AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-06-30Minor fixes and refactoringlua_additionalFunctionsAndFixesVittorio Romeo
2020-06-30Minor refactoringVittorio Romeo
2020-06-30clang-formatVittorio Romeo
2020-06-29Merge branch 'master' into lua_additionalFunctionsAndFixesSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-30-Capped settable side for walls from 0 to amount of level's sides only, so th...Zly
2020-06-30-applied a deltatime to rotations decrease when player dies with help of pow.Zly
2020-06-29Improve new delay and speed calcsVittorio Romeo
2020-06-29Merge pull request #183 from SuperV1234/fix_capsVittorio Romeo
2020-06-29Update LevelData.hppVittorio Romeo
2020-06-28TypoSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-28Typos and remove cap calls in HGSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-28Update submodulesVittorio Romeo
2020-06-28Move speed and delay cap checks to different spotsSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-28Improve asset loading, fix crash when no Music folder is presentVittorio Romeo
2020-06-28Merge pull request #180 from SuperV1234/improve_cubeVittorio Romeo
2020-06-28Apply suggestions from code reviewVittorio Romeo
2020-06-28Fix priorities... againSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-28Reflect same fix on Hypercube's commonpatternsSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-28Fixed lua error on pMirrorSpiralDoubleSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Removed pulse and lowered initial rotationSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Cube has higher priority than HypercubeSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Fix timing on Baby Steps eventsSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Added fixed pattern pMirrorSpiralDoubleSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Added pSpiral to increase pattern varietySynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Improve implementation of getSideDistance()Synth Morxemplum
2020-06-27getRandomDir() has a more efficient implementationSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Key sequences reshuffle after it reaches the endSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Fix pMirrorSpiralDouble on non-6-sided segmentsSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Add pSpiral to the commonpatternsSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-28Merge pull request #178 from SuperV1234/Scrap_LevelIncVittorio Romeo
2020-06-27Update src/SSVOpenHexagon/Core/HexagonGame.cpp Synth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Update src/SSVOpenHexagon/Core/HexagonGame.cppSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Update src/SSVOpenHexagon/Core/HexagonGame.cpp Synth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Merge branch 'master' into Scrap_LevelIncSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Auto resolution enabled to stop awkward launchesSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Speed caps now factor in difficultyMultSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Add basic custom wall supportVittorio Romeo
2020-06-27Added DelayMins to levels that decrement delayMultSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Added more functions to mLuaSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Added new level properties DelayMin and DelayMaxSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27Added l_setSpeedMax to stop unnecessary errorsSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-27WebsiteVittorio Romeo
2020-06-27WebsiteVittorio Romeo
2020-06-27WebsiteVittorio Romeo
2020-06-26Removed final occurrences of l_setMaxIncSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-26Scrapped l_maxInc and put new limits on HypercubeSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-26Scrapped l_maxInc and put new limits on CubeSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-26RefactoringVittorio Romeo
2020-06-26Fixed some abnormal settingsSynth Morxemplum
2020-06-26RefactoringVittorio Romeo