path: root/txnsync/outgoing.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'txnsync/outgoing.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/txnsync/outgoing.go b/txnsync/outgoing.go
deleted file mode 100644
index fa18bd353..000000000
--- a/txnsync/outgoing.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Algorand, Inc.
-// This file is part of go-algorand
-// go-algorand is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// go-algorand is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-// along with go-algorand. If not, see <>.
-package txnsync
-import (
- "context"
- "errors"
- "sort"
- "time"
- ""
- ""
- ""
-const messageTimeWindow = 20 * time.Millisecond
-var errTransactionSyncOutgoingMessageQueueFull = errors.New("transaction sync outgoing message queue is full")
-var errTransactionSyncOutgoingMessageSendFailed = errors.New("transaction sync failed to send message")
-// sentMessageMetadata is the message metadata for a message that is being sent. It includes some extra
-// pieces of information about the message itself, used for tracking the "content" of the message beyond
-// the point where it's being encoded.
-type sentMessageMetadata struct {
- encodedMessageSize int
- sentTransactionsIDs []transactions.Txid
- message *transactionBlockMessage
- peer *Peer
- sentTimestamp time.Duration
- sequenceNumber uint64
- partialMessage bool
- transactionGroups []pooldata.SignedTxGroup
- projectedSequenceNumber uint64
-// messageAsyncEncoder structure encapsulates the encoding and sending of a given message to the network. The encoding
-// could be a lengthy operation which does't need to be blocking the main loop. Moving the actual encoding into an
-// execution pool thread frees up the main loop, allowing smoother operation.
-type messageAsyncEncoder struct {
- state *syncState
- messageData sentMessageMetadata
- roundClock timers.WallClock
- lastReceivedMessageTimestamp time.Duration
- peerDataExchangeRate uint64
- // sentMessagesCh is a copy of the outgoingMessagesCallbackCh in the syncState object. We want to create a copy of
- // the channel so that in case of a txnsync restart ( i.e. fast catchup ), we can still generate a new channel
- // without triggering a data race. The alternative is to block the txnsync.Shutdown() until we receive the feedback
- // from the network library, but that could be susceptible to undesired network disconnections.
- sentMessagesCh chan sentMessageMetadata
-// asyncMessageSent called via the network package to inform the txsync that a message was enqueued, and the associated sequence number.
-func (encoder *messageAsyncEncoder) asyncMessageSent(enqueued bool, sequenceNumber uint64) error {
- if !enqueued {
- encoder.state.log.Infof("unable to send message to peer. disconnecting from peer.")
- encoder.state.incomingMessagesQ.erase(encoder.messageData.peer, encoder.messageData.peer.networkPeer)
- return errTransactionSyncOutgoingMessageSendFailed
- }
- // record the sequence number here, so that we can store that later on.
- encoder.messageData.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber
- select {
- case encoder.sentMessagesCh <- encoder.messageData:
- return nil
- default:
- // if we can't place it on the channel, return an error so that the node could disconnect from this peer.
- encoder.state.log.Infof("unable to enqueue outgoing message confirmation; outgoingMessagesCallbackCh is full. disconnecting from peer.")
- encoder.state.incomingMessagesQ.erase(encoder.messageData.peer, encoder.messageData.peer.networkPeer)
- return errTransactionSyncOutgoingMessageQueueFull
- }
-// asyncEncodeAndSend encodes transaction groups and sends peer message asynchronously
-func (encoder *messageAsyncEncoder) asyncEncodeAndSend(interface{}) interface{} {
- defer encoder.state.messageSendWaitGroup.Done()
- var err error
- if len(encoder.messageData.transactionGroups) > 0 {
- encoder.messageData.message.TransactionGroups, err = encoder.state.encodeTransactionGroups(encoder.messageData.transactionGroups, encoder.peerDataExchangeRate)
- if err != nil {
- encoder.state.log.Warnf("unable to encode transaction groups : %v", err)
- }
- encoder.messageData.transactionGroups = nil // clear out to allow GC to reclaim
- }
- if encoder.lastReceivedMessageTimestamp >= 0 {
- // adding a nanosecond to the elapsed time is meaningless for the data rate calculation, but would ensure that
- // the ResponseElapsedTime field has a clear distinction between "being set" vs. "not being set"
- encoder.messageData.message.MsgSync.ResponseElapsedTime = uint64((encoder.roundClock.Since() - encoder.lastReceivedMessageTimestamp).Nanoseconds())
- }
- encodedMessage := encoder.messageData.message.MarshalMsg(getMessageBuffer())
- encoder.messageData.encodedMessageSize = len(encodedMessage)
- // now that the message is ready, we can discard the encoded transaction group slice to allow the GC to collect it.
