AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-16Merge remote-tracking branch 'algoidurovic/cache_reduction' into feature/avm-...feature/avm-box_cache_reductionmichaeldiamant
2022-09-14Refactor to linearize ledger lookup in GetApplicationBoxes (#4543)Michael Diamant
2022-09-13Merge branch 'feature/avm-box' of into featur...michaeldiamant
2022-09-13Merge branch 'master' into feature/avm-box (#4544)Michael Diamant
2022-09-13Fix regeneration of daemon/algod/api/server/v2/generated/routes.gomichaeldiamant
2022-09-13Merge branch 'master' into feature/avm-boxmichaeldiamant
2022-09-12Add kvstore to catchpoints (#4455)John Jannotti
2022-09-12Bump MaxAPIBoxPerApplication to 100,000 (#4541)Michael Diamant
2022-09-12Bump py-algorand-sdk to v1.17.0 (#4530)Michael Diamant
2022-09-12Refactor MaxBoxSize configuration definition (#4542)Michael Diamant
2022-09-12Exposes more of AccountData to AVM (#4491)John Jannotti
2022-09-12tests: fix network metrics race condition in tests (#4529)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-09-09metrics: network tag filtering test (#4526)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-09-09set filtered TagCounters from init() (#4524)cce
2022-09-09tools: pingpong improvements (#4294)Brian Olson
2022-09-08update node_exporter to include algorand/node_exporter#6 (#4518)John Lee
2022-09-08StateProofs: Add timeout to stateproof api (#4515)Jonathan Weiss
2022-09-08TagCounter gains a tag set to filter on (#4503)Brian Olson
2022-09-08updater: cleanup (#4513)algolucky
2022-09-08Merge pull request #4514 from algobarb/relstable3.9.2-remergeJohn Lee
2022-09-07remove empty daemon/algod/api/algod2.oas2.jsonBarbara Poon
2022-09-07match TestAttestorsChange to master's more recent changeBarbara Poon
2022-09-07Bump Version, Remove buildnumber.dat and genesistimestamp.dat files.Barbara Poon
2022-09-07fix merged conflictsBarbara Poon
2022-09-06tests: fix TestAttestorsChange (#4510)algoidan
2022-09-02CI: optimize caches used by CircleCI and GHA (#4461)cce
2022-09-02Merge pull request #4506 from Algo-devops-service/relstable3.9.2v3.9.2-stableJohn Lee
2022-09-02update block not found response code to 404 (#4479)shiqizng
2022-09-01Merge pull request #4505 from jannotti/feature/avm-boxJohn Jannotti
2022-09-01Adjust for consensus version changeJohn Jannotti
2022-09-01e2e tests: remove unused e2e artifact (#4487)shiqizng
2022-09-01Merge branch 'master' into feature/avm-boxJohn Jannotti
2022-08-31AVM: Handle Teal programs with manual constant blocks better (#4442)John Jannotti
2022-08-30CICD: Fixing golangci-lint and github action (#4483)Jack
2022-08-29stateproof: always set StateProofNextRound in metric (#4475)Shant Karakashian
2022-08-29test: script improvements for recent testing (#4474)Brian Olson
2022-08-29tests: Fix restClientFixture test flaking (#4484)nicholasguoalgorand
2022-08-29tests: tag e2e test data with commit hash (#4481)shiqizng
2022-08-29tests: fix catchpoint large accounts test (#4480)nicholasguoalgorand
2022-08-26Merge pull request #4462 from onetechnical/relbeta3.9.2v3.9.2-betaJohn Lee
2022-08-26tests: ledger reload accessing txtail history (#4473)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-08-26Tests: Convert goal app info expect test to e2e (#4449)Jason Paulos
2022-08-26tests: ledger reload accessing txtail history (#4473)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-08-26Merge branch 'relbeta3.9.2' of into relbe...John Lee
2022-08-26ledger: extend catchpoint blocks lookback (#4463)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-08-25ledger: extend catchpoint blocks lookback (#4463)Pavel Zbitskiy
2022-08-25Merge pull request #1 from onetechnical/no-semis-3-9-2John Lee
2022-08-25alphanet: merge build changes and consensus params (#4431)cce
2022-08-25CI: Increase parallelism without changing resource_class for faster builds (...Michael Diamant
2022-08-25Can't count on semis being allowed in TEAL yetJohn Jannotti