AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-06-29adding initial experimental compacting gccompactingAlex Shinn
2015-06-28fixing debug_gc buildAlex Shinn
2015-06-27fixing build for non-timed gcAlex Shinn
2015-06-27optimizing type lookup in sexp_markAlex Shinn
2015-06-27adding count to gc timerAlex Shinn
2015-06-24Merge pull request #272 from mnieper/emscriptenAlex Shinn
2015-06-23Integrate emscripten build process in MakefileMarc Nieper-Wißkirchen
2015-06-22Handling non-pointer struct return types in the ffi. We do a flat memcopyAlex Shinn
2015-06-22use blocking io by default in snowAlex Shinn
2015-06-21Don't load all of (scheme small) for scripts.Alex Shinn
2015-06-21Adding command-line option tests.Alex Shinn
2015-06-21Fixing -x combined with -m.Alex Shinn
2015-06-21Allow normal module names for -m, -x, -R, -t.Alex Shinn
2015-06-20Fixing weak references.Alex Shinn
2015-06-20sexp_object_compare should sort different numeric types together.Alex Shinn
2015-06-19adding experimental --use-curl optionAlex Shinn
2015-06-18procedure-signature should strip synclos from parametersAlex Shinn
2015-06-18identifier->symbol should handle nested syntactic closuresAlex Shinn
2015-06-16adding Steele's three-part test and including numeric tests in test-libsAlex Shinn
2015-06-15fix path adjustment of inline test files in snow-chibi package commandAlex Shinn
2015-06-15Fix in sexp_bignum_quot_rem when the numerator and divisor are equal.Alex Shinn
2015-06-15fixing free chunk calculation and counting more sizesAlex Shinn
2015-06-15adding free-sizes complement to heap-sizesAlex Shinn
2015-06-15adding heap-sizes to check distribution of chunk sizes in heapAlex Shinn
2015-06-14with fixed sized chunk heaps, grow a new heap for the chunk size when applicableAlex Shinn
2015-06-14adding optional tracking of gc timeAlex Shinn
2015-06-14Don't bother resetting weak references if none have been allocated.Alex Shinn
2015-06-14Reporting time spec in GC when SEXP_USE_DEBUG_GC > 0.Alex Shinn
2015-06-14Adding option to disable automatic running of finalizers altogether.Alex Shinn
2015-06-14(chibi weak) library is a noop when not compiling with weak references.Alex Shinn
2015-06-13strip leading parents in package testAlex Shinn
2015-06-13Fixing #; comments as the last element in a list for (scheme read).Alex Shinn
2015-06-13fixing bug in extract-program-dependenciesAlex Shinn
2015-06-11Fixing bug in let-optionals option parsing.Alex Shinn
2015-06-09Fixing regexp-replace substring index error on non-ascii inputs.Alex Shinn
2015-06-09Prefer SRFI 33 over SRFI 60, preventing import cycles when a user hasAlex Shinn
2015-06-09Removing plain text README since we have Shinn
2015-06-08adding tests for first..tenthAlex Shinn
2015-06-08Merge pull request #265 from frerejerome/patch-1Alex Shinn
2015-06-07Shortened logo URI & added Emscripten linkFrère Jérôme
2015-06-07Correction to the project logoFrère Jérôme
2015-06-07Remove warning for inexistant static libraryFrère Jérôme
2015-06-06Added the proposed project logoFrère Jérôme
2015-06-06Initial markdown READMEFrère Jérôme
2015-06-06Correction to the 8-10th selector aliasesFrère Jérôme
2015-06-05fixing bug in interaction-environment binding for -q quick replAlex Shinn
2015-06-05Allowing option parsing to fallback to top-level options from within subcomma...Alex Shinn
2015-06-04adding missing stack field_len_base adjustment from f0ee48fc4c1c3f1f1f3539730...Alex Shinn
2015-06-03When aligning bytecode, pad the skipped bytes with the previous opcode.Alex Shinn
2015-06-03Fixing string streams build on linux.Alex Shinn