- releaseEncodedTransactionGroups(encoder.messageData.message.TransactionGroups.Bytes)
- // record the timestamp here, before sending the raw bytes to the network :
- // the time we spend on the network package might include the network processing time, which
- // we want to make sure we avoid.
- encoder.messageData.sentTimestamp = encoder.roundClock.Since()
- encoder.state.node.SendPeerMessage(encoder.messageData.peer.networkPeer, encodedMessage, encoder.asyncMessageSent)
- releaseMessageBuffer(encodedMessage)
- encoder.messageData.message.TransactionGroups.Bytes = nil
- // increase the metric for total messages sent.
- txsyncOutgoingMessagesTotal.Inc(nil)
- return nil
-// enqueue add the given message encoding task to the execution pool, and increase the waitgroup as needed.
-func (encoder *messageAsyncEncoder) enqueue() {
- encoder.state.messageSendWaitGroup.Add(1)
- if err := encoder.state.threadpool.EnqueueBacklog(context.Background(), encoder.asyncEncodeAndSend, nil, nil); err != nil {
- encoder.state.messageSendWaitGroup.Done()
- }
-// pendingTransactionGroupsSnapshot is used to represent a snapshot of a pending transaction groups along with the latestLocallyOriginatedGroupCounter value.
-// The goal is to ensure we're "capturing" this only once per `sendMessageLoop` call. In order to do so, we allocate that structure on the stack, and passing
-// a pointer to that structure downstream.
-type pendingTransactionGroupsSnapshot struct {
- pendingTransactionsGroups []pooldata.SignedTxGroup
- latestLocallyOriginatedGroupCounter uint64
-func (s *syncState) sendMessageLoop(currentTime time.Duration, deadline timers.DeadlineMonitor, peers []*Peer) {
- if len(peers) == 0 {
- // no peers - no messages that need to be sent.
- return
- }
- var pendingTransactions pendingTransactionGroupsSnapshot
- profGetTxnsGroups := s.profiler.getElement(profElementGetTxnsGroups)
- profAssembleMessage := s.profiler.getElement(profElementAssembleMessage)
- var assembledBloomFilter bloomFilter
- profGetTxnsGroups.start()
- pendingTransactions.pendingTransactionsGroups, pendingTransactions.latestLocallyOriginatedGroupCounter = s.node.GetPendingTransactionGroups()
- profGetTxnsGroups.end()
- for _, peer := range peers {
- msgEncoder := &messageAsyncEncoder{state: s, roundClock: s.clock, peerDataExchangeRate: peer.dataExchangeRate, sentMessagesCh: s.outgoingMessagesCallbackCh}
- profAssembleMessage.start()
- msgEncoder.messageData, assembledBloomFilter, msgEncoder.lastReceivedMessageTimestamp = s.assemblePeerMessage(peer, &pendingTransactions)
- profAssembleMessage.end()
- isPartialMessage := msgEncoder.messageData.partialMessage
- // The message that we've just encoded is expected to be sent out with the next sequence number.
- // However, since the enqueue method is using the execution pool, there is a remote chance that we
- // would "garble" the message ordering. That's not a huge issue, but we need to be able to tell that
- // so we can have accurate elapsed time measurements for the data exchange rate calculations.
- msgEncoder.messageData.projectedSequenceNumber = peer.lastSentMessageSequenceNumber + 1
- msgEncoder.enqueue()
- // update the bloom filter right here, since we want to make sure the peer contains the
- // correct sent bloom filter, regardless of the message sending timing. If and when we
- // generate the next message, we need to ensure that we're aware of this bloom filter, since
- // it would affect whether we re-generate another bloom filter or not.
