path: root/data/transactions/logic/fields.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'data/transactions/logic/fields.go')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/data/transactions/logic/fields.go b/data/transactions/logic/fields.go
index bc242859e..32d29fd85 100644
--- a/data/transactions/logic/fields.go
+++ b/data/transactions/logic/fields.go
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import (
-//go:generate stringer -type=TxnField,GlobalField,AssetParamsField,AppParamsField,AssetHoldingField,OnCompletionConstType -output=fields_string.go
+//go:generate stringer -type=TxnField,GlobalField,AssetParamsField,AppParamsField,AssetHoldingField,OnCompletionConstType,EcdsaCurve -output=fields_string.go
// TxnField is an enum type for `txn` and `gtxn`
type TxnField int
@@ -146,6 +146,21 @@ const (
// ExtraProgramPages AppParams.ExtraProgramPages
+ // Nonparticipation Transaction.Nonparticipation
+ Nonparticipation
+ // Logs Transaction.ApplyData.EvalDelta.Logs
+ Logs
+ // NumLogs len(Logs)
+ NumLogs
+ // CreatedAssetID Transaction.ApplyData.EvalDelta.ConfigAsset
+ CreatedAssetID
+ // CreatedApplicationID Transaction.ApplyData.EvalDelta.ApplicationID
+ CreatedApplicationID
invalidTxnField // fence for some setup that loops from Sender..invalidTxnField
@@ -169,88 +184,106 @@ func (s tfNameSpecMap) getExtraFor(name string) (extra string) {
type txnFieldSpec struct {
- field TxnField
- ftype StackType
- version uint64
+ field TxnField
+ ftype StackType
+ version uint64 // When this field become available to txn/gtxn. 0=always
+ itxVersion uint64 // When this field become available to itxn_field. 0=never
+ effects bool // Is this a field on the "effects"? That is, something in ApplyData
var txnFieldSpecs = []txnFieldSpec{
- {Sender, StackBytes, 0},
- {Fee, StackUint64, 0},
- {FirstValid, StackUint64, 0},
- {FirstValidTime, StackUint64, 0},
- {LastValid, StackUint64, 0},
- {Note, StackBytes, 0},
- {Lease, StackBytes, 0},
- {Receiver, StackBytes, 0},
- {Amount, StackUint64, 0},
- {CloseRemainderTo, StackBytes, 0},
- {VotePK, StackBytes, 0},
- {SelectionPK, StackBytes, 0},
- {VoteFirst, StackUint64, 0},
- {VoteLast, StackUint64, 0},
- {VoteKeyDilution, StackUint64, 0},
- {Type, StackBytes, 0},
- {TypeEnum, StackUint64, 0},
- {XferAsset, StackUint64, 0},
- {AssetAmount, StackUint64, 0},
- {AssetSender, StackBytes, 0},
- {AssetReceiver, StackBytes, 0},
- {AssetCloseTo, StackBytes, 0},
- {GroupIndex, StackUint64, 0},
- {TxID, StackBytes, 0},
- {ApplicationID, StackUint64, 2},
- {OnCompletion, StackUint64, 2},
- {ApplicationArgs, StackBytes, 2},
- {NumAppArgs, StackUint64, 2},
- {Accounts, StackBytes, 2},
- {NumAccounts, StackUint64, 2},
- {ApprovalProgram, StackBytes, 2},
- {ClearStateProgram, StackBytes, 2},
- {RekeyTo, StackBytes, 2},
- {ConfigAsset, StackUint64, 2},
- {ConfigAssetTotal, StackUint64, 2},
- {ConfigAssetDecimals, StackUint64, 2},
- {ConfigAssetDefaultFrozen, StackUint64, 2},
- {ConfigAssetUnitName, StackBytes, 2},
- {ConfigAssetName, StackBytes, 2},
- {ConfigAssetURL, StackBytes, 2},
- {ConfigAssetMetadataHash, StackBytes, 2},
- {ConfigAssetManager, StackBytes, 2},
- {ConfigAssetReserve, StackBytes, 2},
- {ConfigAssetFreeze, StackBytes, 2},
- {ConfigAssetClawback, StackBytes, 2},
- {FreezeAsset, StackUint64, 2},
- {FreezeAssetAccount, StackBytes, 2},
- {FreezeAssetFrozen, StackUint64, 2},
- {Assets, StackUint64, 3},
- {NumAssets, StackUint64, 3},
- {Applications, StackUint64, 3},
- {NumApplications, StackUint64, 3},
- {GlobalNumUint, StackUint64, 3},
- {GlobalNumByteSlice, StackUint64, 3},
- {LocalNumUint, StackUint64, 3},
- {LocalNumByteSlice, StackUint64, 3},
- {ExtraProgramPages, StackUint64, 4},
+ {Sender, StackBytes, 0, 5, false},
+ {Fee, StackUint64, 0, 5, false},
