AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-02-22Fixed XML documentation generation for C#csharp-xmlBlocks
2020-02-17Changes from closed-source repo.Tyler Arehart
2020-02-15Don't use the same Psyonix preset multiple times (#479)Robbie
2020-02-14 Adding Psyonix bot presets. (#478)RLMarvin
2020-02-06Add an exception for when Rocket League is not running after the game interfa...Viliam Vadocz
2020-02-05Fixed bug that led to a WrongProcessArgs error even though the args were corr...Viliam Vadocz
2020-02-01Fixing nuspec link to RLBot logo (#474)Blocks
2020-02-01Adding more info to RLBotDotNet nuspec (#473)Blocks
2020-02-01Updating C# release notes, fixing server bugs, and minor cleanup (#472)Blocks
2020-02-01Faster getframe alternative for get_logger() (#471)RLMarvin
2020-02-01Adding better documentation to RLBotDotNet (#470)Blocks
2020-01-30Changes from closed-source repo.Tyler Arehart
2020-01-30Don't check if hot reload is necessary every tick. (#469)RLMarvin
2020-01-30Trying to support autocomplete for the game tick packet in python. (#467)Tyler
2020-01-22Deleted check for field goal. (#466)Skyborg
2020-01-03Changes from closed-source repo.Tyler Arehart
2020-01-03Update README.mdTyler
2020-01-01Solved the mystery of the disappearing parenthesisViliam Vadocz
2019-10-09New linux binaries with fresh packet support.Tyler Arehart
2019-10-08Fixing bug where java frame urgency can become highly negative. (#461)Tyler
2019-10-06Updating python bot manager to use fresh packet function. (#458)Tyler
2019-10-06Updating the Java bot manager to use the new fresh packet feature. (#457)Tyler
2019-10-06Add option to dynamically fetch new packets. (#459)kipje13
2019-10-06Adding packet functions to the interface dll which block till a fresh one. (#...Tyler
2019-10-06Changes from closed-source repo.Tyler Arehart
2019-10-03Allow Java bots to specify their Refresh Rate (#453)GodGamer029
2019-10-03Add a constructor from a flatbuffer vector to a game-state vector (#454)Robbie
2019-09-27Changes from closed-source repo.Tyler Arehart
2019-09-27Allowing python bots to configure their preferred maximum tick rate. (#452)Tyler
2019-09-04Open RL using Popen on Linuxcominixo01
2019-09-03Changes from closed-source repo.Tyler Arehart
2019-08-27Update (#447)dtracers
2019-08-25Botmanager py36 fix (#446)Eric Burgess
2019-08-21Changes from closed-source repo.Tyler Arehart
2019-08-21Incremental version of BotManager.check_modification_time (#444)Eric Burgess
2019-07-19Update README.mdTyler
2019-07-19Changes from closed-source repo.Tyler Arehart
2019-07-12Update README.mdTyler
2019-06-12Merge pull request #428 from RLBot/Sciguymjm-patch-1Matthew Mage
2019-06-12Add Discord badge to README.mdMatthew Mage
2019-04-27Minor changes for portability (#418)◱ PixelyIon
2019-04-11Change the read-me to say it can support 64 bots (#397)Robbie
2019-04-06KILL. TERMINATE. EXTERMINATE. Fix bot processes not ending when training ends...Dominik Schmid
2019-04-05Fix quickchats creating more polling threads each reload. (#395)Dominik Schmid
2019-03-26Wait for bot respawn in training (#394)Dominik Schmid
2019-03-23Clear the bots rendering on reload. (#393)Dominik Schmid
2019-03-17Document 64 players and "skip_replays" (#391)Dominik Schmid
2019-03-14Updated to include python 3.7 as official (#298)dtracers
2019-03-13Don't wait on Psyonix bots to be ready to start an exercise.Dominik Schmid
2019-03-07Adding support for up to 64 players (#385)Skyborg