- peer.updateSentBoomFilter(assembledBloomFilter, s.round)
- scheduleOffset, ops := peer.getNextScheduleOffset(s.isRelay, s.lastBeta, isPartialMessage, currentTime)
- if (ops & peerOpsSetInterruptible) == peerOpsSetInterruptible {
- if _, has := s.interruptablePeersMap[peer]; !has {
- s.interruptablePeers = append(s.interruptablePeers, peer)
- s.interruptablePeersMap[peer] = len(s.interruptablePeers) - 1
- }
- }
- if (ops & peerOpsClearInterruptible) == peerOpsClearInterruptible {
- if idx, has := s.interruptablePeersMap[peer]; has {
- delete(s.interruptablePeersMap, peer)
- s.interruptablePeers[idx] = nil
- }
- }
- if (ops & peerOpsReschedule) == peerOpsReschedule {
- s.scheduler.schedulePeer(peer, currentTime+scheduleOffset)
- }
- if deadline.Expired() {
- // we ran out of time sending messages, stop sending any more messages.
- break
- }
- }
-func (s *syncState) assemblePeerMessage(peer *Peer, pendingTransactions *pendingTransactionGroupsSnapshot) (metaMessage sentMessageMetadata, assembledBloomFilter bloomFilter, lastReceivedMessageTimestamp time.Duration) {
- metaMessage = sentMessageMetadata{
- peer: peer,
- message: &transactionBlockMessage{
- Version: txnBlockMessageVersion,
- Round: s.round,
- },
- }
- bloomFilterSize := 0
- msgOps := peer.getMessageConstructionOps(s.isRelay, s.fetchTransactions)
- if msgOps&messageConstUpdateRequestParams == messageConstUpdateRequestParams {
- // update the UpdatedRequestParams
- offset, modulator := peer.getLocalRequestParams()
- metaMessage.message.UpdatedRequestParams.Modulator = modulator
- if modulator > 0 {
- // for relays, the modulator is always one, which means the following would always be zero.
- metaMessage.message.UpdatedRequestParams.Offset = byte(uint64(offset) % uint64(modulator))
- }
- }
- if (msgOps&messageConstBloomFilter == messageConstBloomFilter) && len(pendingTransactions.pendingTransactionsGroups) > 0 {
- var lastBloomFilter *bloomFilter
- var excludeTransactions *transactionCache
- // for relays, where we send a full bloom filter to everyone, we want to coordinate that with a single
- // copy of the bloom filter, to prevent re-creation.
- if s.isRelay {
- lastBloomFilter = &s.lastBloomFilter
- } else {
- // for peers, we want to make sure we don't regenerate the same bloom filter as before.
- lastBloomFilter = &peer.lastSentBloomFilter
- // for non-relays, we want to be more picky and send bloom filter that excludes the transactions that were send from that relay
- // ( since the relay already knows that it sent us these transactions ). we cannot do the same for relay->relay since it would
- // conflict with the bloom filters being calculated only once.
- excludeTransactions = peer.recentSentTransactions
- }
- filterTxns := pendingTransactions.pendingTransactionsGroups
- minGroupCounter, lastGroupRound := peer.sentFilterParams.nextFilterGroup(metaMessage.message.UpdatedRequestParams)
- if lastGroupRound != s.round {
- minGroupCounter = 0
- }
- if minGroupCounter > 0 {
- mgi := sort.Search(
- len(filterTxns),
- func(i int) bool {
- return filterTxns[i].GroupCounter >= minGroupCounter
- },
- )
- if mgi >= len(filterTxns) {
- goto notxns
- }
- filterTxns = filterTxns[mgi:]
- }
- profMakeBloomFilter := s.profiler.getElement(profElementMakeBloomFilter)
- profMakeBloomFilter.start()
- // generate a bloom filter that matches the requests params.
- assembledBloomFilter = s.makeBloomFilter(metaMessage.message.UpdatedRequestParams, filterTxns, excludeTransactions, lastBloomFilter)
- // we check here to see if the bloom filter we need happen to be the same as the one that was previously sent to the peer.
- // ( note that we check here againt the peer, whereas the hint to makeBloomFilter could be the cached one for the relay )
- if !assembledBloomFilter.sameParams(peer.lastSentBloomFilter) && assembledBloomFilter.encodedLength > 0 {
- if lastGroupRound != s.round {
- assembledBloomFilter.encoded.ClearPrevious = 1
- }
- metaMessage.message.TxnBloomFilter = assembledBloomFilter.encoded
- bloomFilterSize = assembledBloomFilter.encodedLength
- }
- profMakeBloomFilter.end()
- if s.isRelay {
- s.lastBloomFilter = assembledBloomFilter
- }
- }
- if msgOps&messageConstTransactions == messageConstTransactions {
- transactionGroups := pendingTransactions.pendingTransactionsGroups
- if !s.isRelay {
- // on non-relay, we need to filter out the non-locally originated messages since we don't want
- // non-relays to send transaction that they received via the transaction sync back.
