diff options
authorMike Montague <>2022-07-11 16:29:47 -0700
committerMike Montague <>2022-07-11 16:29:47 -0700
commit9f0f26b88d42b23e2b9f813f5a00bf82ddfb73f7 (patch)
parent6805a5918a33b9fd49daf1747c054fc9d6b44aad (diff)
srfi 166: add color support
2 files changed, 126 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/src/srfi-166.scm b/src/srfi-166.scm
index cc34966..61abf50 100644
--- a/src/srfi-166.scm
+++ b/src/srfi-166.scm
@@ -44,6 +44,29 @@
+ as-red
+ as-blue
+ as-green
+ as-cyan
+ as-yellow
+ as-magenta
+ as-white
+ as-black
+ as-bold
+ as-italic
+ as-underline
+ on-red
+ on-blue
+ on-green
+ on-cyan
+ on-yellow
+ on-magenta
+ on-white
+ on-black
+ as-color
+ as-true-color
+ on-color
+ on-true-color
@@ -1024,6 +1047,73 @@
(() (joined/range displayed 1 #f "\n"))
((start) (joined/range displayed start #f "\n"))))
+ (define foreground (%make-state-variable "\x1B;[39m" #t))
+ (define background (%make-state-variable "\x1B;[49m" #t))
+ (define bold (%make-state-variable "\x1B;[22m" #t))
+ (define italic (%make-state-variable "\x1B;[23m" #t))
+ (define underline (%make-state-variable "\x1B;[24m" #t))
+ (define (with-attribute var attribute fmt)
+ (fn ((original var))
+ (with ((var attribute))
+ (each attribute fmt original))))
+ (define (as-red . fmts)
+ (with-attribute foreground "\x1B;[31m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-blue . fmts)
+ (with-attribute foreground "\x1B;[34m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-green . fmts)
+ (with-attribute foreground "\x1B;[32m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-cyan . fmts)
+ (with-attribute foreground "\x1B;[36m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-yellow . fmts)
+ (with-attribute foreground "\x1B;[33m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-magenta . fmts)
+ (with-attribute foreground "\x1B;[35m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-white . fmts)
+ (with-attribute foreground "\x1B;[37m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-black . fmts)
+ (with-attribute foreground "\x1B;[30m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-bold . fmts)
+ (with-attribute bold "\x1B;[1m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-italic . fmts)
+ (with-attribute italic "\x1B;[3m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-underline . fmts)
+ (with-attribute underline "\x1B;[4m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (on-red . fmts)
+ (with-attribute background "\x1B;[41m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (on-blue . fmts)
+ (with-attribute background "\x1B;[44m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (on-green . fmts)
+ (with-attribute background "\x1B;[42m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (on-cyan . fmts)
+ (with-attribute background "\x1B;[46m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (on-yellow . fmts)
+ (with-attribute background "\x1B;[43m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (on-magenta . fmts)
+ (with-attribute background "\x1B;[45m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (on-white . fmts)
+ (with-attribute background "\x1B;[47m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (on-black . fmts)
+ (with-attribute background "\x1B;[40m" (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-color red green blue . fmts)
+ (with-attribute foreground
+ (string-append "\x1B;[38;5;"
+ (number->string (+ (* 36 red) (* 6 green) blue 16)) "m")
+ (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (as-true-color red green blue . fmts)
+ (with-attribute foreground
+ (string-append "\x1B;[38;2;" (number->string red) ";" (number->string green)
+ ";" (number->string blue) "m")
+ (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (on-color red green blue . fmts)
+ (with-attribute background
+ (string-append "\x1B;[48;5;"
+ (number->string (+ (* 36 red) (* 6 green) blue 16)) "m")
+ (each-in-list fmts)))
+ (define (on-true-color red green blue . fmts)
+ (with-attribute background
+ (string-append "\x1B;[48;2;" (number->string red) ";" (number->string green)
+ ";" (number->string blue) "m")
+ (each-in-list fmts)))
(define (with-output proc fmt)
(fn ((original output))
@@ -1055,11 +1145,12 @@
(define state-variables '())
(define make-state-variable
- ((name default) (%make-state-variable default))
- ((name default immutable) (%make-state-variable default))))
- (define (%make-state-variable default)
+ ((name default) (%make-state-variable default #f))
+ ((name default immutable) (%make-state-variable default immutable))))
+ (define (%make-state-variable default immutable)
(let ((param (make-parameter default)))
- (set! state-variables (cons param state-variables))
+ (if (not immutable)
+ (set! state-variables (cons param state-variables)))
(define (update-row-col str)
(let ((c (col)) (r (row)) (newlines 0))
@@ -1086,25 +1177,26 @@
