path: root/test/scripts/e2e_subs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/scripts/e2e_subs/')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/scripts/e2e_subs/ b/test/scripts/e2e_subs/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8b1fa6f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scripts/e2e_subs/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+filename=$(basename "$0")
+date "+${scriptname} start %Y%m%d_%H%M%S"
+my_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
+source "$my_dir/" "$@"
+function rest() {
+ curl -q -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $PUB_TOKEN" "$NET$1"
+set -e
+set -x
+set -o pipefail
+gcmd="goal -w ${WALLET}"
+ACCOUNT=$(${gcmd} account list|awk '{ print $3 }')
+# Create a smaller account so rewards won't change balances.
+SMALL=$(${gcmd} account new | awk '{ print $6 }')
+# Under one algo receives no rewards
+${gcmd} clerk send -a 999000 -f "$ACCOUNT" -t "$SMALL"
+function balance {
+ acct=$1; shift
+ goal account balance -a "$acct" | awk '{print $1}'
+[ "$(balance "$ACCOUNT")" = 999999000000 ]
+[ "$(balance "$SMALL")" = 999000 ]
+function created_assets {
+ acct=$1;
+ goal account info -a "$acct" | awk '/Created Assets:/,/Held Assets:/' | grep "ID*" | awk -F'[, ]' '{print $4}'
+function created_supply {
+ acct=$1;
+ goal account info -a "$acct" | awk '/Created Assets:/,/Held Assets:/' | grep "ID*" | awk -F'[, ]' '{print $7}'
+function asset_bal {
+ acct=$1;
+ goal account info -a "$acct" | awk '/Held Assets:/,/Created Apps:/' | grep "ID*" | awk -F'[, ]' '{print $7}'
+function asset_ids {
+ acct=$1;
+ goal account info -a "$acct" | awk '/Held Assets:/,/Created Apps:/' | grep "ID*" | awk -F'[, ]' '{print $2}'
+function assets {
+ acct=$1;
+ goal account info -a "$acct" | awk '/Held Assets:/,/Created Apps:/' | grep "ID*" | awk -F'[, ]' '{print $4}'
+APPID=$(${gcmd} app create --creator "${SMALL}" --approval-prog=${TEAL}/assets-escrow.teal --global-byteslices 4 --global-ints 0 --local-byteslices 0 --local-ints 1 --clear-prog=${TEAL}/approve-all.teal | grep Created | awk '{ print $6 }')
+[ "$(balance "$SMALL")" = 998000 ] # 1000 fee
+function appl {
+ method=$1; shift
+ ${gcmd} app call --app-id="$APPID" --app-arg="str:$method" "$@"
+function app-txid {
+ # When app (call or optin) submits, this is how the txid is
+ # printed. Not in appl() because appl is also used with -o to
+ # create tx
+ grep -o -E 'txid [A-Z0-9]{52}' | cut -c 6- | head -1
+function asset-id {
+ grep -o -E 'index [A-Z0-9]+'| cut -c 7-
+APPACCT=$(python -c "import algosdk.encoding as e; print(e.encode_address(e.checksum(b'appID'+($APPID).to_bytes(8, 'big'))))")
+function asset-create {
+ amount=$1; shift
+ ${gcmd} asset create --creator "$SMALL" --total "$amount" --decimals 0 "$@"
+function asset-deposit {
+ amount=$1;shift
+ ID=$1; shift
+ ${gcmd} asset send -f "$SMALL" -t "$APPACCT" -a "$amount" --assetid "$ID" "$@"
+function asset-optin {
+ ${gcmd} asset send -a 0 "$@"
+function clawback_addr {
+ grep -o -E 'Clawback address: [A-Z0-9]{58}' | awk '{print $3}'
+function payin {
+ amount=$1; shift
+ ${gcmd} clerk send -f "$SMALL" -t "$APPACCT" -a "$amount" "$@"
+function sign {
+ ${gcmd} clerk sign -i "$T/$1.tx" -o "$T/$1.stx"
+TXID=$(${gcmd} app optin --app-id "$APPID" --from "${SMALL}" | app-txid)
+# Rest succeeds, no stray inner-txn array
+[ "$(rest "/v2/transactions/pending/$TXID" | jq '.["inner-txn"]')" == null ]
+[ "$(balance "$SMALL")" = 997000 ] # 1000 fee
+ASSETID=$(asset-create 1000000 --name "e2e" --unitname "e" | asset-id)
+[ "$(balance "$SMALL")" = 996000 ] # 1000 fee
+${gcmd} clerk send -a 999000 -f "$ACCOUNT" -t "$APPACCT"
+appl "optin():void" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID" --from="$SMALL"
+[ "$(balance "$APPACCT")" = 998000 ] # 1000 fee
+[ "$(balance "$SMALL")" = 995000 ]
+appl "deposit():void" -o "$T/deposit.tx" --from="$SMALL"
+asset-deposit 1000 $ASSETID -o "$T/axfer1.tx"
+cat "$T/deposit.tx" "$T/axfer1.tx" | ${gcmd} clerk group -i - -o "$T/group.tx"
+sign group
+${gcmd} clerk rawsend -f "$T/group.stx"
+[ "$(asset_ids "$SMALL")" = $ASSETID ] # asset ID
+[ "$(asset_bal "$SMALL")" = 999000 ] # asset balance
+[ "$(asset_ids "$APPACCT")" = $ASSETID ]
+[ "$(asset_bal "$APPACCT")" = 1000 ]
+[ "$(balance "$SMALL")" = 993000 ] # 2 fees
+[ "$(balance "$APPACCT")" = 998000 ]
+# Withdraw 100 in app. Confirm that inner txn is visible to transaction API.
