path: root/test/scripts/e2e_subs/goal/
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/scripts/e2e_subs/goal/')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/scripts/e2e_subs/goal/ b/test/scripts/e2e_subs/goal/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..921d2c3ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scripts/e2e_subs/goal/
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import base64
+import glob
+import os
+import subprocess
+import algosdk
+import algosdk.future.transaction as txn
+import algosdk.encoding as enc
+def text(path):
+ try:
+ return open(path, "rt").read().strip()
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ return None
+def kv_to_dict(kv_list):
+ return {
+ base64.b64decode(kv["key"]): (
+ kv["value"]["uint"]
+ if kv["value"]["type"] == 2
+ else base64.b64decode(kv["value"]["bytes"])
+ )
+ for kv in kv_list
+ }
+class Goal:
+ """Goal offers the convenience of goal to Python.
+ Python offers a much better programming environment than shell,
+ but the `goal` command is so convenient that our e2e subs have
+ been written in sh to take advantage of it. On the other hand,
+ goal offers responses in fairly ad-hoc ways, so we find ourselves
+ grepping/awking out IDs, performing contortions around error
+ responses, and so on.
+ Using a Goal object, new e2e tests written in Python should be
+ able to create and sign transactions conveniently, submit them,
+ and obtain structured responses. We should add methods as needed
+ to resemble the command-line interfaces offered by goal (but
+ hopefully even better, when it comes to transaction group creation
+ and submission).
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name=None,
+ *,
+ algorand_data=None,
+ algod_token=None,
+ algod_address=None,
+ kmd_token=None,
+ kmd_address=None,
+ autosend=None,
+ ):
+ self.algod = None
+ self.kmd = None
+ algodata = algorand_data or os.environ.get("ALGORAND_DATA")
+ if algodata:
+ self.algod = self.open_algod(algodata)
+ self.kmd = self.open_kmd(algodata)
+ if not self.algod:
+ algod_token = algod_token or os.environ.get("ALGOD_TOKEN")
+ algod_address = algod_address or os.environ.get("ALGOD_ADDRESS")
+ if algod_token and algod_address:
+ self.algod = self.open_algod(algod_token, algod_address)
+ assert self.algod, "No datadir or creds for algod"
+ if not self.kmd:
+ kmd_token = kmd_token or os.environ.get("KMD_TOKEN")
+ kmd_address = kmd_address or os.environ.get("KMD_ADDRESS")
+ if kmd_token and kmd_address:
+ self.kmd = self.open_kmd(kmd_token, kmd_address)
+ if self.kmd:
+ self.open_wallet(name)
+ # internal wallets has address->sk mappings, so we can sign
+ # txns easily, even without kmd.
+ self.internal_wallet = {}
+ self.autosend = autosend
+ def open_algod(self, algodata, algod_address=None):
+ if algod_address:
+ algod_token = algodata
+ else:
+ algod_token = text(os.path.join(algodata, "algod.token"))
+ net = text(os.path.join(algodata, ""))
+ if not net:
+ return None
+ algod_address = "http://" + net
+ return algosdk.v2client.algod.AlgodClient(algod_token, algod_address)
+ def open_kmd(self, algodata, kmd_address=None):
+ if kmd_address:
+ kmd_token = algodata
+ else:
+ dir = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(algodata, "kmd-*")))[-1]
+ if not dir:
+ return None
+ kmd_token = text(os.path.join(dir, "kmd.token"))
+ net = text(os.path.join(dir, ""))
+ if not net:
+ return None
+ kmd_address = "http://" + net
+ return algosdk.kmd.KMDClient(kmd_token, kmd_address)
+ def open_wallet(self, name):
+ if name:
+ self.wallet_name = name
+ wallet = None
+ for w in self.kmd.list_wallets():
+ if w["name"] == name:
+ wallet = w
+ assert wallet, f"No wallet named '{name}'"
+ self.handle = self.kmd.init_wallet_handle(wallet["id"], "")
+ keys = self.kmd.list_keys(self.handle)
+ assert len(keys) == 1
+ self.account = keys[0]
+ def sign(self, tx):
+ # If already signed, do nothing (might be SignedTransaction,
+ # LogicSigTransaction, MultisigTransaction)
+ if not isinstance(tx, txn.Transaction):
+ return tx
+ # If we have the key in this object, sign directly
+ sk = self.internal_wallet.get(tx.sender)
+ if sk:
+ return tx.sign(sk)
+ # Ask KMD to sign.