((str) (string-length str))
((str start) (- (string-length str) start))
((str start end) (- end start))))
- (define port (%make-state-variable (current-output-port))) ; check for output-port
- (define row (%make-state-variable #f))
- (define col (%make-state-variable #f))
+ (define port (%make-state-variable (current-output-port) #f)) ; check for output-port
+ (define row (%make-state-variable #f #f))
+ (define col (%make-state-variable #f #f))
; XXX: calculate based on the terminal width if possible; otherwise default to 80
- (define width (%make-state-variable 100)) ; check for integer
- (define output (%make-state-variable output-default)) ; check for procedure
- (define writer (%make-state-variable written-default)) ; check for procedure
- (define string-width (%make-state-variable string-width-default)) ; check for procedure
- (define substring/width (%make-state-variable substring)) ; check for procedure
- (define substring/preserve (%make-state-variable #f)) ; check for #f or procedure
- (define pad-char (%make-state-variable #\space)) ; check for character
- (define ellipsis (%make-state-variable "")) ; check for string
- (define radix (%make-state-variable 10)) ; check for 2 to 36
- (define precision (%make-state-variable #f)) ; check for #f or integer
- (define decimal-sep (%make-state-variable #f)) ; check for character
- (define decimal-align (%make-state-variable #f)) ; check for integer
- (define sign-rule (%make-state-variable #f)) ; check for #f, #t, or pair of strings
- (define comma-rule (%make-state-variable #f)) ; check for #f, integer, or list of integers
- (define comma-sep (%make-state-variable #f)) ; check for character
- (define word-separator? (%make-state-variable char-whitespace?)) ; check for procedure
+ (define width (%make-state-variable 100 #f)) ; check for integer
+ (define output (%make-state-variable output-default #f)) ; check for procedure
+ (define writer (%make-state-variable written-default #t)) ; check for procedure
+ (define string-width (%make-state-variable string-width-default #t)) ; check for procedure
+ (define substring/width (%make-state-variable substring #t)) ; check for procedure
+ (define substring/preserve (%make-state-variable #f #t)) ; check for #f or procedure
+ (define pad-char (%make-state-variable #\space #t)) ; check for character
+ (define ellipsis (%make-state-variable "" #t)) ; check for string
+ (define radix (%make-state-variable 10 #t)) ; check for 2 to 36
+ (define precision (%make-state-variable #f #t)) ; check for #f or integer
+ (define decimal-sep (%make-state-variable #f #t)) ; check for character
+ (define decimal-align (%make-state-variable #f #t)) ; check for integer
+ (define sign-rule (%make-state-variable #f #t)) ; check for #f, #t, or pair of strings
+ (define comma-rule (%make-state-variable #f #t)) ; check for #f, integer, or list of
+ ; integers
+ (define comma-sep (%make-state-variable #f #t)) ; check for character
+ (define word-separator? (%make-state-variable char-whitespace? #t)) ; check for procedure
diff --git a/test/srfi.scm b/test/srfi.scm
index 7487810..561115c 100644
--- a/test/srfi.scm
+++ b/test/srfi.scm
@@ -3579,6 +3579,17 @@
(check-equal " 1 first line\n 2 second line\n 3 third line\n"
(show #f (columnar 4 'right 'infinite (line-numbers) " " (from-file "output-166.txt"))))
+;; color
+(check-equal "\x1B;[31mred\x1B;[39m" (show #f (as-red "red")))
+(check-equal "\x1B;[31mred\x1B;[34mblue\x1B;[31mred\x1B;[39m"
+ (show #f (as-red "red" (as-blue "blue") "red")))
+;(check-equal "\x1b;[31m1234567\x1b;[39m col: 7"
+; (show #f (terminal-aware (as-red "1234567") (fn (col) (each " col: " col)))))
+(check-equal "\x1b;[31m\x1b;[4m\x1b;[1mabc\x1b;[22mdef\x1b;[24mghi\x1b;[39m"
+ (show #f (as-red (each (as-underline (as-bold "abc") "def") "ghi"))))
+(check-equal "\x1b;[44m\x1b;[33mabc\x1b;[39mdef\x1b;[49m"
+ (show #f (on-blue (each (as-yellow "abc") "def"))))
(define-library (srfi 166 test)
(export run-tests)
@@ -3807,17 +3818,6 @@
" ; "
(wrapped "The fundamental list iterator. Applies KONS to each element of LS and the result of the previous application, beginning with KNIL. With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(), equivalent to REVERSE.")))))
- ;; color
- (test "\x1B;[31mred\x1B;[39m" (show #f (as-red "red")))
- (test "\x1B;[31mred\x1B;[34mblue\x1B;[31mred\x1B;[39m"
- (show #f (as-red "red" (as-blue "blue") "red")))
- (test "\x1b;[31m1234567\x1b;[39m col: 7"
- (show #f (terminal-aware (as-red "1234567") (fn (col) (each " col: " col)))))
- (test "\x1b;[31m\x1b;[4m\x1b;[1mabc\x1b;[22mdef\x1b;[24mghi\x1b;[39m"
- (show #f (as-red (each (as-underline (as-bold "abc") "def") "ghi"))))
- (test "\x1b;[44m\x1b;[33mabc\x1b;[39mdef\x1b;[49m"
- (show #f (on-blue (each (as-yellow "abc") "def"))))
;; unicode
(test "〜日本語〜"
(show #f (with ((pad-char #\〜)) (padded/both 5 "日本語"))))