+TXID=$(appl "withdraw(uint64):void" --app-arg="int:100" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID" --from="$SMALL" | app-txid)
+[ "$(rest "/v2/transactions/pending/$TXID" \
+ | jq '.["inner-txns"][0].txn.txn.aamt')" = 100 ]
+[ "$(rest "/v2/transactions/pending/$TXID?format=msgpack" | msgpacktool -d \
+ | jq '.["inner-txns"][0].txn.txn.type')" = '"axfer"' ]
+# Now confirm it's in blocks API (this time in our internal form)
+ROUND=$(rest "/v2/transactions/pending/$TXID" | jq '.["confirmed-round"]')
+rest "/v2/blocks/$ROUND" | jq .block.txns[0].dt.itx
+[ "$(asset_bal "$SMALL")" = 999100 ] # 100 asset withdrawn
+[ "$(asset_bal "$APPACCT")" = 900 ] # 100 asset withdrawn
+[ "$(balance "$SMALL")" = 992000 ] # 1 fee
+[ "$(balance "$APPACCT")" = 997000 ] # fee paid by app
+appl "withdraw(uint64):void" --app-arg="int:100" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID" --fee 2000 --from="$SMALL"
+[ "$(asset_bal "$SMALL")" = 999200 ] # 100 asset withdrawn
+[ "$(balance "$SMALL")" = 990000 ] # 2000 fee
+[ "$(asset_bal "$APPACCT")" = 800 ] # 100 asset withdrawn
+[ "$(balance "$APPACCT")" = 997000 ] # fee credit used
+# Try to withdraw too much
+appl "withdraw(uint64):void" --app-arg="int:1000" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID" --from="$SMALL" && exit 1
+[ "$(asset_bal "$SMALL")" = 999200 ] # no change
+[ "$(asset_bal "$APPACCT")" = 800 ] # no change
+[ "$(balance "$SMALL")" = 990000 ]
+[ "$(balance "$APPACCT")" = 997000 ]
+# Show that it works AT exact asset balance
+appl "withdraw(uint64):void" --app-arg="int:800" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID" --from="$SMALL"
+[ "$(asset_bal "$SMALL")" = 1000000 ]
+[ "$(asset_bal "$APPACCT")" = 0 ]
+[ "$(balance "$SMALL")" = 989000 ]
+[ "$(balance "$APPACCT")" = 996000 ]
+USER=$(${gcmd} account new | awk '{ print $6 }') #new account
+${gcmd} clerk send -a 999000 -f "$ACCOUNT" -t "$USER" #fund account
+asset-optin -f "$USER" -t "$USER" --assetid "$ASSETID" #opt in to asset
+# SET $USER as clawback address
+${gcmd} asset config --manager $SMALL --assetid $ASSETID --new-clawback $USER
+cb_addr=$(${gcmd} asset info --assetid $ASSETID | clawback_addr)
+[ "$cb_addr" = "$USER" ]
+${gcmd} asset send -f "$SMALL" -t "$USER" -a "1000" --assetid "$ASSETID" --clawback "$USER"
+[ $(asset_bal "$USER") = 1000 ]
+[ $(asset_bal "$SMALL") = 999000 ]
+# rekey $USER to "$APPACCT"
+${gcmd} clerk send --from "$USER" --to "$USER" -a 0 --rekey-to "$APPACCT"
+# $USER should still have clawback auth. should have been authorized by "$APPACCT"
+${gcmd} asset send -f "$SMALL" -t "$USER" -a "1000" --assetid "$ASSETID" --clawback "$USER" && exit 1
+USER2=$(${gcmd} account new | awk '{ print $6 }') #new account
+${gcmd} clerk send -a 999000 -f "$ACCOUNT" -t "$USER2" #fund account
+asset-optin -f "$USER2" -t "$USER2" --assetid "$ASSETID" #opt in to asset
+# set $APPACCT as clawback address on asset
+${gcmd} asset config --manager $SMALL --assetid $ASSETID --new-clawback $APPACCT