- transactionGroups = s.locallyGeneratedTransactions(pendingTransactions)
- }
- profTxnsSelection := s.profiler.getElement(profElementTxnsSelection)
- profTxnsSelection.start()
- metaMessage.transactionGroups, metaMessage.sentTransactionsIDs, metaMessage.partialMessage = peer.selectPendingTransactions(transactionGroups, messageTimeWindow, s.round, bloomFilterSize)
- profTxnsSelection.end()
- // clear the last sent bloom filter on the end of a series of partial messages.
- // this would ensure we generate a new bloom filter every beta, which is needed
- // in order to avoid the bloom filter inherent false positive rate.
- if !metaMessage.partialMessage {
- peer.lastSentBloomFilter = bloomFilter{}
- }
- }
- metaMessage.message.MsgSync.RefTxnBlockMsgSeq = peer.nextReceivedMessageSeq - 1
- // signify that timestamp is not set
- lastReceivedMessageTimestamp = time.Duration(-1)
- if peer.lastReceivedMessageTimestamp != 0 && peer.lastReceivedMessageLocalRound == s.round {
- lastReceivedMessageTimestamp = peer.lastReceivedMessageTimestamp
- // reset the lastReceivedMessageTimestamp so that we won't be using that again on a subsequent outgoing message.
- peer.lastReceivedMessageTimestamp = 0
- }
- // use the messages seq number that we've accepted so far, and let the other peer
- // know about them. The getAcceptedMessages would delete the returned list from the peer's storage before
- // returning.
- metaMessage.message.MsgSync.AcceptedMsgSeq = peer.getAcceptedMessages()
- if msgOps&messageConstNextMinDelay == messageConstNextMinDelay {
- metaMessage.message.MsgSync.NextMsgMinDelay = uint64(s.lastBeta.Nanoseconds()) * 2
- }
- return
-func (s *syncState) evaluateOutgoingMessage(msgData sentMessageMetadata) {
- timestamp := msgData.sentTimestamp
- // test to see if our message got re-ordered between the time we placed it on the execution pool queue and the time
- // we received it back from the network:
- if msgData.sequenceNumber != msgData.projectedSequenceNumber {
- // yes, the order was changed. In this case, we will set the timestamp to zero. This would allow the
- // incoming message handler to identify that we shouldn't use this timestamp for calculating the data exchange rate.
- timestamp = 0
- }
- msgData.peer.updateMessageSent(msgData.message, msgData.sentTransactionsIDs, timestamp, msgData.sequenceNumber, msgData.encodedMessageSize)
- s.log.outgoingMessage(msgStats{msgData.sequenceNumber, msgData.message.Round, len(msgData.sentTransactionsIDs), msgData.message.UpdatedRequestParams, len(msgData.message.TxnBloomFilter.BloomFilter), msgData.message.MsgSync.NextMsgMinDelay, msgData.peer.networkAddress()})
-// locallyGeneratedTransactions return a subset of the given transactionGroups array by filtering out transactions that are not locally generated.
-func (s *syncState) locallyGeneratedTransactions(pendingTransactions *pendingTransactionGroupsSnapshot) (result []pooldata.SignedTxGroup) {
- if pendingTransactions.latestLocallyOriginatedGroupCounter == pooldata.InvalidSignedTxGroupCounter || len(pendingTransactions.pendingTransactionsGroups) == 0 {
- return []pooldata.SignedTxGroup{}
- }
- n := sort.Search(len(pendingTransactions.pendingTransactionsGroups), func(i int) bool {
- return pendingTransactions.pendingTransactionsGroups[i].GroupCounter >= pendingTransactions.latestLocallyOriginatedGroupCounter
- })
- if n == len(pendingTransactions.pendingTransactionsGroups) {
- n--
- }
- result = make([]pooldata.SignedTxGroup, n+1)
- count := 0
- for i := 0; i <= n; i++ {
- txnGroup := pendingTransactions.pendingTransactionsGroups[i]
- if !txnGroup.LocallyOriginated {
- continue
- }
- result[count] = txnGroup
- count++
- }
- return result[:count]