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1 files changed, 220 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Memory/tests/Span/StringSearchValues.cs b/src/libraries/System.Memory/tests/Span/StringSearchValues.cs
index 5d1a51bde210..c0b80b5ab067 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Memory/tests/Span/StringSearchValues.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Memory/tests/Span/StringSearchValues.cs
@@ -43,15 +43,18 @@ namespace System.Memory.Tests.Span
foreach (string value in values)
+ Assert.True(stringValues.Contains(value));
string differentCase = value.ToLowerInvariant();
if (value == differentCase)
differentCase = value.ToUpperInvariant();
- Assert.NotEqual(value, differentCase);
- Assert.True(stringValues.Contains(value));
- Assert.Equal(comparisonType == StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, stringValues.Contains(differentCase));
+ if (value != differentCase)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(comparisonType == StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, stringValues.Contains(differentCase));
+ }
AssertIndexOfAnyAndFriends(new[] { value }, 0, -1, 0, -1);
AssertIndexOfAnyAndFriends(new[] { value, value }, 0, -1, 1, -1);
@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ namespace System.Memory.Tests.Span
AssertIndexOfAnyAndFriends(new[] { ValueNotInSet, differentCase, ValueNotInSet }, 1, 0, 1, 2);
AssertIndexOfAnyAndFriends(new[] { differentCase, ValueNotInSet, differentCase }, 0, 1, 2, 1);
- else
+ else if (value != differentCase)
AssertIndexOfAnyAndFriends(new[] { differentCase }, -1, 0, -1, 0);
AssertIndexOfAnyAndFriends(new[] { differentCase, differentCase }, -1, 0, -1, 1);
@@ -173,6 +176,122 @@ namespace System.Memory.Tests.Span
Assert.Equal(expected >= 0, text.AsSpan().ContainsAny(stringValues));
Assert.Equal(expected >= 0, textSpan.ContainsAny(stringValues));
+ if (values is null || stringValues.Contains(string.Empty))
+ {
+ // The tests below don't work if an empty string is in the set.
+ return;
+ }
+ // The tests below assume none of the values contain these characters.
+ Assert.Equal(-1, IndexOfAnyReferenceImpl(new string('\0', 100), valuesArray, comparisonType));
+ Assert.Equal(-1, IndexOfAnyReferenceImpl(new string('\u00FC', 100), valuesArray, comparisonType));
+ string[] valuesWithDifferentCases = valuesArray;
+ if (comparisonType == StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ {
+ valuesWithDifferentCases = valuesArray
+ .SelectMany(v => new[] { v, v.ToUpperInvariant(), v.ToLowerInvariant() })
+ .Distinct()
+ // Invariant conversions may produce values that don't match under ordinal rules. Filter them out.
+ .Where(v => valuesArray.Any(original => v.Equals(original, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
+ .ToArray();
+ }
+ // Test cases where the implementation changes based on the haystack length (e.g. swapping from Teddy to Rabin-Karp).