+ {FirstValid, StackUint64, 0, 0, false},
+ {FirstValidTime, StackUint64, 0, 0, false},
+ {LastValid, StackUint64, 0, 0, false},
+ {Note, StackBytes, 0, 0, false},
+ {Lease, StackBytes, 0, 0, false},
+ {Receiver, StackBytes, 0, 5, false},
+ {Amount, StackUint64, 0, 5, false},
+ {CloseRemainderTo, StackBytes, 0, 5, false},
+ {VotePK, StackBytes, 0, 0, false},
+ {SelectionPK, StackBytes, 0, 0, false},
+ {VoteFirst, StackUint64, 0, 0, false},
+ {VoteLast, StackUint64, 0, 0, false},
+ {VoteKeyDilution, StackUint64, 0, 0, false},
+ {Type, StackBytes, 0, 5, false},
+ {TypeEnum, StackUint64, 0, 5, false},
+ {XferAsset, StackUint64, 0, 5, false},
+ {AssetAmount, StackUint64, 0, 5, false},
+ {AssetSender, StackBytes, 0, 5, false},
+ {AssetReceiver, StackBytes, 0, 5, false},
+ {AssetCloseTo, StackBytes, 0, 5, false},
+ {GroupIndex, StackUint64, 0, 0, false},
+ {TxID, StackBytes, 0, 0, false},
+ {ApplicationID, StackUint64, 2, 0, false},
+ {OnCompletion, StackUint64, 2, 0, false},
+ {ApplicationArgs, StackBytes, 2, 0, false},
+ {NumAppArgs, StackUint64, 2, 0, false},
+ {Accounts, StackBytes, 2, 0, false},
+ {NumAccounts, StackUint64, 2, 0, false},
+ {ApprovalProgram, StackBytes, 2, 0, false},
+ {ClearStateProgram, StackBytes, 2, 0, false},
+ {RekeyTo, StackBytes, 2, 0, false},
+ {ConfigAsset, StackUint64, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetTotal, StackUint64, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetDecimals, StackUint64, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetDefaultFrozen, StackUint64, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetUnitName, StackBytes, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetName, StackBytes, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetURL, StackBytes, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetMetadataHash, StackBytes, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetManager, StackBytes, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetReserve, StackBytes, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetFreeze, StackBytes, 2, 5, false},
+ {ConfigAssetClawback, StackBytes, 2, 5, false},
+ {FreezeAsset, StackUint64, 2, 5, false},
+ {FreezeAssetAccount, StackBytes, 2, 5, false},
+ {FreezeAssetFrozen, StackUint64, 2, 5, false},
+ {Assets, StackUint64, 3, 0, false},
+ {NumAssets, StackUint64, 3, 0, false},
+ {Applications, StackUint64, 3, 0, false},
+ {NumApplications, StackUint64, 3, 0, false},
+ {GlobalNumUint, StackUint64, 3, 0, false},
+ {GlobalNumByteSlice, StackUint64, 3, 0, false},
+ {LocalNumUint, StackUint64, 3, 0, false},
+ {LocalNumByteSlice, StackUint64, 3, 0, false},
+ {ExtraProgramPages, StackUint64, 4, 0, false},
+ {Nonparticipation, StackUint64, 5, 0, false},
+ {Logs, StackBytes, 5, 5, true},
+ {NumLogs, StackUint64, 5, 5, true},
+ {CreatedAssetID, StackUint64, 5, 5, true},
+ {CreatedApplicationID, StackUint64, 5, 5, true},
// TxnaFieldNames are arguments to the 'txna' opcode
// It is a subset of txn transaction fields so initialized here in-place
-var TxnaFieldNames = []string{ApplicationArgs.String(), Accounts.String(), Assets.String(), Applications.String()}
+var TxnaFieldNames = []string{ApplicationArgs.String(), Accounts.String(), Assets.String(), Applications.String(), Logs.String()}
-// TxnaFieldTypes is StackBytes or StackUint64 parallel to TxnFieldNames
+// TxnaFieldTypes is StackBytes or StackUint64 parallel to TxnaFieldNames
var TxnaFieldTypes = []StackType{
+ txnaFieldSpecByField[Logs].ftype,
var txnaFieldSpecByField = map[TxnField]txnFieldSpec{
- ApplicationArgs: {ApplicationArgs, StackBytes, 2},
- Accounts: {Accounts, StackBytes, 2},
- Assets: {Assets, StackUint64, 3},
- Applications: {Applications, StackUint64, 3},
