AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-11-03generate routs:feature/dilithium-scheme-integration-with-txnsyncalgonautshant
2021-11-03use updated version of sumhashfunction (#3180)algoidan
2021-11-03Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into feature/dilithium-scheme-...algonautshant
2021-11-03Participation keys interface: Removed Register handler (#3130)AlgoStephenAkiki
2021-11-03Fix panic on closing nil db (#3175)Shant Karakashian
2021-11-02fix copy by value issuealgoidan
2021-11-02fix flaky test (#3170)algoidan
2021-11-01fix merge issuealgonautshant
2021-11-01merge with masteralgonautshant
2021-11-01make proposal assembly time configurable (#3165)Tsachi Herman
2021-10-31fix broken APIalgoidan
2021-10-31Accounts endpoint update (#3141)Jonathan Weiss
2021-10-31Refactoring and small fixesOr Aharonee
2021-10-29Add unit test to avoid new `string` fields (#3101)Jason Paulos
2021-10-29Expose `StateProofPK` in TEAL (#3114)Jason Paulos
2021-10-29txnsync: Use dynamic maxEncodedTransactionGroups (#3168)nicholasguoalgorand
2021-10-29ledger: do final validation in `endOfBlock()` (#3132)Tolik Zinovyev
2021-10-29ledger: refactor maxPaysetHint -> avarageEncodedTxnSizeHint (#3162)Tsachi Herman
2021-10-29Move Local structure definition to localTemplate (#3161)Tsachi Herman
2021-10-29Add c5d.4xlarge and c5d.18xlarge us-east-2 to hosttemplates.json (#3160)algobarb
2021-10-28Removing all but windows builds from Travis (#3154)Jack Smith
2021-10-28Reverse the network protocols ordering to de-prioritize the txnsync utilizati...Tsachi Herman
2021-10-28Make port configurable (#3143)Brice Rising
2021-10-28fix msgpack erroralgoidan
2021-10-28update sys to resolve go1.17 build error (#3157)Hang Su
2021-10-28z -> h -> z -> h -> ...Or Aharonee
2021-10-28refactor for angry linterOr Aharonee
2021-10-28Merge branch 'master' into feature/dilithium-scheme-integrationOr Aharonee
2021-10-28Add some cleanup if writing keys to DB failsOr Aharonee
2021-10-28Remove containskeys field from verifier (#3146)algoidan
2021-10-28added benchmarks for sumhash in the merklearray (#3144)Jonathan Weiss
2021-10-28Refactoring and minor fixes (#3150)Or Aharonee
2021-10-26ledger: refactor ledger internal tests (#3149)Tsachi Herman
2021-10-26Fix encode bug+reduce type sized (#3136)algoidan
2021-10-26Disabling re-building of binaries in circleci during upload stage (#3112)Jack Smith
2021-10-26Allow getting versions for any package. (#2935)Will Winder
2021-10-26Algokey print for participation keys (#3140)Jonathan Weiss
2021-10-26Revised roundToIndex and indexToRound functions and tests (#3081)Shant Karakashian
2021-10-25txnsync: delete-able incoming message queue (#3126)Tsachi Herman
2021-10-25Trim the whitespaces before/after each line of TEAL code (#3128)Hang Su
2021-10-25catchup: ignore benign evaluator failures (#3135)Tsachi Herman
2021-10-25Added HashType to ProofResponse REST endpoint (#3104)Or Aharonee
2021-10-24fix CC test bugalgoidan
2021-10-24rename blockproof->stateproof (#3133)algoidan
2021-10-23Improve Bandwidth Estimation in Txnsync (#3096)nicholasguoalgorand
2021-10-22update the websocket library. (#3131)Tsachi Herman
2021-10-22add test verbositiy to validate participation periodalgoidan
2021-10-22crypto interfaces api fix (#3097)Jonathan Weiss
2021-10-21Enable totals calculation in eval for indexer. (#3124)Tolik Zinovyev
2021-10-21Make fields in ledger.Creatable public. (#3125)Tolik Zinovyev