+ for (int haystackLength = 0; haystackLength < 50; haystackLength++)
+ {
+ TestWithPoisonPages(PoisonPagePlacement.Before, haystackLength);
+ TestWithPoisonPages(PoisonPagePlacement.After, haystackLength);
+ }
+ void TestWithPoisonPages(PoisonPagePlacement poisonPlacement, int haystackLength)
+ {
+ using BoundedMemory<char> memory = BoundedMemory.Allocate<char>(haystackLength, poisonPlacement);
+ Span<char> haystack = memory.Span;
+ char asciiNumberNotInSet = Enumerable.Range('0', 10).Select(c => (char)c)
+ .First(c => !values.Contains(c));
+ char asciiLetterLowerNotInSet;
+ char asciiLetterUpperNotInSet;
+ if (comparisonType == StringComparison.Ordinal)
+ {
+ asciiLetterLowerNotInSet = Enumerable.Range('a', 26).Select(c => (char)c).First(c => !values.Contains(c));
+ asciiLetterUpperNotInSet = Enumerable.Range('A', 26).Select(c => (char)c).First(c => !values.Contains(c));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ asciiLetterLowerNotInSet = Enumerable.Range('a', 26).Select(c => (char)c)
+ .First(c => !values.AsSpan().ContainsAny(c, char.ToUpperInvariant(c)));
+ asciiLetterUpperNotInSet = Enumerable.Range(0, 26).Select(c => (char)('Z' - c))
+ .First(c => !values.AsSpan().ContainsAny(c, char.ToLowerInvariant(c)));
+ }
+ TestWithDifferentMarkerChars(haystack, '\0');
+ TestWithDifferentMarkerChars(haystack, '\u00FC');
+ TestWithDifferentMarkerChars(haystack, asciiNumberNotInSet);
+ TestWithDifferentMarkerChars(haystack, asciiLetterLowerNotInSet);
+ TestWithDifferentMarkerChars(haystack, asciiLetterUpperNotInSet);
+ }
+ void TestWithDifferentMarkerChars(Span<char> haystack, char marker)
+ {
+ haystack.Fill(marker);
+ Assert.True(haystack.IndexOfAny(stringValues) == -1, marker.ToString());
+ string shortestValue = valuesArray.MinBy(value => value.Length);
+ // Test every value individually at every offset in the haystack.
+ foreach (string value in valuesWithDifferentCases)
+ {
+ for (int startOffset = 0; startOffset <= haystack.Length - value.Length; startOffset++)
+ {
+ haystack.Fill(marker);
+ // Place an unrelated matching value at the end of the haystack. It shouldn't affect the result.
+ shortestValue.CopyTo(haystack.Slice(haystack.Length - shortestValue.Length));
+ // Place a matching value at the offset position.
+ value.CopyTo(haystack.Slice(startOffset));
+ int actual = haystack.IndexOfAny(stringValues);
+ if (startOffset != actual)
+ {
+ StringSearchValuesTestHelper.AssertionFailed(haystack, valuesArray, stringValues, comparisonType, startOffset, actual);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (text == valuesArray[0])
+ {
+ // Already tested above.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Test the provided test case at various offsets in the haystack.
+ for (int startOffset = 0; startOffset <= haystack.Length - text.Length; startOffset++)
+ {
+ haystack.Fill(marker);
+ // Place the test case text at the end of the haystack. It shouldn't affect the result.
+ text.CopyTo(haystack.Slice(haystack.Length - text.Length));
+ // Place the test text at the offset position.
+ text.CopyTo(haystack.Slice(startOffset));
+ int expectedAtOffset = expected == -1 ? -1 : startOffset + expected;
+ int actual = haystack.IndexOfAny(stringValues);
+ if (expectedAtOffset != actual)
+ {
+ StringSearchValuesTestHelper.AssertionFailed(haystack, valuesArray, stringValues, comparisonType, expectedAtOffset, actual);
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -197,6 +316,102 @@ namespace System.Memory.Tests.Span
IndexOfAny(StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, 1, "\uD801\uDCD8\uD8FB\uDCD8", "foo, \uDCD8");
+ [Theory]
+ // Single value of various lengths
+ [InlineData("a")]
+ [InlineData("!")]
+ [InlineData("\u00F6")]
+ [InlineData("ab")]
+ [InlineData("a!")]
+ [InlineData("!a")]
+ [InlineData("!%")]
+ [InlineData("a\u00F6")]
+ [InlineData("\u00F6\u00F6")]
+ [InlineData("abc")]
+ [InlineData("ab!")]
+ [InlineData("a\u00F6b")]
+ [InlineData("\u00F6a\u00F6")]
+ [InlineData("abcd")]
+ [InlineData("ab!cd")]
+ [InlineData("abcde")]
+ [InlineData("abcd!")]
+ [InlineData("abcdefgh")]
+ [InlineData("abcdefghi")]
+ // Multiple values, but they all share the same prefix
+ [InlineData("abc", "ab", "abcd")]
+ // These should hit the Aho-Corasick implementation
+ [InlineData("a", "b")]
+ [InlineData("ab", "c")]
+ // Simple Teddy cases
+ [InlineData("abc", "cde")]
+ [InlineData("abc", "cd")]
+ // Teddy where all starting chars are letters, but not all other characters are
+ [InlineData("ab", "de%", "ghi", "jkl!")]
