AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-20Reset buildnumber.datfeature/alphanetJohn Lee
2023-03-20AlphaNet: enable stateproof recoverability (#5206)algoidan
2023-03-14DevOps: merge stateproofs recoverability into alphanet (#5204)algoidan
2023-03-14Merge pull request #5202 from algorand/masterJohn Lee
2023-03-13catchpoints: small tweaks, mostly to comments (#5195)John Jannotti
2023-03-13refactor: Move streamVerifier to util/execpool/stream (#5168)Shant Karakashian
2023-03-13ERL: Support zero-size reservations (#5192)AlgoAxel
2023-03-11goal: user defined scheme to connect to remote host (#4922)Kurnia D Win
2023-03-10CI: set reviewdog golangci-lint go version (#5196)cce
2023-03-10algocfg: Bug fix - Add colon to indicate port specification (#5193)John Lee
2023-03-10telemetry: fine-grained breakdown of AssembleBlockStats.StopReason (#5191)cce
2023-03-10Enhancement: minor change in `agreement/type.go` comment, numbers are not mat...Hang Su
2023-03-10tests: fix esingle-payer-swap e2e subs test (#5189)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-03-10ledger: fix error shadowing in onlineAccountsNewRoundImpl (#5188)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-03-10devmode: Fix devmode networking (#5182)Eric Warehime
2023-03-10Docs: add follower node documentation. (#5181)Will Winder
2023-03-10feat(algocfg): add development profile and profile descriptions. (#5164)Will Winder
2023-03-09agreement: update AttachReceivedAt to handle compound (PP) messages (#5142)cce
2023-03-09docs: Message pack information. (#5160)Will Winder
2023-03-09Enhancement: Disable LRU `flushPendingWrite` warning if disabled (#5184)Hang Su
2023-03-07tests: Fix t.Parallel() errors in cmd package (#4991)Michael Diamant
2023-03-07tests: Fix t.Parallel() errors in netdeploy package (#4993)Michael Diamant
2023-03-07ledger: remove "rowid" from the public interface (#5177)Ignacio Corderi
2023-03-02refactor: Push test-only functionality of storage interfaces into test-interf...AlgoAxel
2023-03-02deploy templates: increase default npn number for mmnet-model (#5178)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-03-02Merge pull request #5173 from algorand/alphanet-master-mergeJohn Lee
2023-03-01deploy templates: Recipe Changes (#5155)algobarb
2023-03-01Algod: Make simulation endpoint non-experimental (#5159)Jason Paulos
2023-03-01AVM: Go19 curve check (#4917)John Jannotti
2023-03-01api: lower default for MaxHeaderBytes. (#5171)Will Winder
2023-03-01goal: catchup without args prompts to continue (#5165)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-03-01Merge branch 'master' into alphanet-master-mergeJohn Lee
2023-02-28fix(follower): add experimental tag to deltas endpoint. (#5169)Will Winder
2023-02-27fix(follower): update test that defines a follower relay. (#5162)Will Winder
2023-02-27ledger: cleanup the store package to prepare for the kv impl (#5139)Ignacio Corderi
2023-02-27algocfg: profile subcommand (#5069)Eric Warehime
2023-02-25devmode: Allow DevMode + Follower configurations. (#5157)Will Winder
2023-02-24tests: guard addPeer from adding peers who are closing (#5151)AlgoAxel
2023-02-24Algod: Additional simulation result information (#4439)Jacob Daitzman
2023-02-24tests: fix debug output in expect test harness (#5158)Pavel Zbitskiy
2023-02-23perf: Separate the txn specific operations from StreamVerifier (#5132)Shant Karakashian
2023-02-22tests: fix TestStreamVerifierPoolShutdown (#5152)Shant Karakashian
2023-02-21CI: upgrade test_nightly infra to large (#5054)cce
2023-02-21tests: use assert.Eventually to wait for peering to settle (#5150)AlgoAxel
2023-02-21network: add OutgoingMessage disconnectReason field (#5147)cce
2023-02-17refactor: remove sql.Tx from Batch (#5080)Ignacio Corderi
2023-02-17network: connection deduplication (#4695)AlgoAxel
2023-02-17Tests: No Cache Testing in ledger (#5058)Hang Su
2023-02-15Algod: Modify `EvalTracer` design and improve testing for failures (#5071)Jason Paulos
2023-02-15CircleCI: Fix cached Results issue in self-hosted runner (#5137)algobarb