
2023-01-26build: add start anchor to paralleltest exclusion regex (#5046)Jacob Daitzman
2023-01-26e2e tests: log pending transactions in case of failure (#5062)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-01-26development: tool to convert validated blocks. (#5048)Will Winder
2023-01-25Fix the inline comment for proposalAccepted (#4889)Musab Alturki
2023-01-25build: add -Wno-deprecated to sortition (#5050)cce
2023-01-25CICD: Adding github release notes template (#5044)Jack
2023-01-25tests: disable TestInitialSync on CI (#5053)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-01-24Fix opBytesLt for len(rhs) < len(lhs) (#5051)John Jannotti
2023-01-24lint: fix warnings (#5047)cce
2023-01-23Txhandler: Improve dedupe hit rate (#5022)Ian Suvak
2023-01-23Algod: Replace `logic.DebuggerHook` with `logic.EvalTracer` interface (#4438)Jacob Daitzman
2023-01-23agreement: fix receivedAt proposal performance timing (#5041)cce
2023-01-23algocfg: clarify config file loading error (#5025)Will Winder
2023-01-23network: new default gossip fanout setting for relays (#5005)Gary
2023-01-20Tests: Fix t.Parallel() errors in shared package (#4989)Michael Diamant
2023-01-20CI: Fix PartitionTest Github Action (#5006)Jack
2023-01-20network: increase max incoming connections limit to 2400 (#5018)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-01-19Merge pull request #5036 from algorand/onetechnical/relstable-3-13-3-remergeJohn Lee
2023-01-19Merge branch 'rel/stable' into relstable-3-13-3-remergeJohn Lee
2023-01-19config: add CadaverDirectory and prevent algod from starting if cadaver.init(...cce
2023-01-19tools: pingpong total latency (#4757)Brian Olson