+ ApplicationArgs: {ApplicationArgs, StackBytes, 2, 0, false},
+ Accounts: {Accounts, StackBytes, 2, 0, false},
+ Assets: {Assets, StackUint64, 3, 0, false},
+ Applications: {Applications, StackUint64, 3, 0, false},
+ Logs: {Logs, StackBytes, 5, 5, true},
+var innerTxnTypes = map[string]protocol.TxType{
+ string(protocol.PaymentTx): protocol.PaymentTx,
+ string(protocol.AssetTransferTx): protocol.AssetTransferTx,
+ string(protocol.AssetConfigTx): protocol.AssetConfigTx,
+ string(protocol.AssetFreezeTx): protocol.AssetFreezeTx,
// TxnTypeNames is the values of Txn.Type in enum order
@@ -327,6 +360,13 @@ const (
// CreatorAddress [32]byte
+ // v5
+ // CurrentApplicationAddress [32]byte
+ CurrentApplicationAddress
+ // GroupID [32]byte
+ GroupID
@@ -354,6 +394,8 @@ var globalFieldSpecs = []globalFieldSpec{
{LatestTimestamp, StackUint64, runModeApplication, 2},
{CurrentApplicationID, StackUint64, runModeApplication, 2},
{CreatorAddress, StackBytes, runModeApplication, 3},
+ {CurrentApplicationAddress, StackBytes, runModeApplication, 5},
+ {GroupID, StackBytes, modeAny, 5},
// GlobalFieldSpecByField maps GlobalField to spec
@@ -370,6 +412,41 @@ func (s gfNameSpecMap) getExtraFor(name string) (extra string) {
+// EcdsaCurve is an enum for `ecdsa_` opcodes
+type EcdsaCurve int
+const (
+ // Secp256k1 curve for bitcoin/ethereum
+ Secp256k1 EcdsaCurve = iota
+ invalidEcdsaCurve
+// EcdsaCurveNames are arguments to the 'ecdsa_' opcode
+var EcdsaCurveNames []string
+type ecdsaCurveSpec struct {
+ field EcdsaCurve
+ version uint64
+var ecdsaCurveSpecs = []ecdsaCurveSpec{
+ {Secp256k1, 5},
+var ecdsaCurveSpecByField map[EcdsaCurve]ecdsaCurveSpec
+var ecdsaCurveSpecByName ecDsaCurveNameSpecMap
+// simple interface used by doc generator for fields versioning
+type ecDsaCurveNameSpecMap map[string]ecdsaCurveSpec
+func (s ecDsaCurveNameSpecMap) getExtraFor(name string) (extra string) {
+ // Uses 5 here because ecdsa fields were introduced in 5
+ if s[name].version > 5 {
+ extra = fmt.Sprintf("LogicSigVersion >= %d.", s[name].version)
+ }
+ return
// AssetHoldingField is an enum for `asset_holding_get` opcode
type AssetHoldingField int
@@ -508,6 +585,9 @@ const (
// AppCreator is not *in* the Params, but it is uniquely determined.
+ // AppAddress is also not *in* the Params, but can be derived
+ AppAddress
@@ -532,6 +612,7 @@ var appParamsFieldSpecs = []appParamsFieldSpec{
{AppLocalNumByteSlice, StackUint64, 5},
{AppExtraProgramPages, StackUint64, 5},
{AppCreator, StackBytes, 5},
+ {AppAddress, StackBytes, 5},
var appParamsFieldSpecByField map[AppParamsField]appParamsFieldSpec
@@ -541,7 +622,7 @@ var appParamsFieldSpecByName appNameSpecMap
type appNameSpecMap map[string]appParamsFieldSpec
func (s appNameSpecMap) getExtraFor(name string) (extra string) {
- // Uses 2 here because app fields were introduced in 5
+ // Uses 5 here because app fields were introduced in 5
if s[name].version > 5 {
extra = fmt.Sprintf("LogicSigVersion >= %d.", s[name].version)
@@ -582,6 +663,20 @@ func init() {
globalFieldSpecByName[gfn] = globalFieldSpecByField[GlobalField(i)]
+ EcdsaCurveNames = make([]string, int(invalidEcdsaCurve))
+ for i := Secp256k1; i < invalidEcdsaCurve; i++ {
+ EcdsaCurveNames[int(i)] = i.String()
+ }
+ ecdsaCurveSpecByField = make(map[EcdsaCurve]ecdsaCurveSpec, len(EcdsaCurveNames))
+ for _, s := range ecdsaCurveSpecs {
+ ecdsaCurveSpecByField[s.field] = s
+ }
+ ecdsaCurveSpecByName = make(ecDsaCurveNameSpecMap, len(EcdsaCurveNames))
+ for i, ahfn := range EcdsaCurveNames {
+ ecdsaCurveSpecByName[ahfn] = ecdsaCurveSpecByField[EcdsaCurve(i)]
+ }
AssetHoldingFieldNames = make([]string, int(invalidAssetHoldingField))
for i := AssetBalance; i < invalidAssetHoldingField; i++ {
AssetHoldingFieldNames[int(i)] = i.String()