path: root/include/SSVOpenHexagon/Utils/LuaWrapper.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/SSVOpenHexagon/Utils/LuaWrapper.hpp')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/include/SSVOpenHexagon/Utils/LuaWrapper.hpp b/include/SSVOpenHexagon/Utils/LuaWrapper.hpp
index 361cb16a..0d11bbfa 100644
--- a/include/SSVOpenHexagon/Utils/LuaWrapper.hpp
+++ b/include/SSVOpenHexagon/Utils/LuaWrapper.hpp
@@ -72,7 +72,10 @@ struct FnTupleWrapper
template <typename... TArgs>
struct FnTupleWrapper<void(TArgs...)>
- static constexpr int count{sizeof...(TArgs)};
+ enum
+ {
+ count = sizeof...(TArgs)
+ };
using ParamsType = std::tuple<TArgs...>;
template <typename T>
@@ -87,7 +90,10 @@ struct FnTupleWrapper<void(TArgs...)>
template <typename R, typename... TArgs>
struct FnTupleWrapper<R(TArgs...)>
- static constexpr int count{sizeof...(TArgs)};
+ enum
+ {
+ count = sizeof...(TArgs)
+ };
using ParamsType = std::tuple<TArgs...>;
template <typename T>
@@ -884,8 +890,8 @@ public:
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename... Args>
void insert(Key&& k, Value&& v, Args&&... args)
- typedef typename ToPushableType<std::decay_t<Key>>::type RKey;
- typedef typename ToPushableType<std::decay_t<Value>>::type RValue;
+ using RKey = typename ToPushableType<std::decay_t<Key>>::type;
+ using RValue = typename ToPushableType<std::decay_t<Value>>::type;
_elements.emplace_back(new Element<RKey, RValue>(
std::forward<Key>(k), std::forward<Value>(v)));
@@ -1070,110 +1076,111 @@ private:
return 1;
+ template <typename FunctionPushType>
+ static auto callbackCall(lua_State* lua)
+ {
+ // this function is called when the lua script tries to call our
+ // custom data type
+ // what we do is we simply call the function
+ SSVOH_ASSERT(lua_gettop(lua) >= 1);
+ SSVOH_ASSERT(lua_isuserdata(lua, 1));
+ auto function = (FunctionPushType*)lua_touserdata(lua, 1);
+ SSVOH_ASSERT(function);
+ return (*function)(lua);
+ }
+ template <typename FunctionPushType>
+ static int callbackGarbage(lua_State* lua)
+ {
+ // this one is called when lua's garbage collector no longer
+ // needs our custom data type
+ // we call std::function<int (lua_State*)>'s destructor
+ SSVOH_ASSERT(lua_gettop(lua) == 1);
+ auto function = (FunctionPushType*)lua_touserdata(lua, 1);
+ SSVOH_ASSERT(function);
+ function->~FunctionPushType();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename Op>
+ struct FunctionToPush
+ {
+ LuaContext* _ctx;
+ F _fn;
+ auto operator()(lua_State* state) const
+ {
+ SSVOH_ASSERT(_ctx->_state == state);
+ // FnTupleWrapper<FnType> is a specialized template
+ // structure which defines
+ // "ParamsType", "ReturnType" and "call"
+ // the first two correspond to the params list and return
+ // type as tuples
+ // and "call" is a static function which will call a
+ // function
+ // of this type using parameters passed as a tuple
+ using FnType = typename RemoveMemberPtr<Op>::Type;
+ using TupledFunction = FnTupleWrapper<FnType>;
+ // checking if number of parameters is correct
+ if(lua_gettop(state) < TupledFunction::count)
+ {
+ // if not, using lua_error to return an error
+ luaL_where(state, 1);
+ lua_pushstring(state, "this function requires at least ");
+ lua_pushnumber(state, TupledFunction::count);
+ lua_pushstring(state, " parameter(s)");
+ lua_concat(state, 4);
+ return lua_error(state); // lua_error throws an
+ // exception when compiling as
+ // C++
+ }
+ // pushing the result on the stack and returning number of
+ // pushed elements
+ return _ctx->_push(
+ // calling the function, result should be a tuple
+ TupledFunction::call(_fn,
+ // reading parameters from the stack
+ _ctx->_read(-TupledFunction::count,
+ static_cast<typename TupledFunction::ParamsType*>(
+ nullptr))));
+ }
+ };
// when you call _push with a functor, this definition should be used
// (thanks to SFINAE)
// it will determine the function category using its () operator, then
// generate a callable user data and push it
- template <typename T, typename Op = decltype(&std::decay_t<T>::operator())>
+ template <typename T, typename DecayT = std::decay_t<T>,
+ typename Op = decltype(&DecayT::operator())>
int _push(T&& fn, Op = nullptr)
- // the () operator has type "R(T::*)(Args)", this typedef converts
- // it to "R(Args)"
- using FnType = typename RemoveMemberPtr<Op>::Type;
// when the lua script calls the thing we will push on the stack, we
// want "fn" to be executed
// if we used lua's cfunctions system, we could not detect when the
// function is no longer in use, which could cause problems
// so we use userdata instead
- // we will create a userdata which contains a copy of a lambda