+ if not self.kmd:
+ raise Exception(f"Unable to sign {tx}")
+ try:
+ return self.kmd.sign_transaction(self.handle, "", tx)
+ except algosdk.error.KMDHTTPError:
+ self.open_wallet(self.wallet_name)
+ return self.kmd.sign_transaction(self.handle, "", tx)
+ def sign_with_program(self, tx, program, delegator=None):
+ if delegator:
+ raise Exception("haven't implemented delgated logicsig yet")
+ return txn.LogicSigTransaction(tx, txn.LogicSig(program))
+ def send(self, tx, confirm=True):
+ try:
+ txid = self.algod.send_transaction(self.sign(tx))
+ if not confirm:
+ return txid, ""
+ return self.confirm(txid), ""
+ except algosdk.error.AlgodHTTPError as e:
+ return (None, str(e))
+ def send_group(self, txns, confirm=True):
+ # Need unsigned transactions to calculate the group This pulls
+ # out the unsigned tx if tx is sigged, logigsigged or
+ # multisgged
+ utxns = [
+ tx if isinstance(tx, txn.Transaction) else tx.transaction
+ for tx in txns
+ ]
+ gid = txn.calculate_group_id(utxns)
+ for tx in txns:
+ if isinstance(tx, txn.Transaction):
+ = gid
+ else:
+ = gid
+ try:
+ stxns = [self.sign(tx) for tx in txns]
+ txid = self.algod.send_transactions(stxns)
+ if not confirm:
+ return txid, ""
+ return self.confirm(txid), ""
+ except algosdk.error.AlgodHTTPError as e:
+ return (None, str(e))
+ def status(self):
+ return self.algod.status()
+ def confirm(self, txid):
+ """Wait for txid to be confirmed by the network."""
+ last_round = self.status().get("last-round")
+ txinfo = self.algod.pending_transaction_info(txid)
+ while txinfo.get("confirmed-round", 0) < 1:
+ last_round += 1
+ self.algod.status_after_block(last_round)
+ txinfo = self.algod.pending_transaction_info(txid)
+ return txinfo
+ def wait_for_block(self, block):
+ """
+ Utility function to wait until the block number given has been confirmed
+ """
+ print(f"Waiting for block {block}.")
+ s = self.algod.status()
+ last_round = s["last-round"]
+ while last_round < block:
+ wait_block = min(block, last_round + 3)
+ print(f" waiting for {last_round}...")
+ s = self.algod.status_after_block(wait_block)
+ last_round = s["last-round"]
+ return s
+ def new_account(self):
+ key, addr = algosdk.account.generate_account()
+ self.add_account(addr, key)
+ return addr
+ def add_account(self, address, key):
+ assert len(address) == 58, address
+ assert len(key) == 88, key
+ self.internal_wallet[address] = key
+ def finish(self, tx, send):
+ if send is None:
+ send = self.autosend
+ if send:
+ return self.send(tx, confirm=True)
+ return tx
+ def keyreg(self, sender, votekey=None, selkey=None, votefst=None,
+ votelst=None, votekd=None,
+ send=None, **kwargs):
+ params = self.algod.suggested_params()
+ tx = txn.KeyregTxn(sender, params,
+ votekey, selkey, votefst, votelst, votekd,
+ **kwargs)
+ return self.finish(tx, send)
+ def pay(self, sender, receiver, amt: int, send=None, **kwargs):
+ params = self.algod.suggested_params()
+ tx = txn.PaymentTxn(sender, params, receiver, amt, **kwargs)
+ return self.finish(tx, send)
+ def acfg(self, sender, send=None, **kwargs):
+ params = self.algod.suggested_params()
+ tx = txn.AssetConfigTxn(
+ sender, params, **kwargs, strict_empty_address_check=False
+ )
+ return self.finish(tx, send)
+ def asset_create(self, sender, **kwargs):
+ assert not kwargs.pop("index", None)
+ return self.acfg(sender, **kwargs)
+ def axfer(self, sender, receiver, amt: int, index: int, send=None, **kwargs):
+ params = self.algod.suggested_params()
+ tx = txn.AssetTransferTxn(
+ sender, params, receiver, amt, index, **kwargs
+ )