+cb_addr=$(${gcmd} asset info --assetid $ASSETID | clawback_addr)
+[ "$cb_addr" = "$APPACCT" ] #app is set as clawback address
+# transfer asset from $SMALL to $USER
+appl "transfer(uint64):void" --app-arg="int:1000" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID" --from="$SMALL" --app-account="$USER2"
+[ $(asset_bal "$USER2") = 1000 ]
+[ $(asset_bal "$SMALL") = 998000 ]
+# transfer asset from $USER to $SMALL
+appl "transfer(uint64):void" --app-arg="int:100" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID" --from="$USER2" --app-account="$SMALL"
+[ $(asset_bal "$USER2") = 900 ]
+[ $(asset_bal "$SMALL") = 998100 ]
+# opt in more assets
+ASSETID2=$(asset-create 1000000 --name "alpha" --unitname "a" | asset-id)
+appl "optin():void" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID2" --from="$SMALL"
+ASSETID3=$(asset-create 1000000 --name "beta" --unitname "b" | asset-id)
+appl "optin():void" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID3" --from="$SMALL"
+[[ "$(asset_ids "$APPACCT")" = $IDs ]] # account has 3 assets
+# opt out of assets
+appl "close():void" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID2" --from="$SMALL"
+[[ "$(asset_ids "$APPACCT")" = $IDs ]] # account has 2 assets
+appl "close():void" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID" --from="$SMALL"
+appl "close():void" --foreign-asset="$ASSETID3" --from="$SMALL"
+[[ "$(asset_ids "$APPACCT")" = "" ]] # account has no assets
+# app creates asset
+appl "create(uint64):void" --app-arg="int:1000000" --from="$SMALL"
+[ "$(created_assets "$APPACCT")" = "X" ]
+[ "$(created_supply "$APPACCT")" = 1000000 ]
+# mint asset
+APPASSETID=$(asset_ids "$APPACCT")
+asset-optin -f "$SMALL" -t "$SMALL" --assetid "$APPASSETID" #opt in to asset
+appl "mint():void" --from="$SMALL" --foreign-asset="$APPASSETID" -o "$T/mint.tx"
+payin 1000 -o "$T/pay1.tx"
+cat "$T/mint.tx" "$T/pay1.tx" | ${gcmd} clerk group -i - -o "$T/group.tx"
+sign group
+${gcmd} clerk rawsend -f "$T/group.stx"
+[[ "$(asset_ids "$SMALL")" = $IDs ]] # has new asset
+[ "$(asset_bal "$SMALL" | awk 'FNR==4{print $0}')" = 1000 ] # correct balances
+[ "$(asset_bal "$APPACCT")" = 999000 ] # 1k sent
+# freeze asset
+appl "freeze(uint64):void" --app-arg="int:1" --foreign-asset="$APPASSETID" --from="$SMALL"
+# fail since asset is frozen on $SMALL
+appl "mint():void" --from="$SMALL" -o "$T/mint.tx" --foreign-asset="$APPASSETID"
+payin 1000 -o "$T/pay1.tx"
+cat "$T/mint.tx" "$T/pay1.tx" | ${gcmd} clerk group -i - -o "$T/group.tx"
+sign group
+${gcmd} clerk rawsend -f "$T/group.stx" && exit 1
+# unfreeze asset
+appl "freeze(uint64):void" --app-arg="int:0" --foreign-asset="$APPASSETID" --from="$SMALL"
+appl "mint():void" --from="$SMALL" -o "$T/mint.tx" --foreign-asset="$APPASSETID"
+payin 1000 -o "$T/pay1.tx"
+cat "$T/mint.tx" "$T/pay1.tx" | ${gcmd} clerk group -i - -o "$T/group.tx"
+sign group
+${gcmd} clerk rawsend -f "$T/group.stx"
+[ "$(asset_bal "$SMALL" | awk 'FNR==4{print $0}')" = 2000 ] # minted 1000
+date "+${scriptname} OK %Y%m%d_%H%M%S"