- // function [](lua_State*) -> int
- // but first we have to create it
- auto functionToPush(
- [this, fn = std::forward<T>(fn)](lua_State* state)
- {
- // note that I'm using "" because of g++,
- // I don't know if it is required by standards or if it is a
- // bug
- SSVOH_ASSERT(_state == state);
- // FnTupleWrapper<FnType> is a specialized template
- // structure which defines
- // "ParamsType", "ReturnType" and "call"
- // the first two correspond to the params list and return
- // type as tuples
- // and "call" is a static function which will call a
- // function
- // of this type using parameters passed as a tuple
- using TupledFunction = FnTupleWrapper<FnType>;
- // checking if number of parameters is correct
- constexpr int paramsCount = TupledFunction::count;
- if(lua_gettop(state) < paramsCount)
- {
- // if not, using lua_error to return an error
- luaL_where(state, 1);
- lua_pushstring(state, "this function requires at least ");
- lua_pushnumber(state, paramsCount);
- lua_pushstring(state, " parameter(s)");
- lua_concat(state, 4);
- return lua_error(state); // lua_error throws an
- // exception when compiling as
- // C++
- }
- // pushing the result on the stack and returning number of
- // pushed elements
- return _push(
- // calling the function, result should be a tuple
- TupledFunction::call(fn,
- // reading parameters from the stack
- _read(-paramsCount,
- static_cast<typename TupledFunction::ParamsType*>(
- nullptr))));
- });
// typedefing the type of data we will push
- using FunctionPushType = decltype(functionToPush);
- auto callbackCall = [](lua_State* lua)
- {
- // this function is called when the lua script tries to call our
- // custom data type
- // what we do is we simply call the function
- SSVOH_ASSERT(lua_gettop(lua) >= 1);
- SSVOH_ASSERT(lua_isuserdata(lua, 1));
- auto function = (FunctionPushType*)lua_touserdata(lua, 1);
- SSVOH_ASSERT(function);
- return (*function)(lua);
- };
- auto callbackGarbage = [](lua_State* lua)
- {
- // this one is called when lua's garbage collector no longer
- // needs our custom data type
- // we call std::function<int (lua_State*)>'s destructor
- SSVOH_ASSERT(lua_gettop(lua) == 1);
- auto function = (FunctionPushType*)lua_touserdata(lua, 1);
- SSVOH_ASSERT(function);
- function->~FunctionPushType();
- return 0;
- };
+ using FunctionPushType = FunctionToPush<DecayT, Op>;
// creating the object
// lua_newuserdata allocates memory in the internals of the lua
// library and returns it so we can fill it
// and that's what we do with placement-new
- auto const functionLocation = (FunctionPushType*)lua_newuserdata(
+ auto* const functionLocation = (FunctionPushType*)lua_newuserdata(
_state, sizeof(FunctionPushType));
- new(functionLocation) FunctionPushType(std::move(functionToPush));
+ new(functionLocation)
+ FunctionPushType{._ctx = this, ._fn = std::forward<T>(fn)};
// creating the metatable (over the object on the stack)
// lua_settable pops the key and value we just pushed, so stack
@@ -1181,14 +1188,17 @@ private:
// all that remains on the stack after these function calls is the
// metatable
lua_pushstring(_state, "__call");
- lua_pushcfunction(_state, callbackCall);
+ lua_pushcfunction(_state, &callbackCall<FunctionPushType>);
lua_settable(_state, -3);
lua_pushstring(_state, "_typeid");
lua_pushlightuserdata(_state, const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T)));
lua_settable(_state, -3);
lua_pushstring(_state, "__gc");
- lua_pushcfunction(_state, callbackGarbage);
+ lua_pushcfunction(_state, &callbackGarbage<FunctionPushType>);
lua_settable(_state, -3);
// at this point, the stack contains the object at offset -2 and the
@@ -1230,8 +1240,7 @@ private:
SSVOH_ASSERT(lua_gettop(lua) == 1);
- std::shared_ptr<T>* ptr =
- (std::shared_ptr<T>*)lua_touserdata(lua, 1);
+ auto* ptr = (std::shared_ptr<T>*)lua_touserdata(lua, 1);
SSVOH_ASSERT(ptr && *ptr);
@@ -1516,24 +1525,6 @@ return table;*/
template <typename T>
-struct IsFunctor
- using one = char;
- using two = long;
- template <typename C>
- static one test(decltype(&C::operator()));
- template <typename C>
- static two test(...);
- enum
- {
- value = sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(char)
- };
-template <typename T>
struct LuaContext::ToPushableType<T&>
using type = typename ToPushableType<T>::type;
@@ -1607,7 +1598,7 @@ struct LuaContext::ToPushableType<LuaContext::Table>
template <typename T>
-struct LuaContext::ToPushableType<T, std::enable_if_t<IsFunctor<T>::value>>
+struct LuaContext::ToPushableType<T, decltype(&T::operator(), void())>
using type = T;