+ return self.finish(tx, send)
+ def asset_optin(self, sender, index: int, **kwargs):
+ assert not kwargs.pop("receiver", None)
+ return self.axfer(sender, sender, 0, index, **kwargs)
+ def afrz(self, sender, index: int, target, frozen, send=None, **kwargs):
+ params = self.algod.suggested_params()
+ tx = txn.AssetFreezeTxn(sender, params, index, target, frozen, **kwargs)
+ return self.finish(tx, send)
+ def coerce_schema(self, values):
+ if not values:
+ return None
+ if isinstance(values, txn.StateSchema):
+ return values
+ return txn.StateSchema(num_uints=values[0], num_byte_slices=values[1])
+ def appl(self, sender, index: int, on_complete=txn.OnComplete.NoOpOC,
+ send=None, **kwargs):
+ params = self.algod.suggested_params()
+ local_schema = self.coerce_schema(kwargs.pop("local_schema", None))
+ global_schema = self.coerce_schema(kwargs.pop("global_schema", None))
+ tx = txn.ApplicationCallTxn(
+ sender,
+ params,
+ index,
+ on_complete,
+ local_schema=local_schema,
+ global_schema=global_schema,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ return self.finish(tx, send)
+ def app_create(
+ self,
+ sender,
+ approval_program,
+ clear_program=None,
+ on_complete=txn.OnComplete.NoOpOC,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ assert not kwargs.pop("index", None)
+ if not clear_program:
+ clear_program = self.assemble("#pragma version 2\nint 1")
+ return self.appl(
+ sender,
+ 0,
+ on_complete=on_complete,
+ approval_program=approval_program,
+ clear_program=clear_program,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ def app_optin(self, sender, index: int, **kwargs):
+ assert not kwargs.pop("on_complete", None)
+ return self.appl(sender, index, on_complete=txn.OnComplete.OptInOC, **kwargs)
+ def app_call(self, sender, index: int, **kwargs):
+ return self.appl(sender, index, **kwargs)
+ def balance(self, account, asa=None):
+ if asa:
+ return self.holding(account, asa)[0]
+ info = self.algod.account_info(account)
+ return info["amount"]
+ def holding(self, account, asa):
+ info = self.algod.account_info(account)
+ for asset in info["assets"]:
+ if asset["asset-id"] == asa:
+ return (asset["amount"], asset["is-frozen"])
+ raise Exception("not opted in")
+ def assemble(self, source):
+ try:
+ with open(source, "rb") as f:
+ source =
+ except OSError:
+ source = source.encode("utf-8")
+ # CI runs with Python 3.6, which does not have capture_output.
+ # proc =["goal", "clerk", "compile", "-"],
+ # input=source, capture_output=True)
+ try:
+ proc =
+ ["goal", "clerk", "compile", "-"],
+ input=source,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ )
+ assert proc.returncode == 0, proc.stderr.decode()
+ return proc.stdout
+ except FileNotFoundError: # no goal
+ return self.assemble_with_rest(source.decode())
+ def assemble_with_rest(self, source):
+ compile_response = self.algod.compile(source)
+ return base64.b64decode(compile_response["result"])
+ def app_info(self, index: int) -> dict:
+ return self.algod.application_info(index)["params"]
+ def app_read(self, index: int, user=None) -> dict:
+ if user:
+ info = self.algod.account_info(user)
+ for ls in info["apps-local-state"]:
+ if ls["id"] == index:
+ return kv_to_dict(ls["key-value"])
+ raise Exception("not opted in")
+ return kv_to_dict(self.app_info(index).get("global-state", []))
+ def logic_address(self, bytecode: bytes):
+ return enc.encode_address(enc.checksum(b"Program" + bytecode))
+ def app_address(self, app_id: int):
+ return enc.encode_address(enc.checksum(b"appID" + (app_id).to_bytes(8, "big")))