AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-06-07Switching back to master branchadding-m1-to-build-pipelineJack Smith
2022-06-07Revert "Commenting out all except M1"Jack Smith
2022-06-06Commenting out all except M1Jack Smith
2022-06-06Fixing unrelated changesJack Smith
2022-06-06Fixing unrelated changesJack Smith
2022-06-06Testing whole pipelineJack Smith
2022-06-03adding some debugging statementsJack Smith
2022-06-03Disabling linux restriction in signingJack Smith
2022-06-03Activating agent needed for signingJack Smith
2022-06-03Adding unstash taskJack Smith
2022-06-03Activating signerJack Smith
2022-06-03Added stash stepJack Smith
2022-06-02reverting hardcodeJack Smith
2022-06-02Trying to work around makefileJack Smith
2022-06-02Trying to work around makefileJack Smith
2022-06-02reverting break up of a makefile commandJack Smith
2022-06-02breaking up makefile commandJack Smith
2022-06-02Adding mule jobJack Smith
2022-06-02Testing mule flowJack Smith
2022-06-02updating ci configJack Smith
2022-05-27Developer Tools: Add manjaro support to build script (#3893)Vu Vo
2022-05-27Devops: Use Cloudflare API token instead of auth key (#4039)John Lee
2022-05-26update node_exporter to include
2022-05-26metrics: collect and report Go runtime.metrics (#4041)cce
2022-05-26Fix typo in bandwidthFilter_test.go (#4028)Ikko Ashimine
2022-05-26Dryrun: Split dryrun cost field into BudgetConsumed and BudgetAdded (#3957)algoidurovic
2022-05-26Add missing HashType to GetProof endpoint (#3985)Or Aharonee
2022-05-25Added generate-docs command to tealdbg (#3830)nullun
2022-05-25 fix: place updater in same directory as and add verify option (#3983)algolucky
2022-05-24network: non-participating nodes request TX gossip only if ForceFetchTransact...Brian Olson
2022-05-24metrics: make metrics easier to use with prometheus (#4020)cce
2022-05-24AVM: Add bn256 pairing opcodes experimentally (#4013)John Jannotti
2022-05-23AVM: Allow immutable access to foreign app accounts (#3994)algoidurovic
2022-05-21base64_decode can decode padded or unpadded encodings (#4015)2062-on-chain-warning-scenario-3John Jannotti
2022-05-20use tag to determine channel if possible (#4017)Will Winder
2022-05-19Tools: Add benchmark warnings for PRs and push graphs for commits into master...algochoi
2022-05-18added -v flag to algokey (#4004)Ganesh Vanahalli
2022-05-18CI: add simple codecov config (#3997)cce
2022-05-17CI: ensure msgp generator has been run and is clean (#3978)cce
2022-05-16cleanup: replace crypto.HashObj(Transaction) with Transaction.ID() (#3958)Brian Olson
2022-05-16transaction sync: Transition test (#3882)Brian Olson
2022-05-13algod API: Remove errant base64 docs reference (#3982)Michael Diamant
2022-05-13Dryrun: Return EvalDeltas for failed executions in Dryrun (#3929)algochoi
2022-05-13algod: Add a sourcemap flag for compile endpoint (#3938)algochoi
2022-05-11Merge pull request #3977 from onetechnical/relstable-3.6.2-remergeJohn Lee
2022-05-11Bump versionJohn Lee
2022-05-11Merge branch 'rel/stable' into relstable-3.6.2-remergeJohn Lee
2022-05-10StateProofs: New block header field - SHA256 merkle root of the transactions ...Or Aharonee
2022-05-10Merge pull request #3828 from Algo-devops-service/relstable3.5.1-remergeJohn Lee
2022-05-09build: Bump golang to 1.17.9/Mac M1 Support (#3919)Eric Warehime