AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-04make ip4 address logging fastgerbil-httpdvyzo
2024-03-04let the timestamp be a floatvyzo
2024-03-04comment for enabling request loggingvyzo
2024-03-04coalesce flushes in loggervyzo
2024-03-04add proper rotating request loggervyzo
2024-03-03servlet tuningvyzo
2024-03-03some log tuningvyzo
2024-03-03the info is always therevyzo
2024-03-03Merge branch 'master' into gerbil-httpdvyzo
2024-03-03more perf tuning: small file cachevyzo
2024-03-03perf tuning: handler cache, optional request loggingvyzo
2024-03-03perf tweaksvyzo
2024-03-03fix bitrotvyzo
2024-03-03some minor improvements around ensemble managementvyzo
2024-03-03fix bugzvyzo
2024-03-03config for httpd ensemble testingvyzo
2024-03-03consistent handling of file-infovyzo
2024-03-03test scaffolding for httpd testsvyzo
2024-03-03add httpd to list of gerbil toolsvyzo
2024-03-03fix bugzvyzo
2024-03-03FIX issue 1144 (#1145)HEADmastervyzo
2024-03-02produce a proper configuration filevyzo
2024-03-02add mutex for muxvyzo
2024-03-02add servlet supportvyzo
2024-03-02add auth option for ensemblevyzo
2024-03-02gerbil httpd preliminariesvyzo
2024-03-02Fix a couple of compiler bugz (#1140)vyzo
2024-03-02Fix typo in json-rpc docs (#1139)Joe Betz
2024-02-29Fix some issues with gc tables (#1138)vyzo
2024-02-28Add GC hash table backend to the hash table zoo (#1137)vyzo
2024-02-28Optimized procedure hash for method specializer tables (#1136)vyzo
2024-02-27Fix bugz (#1135)vyzo
2024-02-26add global env flag to tools (#1134)vyzo
2024-02-23consistently take local package context into account in gerbil tools (#1132)vyzo
2024-02-23fix identifier bug in interface macro (#1131)vyzo
2024-02-21More locking (#1130)vyzo
2024-02-21Fix typo uknown -> unknown (#1124)François-René Rideau
2024-02-20Bump ip from 1.1.5 to 1.1.9 in /doc (#1129)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-20Interface Specializers (#1127)vyzo
2024-02-20Interface cast spin lock (#1126)vyzo
2024-02-20SMP-safe eq-hash (#1125)vyzo
2024-02-19Hash Table interfaces (#1123)vyzo
2024-02-16Metaclasses (#1120)vyzo
2024-02-15error diagnostics for invocation failures (#1122)vyzo
2024-02-15Add syntax for string keys in let-hash. (#1121)Marc-André Bélanger
2024-02-12Classes are not rogue! (#1119)vyzo
2024-02-11C4 linearization: C3 with extra struct (linear) inheritance constraint (#1118)François-René Rideau
2024-02-10Optimize object construction (#1117)vyzo