+ [InlineData("abc", "def%", "ghi", "jkl!")]
+ // Teddy where starting chars aren't only letters
+ [InlineData("ab", "d%e", "ghi", "jkl!")]
+ [InlineData("abc", "def%", "ghi", "!jkl")]
+ // Teddy where the starting chars aren't affected by case conversion
+ [InlineData("12", "45b", "789")]
+ [InlineData("123", "456", "789")]
+ [InlineData("123", "456a", "789b")]
+ // We'll expand these values to all case permutations
+ [InlineData("ab", "bc")]
+ [InlineData("ab", "c!")]
+ [InlineData("ab", "c!", "!%")]
+ // These won't be expanded as they would produce more than 8 permutations
+ [InlineData("ab", "bc", "c!")]
+ [InlineData("abc", "bc")]
+ // Rabin-Karp where one of the values is longer than what the implementation can match (17)
+ [InlineData("abc", "a012345678012345678")]
+ // Rabin-Karp where all of the values are longer than what the implementation can match (17)
+ [InlineData("a012345678012345678", "bc012345678012345678")]
+ // Teddy with exactly 8 values (filling all 8 buckets)
+ [InlineData("ab", "bc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno", "pqr", "stu")]
+ [InlineData("abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno", "pqr", "stu", "vwx")]
+ // Teddy with more than 8 values
+ [InlineData("ab", "bc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno", "pqr", "stu", "vwx")]
+ [InlineData("abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno", "pqr", "stu", "vwx", "yab")]
+ public static void SimpleIndexOfAnyValues(params string[] valuesArray)
+ {
+ TestCore(valuesArray);
+ // Test cases where the implementation differs for ASCII letters, different cases, non-letters.
+ if (valuesArray.Any(v => v.Contains('a')))
+ {
+ TestCore(valuesArray.Select(v => v.Replace('a', 'A')).ToArray());
+ TestCore(valuesArray.Select(v => v.Replace('a', '7')).ToArray());
+ }
+ int offset = valuesArray.Length / 2;
+ string original = valuesArray[offset];
+ // Test non-ASCII values
+ valuesArray[offset] = $"{original}\u00F6";
+ TestCore(valuesArray);
+ valuesArray[offset] = $"\u00F6{original}";
+ TestCore(valuesArray);
+ valuesArray[offset] = $"{original[0]}\u00F6{original.AsSpan(1)}";
+ TestCore(valuesArray);
+ // Test null chars in values
+ valuesArray[offset] = $"{original[0]}\0{original.AsSpan(1)}";
+ TestCore(valuesArray);
+ static void TestCore(string[] valuesArray)
+ {
+ Values_ImplementsSearchValuesBase(StringComparison.Ordinal, valuesArray);
+ Values_ImplementsSearchValuesBase(StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, valuesArray);
+ string values = string.Join(", ", valuesArray);
+ IndexOfAny(StringComparison.Ordinal, 0, valuesArray[0], values);
+ IndexOfAny(StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, 0, valuesArray[0], values);
+ }
+ }
[SkipOnPlatform(TestPlatforms.LinuxBionic, "Remote executor has problems with exit codes")]
public static void IndexOfAny_CanProduceDifferentResultsUnderNls()
@@ -495,7 +710,7 @@ namespace System.Memory.Tests.Span
return slice.Slice(0, Math.Min(slice.Length, rng.Next(maxLength + 1)));
- private static void AssertionFailed(ReadOnlySpan<char> haystack, string[] needle, SearchValues<string> searchValues, StringComparison comparisonType, int expected, int actual)
+ public static void AssertionFailed(ReadOnlySpan<char> haystack, string[] needle, SearchValues<string> searchValues, StringComparison comparisonType, int expected, int actual)
Type implType = searchValues.GetType();
string impl = $"{implType.Name} [{string.Join(", ", implType.GenericTypeArguments.Select(t => t.Name))}]";